Best of
Charlotte Mason Companion
Karen Andreola - 1998
With warmth and humor, Karen provides a wealth of insight, practical advice, and narratives, illustrating how educating "the Charlotte Mason way" actually works. In this book, you will discover how to recognize a "living book"; use narration; teach reading, spelling, composition, and vocabulary; appreciate great art, classical music, poetry, plays, and novels; keep a Nature Notebook for science; take part in hero-admiration for history, establish helpful habits; create a loving home atmosphere; and more.
The Out-of-Sync Child: Recognizing and Coping with Sensory Processing Disorder
Carol Stock Kranowitz - 1998
This newly revised edition features additional information from recent research on vision and hearing deficits, motor skill problems, nutrition and picky eaters, ADHA, autism, and other related disorders.
American Sign Language Dictionary
Martin L.A. Sternberg - 1998
More than 5,000 signs and 8,000 illustrations. And now includes more than 500 new signs and 1,500 new illustrations.
The Explosive Child: A New Approach for Understanding and Parenting Easily Frustrated, Chronically Inflexible Children
Ross W. Greene - 1998
An experienced therapist offers groundbreaking and compassionate techniques for helping chronically inflexible children, who suffer from excessively immoderate tempers, showing how brain-based deficits contribute to these problems and offering positive and constructive ways to calm things down.
Knowing How to Know: A Practical Philosophy in the Sufi Tradition
Idries Shah - 1998
This is the paperback edition of Shah's companion volume to the The Commanding Self, wherein he sets out to illuminate the barriers which prevent deeper knowledge and understanding.
Tending the Heart of Virtue: How Classic Stories Awaken a Child's Moral Imagination
Vigen Guroian - 1998
Now, in this elegantly written and passionate book, Vigen Guroian provides the perfect complement to books such as Bennett's, offering parents and teachers a much-needed roadmap to some of our finest children's stories. Guroian illuminates the complex ways in which fairy tales and fantasies educate the moral imagination from earliest childhood. Examining a wide range of stories--from Pinocchio and The Little Mermaid to Charlotte's Web, The Velveteen Rabbit, The Wind in the Willows, and the Chronicles of Narnia--he argues that these tales capture the meaning of morality through vivid depictions of the struggle between good and evil, in which characters must make difficult choices between right and wrong, or heroes and villains contest the very fate of imaginary worlds. Character and the virtues are depicted compellingly in these stories; the virtues glimmer as if in a looking glass, and wickedness and deception are unmasked of their pretensions to goodness and truth. We are made to face the unvarnished truth about ourselves, and what kind of people we want to be. Throughout, Guroian highlights the classical moral virtues such as courage, goodness, and honesty, especially as they are understood in traditional Christianity. At the same time, he so persuasively evokes the enduring charm of these familiar works that many readers will be inspired to reread their favorites and explore those they may have missed.
Craft Lessons
Ralph Fletcher - 1998
Craft Lessons is the practical text for the over-scheduled writing teacher who wants to give students fresh challenges for their writing but doesn't have time to pore over dozens of trade books to do so.There are three main sections in the book: one geared for teachers of primary students, one for teachers of grades 3-4, and one for teachers of middle school writers. This developmental structure allows teachers to go directly to those craft lessons most applicable and adaptable to their own students. Each of the 78 lessons is presented on a single page in an easy-to-read format. And every lesson features three teaching guidelines:
Discussion - A brief look at the reasons for teaching the particular element of craft.
How to Teach It - Concrete language showing exactly how a teacher might bring this craft element to students in individual writing conferences or a small-group setting.
Resource Material - A listing of the book or text referred to in the craft lesson plus additional texts you can use and references to a passage, a poem, or a piece of student writing in the Appendixes.
Craft Lessons also explores the context - the crucial classroom conditions - for successfully bringing rich ideas to young writers. It will appeal to both experienced writing teachers seeking new horizons for their writers and teachers who are relatively new to teaching writing.
Dear Parent: Caring for Infants With Respect
Magda Gerber - 1998
Internationally renowned infant specialist Magda Gerber, M.A., the founder of RIE, offers a healthy new approach to infant care based on a profound respect for each baby's individual needs and abilities.
The Nurture Assumption: Why Children Turn Out the Way They Do
Judith Rich Harris - 1998
This electrifying book explodes some of our unquestioned beliefs about children and parents and gives us a radically new view of childhood.Harris examines with a fresh eye the lives of real children to show that it is what they experience outside the home, in the company of their peers, that matters most. Parents don't socialize children; children socialize children. With eloquence and humor, Judith Harris explains why parents have little power to determine the sort of people their children will become. The Nurture Assumption brings together insights from psychology, sociology, anthropology, primatology, and evolutionary biology to offer a startling new view of who we are and how we got that way.
The Child With Special Needs: Encouraging Intellectual and Emotional Growth
Stanley I. Greenspan - 1998
In this essential work they lay out a complete, step-by-step approach for parents, educators, and others who work with developmental problems. Covering all kinds of disabilities--including autism, PPD, language and speech problems, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, and ADD--the authors offer a new understanding of the nature of these challenges and also specific ways of helping children extend their intellectual and emotional potential.The authors first show how to move beyond labels to observe the unique profile--strengths and problems--of the individual child. Next, they demonstrate the techniques necessary to help the child not only reach key milestones but also develop new emotional and intellectual capacities. Greenspan's well-known ?floortime? approach enables parents, as well as clinicians, to use seemingly playful interactions that help children actually move up the development ladder and often master creative and abstract thinking formerly thought beyond their reach. Including vivid case histories, the book also offers deep and compassionate understanding of the stresses and rewards involved in raising a child with special needs.whose amazing work with autistic and other special needs children is nationally known, and his colleague, child psychologist Serena Wieder, have integrated a lifetime of research and clinical practice into a single, comprehensive guide for parents. Covering all kinds of disabilities--including cerebral palsy, autism, retardation, ADD, PDD, and language problems--the book offers specific ways of helping all children reach their full intellectual and emotional potential.First the authors show how to move beyond the label and observe the strengths and problems of the particular child and the key milestones that must be reached. Next, they move step by step through the techniques necessary to help the child reach these milestones and show how to tailor these to each child. Finally, with a deep and compassionate understanding they outline the marital, educational, and social stresses and rewards in raising a special needs child.
Teaching with the Brain in Mind
Eric Jensen - 1998
Now, author Eric Jensen is back with a completely revised and updated edition of his classic work, featuring new research and practical strategies to enhance student comprehension and improve student achievement.In easy to understand, engaging language, Jensen provides a basic orientation to the brain and its various systems and explains how they affect learning. After discussing what parents and educators can do to get children's brains in good shape for school, Jensen goes on to explore topics such as motivation, critical thinking skills, optimal educational environments, emotions, and memory. He offers fascinating insights on a number of specific issues, including * How to tap into the brain's natural reward system. * The value of feedback. * The importance of prior knowledge and mental models. * The vital link between movement and cognition. * Why stress impedes learning. * How social interaction affects the brain. * How to boost students' ability to encode, maintain, and retrieve learning. * Ways to connect brain research to curriculum, assessment, and staff development.Jensen's repeated message to educators is simple: You have far more influence on students' brains than you realize . . . and you have an obligation to take advantage of the incredible revelations that science is providing. The revised and updated edition of Teaching with the Brain in Mind helps you do just that.
Theatre for Community Conflict and Dialogue: The Hope Is Vital Training Manual
Michael Rohd - 1998
It helps you provide opportunities for young people to open up and explore their feelings through theatre, offering a safe place for them to air their views with dignity, respect, and freedom.The purpose of this manual is to provide a clear look at the process and specifics involved in the Hope Is Vital interactive theatre techniques. The organization is sequential, providing a blueprint for creating a workable plan. Beginning with warm-up exercises and bridging activities, the process moves forward to improvisational scenework, where students actually replace characters in the stories. It is at this point that young people engage in their own mini-theatre and look at choices, strategies, and communication.Teachers will want to read this book. Counselors will want to read this book. Community leaders will want to read this book. It is useful in any group setting or as a tool for outreach.
Invitation to the Classics: A Guide to Books You've Always Wanted to Read
Louise Cowan - 1998
Full color and engaging, this book is a gateway to the fulfilling pursuit of understanding our culture by exploring its most enduring writings. "These sparkling essays remind us of the deep pleasures of literature and its power to instruct and delight."--Publishers Weekly "A magnificent resource, an urgently needed publication in an era when politically correct higher education is trying to deconstruct Western civilization. Wonderful!"--Charles Colson "This important publication should be in every library and out on the table in every Christian home."--Dallas Willard "Immerses us in the wisdom of the ages, those noble thoughts that enrich society's values and guide our youth along positive paths toward fruitful lives."--President Jimmy Carter
Listening to God with Children: The Montessori Method Applied to the Catechesis of Children
Gianna Gobbi - 1998
So is this work guided by the Spirit. It is the fruit of entering gently and respectfully into the child's joyful encounter with the mystery of God's silent self-revelation made tangible through ancient biblical images, liturgical signs and celebrations.The author, Gianna Gobbi, personally worked as an apprentice with Maria Montessori in Rome. In collaboration with Sofia Cavalletti, a biblical scholar, Gianna played a primary role in applying the principles of the Montessori method to the religious formation of children, now embodied in the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd.As the Catechesis spreads throughout the world, the origi-nators are conscious of the inclination of followers to dilute the work to familiar formulas and a set of skills acquired in training courses and textbooks. What is essential is not techniques nor even the right use of materials, as significant as these may be; rather, it is the spiritual formation of the catechist/educator as a servant of God's Word, motivated by the desire to enter more deeply into union with Christ, the one true Teacher of us all. Put simply: to listen to God with children.
Vocabulary Cartoons: Building an Educated Vocabulary With Visual Mnemonics
Sam Burchers - 1998
Makes vocabulary fun As easy as the comics...
Automotive Service: Inspection, Maintenance, Repair
Tim Gilles - 1998
This text covers all eight major course areas of automotive technology by progressing students through an introduction to shop management and then covering theories of vehicle systems operations with step-by-step procedures for troubleshooting and repairing automobiles. Technically reviewed by instructors and industry experts, the 4th edition of this popular text is designed in particular for the needs of those readers enrolled in NATEF-certified programs. Updated and expanded content in this edition includes coverage of hybrid vehicles, HTHS viscosity ratings, latest coolants, ejector cycle systems, dynamometer, and turbochargers and superchargers.
How the Brain Learns
David A. Sousa - 1998
This updated edition of the powerful bestseller examines new research on brain functioning and translates this information into effective classroom strategies and activities.
The Book of Learning and Forgetting
Frank Smith - 1998
This book will be crucial reading in a time when national authorities continue to blame teachers and students for failures in education. It will help educators and parents to combat sterile attitudes toward teaching and prevent current practices from doing further harm.
Power in the Helping Professions
Adolf Guggenbühl-Craig - 1998
In this concise book, Guggenb�hl-Craig teaches analysts how to be aware of the subtle abuses of authority that can occur during therapy and counseling.
Radical Presence: Teaching as Contemplative Practice
Mary Rose O'Reilley - 1998
These are secrets hidden in plain sight. But in an age that puts more faith in the powers of technique than in the powers of the human heart, it takes the clear sight and courage of someone like Mary Rose O'Reilley to call "secrets" of this sort to our attention."Radical Presence" asks, "What might happen if we frame the central questions of our profession as spiritual issues and deal with them in light of our spiritual traditions?" The basis of O'Reilley's remarks is not religious; it is pedagogical. She does not preach; she shares. Writing of the human condition, O'Reilley places herself first in line, not as an ego or leader but as a friend and guide. Over the course of her journey, she seeks to discover what spaces we can create in the classroom that will allow students the freedom to nourish an inner life.This is an important book that will have a significant impact on the way educators view teaching and learning. O'Reilley writes, "Some pedagogical practices crush the soul; most of us have suffered their bruising force. Others allow the spirit to come home: to self, to community, and to the revelations of reality. [This book] is my own try at articulating a space in which teacher and student can practice this radical presence."
Identity and Agency in Cultural Worlds
Dorothy Holland - 1998
They develop a theory of self-formation in which identities become the pivot between discipline and agency: turning from experiencing one's scripted social positions to making one's way into cultural worlds as a knowledgeable and committed participant. They emphasize throughout that identities are not static and coherent, but variable, multivocal and interactive.Ethnographic illumination of this complex theoretical construction comes from vividly described fieldwork in vastly different microcultures: American college women caught in romance; persons in U.S. institutions of mental health care; members of Alcoholics Anonymous groups; and girls and women in the patriarchal order of Hindu villages in central Nepal.Ultimately, Identity and Agency in Cultural Worlds offers a liberating yet tempered understanding of agency, for it shows how people, across the limits of cultural traditions and social forces of power and domination, improvise and find spaces to re-describe themselves, creating their cultural worlds anew.
Why Our Children Can't Read and What We Can Do About It: A Scientific Revolution in Reading
Diane Mcguinness - 1998
In her meticulously researched and groundbreaking work, Diane McGuinness faults outmoded reading systems for this crisis -- and provides the answers we need to give our children the reading skills they need. Drawing on twenty-five years of cutting-edge research, Dr. McGuinness presents bold new "phoneme awareness" programs that overcome the tremendous shortcomings of other systems by focusing on the crucial need to understand and hear reliably the sounds of a language before learning to read. Maintaining that any child can be taught to read fluently if given proper instruction, she dramatically reveals how dyslexia and behavior problems such as ADD stem not from neurological disorders but from flawed methods of reading instruction. With invaluable information on remedial reading programs that can correct various ineffective reading strategies, this book is a must for concerned parents, teachers, and others who want to make a difference.
Developing Number Concepts Book 1: Counting Comparing & Pattern Grade K/3 Copyright 1999
Kathy Richardson - 1998
Grounded in teacher awareness, this series includes information about observing and assessing children at work, adaptations for diverse student needs, as well as classroom management.
The Kodaly Method I: Comprehensive Music Education
Lois Choksy - 1998
It presents a highly sequential music program in which singing, moving, listening, musical reading and writing, improvising and composing are the means through which children develop skills and acquire knowledge about melody, harmony, rhythm, form, tempo, timbre, and dynamics.
Flight Discipline
Tony Kern - 1998
Major Tony Kern analyses the causes of poor flight discipline, gives chilling case studies of the consequences, and lays out a plan for individual improvement. Key words are italicized and review questions included for each chapter. An unequalled guide to this mainspring of good piloting.
Sentence Composing for High School: A Worktext on Sentence Variety and Maturity
Don Killgallon - 1998
In this expanded series, Killgallon presents the same proven methodology but offers all-new writing exercises for middle school, high school, and college students.Unlike traditional grammar books that emphasize sentence analysis, these worktexts asks students to imitate the sentence styles of professional writers, making the sentence composing process enjoyable and challenging. Killgallon teaches subliminally, nontechnically-the ways real writers compose their sentences, the ways students subsequently intuit within their own writing.Designed to produce sentence maturity and variety, the worktexts offer extensive practice in four sentence-manipulating techniques: sentence unscrambling, sentence imitating, sentence combining, and sentence expanding. It's demonstrably true that Sentence Composing can work anywhere--in any school, with any student.
Sentence Composing for College: A Worktext on Sentence Variety and Maturity
Don Killgallon - 1998
In this expanded series, Killgallon presents the same proven methodology but offers all-new writing exercises for middle school, high school, and college students.Unlike traditional grammar books that emphasize sentence analysis, these worktexts asks students to imitate the sentence styles of professional writers, making the sentence composing process enjoyable and challenging. Killgallon teaches subliminally, nontechnicallythe ways real writers compose their sentences, the ways students subsequently intuit within their own writing.Designed to produce sentence maturity and variety, the worktexts offer extensive practice in four sentence-manipulating techniques: sentence unscrambling, sentence imitating, sentence combining, and sentence expanding. It's demonstrably true that Sentence Composing can work anywhere--in any school, with any student.
Growing Up Local: An Anthology of Poetry and Prose from Hawai'i
Eric Chock - 1998
Fiction. Pacific Island Studies. The anthology is the product of the combined vision of three organizations dedicated to the enhancement of education in Hawaii: Bamboo Ridge Press, Curriculum Research and Development Group, and Hawaii Education Association.
Oxford Picture Dictionary: Monolingual
Norma Shapiro - 1998
A Teacher's Book contains teaching tips, lesson plans, and vocabulary practice activities. The accompanying Focused Listening Cassette provides hours of listening practice, using the vocabulary in interesting and stimulating ways.
The PH.D. Process: A Student's Guide to Graduate School in the Sciences
Dale F. Bloom - 1998
Process offers the essential guidance that students in the biological and physical sciences need to get the most out of their years in graduate school. Drawing upon the insights of numerous current and former graduate students, this book presents a rich portrayal of the intellectualand emotional challenges inherent in becoming a scientist, and offers the informed, practical advice a best friend would give about each stage of the graduate school experience. What are the best strategies for applying to a graduate program? How are classes conducted? How should I choose anadvisor and a research project? What steps can I take now to make myself more employable when I get my degree? What goes on at the oral defense? Through a balanced, thorough examination of issues ranging from lab etiquette to research stress, the authors--each a Ph.D. in the sciences--provide thevital information that will allow students to make informed decisions all along the way to the degree. Headlined sections within each chapter make it fast and easy to look up any subject, while dozens of quotes describing personal experiences in graduate programs from people in diverse scientificfields contribute invaluable real-life expertise. Special attention is also given to the needs of international students.Read in advance, this book prepares students for each step of the graduate school experience that awaits them. Read during the course of a graduate education, it serves as a handy reference covering virtually all major issues and decisions a doctoral candidate is likely to face. The Ph.D. Processis the one book every graduate student in the biological and physical sciences can use to stay a step ahead, from application all the way through graduation.
Valerie & Walter's Best Books for Children: A Lively, Opinionated Guide
Valerie V. Lewis - 1998
Lewis and Walter M. Mayes have selected more than 2,000 wonderful books for children from birth to age 12. Here is the most useful, candid, and convenient guide to children's literature ever published, featuring in-depth reviews, concise ratings, tips for finding the perfect book for your child, and mountains of essential hints and sound advice to help you pass along the gift of reading to the next generation. This fully revised and updated edition includes: Reviews of the best new books for childrenMore of Valerie and Walter's patented back-and-forth dialogueHandy cross-references by theme and interestAnd much, much moreFrom stories that babies can literally chew on, to the very best choices for bridging the gap between listening and reading, to the right books to tempt an adamant nonreader, this truly is the last word on children's reading and the first book a parent should buy.
A Journey Through Time In Verse And Rhyme
Heather Thomas - 1998
They encompass a wide variety of moods from gratitude and wonder at the natural world to the courage and heroism of individuals pitted agains the odds, and range from ancient Egypt to modern times.Works by well-known poets -- Shakespeare, Blake, Wordsworth, Browning -- are found together with the refreshingly unfamiliar.Sections on alliterative verse, riddles, tongue-twisters, action verses and the seasons of the year provide a stimulus for practical activities in the classroom. Also included are meditative verses for teachers to help them deepen their understanding of the children in their care.A resource book to treasure, it will awaken a love of poetry in both young and old.
Mapmaking with Children: Sense of Place Education for the Elementary Years
David Sobel - 1998
Mapmaking with Children presents an inspired alternative. Maintaining that there is no substitute for hands-on experience, David Sobel places the initial emphasis on local projects--projects that begin in students' own backyards and communities, projects that provide a sense of place.As Sobel explains, In the beginning, children's maps represent their experiences of beauty, secrecy, adventure, and comfort. With these affective endeavors as a foundation, I then gradually start to focus on scale, location, direction, and geographic relationships. The development of emotional bonds and cognitive skills needs to go hand in hand in my approach to developmentally appropriate social studies and geography. To that end, his book identifies each stage of development, presenting relevant theoretical issues and several appropriate projects.In the beginning, students stay close to home, mapping their known world. Gradually, they move on to their neighborhood, developing a sense of place, scope, and perspective. Eventually, once students are older, they explore the nation, the world, even the solar system, creating raised relief maps and contour maps to develop visual literacy and spatial reasoning skills. Vivid illustrations of the students' work are provided throughout to let you observe each stage of development.Mapmaking, as Sobel uses it, has relevance across the curriculum. In addition to appealing to social studies teachers, this book will be of interest to science teachers, language arts teachers, and math teachers looking for new ways to invigorate the curriculum.
Kill Them Before They Grow: Misdiagnosis of African American Boys in American Classrooms
Michael Porter - 1998
Examining how African American males end up in dead-end classes, this book explores what must be done to change this trend, asking such questions as What happens to these boys in special education? and How can educators and communities reduce the number of African American boys receiving Ritalin and ultimately dropping out?
Developing Number Concepts Book 2: Addition & Subtraction Grade K/3 Copyright 1999
Kathy Richardson - 1998
Students solidify beginning number concepts through independent and sma
Rhythms of Learning: What Waldorf Education Offers Children, Parents & Teachers
Rudolf Steiner - 1998
From this understanding will grow the approach, the curriculum, and the methods of an education capable of addressing the whole child." --Roberto TrostliWaldorf education, an established and growing independent school movement, continues to be shaped and inspired by Rudolf Steiner's numerous lectures on education.In Rhythms of Learning, key lectures on children and education have been thoughtfully chosen from the vast amount of material by Steiner and presented in a context that makes them approachable and accessible. In his many discussions and lectures, Steiner shared his vision of an education that considers the spirit, soul, and physiology in children as they grow.Roberto Trostli, an experienced Waldorf teacher, has selected the works that best illustrate the fundamentals of this unique approach. In each chapter, Trostli explains Steiner's concepts and describes how they work in the contemporary Waldorf classroom. We learn how the teacher-child relationship and the Waldorf school curriculum changes as the students progress from kindergarten through high-school.This book will serve as an excellent resource for parents who want to understand how their child is learning. Parents will be better prepared to discuss their child's education with teachers, and teachers will find it a valuable reference source and communication tool.
The Guitar Grimoire: Progressions & Improvisation
Adam Kadmon - 1998
Improv and composing techniques are explained and interwoven throughout. 282 pages.
The Complete Resource Book for Preschoolers: An Early Childhood Curriculum With Over 2000 Activities and Ideas
Pam Schiller - 1998
The daily plans have circle time, music and movement activities, suggested books, and learning center ideas. The appendix is jam-packed with songs, recipes, and games. This book is like having a master teacher at your side for inspiration all year long.
The Triumphs Of Joseph: How Today's Community Healers Are Reviving Our Streets And Neighborhoods
Robert L. Woodson Sr. - 1998
Always accessible and colorful, this powerful appeal for the health of America's inner cities can resurrect the passion to fight poverty--but only through the vision and deeds of street-level heroes.
Cloning of the American Mind: Eradicating Morality through Education
B.K. Eakman - 1998
This is a solution-oriented book that is jam-packed with information.
The Lecturer's Toolkit: A Practical Guide to Assessment, Learning and Teaching
Phil Race - 1998
Developed around detailed, practical guidance on the core elements of effective teaching in HE, it is packed full of accessible advice and helpful tips. This fully updated edition covers key topics including:learning styles assessment lecturing personal management skills formative feedback large and small group teaching blended learning resource based and online learning peer observation of teaching.The Lecturer's Toolkit is essential for anyone working towards a profesisonal qualification in teaching in higher education as well as for those who want to reflect on and develop existing skills.
Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum: Best Practices in Early Childhood Education
Marjorie J. Kostelnik - 1998
It provides a comprehensive, cohesive approach to curriculum development which results in greater continuity for children and practitioners in such formal group settings as childcare, pre-school, and the early elementary grades. Concentrating as much on the how of curriculum development as on the what and why, the authors present numerous examples and practical, research-based guidelines-organized by developmental domain-for translating theory into best practice that accommodates age-appropriateness, individual differences, and social and cultural diversity. Readers learn how to conceptualize, plan, implement, and evaluate curriculum through detailed application opportunities in each chapter. For childcare, pre-school, and early elementary grades instructors.
A Massage Therapist's Guide to Pathology
Ruth Werner - 1998
This best-selling guide presents detailed information on over 200 diseases and conditions, emphasizing how massage influences the disease and healing processes and how therapists can maximize the benefits while minimizing the risks.The new art program features enhanced line drawings and full-color photographs of skin conditions ranging from mild to severe. A new appendix on medications explains how bodywork may influence the actions of various drugs.A back-of-book CD-ROM includes a self-testing tool, animations demonstrating pathophysiology concepts, and audio pronunciations for medical terminology.
Dr. Beechick's Homeschool Answer Book
Ruth Beechick - 1998
Beechick your homeschooling question? This book can be like that phone call for you. Its question and answer format is almost like that phone call. Editor Debbie Strayer selected the questions most asked of Dr. Beechick at conventions and in her magazine column. She organized and indexed thoroughly so you can find Beechick's comments on all these important topics. One chapter contains questions on high school, and this comprises Beechick's first major message to homeschooling families of high schoolers. Find the famous common sense help on every page of this Beechick book.
The Revisers Tool Box
Barry Lane - 1998
Includes reproducible lessons and posters.
Street Spanish 3: The Best of Naughty Spanish
David Burke - 1998
The reason is simple. You haven't discovered the third piece to understanding everyday spanish: popular expletives and obscenities - those back-alley words and phrases constantly used in movies, books and coversations between native speakers.STREET SPANISH 3 is the first step-by-step guide of its kind to explore the most comon curses, vulgarities, and obscenities used in many Spanish-speaking countries. Chapters include:* Dating Slang* Nonvulgar Insults & Putdowns* Vulgar Insults & Name-Calling* Body Parts in Slang* Sexual Slang* Bodily Functions, Sounds & Smells* The Many Uses of "Mierda"* The Many Uses of "Cagar"* The Many Uses of "Co?o"* The Many Uses of "Chingar" & "Joder"* Being Obscene Unintentionally!DAVID BURKE is also the author of STREET SPANISH 1: The Best of Spanish Slang; STREET SPANISH 2: The Best of Spanish Idioms; STREET FRENCH 1: The Best of French Slang; STREET FRENCH 2: The Best of French Idioms STREET FRENCH 3: The Best of Naughty French STREET FRENCH SLANG DICTIONARY & THESAURUS all available from Wiley; plus STREET SPEAK & BIZ SPEAK (American slang and idioms).
Teaching Today: A Practical Guide
Geoffrey Petty - 1998
Signposted for coverage of FENTO standards, with full coverage of the C&G 7407, 7302, and Cert Ed courses. Retaining the unique style of the previous editions, this is an essential text for students and qualified teachers.
Pimsleur Italian Level 3 CD: Learn to Speak and Understand Italian with Pimsleur Language Programs
Pimsleur Language Programs - 1998
The best part is that it doesn’t have to be difficult or take years to master. Thirty minutes a day is all it takes, and we get you speaking right from the first day. Pimsleur courses use a scientifically-proven method that puts you in control of your learning. If you’ve tried other language learning methods but found they simply didn’t stick, then you owe it to yourself to give Pimsleur a try.Why Pimsleur? - Quick + Easy – Only 30 minutes a day. - Portable + Flexible – Core lessons can be done anytime, anywhere, and easily fit into your busy life. - Proven Method – Works when other methods fail. - Self-Paced – Go fast or go slow – it’s up to you. - Based in Science – Developed using proven research on memory and learning. - Cost-effective – Less expensive than classes or immersion, and features all native speakers. - Genius – Triggers your brain’s natural aptitude to learn. - Works for everyone – Recommended for ages 13 and above. What’s Included? - 30, 30-minute audio lessons - 60 minutes of reading instruction to provide you practice reading Italian - in total, 16 hours of audio, all featuring native speakers - a Reading Booklet and User’s GuideWhat You’ll Learn Builds upon skills taught in Pimsleur’s Italian Levels 1 and 2. In the first 10 lessons, you will expand your vocabulary and increase your fluency to an even higher level. You’ll gain experience participating in many informal and some formal discussions on practical, social, and semiprofessional topics. You’ll skillfully form longer, more complex sentences, and most importantly, you’ll find yourself being understood, even by native speakers unused to dealing with foreigners. You’ll be able to join in conversations eagerly, confident of being understood. In the next 10 lessons, your skills will demonstrate ever-increasing mastery of Italian. Speaking with grace and complete naturalness, you’ll enjoy fluid conversations on many new subjects. Delving deeper into cultural norms and situations, you’ll find yourself responding effortlessly, and able to choose from a wide accumulation of vocabulary and structures. In the final 10 lessons, you’re nearing fluency with agile responses, and a natural sounding, near-native accent. You’re able to utilize the language in subtle ways, and speak using past, present, and future tenses. Self-confidence soars as you no longer experience the language and culture as a foreigner, but as someone with a deepening insight into the Italian-speaking world. Reading Lessons are included at the end of Lesson 30. These lessons, which total about one hour, are designed to give you practice reading Italian, to provide vocabulary and improve pronunciation. Before you know it, you’ll be reading Italian with the ease and flexibility of a native speaker. The Pimsleur Method We make no secret of what makes this powerful method work so well. Paul Pimsleur spent his career researching and perfecting the precise elements anyone can use to learn a language quickly and easily. Here are a few of his “secrets”:The Principle of Anticipation In the nanosecond between a cue and your response, your brain has to work to come up with the right word. Having to do this boosts retention, and cements the word in your mind.Core Vocabulary Words, phrases, and sentences are selected for their usefulness in everyday conversation. We don’t overwhelm you with too much, but steadily increase your ability with every lesson.Graduated Interval Recall Reminders of new words and structures come up at the exact interval for maximum retention and storage into your long-term memory.Organic Learning You work on multiple aspects of the language simultaneously. We integrate grammar, vocabulary, rhythm, melody, and intonation into every lesson, which allows you to experience the language as a living, expressive form of human culture.Learning in Context Research has shown that learning new words in context dramatically accelerates your ability to remember. Every scene in every Pimsleur lesson is set inside a conversation between two people. There are no drills, and no memorization necessary for success.Active Participation The Pimsleur Method + active learner participation = success. This method works with every language and every learner who follows it. You gain the power to recall and use what you know, and to add new words easily, exactly as you do in English.The Italian Language Italian is the official language of Italy and San Marino, and one of the official languages of Switzerland, Croatia, and Slovenia. Italian is spoken by about 58 million people in Italy, 24,000 in San Marino, 840,000 in Switzerland, another million in other European countries, and approximately 5 million in North and South America. Historically, Italian is a daughter language of Latin. Italian uses the Roman alphabet and the pronunciation of the language follows the spelling very closely.Tech Talk - CDs are formatted for playing in all CD players, including car players, and users can copy files for use in iTunes or Windows Media Player.
Fine Motor Skills for Children with Down Syndrome: A Guide for Parents and Professional
Maryanne Bruni - 1998
The author, anoccupational therapist who has worked extensively with children withDown syndrome, is also the parent of a teenager with Down syndrome.She offers parents and professionals dozens of easy, home-andschool-based activities, illustrated with black and white photos, whichhelp children gradually acquire the skills they need for fine motordevelopment. Readers learn how to incorporate work on fine motorskills into everyday activities and routines and to emphasise tasks thatchildren can use throughout life - play, self-help, printing, cutting withscissors, and computer use.
Radical Change: Books for Youth in a Digital Age
Eliza T. Dresang - 1998
This 2007 award winner shows how printed books are changing in step with positive developments in the digital world, and how librarians, teachers, and parents can recognize and appreciate good books for youth that: break barriers with accurate presentatio
Yoga for the Special Child: A Therapeutic Approach for Infants and Children with Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Autism Spectrum Disorders and Learning Disabilities
Sonia Sumar - 1998
The book includes: A step-by-step, integrated system of yoga poses designed to increase cognitive and motor skills in children with learning and developmental disabilities. Specialized breathing exercises and relaxation techniques to improve concentration and reduce hyperactivity. And early intervention program to assure the healthy formative development of infants and toddlers.
The Star of Deep Beginnings
Charles S. Finch III - 1998
Finch III. The title, derived from a Dogon name for Sirius B. reflects the cosmic nature of African science.
Polish: An Essential Grammar
Dana Bielec - 1998
Refreshingly jargon-free, it explains genders, noun types, cases and case requirements of prepositions supplemented with authentic examples.
Reading Reflex: The Foolproof Phono-Graphix Method for Teaching Your Child to Read
Carmen McGuinness - 1998
And the key to learning how to read effectively is recognizing the sounds that letters and words represent. With the help of the revolutionary system known as Phono-Graphix™, you and your child can discover the sound-picture code that is the foundation of the written English language.Help your child unlock the sound-picture code. An effective and easy-to-understand approach, Phono-Graphix enables you to teach your child to read in one-tenth the time of phonics with a 100 percent success rate. In just eleven weeks, you can bring your kindergartner to first-grade-level reading—even learning-disabled children can reach grade level or higher in just twelve weeks. Reading Reflex provides you with: -Simple diagnostic tests to determine your child's reading level, and a Literacy Growth Chart so you'll know what goals to establish -Detailed instructions and illustrations to help your child develop strong, consistent reading skills and to correct ineffective reading strategies such as part-word reading and memorizing -Fun and easy-to-follow exercises, hands-on materials, worksheets, stories, and games that you and your child can do together -Enjoyable lessons that are carefully constructed to meet the interests and capabilities of children of all ages
How To Draw Batman
Ty Templeton - 1998
In addition, there are helpful tips for rendering the Batmobile, Batcave, and other Gotham City locations for Batman action scenes. In addition to Wonder Woman, you'll also learn how to draw Artemis, Jason Blood and the Demon, Circe, Cheetah, and many other friends and foes of the Amazing Amazon. In addition, there are helpful tips for rendering the Gateway city museum and the temples of Paradise Island for Wonder Woman action scenes. In addition to Superman, you'll also learn how to draw Lois Lane, Lex Luthor, the Parasite, Mr. Mxyzptlk, and many other friends and foes of the Man of Steel. In addition, there are helpful tips for rendering the Daily Planet building and other Metropolis locations for Superman action scenes in no time! You'll learn how to draw Flash, Green Lantern, Aquaman, Captain Marvel, the Atom, and many other heroes and villains in the DC Universe. In addition, there are helpful tips for rendering the Watchtower and the headquarters of the Justice League for impressive Super Hero action scenes. So grab your art supplies and get drawing!
Our Sunday Visitor's Encyclopedia of Catholic Doctrine
Russell B. Shaw - 1998
Completely consistent with the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Lost Subjects, Contested Objects
Deborah P. Britzman - 1998
A study of love and hate in learning and an argument for why educators might begin with consideration of these psychical dynamics when interpreting the conflictive dreams of education.
The Ark of Speech
Jean-Louis Chrétien - 1998
"The Ark of Speech" investigates the interplay of speech and silence in the dialogue between God and human beings, one human being and another, and human beings and the world.
Draw 3-D
Doug Dubosque - 1998
Beginning with such elementary concepts as depth, he progresses logically through shading, reflections, and multiple vanishing points.
Intermediate Language Practice with Key
Michael Vince - 1998
It gives extensive practice of the questions from each of the four written exam papers.There is special emphasis given to developing and practicing problem areasof phrasal verbs.At each practice stage, all the grammar is clearly explained and there is a grammar index for extra support.25 revision tests help you check your understanding of the vocabulary and grammar points presented.With the new CD-ROM there is the added opportunity to practice for both the paper and online exam. The CD-ROM also has personal progress checks so improvement can be monitored. It is interactive whiteboard compatible, making it practical for language lab or whole class use.It is available with or without answer key, making the series ideal for classroom work or independent study.
Montessori Read Write: A parent's guide to literacy for children
Lynne Lawrence - 1998
She opened the first Childrens' House in Rome in 1907 where she developed her theories and put them into practice. Today, there is a network of Montessori schools around the world. Montossori Read & Write makes the acclaimed methods used in those schools available to all parents who wish to give their child the best possible start on the road to reading and writing. Illustrated in colour throughout, with sections on how human beings acquire language, how to create an environment which gives the best chance for language to flourish, first steps towards reading and writing, learning to write the letters, starting to read with meaning and creative and accurate story writing, the book is full of age-graded games and activities to aid learning, and has a resources section designed to be appropriate for different geographical regions and/or languages. It includes a reading list, resources list and suggestions for scripts. Easy and fun to use, this informative and practical book is essential reading for any parent who wants to ensure the best start for their child.
Communities of Practice: Learning, Meaning, and Identity
Etienne Wenger - 1998
Nations worry about the learning of their citizens, companies about the learning of their workers, schools about the learning of their students. But it is not always easy to think about how to foster learning in innovative ways. This book presents a framework for doing that, with a social theory of learning that is ground-breaking yet accessible, with profound implications not only for research, but also for all those who have to foster learning as part of their responsibilites at work, at home, at school.
English Vocabulary Quick Reference: A Dictionary Arranged by Word Roots
Roger S. Crutchfield - 1998
Book by Crutchfield, Roger S.
Our Riches in Christ: Discovering the Believer's Inheritance in Ephesians
Ray C. Stedman - 1998
'Our Riches in Christ' helps Christians understand the liberating, transforming truths that produce lasting joy, unbounded peace, and radiant faith. Throughout his thorough, verse-by-verse analysis of Paul's letter to the Ephesians, master teacher Ray Stedman stops often to show what the Scriptures mean for today's believer. Practical issues of husband and wife relationships and church order find their way alongside such vital theological issues as faith, prayer, and spiritual warfare.
The Joyful Child: for Birth to Three Years (Michael Olaf's Essential Montessori Series)
Susan Stephenson - 1998
The book describes an overview of the philosophy and practice of the Montessori Method for zero to three and a catalog of suggested books and materials for creating exceptional environments for infants, toddlers, and young children at home, and in the preschool and daycare setting.
Seeing Lessons: The Story of Abigail Carter and America's First School for Blind People
Spring Hermann - 1998
Abby and her younger sister Sophia, also blind, packed their bags and headed to the city. For the first time in their lives, the two girls were able to read a book for themselves and to write a letter to their father. This small start-up school developed into the Perkins School for the Blind. From this school graduated Annie Sullivan, Helen Keller's influential teacher. Readers who love Helen Keller's story won't want to miss this inspiring story of courage and perseverance.
Successful Failure: The School America Builds
Hervé Varenne - 1998
The authors discuss in five case studies how the American education system defines and measures success and failure, why there is polarization between suburban schools and urban schools, and what about our system leads us to focus on the negative. Their exploration focuses not on the people or the activities of the system, but on the institutions themselves: who decided what was a success or failure? How was the identification done, and with what consequences?This important and timely book is a must-read for anyone interested in educational reform, the American educational system, and the anthropology of education.
Hundred Languages of Children: The Reggio Emilia Approach to Early Childhood Education: Reggio Emilia Approach - Advanced Reflections
C. Edwards - 1998
Over the past forty years, educators there have evolved a distinctive innovative approach that supports children's well-being and fosters their intellectual development through a systematic focus on symbolic representation. Young children (from birth to age six) are encouraged to explore their environment and express themselves through many "languages," or modes of expression, including words, movement, drawing, painting, sculpture, shadow play, collage, and music. Leading children to surprising levels of symbolic skill and creativity, the system is not private and elite but rather involves full-day child care open to all, including children with disabilities.This new Second Edition reflects the growing interest and deepening reflection upon the Reggio approach, as well as increasing sophistication in adaptation to the American context. Included are many entirely new chapters and an updated list of resources, along with original chapters revised and extended. The book represents a dialogue between Italian educators who founded and developed the system and North Americans who have considered its implications for their own settings and issues. The book is a comprehensive introduction covering history and philosophy, the parent perspective, curriculum and methods of teaching, school and system organization, the use of space and physical environments, and adult professional roles including special education. The final section describes implications for American policy and professional development and adaptations in United States primary, preschool, and child care classrooms.
The Kodaly Method II: Folksong to Masterwork
Lois Choksy - 1998
Designed to guide older beginners through the transition from folk songs as the basic vehicle of instruction to art music as the core of the music curriculum, this step-by-step guide features 19 lessons organized precisely in the sequence of the Kodaly Method. Its interactive, outcome-based approach exposes students to the great music of the world, letting them experience its dynamics in a firsthand, meaningful way.
Straight Talk About Reading
Susan L. Hall - 1998
Full of ideas and suggestions----from innovative preschool exercises to techniques that older children can use to increase reading speed and comprehension----Straight Talk About Reading will instantly help any parent lay a solid foundation for their child's formative educational years.
The GIANT Encyclopedia of Science Activities for Children: Over 600 Favorite Science Activities Created By Teachers For Teachers
Kathy Charner - 1998
The result of a nationwide contest, the GIANT Encyclopedia of Science joins our bestselling GIANT Encyclopedia series.
Teaching the Youngest Writers
Marcia S. Freeman - 1998
This book shows you how. The most complete guide available to conducting a daily writing workshop in the primary grades, this easy-to-use professional resource includes models for managing the writing process. Teaching the Youngest Writers explains the expository, descriptive, and personal-narrative writing techniques your students need to become fluent writers. Includes stages of emergent writing, how to set up your room, how to schedule and manage the daily writing workshop, how to conduct an Author's Chair, and how to model writing and efficient peer conferences. A classic and complete resource.
Bethlehem 2000: Past and Present
Mitri Raheb - 1998
This lavishly illustrated book describes in detail the history and culture, religion and traditions, as well as the political situation of Bethlehem today and the everyday lives of Palestinians at the end of the twentieth century.
Real Education: Varieties Of Freedom
David Gribble - 1998
The variety of schools is astonishing, yet each shows that children do better when they are allowed to think for themselves. From an educational point of view it is significant that this theme emerges from so many different cultures.
A Grammar Companion - for Primary Teachers
Beverly Derewianka - 1998
For the first time, a guide which brings together the terminology of both traditional and functional models to create a multi-purpose grammar. Designed for easy reference, A Grammar Companion for Primary Teachers provides comprehensive and accessible descriptions and explanations of all grammatical features of English. Back cover - 1998.
Weather: A Folding Pocket Guide to to Clouds, Storms and Weather Patterns
James Kavanagh - 1998
A must-have reference for novice meteorologists, this guide teaches how and why weather occurs and how to anticipate weather changes. It also highlights weather phenomena (ranging from hurricanes and tornadoes to waterspouts and dust devils) and weather lore ("Red sky at night, sailor's delight."). Laminated for durability, this guide is a great source of portable information and ideal for field use by novices and experts alike. Made in the USA.
What We Learned (The Hard Way) about Supervising Volunteers: An Action Guide for Making Your Job Easier
Jarene Frances Lee - 1998
It also includes comments from volunteers about what they need from those who supervise them, as well as excerpts from classic articles and books by experts in the field and a self-assessment survey covering the attitudes and actions necessary to be an effective supervisor.
Crime And Society In Britain
Hazel Croall - 1998
Covering many issues the text looks at how different kinds of crime are officially defined, socially constructed, researched and analyzed. Exploring the relationship between crime and social equality the text applies these insight to specific patterns of crime. Focusing upon the task of explaining the causes and nature of crime the text looks at questions and issues, presenting a selection of research and literature.
The Preschooler's Busy Book: 365 creative games and activities to keep your 3-6 year old busy
Trish Kuffner - 1998
It shows parents and day-care providers how to:* Save money by making your own paints, play dough, craft clays, glue, paste, and other arts and crafts supplies.* Prevent boredom during even the longest stretches of indoor weather with ideas for indoor play, kitchen activities, and arts and crafts projects.* Stimulate a child's natural curiosity with fun reading, math, and science activities.* Encourage a child's physical, mental, and emotional growth with ideas for music, dance, drama, and outdoor play.* Celebrate holidays and other occasions with special projects and activities.* Keep children occupied during long trips or cross-town errands.The Preschooler's Busy book is written with warmth and sprinkled with humor and insight. It should be required reading for anyone raising or teaching preschool-age children.
Two Parts Textbook, One Part Love: A Recipe for Sucessful Teaching
LouAnne Johnson - 1998
Byers, United Kingdom, reader review, Amazon.comFrom the author of Dangerous Minds. Suggestions, advice, and information to help any teacher create a dynamic and successful classroom.
Teaching at Its Best: A Research-Based Resource for College Instructors
Linda B. Nilson - 1998
This thoroughly revised edition includes the newest portrait of the Millennial student; current research from cognitive psychology; a focus on outcomes maps; the latest legal options on copyright issues; and how to best use new technology including wikis, blogs, podcasts, vodcasts, and clickers. Entirely new chapters include subjects such as matching teaching methods with learning outcomes, inquiry-guided learning, and using visuals to teach, and new sections address Felder and Silverman's Index of Learning Styles, SCALE-UP classrooms, multiple true-false test items, and much more.Praise for the Third Edition of Teaching at Its BestEveryone--veterans as well as novices--will profit from reading Teaching at Its Best, for it provides both theory and practical suggestions for handling all of the problems one encounters in teaching classes varying in size, ability, and motivation."--Wilbert McKeachie, Department of Psychology, University of Michigan, and coauthor, McKeachie's Teaching TipsThis new edition of Dr. Nilson's book, with its completely updated material and several new topics, is an even more powerful collection of ideas and tools than the last. What a great resource, especially for beginning teachers but also for us veterans!"--L. Dee Fink, author, Creating Significant Learning ExperiencesThis third edition of Teaching at Its Best is successful at weaving the latest research on teaching and learning into what was already a thorough exploration of each topic. New information on how we learn, how students develop, and innovations in instructional strategies complement the solid foundation established in the first two editions."--Marilla D. Svinicki, Department of Psychology, The University of Texas, Austin, and coauthor, McKeachie's Teaching Tips
The Chortling Bard!: Caught'ya! Grammar with a Giggle for High School: A Method for Teaching Grammar, Mechanics, Usage, Vocabulary, and Literary Devices with Plots and Vocabulary Borrowed from Shakespeare
Jane Bell Kiester - 1998
Easy to adapt, The Chortling Bard supplies three years' worth of sentences, texts, and keys, and a complete grammar reference.
A Bluestocking Guide: Economics
Jane A. Williams - 1998
Maybury. "A Bluestocking Guide: Economics" includes additional articles, written at varying reading levels, that expand on the concepts presented in the primer. In addition, it includes Comprehension Questions for each chapter that may include Definition, True/False, and/or Short Answer/Fill-in questions. Answers are located in the back of the study guide. (Note: student answers to some questions/exercises do not always have definitive answers, in which case the notation "answers will vary" will appear.) Application Exercises are also given. Generally, these ask the student to apply the knowledge he/she learned from a given chapter to "real world" situations so that the student may personalize the information and better retain and apply the knowledge gained from the primer. Application Exercises typically include Discussion, Essay, and Research assignments. A comprehensive final exam is also included. In addition to assisting the student in the retention of the subject matter, the study guide will serve as documentation of course completion. Timeframe for Study: Bluestocking Guides are organized to allow the instructor flexibility in designing the ideal course of study for the student. Therefore, there is no "right" or "wrong" timeframe for covering the material; the instructor should tailor the study of the primer and study guide to the student's unique school schedule, learning style and age. For example, younger students might only complete comprehension exercises in the study guide, whereas older students may complete additional application exercises and suggestions for further reading/study. Ideally, the student should read the chapter from the primer and then immediately answer the corresponding questions in the study guide. For Essay and Research assignments, a project may require several days or weeks to complete. It is best that the instructor preview these assignments to select those most appropriate for the student and the timeframe available. An easy-to-apply rule of thumb for determining length of study is to divide the number of chapters in a primer by the number of weeks the instructor plans to study the subject/book. Some instructors may choose to complete the primer in a few short weeks, in which case multiple chapters may need to be covered for each lesson period. Others may cover the primer over the course of a semester, in which case only one or two chapters per week will need to be assigned. (Note: Chapter lengths vary, so sometimes a student may easily be able to read more than one chapter per lesson.) The key is to move quickly enough so that the student is engaged with learning and also able to absorb all concepts fully. The student's performance on end-of-chapter Questions and Assignments from the study guide should be a good indication of this. This guide is 8-1/2" x 11" in size.Description of the primer, "Whatever Happened to Penny Candy?": Richard Maybury uses historical events from Ancient Rome to explain economic principles. This clearly written book about economics is a remarkably easy and fun explanation of investment cycles, velocity, business cycles, recessions, inflation, the demand for money and more. Essential for every student, businessperson and investor. Recommended by former U.S. Treasury Secretary William Simon. It is also on many recommended reading list. The primer "Whatever Happened to Penny Candy?" is recommended for ages 10 through adult for courses in Economics, Business, Finance, Government and Ancient Rome.
Finding Freedom in the Classroom: A Practical Introduction to Critical Theory- Sixth Printing
Patricia H. Hinchey - 1998
The text demystifies such formidable terms as hegemony, epistemology, and praxis by defining them in accessible language and by discussing how everyday life in and out of the classroom embodies these concepts. Finding Freedom can help teachers imagine and build new classroom worlds, worlds that empower students and teachers alike to actively shape - rather than passively accept - their fates.
The Question of David: A Disabled Mother's Journey Through Adoption, Family, and Life
Denise Sherer Jacobson - 1998
"The Question of David" betrays stereotypes and misconceptions that are associated with the term disabled and narrates their triumphs as parents.
Faculty Meetings with Rudolf Steiner: 1919–1922
Rudolf Steiner - 1998
Struggling to create the first school as a vehicle for social transformation, Rudolf Steiner gave his attention to every detail: lesson plans, religious education, school hours, course resources, administration, finance, child study. These two volumes span the years 1919 to 1924 and cover, meeting by meeting, the development of the first Waldorf School. His sleeves rolled up and his sight on a vision that he made a reality, Rudolf Steiner lays the foundations of Waldorf education. Here is Rudolf Steiner, not through the written word or lectures but in transcribed interaction that details the creation process with all of its problems, frustrations, successes, and failures. This detailed book, behind the scenes, will interest not only teachers, but also anyone who wants to understand the day-to-day events of launching a worldwide school movement.This volume contains the notes from the first three years of the school. The teacher said out with enthusiasm to implement the new pedagogy and deal with the basic aspects of administration. Into the second year, they tackled significant questions regarding the spiritual independence of the school, state and financial pressures, and integrating new teachers. By the third year the central concerns were the lack of connection between certain teachers and students and the addition of a variety of practical subjects as well as more discussions about specific children, subjects, and methods.
Pere Jacques: Resplendent in Victory
Francis J. Murphy - 1998
Knights & Castles: 50 Hands-On Activities to Explore the Middle Ages
Avery Hart - 1998
This title is suitable for ages 9 to 12 years.
By Different Paths to Common Outcomes
Marie M. Clay - 1998
If we notice children taking different paths we can interact with their different journeys just as we would alter our talking to adapt to our listeners and in a couple of years expect them to arrive at common outcomes.Marie M.ClayThis collection of readings is about all children and the early years of schooling. It brings together for educators and classroom teachers significant new, previously unpublished articles (Chapters 4, 10, and 14) as well as several of Dr. Clay's seminal papers. Here she reiterates for new teachers many of the concerns that lie at the heart of her work with young children—the sensitive observation of the constructive child, the challenges of early encounters with how we put language down in print (Concepts About Print), introducing storybooks to children, and how we can better adapt to diversity in our classrooms. Other emphases that emerge in her new articles call for changes in how teachers think about three things: literacy awareness as it develops before and after the transition to school, the power of writing for all children in early literacy encounters, and conversation as a tool for vastly improving teaching interactions.Marie Clay focuses on many reciprocal connections—how one kind of learning supports another—between oral language and reading, between writing and reading, between theory and practice. She believes that practice informs theory and theory informs practice in a circular and continuing set of relationships. Teachers who want to go beyond their present practice must get into the writings of those who challenge their expectations on how best to meet the needs of their very diverse children.Each chapter in this collection - from the glimpses of some fascinating children to some strong challenges to basic assumptions about literacy teaching -could provide a centerpiece for a workshop, the background reading for several group discussions, or an opportunity for practicing teachers to bring their experience face to face with a text that challenges. As Margaret Mooney writes in her foreword, "Marie Clay knows how to ask the niggling questions and to prompt and probe the uncomfortable issues. But readers of this collection will realize she is equally skilled in providing practical examples and well-researched, reasoned discussion for the road she chooses . . .This book is not a one-read-is-sufficient publication. It is a companion for frequent dipping and delving, thinking and questioning, challenging and confirming. We'll all find different paths to common outcomes."
Negotiating Academic Literacies: Teaching and Learning Across Languages and Cultures
Vivian Zamel - 1998
This anthology of articles brings together different voices from a range of publications and fields and unites them in pursuit of an understanding of how academic ways of knowing are acquired. The editors preface the collection of readings with a conceptual framework that reconsiders the current debate about the nature of academic literacies. In this volume, the term academic literacies denotes multiple approaches to knowledge, including reading and writing critically.College classrooms have become sites where a number of languages and cultures intersect. This is the case not only for students who are in the process of acquiring English, but for all learners who find themselves in an academic situation that exposes them to a new set of expectations. This book is a contribution to the effort to discover ways of supporting learning across languages and cultures--and to transform views about what it means to teach and learn, to read and write, and to think and know.Unique to this volume is the inclusion of the perspectives of writers as well as those of teachers and researchers. Furthermore, the contributors reveal their own struggles and accomplishments as they themselves have attempted to negotiate academic literacies. The chronological ordering of articles provides a historical perspective, demonstrating ways in which issues related to teaching and learning across cultures have been addressed over time. The readings have consistency in terms of quality, depth, and passion; they raise important philosophical questions even as they consider practical classroom applications. The editors provide a series of questions that enable the reader to engage in a generative and exciting process of reflection and inquiry. This book is both a reference for teachers who work or plan to work with diverse learners, and a text for graduate-level courses, primarily in bilingual and ESL studies, composition studies, English education, and literacy studies.
Outdoor Learning in the Early Years: Management and Innovation
Helen Bilton - 1998
Comprehensively revised and updated throughout, this book covers every aspect of working outdoors in the early years and fully explains the importance of outdoor play to children 's development.Key topics covered include:how to manage and set up the outdoor area what children gain from being outside how to allow children to take managed risks making sense of work and play how outdoor provision helps children become self regulatory providing for both boys and girls in the outdoor environment research supporting the outdoor approach.A book for practitioners at every level of their career; each chapter includes discussions and questions for continuing development that can easily be incorporated into INSET as well as training within further or higher education.Outdoor Learning in the Early Years contains a multitude of ideas and activities for working outdoors in the early years and provides a framework within which professionals can analyse and develop their outdoor provision and environment. This book is essential reading for all EYFS and Key Stage 1 practitioners, and for trainee teachers, their tutors, and mentors.
Word Matters: Teaching Phonics and Spelling in the Reading/Writing Classroom
Gay Su Pinnell - 1998
Hailed for its practical, systematic approach, the book showed hundreds of thousands of teachers how to address the needs of the whole classroom as well as individual readers. Now, with the publication of Word Matters, Pinnell and Fountas offer K-3 teachers the same unparalleled support, this time focusing on phonics and spelling instruction.Word Matters presents essential information on designing and implementing a high-quality, systematic literacy program to help children learn about letters, sounds, and words. The central goal is to teach children to become "word solvers": readers who can take words apart while reading for meaning, and writers who can construct words while writing to communicate. Where similar books are narrow in focus, Word Matters presents the theoretical underpinnings and practical wherewithal of word study in three contexts:word study that includes systematically planned and applied experiences focusing on the elements of letters and wordswriting, including how children use phoneme-grapheme relationships, word patterns, and principles to develop spelling abilityreading, including teaching children how to solve words with the use of phonics and visual-analysis skills as they read for meaning.Each topic is supported with a variety of practical tools: reproducible sheets for a word study system and for writing workshop; lists of spelling minilessons; and extensive word lists, including frequently used words, antonyms, synonyms, and more. Armed with these tools-and the tried-and-true wisdom of Gay Su Pinnell and Irene Fountas-teachers can help students develop not just the "essential skills," but also a joyful appreciation of their own literacy.
Presence Of Mind: Education And The Politics Of Deception
Pepi Leistyna - 1998
These educational politics determine how we make meaning of commonplace events, the purpose and goals of public education, the structure of our schools, the preparation our teachers receive, the way students are perceived and treated, and the curricula our schools employ.Taking up the ever-shifting cultural and political landscape in the United States, Presence of Mind addresses how power manifests itself within and across different social and educational terrain and, covering a number of contemporary topics and polemics that are central to teaching educational theory and practice. Pepi Leistyna argues that it is imperative that both students and teachers take ownership of educational practice by developing theoretical frameworks that historically and socially situate the deeply embedded roots of racism, discrimination, violence, and disempowerment in this country to better understand their roles as educators and citizens. Featuring dialogues with Paulo Freire and Noam Chomsky and a glossary of critical pedagogical terms, Presence of Mind is an accessible introduction to the basic tenets of critical pedagogy, as well as an advancement in thought in social theory.
Three Billy-Goats
Sue Arengo - 1998
Please don't eat me! says the little goat. Wait for the next goat. He's big. And the little goat goes over the bridge. The big goat says, Wait for the next goat. He's very big. And the big goat goes over the bridge. What does the very big goat say to the troll?l Classic TalesThese traditional favorite stories are ideal for children. Each beautifully illustrated story is retold in language that students easily understand. Each book includes activities, puzzles, and an illustrated glossary.The Big Books are large-format full-color editions of Classic Tales.
Extensive Reading in the Second Language Classroom
Richard R. Day - 1998
This original and engaging book makes the case that extensive reading provides essential practice in learning to read. Extensive reading also develops a positive attitude toward reading so often missed in second language reading classrooms. The authors examine the cognitive and affective nature of reading. They also offer a wealth of practical suggestions for implementing extensive reading, including integrating it into the curriculum, establishing a library, selecting reading material, and record-keeping evaluation. It contains a wide variety of classroom activities to supplement individualized silent reading, and a valuable bibliography of the best books written for English language learners.
Nitty-Gritty Grammar: A Not-So-Serious Guide to Clear Communication
Edith Hope Fine - 1998
With clear text, appealing cartoons, and a focus on common errors and how to correct them, this little volume is a real gem that should find a permanent place with companies, universities, and anyone seeking a user-friendly guide to style and usage.