Best of
The Language of the Goddess
Marija Gimbutas - 1989
In this volume the author resurrects the world of goddess-worshipping, earth-centred cultures, bringing ancient matriarchal society to life.
A Blue Fire
James Hillman - 1989
A vitally important introduction to the theories of one of the most original thinkers in psychology today, A Blue Fire gathers selected passages from many of Hillman's seminal essays on archetypal psychology.
The Moon Under Her Feet
Clysta Kinstler - 1989
Yeshua (Christ) is born to Almah Mari (the Virgin Mary) after her union in Sacred Marriage at the Temple in Jerusalem with an unblemished man who kills himself as a sacrifice for his people. Later Mari Anath becomes Magdalene, or High Priestess of the Goddess, and assumes co-rule with Jehovah, succeeding Almah Mari. Mari Anath follows Yeshua in the years of his ministry, despite objections from some adherents who call her harlot because they oppose the double worship of the Goddess and Jehovah and the equality of sexes that relationship im plies. But days before the crucifixion, when Yeshua sacrifices himself, he and the Magdalene are united in Sacred Marriage in the Temple before the people. Mari Anath gives birth to Yeshua's daughter Anna after she and Judas (who is The Christos's twin brother and betrays him at his behest in order to fulfill the prophesy) flee to Gaul to make a new life. First novelist Kinstler, a professor of philosophy, mines the literature of myth to make this lyrically written interpretation plausible. She provides notes and a bibliography to buttress much of her tale.
Collected Ancient Greek Novels
B.P. Reardon - 1989
Popular in the Renaissance, these stories have been less familiar in later centuries. Translations of the Greek stories were not readily available in English before B.P. Reardon’s excellent volume. Nine complete stories are included here as well as ten others, encompassing the whole range of classical themes: ideal romance, travel adventure, historical fiction, and comic parody. A new foreword by J.R. Morgan examines the enormous impact this groundbreaking collection has had on our understanding of classical thought and our concept of the novel.
Gods in Everyman
Jean Shinoda Bolen - 1989
Viewing these archetypes as the inner counterparts of the outer world of cultural stereotypes, she demonstrates how men and women can gain an invaluable sense of wholeness and integration when what they do is consistent with who they are. Dr. Bolen introduces these patterns in the guise of eight archetypal gods, or personality types, with whom the reader will identify. From the authoritarian power-seeking gods (Zeus, Poseidon) to the gods of creativity (Apollo, Hephaestus) to the sensual Dionysus, Dr. Bolen shows men how to identify their ruling gods, how to decide which to cultivate and which to overcome, and how to tap the power of these enduring archetypes in order to enrich and strengthen their lives. She also stresses the importance of understanding which gods you are attracted to and which are compatible with your expectations, uncovers the origins of the often-difficult father-son relationship, and explores society's deep conflict between nurturing behavior and the need to foster masculinity.In Gods in Everyman Dr. Bolen presents us with a compassionate and lucid male psychology that will help all men and women to better understand themselves and their relationships with their fathers, their sons, their brothers, and their lovers.
The Witches' God
Janet Farrar - 1989
Part I covers the many concepts of the God examined, including: His faces throughout history; The Son/Lover God; The Vegetation God; The War God; The Anti-God; and more Part II gives a close look at 12 individual gods of history with an appropriate invoking ritual for each. Part III presents a comprehensive dictionary of over 1000 gods from many world cultures, past and present. The Farrars are among the best-known authors on the Craft, and in The Witches' God have written what is likely to become the standard work on the masculine god aspect. Over 30,000 sold!
Follow Your Bliss: Conversations With Bill Moyers
Joseph Campbell - 1989
The Goddess Within: A Guide to the Eternal Myths that Shape Women's Lives
Jennifer Barker Woolger - 1989
Two Jungian psychologists discuss the influence the classic Greek goddesses have on a woman's psyche and how women can bring the different goddess energies into harmony for greater strength and new insights into their lives.
The Once and Future Goddess
Elinor W. Gadon - 1989
In this beautifully illustrated and far-reaching history. Elinor Gadon vividly weaves words and images to demonstrate the powerful connections between ancient and contemporary art, between the Goddess of the Ice Age and the Goddess of today.This panoramic view of Goddess imagery extends from the prehistoric Goddess representations of Catal Huyuk, Malta, Avebury, and Crete, tot he more patriarchal images of the Sumerians, Greeks, and Christians, to the wide range of contemporary artists inspired by the Goddess, including Frida Kahlo, Mayumi Oda, and Judy Chicago.
Imaginary Landscape: Making Worlds of Myth and Science
William Irwin Thompson - 1989
This book surveys the present, from Post-Modern theory to a science encompassing Chaos theory and the Gaia hypothesis, and finds in it the threads out of which a future conceptual landscape might be woven.
The Phantom of the Movies' VIDEOSCOPE: The Ultimate Guide to the Latest, Greatest, and Weirdest Genre Videos
Joe Kane - 1989
Now he shares his vast knowledge of genre-film culture in this fascinating collection. Kane has compiled more than twenty-five hundred reviews of horror, camp, sexploitation, sci-fi, thriller, and action films, along with exclusive interviews with some of the industry's giants -- Jackie Chan, Pam Grier, Wes Craven, John Waters, and John Carpenter, to name just a few.Kane's writing is irreverent, informative, incisive, and entertaining. Not only is The Phantom of the Movies'® VideoScope chock-full of reviews and interviews, it also includes insightful sidebars covering video trends, complete ordering information, DVD availability, and Internet resources. This is the ultimate video guide that all movie buffs must have in their collections.
Visions of Heaven and Hell Before Dante
Eileen Gardiner - 1989
Describes the place of these works in medieval literature and provides a helpful resource for studying elements of medieval religion. Includes: St. Peter's Apocalypse, St. Paul's Apocalypse, St. Brendan's Voyage, St. Patrick's Purgatory, and the Visions of Furseus, Drythelm, Wetti, Charles the Fat, Tundale, the Monk of Evesham, and Thurkill. Bibliography, index, glossary, notes, illustrated.
The Craneskin Bag: Celtic Stories And Poems
Robin Williamson - 1989
He is a warm, articulate, witty and engaging storyteller in live performance, and here he`s collected some of his own retellings of tales ancient, old, and not so old. The illustrations are evocative too, complementing the text beautifully. Robin has his own offbeat way with a tale or an anecdote, or a bit of shaggy dog whimsy, and some of these tales and poems have an open-ended quality - like life,like the man pleasure is to know him. This is a lovely book to own and to dip into, and I can`t help hearing Robin`s idiosyncratic Scottish burr in my mind as I read these pieces. I think, that not only his ebullience and madcap wit, but the fact that you can easily hear every word he speaks or sings. You can almost hear it in this book of wonders too. Listen,and listen closely for the tales and poems lose nothing in printing them but better still see Robin in live performance-joy that adds no sorrow with it.
Twayne's Masterwork Studies: The Great Gatsby
Richard Lehan - 1989
Presenting ideas that spark imaginations, these books help students to gain background knowledge on great literature useful for papers and exams. The goal of each study is to encourage creative thinking by presenting engaging information about each work and its author. This approach allows students to arrive at sound analyses of their own, based on in-depth studies of popular literature.Each volume:-- Illuminates themes and concepts of a classic text-- Uses clear, conversational language-- Is an accessible, manageable length from 140 to 170 pages-- Includes a chronology of the author's life and era-- Provides an overview of the historical context-- Offers a summary of its critical reception-- Lists primary and secondary sources and index
The Oxford-Duden Pictorial Spanish and English Dictionary
Oxford University Press - 1989
Based on the premise that pictures can more clearly convey certain kinds of information, these dictionaries present a list of vocabulary relating to a subject together with a picture illustrating that subject. Each double-page spread links the words by number to the picture situation drawn from everyday life; 384 sections cover a broad range of subjects in the fields of science, medicine, technology, industry, commerce, and arts and leisure, including astronomy, automobiles, swimming, supermarkets, nuclear energy, nightclubs, and much more. Both English and foreign words appear on the same page for easy use. The dictionaries also provide fully alphabetized indices in both languages which refer the reader not only to the various subjects and contexts in which a word is used, but also to the correct translation and vocabulary of the entire subject. An essential reference for general readers, students, translators, travelers, and business people, The Oxford-Duden Pictorial Dictionaries serves as an invaluable supplement to other foreign language guides. The new editions featured below have been completely updated and revised to include the most recent innovations in science and technology and to offer increased coverage of all major fields of reference.
Scandinavian Folk Belief and Legend
Reimund Kvideland - 1989
In this rural society, the people lived close to nature and believed themselves an integral part of it. This volume focuses on beliefs that illustrate the central aspects of a traditional worldview, rather than on prose narratives considered for their literary value.
The Classic Grimm's Fairy Tales
Louise Betts Egan - 1989
This beautiful large-format volume will quickly become a child's cherished favorite.
A Dictionary of Superstitions
Iona Opie - 1989
They embrace family life and the lore of farmers, sailors, miners, and actors; offer advice on the signs to observe when contemplating a journey or a marriage; reveal the significance of animals, plants, stones, colors, food and drink, the elements, and heavenly bodies; outline the precautions to be taken after a death in the house or during a thunderstorm; and disclose the motives behind seasonal customs at New Year, in May, at Halloween, and Christmas. Each entry is arranged alphabetically according to its central idea or object, and illustrated with a selection of chronologically ordered quotations that indicate the history and development of each belief. And a thematic index helps the reader discover surprisingly coherent patterns in these mysterious and often misunderstood methods of comprehending the world and overcomingits perils, and shows the strong underlying connections with witchcraft and pagan religions. Superstitions have never before been treated in such depth or on such a scale. An entertaining volume for anyone curious about the beliefs of the past, A Dictionary of Superstitions also makes a valuable contribution to the study of folklore, providing the first systematic account of beliefs that form an integral part of our social life.
The Classic Tales: 4,000 Years of Jewish Lore
Ellen Frankel - 1989
Culled from traditional sources-the Bible, Talmud, Midrash, hasidic texts, and oral folklore-and retold in modern English by Ellen Frankel, these stories represent the brightest jewels in the vast treasure chest of Jewish lore. Beautifully clothed in contemporary language, these classic tales sparkle with the gentle and insightful humor of the Jewish folk imagination. And like so much of Jewish literature, these stories abound in allusions to classic Jewish texts. Biblical cadences, phrases from the prayer book, and ideas from Jewish proverbs and heroic legends resonate in the air when these tales are read or told aloud. In The Classic Tales, history sheds its dust to become as intimate as family memory. While the breadth and depth of this book make it completely unique, three special features also help distinguish it: God appears without gender (though certainly not without personality); women characters, so often nameless in the original biblical text, wear their midrashic names (e.g., Noah's wife Naamah, Abraham's mother Amitlai, Lot's wife Edith); and many tales of Sephardic origin have been included to correct the common American bias toward Eastern European sources. What's more, this volume has been uniquely designed to be of use to educators, rabbis, parents, and students. It features a chronological table of contents as well as six separate indexes?arranged by Jewish holidays, Torah and Haftorah readings, character types, symbols, topics, and proper names and places-to make the tales easily referenced in a wide variety of ways. Anyone who needs a story to inspire a child, to illustrate a point, to develop a sermon, or just to uplift his or her own thirsting soul will find just the right one in The Classic Tales.
The Silver Bough
F. Marian McNeill - 1989
The Silver Bough involved many years of research into both living and recorded folklore, and remains a classic of literature.
The Age of Chivalry: Myths and Legends
Claude-Catherine Ragache - 1989
The stories people made up about their deeds helped to explain the mysteries of the real world – the rising and setting of the sun, the changing seasons, the dumb beasts.They fought with giants and dragons. They were loved by princesses, outwitted by witches and saved by their friends. They took on impossible tasks, accepted every challenge and unwittingly undertook any honourable mission. Their adventures took them to every corner of the known world.They were the bravest and most chivalrous men – Lancelot and the knights of the round table, who paid allegiance to King Arthur, and Roland and the knights at the court of Charlemagne. Their deeds are legendary, but there is little doubt that they are based on historical fact.
Drabne Of Dole
Bernard Evslin - 1989
The Celtic hero Finn McCool outwits the sorceress Drabne of Dole, acquiring the magical knowledge he needs to avenge the death of his father Cuhal.
Migration and Mythmaking in Anglo-Saxon England
Nicholas Howe - 1989
Nicholas Howe proposes that the Anglo-Saxons fashioned a myth out of the 5th-century migration of their Germanic ancestors to Britain. Through the retelling of this story, the Anglo-Saxons ordered their complex history and identified their destiny as a people. Howe traces the migration myth throughout the literature of the Anglo-Saxon period, in poems, sermons, letters and histories from the sixth to the eleventh centuries.
The Arrow and the Lamp: The Story of Psyche
Margaret Hodges - 1989
Relates how Psyche married the god of love, Eros, how she lost him, and the many obstacles she had to overcome before she became an immortal and could join him on Mount Olympus.
Jarnaili Sarak / جرنیلی سڑک
Raza Ali Abidi - 1989
Originally a BBC documentary by Abidi, aired in 1986, this book retains the format of the original radio programme with the juxtaposition of travel commentary, history and folklore told in varying dialects along the historic road. The GT Road was built by the Afghan-Indian king Sher Shah Suri in the 16th century by following 3rd century BC routes from the Maurya Empire and continues to serve as a primary route through and across four countries in South Asia. This book is part history, part cultural exposition of the cultures and peoples that thrive around this great road.
Dictionary of Polynesian Mythology
Robert D. Craig - 1989
the Polynesians were the most widely spread people on earth, having settled an area of the Pacific, the Polynesian Triangle, twice the size of the United States. In this first reference guide to the mythology of these Vikings of the Pacific, Craig reviews Polynesian legends, stories, gods, goddesses, and heroes in hundreds of alphabetical entries that succinctly describe both characters and events. His wide-ranging and thorough introduction sets the subject in its geographic, historical, anthropological, and linguistic contexts, offering an illuminating overview of the origin of the Polynesians as a distinct people and tracing their voyages and settlements from Indonesia to Malaysia, Tonga, Samoa, the Marquesas, the various islands of eastern Polynesia, including Hawaii, Easter Island, and New Zealand. The introduction presents fascinating information on Polynesian navigational skills and the voyages themselves, as well as a chart that details the evolution of the thirty Polynesian languages and compares cognates from several of these languages. A simplified pronunciation guide and a selected list of Polynesian dictionaries and/or grammars are provided for those interested in pursuing the richness of the Polynesian languages. This introductory survey gives readers the necessary background to understand the origin, development, and dispersion of the myths throughout the Pacific basin.The Dictionary of Polynesian Mythology is the result of many years of research. The individual entries were gleaned from nearly 300 sources in English, German, French, and Polynesian languages with the majority extracted from a number of primary sources that date generally in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The printed source materials for this volume are fully described and listed by geographical group, including Maori, Cook Islands, Tahitian, Marquesan, Hawaiian, Samoan, and Tongan. General collections that retell the Polynesian stories are also surveyed. The entries are alphabetically arranged by major mythological figure; lesser characters can be located in the index. Short bibliographical citations--author, date, and page number--are included at the end of each main entry to direct readers to fuller information contained in the printed sources. An appendix provides valuable supplemental information on Polynesian gods and goddesses. This dictionary is sure to become a basic reference tool for libraries, students, and scholars of Pacific history and culture, as well as for courses in mythology, religion, and philosophy.
Feton (Mitologi Yunani, #9)
Menelaos Stephanides - 1989
500, and a papyrus of the third century B.C., which contains a substantial part of the parodos. These sources are supplemented by a number of citations in classical authors and by a recently published fragmentary hypothesis. Professor Diggle has examined all the manuscript evidence and offers many decipherments. He gives a text of the play and of the hypothesis, an exegetical commentary, prolegomena and appendices, in which he discusses the treatment of the Phaethon myth in classical literature and attempts a reconstruction of the plot of the play.