Best of
A Father Who Keeps His Promises: God's Covenant Love in Scripture
Scott Hahn - 1998
Join Hahn as he follows the high adventure of God's plan for the ages, beginning with Adam and Eve and continuing down through the generations to the coming of Christ and the birth of the Church. You'll discover how the patient love of the Father revealed in the Bible is the same persistent love he has for you. A Servant Book.The audio edition of this book can be downloaded via Audible.
Fides et Ratio: On the Relationship Between Faith and Reason
Pope John Paul II - 1998
Pope John Paul II - Encyclical Letter "On the Relationship between Faith and Reason." (FIDES ET RATIO)
The Secret of Mary
Louis de Montfort - 1998
It is at least every bit as good as his True Devotion to Mary! Small but powerful--seems almost divinely inspired!
Maurice and Therese: The Story of a Love
Patrick Ahern - 1998
Outside her window, two nuns were discussing what they could write in her obituary that could possibly be of any interest, since the twenty-four-year-old nun had never done anything worth noting. Therese was pleased, for she had always kept a low profile. With the posthumous publication of her spiritual autobiography in 1898, however, that low profile would vanish instantly. She became one of the most beloved saints of all time, and her influence will expand dramatically because of Pope John Paul II's declaration that she is a Doctor of the Church. Amid growing interest in her writings comes the collected correspondence between her and a humble young seminarian, Maurice Belliere. Though they never met in person, they exchanged twenty-one letters that opened a window on the heart of Saint Therese that would have remained forever closed had Maurice not written to the Mother Superior at the convent asking for a nun to pray for him. The Mother Superior chose Therese, and in these conversational letters the Little Flower reveals herself in a way that we would never have known from her autobiography. In his accompanying text, Bishop Patrick Ahern expertly leads the reader into the worlds of Maurice and Therese and reveals the full beauty of this saint's spirituality.
Characters of the Passion: Lessons on Faith and Trust
Fulton J. Sheen - 1998
This journey to Calvary dramatically introduces the reader to a deep and personal knowledge of faith.96-page paperback - 5-1/8 x 7-3/8
Catholic Prayers: Compiled from Traditional Sources
Thomas A. Nelson - 1998
Part II contains over 25 especially powerful prayers: to Our lady, St. Joseph, St. Anne, St. Jude, St. Philomena, St. Anthony, etc. Part III contains miscellaneous favorite prayers: e.g., Morning Offering, Prayers to Our Lady, to St. Joseph for Purity, to overcome a bad habit, for grace, the Te Deum, Consecration to the Holy Ghost, etc. And Part IV contains various other "favorite prayers," such as for a happy death, the choice of a state of life, for priests, Fatima Prayers, for safe delivery of a baby, for the dying, for the dead, for the Poor Souls, etc. For a small package, this little Prayerbook is dynamite, and should be carried by all!
Learning the Virtues
Romano Guardini - 1998
Here are ways to make the key virtues that lead you to God a permanent part of your character.
Finding God's Will for You
Francis de Sales - 1998
Learn what God's will is and how He reveals it in even the seemingly random events of your life. You'll see why you should love and trust in God's will, and you'll learn a sure method for discovering God's will in any situation.
The Rosary of Our Lady
Romano Guardini - 1998
This charming book will help to awaken or deepen your devotion to this beautiful prayer. Msgr. Romano Guardini offers clear explanations of the Rosary and fresh insights into the Mysteries found within it.
About the Holy Spirit
Francisca Javiera del Valle - 1998
And Now I See . . .: A Theology of Transformation
Robert Barron - 1998
What unites figures as diverse as James Joyce, Caravaggio, John Milton, the architect of Chartres, Dorothy Day, Dietrich Bonhoeffer and the later Bob Dylan is a peculiar and distinctive take on things, a style, a way, which flows finally from Jesus of Nazareth. Origen remarked that holiness is seeing with the eyes of Christ. Teilhard de Chardin said, with great passion, that his mission as a Christian thinker was to help people see. And Thomas Aquinas said that the ultimate goal of the Christian life is a ‘beatific vision,’ an act of seeing. This book is about coming to vision through Christ.” — Robert Barron, from the Prelude
Listening to God with Children: The Montessori Method Applied to the Catechesis of Children
Gianna Gobbi - 1998
So is this work guided by the Spirit. It is the fruit of entering gently and respectfully into the child's joyful encounter with the mystery of God's silent self-revelation made tangible through ancient biblical images, liturgical signs and celebrations.The author, Gianna Gobbi, personally worked as an apprentice with Maria Montessori in Rome. In collaboration with Sofia Cavalletti, a biblical scholar, Gianna played a primary role in applying the principles of the Montessori method to the religious formation of children, now embodied in the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd.As the Catechesis spreads throughout the world, the origi-nators are conscious of the inclination of followers to dilute the work to familiar formulas and a set of skills acquired in training courses and textbooks. What is essential is not techniques nor even the right use of materials, as significant as these may be; rather, it is the spiritual formation of the catechist/educator as a servant of God's Word, motivated by the desire to enter more deeply into union with Christ, the one true Teacher of us all. Put simply: to listen to God with children.
A Priest Forever: The Life of Eugene Hamilton
Benedict J. Groeschel - 1998
He never "served" as a priest -- but a priest he was, and is. Heartbreaking but inspiring at the same time.
Mission of the Messiah: On the Gospel of Luke
Tim Gray - 1998
Distributor: Spring Arbor/Ingram Author: Tim Gray Format: 150 pages, paperback ISBN: 978-0966322316
The Mystery of the Supernatural
Henri de Lubac - 1998
First published in 1965, this book represents a refinement and further development of the core thesis that Henri de Lubac had originally put forward many years earlier in a bold and controversial work in which he first called into question the idea of pure nature.
Light over the Scaffold: Prison Letters of Jacques Fesch and Cell 18 : Unedited Letters of Jacques Fesch Guillotined on October 1, 1957 at the Age of 27
Jacques Fesch - 1998
A rare insight into the spiritual journey of a young man condemned and executed in France in 1957.
On Fostering True Religious Unity: Mortalium Animos
Pope Pius XI - 1998
Times were hard enough all over and people were tired: who wanted to fight about religion of all things? As a result, the cause of fostering unity among men of all religions—among those calling themselves Christians—was catching on fast and generating indifference, even among Catholics, to the objective truths of the True Faith. This ecumenism was being motivated by a false idea of “one flock” under the guise of a falsely-understood charity. Pius XI here denounces the dreamers, calls inconceivable a “federation of Christians in which each member retains his own matters of faith,” and, proclaims that the only ecumenism is to convert the world to Catholicism.
Gold in Your Memories
Macrina Wiederkehr - 1998
Her use of creative rituals, personal symbols, and pilgrimages to hallowed places invites us to make similar journeys to our past.
Faustina: The Apostle of Divine Mercy
Catherine M. Odell - 1998
At times ridiculed and even persecuted, the Saint Faustina never wavered in her faith in that revelation. This biography is illustrated with contemporary photographs and includes a chapter of Saint Faustina's own words and prayers.
Letters to Gabriel: The True Story of Gabriel Michael Santorum
Karen Garver Santorum - 1998
As a result, the baby is unable to empty fluid from the bladder to the amniotic sac.
Beginning Apologetics 2.5: Yes! You Should Believe in the Trinity: How to Answer Jehovah's Witnesses
Frank Chacon - 1998
Refutes the Jehovah's Witnesses' attack on the Trinity and demonstrates the biblical and historical basis for this central Christian doctrine.
Mark: A Devotional Commentary: Meditations on the Gospel According to St. Mark
Leo Zanchettin - 1998
Meet Jesus through St. Mark's eyes. This practical and easy-to-use commentary includes an introduction by Fr. Joseph A. Mindling. Drawing from solid Catholic scholarship, our devotional commentaries, edited by Leo Zanchettin, take a practical look at the books of the New Testament, inspiring readers to grow in their love for Christ. Each easy-to-read commentary contains the entire passage of Scripture from a particular book of the New Testament, broken into short segments, followed by a faith-filled meditation that helps readers understand the importance of the particular passage in their lives today. Historical background, relevance, and insight into church teaching are all combined with guidance in prayer in a way that makes Scripture come alive.
Catholic for a Reason: Scripture and the Mystery of the Family of God
Scott HahnEdward Sri - 1998
Now imagine 12 of them collaborating on a book that answers common questions about and challenges to the teachings and doctrines of the Catholic Church. Imagine no more, it's a reality. (How's that for an endorsement?)Catholic for a Reason, edited by Dr. Scott Hahn and Leon J. Suprenant, with the foreword by Archbishop Charles J. Chaput (yes, we?re name dropping), will help Catholics and non-Catholics alike develop a better understanding of the Church. Each chapter goes to the heart of its topic, be it Mary, the Eucharist, Baptism, or Purgatory and in a clear, concise and insightful way, presents the teachings of the Church. Those teachings are explained in the light of the relationship of God the Father to us, his creatures.
Our Sunday Visitor's Encyclopedia of Saints
Matthew Bunson - 1998
Presents more than 10,000 alphabetical entries on the lives of Christian saints and includes information on such topics as the canonization process, emblems of the saints, patron saints, and mystics.
Our Apostolic Mandate: Given to the French Bishops
Pope Pius X - 1998
Condemnation of a lay movement hyping the ideas modern society holds inviolable: human dignity, liberation from authority, democratization of the Church.
Pope John Paul II in My Own Words
Pope John Paul II - 1998
The quotes and prayers collected here are both for the faithful and for those who have been touched by and want to know more about this remarkable man. His words on love, family, truth, freedom, human relationships, the power of God, and the importance of hope and prayer explore what it means to be alive and what we are doing here on Earth, and offer answers to some of life's hardest questions.