Best of
Tanakh: The Holy Scriptures
The JPS TANAKH is an entirely original translation of the Holy Scriptures into contemporary English, based on the Masoretic (the traditional Hebrew) text. It is the culmination of three decades of collaboration by academic scholars and rabbis, representing the three largest branches of organized Judaism in the United States. Not since the third century b.c.e., when 72 elders of the tribes of Israel created the Greek translation of Scriptures known as the Septuagint has such a broad-based committee of Jewish scholars produced a major Bible translation.In executing this monumental task, the translators made use of the entire range of biblical interpretation, ancient and modern, Jewish and non-Jewish. They drew upon the latest findings in linguistics and archaeology, as well as the work of early rabbinic and medieval commentators, grammarians, and philologians. The resulting text is a triumph of literary style and biblical scholarship, unsurpassed in accuracy and clarity.Ebook versions of this title may be purchased from most ebook vendors.
It tells how God created the world as very good, but that it was distroyed in the flood as a result of man's disobedience. The new world after the flood was also spoiled by human sin (ch. 11). The call of Abraham, through whom all the nations would be blessed, gives hope that God's purpose will eventually be realized through Abraham's descendants (ch. 49).
Sefer Yetzirah: The Book of Creation: In Theory and Practice
Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan has therefore translated the Sefer Yetzirah the oldest and most mysterious of all kabbalistic texts, and now brings its theoretical, meditative and magical implication to light. He expounds on the dynamics of the spiritual domain, the worlds of the Sefirot, souls and angels. When properly understood, the Sefer Yetzirah becomes the instruction manual for a very special type of meditation meant to strengthen concentration, and to aid the development of telekinetic and telepathic powers. These powers were meant to help initiates perform feats that outwardly appeared magical. The magical kabbalah is closely related to the meditative kabbalah, and uses various signs, incantations, and divine names by which initiates could influence or alter natural events. This translation includes the meditation in five dimensions, the transition from Binah to Chakhmah consciousness, the point of infinity, kabbalistic astrology, Ezekiel's vision according to the Sefer Yetzirah, and the mystery of the 231 gates.Also included is a digest of all major commentaries on the text of Sefer Yetzirah and a bibliography of many of the major kabbalistic works that discuss it, as well as extensive notes regarding various aspects of the translation, Rabbi Kaplan's translation is based on the Gra version, which has been thought to be the most authentic. Also included is the short version, the long version, and the Saadia version, making this volume the most complete work on the Sefer Yetzirah in English.
The Torah: The Five Books of Moses
The current JPS translation, based on classical and modern sources, is acclaimed for its fidelity to the ancient Hebrew.
Robert Alter
In between come many of the primal stories in Western culture: Adam and Eve's expulsion from the garden of Eden, Cain's murder of Abel, Noah and the Flood, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, Abraham's binding of Isaac, the covenant of God and Abraham, Isaac's blessing of Jacob in place of Esau, the saga of Joseph and his brothers.In Robert Alter's brilliant translation, these stories cohere in a powerful narrative of the tortuous relations between fathers and sons, husbands and wives, eldest and younger brothers, God and his chosen people, the people of Israel and their neighbors. Alter's translation honors the meanings and literary strategies of the ancient Hebrew and conveys them in fluent English prose. It recovers a Genesis with the continuity of theme and motif of a wholly conceived and fully realized book. His insightful, fully informed commentary illuminates the book in all its dimensions.
Pirke Avot Sayings of the Jewish Fathers
It is part of didactic Jewish ethical literature. Because of its contents, the name is sometimes given as Ethics of the Fathers. Pirkei Avot consists of the Mishnaic tractate of Avot, the second-to-last tractate in the order of Nezikin in the Mishnah, plus one additional chapter. Avot is unique in that it is the only tractate of the Mishnah dealing solely with ethical and moral principles; there is relatively little halakha (laws) in Pirkei Avot. (Wikipedia)
Jewish Pride: Rebuilding a People
Ben M. Freeman
We do not need to make ourselves “acceptable”, because we are acceptable, just as we are. Yet we cannot force the non-Jewish world to see that. This is their journey. Our journey is one of Jewish Pride."In Jewish Pride: Rebuilding a People, Ben M. Freeman, an internationally renowned educator, inspired by his experiences with LGBTQ+ pride, aims to educate, inspire and empower Jewish people to reject the shame of antisemitism imposed on Jews by the non-Jewish world as well as non-Jewish perceptions of what it means to be a Jew.Enabling them to begin the process of defining their own identities as proud Jews through Jewish experience, Jewish history and Jewish values. Jewish Pride is an urgent and essential read."The only people who get to define Jewish identity are Jewish people.""The Jewish journey is not just about fighting antisemitism. It is about rejecting the shame of antisemitism. Rejecting the non-Jewish world’s inaccurate definitions of what it means to be a Jew. It is an exploration of Jewish identity, based on Jewish values, Jewish ideas and Jewish experiences."
The Illustrated Pirkei Avot: A Graphic Novel of Jewish Ethics
Jessica Tamar Deutsch
Its ideas sticks in your head and grow as you do. There is no other book quite like it.In this volume, Jessica Tamar Deutsch has fully and finally opened up Pirkei Avot for easy public consumption. The Illustrated Pirkei Avot pairs a complete English translation of the work with more than 120 richly illustrated drawings. (The complete Hebrew text is included as an appendix.)Deutsch’s book is perfect for both children and adults; for personal use, classroom use, or for reading to children. It is a pleasure to hold and a pleasure to read.
Sapirstein Edition Rashi: The Torah with Rashi's Commentary Translated, Annotated and Elucidated, Vols. 1-5 [Box Set, Full Size]: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy
Rabbi Nachman's Tikkun: The Tikkun Haklali
Nachman of Breslov
It stems from man's abuse of his God-given powers. The Ten Psalms making up Rebbe Nachman's Tikkun -- a remedy -- attack this flaw by drawing on the most creative force in the universe: song. The varied selections of commentary material in this volume show the profundity on which the Tikkun is based. Also included (in the hardback edition) is Shemot HaTzaddikim, Names of the Tzaddikim, recital of which arouses powerful spiritual forces.
Jewish History Atlas
Martin Gilbert
With over 130 maps, the atlas depicts Jewish achievements and the Jewish way of life, presenting a clear picture of their persecution and their reaction to it - whether by dispersal, acceptance or defence.
Sex, Drugs, Violence And The Bible
Chris Bennett
Even non-believers cannot help but be affected by its doctrine and adherents. But what are the real origins of this vastly influential religious text? Like all people, the compilers of the Bible were strongly influenced by humanity's basic struggle for survival, striving for fertility and search for meaning. Of the many influences that contributed to the theological development of the Bible -- and religion in general in the ancient world -- the most profound were without a doubt, Sex, Drugs, and Violence. As humanity comprehended, sex ensured their continued propagation, the sex act became sacred, and was thought to magically affect all sorts of areas of life, even the actions of the gods themselves. The Old Testament is rife with references to such religio-erotic practices taking place, not only amongst foreign cults like the Canaanites, but even amongst the Israelites themselves. Erotic activities that later, according to the New Testament and other sources, filtered into early Christianity. Second only to sex, do drugs - as in psychoactive substances - play a pivotal role in the development of religious thought and experience, and the Judaeo-Christian traditions are no exception. What will be surprising to most modern readers is the frequent use of intoxicants, like wine, strong-drink, and mandrake in the Bible. Perhaps even harder to accept will be the copious use of cannabis (Hebrew, Kaneh-bosm), by both the Hebrew Priests and Kings for shamanistic purposes... a tradition that was continued both by Jesus and his followers. Moreoever, the history of the Bible and the history people who have preached its words are histories of violence. This fact should not at all be surprising when one considers the endless atrocities that fill the pages of the so-called "Good Book." Indeed, if members of today's moral majority ever took the time to analytically read the book which they continually point to as the pillar of morality, they would be horrified to find a book filled with Sex, Drugs, and Violence!
[Mishkan Tefilah] = Mishkan T'filah: A Reform Siddur: Weekdays, Shabbat, Festivals, And Other Occasions Of Public Worship
Elyse D. Frishman
The Revelation of John the Apostle: BYU New Testament Commentary Series
Richard D. Draper
As we try to concentrate on the road ahead so that the car’s movements do not surprise us, we see a myriad representations pass by our gaze, offering a kaleidoscope of colors and lines and images that rush by at bewildering speeds. It stops only when we reach the last line of the book.As we finally come to a stop and look intently on John’s master work, now bathed in a full sun, we behold a world that strikes us at first as fearfully and mysteriously strange and fantastic—a world full of bizarre and incongruent images, many formed of impossible combinations, almost like Alice in Wonderland on steroids. Once these symbols, however, are properly deciphered, they combine to present crucial messages for those living in the last days. These messages were designed by God to lead all, who will read, hear, and do, successfully through these troubled times.Latter-day Saints are in an excellent position to decipher and understand these symbols. To these people the Lord promised, “when you shall rend the veil of unbelief . . . then shall the great and marvelous things which have been hid up from the foundation of the world [be revealed]. And the revelations which I have caused to be written by my servant John shall be unfolded in the eyes of all the people” (Ether 4:15–16). Now is the time of that unfolding.This commentary presents a comprehensive analysis of John’s book through the lens of the LDS doctrine and Mormon experience. God delivered his messages in the form of images housed within discrete visions, with each symbol explaining, exposing, or emphasizing various aspects of the message conveyed. The challenge is getting beyond the symbols to the represented realities. One of the strengths of the BYU New Testament Commentary Series is that it brings together all the elements revealed during the Restoration that help to interpret the book and disclose its messages. Information is drawn from all the Standard Works of the Church as well as the Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible. In addition, insights from the modern Prophets and Apostles have been included. Even so, the best of world scholarship has not been overlooked. The work also presents a full rendering of the Greek text into English, set side by side with the King James Version for easy comparison. The commentary also contains translation notes on and analysis of every verse. The work strives to be as up-to-date, comprehensive, scholarly and doctrinally sound as possible.Most important, the commentary emphasizes the primary focus of John’s work, “the revelation of Jesus Christ” (Revelation 1:1). The commentary highlights the Apostle’s witness that Jesus is the Lamb of God alive and active in these last days—directing earthly affairs and preparing his Saints and the faithful so that the Father’s intentions will ultimately be accomplished. Along with all its latter-day horrors, hope and promise still dominate the work. The Lamb is in charge, and nothing moves beyond the limits he sets. He is coming to “destroy them which destroy the earth” (Revelation 11:18) and to bring his people into triumphant millennial glory. This commentary details how."
GPS for the Soul
Nadav Cohen
There is simply not a chance to peer beyond the technical, almost automatic way we have to function: with no slowing down to truly explore what really matters.The famous book Tanya, crafted by Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, the original founder of Chabad Chassidut, offers comprehensive coverage of the knowledge and guidance that is relevant to the life of every Jew. Its timeless message reveals how every individual is so much more - an intrinsic, precious part of the complete, expansive and wholesome fabric of the universe.This translated Tanya is a fundamental work on the teachings of Chassidut, saturated with enduring wisdom. If you ever find yourself wondering about the deeper meaning of life; if you ever grapple with the unique questions and the practical implications often asked by Jews; if you desire to strengthen your Jewish knowledge and awareness and if you truly seek an encompassing approach to all these life-enhancing queries - then this book offers tremendous insight.Written in modern, clear, and easy-to-grasp language, GPS for the Soul will help you in your intellectual and spiritual journey.
The Temple: Its Symbolism And Meaning Then And Now
Joshua Berman
A study of how the commandments relating to the ancient Temple still impact upon the life of the modern Jew.
The How, What and Why of Talking to God
Rivka Levy
'The How, What and Why of Talking to God' is an insider's guide to how you can talk to God and really get results.If you want to know how you can tap into the power of talking to God to solve your problems, transform your life, and to wake up feeling a whole lot happier and optimistic in this morning, this pocket guide can show you how.You'll discover:The 8 Secrets of How to Talk to God and Get Results.How to pray in a way that's scientifically proven to work.The biggest mistakes people make when they're trying to talk to God.The single worst thing you can do when you're trying to talk to God.Plus, you can take the 'God Juice' quiz, to help you work out which part of your 'Talking to God' game plan might need some work.
The Rabbi & the Nuns: The Inside Story of a Rabbi's Therapeutic Work With the Sisters of St. Francis
Abraham J. Twerski
Francis chronicles the highlights of a twenty-year working relationship between Rabbi Dr. Abraham J. Twerski and the nuns and priests of the Pittsburgh Diocese and St. Francis Hospital. Spearheading a groundbreaking rehab program, Rabbi Twerski and the nuns develop a working connection that transcends their religious differences, forges mutual respect, and brings them to a whole new level in ecumenical relations. Insightful, inspiring, and humorous at times, Rabbi Twerski's personal account is frank and engrossing. We are given a rare glimpse into the inner world of spiritual leaders as they grapple with their personal struggles to adjust to today's tumultuous times. Rabbi Dr. Abraham J. Twerski served for twenty years as the director of the department of psychiatry at St. Francis Hospital in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The author of more than sixty books, he has also been featured in hundreds of magazines and newspapers. Two of his books, When Do the Good Things Start? and Waking Up Just in Time, were written in collaboration with the late Charles Schulz, creator of the Peanuts comic strip. Rabbi Twerski is the scion of great Chassidic dynasties and traces his ancestry back to the Baal Shem Tov, founder of the Chassidic movement. He has lectured extensively on chemical dependency and other topics such as stress, self-esteem, and spirituality, and has traveled the world as a spokesperson for recovery on behalf of the millions who have achieved it, inspiring and encouraging those still finding their way.
Angel Among Men: Impressions From The Life Of Rav Avraham Yitzchak Hakohen Kook Zt''L
Simcha Raz
At the same time, however - and perhaps more important - he was an exemplary human being. Although he strove for personal, spiritual perfection, he was more concerned with helping others come closer to God. He was constantly involved in the affairs of his people, doing everything in his power to ease their pain, raise their pride, and pave the way for their ultimate redemption in their ancestral land. The stories, anecdotes, and ideas found in this book reveal but a fraction of the light that radiated from this celestial human being, this angel among men.
Dangerous Disease and Dangerous Therapy in Jewish Medical Ethics: Principles and Practice
Akiva Tatz
Part One includes sections on General Principles, approach to Risk, Dangerous and Terminal Illness, Withholding and withdrawing therapy, analgesia in dangerously and terminally ill patients, euthanasia and assisted suicide, resuscitation, live organ donation, coercion and consent, triage, interventions in pregnancy, experimental therapy, screening and prevention, among others. Sections are followed by analyzed clinical cases demonstrating the relevant principles in clinical application.Part Two present a survey of the current approach to these issues in general medical ethics and points out where the Jewish approach differs, often sharply, by considering cases and reports drawn from the mainstream medical literature in the light of the principles and values demonstrated in Part One.
Jewish Women Speak About Jewish Matters
Doron Kornbluth
Speaking about Spiritual Matters, Body andSoul, Gender and Roles, Biblical Texts, and Jewish Women Past and Present,Jewish Women Speak covers an enormous range with clarity, depth, humor, and wisdom. With subjects including gender issues, relationships, marriage, beauty, mikveh, Shabbat, prayer, women and work, the greatness of Jewish women, and more, this thin paperback is sure to be a favorite to read,re-read, and give as a gift to Jewish women everywhere. When Jewish Women Speak, it is worth listening!
The Garden of Wisdom - English - Rav Shalom Arush (A Practical Guide to Happiness in Life)
Shalom Arush
Modern society is plagued with ruthless competition, never-ending comparisons between oneself and others, anxiety and depression, and a general feeling of dissatisfaction. The goal of inner peace is one that few truly attain, yet so many sell their birthright to happiness for a few inconsequential thrills.The Garden of Wisdom gives the modern reader a new lease on life, a way to say goodbye to a rat-race existence and hello to a life of meaning and tranquility. Here, you will learn the secret of simplicity, as well as its intrinsic power. Bestselling author Rabbi Shalom Arush presents readers with a practical methodology for assessing themselves and moving forward in life. You'll surely find yourself within the coming pages...With The Garden of Wisdom, you'll be one of those fortunate individuals who succeeds in learning that simple emuna - uncomplicated faith - is the master key to opening to true success in life. What could be better? Once you read this book, you won't know how you ever lived without it.Discover the secret power of simple emuna and how it is your key to happiness and success.By world-renown spiritual guide and bestselling author Rabbi Shalom Arush, translated by Rabbi Lazer Brody. Paperback, 343 stimulating pages.
The Three Temples: On The Emergence Of Jewish Mysticism (Littman Library Of Jewish Civilization (Series).)
Rachel Elior
Her wide-ranging research, scrupulously documented, enables her to demonstrate an uninterrupted line linking the priestly traditions of the Temple, the mystical liturgical literature found in the Qumran caves and associated directly and indirectly with the Merkavah tradition of around the second and first centuries BCE, and the mystical works of the second to fifth centuries CE known as Heikhalot literature. The key factor linking all these texts, according to Professor Elior s theory, is that many of those who wrote them were members of the priestly classes. Prevented from being able to perform the rituals of sacred service in the Temple as ordained in the biblical tradition, they channelled their religious impetus in other directions to create a new spiritual focus. The mystical tradition they developed centred first on a heavenly Chariot Throne known as the Merkavah, and later on heavenly sanctuaries known as Heikhalot. In this way the priestly class developed an alternative focus for spirituality, based on a supertemporal liturgical and ritual relationship with ministering angels in the supernal sanctuaries. This came to embrace an entire mystical world devoted to sustaining religious liturgical tradition and ritual memory in the absence of the Temple. This lyrical investigation of the origins and workings of this supernal world is sure to become a standard work in the study of early Jewish mysticism.
The Midrash Says: The Book of Vayikra (Volume, #3)
Moshe Weissman
Selected and adapted from the Talmud and Midrash. All the volumes in this popular series will not fail to inspire and stimulate the reader, while providing vital information on the Parshah.
Why Christians Should Support Israel
Michael D. Evans
Mr. Evans has warned the nations of the earth, from the Middle East Peace Conference in Madrid to the 43rd General Assemble in Geneva, that Israel is the last firewall restraining Islamic terrorism from the West.Now, find out how the demon of Islamic fanaticism escaped the bottle, and what can be done about it. God's prophetic time clock has been set on Jerusalem time. The spotlight of heaven is still on the Jews. Heaven and earth met in Jerusalem and will meet again. The destiny of America and the world is linked to Jerusalem. It is the epicenter of spiritual warfare. All roads lead to Jerusalem.Understand why God has commanded blessings upon those who would bless, and pray for the Jewish people. Learn how a prayer meeting that began at the home of Corrie ten Boom in Holland has now spread around the world, and is impacting Jerusalem and the nation of Israel.Dr. Mike Evans is considered one of the world's leading experts on Israel and the Middle East. He recommended Benjamin Netanyahu for his first political appointment and arranged Iranian president Ahmadinejad's interview with Fox News. One of the most sought-after speakers on the subject, Mike Evans is available to speak or for interviews. Contact: