Best of
The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy
Irvin D. Yalom - 1967
Yalom's The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy has been the standard text in the field for decades.In this completely revised and updated fifth edition, Dr. Yalom and his collaborator Dr. Molyn Leszcz expand the book to include the most recent developments in the field, drawing on nearly a decade of new research as well as their broad clinical wisdom and expertise.New topics include: online therapy, specialized groups, ethnocultural diversity, trauma and managed care. At once scholarly and lively, this is the most up-to-date, incisive, and comprehensive text available on group psychotherapy.
Pragmatics of Human Communication: A Study of Interactional Patterns, Pathologies and Paradoxes
Paul Watzlawick - 1967
A perennial bestseller in hardback, now in Norton paperback—one of the best books ever about human communication, this book has formed the foundation of much research in interpersonal communication.
The Politics of Experience/The Bird of Paradise
R.D. Laing - 1967
Laing is at his most wickedly iconoclastic in this eloquent assault on conventional morality. Unorthodox to some, brilliantly original to others, The Politics of Experience goes beyond the usual theories of mental illness and alienation, and makes a convincing case for the "madness of morality." Compelling, unsettling, consistently absorbing, The Politics of Experience is a classic of genuine importance that will "excite, enthrall, and disturb. No one who reads it will remain unaffected." (Rollo May, Saturday Review)
Masochism: Coldness and Cruelty & Venus in Furs
Gilles Deleuze - 1967
Deleuze's essay, certainly the most profound study yet produced on the relations between sadism and masochism, seeks to develop and explain Masoch's "peculiar way of 'desexualizing' love while at the same time sexualizing the entire history of humanity." He shows that masochism is something far more subtle and complex than the enjoyment of pain, that masochism has nothing to do with sadism; their worlds do not communicate, just as the genius of those who created them - Masoch and Sade - lie stylistically, philosophically, and politically poles a part. Venus in Furs, the most famous of all of Masoch's novels was written in 1870 and belongs to an unfinished cycle of works that Masoch entitled The Heritage of Cain. The cycle was to treat a series of themes including love, war, and death. The present work is about love. Although the entire constellation of symbols that has come to characterize the masochistic syndrome can be found here - fetishes, whips, disguises, fur-clad women, contracts, humiliations, punishment, and always the volatile presence of a terrible coldness - these do not eclipse the singular power of Masoch's eroticism.
The Betrayal of the Body
Alexander Lowen - 1967
Alexander Lowen teaches how the conflict between the ego and the body produces splits in the personality that affects all aspects of an individual's existence. The Betrayal of the Body teaches about the neurotic and schizoid personalities. Chapters include: The Schizoid Disturbance; The Problem of Identity; The Forsaken Body; The Psychology of Desperation; Illusion and Reality; Demons and Monsters. Understanding the importance of healing the mind-body split through the recovery of an emotionally fulfilling mind-body relationship is demonstrated with case studies.
Person to Person: The Problem of Being Human
Carl R. Rogers - 1967
subtitle: The Problem of Being Human-A New Trend in Psychology
Interaction Ritual: Essays on Face-To-Face Behavior
Erving Goffman - 1967
Rather, moments and their men," writes Erving Goffman in the introduction to his groundbreaking 1967 Interaction Ritual, a study of face-to-face interaction in natural settings, that class of events which occurs during co-presence and by virtue of co-presence. The ultimate behavioral materials are the glances, gestures, positionings, and verbal statements that people continuously feed into situations, whether intended or not. This is an interesting account of daily social interaction viewed with a new perspective for the logic of our behavior in ordinary circumstances.
Identity and the Life Cycle
Erik H. Erikson - 1967
Erikson's remarkable insights into the relationship of life history and history began with observations on a central stage of life: identity development in adolescence. This book collects three early papers that—along with Childhood and Society—many consider the best introduction to Erikson's theories."Ego Development and Historical Change" is a selection of extensive notes in which Erikson first undertook to relate to each other observations on groups studied on field trips and on children studied longitudinally and clinically. These notes are representative of the source material used for Childhood and Society."Growth and Crises of the Health Personality" takes Erikson beyond adolescence, into the critical stages of the whole life cycle.In the third and last essay, Erikson deals with "The Problem of Ego Identity" successively from biographical, clinical, and social points of view—all dimensions later pursued separately in his work.
The Writings of William James: A Comprehensive Edition
William James - 1967
The critical periods of James's life are highlighted to illuminate the development of his philosophical and psychological thought. The anthology features representive selections from The Principles of Psychology, The Will to Believe, and The Variety of Religious Experience in addition to the complete Essays in Radical Empiricism and A Pluralistic Universe. The original 1907 edition of Pragmatism is included, as well as classic selections from all of James's other major works. Of particular significance for James scholarship is the supplemented version of Ralph Barton Perry's Annotated Bibliography of the Writings of William James, with additions bringing it up to 1976.
Power of Your Supermind: How to Tap the Wisdom Within Your Mind
Vernon Linwood Howard - 1967
This classic work by the spiritual architect of the New Life Foundation demonstrates how to break the cycle of disappointment and failure and establish a new and fulfilling life.
Adolescent Development (McGraw-Hill series in psychology)
Elizabeth B. Hurlock - 1967
Personality Shaping Through Positive Disintegration Processes
Kazimierz Dąbrowski - 1967
In his second English-language book, Personality-Shaping Through Positive Disintegration, first published in 1967, Dr. Dabrowski presents a comprehensive treatment of personality that is still relevant, perhaps more so today than when it was first written. Here Dabrowski describes personality's individual and universal characteristics, the methods involved in shaping it, and case studies of famous personalities (including Augustine and Michelangelo) demonstrating the empirical and normative nature of personality development. Included in this edition are the original introduction, written by former APA president O. Hobart Mowrer, an appendix detailing a study on gifted children and outstanding abilities conducted by Dr. Dabrowski, as well as previously unpublished biographical pieces analyzing the personalities of Beethoven, Kierkegaard, and Unamuno. Grounded in Dabrowski's theory of positive disintegration, Personality-Shaping introduces the concepts at the heart of the theory and at the heart of human potential, creativity, social service, inner conflict, mental illness, and personal growth. Dabrowski's all-embracing perspective is at once a fresh alternative to the one-dimensional theories and trends pervasive in the field of psychology, and a full statement in its own right of all those aspects of human nature too often marginalized, ignored, or denied - a revolutionary and heartfelt product of Dr. Dabrowski's incisive observations and all-embracing vision.
The Siege: A Family's Journey Into the World of an Autistic Child
Clara Claiborne Park - 1967
This classic work tells the tale of how a devoted mother accomplished miracles in fostering the intellectual, social and emotional development of her autistic daughter.
Death in Life: Survivors of Hiroshima
Robert Jay Lifton - 1967
In this classic study, winner of the 1969 National Book Award in Science, Lifton studies the psychological effects of the bomb on 90,000 survivors. He sees this analysis as providing a last chance to understand--and be motivated to avoid--nuclear war. This compassionate treatment is a significant contribution to the atomic age.
Technique & Practice of Psychoanalysis
Ralph R. Greenson - 1967
Book by Greenson, Ralph R.
To Understand Each Other
Paul Tournier - 1967
But there are many other couples whose marriages are no less a failure. They live side by side, without hurting one another, but poles apart, because of no real understanding of one another. According to Tournier, the ability to understand each other is what counts in working out marital happiness together. With wisdom and warmth, Tournier suggests ways to achieve this understanding.
Conjoint Family Therapy
Virginia Satir - 1967
The introduction calls it a conceptual frame around which to organize your data and your impressions . . . a suggested path.
Children of Crisis, Volume 1: A Study of Courage and Fear
Robert Coles - 1967
Second Thoughts: Selected Papers on Psychoanalysis
Wilfred R. Bion - 1967
Originally composed between 1950 and 1962, it derives its title from the lengthy critical commentary which Bion attached to these case histories in the year of publication, 1967, and represents the evolutionary change of position marked in his three previous books and brought to further refinement in the present work.
Advanced Techniques of Hypnosis and Therapy: Selected Papers
Milton H. Erickson - 1967
Yoga Psychology
Abhedananda - 1967
His deep philosophical insight and unfathomed spirituality attracted the learned and the intelligentsia.The present volume, Yoga Psychology, comprises the lectures on the Yogasutras of Rishi Patanjali in a systematic and scientific manner, with copious references and glossaries of Vyasa and Vachaspati Misra. They were delivered by Swami Abhedananda before a talented audience in America in 1920.The book discloses the secret of bringing under control the disturbing modifications of mind, and thus helps one to concentrate and meditate upon the transcendental Atman, which is the fountain-head of knowledge, intelligence and bliss.
The Therapeutic Relationship and Its Impact
Carl R. Rogers - 1967
subtitle: A Study of Psychotherapy with Schizophrenics
Evolution and Modification of Behavior
Konrad Lorenz - 1967