Book picks similar to
Counseling and Psychotherapy Theories in Context and Practice: Skills, Strategies, and Techniques by John Sommers-Flanagan
Discovering the Universe [with CD-ROM]
Neil F. Comins - 1984
The accompanying CD-ROM features a special student version of the award-winning virtual planetarium software Starry Night plus software animations and videos, all illustrations from the text, interactive Q&A and exercises, and supplementary resources. Material can be updated periodically from the Freeman Web site. There is an online study guide offering a CD-Web guide, chapter objectives, key terms, review questions, Starry Night observations exercises and online tutorials.
Dr. Pestana's Surgery Notes: Top 180 Vignettes for the Surgical Wards
Carlos Pestana - 2013
But time in the wards is limited, and clerkship covers only a tiny sample of the surgical universe. Dr. Pestana's Surgery Notes, by distinguished surgery instructor Dr. Carlos Pestana, is a proven guide to ensure your surgical knowledge. With a concise, comprehensive review and 180 high-yield surgical vignettes for self-testing, it contains the surgery knowledge you need to excel on the Surgery shelf exam and USMLE Step 2 CK.Features:— Concise high-yield review of core surgery material— 180 vignettes for self-testing— Used by med students for over a decade— Fully up-to-date— Pocket-sized to carry with you in the wards
The Leadership Challenge
James M. Kouzes - 1987
This new edition includes the latest research and case studies, and offers inspiring new and relevant stories of real people achieving extraordinary results.
Counseling and Psychotherapy: A Christian Perspective
Siang-Yang Tan - 2011
For each approach, Siang-Yang Tan first provides a substantial introduction, assessing the approach's effectiveness and the latest research findings or empirical evidence for it. He then critiques the approach from a Christian perspective. Tan also includes hypothetical transcripts of interventions for each major approach to help readers get a better sense of the clinical work involved. This book presents a Christian approach to counseling and psychotherapy that is Christ centered, biblically based, and Spirit filled.
Introducing Public Administration
Jay M. Shafritz - 1996
This approach will captivate students and encourage them to think critically about the nature of public administration today. Introducing Public Administration provides students with a solid, conceptual foundation in public administration, and contains the latest information on important trends in the discipline. To further engage students and deepen interest in its narrative, the text uses unique chapter-opening vignettes called Keynotes, chapter ending case studies, and a series of boxes throughout that offer real-life excerpts and alternative theories.
Healing the Fragmented Selves of Trauma Survivors: Overcoming Internal Self-Alienation
Janina Fisher - 2016
Readers will be exposed to a model that emphasizes resolution--a transformation in the relationship to one's self, replacing shame, self-loathing, and assumptions of guilt with compassionate acceptance. Its unique interventions have been adapted from a number of cutting-edge therapeutic approaches, including Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, Internal Family Systems, mindfulness-based therapies, and clinical hypnosis. Readers will close the pages of Healing the Fragmented Selves of Trauma Survivors with a solid grasp of therapeutic approaches to traumatic attachment, working with undiagnosed dissociative symptoms and disorders, integrating right brain-to-right brain treatment methods, and much more. Most of all, they will come away with tools for helping clients create an internal sense of safety and compassionate connection to even their most dis-owned selves.
Creative Interventions for Troubled Children and Youth
Liana Lowenstein - 1999
A wealth of innovative tools for practitioners working with children in individual, group, and family counseling. Geared to 4-16 year-old clients.
Foundations of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing: A Clinical Approach
Elizabeth M. Varcarolis - 1990
Its practical, clinical perspective and user-friendly writing style engage the reader in a learning process that both informs and enlightens. Clinical chapters progress consistently and logically from theory to application. Specific psychobiological disorders are organized from moderate to severe along the mental health continuum. The nursing process is the strong, visible framework throughout.User-friendly writing style and a full-color design make psychiatric nursing content come alive! Case studies and personal stories show a compassion and understanding unique among psychiatric nursing texts. Special features are easily located and identified.Nursing process framework provides a strong underpinning for all clinical chapters. A sixth step, Outcome Criteria, identifies specific patient outcomes, then justifies the subsequent nursing interventions based on results.Assessment Guidelines boxes provide summary points for client assessment.Spiritual assessment is found in Assessment Strategies and the Nursing Process and Care for the Dying and for Those Who Grieve.Biologic Basis for Understanding Psychotropic Drugs lays the foundation for the study of psychotropic drug therapy to treat psychobiologic disorders.Care for the Dying and for Those Who Grieve chapter provides holistic nursing interventions related to end-of-life care for clients and families.Case Studies and Nursing Care Plans present individualized histories of clients with specific psychiatric disorders, and include interventions with rationales and evaluation statements for each client goal.Vignettes offer brief, descriptive characterizations of clients with specific psychiatric disorders.A Nurse Speaks spotlights individual psychiatric nurses and their personal stories.Key Terms and Concepts with page number references allow for quick review.Critical Thinking and Chapter Review sections offer scenario-based critical thinking problems and NCLEX-style multiple-choice questions, allowing students to test themselves on the chapter content.Nurse, Client, and Family Resources lists are provided on the book's Evolve website.A dynamic author team offers a breadth of experience in nursing education and practice.Tear-out Comprehensive Psychiatric Assessment Card is a valuable tool for students to use in clinicals.Completely revised Culturally Relevant Mental Health Nursing: A Global Perspective provides basic information on culture, worldviews, and what is necessary for culturally competent care.Psychiatric Forensic Nursing discusses this new and expanding specialty involving nursing, forensics, and the criminal justice system.Forensic Highlights boxes focus on the nurse's role in dealing with sexual assault, family violence, and incarcerated persons.Evidence-Based Practice boxes demonstrate how research findings affect psychiatric nursing practice and standards of care.Integrative Therapy boxes discuss the increasing popularity and significance of complementary and alternative therapies.Culturally Speaking boxes reinforce the importance of culturally competent care.A Client Speaks and A Family Speaks bring to life disorders and their effects on clients, their families, and those who care for them.Back by popular demand: communication tables in The Clinical Interview and Communication Skills.Key Points to Remember appear at the end of each chapter to reinforce essential information.
English Studies: An Introduction to the Discipline(s)
Bruce McComiskey - 2006
Well-known scholars in the field explore the important qualities and functions of English studies' constituent disciplines--Ellen Barton on linguistics and discourse analysis, Janice Lauer on rhetoric and composition, Katharine Haake on creative writing, Richard Taylor on literature and literary criticism, Amy Elias on critical theory and cultural studies, and Robert Yagelski on English education--and the productive differences and similarities among them that define English studies' continuing importance.Faculty and students in both undergraduate and graduate courses will find the volume an invaluable overview of an increasingly fragmented field, as will department administrators who are responsible for evaluating the contributions of diverse faculty members but whose academic training may be specific to one discipline.Each chapter of English Studies is an argument for the value--the right to equal status--of each individual discipline among all English studies disciplines, yet the book is also an argument for disciplinary integration.
American Education
Joel Spring - 1978
This book also introduces a chapter reference guide to the No Child Left Behind Act, and provides a look at multiculturalism and multilingualism.
Handbook of Psychological Assessment
Gary GrothMarnat - 2009
Written in a practical, skills-based manner, this classic resource offers coverage of the most widely used assessment instruments and has been updated to include new material and cover tests that are growing in popularity, such as brief assessment instruments. "Handbook of Psychological Assessment" also provides guidance on the most efficient methods for selecting and administering tests, how to interpret assessment data, and how to integrate test scores and develop treatment plans as well as instruction on ways in which to write effective, client-oriented, problem-solving psychological reports.The Fifth Edition provides thorough coverage of the most commonly used assessment instruments including the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale(R)-Fourth Edition (WAIS(R)-IV), Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children(R)-Fourth Edition (WISC(R)-IV), Wechsler Memory Scale(R)-Fourth Edition (WMS(R)-IV), Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory(R)-2 (MMPI(R)-2), California Psychology InventoryTM (CPITM), Rorschach(R), MillonTM Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III (MCMI-IIITM), Thematic Apperception Test, Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological StatusTM (RBANS(R)), brief assessment instruments, clinical interviewing, and behavioral assessment.In addition, this "Fifth Edition" includes: Updates on the new WAIS(R)-IV, WISC(R)-IV, and WMS(R)-IV An increased emphasis on diversity A focus on screening for neuropsychological impairment, including coverage of the Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological StatusTM (RBANS(R)) Coverage of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2-Restructured Form TM New information on client feedback and consultation An updated chapter on psychological report writing, including new examples of psychological reportsOrganized according to the sequence mental health professionals follow when conducting an assessment, "Handbook of Psychological Assessment, Fifth Edition" is a practical, valuable reference for professionals looking to stay current as well as for students looking for the most thorough and trusted resource covering the field of psychological assessment.
How College Affects Students: Volume 2 - A Third Decade of Research
Ernest T. Pascarella - 2005
The authors review their earlier findings and then synthesize what has been learned since 1990 about college's influences on students' learning. The book also discusses the implications of the findings for research, practice, and public policy. This authoritative and comprehensive analysis of the literature on college-impact is required reading for anyone interested in higher education practice, policy, and promise3/4faculty, administrators, researchers, policy analysts, and decision-makers at every level.
News Reporting and Writing
Brian S. Brooks - 2005
Effectively combining their knowledge as practicing journalists and experienced instructors, The Missouri Group teaches students the reporting and writing skills they need to become effective journalists. This edition includes new coverage of online journalism, public relations writing, and the many uses of new technology in the classroom and at work.
The Anatomy of Peace: Resolving the Heart of Conflict
The Arbinger Institute - 2015
The Anatomy of Peace asks, What if conflicts at home, conflicts at work, and conflicts in the world stem from the same root cause? What if we systematically misunderstand that cause? And what if, as a result, we unwittingly perpetuate the very problems we think we are trying to solve? Through an intriguing story we learn how and why we contribute to the divisions and problems we blame on others and the surprising way that these problems can be solved. Yusuf al-Falah, an Arab, and Avi Rozen, a Jew, each lost his father at the hands of the other's ethnic cousins. The Anatomy of Peace is the story of how they came together, how they help warring parents and children come together, and how we too can find our way out of the struggles that weigh us down. This second edition includes new sections enabling readers to go deeper into the book's key concepts; access to free digital study and discussion guides; and information about The Reconciliation Project, a highly successful global peace initiative based on concepts in The Anatomy of Peace.
The Happiness Trap: How to Stop Struggling and Start Living: A Guide to ACT
Russ Harris - 2007
This empowering book presents the insights and techniques of ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) a revolutionary new psychotherapy based on cutting-edge research in behavioral psychology. By clarifying your values and developing mindfulness (a technique for living fully in the present moment), ACT helps you escape the happiness trap and find true satisfaction in life. The techniques presented in The Happiness Trap will help readers to: • Reduce stress and worry • Handle painful feelings and thoughts more effectively • Break self-defeating habits • Overcome insecurity and self-doubt • Create a rich, full, and meaningful life