Strategic Management: Text and Cases

Gregory G. Dess - 1995
    The text is rounded off by rich, relevant, and teachable cases. This text's accessible writing style and wealth of new and updated illustrations, which clarify the most difficult topics, make this text the best resource for your students. The new case selections emphasize variety, currency, and familiar company names. The cases are up-to-date in terms of both financial data and strategic issues. This group of cases gives both instructors and students unparalleled quality and variety. Based on consistent reviewer feedback, these selections combine comprehensive and shorter length cases about well known companies.

Business Law: Legal Environment, Online Commerce, Business Ethics, and International Issues

Henry R. Cheeseman - 1992
    Visually engaging, enticing and current examples with an overall focus on business.Legal Environment of Business and E-Commerce; Torts, Crimes, and Intellectual Property; Contracts and E-Commerce; Domestic and International Sales and Lease Contracts; Negotiable Instruments and E-Money; Credit, Secured Transactions, and Bankruptcy; Agency and Employment; Business Organizations and Ethics; Government Regulation; Property; Special Topics; Global EnvironmentMARKET Business Law continues its dedication to being the most engaging text for readers by featuring a visually appealing format with enticing and current examples while maintaining its focus on business.

M: Marketing

Dhruv Grewal - 2007
    This course is usually the first course taught at the undergraduate level. Marketers understand that even the best products and services will go unsold if they cannot communicate the value to the customer. Understanding this value-based approach is critical for marketing students today, and is at the forefront of this text, setting it apart. This approach is emphasized throughout the text, and demonstrated through the use of the Adding Value boxes found in each chapter. Presents a concise, impactful, and easy to read approach to Principles of Marketing. The text delivers value to both instructor and student through the engaging style and online assignment and assessment options. With monthly updates provided in a newsletter and the dynamic video program, the instructor support provided will bring marketing to life in any class setting.

Christ the King: Lord of History

Anne W. Carroll - 1986
    It clearly illustrates that Christ is the central figure in all of history. Unabashedly proud of our brilliant Catholic heritage, Dr Carroll examines all historical developments from the point of view of the Church and the enhancement or decline of the influence of the Church upon the historical scene. Whereas most secular histories written today give but a grudging acknowledgment to the role of the Catholic Church in forming Western and therefore modern civilization, this book makes the role of Christ and the contribution of His Church unquestionable. A great book for students, parents, history buffs and educators.

Financial Management: Principles and Applications

Arthur J. Keown - 2004
    This text provides the theory you need with the practice you want. With its exciting integration of the Harley-Davidson company theme, this text continues to provide a solid, enduring foundation of the tools of modern theory in practice while at the same time developing the logic behind their use. This text uses 10 Principles of Finance as a unifying framework to tie the major concepts of the book together.

Blended Learning in Grades 4-12: Leveraging the Power of Technology to Create Student-Centered Classrooms

Catlin R. Tucker - 2012
    Use technology to focus on your students!In this step-by-step guide, teacher and education blogger Catlin Tucker outlines the process for integrating online discussion with face-to-face instruction in a way that empowers teach

Culture Sketches: Case Studies in Anthropology

Holly Peters-Golden - 1993
    The groups selected are peoples whose traditional cultures are uniquely their own. Each has distinctive patterns and practices; each has faced the challenge of an encroaching world, with differing results. Moreover, they often provide the prime illustrations of important concepts in introductory anthropology course including Azande witchcraft, Ju/'hoansi egalitarianism, Trobriand kula exchange, and Minangkabau matriliny. As such, this volume can stand alone as an introduction to central ethnographic concepts through these 15 societies, or serve as a valuable companion to anthropology texts. Many of the peoples presented are involved in the diaspora; some struggle to preserve old ways in new places. All sketches follow a logical, consistent organization that makes it easy for students to understand major themes such as history, subsistence, sociopolitical organization, belief systems, marriage, kinship, and contemporary issues.

Managerial Accounting: Tools for Business Decision Making

Jerry J. Weygandt - 1999
    Aimed at accountants or readers of other career paths, this book helps them build their decision making skills and understand how to use accounting information to make quality business decisions.

Disciple Making Is . . .: How to Live the Great Commission with Passion and Confidence

Dave Earley - 2013
    stands as one of the most thorough books yet offered regarding how to make disciples. In thirty brief, hard-hitting but easily accessible chapters, the entire scope of disciple making is presented in a way that will inspire and inform the reader to obey the Great Commission with great passion.Grounded on a solid biblical foundation, authors Dave Earley and Rod Dempsey -- both veterans of one-on-one, collegiate, small group, and local church discipleship -- share their practical insights on how to best reproduce reproducers of Christ’s message.Each compelling entry is set up to finish the sentence that begins with the book’s title. For example, Disciple Making Is . . . "Embracing the Cross," "Forsaking All to Follow Jesus," "Living on Mission," "Launching an Unstoppable Force," "Mentoring Disciples as Jesus Did," "Multiplying Disciple-Makers as Paul Did," "Creating a Healthy Church," and more.

Fundamentals of Nursing: The Art and Science of Nursing Care

Carol R. Taylor
    The book's holistic perspective shows students how nursing care involves more than performing procedures. With a case-based approach to learning, the book offers numerous examples and opportunities for students to think critically. The Seventh Edition includes new features highlighting clinical questions and research, nursing advocacy, and health literacy, and also includes new information related to electronic medical records and documentation. With this textbook you'll find an integrated, cohesive, and student-focused suite of multimedia products to appeal to all types of learners, including a bound-in DVD-ROM and a companion website.

Fundamentals of Human Resource Management

David A. DeCenzo - 2011
    The tenth edition includes an extensive update with new examples and timely HR topics added. Most opening vignettes and "Did You Know?" boxes are new to provide the most relevant information. The "Workplace Issues, Technology Corner," and "Ethical Issues" in HRM boxes have also been updated to reflect current ideas and issues in HR. HR professionals will find more detailed discussions on topics including HR as a career, outsourcing of HR, discipline and dismissal, employment branding, and more.

Ansel's Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms and Drug Delivery Systems

Loyd V. Allen Jr. - 2004
    Each chapter in this revised Eighth Edition includes two case studies—one clinical and one pharmaceutical. Content coincides with the CAPE, APhA, and NAPLEX competencies.This edition includes updated drug information and expanded sections on parenterals, excipients, liposomes, and biopharmaceutics. Coverage incorporates all new dosage forms in the current USP Pharmacopoeia-National Formulary. Capsules and tablets are now covered in separate chapters. The thoroughly revamped illustration program includes new product and manufacturing equipment photographs.

Streams of Civilization: Earliest Times to the Discovery of the New World, Vol. 1

Mary Stanton - 1978
    Extensive vocabulary questions and suggested projects are listed throughout the text. This text contains numerous illustrations, sidebars, and maps. (Christian Liberty Press) Grade: 9th

Social Work Macro Practice

F. Ellen Netting - 1993
    'Social Work Macro Practice' focuses on work with organizations and communities, including planned change approaches and implementation.

Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures Through Objects

Tony Gaddis - 2009
    If you wouldlike to purchase both the physical text and MyProgrammingLab search for ISBN-10: 0132989999/ISBN-13: 9780132989992. That packageincludes ISBN-10: 0132855836/ISBN-13: 9780132855839 and ISBN-10: 0132891557/ISBN-13: 9780132891554. MyProgrammingLab should only be purchased when required by an instructor. In "Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Objects", Gaddis covers procedural programming control structures and methods before introducing object-oriented programming. As with all Gaddis texts, clear and easy-to-read code listings, concise and practical real-world examples, and an abundance of exercises appear in every chapter. "