Best of
Fidelity: What It Means to Be a One-Woman Man
Douglas Wilson - 1999
But in the end, the antidote to all sexual temptation is simple - the godly honoring of the marriage bed.
Pure Desire: Helping People Break Free from Sexual Struggles
Ted Roberts - 1999
Ted Roberts found Christ in the skies over Vietnam, where he flew life-and-death missions as a Marine fighter pilot. Unbeknownst to his wife, however, he also brought home from the war an addiction to pornography. Since his recovery, Dr. Roberts has spoken to thousands of men about similar problems, and he has reached an inescapable conclusion: Hell is using sexual bondage to tear the Church apart Our world, our homes, our churches have become raging battlefields over this issue, and the Internet a stealth bomber from hell with pornography as its payload. More and more men -- even Christian leaders -- are fighting for their spiritual lives. Now churches can counterattack the enemy's assault with this effective battle plan and strategy for dealing with sexual addiction. It's a matter of spiritual life or death.
Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity
Bruce Bagemihl - 1999
Two ganders who work together as a mated pair? Two female bears raising their four cubs together? A kangaroo with both a female pouch and male sex organs? Who's been keeping all this a secret? Homosexual mating and pairing occur in all species, so contends author Bruce Bagemihl in this well-researched book on animal homosexualities. Bagemihl is a biologist and researcher who went from teaching to working at Microsoft, and now he's produced one phenomenal book on gay, lesbian, bisexual, and tr ansgendered animal life. Bagemihl first shows how past biologists and anthropologists have made their errors in reportage regarding observations in the field of homosexual behavior among the beasts (interestingly enough, all homosexual behavior tended to be called either aggressive or passive, and not about mating or affection between animals, even though it was often the identical mating behavior as the heterosexually-oriented animals). In this often lively, but sometimes overwhelmingly encyclopedic study and listing of homosexual diversity in the animal kingdom, the author has done a phenomenal job of bringing science into a popular idiom so that the animal behavior he details i s understandable to the layperson.Biological Exuberance is divided into two main sections, "A Polysexual, Polygendered World" and "A Wondrous Bestiary: Portraits of Homosexual, Bisexual, and Transgendered Wildlife." The first section primarily deals with how we as a civilization have viewed animal sexuality in the past, and themyths we'vebuilt up around it, and the author's term, "biological exuberance." Here's how Bagemihl himself describes it. The essence ofBiological Exuberanceis that natural systems are driven as much by abundance and excess as they are by limitation and practicality. Seen in this light, homosexuality and nonreproductive heterosexuality are "expected" o ccurrences they are one manifestation of an overall "extravagance" of biological systems that has many other expressions. In the second major section of the book, the author breaks his studies down into individual animal species and subgroupings of species. Fascinating, page-turning in its own way, and full of pictures of homosexual matings and sexual congress among our furry and feathered friends,Biolobical Exuberance is one of the most readable scientifically-based books of the year. Get this one. It is amazing.
The Whole Lesbian Sex Book: A Passionate Guide for All of Us
Felice Newman - 1999
First published in 1999, it's been lauded for its thoroughness, enthusiastic tone, and creative, nonjudgmental approach to lesbian sex in all its rich variety. (Library Journal lamented, "Why can't more heterosexual sex manuals be this good?") Now, five years later, sex educator Felice Newman has completely updated this classic guide. There is new information throughout, up-to-date research, fresh quotes from women who share their real-world experiences, a greatly expanded resource guide, new illustrations, and an entire new chapter on sex and partnership.Topics include:Where to find sex partners (and how to talk to your lovers about sex). Discovering your desires and fantasies.How to have all the orgasms you desire--G-spot orgasms, multiple orgasms, extended orgasms, and ejaculation.Why communication is the most important erotic skill you can offer your partners.How masturbation can improve your sex life.Expert how-to information on cunnilingus, anal sex, vaginal fisting, and other favorite lesbian sex techniques.How to choose vibrators, dildos, and harnesses, and get the most out of your sex toys.And much more.
Deal with It!: A Whole New Approach to Your Body, Brain, and Life as a Gurl
Esther Drill - 1999
It's a resource to help you learn about, laugh about, and figure out the stuff you go through on your way through life. It won't tell you what to do, because you'll need to decide that for yourself. But whether you're wondering about your body, your feelings or your changing relationships with the people around you, this book provides accurate information and outlines your options. Hilarious illustrations point out the humor in even the sorriest situations. And with hundreds of excerpts from real-girl conversations on the website, you can see for real that whatever you're going through, you're not alone. This book is for anyone who needs to know what it means to be a girl -- from those on the edge of their teens to those who are way past them but still reeling from the trauma.
The Survivor's Guide to Sex: How to Create Your Own Empowered Sexuality After Childhood Sexual Abuse
Staci K. Haines - 1999
While most books on the topic broach sexuality only to reassure women that it is alright to say "no" to unwanted sex, this one encourages women to learn how to say "yes" to their own desires and on their own terms.Points of discussion include problems common to women survivors. Haines teaches survivors to embrace their own sexual choices and preferences, learn about their own sexual response cycles, and heal through masturbation, sexual fantasy, and play. The Survivor's Guide to Sex includes resources, bibliography, and an index.
Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation and Political Control
E. Michael Jones - 1999
For he serves, not one man alone, but, what is worse, as many masters as he has vices." - St. Augustine, City of God Writing at the time of the collapse of the Roman Empire, St. Augustine both revolutionized and brought to a close antiquity's idea of freedom. A man was not a slave by nature or by law, as Aristotle claimed. His freedom was a function of his moral state. A man had as many masters as he had vices. This insight would provide the basis for the most sophisticated form of social control known to man.Fourteen hundred years later, a decadent French aristocrat turned that tradition on its head when he wrote that "the freest of people are they who are most friendly to murder." Like St. Augustine, the Marquis de Sade would agree that freedom was a function of morals. Unlike St. Augustine, Sade proposed a revolution in sexual morals to accompany the political revolution then taking place in France. Libido Dominandi - the term is taken from Book I of Augustine's City of God - is the definitive history of that sexual revolution, from 1773 to the present.Unlike the standard version of the sexual revolution, Libido Dominandi shows how sexual liberation was from its inception a form of control. Those who wished to liberate man from the moral order needed to impose social controls as soon as they succeeded because liberated libido led inevitably to anarchy. Aldous Huxley wrote in his preface to the 1946 edition of Brave New World that "as political and economic freedom diminishes, sexual freedom tends compensatingly to increase." This book is about the converse of that statement. It explains how the rhetoric of sexual freedom was used to engineer a system of covert political and social control. Over the course of the two-hundred-year span covered by this book, the development of technologies of communication, reproduction, and psychic control - including psychotherapy, behaviorism, advertising, sensitivity training, pornography, and plain old blackmail - allowed the Enlightenment and its heirs to turn Augustine's insight on its head and create masters out of men's vices. Libido Dominandi is the story of how that happened.
Sexuality and the Black Church: A Womanist Perspective
Kelly Brown Douglas - 1999
Douglas examines the function of sexuality in White culture and the denigration and exploitation of Black sexuality through a discussion of White cultural myths, stereotypes, laws and customs concerning Black women and men. Part Two studies how Blacks have responded to sexual myths and stereotypes by retreating into silence on the subject of sexuality. In this section, Douglas discusses the function and role of sexuality in the Black church and community, homophobia/heterosexuality and how Black sexuality is portrayed in Black fictional literature. Finally, she explores the importance of sexuality and sexual discourse to the Christian theological mandate and to Black churches.
Call It Wonder: an odyssey of love, sex, spirit, and travel
Kate Evans - 1999
Who hasn't dreamed of chucking it all to live a traveling life? Yet two months after Kate and her husband Dave leave home to live on the road, she awakes in the grips of a seizure. The diagnosis of a brain tumor comes at a terrible time: It is their first-year wedding anniversary, and they have no home. Soon, though, this medical adventure becomes integral to their journey. Paralleling this story are Kate's painful and often humorous exploits of body, mind, and spirit--including frank explorations of her life as a sexual iconoclast, caregiver to dying parents, and inspired but overwhelmed teacher who longs to write. Kate Evans' brave and honest memoir explores how transformation is our nature. Call It Wonder reveals how the mind is an alchemist. Through our thoughts, we can transform insecurity to freedom, uncertainty to wonder.
From Diapers to Dating: A Parent's Guide to Raising Sexually Healthy Children
Debra W. Haffner - 1999
Whether she is discussing how to help kids deal with the onslaught of sexual messages they see in the media or providing sensible guidance on teaching the facts of life, Haffner's values-oriented approach to raising sexually healthy children is informative and comforting.Organized from birth through age twelve, her acclaimed book offers a wealth of practical techniques to help parents identify and communicate their own values about sexuality to their children, while also suggesting to parents the appropriate information to give to children of different ages.
Queering the Color Line: Race and the Invention of Homosexuality in American Culture
Siobhan B. Somerville - 1999
Analyzing a range of sources, including sexology texts, early cinema, and African American literature, Siobhan B. Somerville argues that the emerging understanding of homosexuality depended on the context of the black/white “color line,” the dominant system of racial distinction during this period. This book thus critiques and revises tendencies to treat race and sexuality as unrelated categories of analysis, showing instead that race has historically been central to the cultural production of homosexuality.At about the same time that the 1896 Supreme Court Plessy v. Ferguson decision hardened the racialized boundary between black and white, prominent trials were drawing the public’s attention to emerging categories of sexual identity. Somerville argues that these concurrent developments were not merely parallel but in fact inextricably interrelated and that the discourses of racial and sexual “deviance” were used to reinforce each other’s terms. She provides original readings of such texts as Havelock Ellis’s late nineteenth-century work on “sexual inversion,” the 1914 film A Florida Enchantment, the novels of Pauline E. Hopkins, James Weldon Johnson’s Autobiography of an Ex-Coloured Man, and Jean Toomer’s fiction and autobiographical writings, including Cane. Through her analyses of these texts and her archival research, Somerville contributes to the growing body of scholarship that focuses on discovering the intersections of gender, race, and sexuality.Queering the Color Line will have broad appeal across disciplines including African American studies, gay and lesbian studies, literary criticism, cultural studies, cinema studies, and gender studies.
Breaking Free: Understanding Sexual Addiction and the Healing Power of Jesus
Russell Willingham - 1999
We are bombarded with it everywhere we turn--TV, newspapers and magazines, music, movies and the Internet. When this ever-present temptation mixes with human weaknesses and unmet needs, many get pulled into addiction to sexually sinful behavior. They may detest their own habits, but they can't seem to break free. Is there any hope? Russell Willingham speaks from his own experience and that of the many he has counseled. His answer? Yes! There is hope. Jesus offers forgiveness and healing. True stories show how the principles in this book can be put into action. The essentials are spelled out in practical steps that can help people begin to break free. Willingham deals with such issues aswhat all addicts have in common the hunt of the malnourished heart where to find the courage to face the dark side wrestling with shame and grace the healing effect of radical honesty This realistic yet hopeful book offers a new way to see the world for every person who wants to understand and break free from sexual addiction.
Homosexuality and Christian Faith: Questions of Conscience for the Churches
Walter Wink - 1999
This unique resource presents short pieces from some of the nation's most prominent church leaders - Protestant and Catholic, mainline and evangelical - who address the fundamental moral imperatives about homosexuality. Together they invite the reader to open his or her heart to the Spirit, to tolerance, and to Gospel values. Through personal testimony, factual clarification, and moral suasion, they provide much-needed clarity on the biblical witness and biblical authority, the nature or character of homosexuality and sexual orientation, and many related topics. Contributors include Elise Boulding, Ignacio Castuera, John B. Cobb Jr., William Sloane Coffin, Peggy Campolo, Bishop Paul Egertson, James A. Forbes Jr., Maria Harris, Barbara Kelsey, Morton Kelsey, Gabriel Moran, David G. Myers, Richard Rohr, O.F.M., Ken Sehested, Carole Shields, Donald W. Shriver Jr., M. Mahan Siler Jr., Lewis B. Smedes, and Walter Wink.
Insult and the Making of the Gay Self
Didier Eribon - 1999
Known internationally as the author of a pathbreaking biography of Michel Foucault, Eribon is a leading voice in French gay studies. In explorations of gay subjectivity as it is lived now and as it has been expressed in literary history and in the life and work of Foucault, Eribon argues that gay male politics, social life, and culture are transformative responses to an oppressive social order. Bringing together the work of Jean-Paul Sartre, Pierre Bourdieu, Judith Butler, and Erving Goffman, he contends that gay culture and political movements flow from the need to overcome a world of insult in the process of creating gay selves.Eribon describes the emergence of homosexual literature in Britain and France at the turn of the last century and traces this new gay discourse from Oscar Wilde and the literary circles of late-Victorian Oxford to André Gide and Marcel Proust. He asserts that Foucault should be placed in a long line of authors—including Wilde, Gide, and Proust—who from the nineteenth century onward have tried to create spaces in which to resist subjection and reformulate oneself. Drawing on his unrivaled knowledge of Foucault’s oeuvre, Eribon presents a masterful new interpretation of Foucault. He calls attention to a particular passage from Madness and Civilization that has never been translated into English. Written some fifteen years before The History of Sexuality, this passage seems to contradict Foucault’s famous idea that homosexuality was a late-nineteenth-century construction. Including an argument for the use of Hannah Arendt’s thought in gay rights advocacy, Insult and the Making of the Gay Self is an impassioned call for critical, active engagement with the question of how gay life is shaped both from without and within.
The Cartoon Guide to Sex
Larry Gonick - 1999
Frank, informative, and written with Larry Gonick's characteristic comic verve and scientific accuracy, this book gives a comprehensive discussion of the spectrum of human sexuality, including sexual structures and functions, gender roles and sexual identity, sexual arousal and response, sexual communication, love, marriage and other arrangements, contraception, and sexual health -- without the fig leaves.
Sexuality and the Christian Body: Their Way Into the Triune God
Eugene F. Rogers Jr. - 1999
This controversial book will be welcomed for the radical new insights it provides into Christian arguments about the body.
Fetish: Masterpieces of Erotic Fantasy Photography
Michelle Olley - 1999
Fetish: Masterpieces of Erotic Fantasy Photography collects the best of this exciting genre, combining the finest contemporary images with some of photography's most notable "pre-scene" manifestations - images from 1950s underground and bondage publications; "kinky" creations from the '60s; and glamour work from the '70s and '80s. With 220 color, duotone, and black-and-white images from leading fetish photographers like Peter Ashworth, Chris Bell, Laurent Boeki, Wolfgang Eichler, and Horst P. Horst, and insight into fetish clubs and fashion houses, Fetish will excite connoisseur and curious alike.
Health Care Without Shame: A Handbook for the Sexually Diverse and Their Caregivers
Charles Moser - 1999
Now, Dr. Charles Moser, one of the nation's leading authorities on sexuality-related medicine, has created a comprehensive guidebook for anyone who's ever struggled with the sentence, "Doctor, there's something I have to tell you..."Dr. Moser explains how and when to come out to your health care provider, how to protect your confidentially, how to handle a health care provider who isn't understanding about your alternative sexuality, how to deal with sex-related emergencies, and more. He also includes detailed information on dealing with other professionals such as therapists, attorneys, and accountants.Vital information for anyone whose sexuality is non-traditional, and for any health care provider who wants to provide the best possible care for patients of all descriptions.
Ever Since Adam and Eve: The Evolution of Human Sexuality
Malcolm Potts - 1999
For each of life's milestones - sexual intercourse, conception, pregnancy, birth, puberty, love, marriage, parenting, menopause and death - they describe the biology behind our actions and consider how pressures imposed by various historical and contemporary cultures have further influenced our behaviour. By looking back at the past they attempt to make sense of the present, to see how and why these cultural modifications arose, how they have contributed to the richness of human sexual behaviour, and what our biological and cultural inheritance can teach us about safeguarding the continuation of our species.
Christianity and Sexuality in the Early Modern World: Regulating Desire, Reforming Practice
Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks - 1999
Merry Wiesner-Hanks assesses the role of personal faith and the church itself in the control and expression of all aspects of sexuality. The book ranges over developments within Europe and beyond to the European colonies including Brazil, Mexico, South Africa and Goa, which were establishing themselves around the world. Christian missionaries and rituals and structures accompanied all of the imperial powers and the control of the sexuality of both indigenous peoples and colonists was an essential part of policy. The book is introduced with a clear, original and engaging account of the central concepts in the study of sexuality in Christianity, such as shame, sin, the body, marriage and gender. Drawing on diverse evidence including literary, medical and historical the following sections chart changes in Western Christianity in the Late Middle Ages, Protestantism and Catholicism in Europe, Orthodoxy in Eastern Europe and Russia, and finally the Spanish, Portuguese, English and Dutch Colonies. Merry Wiesner-Hanks exciting book covers both the ideas and effects in each period. Christianity and Sexuality in the early Modern World includes discursive bibliographies which discuss major books and articles at the end of each chapter.
The Ins and Outs of Gay Sex
Stephen E. Goldstone - 1999
Finally--the book for every gay man's bedside table.At last! Answers to the questions you're too embarrassed to ask--but always wanted to know!Why does it hurt down there? Is it really safe to do that? What does it mean when something looks like this--and how do I make it go away?Chances are you never learned anything about gay intimacy from your parents, your school, or your family physician. Here, at last, is reliable, comprehensive information on a wide spectrum of gay medical concerns, written by an eminent surgeon and recognized authority on gay health issues.With up-to-date facts, interviews, and case studies from the author's practice, The Ins and Outs of Gay Sex goes far beyond HIV concerns, combining a complete education about the safe and pleasurable practices of male-male sexuality with a comprehensive medical volume.Here are the facts about what you need to know to keep your sex life hot and healthy, including:The rules of safe anorectal stimulation.Symptoms to send you running to the doctor.Foreplay, sex toys, and other accessories.Viral and nonviral STDs-don't wake up with an unpleasant surprise!Treatments for impotence and other sexual dysfunctions.Diseases that can be spread without penetration.Drugs...relationships...doctors (how to find the right one for you), and much more.
Tricking and Tripping: Prostitution in the Era of AIDS
Claire E. Sterk - 1999
Love and Desire
William A. Ewing - 1999
This is the long-awaited sequel to Ewing's acclaimed photography collection "The Body." Here, he surveys 150 years of photographic history exploring how the camera has been used to express the elusive ideas, thoughts, & sentiments related to the most turbulent of human emotions. These photos capture the group adulation of a public icon & the showgirl's seduction of her audience, a man proudly posing with his two wives as well as the innocent sensuality of a child clutching his mother's breast. Here are images by the great names in photography, including: Man Ray, Robert Mapplethorpe, Nan Goldin, Helmut Newton, Sally Mann, Brassai, & Julia Margaret Cameron. Plastic slipcase.
Images of Rape: The 'Heroic' Tradition and Its Alternatives
Diane Wolfthal - 1999
Examining the full range of representations, from those that glorify rape to those that condemn it, Diane Wolfthal illuminates the complex web of attitudes toward sexual violence that existed in the medieval and early modern society. She makes her case using a range of visual documentation, including picture Bibles, law treatises, justice paintings, war prints, and the manuscripts of Christine de Pizan.
Deviant Desires: Incredibly Strange Sex!
Katharine Gates - 1999
Strategic Sex
D. Travers ScottLawrence Schimel - 1999
This book examines why sex is brought into the spotlight, defying mainstream social codes of etiquette and obscenity. Readers will discover wide-ranging opinions and personal experiences from scholars, activists, artists, educators, sex workers, and pornographers who explore -- and sometimes demonstrate -- why they won't leave sex in the bedroom. Surprisingly moving, humorous, erotic, and intelligent, Strategic Sex shares episodes of powerfully affected lives, thoughts, and behaviors. Sex is revealed as more than merely a blind, animal instinct but a tool which can be harnessed to specific ends. The contributors -- heterosexual, homosexual, male, female, and gray areas in between -- relate and imagine ways of harnessing sexual energy. While some reveal goals as noble as rape prevention, improving women's health care, fighting racism, overcoming grief, and community building, others illustrate sex utilized for self-promotion or manipulation of groups and individuals. With a unique mix of fiction, analysis, performance texts and personal essays, Strategic Sex ultimately presents sex as a powerful influence on dominant power structures within cultures.
Black Venus: Sexualized Savages, Primal Fears, and Primitive Narratives in French
T. Denean Sharpley-Whiting - 1999
Employing psychoanalysis, feminist film theory, and the critical race theory articulated in the works of Frantz Fanon and Toni Morrison, T. Denean Sharpley-Whiting argues that black women historically invoked both desire and primal fear in French men. By inspiring repulsion, attraction, and anxiety, they gave rise in the nineteenth-century French male imagination to the primitive narrative of Black Venus. The book opens with an exploration of scientific discourse on black females, using Sarah Bartmann, the so-called Hottentot Venus, and natural scientist Georges Cuvier as points of departure. To further show how the image of a savage was projected onto the bodies of black women, Sharpley-Whiting moves into popular culture with an analysis of an 1814 vaudeville caricature of Bartmann, then shifts onto the terrain of canonical French literature and colonial cinema, exploring the representation of black women by Baudelaire, Balzac, Zola, Maupassant, and Loti. After venturing into twentieth-century film with an analysis of Josephine Baker’s popular Princesse Tam Tam, the study concludes with a discussion of how black Francophone women writers and activists countered stereotypical representations of black female bodies during this period. A first-time translation of the vaudeville show The Hottentot Venus, or Hatred of Frenchwomen supplements this critique of the French male gaze of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Both intellectually rigorous and culturally intriguing, this study will appeal to students and scholars in the fields of nineteenth- and twentieth-century French literature, feminist and gender studies, black studies, and cultural studies.
Authentic Human Sexuality: An Integrated Christian Approach
Judith K. Balswick - 1999
Authentic Human Sexuality will prove an important work for ministers, psychologists, sociologists and students searching for an up-to-date and wise introduction to an essential -- and endlessly fascinating and perplexing -- facet of human identity.
The Century of Sex: Playboy's History of the Sexual Revolution, 1900-1999
James R. Petersen - 1999
Petersen presents a sweeping history that argues that the "sexual revolution" of the sixties and seventies was part of a larger social evolution. This evolution began generations before the advent of penicillin, Playboy, or the pill -- and produced seismic cultural shifts that have changed the way Americans live forever.Beginning at the turn of the century with the pioneering efforts of free love radicals and progressive reformers, The Century of Sex chronicles the ensuing struggles of activists for sexual liberation against the agents of repression. Petersen weaves a decade-by-decade narrative filled with colorful characters, a panoply of causes, and unforgettable events. He profiles activities of censors like Anthony Comstock, head of the New York Society for the Suppression of Vice, and other agencies such as the Legion of Decency and the Moral Majority, and culminates with the prosecutorial inquisitions of Kenneth Starr. He introduces heroines such as Ida Craddock, who wrote one of the nation's first marriage manuals (and paid for the act with her life), and Margaret Sanger, who fought with Comstock over birth control -- and won. The book covers America's periodic moral panics, from the white slave hysteria of 1910 to the child porn scare of the 1980s, as well as the scandals, from film star Fatty Arbuckle's trial for rape and murder to the impeachment proceedings of President Clinton.Throughout the narrative, The Century of Sex explores the ways in which historical tumults of the 1900s affected sex -- and vice versa -- through the Jazz Age, the Great Depression, two world wars, the Cold War, the sixties, the disco era, and the age of AIDS. Italso traces the changes wrought by medical science, social science, and technology, from the vibrator to home video to Viagra.The Century of Sex is a trenchant chronicle of a turbulent era that proves the truth behind the song lyrics from the 1944 movie Pin-Up Girl: "Battles are won in the day time / But history is made at night."
Let Me Count the Ways
Marty Klein - 1999
In Let Me Count the Ways, Marty Klein and Riki Robbins explore how false concepts like "impotence" and "frigidity" which continue to be perpetuated by an intercourse-based sexuality that is no more natural than it is satisfying. They shatter the equation of sex with intercourse and introduce new thinking and practices into couples' sex lives -- ideas that can make sex dramatically less anxiety provoking and more varied, fun, and carefree.Readers will learn how changing their attitude about what constitutes "normal" sex can positively affect the body's functioning and increase sexual satisfaction. Klein and Robbins provide a wealth of ideas and exercises -- such as embarking with your partner on an "intercourse sabbatical" -- that will actually ease couples' minds as it diversifies their sexual practices.Let Me Count the Ways helps men and women discover the liberating pleasures of "outercourse, " an alternate erotic vision, in which almost anything can be sensuous and the world itself is a sex toy. The book's "outercourse" program enables readers to develop new ways of viewing their own sexuality that will last a lifetime.
Gaylaw: Challenging the Apartheid of the Closet
William N. Eskridge Jr. - 1999
Part one, which covers the years from the post-Civil War to the 1980s, is a history of state efforts to discipline and punish the behaviour of homosexuals and other people considered to be deviant. during this period such people could get by only at the cost of suppressing their most basic feelings and emotions. Part two addresses contemporary issues. although it is no longer illegal to be openly gay in America, homosexuals still suffer from state discrimination in the military and in other realms, and private discrimination and violence against gays is prevalent. The author presents a rigorously argued case for the sexualization of the First Amendment, showing why, for example, same-sex ceremonies and intimacy should be considered expressive conduct deserving the protection of the courts.
Our Looks/Our Lives: Sex, Beauty, Power, and the Need to Be Seen
Nancy Friday - 1999
Beauty. Today more than ever, our physical appearance determines how we judge ourselves and are judged by others. Like it or not, we live in the age of the Empty Package, when how we look takes precedence over such enduring qualities as integrity, kindness, and honesty. Now, in this provacative, entertaining book, the acclaimed author of the international bestseller "My Mother/My Self "reveals the truth about how looks affect our lives, and how life affects our looks.In this thoroughly honest and upbeat book, Nancy Friday probes the power, allure, and mystique of beauty including: fashion, fear of competition, shoes and sex, adolescent pain, envy, the double standard of aging, fairy tales, feminism, love, and more. Part memoir, part history, "Our Looks, Our Lives "will forever change the way we all look in the mirror.