Best of
Jewish History Atlas
Martin Gilbert
With over 130 maps, the atlas depicts Jewish achievements and the Jewish way of life, presenting a clear picture of their persecution and their reaction to it - whether by dispersal, acceptance or defence.
Legends Of Jerusalem
Zev Vilnay
Included are tales about sacred places, walls and gates, mountains and valleys, springs and rivers, rocks and caves, legendary explanations of place-names and folkloristic interpretations. The legends encompass three great religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
What I Saw That Day Israel's June 8 1967 Holocaust Of Us Servicemen Aboard The Uss Liberty And Its Aftermath
Phil Tourney
An eyewitness report by Phillip Tourney, a US Navy officer, of Israel's attack on his ship, the USS Liberty, and his views on the actions by the US government that followed.
Angel Among Men: Impressions From The Life Of Rav Avraham Yitzchak Hakohen Kook Zt''L
Simcha Raz
At the same time, however - and perhaps more important - he was an exemplary human being. Although he strove for personal, spiritual perfection, he was more concerned with helping others come closer to God. He was constantly involved in the affairs of his people, doing everything in his power to ease their pain, raise their pride, and pave the way for their ultimate redemption in their ancestral land. The stories, anecdotes, and ideas found in this book reveal but a fraction of the light that radiated from this celestial human being, this angel among men.
Sara In The Wheelwork
Caraf Avnayt
On every side, a new nation is surrounded by forces ready to sweep over the land and do ritual sacrifice as has never been done in history. At this moment in time, a group of undercover scouts of Israeli Intelligence find themselves across the border in Jordan. Overlooking an ancient village where time stands still, they find their dreams colliding with reality. With a sky of bronze above and heaviness below they set out in a race against time, against all odds, to find out how they can stop the ancient ritual which when completed triggers off the sacrifice. But when they find the ghosts of the past, and the voices of their loved ones from back home guiding them into unsafe uncertain territory beyond their training, beyond what is accepted, beyond what is known; will they risk their lives and overcome their programming, to do the right thing? And will Sara, who stays at home reveal the secret she carries that will unlock the mystery the world is trying to solve?——————————————–At the center of the story is Sara’s own story,the human story of every person who has gone through some sort of trauma that was so deep, it stayed buried inside the soul while the rest of the personality developed over it obscuring it from view in daily life.Life has a way of unraveling and undoing us, bringing out our secrets, causing us to face our fears, so we can have the courage to love without holding back.Those who have been sexually abused find it very hard to feel ‘good enough’ to love someone they see as perfect, who they adore. Yet, miracles happen and love can win over even something as dark as a soul held hostage in a deep dark well without a rope.Love conquers all.
Why Christians Should Support Israel
Michael D. Evans
Mr. Evans has warned the nations of the earth, from the Middle East Peace Conference in Madrid to the 43rd General Assemble in Geneva, that Israel is the last firewall restraining Islamic terrorism from the West.Now, find out how the demon of Islamic fanaticism escaped the bottle, and what can be done about it. God's prophetic time clock has been set on Jerusalem time. The spotlight of heaven is still on the Jews. Heaven and earth met in Jerusalem and will meet again. The destiny of America and the world is linked to Jerusalem. It is the epicenter of spiritual warfare. All roads lead to Jerusalem.Understand why God has commanded blessings upon those who would bless, and pray for the Jewish people. Learn how a prayer meeting that began at the home of Corrie ten Boom in Holland has now spread around the world, and is impacting Jerusalem and the nation of Israel.Dr. Mike Evans is considered one of the world's leading experts on Israel and the Middle East. He recommended Benjamin Netanyahu for his first political appointment and arranged Iranian president Ahmadinejad's interview with Fox News. One of the most sought-after speakers on the subject, Mike Evans is available to speak or for interviews. Contact:
Arabs In The Jewish State; Israel's Control Of A National Minority
Ian S. Lustick