Best of
The Remarkable Soul of a Woman
Dieter F. Uchtdorf - 2010
With loving insight, President Dieter F. Uchtdorf addresses two attributes that contribute to our Heavenly Father's perfect happiness the power of creation and service with compassion. As a treasured daughter of our Heavenly Father, you can develop those remarkable abilities as well as find happiness in the journey. In The Remarkable Soul of a Woman, President Uchtdorf's timely thoughts on creating and being compassionate will buoy you up, give you strength, and help you realize what a great power for good you truly are.
To the Rescue: The Biography of Thomas S. Monson
Heidi S. Swinton - 2010
Monson. Beginning with President Monson's family heritage and his early years in Salt Lake City, it included his vocational preparation and his career in the world of journalism. More important, this inspiring book recounts his lifetime of Church service. Called as a bishop at the age of twenty-two, as a mission president at thirty-one, and as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve at age thirty-six, he has traveled the globe to minister to the Saints for more than fifty years. This book shares many of his personal experience, from his visits behind the Iron Curtain to his contributions on the Scriptures Publication Committee and in the missionary and welfare areas; it also provides up-to-the-minute information about his work as Church President.Filled with wonderful photographs and little-known accounts, this biography is a portrait of a leader who ministers both to the one and to the many, and who is completely dedicated to doing whatever the Lord prompts him to do.
Celebrating a Christ-Centered Christmas: Seven Traditions to Lead Us Closer to the Savior
Emily Belle Freeman - 2010
"Bestselling Latter-day Saint author Emily Belle Freeman suggests seven ways in which we can celebrate the Nativity of Jesus Christ at Christmastime"--
Return: Four Phases of our Mortal Journey Home
Robert D. Hales - 2010
Church leader and business executive Robert Hales discusses the four stages of life's journey--preparation, decision, serving, and enduring--and considers how each stage prepares us for eternal life.
Tennis Shoes Among the Nephites COMPLETE SET
Chris Heimerdinger - 2010
The Triumph of Zion: Our Personal Quest for the New Jerusalem
John Pontius - 2010
With so much emphasis on building Zion physically on Earth, we sometimes forget that the best place to build Zion is within our own hearts. John Pontius carefully details the importance of Zion in our own lives, opening our eyes to our oft-overlooked obligations and vast privileges. With hundreds of references from the scriptures and the prophets of our dispensation, The Triumph of Zion Our Personal Quest for the New Jerusalem will guide you in obtaining the blessings of Zion for yourself and your family.
Change Your Questions, Change Your Life
Wendy Watson Nelson - 2010
"If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God."In this unique and thought-provoking book, "Change Your Questions, Change Your Life," Wendy Watson Nelson explores the power of asking--and answering--certain questions and invites the reader to pause and reflect on the different kinds of questions one can ask and the remarkable ways new questions can help one solve old problems.
Your Study of the Book of Revelation Made Easier
David J. Ridges - 2010
With brief, easy to understand verse-by-verse notes, renowned educator and seasoned gospel scholar David J. Ridges shares his highly acclaimed approach to teaching the scriptures in this volume of the award-winning Gospel Studies Series, The Book of Revelation Made Easier. This book is an invaluable resource for any home library.
4 Things That Will Wreck Your Life and 4 Truths
Sheri Dew - 2010
In the last days, we know that Satan will do everything he can to disrupt our lives and derail our happiness. So, how will he do it? In this live recording, Sheri Dew talks about the traps the adversary uses. Bottom line: he ll try to confuse you about any of these three gospel principles: 1. Confuse you about your identity (who you really are) and your personal mission 2. Confuse you about what the Savior actually did for you (the Atonement) and what He s prepared to do for you now 3. Confuse you about knowing how to receive personal revelation Like a latter-day strategy manual, this talk by Sheri Dew offers three empowering truths that will help you to avoid confusion and understand what your Spirit has always known. Great for men and women of all ages.
5 Things You Can Do Today To Bless Your Marriage
John Bytheway - 2010
What little things could have the biggest impact for you and your spouse? Rather than a deep theological study of marriage, this presentation focuses on five things you can do today to make a big difference in your most important relationship. Try a few of these simple, actionable steps, and you ll notice a difference almost immediately! Using the scriptures, stories, and quotations from Church leaders, 5 Things is a fun marriage retreat experience for the cost of a single CD!
Christmas with the Prophets
Laura F. Willes - 2010
Grant included on his 1945 Christmas cards? Christmas with the Prophets provides glimpses into the individual Christmas celebrations of each President of the Church, with recurring themes of missionary efforts, Church work, family, and service. Some of the vignettes are personal, others soul-stirring, poignant, and tender. Often their experiences and messages reflect the world conditions at that time and serve as little snapshots of history. Illustrated throughout with historical photographs and illustrations, each story of a Christmas past reminds us of the wondrous birth of the baby of Bethlehem, the Lord Jesus Christ. Discover how each Church President has celebrated Christmas, from Joseph Smith to Thomas S. Monson Beautifully designed and illustrated A Christmas keepsake for every Latter-day Saint family
Of Pigs, Pearls, and Prodigals: A Fresh Look At the Parables of Jesus
John Bytheway - 2010
I can see families doing a different parable each week for Family Home Evening, for example." -The Association for Mormon LettersListen to an interview with John Bytheway from The Cricket and Seagull Fireside article about Of Pigs, Pearls, and Prodigals by Trent Toone (Click Here)Enlighten your study of the New Testament!Bestselling author John Bytheway's fascination with the parables of Jesus Christ grew deeper after his first visit to the Holy Land, where he "beheld in high definition the backdrop for the life and teachings of the Savior." In this insightful volume, he discusses what he has learned about more than thirty parables, sharing cultural background and other information about them and offering ideas for how we can apply them today. Throughout, visual images clarify and enrich the discussion.Beginners and seasoned students alike will enjoy this lively and practical treatment of the Savior's parables.ContentsIntroductionThe Parable of the House Built upon a RockMatthew 7:24-27The Parable of the Sower (of Four Kinds of Soil)Matthew 13:3-9, 18-23The Parable of the Wheat and the TaresMatthew 12:24-30, 36-43The Parable of the Mustard SeedMatthew 13:31-32The Parable of the LeavenMatthew 13:33The Parables of the Hidden Treasure and the Pearl of Great PriceMatthew 13:44-46The Parable of the Gospel NetMatthew 13:47-40The Parable of the HouseholderMatthew 13:51-52The Parable of the Unmerciful ServantMatthew 18:23-35The Parable of the Laborers in the VineyardMatthew 20:1-16The Parable of the Two SonsMatthew 21:28-31The Parable of the Wicked HusbandmenMatthew 21:33-46The Parable of the Royal Marriage FeastMatthew 22:1-14The Parable of the Ten VirginsMatthew 25:1-13The Parable of the TalentsMatthew 25:14-30The Parable of the Sheep and the GoatsMatthew 25:31-46The Parable of the Seed Growing SecretlyMark 4:26-29The Parable of the Two DebtorsLuke 7:36-50The Parable of the Good SamaritanLuke 10:25-37The Parable of the Foolish Rich ManLuke 12:16-21The Parable of the Barren Fig TreeLuke 13:6-9The Parable of the Chief SeatsLuke 14:7-11The Parable of the Great SupperLuke 14:16-24The Parables of the uncompleted Tower and the King's WarfareLuke 14:28-33The Parable of the Lost SheepLuke 15:3-7The Parable of the Lost CoinLuke 15:8-10The Parable of the Lost (Prodigal) SonLuke 15:11-32The Parable of the Unjust StewardLuke 16:1-8The Parable of the Rich Man and LazarusLuke 16:19-31The Parable of the Unjust Judge (or Importunate Widow)Luke 18:1-8The Parable of the Pharisee and the PublicanLuke 18:9-14The Parable of the PoundsLuke 19:12-27ConclusionSources CitedIndex
He Loves Us and We Love Him: You've Memorized It, Now Live It
Laurel Christensen - 2010
Today, the timeless truths of that theme and the simplicity of those values are proving themselves to be more needed than ever. As the world grows more aggressive in sharing lies about the way to find happiness, it’s never been more critical that daughters of God know and understand the truths they recite every Sunday. In her conversational style, Laurel shares a message that God does love them, and when they learn to live according to their love for Him, they’ll see the power of this remarkable theme in their lives.
LDS - The Family: A Proclamation to the World
Standard Works - 2010
It was first announced by church president Gordon B. Hinckley at the worldwide General Relief Society Meeting on September 23, 1995.Doctrinal assertions * All human beings are created in God's image. * Gender is an essential part of human identity before, during, and after life on Earth. * "In the premortal realm, spirit sons and daughters knew and worshiped God as their Eternal Father and accepted His plan..." * "Sacred ordinances and covenants available in holy temples [of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints] make it possible for individuals to return to the presence of God and for families to be united eternally."Items of counsel * Sex is sacred and must only take place between a married man and woman. * Parents have a serious responsibility "to love and care for each other and for their children." * Happiness and success come through following the teachings of Jesus and through "faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational activities." * "...fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families." * "Mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children." * "...fathers and mothers are obligated to help one another as equal partners."Warnings * Those who commit adultery or "abuse spouse or offspring, or who fail to fulfill family responsibilities will one day stand accountable before God." * Disintegration of the family will bring "calamities foretold by ancient and modern prophets".For more information, visit our website at:
Gospel Symbols: Finding the Creator in His Creations
Mark A. Shields - 2010
But how can you find those messages without a basic knowledge of gospel symbols and their meanings? Experienced gospel teacher Mark Shields is here to help with a wealth of insight that will enhance your study of the scriptures, increase your understanding of the ordinances and ceremonial practices of the biblical Church, and show you how to look for new levels of understanding in the words and rituals you might be taking for granted. With a clear, easy-to-understand approach, this book seamlessly weaves ancient scriptures with modern insight to teach you and your family the precious gospel truths that can only be found in symbols.
Talking with God: Divine Conversations That Transform Daily Life
Robert L. Millet - 2010
In this book, Brother Millet explores the dimensions of prayer in an engaging, personal way. - A valuable guide to making our prayers more effective and inspiring. - Shows how consistent, sincere prayer can transform us into better men and women. - Covers a wide variety of topics, including: preparation for prayer, fasting and prayer, prayers of gratitude, receiving help from the other side, and what to do when no clear answer comes. - Inspires renewed gratitude for the privilege of prayer and a deeper appreciation of the blessings it brings.
I'll Never Do It Again: And Other Broken Promises That Need the Continuous Atonement
Brad Wilcox - 2010
Most of us realize that perfection is a long-term process, but when we make some of the same mistakes over and over again, it s easy to lose hope. In this talk based on key insights from his bestselling book, The Continuous Atonement, Brad Wilcox points out that the Lord s Atonement will be available as long as the perfecting process takes if we keep trying. Using the example of a priest who must repeat the sacrament prayer several times to get it right, Brother Wilcox explains that the Savior allows us as many chances as we need. Filled with personal stories and keen doctrinal insights, this message presents sublime truths about the Atonement in fresh, memorable ways. As the author urges, If at first you don t succeed even if at second or third or fourth you don t succeed don t lose hope. Find the Savior and the blessings of His continuous Atonement.
I Need Thee Every Hour: Applying the Atonement in Everyday Life
David P. Vandagriff - 2010
It is a gift not only for our last breath and the last day of our lives, but it is also for every day of our lives and every breath of our lives. For it is during the hours of our everyday lives that we work out our salvation, usually unobserved by others, sometimes feeling alone, and often feeling opposed. Though commonly mentioned in the Church, the Atonement of Christ is frequently misunderstood by many of the Saints. It is often viewed as a tool that is only to be employed when dramatic sins are committed. However, the Atonement is something that should be a part of every facet of our livesin both joyful periods and challenging times. Drawing on his personal experience as a husband and bishop, David Vandagriff has written I Need Thee Every Hour to help readers see how the Atonement can encourage us and improve our lives as we realize the enormity of the Savior's sacrifice and how far it extends. Using real-life stories, each individual chapter discusses how the Atonement relates to different areas of daily lifeincluding death, prosperity, trials, service, and undeserved sufferingto show how the Atonement is the foundation of all hope and the proof of a loving God. About the Author David P. Vandagriff joined the Church in Chicago when he was twenty-four. The first Latter-day Saint he had ever met, G.G. Vandagriff, would become his wife. David received his undergraduate degree from Northwestern University and graduated with honors from Pepperdine University School of Law. He has practiced law in California and Missouri and has worked as an executive in several technology companies. 6" X 9", 192 pages ISBN 978-1-59811-910-7
The Road Show
Braden Bell - 2010
Being asked to create a road show is his worst nightmare come true. Can flawed but talented artist create a piece of art that testifies of Jesus Christ? And is there any way that something so trivial can have a healing effect on the lives of five troubled souls? A pornography addict, a depressed young mother, a sick older woman, a lonely outcast, and a spiritually numb elder s quorum president are about to find out. Braden Bell gives a five-star performance with Road Show: Beauty for Ashes. With true-to-life characters, humorous situations, and tender realizations, this book is guaranteed to make you smile and applaud for more.
Echoes of Eden: Eternal Lessons from Our First Parents
E. Douglas Clark - 2010
Standing at the head of two gospel dispensations, these noble and great ones fulfilled their divine charge to bless humankind in matters of mortal and eternal lifeand thanks to the Restoration, the light they brought to the world now shines brighter than ever. In this volume, noted gospel scholar E. Douglas Clark leads readers on a fascinating journey from the Garden of Eden to the Arabian desert to the land of Canaan as he explores sacred writincluding a variety of ancient texts relating to these exemplary couples, which affirm and illuminate the rich treasures restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith. Along the way we learn priceless truths about the Creation and the Fall, about life and love, about mortality and marriage, and about the Savior and His Atonementlife lessons that can guide us to a joyful reunion with our first parents, in that celestial paradise where families truly are forever. About the Author E. Douglas Clark is an attorney who has consulted at numerous United Nations conferences in New York and around the world on family policy issues. His published works include: The Blessings of Abraham: Becoming a Zion People; Standing as Witnesses: Powerful Missionaries through the Ages; The Grand Design: America from Columbus to Zion; "Abraham" in Encyclopedia of Mormonism; "A Prologue to Genesis: Moses 1 in Light of Jewish Traditions" in BYU Studies (2006); Foreword for Hugh Nibley's Abraham in Egypt; and "Cedars and Stars: Enduring Symbols of Cosmic Kingship in Abraham's Encounter with Pharaoh" in Astronomy, Papyrus, and Covenant. He and his wife, Mila, are the parents of three children.
Are Mormons Christians?
Stephen E. Robinson - 2010
Unless we understand the basis for the charge, we are not prepared to deal with it. This book explains each of the arguments used against Latter-day Saints, and demonstrates beyond dispute-using non-LDS authorities-that these arguments are based on false premises. The definitive work on the subject, this book is a must for every LDS home.
Chieko N. Okazaki - 2010
Our need for a sanctuary has never been greater," says Chieko N. Okazaki. "Homes, wards, and friendships can be places of sanctuary, but only if we develop in our hearts a sanctuary where God may dwell."In this powerful new book, Sister Okazaki discusses discipleship, unity, trust, love, and other principles that can bring holiness into our lives.
The Mary Ellen Edmunds Collection, CD set
Mary Edmunds - 2010
Now you can enjoy her trademark humor and thoughtful insights in this delightful collection of ten favorite audio products guaranteed to buoy your spirit and gladden your heart. Included in this package of timeless favorites: Avoiding the Alluring Call of Materialism Love Is a Verb It s About Time Stress Busters Happiness: Finders, Keepers! Africa: Big Lessons from a Little Village Gratitude: The Theory of Relativity Prayer, the Soul s Sincere Desire Peace Amidst Suffering Peculiar In a Good Way Plus, receive a never-before-published bonus DVD featuring Mary Ellen Edmunds at Time Out for Women.
Of These Emblems: Coming Closer to Christ Through the Sacrament
S. Michael Wilcox - 2010
However, partaking of the sacrament is one of the most important and sacred ordinances in which we can participate. Even though the weekly ritual is simple and without ostentation, usually administered by teenage priesthood holders, the sacrament is a powerful light pointing us to a bright and exciting future; an invitation to once again come unto Christ through the sin-remitting, soul-transforming power that can come when we "eat and drink of the bread and the waters of life freely." The moments we spend with Him each week in the spirit of repentance and recommitment can bring consolation, encouragement, forgiveness, and hope. In this inspiring book, respected LDS authors give their thoughts on how we can get more from the sacrament, and how by partaking of these sacred emblems we witness our willingness to take upon ourselves His name, promising to "always remember him and keep his commandments. that [we] may always have His spirit to be with [us]" (D&C 20:77-79).
The Promise of Discipleship
Neal Maxwell - 2010
By so doing, they come to know that the difficult demands of discipleship are worth the harvest of spiritual rewards that will come. “No true disciple can be distant from his Master,” writes Elder Neal A. Maxwell in The Promise of Discipleship. In this reassuring and inspirational volume. Elder Maxwell guides us to valuable help along the path: a long–suffering Lord, scriptures of the Restoration, the gift of the Holy Ghost, gospel truths revealed through the Prophet Joseph Smith. All these combined with a willingness to sacrifice ourselves for Jesus’bidding, teach us how to become true disciples.
Promptings or Me? Recognizing the Spirit's Voice
Kevin Hinckley - 2010
Even after praying, it can be difficult to discern the Spirit's voice from the other voices around us. Using his own special insights and his experience as a psychotherapist, Kevin Hinckley helps you answer the question we've all asked at one time or another: Is it a prompting, or is it just me?
Who Shall Ascend Into The Hill Of The Lord? The Psalms In Israels Temple Worship In The Old Testament And In The Book Of Mormon
LeGrand L. Baker - 2010
In God's Image And Likeness: Ancient And Modern Perspectives On The Book Of Moses
Jeffrey M. Bradshaw - 2010
A Disciple's Life: The Biography of Neal A. Maxwell
Bruce Hafen - 2010
This instinct for action impelled him into the infantry in World War II where, on Okinawa, shaking and crying in a foxhole full of mud and foul water, he pledged his life to the Lord and was miraculously spared. An Apostle since 1981, Elder Maxwell has engaged a broader struggle, that between the sacred and the secular, the tension between faith and reason, and finally his greatest cause his spiritual ministry. His eloquent defense of Christianity and his brilliant reconciliation of faith and intellect are a rich legacy. But beyond that, he has shown that with the Savior's help, ordinary people can be better, less competitive, more loving, and receive the soul-transforming gift of charity. In this inspiring, sometimes humorous, and moving biography, Elder Bruce C. Hafen has painted an intimate portrait of a beloved Apostle, capturing the warm, personal stories that reveal the heart and mind of a true disciple of Christ.
My Soul Hungered - And My Stomach Growled!
Hank Smith - 2010
He kept hoping that somehowthere had been a typo somewhere and that instead of fast and testimony meeting, it was really supposed to be feast and testimony meeting! Whenever he fasted, he found himself being irritated and grouchy and just downright miserable. Through the years, Hank gained a testimony of fasting and its purpose. But his earlier experiences helped him realize the effects of being spiritually hungry. "Just as our bodies hunger for food when we are fasting, our soulshunger for daily nourishment," says Brother Smith. "If you're not praying, studying the scriptures, and going to the temple, it's like letting the battery on your cell phone run down. You get grouchy and depressed and start questioning your testimony. Your spiritual batteries need recharging, too." He quotes Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, who says that if we don't seek the crucial bread of eternal life, we may be choosing to be "spiritually malnourished, willfully indulging in a kind of spiritual anorexia." With his trademark humor, inspiring stories, and enlightening quotes, Hank Smith once again shares a message that youth will relate to and remember.
In the Strength of the Lord: Talks from the 2009 BYU Women's Conference
Brigham Young UniversityVicki F. Matsumori - 2010
LIBBY BOOM - I Want To Be Baptized
Catherine Rae Purves - 2010
Through a dream, the Spirit takes her on a journey around the world where she receives an amazing answer.
Keepers of What Matters Most: A Young Woman's Guide for Living the Values
Emily Belle Freeman - 2010
The message of their lives preserved in scripture serves as a reminder to the world of what they stood for and what they believed. Young women today can also demonstrate by the way they live that they are witnesses of Christ and protectors of Gods word, especially as they seek to live the Young Women values. In this unique volume, author Emily Freeman helps young women establish what each value means to them personally what it is and what it isnt, how that value is represented in daily thoughts and actions, and what they can do to make it a meaningful part of their lives. Each chapter of the book encourages readers to ask, What is my message to the world? And, as a keeper of what matters most, how can my message make a difference?
The Life of the Savior: Compiled Solely from Scripture
Various - 2010
As apostles and messengers of the Lord, they were appointed by God to teach the truths of His doctrine and to testify that Jesus of Nazareth is the Son of God. These authors used different approaches to write about the life of Jesus.John wrote primarily about the last week of Christ’s mortal ministry, while Matthew included many references to Old Testament prophecies which he applied to the life of our Savior. Luke emphasized that Jesus felt compassion towards and came to heal the poor and downtrodden. Mark wrote a short account emphasizing Christ’s power as a Savior. The combination of these accounts gives us a broader understanding and knowledge of Jesus Christ and the events that transpired in His ministry.The Life of the Savior was compiled to provide a continuous, fluid reading of the four Gospel accounts while including any modern scripture, as revealed by the Prophet Joseph Smith, that refers to and clarifies the Savior’s life. The result is a commentary-free, scriptural account that paints a vivid and insightful picture of Jesus Christ.
Strengthened By His Hand
Brent L. Top - 2010
Are we letting Him? It s easy to trust in the Lord when everything s going your way, but there are times when the challenges and difficulties of life can leave us physically, emotionally, and spiritually exhausted. As a newly called mission president, popular author and speaker Brent L. Top experienced a severe emotional and spiritual crisis. Desperate for help, he discovered that knowing where to turn is not enough; we must allow the Savior to rescue us. With remarkable candor, this gospel teacher shares a deeply personal story as he describes how we can be strengthened by the hand of the Lord when the storms of life are raging. This insightful and encouraging talk on CD is a must for anyone dealing with adversity.
Ancient Documents and the Pearl of Great Price
Hugh Nibley - 2010
Hugh W. Nibley, professor emeritus of ancient scriptures at Brigham Young University, gave the following twenty-six lectures in an honors class on The Pearl of Great Price. This class was videotaped in the Maesar Building during winter semester 1986 and the text was then transcribed and is included here in this book.