The Happy Lawyer: Making a Good Life in the Law

Nancy Levit - 2010
    You're happy, right? Not really. Oh, it beats laying asphalt, but after all your hard work, you expected more from your job. What gives?The Happy Lawyer examines the causes of dissatisfaction among lawyers, and then charts possible paths to happier and more fulfilling careers in law. Eschewing a one-size-fits-all approach, it shows how maximizing our chances for achieving happiness depends on understanding our own personality types, values, strengths, and interests.Covering everything from brain chemistry and the science of happiness to the workings of the modern law firm, Nancy Levit and Doug Linder provide invaluable insights for both aspiring and working lawyers. For law students, they offer surprising suggestions for selecting a law school that maximizes your long-term happiness prospects. For those about to embark on a legal career, they tell you what happiness research says about which potential jobs hold the most promise. For working lawyers, they offer a handy toolbox--a set of easily understandable steps--that can boost career happiness. Finally, for firm managers, they offer a range of approaches for remaking a firm into a more satisfying workplace.Read this book and you will know whether you are more likely to be a happy lawyer at age 30 or age 60, why you can tell a lot about a firm from looking at its walls and windows, whether a 10 percent raise or a new office with a view does more for your happiness, and whether the happiness prospects are better in large or small firms.No book can guarantee a happier career, but for lawyers of all ages and stripes, The Happy Lawyer may give you your best shot.

Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases: Competitiveness and Globalization

Michael A. Hitt - 2000
    Written by highly respected experts and prestigious scholars, Hitt/Ireland/Hoskisson's STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT: COMPETITIVENESS AND GLOBALIZATION, CONCEPTS AND CASES, 10E provides an intellectually rich, yet thoroughly practical analysis of strategic management today. This unique text is the only one to integrate the classic industrial organization model with a resource-based view of the firm to give readers a complete understanding of how today's businesses use strategic management to establish a sustained competitive advantage. The authors present cutting-edge research and strategic management trends within a strong global focus, using memorable examples from more than 600 companies. A wealth of learning features and selection of 30 all-new compelling cases prepare your students to face the broad range of critical issues confronting contemporary managers. Engaging video cases, CengageNOW online teaching tools, and a complete electronic business library keeps study current and relevant.

Fundamentals of Marketing

William J. Stanton - 1986

GRE Big Book of Questions

Manhattan Prep - 2013
    With 12 chapters and 1,244 practice problems, students can build fundamental skills in math and verbal through targeted practice. Plus, through easy-to-follow explanations and step-by-step applications, each question will help students cement their understanding of those concepts tested on the GRE. Purchase of this book includes access to additional online resources.

Fundamentals of Investing [with MyFinanceLab]

Lawrence J. Gitman - 1981
    Addressing the growing demand to learn how to manage personal investments and finances, the authors have turned the spotlight on individual rather than institutional investors. Their strong real-word focus includes superior coverage of mutual funds, international investments, and investment decision techniques. The new edition makes use of the Internet through exercises and cross references to Internet resources. An accompanying CD-ROM offers hands-on practice in analyzing companies for investment purposes. All these distinctive features ensure that Fundamentals of Investing will continue to define the market for years to come.

MATLAB Programming for Engineers

Stephen J. Chapman - 1999
    The book teaches MATLAB as a technical programming language showing students how to write clean, efficient, and well-documented programs. It makes no pretense at being a complete description of all of MATLAB's hundreds of functions. Instead, it teaches students how to locate any desired function with MATLAB's extensive on line help facilities. Overall, students develop problem-solving skills and are equipped for future courses and careers using the power of MATLAB.

Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having and Being

Michael R. Solomon - 1992
    In this textbook on consumer behaviour the author looks at how the field of marketing is influenced by the actions of consumers and also how we, as consumers, are influenced by marketers.


R.L. Kotpal - 1996
    Contains information required about lower invertebrates, higher invertebrates, and more.

10 Steps to Earning Awesome Grades (While Studying Less)

Thomas Frank - 2015
    Thomas Frank, founder of the College Info Geek blog, YouTube channel, and podcast, breaks these ways down into ten steps in this short book.You'll learn how to learn more effectively in your classes, take better notes, remember more from textbook readings, cut down on procrastination, build an optimal study environment, and more.Along the way, you'll find techniques for increasing your study and work efficiency, giving you more free time in college as well.

Introduction to Electrodynamics

David J. Griffiths - 1981
    This work offers accesible coverage of the fundamentals of electrodynamics, enhanced with with discussion points, examples and exercises.

Business Studies for Class 12 (2019-2020) Examination

Subhash Dey

Understanding Criminal Law

Joshua Dressler - 1993
    It is authoritative, current, highly readable, and widely used at law schools throughout the nation. Coverage focuses on the basic elements of, and defenses to, specific crimes, such as homicide, rape, and theft, as well as group criminality and inchoate liability. The common law is emphasized, with extensive comparisons to the Model Penal Code and thoughtful examination of the underpinnings of the utilitarian philosophies of substantive criminal law. The text encourages students to consider the approach these philosophies would take to a particular matter under discussion, thus providing an excellent learning tool for gaining a firm understanding of how our criminal justice system works.

Financial Accounting & Reporting (Fundamentals)

Zeus Vernon B. Millan - 2018

International Financial Management

Jeff Madura - 2007
    Cutting-edge international finance issues are presented along with a traditional treatment of international financial management.

Law of Torts With Consumer Protection Act

R.K. Bangia