Book picks similar to
Yesterday, Today, and Forever by M. Russell Ballard
Your Endowment
Mark A. Shields - 2009
In this remarkable volume, Mark Shields, an experienced gospel teacher, casts new light on the symbolism inherent in temple ordinances and provides a wealth of insights that will change the way you worship. Whether you've been attending the temple for years or are preparing to enter for the first time, you will learn to love the temple, understand its purposes, and appreciate the rich symbolism it embodies. Your Endowment is a must-read for anyone looking to get more from temple worship.
The Fate of the Persecutors of the Prophet Joseph Smith
N.B. Lundwall - 1952
Choose Higher Ground
Henry B. Eyring - 2013
Eyring would complain that things were hard, his mother would advise him, “If you are on the right path, it will always be uphill.” To choose the Lord’s way is to choose higher ground.Similar to President Henry B. Eyring’s bestselling classic To Draw Closer to God, this collection of memorable talks offers a roadmap to spiritual progression. We learn from a master teacher how a strong foundation transforms families, how personal growth comes through helping others, how adversity can lift us up and make us stronger, and how we can choose to live a more consecrated life — climbing to higher spiritual ground throughout the course of our lives. President Eyring also offers apostolic advice for the last days as we learn to raise the bar for our own spiritual development. In his warm, personal style, President Eyring makes us want to be better. He doesn’t simply tell us how to be better, but he inspires us to do those things that help us become better, regardless of our circumstances.
The Mother's Mite: Why Even Our Smallest Efforts Matter
DeAnne Flynn - 2011
As mothers, grandmothers, nurturers, and caregivers, we are often tempted to view our ordinary daily contributions as an endless string of undersized tasks, none of which seem worthy of any special consideration. But they are. This collection of small-and-simple moments provides reassurance that although our small offerings may not seem significant at the time, these tiny tributes undeniably make an immeasurable difference to those we love. • Each true story concludes with an unexpected gift, an offering far greater than the act of service. • Includes recipes and ideas to inspire your own "mother's mites." • A perfect Mother's Day gift for women in all stages of life.
The Cultural Evolution Inside of Mormonism
Greg Trimble - 2018
The evolution of church culture has been something that has needed to happen for a long time. Culture, traditions, oral laws, and the status quo can be a good thing... but it can also be a bad thing. Do you remember what was happening in Israel around the time that Christ came on to the scene? Israel started to live by their own set of oral laws and traditions, or what we might refer to today as "culture." The "culture" in Israel when Christ showed up was one of the most judgmental and hypocritical cultures the world had ever seen. It was a very isolated and unaccepting culture. But Christ showed up and cast a net over all types of people. The Greeks, the Romans, the Samaritans, and every other nation across the globe. His net covered even the worst of repentant sinners. The only people that were excluded or "damned" were the unrepentant elite, the "scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites" who "strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel" (Matthew 23:23-24). Christ took the existing covenants and commandments and simplified them. He brought an evolution of love, empathy, and compassion. He built a culture that was geared toward the lowly of heart and revolted against those who spent their lives pointing out the flaws in others. "For ye are like unto whited sepulchers, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness" (Matthew 23:27). The bulk of Israel was living according to their culture and their superstition instead of their religion. This has been the bane of each and every covenant society, which caused Joseph Smith to say, "What many people call sin is not sin; I do many things to break down superstition, and I will break it down." The doctrine of the LDS church doesn't lose people. It's the culture and superstition that causes unnecessary strife. This book, The Cultural Evolution Inside of Mormonism addresses the changing culture, the unprecedented changes that are taking place in the church, and the historical transparency. The Table of Contents explains where this book will take you: 1. More Extended Hands 2. Fewer Wrecking Balls 3. The Cultural Evolution 4. Not Customizing Christ 5. The Three Types of Mormons 6. A Place Where Doubters Are Welcome 7. The Kindness of Christ 8. Embracing Intellectuals and Scholars 9. Change in The Church Comes Slowly For A Reason 10. The Humble Few 11. Millennial Mormons 12. Making Rash Decisions 13. Giving Volunteers A Break 14. Logical Evidence For The Church Is Mounting 15. From Which All Others Are Derived 16. Temple Workers Galore 17. No Other Religion Provides A Better Hope 18. People Throwing The Book of Mormon Out The Window 19. The Bible That Needed To Be Rescued 20. Looking For Just One Reason To Believe 21. Liberal Conservatives 22. Pageantry In The Church 23. Peeling Back Polygamy 24. Looking At Tithing A Little Differently 25. Not Judging Others Sabbath Day Worship 26. The Place For Gays Inside The Church 27. What I Really Believe 28. Why I Love The Church
My Daily Book of Mormon Devotional - 365 Day Personal Study Guide
Layne Packer - 2013
There are many Book of Mormon commentaries and study guides available that give the author’s perspective on the Book of Mormon. This book is not one of them. The great truths of the Book of Mormon, particularly those that will be of greatest benefit to you, are found by going directly to the source then listening to the promptings of the Spirit. The study guide allows you to fully customize your daily devotional based on the amount of time you have available. It is divided into seven activities: Read, Look For, Ask Yourself, Ponder This Quote, Expand Your Understanding, Personal Application, and Prayer. This format allows you to select those activities that match both your needs and your time. For example, if you find you have limited time on a particular day you may only want to read the assignment and pray. On other days you can use the additional activities to expand your study and deepen your understanding. Following this pattern of scripture study and using these tools will lead you to ponder the Book of Mormon and will help you strengthen your testimony of its truthfulness as you listen to the Spirit. Additionally, it will aid you in obtaining the blessings promised by Elder Marion G. Romney in the April 1980 LDS General Conference:"And so, I counsel you, my beloved brothers and sisters and friends everywhere, to make reading in the Book of Mormon a few minutes each day a lifelong practice. All of us need continuing close contact with the Spirit of the Lord. We need to take the Holy Spirit for our guide that we be not deceived. I am persuaded by my own experience and that of my loved ones, as well as by the statement of the Prophet Joseph Smith, that one can get and keep closer to the Lord by reading the Book of Mormon than by reading any other Book. Don't be content with what someone else says about what is in it. Drink deeply from the divine fountain itself. "I feel certain that if, in our homes, parents will read from the Book of Mormon prayerfully and regularly, both by themselves and with their children, the spirit of that great book will come to permeate our homes and all who dwell therein. The spirit of reverence will increase; mutual respect and consideration for each other will grow. The spirit of contention will depart. Parents will counsel their children in greater love and wisdom. Children will be more responsive and submissive to that counsel. Righteousness will increase. Faith, hope, and charity--the pure love of Christ--will abound in our homes and lives, bringing in their wake peace, joy, and happiness." (Conference Report, April 1980; 112-113) Update Notes: Edition 2 (March 2014) Contains links to the scriptures site for each of the reading assignments. Additionally a number of minor error corrections have been made to the original edition.Edition 2.1 (17 Apr 14) Contains a significant number of punctuation and formatting changes to bring it more in line with the LDS Church style guide. It also contains a corrections to a few minor errors in the cross reference sections.Edition 2.2 (18 May 14) Contains additional minor corrections and updates to the cross references.Edition 3.0 (15 July 14) Over 2500 hyperlinks added to the document to make cross referencing easier. Also contains corrections to a few minor errors that were found during the update and re-editing process.Edition 3.1 (24 Sept 14) Minor corrections to the textEdition 3.2 (2 Jan 15) Fixed minor errors and hyperlinks.Edition 3.3 (16 May 15) Fixed minor errors and hyperlinksEdition 3.
Know Brother Joseph: New Perspectives on Joseph Smith's Life & Character
Various - 2021
These pages are filled with insights into Joseph, but most have not yet been shared in a way that makes the accessible to a broader audience. This collection of short essays will help close this gap and bring insights into Joseph to Latter-day saints, both those who are struggling with questions about Joseph and those who simply want to understand the founding Prophet of the Restoration better. These essays look at Joseph Smith's life, character, personality, and relationships with others. Know Brother Joseph, is an accessible and faith-promoting look at Joseph Smith, his life, and its relevance to us in our daily walk.
Searching the Scriptures: Bringing Power to Your Personal and Family Study
Gene R. Cook - 1993
But, as Elder Gene R. Cook emphasizes in his book, that blessing doesn't come through casual effort. In Searching the Scriptures, Elder Cook explores how we can effectively ponder, question, and mark the scriptures and understand how they apply to our lives. He also shares his testimony of the power and blessings that come from knowing God's word. And he gives suggestions on how to organize family study and how to use the scriptures as a way to bless each family member. Relating personal experiences to show what has worked and what hasn't, Elder Cook shares ways to motivate everyone in the family to participate and work to invite the Spirit to be present at reading time. Elder Cook's hope is to help Latter-day Saints gain a deeper understanding of what scriptures really are and how they apply to us today, and thereby have a desire to learn more from them.
Through His Eyes: Rethinking What You Believe About Yourself
Virginia H. Pearce - 2011
Why? Our beliefs drive our emotions and actions. They provide a filter through which we see ourselves and our world. But not everything we believe is true. Some of our beliefs were established in childhood and have outlived their usefulness. Others are left over from situations or circumstances that are no longer relevant. Some are rules that we apply only to ourselves. And some of our beliefs are simply based on half-truths or lies. Learning how to identify and challenge those untrue beliefs enables us to replace negative thoughts and emotions and to embrace the life that God intended for us. In her first inspirational book since A Heart Like His, author Virginia Hinckley Pearce helps us: Examine and reevaluate negative beliefs that wreak havoc with our emotions and behavior. Challenge rules that we apply only to ourselves. Discover self- defeating thoughts to toss out of our belief box. Learn to identify and strengthen truths that encourage and uplift.
Are Mormons Christians?
Stephen E. Robinson - 2010
Unless we understand the basis for the charge, we are not prepared to deal with it. This book explains each of the arguments used against Latter-day Saints, and demonstrates beyond dispute-using non-LDS authorities-that these arguments are based on false premises. The definitive work on the subject, this book is a must for every LDS home.
The Blueprint of Christ's Church
Tad R. Callister - 2015
While all churches have truth and do many good things, the scriptures speak of "One Lord, one faith, one baptism" (Ephesians 4:5). The Lord's true Church can be identified by how it follows the blueprint of Christ's Church as He established it on earth. Tad R. Callister's book outlines the basic principles of that blueprint and demonstrates the strength of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as the one church that matches it. He also clearly teaches the core doctrine of the Church to help members share it in a clear and powerful way. This book is a helpful resource for new converts, those preparing to serve missions, and experienced members who want to better understand basic principles and doctrines or share them with others.
A New Witness for the Articles of Faith
Bruce R. McConkie - 1985
McConkie examines each article in great, inspiring detail. He sheds new light on many subjects, including faith and belief, the nature of the Father and the Son, the mission of the Holy Ghost, the Atonement, spiritual gifts, and more.
Autobiography of Parley P. Pratt (Revised and Enhanced)
Parley P. Pratt - 1834
Parley P. Pratt was one of the early leaders in the Church and his story is interwoven with that of the early Church. Maurine and Scot, a husband and wife team, have been depicting scenes from Church history for several years. Maurine received her master's degree in teaching from Harvard University and Scot received his master's degree in instructional technology from Utah State University.
Holy Places: True Stories of Faith and Miracles from Latter-Day Temples
Chad S. Hawkins - 2006
Holy Places includes more than sixty faith promoting stories with accompanying artwork from temples around the world, including the most recent temples in Ghana, Manhattan, Newport Beach, and Nigeria. Based on more than a decade of personal interviews and in-depth research, each story in this beautiful volume conveys a sense of God's hand in the important work of temples and the faith of Church members as they seek to perform that work. Families will love this treasured collection of stories documenting the faith and miracles associated with the most holy places on Earth.
Joseph Smith the Prophet
Truman G. Madsen - 1978
This one the product of Truman Madsen's deep love for the subject and years of research illuminates specific facets of Joseph Smith s greatness. The topics discussed include Joseph Smith's First Vision; his personality and character (including perspectives on his family life); his spiritual gifts and attributes; his varied trials; his Kirtland Temple experience; doctrinal developments in the Nauvoo era; and the last months and martyrdom. The book is filled with fascinating detail about key events in the Prophet's life and his impact on people. The result is a vivid, riveting portrayal of this remarkable prophet. Those who knew Joseph Smith best testified that he lived great, and he died great in the eyes of God and his people. This wonderful book by a beloved scholar will serve to confirm and strengthen that conviction for Latter-day Saints today.