Book picks similar to
Dungeons of Dread: "S" Series Classic Adventure Compilation: by E. Gary Gygax
Street Samurai Catalog
Tom Dowd - 1990
A predator-for-hire in the savage urban world of Shadowrun. You've devoted your life to honing your combat and martial skills. The tools of your trade are airfoil grenades, form-fitting body armor, and an Ares Crusader machine-pistol. An expansion for Shadowrun, the Street Samurai Catalog will let you outfit yourself with the latest equipment available on the black market: retractable hand razors, ultrasonic sights, enhanced reflexes, and maybe a rangefinder for your cybereyes. Whatever you need to get the job done, you can find it here, but it won't be cheap. And remember to watch your back before someone decides to make you yesterday's news.
Monster Manual II: Dungeons & Dragons Accessory
Ed Bonny - 2002
Whether sinister or seductive, ferocious or foul, the creatures lurking within these pages will challenge the most experienced characters of any campaign. This supplement for the D&D game unleashes a horde of monsters to confront characters at all levels of play, including several with Challenge Ratings of 21 or higher. Inside are old favorites such as the death knight and the gem dragons, as well as all-new creatures such as the bronze serpent, the effigy, and the fiendwurm. Along with updated and expanded monster creation rules, "Monster Manual II" provides an inexhaustible source of ways to keep even the toughest heroes fighting and running for their lives. To use this supplement, a Dungeon Master also needs the "Player's Handbook" and the "Dungeon Master""'s Guide." A player needs only the "Player's Handbook."
The Empyrean Odyssey
Thomas M. Reid - 2011
But before she can complete a mission in that besieged city, Aliisza finds herself in the one place a demon would never want to go, no matter how sure she is of her wits and cunning: the very heart of Celestia. But Aliisza soon discovers that being held captive in Celestia is just a distraction for a far deeper and more deadly scheme. One that threatens all of the Forgotten Realms® world. One that, as much as she hates to admit it, the angels of Celestia really should know about. But how is she going to convince the angels that she, a demon, could have more in mind than destruction?The Empyrean Odyssey features the return of popular characters Alissza and Kaanyr Vhok, from Thomas Reid’s Insurrection, the first book in The New York Times bestselling series R.A. Salvatore’s The War of the Spider Queen. Forgotten Realms fans won’t want to miss the truly Realms-shaking events of this epic tale of two fiends struggling to escape the heart of a deeply troubled Celestia.
Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG
Joseph Goodman - 2012
You're an adventurer: a reaver, a cutpurse, a heathen-slayer, a tight-lipped warlock guarding long-dead secrets. You seek gold and glory, winning it with sword and spell, caked in the blood and filth of the weak, the dark, the demons, and the vanquished. There are treasures to be won deep underneath, and you shall have them.
Deities and Demigods
Rich RedmanJeff Easley - 2002
With abilities that reach nearly beyond the scope of mortal imagination, the splendor of the gods humbles even the greatest of heroes.This supplement for the D&D game provides everything you need to create and call upon the most powerful beings in your campaign. Included are descriptions and statistics for over seventy gods from four fully detailed pantheons. Along with suggestions for creating your own gods, Deities and Demigods also includes information on advancing characters to godhood.To use this supplement, a Dungeon Master also needs the Player's Handbook, the Dungeon Master's Guide, and the Monster Manual. A player needs only the Player's Handbook.
Races of the Wild (Dungeons & Dragons Supplement)
Skip WilliamsEmily Fiegenschuh - 2005
It explores the classic races of elves and halflings, including new rules, information for interaction, new spells, and new magic items attuned to each race. In addition to information on the two major races, a new race is introduced. There is expanded information on subraces, along with a wealth of cultural information and new prestige classes, feats, equipment, spells, and magic items.
Savage Species: Playing Monstrous Characters (Dungeons & Dragons Supplement)
David Eckelberry - 2003
Traveling alongside other intrepid characters, these heroic creatures carve their places in legend with sword, spell, tooth, and claw.This supplement for the D&D game provides everything you need to play a monster as a character or to make the monsters your heroes fight even more formidable. Inside are over 50 all-new monster classes that show how creatures develop their characteristics and abilities as they gain levels. Along with new prestige classes and monster templates, Savage Species also features new feats, spells, magic items, and more.To use this supplement, a Dungeon Master also needs the Player's Handbook, the Dungeon Master's Guide, and the Monster Manual. A player needs only the Player's Handbook and the Monster Manual.
Kult: Death is Only the Beginning...
Gunilla Jonsson - 1991
Reality is not what we think. Around us the world is dark and dangerous and nothing is what it seems to be. Our reality is an illusion, created to keep us captive. We are imprisoned since ages past by a dictatorial creator. The true world, invisible to us, is ruled by creatures who dominate behind the false facades, our prison wardens and torturers. The characters in 'Kult' are dark heroes, governed by Destiny. When the illusions shatter, they face the true reality. Kult is a complete role-playing game and includes 1) The Lie - rules for creating player characters with abilities, dark secrets, advantages and disadvantages and skills. 16 ready-made archetypes (each infull color) will enable you to create an interesting character speedily and commence playing. 2) The Madness: Rules for encountering terror; advanced, realistic combat rules; and a comprehensive, logical magic system 3) The Truth: A consistent background to help you to recreate different horror atmospheres. Our illusion and dark realilty are described in detail, together with the creatures and cults who lurk behind the veil.
Arms and Equipment Guide
Eric Cagle - 2003
The well-stocked pages of this book hold an impressive inventory of merchandise to get you into and out of all manner of trouble, including:A caravanload of equipment, trade goods, alchemical items, poisons, mounts, and vehicles. Over 230 magic weapons and armors, such as the flameshroud axe, lance of the unending charge, and vampire hunter armor. Over 125 magic items, including new artifacts, such as elixir armor, rings of the hive mind, the ghost rod, and the bag of endless caltrops. Rules for vehicle combat on land, sea, and air. Within these pages, players and Dungeon Masters will find what they need to outfit their characters for nearly every contingency.To use this accessory, a Dungeon Master also needs the Player's Handbook and the Dungeon Master's Guide. A player needs only the Player's Handbook.
Defenders of the Faith: A Guidebook to Clerics and Paladins
Rich Redman - 2001
It's packed with ways to customize cleric and paladin characters, including: New feats, prestige classes, weapons, and equipment. More uses for turning checks, and new magic items and spells designed specially for clerics and paladins. Information about special organizations such as the Laughing Knives and the Stargazers. Detailed maps of temples that players and Dungeon Masters can use as bases of operation or as enemy structures that must be brought down. Indispensable to both players and Dungeon Masters, this book adds excitement to any campaign.
Unknown Armies
Greg Stolze - 1999
Completely reorganized, largely rewritten, and jam-packed with new art, the second edition of Unknown Armies isn't just better. It kicks metaphysical ass! We've remixed the book based on the level of campaign you want to play: Street, Global, or Cosmic. At street level, you're outsiders to the secret world of magick, ordinary people entering a land of mystery and peril. At global level, you're mojo-wielding cabalists in the occult underground, pursuing your arcane agendas and plotting against your rivals. At cosmic level, you're in tune with the cosmos itself, fighting to shape the next incarnation of reality. Background material is divided up as well, so new players in a street-level campaign only read what the GM wants them to know. But the beats don't stop there: Much more information for new players, to get them into the mindset of the game and help them make better characters and stronger campaigns. * New character-creation options, including Trigger Events, Paradigm Skills, and power levels scaled to match the level of campaign you're playing. * Numerous rules tweaks, including a new initiative system, Fuzzy Logic skill checks, player-directed combat modifiers, amped-up martial arts rules, a new experience system, and more, all dedicated to upgrading UA's innovative percentile system into a lean and precise tool for fast play and player empowerment. * More magick for non-adepts: Authentic Thaumaturgy, new rituals and artifacts, and revised versions of Proxy Magick and Tilts allow the freewheeling use of symbolic, sympathetic magick by anyone with the will to make it happen. * Twelve schools of magick (up from seven in UA1) for obsessed adepts, including revised versions of published schools (Bibliomancy, Personamancy, and Urbanomancy) and two new schools (Videomancy and Narcotic Alchemy). * Fourteen avatars (up from eight in UA1) for archetypalists, including revised versions of published avatars (The Messenger, The Mother, The Mystic Hermaphrodite, and the True King) and two new avatars (The MVP and The Warrior). * More resources for the GM, including specific guidance on combat, wounds, skill checks, campaign building, and other critical issues. * New cover art and design, new interior art and design, and a hardcover binding to keep this game in line.
7th Sea (Seventh Sea) Player's Guide 1668
John Wick - 2000
Players take the roles of heroes bent on thwarting the plots of knaves and villains, exploring ancient ruins and plundering the treasure fleets of tyrants. Everything a player needs is included in the pages of this book. Easy to get started: The book opens with a Quick Start Guide so you can start playing within minutes.A Complete New World: Players will find almost one hundred pages devoted to Theah, the world of 7th Sea.Flexible rules: 7th Sea uses a unique bidding system, giving players and Game Masters control over the mechanics of the game.Advice for Novice and Experienced Players: If you've never played a roleplaying game before, or if you're an "old school" veteran, you'll find tons of hints and advice to help you act and interact within the world of 7th Sea.
City of Splendors: Waterdeep (Forgotten Realms)
Eric L. Boyd - 2005
An overview of thecity includes history, a who�s who, information on laws, and rules for running and playing in a Waterdhavian campaign. Information on the people of Waterdeep covers non-player characters, arcane schools, armed forces, guilds, nobility, prestige classes specific to the city, and more. Also included in the book are discussions of specific Waterdeep locales, adventure locales, and new monsters. An extensive appendix gives information on new equipment, magic items, psionic powers, poisons, spells, and more. ERIC BOYD is a software developer who has written extensively about the Forgotten Realms setting for Wizards of the Coast, Inc. His most recent credits include
Lost Empires of Faerûn
Faiths & Pantheons
Races of Faerûn
�, and
Serpent Kingdoms