Book picks similar to
The Enigma of Desire: Sex, Longing, and Belonging in Psychoanalysis by Galit Atlas
Terrors and Experts
Adam Phillips - 1996
To understand any psychoanalyst's work--both as a clinician and as a writer--we should ask what he or she loves, because psychoanalysis is about the unacceptable and about love, two things that we may prefer to keep apart, but that Freud found to be inextricable. If it is possible to talk about psychoanalysis as a scandal, without spuriously glamorizing it, then one way of doing it is simply to say that Freud discovered that love was compatible, though often furtively, with all that it was meant to exclude. There are, in other words--and most of literature is made up of these words--no experts on love. And love, whatever else it is, is terror.In a manner characteristically engaging and challenging, charming and maddening, Adam Phillips teases out the complicity between desire and the forbidden, longing and dread. His book is a chronicle of that all-too-human terror, and of how expertise, in the form of psychoanalysis, addresses our fears--in essence, turns our terror into meaning.It is terror, of course, that traditionally drives us into the arms of the experts. Phillips takes up those topics about which psychoanalysis claims expertise--childhood, sexuality, love, development, dreams, art, the unconscious, unhappiness--and explores what Freud's description of the unconscious does to the idea of expertise, in life and in psychoanalysis itself. If we are not, as Freud's ideas tell us, masters of our own houses, then what kind of claims can we make for ourselves? In what senses can we know what we are doing? These questions, so central to the human condition and to the state of psychoanalysis, resonate through this book as Phillips considers our notions of competence, of a professional self, of expertise in every realm of life from parenting to psychoanalysis. Terrors and Experts testifies to what makes psychoanalysis interesting, to that interest in psychoanalysis--which teaches us the meaning of our ignorance--that makes the terrors of life more bearable, even valuable.
Love's Executioner and Other Tales of Psychotherapy
Irvin D. Yalom - 1989
Yalom uncovers the mysteries, frustrations, pathos, and humor at the heart of the therapeutic encounter. In recounting his patients' dilemmas, Yalom not only gives us a rare and enthralling glimpse into their personal desires and motivations but also tells us his own story as he struggles to reconcile his all-too human responses with his sensibility as a psychiatrist. Not since Freud has an author done so much to clarify what goes on between a psychotherapist and a patient.
Current Psychotherapies
Raymond J. Corsini - 1973
Each contributor is either an originator or a leading proponent of one of the systems, and each presents the basic principles of the system in a clear and straightforward manner, discussing it in the context of the other systems. Theory chapters include a case example that guides you through the problem, evaluation, treatment, and follow-up process. Accompanying CURRENT PSYCHOTHERAPIES is CASE STUDIES IN PSYCHOTHERAPY, each case demonstrates the basic techniques and methods of the theory being illustrated. This edition retains classic case studies by Harold Mosak, Carl Rogers, Albert Ellis, Arnold Lazarus, and Peggy Papp.
Leo Bersani - 2008
Their conversation takes as its point of departure psychoanalysis and its central importance to the modern imagination—though equally important is their shared sense that by misleading us about the importance of self-knowledge and the danger of narcissism, psychoanalysis has failed to realize its most exciting and innovative relational potential. In pursuit of new forms of intimacy they take up a range of concerns across a variety of contexts. To test the hypothesis that the essence of the analytic exchange is intimate talk without sex, they compare Patrice Leconte’s film about an accountant mistaken for a psychoanalyst, Intimate Strangers, with Henry James’s classic novella The Beast in the Jungle. A discussion of the radical practice of barebacking—unprotected anal sex between gay men—delineates an intimacy that rejects the personal. Even serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer and the Bush administration’s war on terror enter the scene as the conversation turns to the way aggression thrills and gratifies the ego. Finally, in a reading of Socrates’ theory of love from Plato’s Phaedrus, Bersani and Phillips call for a new form of intimacy which they term “impersonal narcissism”: a divestiture of the ego and a recognition of one’s non-psychological potential self in others. This revolutionary way of relating to the world, they contend, could lead to a new human freedom by mitigating the horrifying violence we blithely accept as part of human nature. Charmingly persuasive and daringly provocative, Intimacies is a rare opportunity to listen in on two brilliant thinkers as they explore new ways of thinking about the human psyche.
Breaking Free from the Victim Trap: Reclaiming Your Personal Power
Diane Zimberoff - 1989
The reader will begin to discover hope that healthy change is possible and gather determination to seek help to make those changes. This book identifies the victim, rescuer and persecutor personalities set forth in earlier ground-breaking work (and bestsellers) by Eric Berne, Claude Steiner and Thomas A. Harris. "Breaking Free..." builds upon this sturdy foundation of conflict resolution and takes the reader to the next level of healing. The easy-to-understand descriptions of the Victim Triangle help the reader to see how and why this may apply to him or her. There are a number of personal questionnaires and self-evaluation tests. For example, the reader can take a Victim Triangle Self Diagnosis Test, which is often helpful in motivating readers to seek and receive the healing they need and desire. The book describes through clear and dramatic case histories the connection between these victim patterns and most addictive behavior. This book presents a working model of what actually causes such self-deprecating behavior as alcoholism, sexual addiction, eating disorders, domestic violence, and the exhaustion of over-commitment seen in workaholics. Fascinating case histories assist the reader in recognizing this syndrome and how it may be wreaking havoc in their own lives and relationships. After careful consideration of causes and behaviors, the book provides simple tested treatment techniques that have been found to be extremely effective by thousands of clients. This is where "Breaking Free From the Victim Trap" breaks free of outdated methods and introduces a unique combination of healing techniques that virtually anyone can access. There is a clear explanation of the powerful benefits of hypnotherapy as well as an introduction to the Personal Transformation groups that have been established to treat this syndrome. The numerous case histories of real people who have healed the victim patterns in their lives offer hope and inspiration to those who seek healing and resolution. The book provides the reader with foundational concepts and tools for personal change. To those seeking treatment and to those providing treatment, clear choices are offered to provide the suffering person with new self-affirming behaviors. This book offers a holistic approach to personal growth and spiritual advancement.
Principles and Practice of Sex Therapy
Sandra R. Leiblum - 1980
Leading authorities demonstrate effective ways to integrate psychological, interpersonal, and medical interventions. Every chapter includes detailed clinical examples illustrating the process of therapy and the factors that influence treatment outcomes. Winner-- Society for Sex Therapy and Research (SSTAR) Health Professional Book Award
Family Therapy: History, Theory, and Practice
Samuel T. Gladding - 2006
The most thorough and well-written text in the field, Family Therapy: History, Theory, and Practice, now in its fourth edition, is a comprehensive and developmental textbook that covers all aspects of working with families. The author begins by helping students understand the differences between functional and dysfunctional families, then goes onto explain the basic processes involved in treating couples and families before it delves into a dozen theoretical ways of treating families. Readers will also learn about the history of family therapy, multicultural aspects of family therapy, ways of working with various types of families, ethical and legal issues involved in family therapy, and ways of assessing families. 250 new sources; a new chapter on how to work with couples and marriages in enriching and therapeutic ways; more on diversity issues including working with different forms of European American families, and expanded coverage of working with African-American, Native American Indian, Hispanic/Latino, and Asian-American families; an added section on dealing with infidelity in the addiction/abuse chapter; coverage of transition issues including working with military deployment or extended work assignments; and more information on managed care issues.
The Art of Being
Erich Fromm - 1989
Some of these chapters are contained in the present volume. They deal entirely with the "steps toward being" that the individual can take in order to learn the Art of Being. How can we realize and actualize Love, Reason, and meaningful, productive work? Fromm here offers the Art of Being, a way of living based on authentic self-awareness that comes only through honest self-analysis. Wisely, he warns of the pitfalls of our attaining enlightenment without effort, or believing that life can be lived without pain. The tantalizing "spiritual smorgasbord" offered by our consumer-oriented world, Fromm maintains, only feeds our illusions of "easy awareness." Confronting the psycho-Gurus who preach these shortcuts to enlightenment, Fromm offers another way to self-awareness and well-being, one based on psychoanalysis and self-awareness through meditation. If the Art of Being - the art of functioning as a whole person - can be considered the supreme goal of life, a breakthrough occurs when we move from narcissistic selfishness and egotism - from having - to psychological and spiritual happiness - being. The Art of Being will be one of the most important works in the Fromm canon for years to come.
A Clinical Introduction to Lacanian Psychoanalysis: Theory and Technique
Bruce Fink - 1997
These are the readers Bruce Fink addresses in this clear and practical account of Lacan's highly original approach to therapy. Written by a clinician for clinicians, Fink's Introduction is an invaluable guide to Lacanian psychoanalysis, how it's done, and how it differs from other forms of therapy. While elucidating many of Lacan's theoretical notions, the book does so from the perspective of the practitioner faced with the pressing questions of diagnosis, what therapeutic stance to adopt, how to involve the patient, and how to bring about change.Fink provides a comprehensive overview of Lacanian analysis, explaining the analyst's aims and interventions at each point in the treatment. He uses four case studies to elucidate Lacan's unique structural approach to diagnosis. These cases, taking up both theoretical and clinical issues in Lacan's views of psychosis, perversion, and neurosis, highlight the very different approaches to treatment that different situations demand.
Freud and Beyond: A History of Modern Psychoanalytic Thought
Stephen A. Mitchell - 1995
But psychoanalytic thinking has undergone an enormous expansion and transformation over the past fifty years. With Freud and Beyond, Stephen A. Mitchell and Margaret J. Black make contemporary psychoanalytic thinking—the body of work that has been done since Freud—available for the first time. Richly illustrated with case examples, this lively, jargon-free introduction makes modern psychoanalytic thought accessible at last.
C.G. Jung - 1974
Includes The Analysis of Dreams, 'On the Significance of Number Dreams, General Aspects of Dream Psychology, On the Nature of Dreams, Individual Dream Symbolism in Relation to Alchemy, and The Practical Use of Dream-Analysis.
Choice Theory: A New Psychology of Personal Freedom
William Glasser - 1998
William Glasser offers a new psychology that, if practiced, could reverse our widespread inability to get along with one another, an inability that is the source of almost all unhappiness.For progress in human relationships, he explains that we must give up the punishing, relationship–destroying external control psychology. For example, if you are in an unhappy relationship right now, he proposes that one or both of you could be using external control psychology on the other. He goes further. And suggests that misery is always related to a current unsatisfying relationship. Contrary to what you may believe, your troubles are always now, never in the past. No one can change what happened yesterday.
Neurotic Styles
David A. Shapiro - 1964
This new edition of one of the books most closely identified with clinical psychology since 1965 will expose a new generation to Shapiro's stunningly defining conceptualizations of the Obsessive-Compulsive, Paranoid, Hysterical, and Impulsive ways of being.
Inside Lives: Psychoanalysis and the Growth of the Personality
Margot Waddell - 1998
Following the major developmental phases from infancy to old age, the author lucidly explores the vital aspects of experience which promote mental and emotional growth and those which impede it. In bringing together a wide range of clinical, non-clinical and literary examples, it offers a detailed and accessible introduction to contemporary psychoanalytic thought and provides a personal and vivid approach to the elusive question of how the personality develops.
Making Sex: Body and Gender from the Greeks to Freud
Thomas W. Laqueur - 1990
It tells the astonishing story of sex in the West from the ancients to the moderns in a precise account of developments in reproductive anatomy and physiology. We cannot fail to recognize the players in Thomas Laqueur's story--the human sexual organs and pleasures, food, blood, semen, egg, sperm--but we will be amazed at the plots into which they have been woven by scientists, political activists, literary figures, and theorists of every stripe.Laqueur begins with the question of why, in the late eighteenth century, woman's orgasm came to be regarded as irrelevant to conception, and he then proceeds to retrace the dramatic changes in Western views of sexual characteristics over two millennia. Along the way, two "master plots" emerge. In the one-sex story, woman is an imperfect version of man, and her anatomy and physiology are construed accordingly: the vagina is seen as an interior penis, the womb as a scrotum, the ovaries as testicles. The body is thus a representation, not the foundation, of social gender. The second plot tends to dominate post-Enlightenment thinking while the one-sex model is firmly rooted in classical learning. The two-sex story says that the body determines gender differences, that woman is the opposite of man with incommensurably different organs, functions, and feelings. The two plots overlap; neither ever holds a monopoly. Science may establish many new facts, but even so, Laqueur argues, science was only providing a new way of speaking, a rhetoric and not a key to female liberation or to social progress. Making Sex ends with Freud, who denied the neurological evidence to insist that, as a girl becomes a woman, the locus of her sexual pleasure shifts from the clitoris to the vagina; she becomes what culture demands despite, not because of, the body. Turning Freud's famous dictum around, Laqueur posits that destiny is anatomy. Sex, in other words, is an artifice.This is a powerful story, written with verve and a keen sense of telling detail (be it technically rigorous or scabrously fanciful). Making Sex will stimulate thought, whether argument or surprised agreement, in a wide range of readers.