Best of


On Human Nature

Edward O. Wilson - 1978
    Wilson's book. On Human Nature begins a new phase in the most important intellectual controversy of this generation: Is human behavior controlled by the species' biological heritage? Does this heritage limit human destiny?With characteristic pugency and simplicity of style, the author of Sociobiology challenges old prejudices and current misconceptions about the nature-nurture debate. In his new preface E. O. Wilson reflects on how he came to write this book: how The Insect Societies led him to write Sociobiology, and how the political and religious uproar that engulfed that book persuaded him to write another book that would better explain the relevance of biology to the understanding of human behavior.

Creative Visualization: Use the Power of Your Imagination to Create What You Want in Your Life

Shakti Gawain - 1978
    Now considered a classic, Creative Visualization teaches readers how to use their imaginations to manifest their deepest desires.

Things Hidden Since the Foundation of the World

René Girard - 1978
    In its scope and itnerest it can be compared with Freud's Totem and Taboo, the subtext Girard refutes with polemic daring, vast erudition, and a persuasiveness that leaves the reader compelled to respond, one way or another.This is the single fullest summation of Girard's ideas to date, the book by which they will stand or fall. In a dialogue with two psychiatrists (Jean-Michel Oughourlian and Guy Lefort), Girard probes an encyclopedic array of topics, ranging across the entire spectrum of anthropology, psychoanalysis, and cultural production.Girard's point of departure is what he calles "mimesis," the conflict that arises when human rivals compete to differentiate themselves from each other, yet succeed only in becoming more and more alike. At certain points in the life of a society, according to Girard, this mimetic conflict erupts into a crisis in which all difference dissolves in indiscriminate violence. In primitive societies, such crises were resolved by the "scapegoating mechanism," in which the community, en masse, turned on an unpremeditated victim. The repression of this collective murder and its repetition in ritual sacrifice then formed the foundations of both religion and the restored social order.How does Christianity, at once the most "sacrificial" of religions and a faith with a non-violent ideology, fit into this scheme? Girard grants Freud's point, in Totem and Taboo, that Christianity is similar to primitive religion, but only to refute Freud—if Christ is sacrificed, Girard argues, it is not becuase God willed it, but because human beings wanted it.The book is not merely, or perhaps not mainly, biblical exegesis, for within its scope fall some of the most vexing problems of social history—the paradox that violence has social efficacy, the function of the scapegoat, the mechanism of anti-semitism.

Windows to Our Children

Violet Oaklander - 1978
    Counselors and therapists, in schools, mental health centers and private practice embrace this book.

Learning How to Learn: Psychology and Spirituality in the Sufi Way

Idries Shah - 1978
    This is the ideal introduction to Sufi wisdom.

Mind in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological Processes

Lev S. Vygotsky - 1978
    S. Vygotsky has long been recognized as a pioneer in developmental psychology. But somewhat ironically, his theory of development has never been well understood in the West. Mind in Society should correct much of this misunderstanding. Carefully edited by a group of outstanding Vygotsky scholars, the book presents a unique selection of Vygotsky's important essays, most of which have previously been unavailable in English. The Vygotsky who emerges from these pages can no longer be glibly included among the neobehaviorists. In these essays he outlines a dialectical-materialist theory of cognitive development that anticipates much recent work in American social science. The mind, Vygotsky argues, cannot be understood in isolation from the surrounding society. Man is the only animal who uses tools to alter his own inner world as well as the world around him. From the handkerchief knotted as a simple mnemonic device to the complexities of symbolic language, society provides the individual with technology that can be used to shape the private processes of mind. In Mind in Society Vygotsky applies this theoretical framework to the development of perception, attention, memory, language, and play, and he examines its implications for education. The result is a remarkably interesting book that is bound to renew Vygotsky's relevance to modem psychological thought.

The Road Less Traveled: A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values and Spiritual Growth

M. Scott Peck - 1978
    "Psychotherapy is all things to all people in this mega-selling pop-psychology watershed, which features a new introduction by the author in this 25th anniversary edition. His agenda in this tome, which was first published in 1978 but didn't become a bestseller until 1983, is to reconcile the psychoanalytic tradition with the conflicting cultural currents roiling the 70s. In the spirit of Me-Decade individualism and libertinism, he celebrates self-actualization as life's highest purpose and flirts with the notions of open marriage and therapeutic sex between patient and analyst. But because he is attuned to the nascent conservative backlash against the therapeutic worldview, Peck also cites Gospel passages, recruits psychotherapy to the cause of traditional religion (he even convinces a patient to sign up for divinity school) and insists that problems must be overcome through suffering, discipline and hard work (with a therapist.) Often departing from the cerebral and rationalistic bent of Freudian discourse for a mystical, Jungian tone more compatible with New Age spirituality, Peck writes of psychotherapy as an exercise in "love" and "spiritual growth," asserts that "our unconscious is God" and affirms his belief in miracles, reincarnation and telepathy. Peck's synthesis of such clashing elements (he even throws in a little thermodynamics) is held together by a warm and lucid discussion of psychiatric principles and moving accounts of his own patients' struggles and breakthroughs. Harmonizing psychoanalysis and spirituality, Christ and Buddha, Calvinist work ethic and interminable talking cures, this book is a touchstone of our contemporary religio-therapeutic culture." -- Publishers WeeklyKeywords: MIND & BODY PSYCHOLOGY SOCIOLOGY RELIGION

The Friendship Factor: How to Get Closer to the People You Care for

Alan Loy McGinnis - 1978
    With captivating case histories and anecdotes about such famous people as George Burns, Howard Hughes, and C. S. Lewis, McGinnis shares the secret of how to love and be loved. The first edition of The Friendship Factor, published in 1979, has sold more than 350,000 copies.

Pulling Your Own Strings

Wayne W. Dyer - 1978
    Asserting that we alone are responsible for how much we will be controlled by others, Dyer offers his practical plan for developing new attitudes toward the most common sources of victimization and manipulation, such as family members and authority figures in the workplace.For example, families can be tremendously coercive and demanding, but they can also be an immensely rewarding part of your life. Dyer shows how to cope with the negative side and contribute to the positive. In their working life, many people stay in unfulfilling jobs because they feel constrained by their present experience or because they fear change. Dyer shows that by being enthusiastic and flexible, you can find the work to be happy. Life, Dyer says, is a beautiful thing as long as you hold the strings. Pulling Your Own Strings will give you the dynamic strategies and tools to master your own fate.

The Unheard Cry for Meaning

Viktor E. Frankl - 1978
    Frankl, one of the most influential thinkers of our time, illustrates the vital importance of the human dimension in psychotherapy, brilliantly celebrating each individual's unique potential.

Developmental Psychology of the Black Child

Amos N. Wilson - 1978

To Live Until We Say Good-Bye

Elisabeth Kübler-Ross - 1978
    Kubler-Ross, the world-renowned psychiatrist and authority on death, are revealed in this exploration of her counseling work with terminal patients to help them come to an acceptance of death.

Glimpses of Abhidharma: From a Seminar on Buddhist Psychology

Chögyam Trungpa - 1978
    In this book, Chögyam Trungpa shows how an examination of the formation of the ego provides us with an opportunity to develop real intelligence. Trungpa also presents the practice of meditation as the means that enables us to see our psychological situation clearly and directly.

Creation Myths

Marie-Louise von Franz - 1978
    In this book, an eminent Jungian analyst examines the recurring motifs that appear in creation myths from around the world and shows what they teach us about the mysteries of creativity, the cycles of renewal in human life, and the birth of consciousness in the individual psyche. Among the topics discussed are:    •  Why the creative process is often accompanied by anxiety, depression, loneliness, and fear of the unknown.    •  The meaning of creation motifs such as the egg, the seed, the primordial being, the creative fire, the separation of heaven and earth, and the four stages of creation.    •  Creation symbolism in the alchemical opus of medieval tradition.    •  How creation-myth motifs appear in the dreams of people who are on the verge of a leap forward in consciousness.

The Psychology of the Esoteric

Osho - 1978
    The body should be trained through yogic methodology, and the mind through awarness. You will require more awarness if you practise yoga because things become more subtle." pg 40.

Psychology and the East: Extracts

C.G. Jung - 1978
    Includes Commentary on The Secret of the Golden Flower, Psychological Commentary on The Tibetan Book of the Dead and The Tibetan Book of the Great Liberation, Foreword to Suzuki's Introduction to Zen Buddhism, and Foreword to the I Ching.

The Bereaved Parent

Harriet Sarnoff Schiff - 1978
    Practical supportive advice for bereaved parents and the professionals who work with them, based on the experiences of psychiatric and religious counselors.

Strive for Truth (3 Volume Set/ Parts 1 - 4)

Eliyahu E. Dessler - 1978
    A major work of contemporary Torah thought, now available as a complete set of three volumes. [Hard Cover] This beautifully written and designed work contains the compiled Mussar lectures of Rabbi Eliyahu Dessler, written by his esteemed Talmid, student. A major work of contemporary Torah thought, now available as a complete set of three volumes.

Your Many Faces: The First Step to Being Loved

Virginia Satir - 1978
    Often we judge our faces to be either good or bad, right or wrong, while failing to recognize the potential of each of them to make us fuller, more balanced human beings. In her own unique and exciting style, Virginia Satir demonstrates that the key to opening the door to new responsibilities in your life rests first in recognizing and accepting that you need all "YOUR MANY FACES" - and then in learning to manage them for your good.

Micromotives and Macrobehavior

Thomas C. Schelling - 1978
    And the subject of these stories—how small and seemingly meaningless decisions and actions by individuals often lead to significant unintended consequences for a large group—is more important than ever. In one famous example, Thomas C. Schelling shows that a slight-but-not-malicious preference to have neighbors of the same race eventually leads to completely segregated populations.The updated edition of this landmark book contains a new preface and the author's Nobel Prize acceptance speech.

The Culture of Narcissism: American Life in An Age of Diminishing Expectations

Christopher Lasch - 1978
    Lasch’s identification of narcissism as not only an individual ailment but also a burgeoning social epidemic was groundbreaking. His diagnosis of American culture is even more relevant today, predicting the limitless expansion of the anxious and grasping narcissistic self into every part of American life.The Culture of Narcissism offers an astute and urgent analysis of what we need to know in these troubled times.

Psychology and the Human Dilemma

Rollo May - 1978
    May everywhere enlarges our outlook on how people can develop creatively within the human predicament.

On Our Own

Judi Chamberlin - 1978
    Advocates creating more patient controlled mental health facilities as an alternative to traditional mental hospitals which tend to foster alienation and dependence in patients while ignoring and over-medicating them

Massachusetts General Hospital Handbook of General Hospital Psychiatry E-Book

Theodore A. Stern - 1978
    The fully updated 7th Edition, by Drs. Theodore A. Stern, Oliver Freudenreich, Felicia A. Smith, Gregory L. Fricchione, and Jerrold F. Rosenbaum, provides an authoritative, easy-to-understand review of the diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment of psychiatric problems experienced by adults and children with medical and surgical conditions.Covers the psychological impact of chronic medical problems and life-threatening diseases, somatic symptom disorders, organ donors and recipients, pain, substance abuse, and polypharmacy, including a thorough review of drug actions and interactions, metabolism, and elimination. Features DSM-5 updates throughout, as well as case studies in every chapter. Contains practical tips on how to implement the most current and effective pharmacological therapies as well as cognitive-behavioral approaches.

Beast and Man: The Roots of Human Nature

Mary Midgley - 1978
    In Beast and Man Mary Midgley, one of our foremost intellectuals, stresses continuities. What makes people tick? Largely, she asserts, the same things as animals. She tells us humans are rather more like other animals than we previously allowed ourselves to believe, and reminds us just how primitive we are in comparison to the sophistication of many animals. A veritable classic for our age, Beast and Man has helped change the way we think about ourselves and the world in which we live.

The Social Psychology of Organizations

Daniel Katz - 1978
    Analyzes the essential problems of human organizations--the motivation to work, the resolution of conflict, the exercise of leadership, and the creation of organizational change.

Family Therapy in Clinical Practice

Murray Bowen - 1978
    Between the years 1950 and 1959, at Menninger and later at the National Institute of Mental Health (as first chief of family studies), he worked clinically with over 500 schizophrenic families. This extensive experience was a time of fruition for his thinking as he began to conceptualize human behavior as emerging from within the context of a family system. Later, at Georgetown University Medical School, Bowen worked to extend the application of his ideas to the neurotic family system. Initially he saw his work as an amplification and modification of Freudian theory, but later viewed it as an evolutionary step toward understanding human beings as functioning within their primary networkDtheir family. One of the most renowned theorist and therapist in the field of family work, this book encompasses the breadth and depth of Bowen's contributions. It presents the evolution of Bowen's Family Theory from his earliest essays on schizophrenic families and their treatment, through the development of his concepts of triangulation, intergenerational conflict and societal regression, and culminating in his brilliant exploration of the differentiation of one's self in one's family of origin.

Child Development

John W. Santrock - 1978
    Used by hundreds of thousands of students over ten editions, its learning-goals-driven learning system provides a clearer understanding of the content. The fully revised eleventh edition reinforces the highly contemporary tone and focus by featuring hundreds of new citations, including material from chapters from the sixth edition of the " Handbook of Child Psychology ."

Lest Innocent Blood Be Shed (Story of the Village of Le Chambon)

Philip Hallie - 1978

Sex, Evolution and Behavior

Martin Daly - 1978
    The relation between ultimate and proximate levels of explanation is the major theme of the book. Two new chapters in this edition incorporate findings from recent research and there is also new material on humans, physiology, and development. Sex and reproductive behaviour are examined from an evolutionary comparative perspective and numerous empirical studies and examples are cited.

The Myth of Psychotherapy

Thomas Szasz - 1978
    s/t: Mental Healing as Religion, Rhetoric & Repression

Psychotherapy and Process: The Fundamentals of an Existential-Humanistic Approach

James F.T. Bugental - 1978

Snapping: America's Epidemic of Sudden Personality Change

Flo Conway - 1978
    Probably more timely now than when first published, this is an important title for academic and public libraries." - Library Journal "Their book is judicious, sensible, well-researched and very frightening." - New York Times Book Review "It is a book of investigative reporting at its best." - New York Post "What Woodward and Bernstein were to Watergate, Conway and Siegelman may well be to the cults." - United Press International "Credible and chilling . . . The second edition of SNAPPING is as important a resource in understanding spreading societal chaos as the first edition was in explaining the chaos of cults." - Minneapolis Star-Tribune "Important. . . . this book provides a tool to exercise judgment, monitor incoming information, and interpret what has become an increasingly intrusive battle for our minds. . . . At its core, it is language that holds the key to our mental health or to our destruction. What George Orwell's 'Animal Farm' is to literature, 'SNAPPING' is to non-fiction." - Albuquerque Journal "In a prophetic vein. . . . SNAPPING is not only fascinating and frightening reading, it is also extremely well-written. . . . The escalating pattern of cult fanaticism and religious-political terror that the authors call a 'death spiral' seems to be widening. If we do nothing to understand and ultimately reverse that pattern, it will pull more and more innocent people into its vortex." - Cleveland Jewish News "For anyone threatened with snapping, this book is a dispassionate, valuable study of an often frightening phenomenon." - People "There is no doubt that Conway and Siegelman are opening the door on areas of human understanding that have never been examined and that are in urgent need of study." - New Society "SNAPPING is an exciting and responsible and original piece of research that has taught this old poop amazing new ways to think about the human mind." - Kurt Vonnegut "SNAPPING is by far the best and most scientific treatment of the cult problem yet published. For the scientist, politician, clergy or parent, it is valuable and wonderfully readable." - John G. Clark, M.D. Asst. Clinical Professor of Psychiatry Harvard Medical School "Conway and Siegelman . . . place cultic behavior in the wider context of the communication revolution of our time. . . Indeed, SNAPPING unfolds as a traveling detective investigation. . . . they very capably trace and analyze the course of the phenomenon and . . . contribute greatly to our understanding of it." - The Cult Observer "Conway and Siegelman are onto something important. . . . SNAPPING is a fascinating book with frightening implications." - Edward T. Hall, author of The Silent Language "[The] classic book on cults, still the best book ever. . . . Believe me, folks, these are the real experts." - Geraldo Rivera

The Jigsaw Classroom: Building Cooperation in the Classroom

Elliot Aronson - 1978
    It is aimed at demonstrating the benefits of cooperative learning and showing teachers how they can easily adopt the jigsaw method and integrate it into their usual ways of teaching.

Cooperation Between the Sexes: Writings on Women and Men, Love and Marriage and Sexuality

Alfred Adler - 1978
    In addition, these writings reflect Adler’s theoretical dissatisfaction with what he felt were the deterministic beliefs of Sigmund Freud. And having presented them, he precipitated one of the most dramatic schisms in psychoanalytic psychology.

Train Up a Child and Be Glad You Did

Harold J. Sala - 1978

Dreams and Healing

John A. Sanford - 1978

Time: Rhythm and Repose: Patterns of Flow and Return (Art and Imagination)

Marie-Louise von Franz - 1978
    The distinguished authors bring a wealth of knowledge, visionary thinking, and accessible writing to each intriguing subject in these lavishly illustrated, large-format paperback books.

Actualizations: You Don't Have to Rehearse to Be Yourself

Stewart Emery - 1978
    Stewart Emery was one of the first people to lead EST training, and one of the founders of Actualizations, a supportive and loving workshop that helps people establish joyful relationships in their lives. The purpose of this book is to provide the groundwork for a complete transformation of its reader's relationships--into sources of joy, satisfaction, and exhilarating personal growth. The philosophy described here will allow you to deepen not only your connection with others, but your understanding of yourself. Emery's Actualizations will allow you to live life to its fullest--no reservation, or rehearsal, required!

Psychosomatic Families: Anorexia Nervosa in Context

Salvador Minuchin - 1978
    Presents case studies and applies the techniques of family therapy to the treatment of self-starvation, anorexia nervosa, as well as other psychosomatic diseases.

Plea for a Measure of Abnormality

Joyce McDougall - 1978
    Its title conveys her tolerant stance toward human differences and forms of deviance.

The Book of Internal Exercises

Stephen Thomas Chang - 1978

Conducting Educational Research

Bruce W. Tuckman - 1978
    Now in its 6th edition, this research textbook includes updates such as a completely rewritten Chapter 12, a chapter devoted to statistical research without having to use the expensive program SPSS. The text has been revised throughout to include recent technological advances, simpler exercisers, and visual elements to help the student understand the research process"--

Behavioural Research: A Conceptual Approach

Fred N. Kerlinger - 1978

The Violence Within

Paul Tournier - 1978

The Hippocampus as a Cognitive Map

John O'Keefe - 1978

The Kleinian Development

Donald Meltzer - 1978
    It is divided into 3 clear parts that examine, in turn, the writings of Sigmund Freud, Melanie Klein and Wilfred Bion.

Will Therapy

Otto Rank - 1978

Myth and Religion in Mircea Eliade

Douglas Allen - 1978
    One of the most popular and influential historians and theorists of myth, Eliade argued that all myth is religious. Douglas Allen critically interprets Eliade's theories of religion, myth, and symbolism and analyses many of the controversial issues in Eliade's treatment of myth including whether Eliade's approach deals adequately with the relationship between myth and history and how Eliade's anti-modern perspective makes sense of myth in modern culture. A valuable resource for scholars in religious studies, philosophy, anthropology, and history, this book enables readers not only to understand "archaic" and "traditional" religious phenomena, but also to make sense of repressed and sublimated myth dimensions in modern secular life.

Psychopathic Behaviour: Approaches to Research

Robert D. Hare - 1978

I Dreamt Last Night ...": A New Approach to the Revelations of Dreaming--And Its Uses in Psychotherapy

Medard Boss - 1978

The Dance of the Soul: Gayan, Vadan, Nirtan (Sufi Sayings): Gayan, Vadan, Nritan (Sufi Sayings)

Hazrat Inayat Khan - 1978

The Mindful Brain: Cortical Organization and the Group-Selective Theory of Higher Brain Function

Gerald M. Edelman - 1978
    Between them, they examine from different but complementary directions the relationships that connect the higher brain--memory, learning, perception, thinking--with what goes on at the most basic levels of neural activity, with particular stress on the role of local neuronal circuits.Edelman's major hypothesis is that the conscious state results from phasic reentrant signaling occurring in parallel processes that involve associations between stored patterns and current sensory or internal input. This selective process occurs by the polling of degenerate primary repertoires of neuronal groups that are formed during embryogenesis and development. Edelman's theory extrapolates to the brain the selectionistic immunological theories for which he was awarded the 1972 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. Mountcastle's paper reviews what is known about the actual structure of various parts of the neo cortex. He relates the large entities of the neocortex to their component modules--the local neuronal circuits--and shows how the complex interrelationships of such a distributed system can yield dynamic distributed functioning. There are strong conceptual parallels between Mountcastle's idea of cortical columns and their functional subunits and Edelman's concept of populations of neurons functioning as processors in a brain system based on selectional rather than instructional principles. These parallels are traced and put into perspective in Francis Schmitt's Introduction.

Social Power and Political Freedom (Extending horizons books)

Gene Sharp - 1978

Identities and Interactions: An Examination of Human Associations in Everyday Life

George J. McCall - 1978

One, Two, Three ...: The Story of Matt, a Feral Child

Eleanor Craig - 1978
    Raised in a darkened room by a terrified and ignorant mother, this wild child seemed to possess no human powers of speech or gesture, but behaved like an untamed, violent animal. Even worse, not only he but his parents soon showed themselves incredibly resistant to change.It would have been easy for Eleanor Craig to abandon this case - as her superiors advised her to do. But there are some kids you can't give up on...One, Two, Three...A true story that will reaffirm your belief in the powers of dedication, devotion, and love.

To Deny Our Nothingness: Contemporary Images of Man

Maurice S. Friedman - 1978

Life Maps: Conversations on the Journey of Faith

James W. Fowler - 1978
    Sam Keen looks at the developmental aspect of faith's force as trust and at what happens when that force is frstrated and damned by being dammed up.

Image and Appearance of the Human Body

Paul M. Schilder - 1978
    The titles include works by key figures such asC.G. Jung, Sigmund Freud, Jean Piaget, Otto Rank, James Hillman, Erich Fromm, Karen Horney and Susan Isaacs. Each volume is available on its own, as part of a themed mini-set, or as part of a specially-priced 204-volume set. A brochure listing each title in the International Library of Psychology series is available upon request.

Educating The Deaf: Psychology, Principles, And Practices

Donald F. Moores - 1978
    manual communication. The text compiles all the major home, school, and community issues that affect the education of the deaf.

Personality Projection in the Drawing of the Human Figure: A Method of Personality Investigation

Karen Machover - 1978

A Book of 'Characters' from Theophrastus, Joseph Hall, Sir Thomas Overbury, Nicolas Breton, John Earle, Thomas Fuller, and Other English Authors; Jean de La Bruyere, Vauvenargues, and Other French Authors

Richard Aldington - 1978

Drug and Alcohol Abuse: A Clinical Guide to Diagnosis and Treatment

Marc A. Schuckit - 1978
    Now the author's trusted expertise is available in a new Sixth Edition, thoroughly revised for content, updated references, and streamlined for increased usefulness.Schuckit combines his experience as practitioner, researcher, and teacher to give professionals and students across the health and mental health disciplines a working knowledge of drug-related pathology, beginning with pharmacology, drug mechanisms, and genetic factors. And the Sixth Edition is as accessible as its predecessors, striking the right comfort level for the classroom or the emergency room.-Clinical/emergency orientation suited to both chronic misuse and acute situations-Coverage reflects current trends in alcohol, drug, and multidrug use, abuse, and dependence-Concise chapters for quick reference-Updated bibliography-approximately 80% of citations are post-2000-Diagnostic information reflects upcoming changes to the DSM-Latest strategies in treatment (psychological and pharmacological) and rehabilitationAll material is organized for ease of use, whether the reader needs fast answers in a crisis, seeks new ideas for helping long-term patients or clients, or is just becoming familiar with the different drug classifications. This new edition offers expanded knowledge of a wide-ranging problem and a growing and clinically important population, and authoritative suggestions for effective care.

It's Too Late for Sorry

Emily Hanlon - 1978
    Fifteen-year-old Kenny's involvement with the mentally retarded youth on his block brings out the best and the worst in him.

Money Madness: The Psychology of Saving, Spending, Loving, and Hating Money

Herb Goldberg - 1978

The Shaman from Elko: Papers in Honor of Joseph L. Henderson on His Seventy-Fifth Birthday

Gareth Hill - 1978

Healing with Mind Power C

Richard L. Shames - 1978