Best of
Gospel Principles
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - 1978
You can grow in your understanding and testimony of God the Father, Jesus Christ and His Atonement, and the Restoration of the gospel. You can find answers to life's questions, gain an assurance of your purpose and self-worth, and face personal and family challenges with faith.
Joseph Smith the Prophet
Truman G. Madsen - 1978
This one the product of Truman Madsen's deep love for the subject and years of research illuminates specific facets of Joseph Smith s greatness. The topics discussed include Joseph Smith's First Vision; his personality and character (including perspectives on his family life); his spiritual gifts and attributes; his varied trials; his Kirtland Temple experience; doctrinal developments in the Nauvoo era; and the last months and martyrdom. The book is filled with fascinating detail about key events in the Prophet's life and his impact on people. The result is a vivid, riveting portrayal of this remarkable prophet. Those who knew Joseph Smith best testified that he lived great, and he died great in the eyes of God and his people. This wonderful book by a beloved scholar will serve to confirm and strengthen that conviction for Latter-day Saints today.
The Prophetic Imagination
Walter Brueggemann - 1978
Here he traces the broad sweep from Exodus to Kings to Jeremiah to Jesus. He highlights that the prophetic vision and not only embraces the pain of the people but creates an energy and amazement based on the new thing that God is doing.
The Holy Spirit: Activating God's Power in Your Life
Billy Graham - 1978
It's the supernatural power to transform human nature, to enable you to be the salt and light to your world, to help you face any crisis, and to bring about a dramatic but peaceful revolution in those around you. You cannot buy this extraordinary power, nor can you find it by searching the earth for it. As a Christian it resides in you already, an awesome gift from God that you have only to claim and use once you know and accept its Source.With prayerful reverence and focused wisdom, Dr. Graham puts an understandable face on this mysterious third Person of the Trinity. This classic book contains chapters on:Who is the Holy Spirit?Baptism with the SpiritHow to be filled with the Holy SpiritSins against the Holy SpiritGifts of the SpiritAnd more!In this inspiring and insightful book, Billy Graham reminds us that Christians are powerful people because we have the mighty power of God available to us through the Holy Spirit. Open your eyes anew to see how the Spirit can transform your life and give you the power to be truly good and live victoriously.
Return from Tomorrow
George G. Ritchie - 1978
Nine minutes later he returned to life. What he experienced would change him forever.
Meditation: A Simple Eight-Point Program for Translating Spiritual Ideala Simple Eight-Point Program for Translating Spiritual Ideals Into Daily Life S Into Daily Life
Eknath Easwaran - 1978
Eknath Easwaran's practical Eight Point Program offers specific, systematic tools to sharpen concentration, deal effectively with stress, release deep reserves of energy, and transform anger and other destructive emotions. This book offers tested techniques for strengthening our ability to meditate. It is a complete guide to a program of meditation that fits naturally into your life, even complementing an active religious practice.
A Gradual Awakening
Stephen Levine - 1978
Filled with practical guidance and advice--as well as extensive personal recollections--A Gradual Awakening explains the value of meditation as a means of attaining awareness, and provides readers with extensive advice on how establish a practice. Drawing on his own personal experiences with and insights into vipassana meditation, Levine has crafted an inspiring book for anyone interested in deep personal growth.
Islam and Secularism
Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas - 1978
The author deals with fundamental problems faced by contemporary Muslims and provides real solutions, beginning with a discussion on ‘The Contemporary Western Christian Background’ in Chapter (I), followed by his analysis of the concepts (which he newly defines) of ‘secular’, ‘secularization’, and ‘secularism’ in Chapter (II). All this is then contrasted in Chapter (IV) of the book entitled ‘Islam: The Concept of Religion and the Foundation of Ethics and Morality’. Based on all the preceding explanation, the author proceeds to analyze the Muslim ‘dilemma’ by declaring that it should be resolved primarily through what he calls the “dewesternization of knowledge” or, conversely, the “islamization of contemporary knowledge”, an original concept conceived and elucidated by the author for the past three decades. Numerous original and profound ideas are contained in this book—arrived at chiefly through critical study of the Muslim tradition—such as the concepts of din,‘adl, hikmah, adab, ma‘na, and ta’dib, and their significance in the development of an Islamic system of education. The rationale for the islamization of contemporary knowledge and the establishment of a truly Islamic university was in fact provided for the first time in contemporary Muslim thought by this author long before the appearance of the present book, which explains these interconnected subjects more concisely. Further, the appendix entitled, ‘On Islamization: The Case of the Malay-Indonesian Archipelago’ is an actual explanation and application of the seminal ideas discussed in the book. This is a must read for all Muslims and those concerned with the problems and effects of secularization in our world today. This book has been translated into most of the major Islamic languages of the world— Turkish, Arabic, Urdu, Indonesian, Bosnian, and Persian.
The Story of Christianity: Volume 1: The Early Church to the Reformation
Justo L. González - 1978
It brings alive the people, dramatic events, and ideas that shaped the first fifteen centuries of Europe, such as the Spanish and Portuguese conquest of the New World. Historian Justo Gonzalez shows how various social, political, and economic movements affected Christianity's internal growth.Gonzalez skillfully weaves in relevant details from the lives of prominent figures from the apostles to John Wycliffe, tracing out core theological issues and developments as reflected in the lives and struggles of leading thinkers within the various traditions of the church. "The history of the church, while showing all the characteristics fo human history, is much more than the history of an institution or movement," Gonzalez stresses. "It is a history of the deeds of the spirit in and through the men and women who have gone before in the faith." The Story of Christianity demonstrates at each point what new challenges and opportunities faced the church, and how Christians struggled with the various options open to them, thereby shaping the future direction of the church.The Story of Christianity will serve as a fascinating introduction to the panoramic history of Christianity for students and teachers of church history, for pastors, and for general readers.
Celebration of Discipline: The Path to Spiritual Growth
Richard J. Foster - 1978
Along the way, Foster shows that it is only by and through these practices that the true path to spiritual growth can be found.Dividing the Disciplines into three movements of the Spirit, Foster shows how each of these areas contribute to a balanced spiritual life. The inward Disciplines of meditation, prayer, fasting, and study offer avenues of personal examination and change. The outward Disciplines of simplicity, solitude, submission, and service help prepare us to make the world a better place. The corporate Disciplines of confession, worship, guidance, and celebration bring us nearer to one another and to God.Foster provides a wealth of examples demonstrating how these Disciplines can become part of our daily activities—and how they can help us shed our superficial habits and "bring the abundance of God into our lives." He offers crucial new insights on simplicity, demonstrating how the biblical view of simplicity, properly understood and applied, brings joy and balance to our inward and outward lives and "sets us free to enjoy the provision of God as a gift that can be shared with others." The discussion of celebration, often the most neglected of the Disciplines, shows its critical importance, for it stands at the heart of the way to Christ. Celebration of Discipline will help Christians everywhere to embark on a journey of prayer and spiritual growth.
Things Hidden Since the Foundation of the World
René Girard - 1978
In its scope and itnerest it can be compared with Freud's Totem and Taboo, the subtext Girard refutes with polemic daring, vast erudition, and a persuasiveness that leaves the reader compelled to respond, one way or another.This is the single fullest summation of Girard's ideas to date, the book by which they will stand or fall. In a dialogue with two psychiatrists (Jean-Michel Oughourlian and Guy Lefort), Girard probes an encyclopedic array of topics, ranging across the entire spectrum of anthropology, psychoanalysis, and cultural production.Girard's point of departure is what he calles "mimesis," the conflict that arises when human rivals compete to differentiate themselves from each other, yet succeed only in becoming more and more alike. At certain points in the life of a society, according to Girard, this mimetic conflict erupts into a crisis in which all difference dissolves in indiscriminate violence. In primitive societies, such crises were resolved by the "scapegoating mechanism," in which the community, en masse, turned on an unpremeditated victim. The repression of this collective murder and its repetition in ritual sacrifice then formed the foundations of both religion and the restored social order.How does Christianity, at once the most "sacrificial" of religions and a faith with a non-violent ideology, fit into this scheme? Girard grants Freud's point, in Totem and Taboo, that Christianity is similar to primitive religion, but only to refute Freud—if Christ is sacrificed, Girard argues, it is not becuase God willed it, but because human beings wanted it.The book is not merely, or perhaps not mainly, biblical exegesis, for within its scope fall some of the most vexing problems of social history—the paradox that violence has social efficacy, the function of the scapegoat, the mechanism of anti-semitism.
Tao: The Pathless Path
Osho - 1978
Leih Tzu was a well-known Taoist master in the fourth century B.C., and his sly critiques of a Confucius provide abundant opportunities for the reader to explore the contrasts between the rational and irrational, the male and female, the structured and the spontaneous."Who Is Really Happy" uses the discovery of a human skull on the roadside to probe into the question of immortality and how misery arises out of the existence of the ego."A Man Who Knows How to Console Himself" looks beneath the apparent cheerfulness of a wandering monk and asks if there is really a happiness that endures through life's ups and downs."No Regrets" is a parable about the difference between the knowledge that is gathered from the outside and the "knowing" that arises from within."No Rest for the Living" uses a dialogue between a despondent seeker and his master to reveal the limits of philosophy and the crippling consequences of living for the sake of some future goal."Best Be Still, Best Be Empty" discusses the difference between the path of the will, the via affirmitiva of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, versus the path of the mystic, the via negativa of Buddha and Lao Tzu.A Q&A section addresses how Taoist understanding applies to everyday life in concrete, practical terms.
Things As They Really Are
Neal A. Maxwell - 1978
Unlike portions of the author's previous books that focused on various dimensions of the gospel with discussions of the many insights it provides to us that are essential for coping with reality, this book attempts to probe reality itself-the very center of the gospel plan-the things that matter most, on which everything else hangs, and around which everything else must assemble.
Six by Lewis: The Abolition of Man, the Great Divorce, Mere Christianity, Miracles, the Problem of Pain, the Screwtape Letters
C.S. Lewis - 1978
6 classic texts by C.S.Lewis! Includes: The Screwtape Letters,The Great Divorce,The Abolition of Man,Miracles,Mere Christianity, and The Problem of Pain.
Journey of Awakening: A Meditator's Guidebook
Ram Dass - 1978
Ram Dass is an American psychologist and spiritual teacher who has studied and practiced meditation for many years. Here he shares his understanding and explores the many paths of meditation--from mantra, prayer, singing, visualizations, and "just sitting" to movement meditations such as tai chi--and suggests how you can find methods suitable for you. He illuminates the stages and benefits of meditative practice, and provides wise and often humorous advice on overcoming difficulties along the way.
Learning How to Learn: Psychology and Spirituality in the Sufi Way
Idries Shah - 1978
This is the ideal introduction to Sufi wisdom.
Avadhuta Gita of Dattatreya
Dattātreya - 1978
Contains the Sanskrit (devanagari) text, transliteration, and English translation. Notes by the translator. This version by Swami Ashokananda is the most popular translation.The singer of the Avadhuta Gita is Dattatreya, an Avadhuta, and according to the Nath Sampradaya, the work was heard and transcribed by two of Dattatreya's disciples—Swami and Kartika. Ashokananda (1893–1969) in Katz (2007: p. 47) holds that "[t]he Avadhuta Gita is a text of Vedanta representing extreme Advaita or Nondualism...", that is Advaita Vedanta with an emphasis on "extreme". As such, this text may also be considered a forerunner of Tantric literature as the themes, motif and orientation of this 'song' (Sanskrit: gita) are common to Shaivite Tantras, Buddhist Tantras and Vaishnava Agamas (which are also tantric literature) and ancient Yoga philosophy.
The Helper
Catherine Marshall - 1978
inspiration and practical guidance that will help millions overcome the challenges and complexities of our troubled times."
Anthony de Mello - 1978
It consists of a series of spiritual exercises for entering the contemplative state -- blending psychology, spiritual therapy, and practices from both Eastern and Western traditions.Anthony de Mello offers here an unparalleled approach to inner peace that brings the whole person to prayer -- body and soul, heart and mind, memory and imagination. In forty-seven exercises that teach things such as awareness of physical sensations, stillness, healing of hurtful memories, and consciousness of self and world, de Mello succeeds in helping all who have ever experienced prayer as difficult, dull, or frustrating. The essential key, he notes, is to journey beyond mere thought-forms and discover satisfying new depths in prayer from the heart. This allows for a greater sense of awareness amid silence, and disposes the one who prays to untold riches, spiritual fulfillment, and ultimately, a mystical experience of God-centeredness. Drawing on Scripture, as well as insights from Eastern and Western spiritual masters, the author has a unique appeal that transcends time, culture, and religious background.For many years a bestseller in the English language, Sadhana has now been translated into more than two dozen foreign languages. Readers the world over have eagerly received this sincere spiritual leader, who has led many toward the wealth of insight and spirit that dwells within them.
The Soul's Journey into God / The Tree of Life / The Life of St. Francis
Bonaventure - 1978
Kenneth L. Woodward Religion Editor of Newsweek Magazine in Publishers Weekly Bonaventure-The Soul's Journey into God, The Tree of Life, The Life of St. Francis translation and introduction by Ewert Cousins, preface by Ignatius Brady, O.F.M. But if you wish to know how these things come about ask grace not instruction, desire not understanding, the groaning of prayer not diligent reading, the Spouse not the teacher, God not man, darkness not clarity, not light but the fire that totally enflames and carries us into God by ecstatic unctions and burning affections. This fire is God and his furnace is in Jerusalem... Bonaventure, 1217-1274 Long before Bonaventure was called The Prince of Mystics by Leo XIII or The Seraphic Doctor by John Gerson, he was known throughout the Christian world as The Devout Teacher. Professor Ewert Cousins says in his introduction, In the history of Western Spirituality, Bonaventure holds a central and pivotal position. The 13th century friar, professor at the University of Paris, minister general of the Franciscan Order, cardinal and advisor to popes, played a major role in the spiritual ferment of the high Middle Ages...when Islamic, Jewish and Christian spirituality were flourishing-he produced one of the richest syntheses of Christian spirituality. Although cosmic in its scope, it was distinctively Christian in its content, grounded in the doctrine of the Trinity and devotion to the humanity of Christ. Within Christianity he achieved a striking integration of Eastern and Western elements. The three works contained in this volume offer the core of his vision. In The Soul's Journey into God, considered Bonaventure's masterpiece, he takes the six-winged Seraph as the symbol for the six stages of contemplation in which the created world is seen as a reflection of God. The Tree of Life is a simple meditation on the life of Jesus, based on the Gospel accounts in which Christ is seen as the Tree of Life on whose branches blossom such virtues as humility, piety, patience, constancy and justice. The Life of St. Francis was the official biography commissioned by the Franciscan Order in 1260. The editor of this volume, Dr. Ewert Cousins, is Professor of Theology, Fordham University and Visiting Professor, Columbia University. He is Director of the Spirituality Graduate Program at Fordham. Ignatius Brady, O.F.M., who wrote the preface to this volume, is one of the world's leading authorities on Bonaventure and early Franciscan spirituality. He is Prefect of the Theology Section of the Franciscan research center, Collegio S. Bonaventura at Grottaferrata near Rome. +
Christianity Rediscovered
Vincent J. Donovan - 1978
Includes essays by Eugene Hillman and Lamin Sanneh as well as a personal reflection by the sister who knew the author best.
S.S. Apte - 1978
But of their four children it was little Jnanadev who seemed to have a special inclination for the scriptures. In his brief life as a preacher Jnaneshwar, as he was called later, spread the message of Bhagwat Dharma or love of God and brotherhood of man. He was the founder of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra. Jnaneshwar renounced the world at the age of twenty-one.
Stranger by the River
Paul Twitchell - 1978
It's an adventure the likes of which you've never experienced before. A life-enhancing, life-changing adventure of love. A love story in its highest form.Stranger by the River helps you navigate the river of life in the tradition of other classics such as Kahlil Gibran's The Prophet, William Blake's mystical poetry, and the Bible's Song of Solomon. Begin to experience a new consciousness when you see yourself from the perspective of Soul, a divine spark of God. Learn to recognize God's love through your relationships with your spouse or lover, your friends, and your family.You'll thrill to the revelations each new chapter brings. The gentle wisdom revealed in the thirty-four spiritual dialogs between the great ECK Adept Rebazar Tarzs and the Seeker come alive like a fire in your own heart.The beautiful rhythm of Stranger by the River will lift you into a higher understanding of God. You'll delve deeply into the mysteries of love, freedom, death, and your purpose in life. This powerful book will help you discover a life of love. It will forever change your awareness of yourself--as immortal Soul.
Witchcraft for Tomorrow
Doreen Valiente - 1978
It tells you what the old religion of witchcraft has to offer the new age; how the ago-old Craft of the Wise can be practiced in the modern world; how to initiate yourself and start your own coven. The author has been a practicing witch since 1953, and in this book she gives a new Book of Shadows (the witch's handbook of rituals and instructions) based upon ancient magical tradition but geared to present times. Included are spells, incantations, witch songs, and practical advice on how to run a coven and how to acquire your own collection of magical implements.
To Believe in Jesus
Ruth Burrows - 1978
The message of To Believe in Jesus is heartening, if disconcerting, for it stands a common assumption on its head. The way to holiness is not through dramatic renunciation, and holiness itself is not just for the "specialists," clergy, and religious. Holiness cannot be struggled for and won - it can only be given, and all that is necessary is that we should ask. As soon as we cease to strive for virtue, concentrating attention uselessly on ourselves, and instead recognize our weakness, our need, the way is open to encounter God and the holiness of Jesus which is His gift.
Ibn 'Ata' Illah/Kwaja Abdullah Ansari: The Book of Wisdom and Kwaja Abdullah Ansari, Intimate Conversations
Ibn ʻAta' Allah al-Iskandari - 1978
They embody the essence of spiritual life in the Islamic tradition. Ibn 'Ata' Illah (c. 1250-1309) was a Sufi saint and sage who lived in Egypt. Kwaja Abdullah Ansari (1006-1089) was one of major early writers of Persian mystical literature.
The Discipline of Transcendence, Vol 1
Osho - 1978
Using modern idiom, Osho extracts the kernel of Buddha's profound insight and understanding and presents his everlasting message to the contemporary reader in a manner that is lucid, straightforward and humorous. In these discourses he discusses the need for doubt and argument in the spiritual search, the nature of desire and the discipline of nonattachment, and much more.
Christ and the Inner Life
Truman G. Madsen - 1978
Madsen is a philosopher, essayist, teacher and biographer. He is emeritus Professor of Philosophy at Brigham Young University, and was Director of the Jerusalem Center for Near Eastern Studies in Jerusalem. He held the Richard L. Evans Chair in Religious Studies at B.Y.U. He has been guest professor at Northeastern University, Haifa, and Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, California. He sponsored several symposia on comparative religion published as Reflections on Mormonism, The Temple in Antiquity, and Chosenness and Covenant in Judaism and Mormonism. Among his volumes on Mormon thought are: Eternal Man, Christ and the Inner Life, Four Essays on Love, The Highest in Us, The Radiant Life. Five Classics, Joseph Smith, the Prophet., Defender of the Faith, a biography of B. H. Roberts and On Human Nature. He is one of the editors and a contributor to the five-volume Macmillan Encyclopedia of Mormonism. He is married to Ann Nicholls Madsen. The couple has three children and a Navajo foster son.
Mastery through Accomplishment
Hazrat Inayat Khan - 1978
Accomplishment in worldly affairs is seen as the means of developing the ability to achieve what one wishes, and ultimately to achieve the purpose of life.
Make Haste My Beloved
Frances J. Roberts - 1978
Now, that wonderful message is available in a beautiful new package from Barbour. Commenting on the Song of Solomon, author Frances J. Roberts writes, "It is the call of the Bride to the Bridegroom as she cries, 'Make haste, my Beloved.' It is indeed heartening to know that it is HE who makes the haste!" That message of God reaching out to needy people pervades the five dozen readings of Make Haste My Beloved, and ensures a transforming reading experience for all.
Unconditional Love: Love Without Limits
John Joseph Powell - 1978
This not the point. The point is that I have choosen to give you my gift of love and you have chosen to love me. That is the only soil in which love can grown.
The Road to Eleusis: Unveiling the Secret of the Mysteries
R. Gordon Wasson - 1978
In this groundbreaking work, three experts—a mycologist, a chemist and a historian—argue persuasively that the sacred potion given to participants in the course of the ritual contained a psychoactive entheogen. The authors then expand the discussion to show that natural psychedelic agents have been used in spiritual rituals across history and cultures. Although controversial when first published in 1978, the book’s hypothesis has become more widely accepted in recent years, as knowledge of ethnobotany has deepened. The authors have played critical roles in the modern rediscovery of entheogens, and The Road to Eleusis presents an authoritative exposition of their views. The book’s themes of the universality of experiential religion, the suppression of that knowledge by exploitative forces, and the use of psychedelics to reconcile the human and natural worlds make it a fascinating and timely read. This 30th anniversary edition includes an appreciative preface by religious scholar Huston Smith and an updated exploration of the chemical evidence by Peter Webster.
The Community of the Beloved Disciple
Raymond E. Brown - 1978
Considers the life and writings of St. John. +
The Faith of the Early Fathers, Vol. 1
William A. Jurgens - 1978
Volume 1 ends circa 382.Volume 1: the Pre-Nicene and Nicene erasVolume 2: the Post-Nicene era through St. Jerome;Volume 3: St. Augustine to the end of the patristic period. The passages selected are keyed to the numerical order established in M. J. Rouët de Journel's Enchiridion Patristicum. In no sense, however, are these volumes a translation of that standard work. The author has made his own investigation of theological textbooks in common use and has selected the patristic passages most frequently cited, including much that is in Rouët and much that is not. All passages have been freshly and accurately translated from the best critical editions. Preceding each selection is a brief introduction treating the authorship, date and place of composition, and the purpose of the work from which the selection is taken. The author's scholarship and sprightly sense of humor are evident in these prefatory remarks. Of immense value to the reader is the Doctrinal Index provided for each volume. Here one can find the texts pertinent to particular doctrinal points, a method especially useful to homilists. In addition, each volume is enhanced by comprehensive Scriptural and General Indices.
Sufis of Andalusia: The "Ruh al-Quds" & "al-Durrat al-Fakhirah"
Ibn Arabi - 1978
Translated from the Ruh al-Quds and al-Durrat al-Fakhirah with introduction and notes by R.W.J. Austin. These portraits bring to life with great vividness a number of individuals remarkable for the intensity of their devotion and service to reality, and contain many memorable stories which throw light on the pinnacles of spiritual facing as well as difficulties and obstacles encountered on the path.
Dynamics Of World History
Christopher Henry Dawson - 1978
This classic Dawson work is a conspectus of his thought on universal history in all its depth and range. Containing thirty-one essays selected from his writings it gives a clear and fascinating picture of his achievement in helping to widen our perspective of world history and in identifying the central determinative importance of religion for the formation of Culture. For breadth of knowledge and lucidity of style [Dawson] has few rivals.... -New York Times Book Review Dynainics of WorldHistory is extraordinarily valuable, because it is much more than a Christopher Dawson compendium, or than an introduction to Dawson. It is a very carefully collected and edited quilt of Dawson's most important writings: a multicolored quilt, rather than a collection of disparate
Meditation and the Bible
Aryeh Kaplan - 1978
First English translation from ancient unpublished manuscripts, with commentary.
The Heart Sutra: Talks on Buddha
Osho - 1978
The Heart Sutra includes students questions, from the esoteric to eminently personal, posed directly to
Lost Tribes and Promised Lands: The Origins of American Racism
Ronald Sanders - 1978
Profile Of A Prophet: Plus God Is The Gardener
Hugh B. Brown - 1978
A Tour of the Summa
Paul J. Glenn - 1978
Thomas' work, intended to expose readers to the totality of St. Thomas' thought and yet be brief enough to fit into one volume. Author of eleven other books on philosophy, Msgr. Glenn brings to this work—by far his greatest—a lifetime of teaching and writing experience. A masterpiece in its own right.
Sadhana Guidelines for Kundalini Yoga Daily Practice: Exercise and Meditation Manual
Kundalini Research Institute - 1978
Very detailed instructions. Articles. A lot of breathwork. Mudras and mantras. From the wealth of the Teachings of Yogi Bhajan.
Secrets of the Blue Cliff Record: Zen Comments by Hakuin and Tenkei
Thomas Cleary - 1978
The core of this extraordinary work is a collection of one hundred traditional citations and stories, selected for their ability to bring about insight and enlightenment. These vignettes are known as gongan in Chinese and koan in Japanese.Secrets of the Blue Cliff Record is a fresh translation featuring newly translated commentary from two of the greatest Zen masters of early modern Japan, Hakuin Ekaku (1685-1768) of the Rinzai sect of Zen and Tenkei Denson (1648-1735) of the Soto sect of Zen. This translation and commentary on The Blue Cliff Record sheds new light on the meaning of this central Zen text.
Rudi: Spiritual Cannibalism
Rudrananda - 1978
Beloved Swami Rudrananda outlines the concept of spiritual work, describes his life of disciplined yoga practices, puts into perspective the relationship of human beings to one another, and explores our basic need to grow--and the role played by the guru in fostering this development.
Slave Religion: The "Invisible Institution" in the Antebellum South
Albert J. Raboteau - 1978
In a new chapter in this anniversary edition, author Albert J. Raboteau reflects upon the origins of the book, the reactions to it over the past twenty-five years, and how he would write it differently today. Using a variety of first and second-hand sources-- some objective, some personal, all riveting-- Raboteau analyzes the transformation of the African religions into evangelical Christianity. He presents the narratives of the slaves themselves, as well as missionary reports, travel accounts, folklore, black autobiographies, and the journals of white observers to describe the day-to-day religious life in the slave communities. Slave Religion is a must-read for anyone wanting a full picture of this invisible institution.
Through the Bible in One Year: A 52-Lesson Introduction to the 66 Books of the Bible
Alan B. Stringfellow - 1978
You'll learn how to analyze all 66 books, which are the most significant chapters, where to find the central purpose, which chief verses to copy and remember, all of which prepare you to meet life's daily challenges.
Studies in Early Hadith Literature
Muhammad Mustafa al-ʿAzami - 1978
In this field Dr Azami has done Pioneer work of the highest value, and he has done it according to the exact standards of scholarship. The thesis which he presented [in this book], and for which Cambridge conferred on him the degree of Ph.D., is in my opinion one of the most exciting and original investigations in this field of modern times.”
An Introduction to Islamic Cosmological Doctrines
Seyyed Hossein Nasr - 1978
These figures influenced all the later centuries of Islamic history and in fact created the cosmological framework within which all later scientific activity in the Islamic world was carried out--the enduring image of the cosmos within which Muslims have lived during the past millennium.Nasr writes from within the Islamic tradition and demonstrates how, based on the teachings of the Quran and the Prophet, the figures treated in this work integrated elements drawn from various ancient schools of philosophy and the sciences. This book is unique in its treatment of classical Islamic cosmology as seen from within the Islamic world-view and provides a key for understanding of traditional Islamic thought.
Temptations of Jesus
Howard Thurman - 1978
With Jesus, we face the Tempter's challenges. We rejoice in the choices Jesus makes, in his insistence on doing God's will, and we pray for his guidance as we face the dilemmas of our own lives.
Ecstasy, the Forgotten Language: Discourses on Songs of Kabir
Osho - 1978
He also responds to questions as diverse as the difference between relationship and aloneness, mind and society, self and enlightenment, and explains the difference between a crystallized self and a strong ego.
Buddhism, the First Millennium
Daisaku Ikeda - 1978
Through a thorough examination of its early development in India, a new light is cast on little-known aspects of Buddhist history and its relevance to the understanding of Buddhism today. Topics include the formation of the Buddhist canon, the cultural exchange between the East and West, and the spirit of the Lotus Sutra.
Election (5 Sermons)
Charles Haddon Spurgeon - 1978
Charles Haddon Spurgeon in September 1855, he states, "Election in the Christian should make him very fearless and very bold. No man will be so bold as he who believes that he is elect of God. What cares he for man if he is chosen of his Maker? What will he care for the pitiful chirpings of some tiny sparrows when he knoweth that he is an eagle of a royal race? Will he care when the beggar pointeth at him, when the blood royal of heaven runs in his veins? Will he fear if all the world stand against him?" Here is one of the most gripping and succinct messages on the subject ever delivered!
The Jews in America
Max I. Dimont - 1978
Beginning with the Sephardim who first reached the shores of America in the 1600s, this fascinating book by historian Max Dimont traces the journey of the Jews in the United States. It follows the various waves of immigration that brought people and families from Germany, Russia, and beyond; recounts the cultural achievements of those who escaped oppression in their native lands; and discusses the movement away from Orthodoxy and the attitudes of American Jews—both religious and secular—toward Israel. From the author of Jews, God, and History, which has sold more than one million copies and was called “unquestionably the best popular history of the Jews written in the English language” by the LosAngeles Times, this is a compelling account by an author who was himself an immigrant, raised in Helsinki, Finland, before arriving at Ellis Island in 1929 and going on to serve in army intelligence in World War II.
The Complete Sayings of Hazrat Inayat Khan
Hazrat Inayat Khan - 1978
Flashes of inspiration contemplate daily life and divine consciousness.
Odun Ifa. Ifa Festival
Abosede Emanuel - 1978
The jury describes it thus: 'The work is an outstanding and significant cultural document, and an important part of the movement of cultural reclamation from within Africa. It assumes direct intellectual responsibility by the Yoruba for their collective history and culture; and extends the scope of Ifa studies in a new and original way...the author displays deep familiarity with indigenous sources, living practitioners and scholarly literature. The book, the product of thirty year's work, will stand as a benchmark for years to come."
Ninety-Nine Names of Allah
Shems Friedlander - 1978
The classic text describing the core mystical teachings and practice of Islam -- accessible to everyone -- in a beautifully designed volume with names, translations, meanings, and meditations.
The Nectar of Chanting: Sacred Texts and Mantras Sung in the Ashrams of Swami Muktananda: Sanskrit Transliteration with English Translations
Syda Foundation - 1978
This Morning with God: A Daily Study Guide to the Entire Bible
Carol Adeney - 1978
Edited by Carol Adeney. 512 pages, paper
Sundancing: The Great Sioux Piercing Tradition
Thomas E. Mails - 1978
Thomas E. Mails was invited to attend and record in detail the Sioux Sun Dances at Rosebud and Pine Ridge. This was a singular honor no white man has been accorded before or since. The result is this groundbreaking work, illustrated with rare photographs and stunning four-color paintings.
Theology Of The Icon (Vol. 2)
Leonid Uspensky - 1978
It is a fundamental element in the entire body of Orthodox Tradition. In this two-volume work, Leonid Ouspensky provides the reader with a deep and serious approach to the mystery of the sacred image. He surveys the development of the sacred art of the Christian East from its beginnings in catacomb art through the iconoclastic controversy of the eighth and ninth century. Drawing especially on the Russian Orthodox tradition, the author studies a large number of texts with care and in great detail. He includes an analysis of the flowering of early Russian iconography, tracing its later development and the state of the art today. The 51 black and white photo illustrations, along with the four-panel foldout and six color plates, will enable the reader to appreciate the Orthodox icon with an informed mind and open heart. This is the most comprehensive introduction available to the history and theology of the icon, and is the standard text upon which most modern studies of iconography are based. Volume I, originally published in 1978, has been updated by the author and contains large sections of new material.
The Teachings Of The Essenes: from Enoch to the Dead Sea Scrolls
Edmond Bordeaux Szekely - 1978
The essence of Edmond Bordeaux Szekely's well-known books on the Essenes.
A Shepherd Looks at the Good Shepherd and His Sheep
W. Phillip Keller - 1978
Study of Psalm 23
The Unveiling Of Love: Sufism And The Remembrance Of God
Muzaffer Ozak - 1978
Sheikh Muzaffer Ozak was the renowned spiritual leader of the Halveti-Jerrahi Order of Dervishes in Istanbul and in the U.S., as well as other countries in the West.For the dervish, passionate and ecstatic adoration for the Divine Beloved illuminates both the heart and the mind. With the help of poems, traditional teaching stories and brief passages from the Koran, Sheikh Muzaffer Ozak unveils the meaning of spiritual affection and explores the relationship between the lover and beloved.Expressly written for a Western audience, The Unveiling of Love presents valuable guidance for those with long experience in Islam and for those who are encountering Sufism and the meaning of spiritual love for the first time.
Ancient Egyptian Magical Texts (Nisaba)
J.F. Borghouts - 1978
Borghouts. Translations are helpfully annotated and indexed, and Borghouts has provided a succinct overview of Egyptian magic in his Introduction. Readers with Egyptian will find it easy to follow the references to the primary editions.
How Christ Said the First Mass or the Lord's Last Supper
James L. Meagher - 1978
Shows how the traditional Mass sums up the entire Old Testament worship from the time of Adam to the time of Christ, how even minute details of the present Mass were used by Christ in the very First Mass, and how they have come down to our day with the same symbolic meaning they originally had. The author delves into the history and tradition of every aspect of Hebrew worship and shows clearly how Our Lord blended and wove them all together into the beautiful liturgy we call the Mass. Imprimatur.
Thomas More: A Lonely Voice Against the Power of the State
Peter Berglar - 1978
Thomas More. Most people know that Thomas More wrote a book called Utopia about a perfect society and got his head chopped off by King Henry VIII. But there was much more to the man. More not only occupied England’s most powerful position under the king as Lord Chancellor, but was also a devoted family man, a Renaissance figure of renown throughout Europe, and the author of works of apologetics as well as poetry, fiction and plays. Even while awaiting execution in the Tower of London, his multi-volume “Tower writings” poured out, evidence of his deep faith and life of prayer. Peter Berglar, who has written ten biographies including one of St. Peter, and one of the earliest studies of Opus Dei and its founder, St. Josemaría Escrivá, deals in this new translation of the original German with the ultimate question: for what is life not worth living? When must it be purchased at a price that could devalue and perhaps destroy it? “It has been repeated in every generation. There will never be a lack of idols and dictators who demand this sacrifice.”
Nahman of Bratslav: The Tales
Nahman of Bratslav - 1978
- Mircea Eliade Nahman of Bratslav: The Tales translation, introduction and commentaries by Arnold J. Band preface by Joseph Dan Rav Nahman answered and said: On the way, I told a tale (of such power) that whoever heard it had thoughts of repentance... And that is how I am curing her. Therefore I have this power in my hands. And this is my gift to you this day. And there was great rejoicing and everyone was very happy. Nahman of Bratslav (1772-1810) The body of this book is comprised of the thirteen Tales of Rabbi Nahman of Bratslav, one of the most renowned of the early Hasidic masters of prayer and probably the greatest of the Hasidic storytellers. These tales are presented in a style both readable and scrupulously close to the original. No previous translators of these tales have attempted to take the original text this seriously, for they changed, added and deleted at will. As the editor of the volume states in his foreword, Of the thousands of Hasidic tales circulated in the past two centuries, few have earned the veneration and affection of the thirteen Tales of Nahman of Bratslav...Still studied as scripture, these tales have attracted a varied audience intrigued by the remarkable blend of intense Kabbalistic faith and narrative artistry. Dr. Band goes on to say, In this English translation I have tried to capture the ambiance of...the oral familiarity and charm of the Yiddish and the metaphysical rigor and grandeur of the Hebrew. In his preface Dr. Joseph Dan of Hebrew University, Jerusalem, addresses the question, Why is this an important work today? He says, Rabbi Nahman's tales should be regarded as a great literary accomplishment of a mystical author, who achieved complete identification and unity between external and internal elements and expressed them in a unified spiritual autobiography, in the guise of folktales. Such achievements are very rare in the history of religious literature, and as one such rare example it should be read in the twentieth century. The volume includes an introduction giving a biography of Nahman as well as a theory of spiritual literature. To each of the Tales, Dr. Band prefaced a brief editor's prologue to set the tone and direction of the reading. At the end of the volume he has appended a fuller commentary on each tale.
The Next Step
Jack T. Chick - 1978
The cartoons bring the concepts to life and inspire you to learn about the birth of the Bible, begin a Bible reading program, understand keys to effective prayer and find tips on sharing your faith.
Church, Papacy and Schism: A Theological Enquiry
Philip Sherrard - 1978
Yet it is often forgotten that any discussion about it must begin with an understanding of what the Church itself is. The Church - The Episcopate - The Conciliar Structure - Two Rival Ecclesiologies - The Papacy - Perspectives and Formulas of Schism - The Christology of Schism - Trinitarian Doctrine and the Schism.
Jesus Christ Liberator: A Critical Christology for Our Time
Leonardo Boff - 1978
Jesus Christ Liberator is Boff's distinctive contribution to contemporary Christology. Boff writes, Christology thought out and vitally tested in Latin America must have characteristics of its own. The attentive reader will perceive them throughout this book. The predominantly foreign literature that we cite ought not to delude anyone. It is with preoccupations that are our alone, taken from our Latin American context, that we will re-read no only the old texts of the New Testament but also the most recent commentaries written in Europe."
The Hazy Moon of Enlightenment: Part of the On Zen Practice collection
Taizan Maezumi - 1978
The Hazy Moon of Enlightenment takes readers to the next level, exploring some of Zen's most subtle and sophisticated topics. The first two parts of the book explore enlightenment and delusion: the nature of enlightenment, what it means to describe it as "sudden" or "gradual," and the nature of delusion and how to distinguish it from reality. Part three looks at "enlightenment in action" -- what it means for someone to be living and acting in order with the deep wisdom of enlightenment, and how they can practice "learning how to be satisfied" and enjoy serenity and tranquility. The final section is a moving firsthand account of one woman's solitary realization of the deepest truths, a story -- like this book -- at once practical and inspiring.
An Atheist Primer: Did You Know All the Gods Came from the Same Place?
Madalyn Murray O'Hair - 1978
This fact is clearly and humorously explained in simple language a small child can easily understand.Open the book and you'll find an illustrated story explaining where gods originated.O'Hair takes you on the journey of the gods and how they originated in the minds of people to explain the universe, the world, even the weather.She places the onus of gods squarely on the shoulders of men.Crafted for the open mind of a child, depicting gods throughout history and across the globe, she is explicit in her position about the absurdity of Gods.O'Hair's simple language, coupled with Joe Kirby's wonderful cartoons of deities, keep the work grounded and light.
Lest Innocent Blood Be Shed (Story of the Village of Le Chambon)
Philip Hallie - 1978
Jorge Luis Borges: Sources and Illumination
Giovanna de Garayalde - 1978
Prof. Garayalde settles many of the puzzles and misinterpretations of his works in a very concise and convincing account both of the Sufis and their work--with which she became familiar long before she approached Borges' own--and of the many parallels in ideas and in actual tales that are included in his work. This is an ideal introduction to Sufi thought for anyone who is searching for a greater understanding of life and him/herself through literature.
Put On The Whole Armor Of God
Leon R. Hartshorn - 1978
Readers will learn more about each part of the Armor of God, including how to spiritually fortify themselves against the evils of the world.
Orthodox Spirituality: An Outline of the Orthodox Ascetical and Mystical Tradition
Lev Gillet - 1978
A thorough introduction to Orthodox doctrine, for Orthodox spirituality cannot be properly understood apart from the theology on which it rests: that the aim of man's life is union with God and deification in Christ through the Holy Spirit.
The Books of Jeu and the Untitled Text in the Bruce Codex
Carl Schmidt - 1978
Living Tradition: Orthodox Witness in the Contemporary World
John Meyendorff - 1978
Essays exploring the Orthodox understanding of Tradition and its relevance to our modern world in such crucial areas as authority, mission and social responsibility.
Wizards That Peep: A Journey Into the Occult
Siegbert Becker - 1978
The author presents both modern examples of occult practices and what the Bible says about them. The most prominent feature of this book, and our best defense, is the gospel--how Jesus Christ came to destroy all the works of the devil.
Finding the Center: The Art of the Zuni Storyteller
Dennis Tedlock - 1978
This second edition features three new Zuni stories, updated transcriptions of stories from the original edition, a bibliography, and a new preface and introduction.
The Ancient Aramaic Prayer of Jesus
Rocco A. Errico - 1978