
John P.J. Pinel - 1990
     Four interwoven themes support the major recent developments in the rapidly changing field of biopsychology. Thousands of new references and dozens of new topics have been added to this edition, making Pinel's discussion of and focus on the human element easy and interesting to read. For those interested in physiological and biological psychology.

Kozier & Erb's Fundamentals of Nursing

Audrey Berman - 2007
    Hallmark features are a clear and accessible writing style, a focus on practical application with real-world examples and case studies, and an appropriate level of detail for beginners. The book is supported by a state-of-the art technology package to enhance the learning process. Provides the fundamentals of the nature of nursing, contemporary health care, health beliefs and practices, the nursing process, lifespan development issues, integral aspects of nursing, assessing health, and promoting psychosocial health and physiologic health. For Nurses and Health Care Professionals.

Human Anatomy & Physiology [With Interactive Physiology 10-System Suite and Paperback Book and Access Code]

Elaine N. Marieb - 1989
    Marieb and Katja Hoehn have produced the most accessible, comprehensive, up-to-date, and visually stunning anatomy & physiology textbook on the market. Marieb draws on her career as an A&P professor and her experience as a part-time nursing student, while Hoehn relies on her medical education and classroom experience to explain concepts and processes in a meaningful and memorable way. The most significant revision to date, the Eighth Edition makes it easier for you to learn key concepts in A&P. The new edition features a whole new art program that is not only more visually dynamic and vibrant than in previous editions but is also much more pedagogically effective for today's students, including new Focus figures, which guide you through the toughest concepts in A&P. The text has been edited to make it easier than ever to study from and navigate, with integrated objectives, new concept check questions, and a new design program.

Abnormal Psychology: An Integrative Approach

David H. Barlow - 2004
    Bundled (ISBN 9780534633622) textbook with InfoTrac CD-ROM.

Mind Over Mood: Change How You Feel By Changing the Way You Think

Dennis Greenberger - 1995
    The book is designed to be used alone or in conjunction with professional treatment. Step-by-step worksheets teach specific skills that have helped hundreds of thousands people conquer depression, panic attacks, anxiety, anger, guilt, shame, low self-esteem, eating disorders, substance abuse and relationship problems. Readers learn to use mood questionnaires to identify, rate, and track changes in feelings; change the thoughts that contribute to problems; follow step-by-step strategies to improve moods; and take action to improve daily living and relationships. The book's large-size format facilitates reading and writing ease. Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) Self-Help Book of Merit

The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy

Irvin D. Yalom - 1967
    Yalom's The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy has been the standard text in the field for decades.In this completely revised and updated fifth edition, Dr. Yalom and his collaborator Dr. Molyn Leszcz expand the book to include the most recent developments in the field, drawing on nearly a decade of new research as well as their broad clinical wisdom and expertise.New topics include: online therapy, specialized groups, ethnocultural diversity, trauma and managed care. At once scholarly and lively, this is the most up-to-date, incisive, and comprehensive text available on group psychotherapy.

The Elements of Moral Philosophy

James Rachels - 2003
    To illustrate the various theories, and to reveal their implications, important current issues such as abortion, euthanasia, the treatment of nonhuman animals, racial discrimination, and nuclear weapons are discussed in depth.

An Introduction to Theories of Personality

B.R. Hergenhahn - 1980
    Thus, seminal theories representing the psychoanalytic, sociocultural, trait, learning, sociological and existential-humanistic paradigms are offered as different - yet equally valid - ways of approaching the study of personality. This approach - together with student-tested experiential exercises - not only introduces students to the rich history of psychology but to practical information that helps them understand theier own lives and their relationships with other people.

Fundamentals of Physics, Chapters 1 - 21, Enhanced Problems Version

David Halliday - 2000
    This newest edition expands on the strengths of earlier versions, helping students bridge the gap between concepts and reasoning. Students are shown, rather than told about, how physics works and are given the opportunity to apply concepts to real-world problems. Each chapter and concept has been scrutinized to ensure clarity, currency, and accuracy while checkpoints, problem solving tactics, and sample problems help students make sense of new concepts. As always, Fundamentals of Physics covers every aspect of basic physics, from force and motion to relativity and will prepare today's students to be tomorrow's scientists.

The Elements of Counseling

Scott T. Meier - 1988
    Rather than a primary text for a course, this book serves as a quick reference for both counselors in training and practitioners, designed to give them immediate access to information without having to read pages of commentary. This handy guide focuses on relationship building, the counseling process, and self-exploration, the foundations upon which further intervention is laid, and presents information that is essential for beginning counselors to know and for experienced counselors to remember, covering such topics and issues as what counseling is, as well as what it is not.

Teaching Students Who are Exceptional, Diverse, and at Risk in the General Education Classroom [with MyEducationLab Code]

Sharon R. Vaughn - 1996
    From students with disabilities, culturally diverse students, and students with limited English proficiency to economically disadvantaged students this text provides teachers with the tools they need in their diverse classrooms. Revised to reflect the most current research, terminology and teaching practices, the strength of this text continues to be its numerous learning activities and sample lessons addressing both elementary and secondary classrooms. This edition continues its very popular multi- chapter unit on curriculum adaptations with specific strategies and activities for teaching reading, writing, and mathematics. With a new chapter on Response to Intervention and Progress Monitoring and full integration of the RTI framework, and the increase emphasis on middle and secondary students, this text continues its reign as an outstanding resource for all general education teachers. 0131381253 / 9780131381254 Teaching Students Who are Exceptional, Diverse, and at Risk in the General Education Classroom (with MyEducationLab) Package consists of 0135140870 / 9780135140871 MyEducationLab -- Access Card 0137151799 / 9780137151790 Teaching Students Who are Exceptional, Diverse, and at Risk in the General Education Classroom

Essentials of Nursing Research: Appraising Evidence for Nursing Practice

Denise F. Polit - 2009
    The Seventh Edition has been updated with stronger coverage of evidence-based practice, including content on how to read, interpret, and critique systematic reviews, which are considered by many to be a cornerstone of evidence-based practice. Also included in the Seventh Edition: a more balanced presentation of medical and social science methods and nomenclature; enhanced coverage of qualitative research; and more!

Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Applications

Lorraine R. Gay - 1976
    The reorganized text reflects a more balanced coverage of both quantitative and qualitative methodologies. Unique features of this revised edition include an approachable text your students won't mind reading and will want to keep; the accessible writing style, clear and concise explanations, and humorous tone demystify the research process; eleven cumulative Tasks throughout the text provide practice and skill development in doing research, step by step; expanded coverage of qualitative research and mixed methods Chapter 16 covering Narrative Research, and Chapter 17 covering Ethnographic Research, are new to this edition. Chapter 19, Mixed Methods, is also new to this edition. There is an expanded coverage of technology and an increased coverage of how to use technology in the research process. The 39 articles provided in the package (Text, Student Study Guide, and Website) are accompanied by a variety of pedagogical aids to help students learn to read research. research.

Five Lectures on Psycho-Analysis

Sigmund Freud - 1910
    Many of the translations were done by Strachey himself; the rest were prepared under his supervision. The result was to place the Standard Edition in a position of unquestioned supremacy over all other existing versions.Newly designed in a uniform format, each new paperback in the Standard Edition opens with a biographical essay on Freud's life and work —along with a note on the individual volume—by Peter Gay, Sterling Professor of History at Yale.

Abnormal Psychology

Ronald J. Comer - 1992
    It is that firsthand knowledge of the concerns of students, the complexities of the disorders, and the real struggles of people with psychological disorders that makes Comer's text, Abnormal Psychology, so compelling. This Sixth Edition's new content and features, coupled with new study and teaching tools, all serve to keep the book's portrait of contemporary abnormal psychology as fresh and insightful as ever.