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Quick & Easy Medical Terminology - E-Book by Peggy C. Leonard
Understanding Pathophysiology
Sue E. Huether - 2008
The most current information on the mechanisms, manifestations, and treatments of disease are clearly and concisely presented. Accessible writing, numerous illustrations in full-color, and complete and separate treatment of pediatric pathophysiology are the hallmarks of this popular and respected text. The new third edition features extensively revised and updated content and an enhanced art program.The book is divided into two parts. Part One presents the general principles of pathophysiology, including cell injury and repair; genetics; fluids and electrolytes, acids and bases; immunity, inflammation, and infection; stress; and cancer. Part Two is organized by body system, and for each system it covers normal anatomy and physiology, alterations of function in adults, and alterations of function in children.• Complete but concise coverage provides a thorough discussion of general pathophysiology and specific disease processes. • Outstanding full-color art program illustrates normal anatomy and physiology, disease processes, and clinical manifestations of disease. • Pediatric content is presented in 9 separate chapters to provide thorough coverage of how disease processes specifically affect children. • Health Alert boxes present brief discussions of new research, diagnostic studies, preventative care, treatments, or other developments related to health or specific diseases. • Quick Check questions appear at the end of major sections of text and are designed to promote critical thinking. Suggested answers to the questions are found on the CD companion included with the text. • Risk Factor boxes illustrate how certain risk factors are associated with specific diseases. • Did You Understand? chapter summaries provide students with a comprehensive review of the major concepts presented in each chapter. • Aging content is identified with a special icon within the adult chapters. • Algorithms are used throughout the text to illustrate normal and compensatory physiology and pathophysiology. • Key terms are boldface in text and listed with page numbers at the end of each chapter for easy reference and chapter review.• Approximately 250 new full-color drawings have been added. • An Introduction to Pathophysiology included in the front matter defines pathophysiology — and related terms such as etiology and epidemiology — and explains why it is important. • Extensive updates, based on the most current research, have been made throughout the book. • To reflect the latest developments, the Biology of Cancer chapter has been completely rewritten. • Several chapters, including Fluids and Electrolytes, Acids and Bases and Alterations of the Reproductive Systems have been extensively edited.
Microbiology: A Systems Approach
Marjorie Kelly Cowan - 2000
It has become known for its engaging writing style, instructional art program and focus on active learning. We are so excited to offer a robust learning program with student-focused learning activities, allowing the student to manage their learning while you easily manage their assessment. Detailed reports show how your assignments measure various learning objectives from the book (or input your own!), levels of Bloom's Taxonomy or other categories, and how your students are doing. The Cowan Learning program will save you time and improve your student's success in this course.
Criminal Justice Today: An Introductory Text for the 21st Century
Frank J. Schmalleger - 1991
The strengths of the book rest in the application of theoretical perspectives to current real world activities related to criminal justice issues. New technology and cases are also incorporated, bringing the book and reader together in current issues. CJ Ethics & Professionalism Boxes stress the importance of ethical behavior for the criminal justice professional. New Juvenile Justice chart details the flow of events in the juvenile justice system. An added CD provides additional and in-depth coverage of important issues and background material found in book. Also includes full opinions of important U.S. Supreme Court cases covered in the chapters. Criminal justice professionals.
The Law of Higher Education
William A. Kaplin - 2006
It also provides a guide for programs that help prepare higher education administrators for leadership roles. This important reference is organized into five main parts Perspectives and Foundations; The College and Its Governing Board and Staff; The College and Its Faculty; The College and Its Students; and The College and the Outside World. Each part includes the sections of the full fourth edition that most relate to student interests and are most suitable for classroom instruction, for example:The evolution and reach of higher education law The governance of higher education Legal planning and dispute resolution The interrelationships between law and policy The college and its employees Faculty employment and tenure Academic freedom Campus issues: student safety, racial and sexual harassment, affirmative action, computer networks, services for international students Student misconduct Freedom of speech, hate speech Student rights, responsibilities, and activities fees Athletics and Title IX Copyright
The World of the Cell
Wayne M. Becker - 1986
KEY TOPICS: A Preview of the Cell, The Chemistry of the Cell, The Macromolecules of the Cell, Cells and Organelles, Bioenergetics: The Flow of Energy in the Cell, Enzymes: The Catalysts of Life, Membranes: Their Structure, Function, and Chemistry, Transport Across Membranes: Overcoming the Permeability Barrier, Chemotrophic Energy Metabolism: Glycolysis and Fermentation, Chemotrophic Energy Metabolism: Aerobic Respiration, Phototrophic Energy Metabolism: Photosynthesis, The Endomembrane System and Peroxisomes, Signal Transduction Mechanisms: I. Electrical and Synaptic Signaling in Neurons, Signal Transduction Mechanisms: II. Messengers and Receptors, Cytoskeletal Systems, Cellular Movement: Motility and Contractility, Beyond the Cell: Cell Adhesion, Cell Junctions, and Extracellular Structures, The Structural Basis of Cellular Information: DNA, Chromosomes, and the Nucleus, The Cell Cycle, DNA Replication, and Mitosis, Sexual Reproduction, Meiosis, and Genetic Recombination, Gene Expression: I. The Genetic Code and Transcription, Gene Expression: II. Protein Synthesis and Sorting, The Regulation of Gene Expression, Cancer Cells, Principles and Techniques of Microscopy. MARKET: For all readers interested in molecular biology.
Medical-Surgical Nursing (Single Volume): Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems
Sharon Mantik Lewis - 1983
It covers patient care in various clinical settings by employing a unique levels of care approach, discussing nursing implementation at multiple levels. Special features highlight the content that is most relevant and challenging for today's nursing students, including patient teaching, nutrition, drug therapy, cultural and ethnic disparities, and more.Identifies and discusses all levels of nursing management, including Health Promotion, Acute Intervention, and Ambulatory and Home Care, to prepare the nurse to effectively intervene at various stages of illness.Online podcasts feature audio key points summaries for each chapter highlighting important information.Extensive gerontologic content discusses age-related changes for each body system and alerts the nurse to differences often encountered in older patients.Attractive four-color design and over 1,400 full-color illustrations enhance learning by presenting disease processes and related anatomy and physiology more clearly.About 55 thoroughly updated, comprehensive nursing care plans incorporate current NANDA diagnoses, defining characteristics, expected outcomes, interventions with rationales, evaluation criteria, and more.New chapters on Health Disparities, Stress and Stress Management, Infection and HIV, and Nursing Management: Obesity provide a more comprehensive look at the world of medical-surgical nursing.Electronic Resource Summary at chapter openers alert students to additional electronic resources available on companion CD and Evolve.Gender Differences boxes summarize how women and men are affected differently by medical conditions.Drug Alert boxes highlight important considerations applicable to key drugs.A glossary of key terms and definitions contains definitions and page references.NCLEX examination style review questions in each chapter include a focus on prioritization of patient care.All nursing care plans now incorporate NIC and NOC. Companion CD:More than 50 interactive case studies with realistic, 3-D animations to help you visualize disease processes from the inside outA unique Stress-Busting Kit for Nursing Students with strategies for managing your (and your patients') stressA collection of Multimedia Supplements with audio and video clips, plus additional animations375 NCLEX(R) examination-style review questions
Technology in Action: Complete
Alan Evans - 2004
For introductory courses in computer concepts or computer literacy often including instruction in Microsoft Office.A Computer Concepts Text Focused on Today’s Student!Technology in Action engages students by combining a unique teaching approach with rich companion media.
Management Accounting
Anthony A. Atkinson - 1994
APPROACH: Atkinson is a managerially-oriented book that focuses on both quantitative and qualitative aspects of classical and contemporary managerial accounting. COMPETITORS: Garrison, MH;
College Writing Skills with Readings
John Langan - 1993
College Writing Skills With Reading features John Langan's clear writing style and his wide range of writing assignments and activities that effectively reinforce the four essentials of good writing: unity, support, coherence, and sentence skills. This alternate version provides 25 entertaining and informative essays by professional writers.
Ron Larson - 1999
It has been widely praised by a generation of users for its solid and effective pedagogy that addresses the needs of a broad range of teaching and learning styles and environments. Each title is just one component in a comprehensive calculus course program that carefully integrates and coordinates print, media, and technology products for successful teaching and learning.
Medical-Surgical Nursing: Patient-Centered Collaborative Care, Single Volume
Donna D. Ignatavicius - 2009
Ignatavicius and M. Linda Workman cover all the latest trends, evidence-based treatment guidelines, and additional updated information needed for safe clinical practice in medical-surgical nursing. This seventh edition features an expanded emphasis on patient safety and NCLEX? Examination preparation, new ties to the QSEN priorities for patient safety, and a greater alignment with the language and focus of clinical practice. A new chapter on evidence-based practice and a wealth of effective online learning tools help solidify your mastery of medical-surgical nursing.
Exploring Medical Language: A Student-Directed Approach
Myrna LaFleur Brooks - 1985
With a logical, body-systems organization and engaging terminology exercises throughout, it's your key to communicating confidently and effectively with other health care professionals.Systematic approach to terminology prepares you to recognize and define new words as you encounter them and build the medical vocabulary you'll need in the health care setting.Pronunciation key provides quick access to frequently referenced material.Complimentary and Alternative Medicine terms boxes highlight words and phrases associated with this increasingly popular discipline.Case studies encourage critical thinking and demonstrate how to apply the information you've learned.Terminology flash cards, included with every book, give you valuable review and self-assessment tools you can take anywhere for study on the go.Evolve resources enhance your learning and reinforcement opportunities with additional exercises, a Spanish/English glossary, and the Body Spectrum Electronic Anatomy Coloring Book.Medical Terminology Online, available at an additional charge, gives you access to a complete online course for the most advanced learning and understanding.New terms and abbreviations familiarize you with the latest terminology in use in health care.New images and illustrations visually acquaint you with pathologic information and procedures you'll encounter in the clinical setting.Enhanced chapter features highlight important concepts and provide guidance for more effective learning and study.CD references within the text direct you to expanded learning opportunities on the companion CD.More than 20 new medical records let you practice medical terminology using the forms you'll encounter in the clinical setting.New icons make it easy to distinguish a variety of helpful boxes and reference the material you need quickly.Answers to review exercises help you gauge your strengths and weaknesses and configure the most effective study plan for you.Website boxes refer you to valuable content you can access online for further learning.Revised pharmacy appendix helps you easily reference key pharmaceutical terms.The vastly updated companion CD provides fun alternatives for reinforcing what you've learned with new learning games, including Medical Millionaire and Termbusters.Enhanced audio companion, available on CD or as iTerms downloads for portable media players, helps you perfect your pronunciation skills and confidently use the terms you've learned in practice.
Special Education: Contemporary Perspectives for School Professionals
Marilyn Friend - 2004
Contemporary concepts and evidence-based practices prepare new teachers for their roles in the education and well-being of students with disabilities and other special needs. Marilyn Friend combines research-informed concepts and skills with practical information for educators working in this challenging age of high standards and accountability, curriculum access, inclusive practices, professional collaboration, and student diversity. The third edition integrates the requirements of the NCLB and IDEA legislation with evidence-based practices so that readers understand the expectations for educators and students, and learn how critical concepts translate into educational practices. Real People, Real Classrooms:"Chapter Opening Vignettes "describe the experiences of three different students of varying ages as they relate to the topics discussed in each chapter and are referenced at key points in the chapter."Firsthand Account"features real life stories from teachers, students, parents, and school professionals sharing their own experiences and perspectives relating to life and learning with special needs."""Speaking from Experience "features capture the insights and advice of experienced teachers on topics ranging from working effectively with colleagues to finding ways to juggle all the responsibilities of being a special educator to addressing a variety of professional challenges, including those related to student behavior and family concerns.Real Research:Instruction in Action highlight teaching application for intensive instruction delivered by special education teachers in various educational settings.Positive Behavioral Supports illustrates the many positive, proactive ways to address students' behavior/social issues as part of overall classroom teaching and learning.Cutting Edge InformationTechnology Notes features showcase fascinating instructional and assistive technology applications for teaching students with exceptional needs in special educational settings as well as links to information that can help beginning teachers plan their lessons, motivate their students, and keep abreast of their rapidly changing field.Professional Edge features describe conceptual materials and cutting edge information that connect theory to practice.
Business Driven Information Systems
Paige Baltzan - 2006
The premise for this unique approach is that business initiatives should drive technology choices. Every discussion first addresses the business needs and then addresses the technology that supports those needs. This text provides the foundation that will enable students to achieve excellence in business, whether they major in operations management, manufacturing, sales, marketing, finance, human resources, accounting, or virtually any other business discipline. Business Driven Information Systems is designed to give students the ability to understand how information technology can be a point of strength for an organization.