Book picks similar to
Theoretical Statistics: Topics for a Core Course by Robert W. Keener


Probability And Statistics For Engineers And Scientists

Ronald E. Walpole - 1978
     Offers extensively updated coverage, new problem sets, and chapter-ending material to enhance the book’s relevance to today’s engineers and scientists. Includes new problem sets demonstrating updated applications to engineering as well as biological, physical, and computer science. Emphasizes key ideas as well as the risks and hazards associated with practical application of the material. Includes new material on topics including: difference between discrete and continuous measurements; binary data; quartiles; importance of experimental design; “dummy” variables; rules for expectations and variances of linear functions; Poisson distribution; Weibull and lognormal distributions; central limit theorem, and data plotting. Introduces Bayesian statistics, including its applications to many fields. For those interested in learning more about probability and statistics.

Elementary Statistics: Picturing the World

Ron Larson - 2002
    Offering an approach with a visual/graphical emphasis, this text offers a number of examples on the premise that students learn best by doing. This book features an emphasis on interpretation of results and critical thinking over calculations.

A Primer of Ecological Statistics

Nicholas J. Gotelli - 2004
    The book emphasizes a general introduction to probability theory and provides a detailed discussion of specific designs and analyses that are typically encountered in ecology and environmental science. Appropriate for use as either a stand-alone or supplementary text for upper-division undergraduate or graduate courses in ecological and environmental statistics, ecology, environmental science, environmental studies, or experimental design, the Primer also serves as a resource for environmental professionals who need to use and interpret statistics daily but have little or no formal training in the subject.

Probability and Statistics

Morris H. DeGroot - 1975
    Other new features include a chapter on simulation, a section on Gibbs sampling, what you should know boxes at the end of each chapter, and remarks to highlight difficult concepts.

Time Series Analysis

James Douglas Hamilton - 1994
    This book synthesizes these recent advances and makes them accessible to first-year graduate students. James Hamilton provides the first adequate text-book treatments of important innovations such as vector autoregressions, generalized method of moments, the economic and statistical consequences of unit roots, time-varying variances, and nonlinear time series models. In addition, he presents basic tools for analyzing dynamic systems (including linear representations, autocovariance generating functions, spectral analysis, and the Kalman filter) in a way that integrates economic theory with the practical difficulties of analyzing and interpreting real-world data. Time Series Analysis fills an important need for a textbook that integrates economic theory, econometrics, and new results.The book is intended to provide students and researchers with a self-contained survey of time series analysis. It starts from first principles and should be readily accessible to any beginning graduate student, while it is also intended to serve as a reference book for researchers.-- "Journal of Economics"

Statistics for Psychology

Arthur Aron - 1993
    This approach constantly reminds students of the logic behind what they are learning, and each procedure is taught both verbally and numerically, which helps to emphasize the concepts. Thoroughly revised, with new content and many new practice examples, this text takes the reader from basic procedures through analysis of variance (ANOVA). Students cover statistics and also learn to read and inderstand research articles. - SPSS examplesincluded with each procedure - Dozens of examples updated (especially the in-the-research-literature ones) - Reorganization - The self-contained chapters on correlation and regression have been moved after t-test and analysis of variance - Emphasis on definitional formulas - As opposed to computational formulas - Practical, up-to-date excerpts - For each procedure, the text explains how results are described in research articles. example being described in each way - Interesting examples throughout - Often include studies of or by researchers of diverse ethnicities - Complete package of ancillary materials - A web page with additional practice problems and extensive interactive study materials, plus four mini chapters covering additional material not in the text, a very substantial test bank; an instructors' manual that provides sample syllabi, lecture outlines, and ready-to-copy (or download) power-point slides or transparencies with examples not in the book; and a very complete students' study guide that also provides a thorough workbook for using SPSS with this book.

Elementary Statistics: A Step by Step Approach

Allan G. Bluman - 1992
    The book is non-theoretical, explaining concepts intuitively and teaching problem solving through worked examples and step-by-step instructions. This edition places more emphasis on conceptual understanding and understanding results. This edition also features increased emphasis on Excel, MINITAB, and the TI-83 Plus and TI 84-Plus graphing calculators, computing technologies commonly used in such courses.

The Monty Hall Problem: The Remarkable Story of Math's Most Contentious Brain Teaser

Jason Rosenhouse - 2009
    Imagine that you face three doors, behind one of which is a prize. You choose one but do not open it. The host--call him Monty Hall--opens a different door, alwayschoosing one he knows to be empty. Left with two doors, will you do better by sticking with your first choice, or by switching to the other remaining door? In this light-hearted yet ultimately serious book, Jason Rosenhouse explores the history of this fascinating puzzle. Using a minimum ofmathematics (and none at all for much of the book), he shows how the problem has fascinated philosophers, psychologists, and many others, and examines the many variations that have appeared over the years. As Rosenhouse demonstrates, the Monty Hall Problem illuminates fundamental mathematical issuesand has abiding philosophical implications. Perhaps most important, he writes, the problem opens a window on our cognitive difficulties in reasoning about uncertainty.

Covid By Numbers: Making Sense of the Pandemic with Data

David Spiegelhalter - 2021
    Covid by Numbers is comprehensive yet concise, impeccably clear and always humane' Tim HarfordHow many people have died because of COVID-19? Which countries have been hit hardest by the virus? What are the benefits and harms of different vaccines? How does COVID-19 compare to the Spanish flu? How have the lockdown measures affected the economy, mental health and crime?This year we have been bombarded by statistics - seven day rolling averages, rates of infection, excess deaths. Never have numbers been more central to our national conversation, and never has it been more important that we think about them clearly. In the media and in their Observer column, Professor Sir David Spiegelhalter and RSS Statistical Ambassador Anthony Masters have interpreted these statistics, offering a vital public service by giving us the tools we need to make sense of the virus for ourselves and holding the government to account.In Covid by Numbers, they crunch the data on a year like no other, exposing the leading misconceptions about the virus and the vaccine, and answering our essential questions. This timely, concise and approachable book offers a rare depth of insight into one of the greatest upheavals in history, and a trustworthy guide to these most uncertain of times.

Stochastic Calculus Models for Finance II: Continuous Time Models (Springer Finance)

Steven E. Shreve - 2004
    The content of this book has been used successfully with students whose mathematics background consists of calculus and calculus-based probability. The text gives both precise statements of results, plausibility arguments, and even some proofs, but more importantly intuitive explanations developed and refine through classroom experience with this material are provided. The book includes a self-contained treatment of the probability theory needed for shastic calculus, including Brownian motion and its properties. Advanced topics include foreign exchange models, forward measures, and jump-diffusion processes.This book is being published in two volumes. This second volume develops shastic calculus, martingales, risk-neutral pricing, exotic options and term structure models, all in continuous time.Masters level students and researchers in mathematical finance and financial engineering will find this book useful.Steven E. Shreve is Co-Founder of the Carnegie Mellon MS Program in Computational Finance and winner of the Carnegie Mellon Doherty Prize for sustained contributions to education.

Student Solutions Manual for Contemporary Abstract Algebra

Joseph A. Gallian - 2009
    Contains complete worked solutions to all regular exercises and computer exercises in the text; additional test questions and their solutions; an online laboratory manual for the computer algebra system GAP, with exercises tied to the book and an instructor answer key; and links on the author's website to true/false questions, flash cards, essays, software downloads, and other abstract algebra-related materials.

Business Statistics: Contemporary Decision Making

Ken Black - 1991
    eGrade Plus offers an integrated suite of teaching and learning resources, including an online version of Black's Business Statistics for Contemporary Decision Making, Fourth Edition Update, in one easy-to-use Web site. Organized around the essential activities you perform in class, eGrade Plus helps you: Create class presentation using a wealth of Wiley-provided resources. you may easily adapt, customize, and add to his content to meet the needs of your course. Automate the assigning and grading of homework or quizzes by using Wiley-provided question banks, or by writing your won. Student results will be automatically graded and recorded in your gradebook. Track your students' progress. An instructor's gradebook allows you to an analyze individual and overall class results to determine each student's progress and level of understanding. Administer your course. eGrade Plus can easily be integrated with another course management system, gradebook, or other resources you are using in your class. Provide students with problem-solving support. eGrade Plus can link homework problems to the relevant section of the online text, providing context-sensitive help. Best of all, instructors can arrange to have eGrade Plus packaged FREE with new copies of Business Statistics for Contemporary Decision Making, Fourth Edition Update, All instructors have to do is adopt the eGrade Plus version of this book and activate their eGrade Plus course.

Econometric Analysis

William H. Greene - 1990
    This title is aimed at courses in applied econometrics, political methodology, and sociological methods or a one-year graduate course in econometrics for social scientists.

Statistics for Six SIGMA Made Easy

Warren Brussee - 2004
    Yet although the heart of Six Sigma is statistics, most books on Six Sigma give a general overview, with little detail on actually Using the Six Sigma tools. Books that cover Six Sigma statistics typically are 500+ pages and cost near USD100. Basic Statistics for Six Sigma gives the information needed to apply the statistical tools of Six Sigma to real-world problems in a simplified, USD24.95 paperback format, for Greenbelts and Six Sigma Project Team Leaders. A typical company's Greenbelt training in Six Sigma includes 7 books, 4 software packages, and 3 weeks of class work. It is very extensive in statistics. Although this kind of course is excellent, not all companies or individuals want to commit to that level of instruction. Statistics for Six Sigma--Made Easy! describes only the tools used by most successful Six Sigma practitioners. The only software package needed is Excel, and the 14 formulas and 5 tables included in the book enable you to use all the basic Six Sigma statistical tools. Using these tools will enable a person t

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Statistics

Robert A. Donnelly Jr. - 2004
    Readerswill find information on frequency distributions; mean, median, and mode; range, variance, and standard deviation;probability; and more.-Emphasizes Microsoft Excel for number-crunching and computationsDownload a sample chapter.