Book picks similar to
Lose It Right: A Brutally Honest 3-Stage Program to Help You Get Fit and Lose Weight Without Losing Your Mind by James Fell
The PlantPlus Diet Solution: Personalized Nutrition for Life
Joan Borysenko - 2014
She cuts through the thicket of confusing—and often downright wrong—advice on nutrition and gives you easy-to-digest, bite-sized servings of real scientific information so you can discover which foods your body needs to heal and thrive. Since Joan wears two hats—as a psychologist and a cell biologist—you can trust her to psych out your inner saboteur, enabling you to make the changes you’ve been dreaming of. And as a busy woman who loves good food, she’ll teach you how to make simple, scrumptious, satisfying meals that you and your family will love whether you’re omnivores, vegans, or vegetarians. In this groundbreaking book, Joan will help you:Get up-to-date information on the nutrition revolutionMake friends with the plants that feed your gut bacteriaLose the weight and keep it offUnderstand how diet changes your genes and how your genes determine your best dietFill out a health symptom checklist and track the changes as your personalized PlantPlus Diet optimizes your metabolismKnow which tests to ask your doctor for and whyCreate a sleek and streamlined PlantPlus kitchenMake fabulous meals in minutes with simple recipes and meal plans
The Hormone Secret: A 30-Day, Non-Prescription Plan to Reclaim Your Energy, Youth, and Vitality
Tami Meraglia - 2015
Unlike many men their age, they may also suffer from sleep problems, osteoporosis, and depression. Too many middle-aged women have lost interest in sex, and they seem to age less slowly and gracefully than their male counterparts.Dr. Tami Meraglia knows that the magic word here is testosterone. While there is ample discussion in the medical community about the effects of estrogen loss, few people are aware of the importance of sufficient testosterone levels in women. A healthy balance helps women slim down, improves their mood, lowers the risk of cardiac disease, increases energy and libido, prevents osteoporosis, enhances skin tone and texture, and may even prevent cognitive decline—yet more than 90 percent of women over age forty-five suffer from low testosterone levels. In The Hormone Secret, Dr. Tami offers a thirty-day plan to fix this imbalance, using evidence-based remedies including herbs, vitamins, nutrition, and sometimes topical creams and bioidentical testosterone replacement therapy (they key is low dosage to prevent unwanted side effects). She also offers her hormone-customized Mediterranean Diet–based meal plan and low-impact exercise ideas that will immediately boost your energy levels.With cutting-edge research and strong scientific evidence to support Dr. Tami’s thirty-day plan, The Hormone Secret gives you all the information you need to balance your hormones and improve your vitality for a strong and healthy life.
Turbo-charge Your Life in 14 Days
Jason Vale - 2005
A motivational read with a practical plan that will inspire you to fuel your body with the right stuff!Jason Vale is fast becoming the UK's most popular health coach. Here 'the Juice Master' offers his first ever 14 day diet programme.It includes:- no wheat, no yeast, and 'man made' carbs at lunchtime only- 70% of your daily menu to be water-rich 'live' foods- not eating 3 hours before going to bed- exercising twice a day for 45–60 mins- TV and recreational computer time being kept to a max of 2 hours a day- 30 great recipes, including Green Veggie Power Soup, Turbo Salad, Protein Snack Attack and Green Power SmoothieJason Vale tackles the most common excuses we use to let ourselves off the hook: 'I can't because… I've got a slow metabolism… I don't have time…' and offers inspirational stories of people who have overcome giant obstacles to achieve their goal.This book will help you move from a dieting mentality to one where you focus on what you can have rather than what you think you can't have.
Carb Back-Loading
John Kiefer - 2012
Get shredded. The carb back-loading diet could provide the holy grail to packing on mass and losing fat.
The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Anti-Inflammation Diet
Christopher P. Cannon - 2006
In this book, you will find what diseases and conditions are caused by inflammation, which foods reduce inflammation and which foods contribute to inflammation, and how to tweak today's diets to make them anti-inflammatory. Over 60 million Americans suffer from cardiovascular disease and over 20 million Americans suffer from asthma - two conditions thought to be affected, if not caused, by inflammation. Many Newsweek articles have been dedicated to this topic, including 'Quieting a Body's Defenses' by Anne Underwood, in 2005. New York Times best-selling author Andrew Weil dedicated a portion of his new book, Healthy Aging, to a discussion of inflammation, its role in diseases, and the use of diet to control ageing.
The Smarter Science of Slim: What the Actual Experts Have Proven about Weight Loss, Health, and Fitness
Jonathan Bailor - 2011
The end result is this very straightforward, simple and easy-to-read book, where Bailor bridges the gap between the academic world and the everyday world to dispel the myths, lies, and corporate sales hype that have fueled the current obesity epidemic. More than any other author in this new century, Bailor has separated scientific fact from weight loss fiction--to deliver a proven, permanent and easy-to-implement fat loss solution. Based on clinically proven research--not trendy opinions--Bailor uses biology and common sense to bring reason to the topic of diet, exercise and weight loss. ------Endorsements------- Proven and practical. Dr. Theodoros Kelesidis Harvard & UCLA Medical Schools The latest and best scientific research. Dr. John J. Ratey Harvard Medical School An important piece of work. Dr. Anthony Accurso Johns Hopkins Smart and health promoting. Dr. JoAnn E. Manson Harvard Medical School The last diet book you will ever need to buy. Dr. Larry Dossey Medical City Dallas Hospital Revolutionary, surprising, and scientifically sound. Dr. Jan Friden University of Gothenburg Compelling, simple, and practical. Dr. Steve Yeaman Newcastle University Stimulating and provocative. Dr. Soren Toubro University of Copenhagen Amazing and important research. Dr. Wayne Westcott Quincy College Brilliant. Will end your confusion once and for all. Dr. William Davis Fellowship of the American College of Cardiology, author of Wheat Belly Bailor's work stands alone. Maik Wiedenbach World Cup and Olympic Athlete Bailor opens the black box of fat loss and makes it simple for you to explore the facts. Joel Harper Dr. Oz Show fitness expert A groundbreaking paradigm shift. It gets results and changes lives. Jade Teta, ND, CSCS
Reboot with Joe: Fully Charged: 7 Keys to Losing Weight, Staying Healthy and Thriving
Joe Cross - 2015
Whether you’ve followed the Reboot diet and are looking for help in sustaining your success, or looking for advice that will help you lose weight and adopt a healthy lifestyle, this book is full of inspiration and encouragement, as well as practical tips for diet, exercise, and mindfulness.Adopt Joe’s 7 keys and thrive!1. Change Your Relationship to Food (Don’t Abuse Food) 2. Change Your Diet (Eat the Right Stuff) 3. Change Your Habits About Food (Find a New Groove) 4. Embrace Community (Get a Little Help From Your Friends) 5. Maintain the Machine (Follow the Upkeep Manual) 6. Practice Mindfulness (Chill Out) 7. Respect Yourself“Before I started juicing, I was overweight and taking medication to treat an autoimmune disease. By drinking only fresh vegetable and fruit juices while making my film Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead, I lost weight, got off the medication, and began to feel better than ever! Today, I still drink a lot of juice and eat a balanced diet centered on fruits and vegetables. But I’ve also realized that staying healthy is a lot more complex than just what you eat. I’ve distilled what I’ve learned down to 7 Keys to health and happiness. Paying attention to these 7 keys helps me thrive.”—Joe Cross
Lean Habits For Lifelong Weight Loss: Mastering 4 Core Eating Behaviors to Stay Slim Forever
Georgie Fear - 2015
The four staples of lean living are all about adjusting your relationship with food so you can eat what you want, when you want but with a smarter approach. Easy modifications like learning to sense when you are truly hungry and knowing the difference between satisfied and stuffed, will be your stepping-stones to a healthy life in which you don't have to stress about your diet. Millions of dieters are disillusioned by fad diets with celebrity endorsements but no basis in scientific reasoning. Georgie Fear is a registered dietitian and professional weight loss coach with research experience in nutritional science. Her approach is based on research and has been tested and proven on her clientele, including Olympic athletes and NCAA teams. Simply put, Georgie's approach to weight loss is the only non-restrictive, customizable, flexible and effective system that works for life. You don't just learn the habits; you change the way you look at food forever. No more forbidden foods, tiny portions or liquid cleanses--just better awareness and life-long results.
The Bodybuilder's Nutrition Book
Franco Columbu - 1985
Franco Columbu, a well-known expert on nutrition and kinesiology (and two-time Mr. Olympia) presents the most successful strategies and diet plans for achieving a superior physique. How the body utilizes the basic nutrients and how to use that to your advantage is explained in detail.
Extreme Fat Smash Diet: With More Than 75 Recipes
Ian K. Smith - 2007
Ian Smith's Extreme Fat Smash Diet is safe, fast and ultra-effective--taking his proven weight loss system to its hard core. No gimmicks, no denying yourself entire categories of food (like carbs), no nonsense. Instead, Extreme Fat Smash Diet delivers quick, permanent results. On Extreme, you'll set yourself up for:--losing up to 12 pounds the first 3 weeks--learning your dieting profile: are you an alpha, beta or gamma?--choosing one of three cycles of dieting for three different weight loss goals: 5 pounds, 10 pounds, and 15 pounds and up--real-world exercise ideas--fresh recipes for quick, tasty meals--a schedule that allows both meals and snacks--Dr. Ian's tips and strategies to keep you on track--a maintenance plan that's designed to stickIf your dieting goal is time-sensitive, Extreme Fat Smash will work for you!
Strength for Life: The Fitness Plan for the Rest of Your Life
Shawn Phillips - 2008
Now he's sharing his fresh approach to fitness with everyone. Strength for Life is an easy-to-implement program to help you get in fantastic shape, enjoy abundant energy, and maintain a lean, strong physique-not just for 12 weeks but for the rest of your life. Let's face it, with the demands of family, work, and life, many of us simply don't have the time to stick to a rigorous workout schedule. Through his own life experience, Shawn Phillips has recognized this challenge and risen to it, literally reinventing fitness with a results-oriented program that you can embrace even with your hectic schedule and do either at home or at the gym. Homing in on the idea of building mental and physical strength rather than just sculpting your body, Shawn has pioneered a technique called Focus Intensity Training (TM) (FIT), which uses the mind-body connection to yield incredible results. The program features - a workout plan that can take as little as 35 minutes a day, 3 times a week- illustrated exercises with clear step-by-step instructions- 3 workout phases-a 12-day Base Camp pre-training period, a 12-week Transformation Camp, and a year-round continuation plan geared to keep you going strong and vibrant for the rest of your life- a simple eating plan to fuel your body for optimum energy and performance-one that will free you from dieting forever- goal-setting exercises to help you achieve lasting motivation and reach your loftiest visions It's never too late to get in shape. If you're in your twenties or thirties, Strength for Life will show you how to achieve peak levels of fitness year after year. For those forty and beyond, you can look forward to recapturing the energy and vitality you thought you had lost. By following Strength for Life, you will make yourself stronger, leaner, sharper, and more confident. As Shawn writes: "Strength is about being more, doing more, giving more. It's not just surviving; it's thriving. And most important, strength is about having a reserve, a deeper, fuller capacity of body, mind, heart, and soul."
Juicing Recipes From Fitlife.TV Star Drew Canole For Vitality and Health (Kindle Edition)
Drew Canole - 2012
Bright Line Eating: The Science of Living Happy, Thin & Free
Susan Peirce Thompson - 2017
Are you ready to join them?In this book, Susan Peirce Thompson, Ph.D. shares the groundbreaking weight-loss solution based on her highly acclaimed Bright Line Eating Boot Camps. Rooted in cutting-edge neuroscience, psychology, and biology, Bright Line Eating explains why people who are desperate to lose weight fail again and again:
It’s because the brain blocks weight loss.
Bright Line Eating (BLE) is a simple approach designed to reverse that process. By working with four “Bright Lines” — clear, unambiguous, boundaries — Susan Peirce Thompson shows us how to heal our brain and shift it into a mode where it is ready to shed pounds, release cravings, and stop sabotaging our weight loss goals.Best of all, it is a program that understands that willpower cannot be relied on, and sets us up to be successful anyway.Through the lens of Susan’s own moving story, and those of her Bright Lifers, you’ll discover firsthand why traditional diet and exercise plans have failed in the past. You’ll also learn about the role addictive susceptibility plays in your personal weight-loss journey, where cravings come from, how to rewire your brain so they disappear, and more. Susan guides you through the phases of Bright Line Eating—from weight loss to maintenance and beyond—and offers a dynamic food plan that will work for anyone, whether you’re vegan, gluten-free, paleo, or none of the above.Bright Line Eating frees us from the obesity cycle and introduces a radical plan for sustainable weight loss. It’s a game changer in a game that desperately needs changing.
“Bright Line Eating ushers in an end to cravings, an end to dieting, an end to that constant, exhausting, soul-sucking loop in your head about food and calories and pounds. . . . Living Happy, Thin, and Free is your birthright.” — Susan Peirce Thompson
The Skinny Rules: The Simple, Nonnegotiable Principles for Getting to Thin
Bob Harper - 2012
But with Bob Harper, superstar trainer and co-host of NBC's hit show "The Biggest Loser" as your personal authority and coach, you can and will finally shed the pounds-whether you want to lose two or two hundred! Distilling Bob's vast knowledge of nutrition, weight-loss strategy, and human nature down to twenty simple, nonnegotiable principles, "The Skinny Rules" will help you step away from a reliance on processed foods and the need for so much sweet and salt and step into a newly thin lifestyle. And Bob's methods couldn't be more straightforward. Taking the guesswork out of implementing the Skinny Rules," "Bob offers a month's worth of menu plans and more than 90 delicious, rule-abiding recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks to keep you cooking and eating skinny for life. You'll be happily astounded to see the variety and volume of the tasty food on your plate! He also includes terrific tips for what to stock in your fridge and what to prepare every weekend in order to set yourself up for success during your too-busy-to-cook weekdays. A virtual GPS to your weight-loss goals, "The Skinny Rules" takes the mystery out of the process, offering the fastest route to your skinny destination. LOSING WEIGHT IS NOW AS SIMPLE AS 1-2-3 . . . AND 3-15-18-20 TOO! Rule #3: Eat protein at every meal, making some kind of fish your go-to protein as often as you can. Take your weight and divide it by two-that's more or less how much protein you should be eating in grams every day. Rule #15: Eat at least ten meals a week at home (and cook them yourself). Restaurant portions are usually 40 to 50 percent bigger than what you'd serve at home-the more you eat out, the more you overeat. Set yourself up for success by preparing my turkey meatballs, hummus, and roasted vegetables on the weekend so that you will have go-to staples and no excuses! Rule #18: Go to bed slightly hungry. Denied fuel for more than five hours, your body will start burning its own fat and sugar. Make a point not to eat after dinner and you'll be burning fat while you're sleeping. Rule #20: Enjoy a splurge meal once a week. Unlike episodic bingeing, splurge meals are an ingredient in your diet. When you plan something, you are in control."From the Hardcover edition."
The 7-Day Flat-Belly Tea Cleanse: The Revolutionary New Plan to Melt Up to 10 Pounds of Fat in Just One Week!
Kelly Choi - 2015
Join food journalist Kelly Choi and the New York Times bestselling authors of Eat This, Not That! as they unlock the science of tea, and discover how different forms of this healing plant can help change your life. The new and improved 7-Day Flat-Belly Tea Cleanse features even more shocking scientific evidence that reveals how you can strip away belly fat—fast! “I loved the results! I followed the plan for 7 days and lost 9 pounds!”—Jeanine Arenas, 31, Miami, Florida From metabolism-boosting green tea to fat-blocking white tea to the multi-powered chai, you’ll learn how to time your tea intake throughout the day, ensuring your body is burning fat and staying strong 24/7. All the while, you’ll get to enjoy delicious tea-based smoothies and indulgent dinners (yes, you get to eat on this cleanse!). “I went from a size 20 to a size 16, and I’m alive with energy. This is not a diet or cleanse for me but a way of life.”—Tracy Durst, 45, Lewistown, PA In just one week, you will • lose up to 10 pounds of stubborn abdominal weight • look and feel leaner and lighter, without grueling exercise • reset your metabolism to help make weight-loss long-lasting and automatic • sleep more soundly and feel more energized • dramatically reduce your risk of diabetes and heart disease • beat stress and bring complete calm to your mind Are you ready to look slimmer, healthier, and sexier than you have in years—in just one week? Then you’re ready for The 7-Day Flat-Belly Tea Cleanse.