Bringers of the Dawn: Teachings from the Pleiadians

Barbara Marciniak - 1992
    Master storytellers and humorists, they advise us to become media free, to work in teams, and to eliminate the words "should" and "try" from our vocabularies. We learn how to go beyond fear, how the original human was a magnificent being with twelve strands of DNA and twelve chakra centers, and who our "gods" are. Startling, intense, intelligent, and controversial, these teachings offer essential reading for anyone questioning their existence on this planet and the direction of our collective conscious--and unconscious. By remembering that we are Family of Light, that we share an ancient ancestry with the universe around us, we become "bringers of the dawn," consciously creating a new reality, a new Earth.

The Missing Link Reflections on Philosophy and Spirit

Sydney Banks - 1998
    It reveals a simplicity beneath the complex workings of the mind and the principles behind the creation of our life experience.

The Dream Encyclopedia

James R. Lewis - 1995
    More than 700 dream symbols are defined in a separate 100-page section.

Angels and Spirit Guides: How to Call Upon Your Angels and Spirit Guide for Help

Sylvia Browne - 1999
    Every religion has angels, Sylvia tells us. Different from spirit guides, angels are spiritual messengers who are available to help us if we will simply ask for their assistance. Sylvia goes on to discuss the properties of angels; the true nature of God, good, evil, and the Other Side; and explains how we can overcome guilt, accept ourselves, and thereby understand our own particular “contract.” In the second half of the program, Sylvia leads a meditation that invokes the presence of our angels and individual spirit guides, and invites them to communicate with us. We feel their protection, receive their healing, and with Sylvia’s encouragement, learn how to ask them for the help we desire.

Science and the Afterlife Experience: Evidence for the Immortality of Consciousness

Christopher David Carter - 2012
    Focusing on three key phenomena--reincarnation, apparitions, and communications from the dead--Carter reveals 125 years of documented scientific studies by independent researchers and the British and American Societies for Psychical Research that rule out hoaxes, fraud, and hallucinations and prove these afterlife phenomena are real.The author examines historic and modern accounts of detailed past-life memories, visits from the deceased, and communications with the dead via medium and automatic writing as well as the scientific methods used to confirm these experiences. He explains how these findings on the afterlife have been ignored and denied because they are incompatible with the prevailing doctrine of materialism. Sharing messages from the dead themselves describing the afterlife, Carter reveals how consciousness exists outside the parameters of biological evolution and emerges through the medium of the brain to use the physical world as a springboard for growth. After death, souls can advance to higher planes of consciousness or manifest once again on Earth. Carter’s rigorous argument proves--beyond any reasonable doubt--not only that consciousness survives death and continues in the afterlife, but that it precedes birth as well.

Astrology Made Easy: A Guide to Understanding Your Birth Chart

Yasmin Boland - 2018
    In this book, award-winning astrology writer Yasmin Boland provides the tools every astrology newbie needs to understand their chart and begin making accurate predictions.In this book, readers will explore how astrology can be used as a tool to better understand ourselves and others. They will also learn: - how to read and understand their chart- how the planets, the signs of the zodiac, the houses and their aspects relate to each other- the talents and challenges every person is born with- how to make predictions- how to be a better parent, friend and colleague through knowing your close-ones' chartsThe book includes a link for the reader to download their personalized astrology chart.This book was previously published within the Hay House Basics series.

Meditation: A Simple Eight-Point Program for Translating Spiritual Ideala Simple Eight-Point Program for Translating Spiritual Ideals Into Daily Life S Into Daily Life

Eknath Easwaran - 1978
    Eknath Easwaran's practical Eight Point Program offers specific, systematic tools to sharpen concentration, deal effectively with stress, release deep reserves of energy, and transform anger and other destructive emotions. This book offers tested techniques for strengthening our ability to meditate. It is a complete guide to a program of meditation that fits naturally into your life, even complementing an active religious practice.

The Goddess Within: A Guide to the Eternal Myths that Shape Women's Lives

Jennifer Barker Woolger - 1989
    Two Jungian psychologists discuss the influence the classic Greek goddesses have on a woman's psyche and how women can bring the different goddess energies into harmony for greater strength and new insights into their lives.

The Mental Equivalent

Emmet Fox - 2006
    How do you do it? You build in the mental equivalents by thinking quietly, constantly, and persistently of the kind of thing you want, and by thinking that has two qualities: clearness or definiteness, and interest. If you want to build anything into your life-if you want to bring health, right activity, your true place, inspiration; if you want to bring right companionship, and above all if you want understanding of God-form a mental equivalent of the thing which you want by thinking about it a great deal, by thinking clearly and with interest. Remember clarity and interest; those are the two poles. Wilder Publications is a green publisher. All of our books are printed to order. This reduces waste and helps us keep prices low while greatly reducing our impact on the environment.

Ptolemy: Tetrabiblos

    100-178 CE) of Egypt consists of four books. The title given in some manuscripts meaning 'Mathematical Treatise in Four Books', in others 'The Prognostics addressed to Syrus'. The subject of the work is astrology, which in Ptolemy's time as down to the Renaissance was fused as a respectable science with astronomy. Translations and commentaries of the "Tetrabiblos" are few, and only three Greek texts had been printed (all in the 16th century) before the present text, begun by F. Boll and finished by Emilie Boer in 1940.

Coincidance: A Head Test

Robert Anton Wilson - 1988
    Includes: Dance through Religion for the Hell of It; The Physics of Synchronicity; James Joyce and Finnegan's Wake; The Godfather and the Goddess; The Poet as Early Warning Radar; Mammary Metaphysics; and, The Married Catholic Priests Convention.

Decoding Jung's Metaphysics: The Archetypal Semantics of an Experiential Universe

Bernardo Kastrup - 2021
    Underlying Jung's extraordinary body of work, and providing a foundation for it, there is a broad and sophisticated system of metaphysical thought. This system, however, is only implied in Jung's writings, so as to shield his scientific persona from accusations of philosophical speculation.The present book scrutinizes Jung’s work to distil and reveal that extraordinary, hidden metaphysical treasure: for Jung, mind and world are one and the same entity; reality is fundamentally experiential, not material; the psyche builds and maintains its body, not the other way around; and the ultimate meaning of our sacrificial lives is to serve God by providing a reflecting mirror to God’s own instinctive mentation.Embodied in this compact volume is a journey of discovery through Jungian thoughtscapes never before revealed with the depth, force and scholarly rigor you are about to encounter.

Spiritual Progress Through Regression

Brian L. Weiss - 2008
    . .helps you discover and learn meditation and regression techniques. The meditations utilize powerful imagery to promote physical, mental, and spiritual healing and renewal; profound relaxation; and deeper self-understanding. The regressions provide different techniques for retrieval of memories from this lifetime and prior lifetimes, as well as methods to access spiritual states and inner wisdom. (The other two CDs in this series are: REGRESSION TO TIMES AND PLACES and REGRESSION THROUGH THE MIRRORS OF TIME.) SPIRITUAL PROGRESS THROUGH REGRESSION is an extended regression in which Dr. Brian L. Weiss leads you to a childhood experience, in utero memories, and then through a doorway to a previous lifetime. Then through powerful imagery, you’re able to view scenes from even more past lives, each shedding light on your spiritual progress in this life . . . helping you attain peace, understanding, and joy.In the meditation, you’ll be led on a journey to an island of healing with crystal waters and dolphins, providing you with a treasure chest of manifestation, and introducing you to your spiritual guides—helping you gain greater insight into your physical, emotional, and spiritual fulfillment.

The Toltec Way: A Guide to Personal Transformation

Susan Gregg - 2000
    The three Toltec Masteries of Awareness, Transformation, and Intent are the key to transcending your limitations and experiencing yourself as the creator of your life.Designed to make Toltec wisdom accessible and simple, this book is about change, transforming yourself, and the wildly empowering freedom of personal responsibility. Included in each chapter are exercises and guided visualizations, along with parable-like stories that are powerful sources of wisdomThis new edition of The Toltec Way is part of the Essential Wisdom Library, a collection of books bringing sacred wisdom to modern readers. Refreshed with a new design and a new introduction by the author, along with a foreword by don Miguel Ruiz, The Toltec Way will introduce a new generation of readers to the power of Toltec wisdom.

Guided Meditation: Six Essential Practices to Cultivate Love, Awareness, and Wisdom

Jack Kornfield - 2007
    The most potential you can have on your contemplative path is a trusted teacher like Jack Kornfield, who stands out as one of the most helpful and encouraging Western instructors for newcomers to the art of meditation.With Guided Meditation, this renowned Buddhist teacher brings you six practices that will open the door to the serenity and joy of meditation, and serve as your foundation for years to come.Offering you precise guidance through every step of these transformational practices, Kornfield introduces you to:Basic sitting practice—The essential starting point for nurturing nonjudgmental spaciousness• The heart-opening techniques of lovingkindness and forgiveness meditation to help you discover liberation from suffering• A visualization exercise for overcoming difficulties by making direct contact with the voice of your highest wisdom• The gratitude and joy meditation, which nourishes an innocent rejoicing in life itself• Mind Like Sky—a practice to enter "original mind," the pure space of awareness that is consciousness itselfSince the time of the Buddha, meditation taught under the guidance of an expert has proven to be the easiest and most effective way to begin. Whether you are just starting out with meditation or have decided to reconnect with the ground of your practice, Jack Kornfield's Guided Meditation provides concise and gentle training of the heart and mind to enjoy the fruits of this centuries-old art.Course objectives:Apply the six guided meditation practices to cultivate love, awareness, and wisdom• Practice each of the six guided meditation practices as a way to cultivate stillness and "knowing"• Explore mindfulness practices related to awareness of the breath, loving kindness, forgiveness, visualization, gratitude, and the spaciousness of consciousness