Book picks similar to
The Dynamics Of Mass Communication by Joseph R. Dominick


Intercultural Communication: A Reader

Larry A. Samovar - 1972
    This text is theoretical and practical so that the issues associated with intercultural communication can be first understood and then acted upon. This broad-based, highly engaging reader, compiled by the authors who defined the course, includes a balance of articles -- some commissioned solely for this text --that discuss the classic ideas that laid the groundwork for this field, as well as those that investigate the field's latest research and ideas. Material is presented in context that allows students to read, understand and then apply the concepts to their lives to ensure that they are effective, culturally aware communicators.

International Relations

Joshua S. Goldstein - 1993
    Completely updated. Expanded and updated coverage of the ongoing war in Iraq, nuclear proliferation in North Korea and Iran; the new Palestinian leadership; Islamic radicalism; global anti-Americanism; the expanded EU and NATO; and world trade talks.  Expanded discussion of constructivism. New “ Policy Perspectives”   is a one-page feature puts students in the shoes of top policy makers — for example, Russian President Putin -- making foreign-policy choices in response to a problem or challenge.  The box includes an inset photo of the policy maker.  The feature engages students to apply IR concepts in real-world situations, and underscores the role of individuals in the foreign-policy process.  NEW! TECHNOLOGY ADVANTAGE– MyPoliSciLab for International Relations.

Understanding Intercultural Communication

Stella Ting-Toomey - 2004

Fundamentals of Management

Ricky W. Griffin - 1997
    Chapters are organized according to a strong pedagogy, featuring learning objectives, a chapter outline, a First Things First opening vignette, boldface key terms, a summary of key points, questions for review, questions for analysis, end of chapter exercises, and an end-of-the-chapter case with questions.

Inside a U.S. Embassy: Diplomacy at Work, All-New Third Edition of the Essential Guide to the Foreign Service

Shawn Dorman - 2011
    Embassy" is widely recognized as the essential guide to the Foreign Service. This all-new third edition takes readers to more than fifty U.S. missions around the world, introducing Foreign Service professionals and providing detailed descriptions of their jobs and firsthand accounts of diplomacy in action. In addition to profiles of diplomats and specialists around the world from the ambassador to the consular officer, the public diplomacy officer to the security specialist is a selection from more than twenty countries of day-in-the-life accounts, each describing an actual day on the job. Personal reports from the field give a sense of the extraordinary challenges the coups, the natural disasters, the civil wars and rewards of representing America to the world."Inside a U.S. Embassy" includes new chapters on the highly competitive Foreign Service entrance process, Foreign Service life outside the embassy, and briefings on topics such as handling high-level visits and service in war zones.

Psychology and Life

Richard J. Gerrig - 1977
       Psychology and Life continues to provide a rigorous, research-centered survey of the discipline while offering students special features and learning aids that will spark their interest, excite their imaginations, and get them to think critically about the material. Over 200 research studies are spotlighted throughout the text, with the goal of showcasing the how and the why behind key psychological research. This textbook has not only withstood the test of time, it has kept pace brilliantly with the changing field of psychology.   Now available with the award-winning “Discovering Psychology” video series, produced by WGBH Boston with the American Psychological Association. Author Phil Zimbardo narrates the video series, as leading researchers, practitioners, and theorists probe the mysteries of the mind and body and bring psychology to life for introductory students. Video viewing guides are included at the end of each chapter of the textbook.

Modern South Asia: History, Culture and Political Economy

Sugata Bose - 1998
    After sketching the pre-modern history of the sub-continent, the book concentrates on the last three centuries.This new second edition has been updated throughout to take account of recent historical research. It includes an expanded section on post-independence with a completely new chapter on the period from 1991 to the present and a chapter on the last millennium in subcontinental history. There is a new chronology of key events.

Principles of Microeconomics

N. Gregory Mankiw - 1997
    PRINCIPLES OF MICROECONOMICS, 4th Edition features a strong revision of content in all 22 chapters while maintaining the clear and accessible writing style that is the hallmark of the highly respected author. The 4th edition also features an expanded instructor's resource package designed to assist instructors in course planning and classroom presentation and full integration of content with Aplia, the leading online Economics education program. In the 4th edition Greg Mankiw has created a full educational program for students and instructors -- Experience Mankiw 4th edition. "I have tried to put myself in the position of someone seeing economics for the first time. My goal is to emphasize the material that students should and do find interesting about the study of the economy." - N. Gregory Mankiw.

American Foreign Policy: The Dynamics of Choice in the 21st Century

Bruce W. Jentleson - 2000
    Professor Jentleson focuses on foreign policy strategy and foreign policy politics and employs a four-part framework (the four Ps: Power, Peace, Prosperity, and Principles) through which students can begin to appreciate the problems and choices faced by the United States as it tries to steer a course through world events. The Fourth Edition of American Foreign Policy has been thoroughly updated with relevant political developments, including foreign policy changes instituted by the Obama administration.

The Arab Uprisings: What Everyone Needs to Know

James L. Gelvin - 2012
    Protestors took to the streets to demand greater freedom, democracy, human rights, social justice, and regime change. What caused these uprisings? What is their significance? And what are their likely consequences? In an engaging question-and-answer format, The Arab Uprisings explores all aspects of the revolutionary protests that have rocked the Middle East. Historian James Gelvin begins with an overview--What sparked the Arab uprisings? Where did the demands for democracy and human rights come from? How appropriate is the phrase Arab Spring?--before turning to specific countries around the region. He looks at such topics as the role of youth, labor, and religious groups in Tunisia and Egypt and discusses why the military turned against rulers in both countries. Exploring the uprisings in Libya and Yemen, Gelvin explains why these two states are considered weak, why that status is important for understanding the upheavals there, and why outside powers intervened in Libya but not in Yemen. Next, Gelvin compares two cases that defied expectations: Algeria, which experts assumed would experience a major upheaval after Egypt's, and Syria, which experts failed to foresee. He then looks at the monarchies of Morocco, Jordan, and the Gulf, exploring the commonalities and differences of protest movements in each. The final chapter discusses the implications of the uprisings. What do they mean for the United States? For Iran? Has al-Qaeda been strengthened or weakened? What effects have the uprisings had on the Israel-Palestine conflict? What conclusions might we draw from the uprisings so far? For anyone wishing to understand the dramatic events in the Middle East, The Arab Uprisings is the place to turn.

Women and the American Experience

Nancy Woloch - 1984
    The book's unique dual-chapter format pairs a narrative episode that vividly evokes a particular individual or event with a synthesis chapter that places each episode carefully within its broader historical context. This pairing of the concrete and specific with the general and historic creates the most compelling reading experience available in a survey of U.S. women's history.

Realities of Foreign Service Life

Patricia Linderman - 2002
    Few stop to think that behind the occasional glitter of official functions are thousands of families facing all the routines and crises of life-births, deaths, childrearing, divorce-far from home, relatives, and friends, in an unfamiliar and sometimes unfriendly country and culture. This book provides reflections and perspectives on the realities of Foreign Service life as experienced by members of the Foreign Service community around the world. The writers share their unvarnished views on a wide variety of topics they care about: maintaining long-distance relationships, raising teens abroad, dealing with depression, coping with evacuations, readjusting to life in the United States, and many others. These are stories from the diplomatic trenches-true experiences from those who have lived the lifestyle and want to share their hard-learned lessons with others. If you are new to the Foreign Service, this book will offer insights and practical information useful in your overseas tours and when you return home. Even if you are a seasoned veteran of the Foreign Service, the reports and reflections of others may encourage you to compare and evaluate your own experiences. If you (or your partner) are contemplating joining the Foreign Service, this book can serve as a reality check, giving you honest, personal perspectives on both the positive and negative aspects of Foreign Service life. If you are a student wondering what the Foreign Service is all about, this book will broaden your knowledge and provide you with an insider's view not found in any textbook.

Rise to Globalism: American Foreign Policy since 1938

Stephen E. Ambrose - 1971
    Included in the text is commentary on Reagan's deal with Iran in 1980, Bush's deal with Iraq up to the invasion of Kuwait, the Middle East peace talks and the collapse of Soviet Union.

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Macmillan Reader)

F.H. Cornish - 2007
    The classic story of a boy's adventures in the Mississippi Valley.

The Chicago Manual of Style

University of Chicago Press - 1906
    That sheet grew into a pamphlet, and the pamphlet grew into a book—the first edition of the Manual of Style, published in 1906. Now in its fifteenth edition, The Chicago Manual of Style—the essential reference for authors, editors, proofreaders, indexers, copywriters, designers, and publishers in any field—is more comprehensive and easier to use than ever before.Those who work with words know how dramatically publishing has changed in the past decade, with technology now informing and influencing every stage of the writing and publishing process. In creating the fifteenth edition of the Manual, Chicago's renowned editorial staff drew on direct experience of these changes, as well as on the recommendations of the Manual's first advisory board, composed of a distinguished group of scholars, authors, and professionals from a wide range of publishing and business environments.Every aspect of coverage has been examined and brought up to date—from publishing formats to editorial style and method, from documentation of electronic sources to book design and production, and everything in between. In addition to books, the Manual now also treats journals and electronic publications. All chapters are written for the electronic age, with advice on how to prepare and edit manuscripts online, handle copyright and permissions issues raised by technology, use new methods of preparing mathematical copy, and cite electronic and online sources.A new chapter covers American English grammar and usage, outlining the grammatical structure of English, showing how to put words and phrases together to achieve clarity, and identifying common errors. The two chapters on documentation have been reorganized and updated: the first now describes the two main systems preferred by Chicago, and the second discusses specific elements and subject matter, with examples of both systems. Coverage of design and manufacturing has been streamlined to reflect what writers and editors need to know about current procedures. And, to make it easier to search for information, each numbered paragraph throughout the Manual is now introduced by a descriptive heading.Clear, concise, and replete with commonsense advice, The Chicago Manual of Style, fifteenth edition, offers the wisdom of a hundred years of editorial practice while including a wealth of new topics and updated perspectives. For anyone who works with words, whether on a page or computer screen, this continues to be the one reference book you simply must have.What's new in the Fifteenth Edition:* Updated material throughout to reflect current style, technology, and professional practice* Scope expanded to include journals and electronic publications* Comprehensive new chapter on American English grammar and usage by Bryan A. Garner (author of A Dictionary of Modern American Usage)* Updated and rewritten chapter on preparing mathematical copy* Reorganized and updated chapters on documentation, including guidance on citing electronic sources* Streamlined coverage of current design and production processes, with a glossary of key terms* Descriptive headings on all numbered paragraphs for ease of reference* New diagrams of the editing and production processes for both books and journals, keyed to chapter discussions* New, expanded Web site with special tools and features for Manual users at