Best of
Complete Jewish Bible-OE
Anonymous - 1998
Stern Focuses on "Jewishness" Names and key terms presented in easy-to-understand transliterated Hebrew enabling readers to pronounce them the way Yeshua (Jesus) did 1,697 pp. Presenting the Word of God as a unified Jewish book, the Complete Jewish Bible is a translation for Jews and non-Jews alike. It connects Jews with the Jewishness of the Messiah, and non-Jews with their Jewish roots. Names and key terms are returned to their original Hebrew and presented in easy-to-understand transliterations, enabling the reader to say them the way Yeshua (Jesus) did! For readers familiar with the Jewish New Testament, the Complete Jewish Bible is a welcome sight!
The Forgotten Trinity: Recovering the Heart of Christian Belief
James R. White - 1998
It defines God's essence and describes how He relates to us. The Forgotten Trinity is a concise, understandable explanation of what the Trinity is and why it matters. It refutes cultic distortions of God. It shows how a grasp of this significant teaching leads to renewed worship and deeper understanding of what it means to be a Christian. And amid today's emphasis on the renewing work of the Holy Spirit, The Forgotten Trinity is a balanced look at all three persons of the Trinity.
A Father Who Keeps His Promises: God's Covenant Love in Scripture
Scott Hahn - 1998
Join Hahn as he follows the high adventure of God's plan for the ages, beginning with Adam and Eve and continuing down through the generations to the coming of Christ and the birth of the Church. You'll discover how the patient love of the Father revealed in the Bible is the same persistent love he has for you. A Servant Book.The audio edition of this book can be downloaded via Audible.
For the Love of God (Vol. 1), 1: A Daily Companion for Discovering the Riches of God's Word
D.A. Carson - 1998
But it is not God's Word that has changed. Indeed, its relevancy and its power to transform lives are intact. What has changed is the number of people who consult it. Now more than ever the need to read the Bible, to understand the big picture of its storyline, and to grasp the relevance this has for your life is critical.As with its companion volume, For the Love of God-Volume 2, this devotional contains a systematic 365-day plan, based on the M'Cheyne Bible-reading schedule, that will in the course of a year guide you through the New Testament and Psalms twice and the rest of the Old Testament once.In an effort to help preserve biblical thinking and living, D. A. Carson has also written thought-provoking comments and reflections regarding each day's scriptural passages. And, most uniquely, he offers you perspective that places each reading into the larger framework of history and God's eternal plan to deepen your understanding of his sovereignty-and the unity and power of his Word.
God's Passion for His Glory: Living the Vision of Jonathan Edwards (with the Complete Text of the End for Which God Created the World)
John Piper - 1998
Understanding that God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him has made all the difference for John Piper-and can transform your life as well.Here Piper passionately demonstrates the relevance of Edwards's ideals for the personal and public lives of Christians today through his own book-length introduction to Edwards's The End for Which God Created the World. This book also contains the complete essay supplemented by almost a hundred of Piper's insightful explanatory notes. The result is a powerful and persuasive presentation of the things that matter most in the Christian life.
2,000 Years of Christ's Power, Part One: The Age of the Early Church Fathers
Nicholas R. Needham - 1998
The mighty act of Christ did not come to a halt soon after the events recorded in the book of Acts. In every century since the first, the Almighty has been at work and believers can trace his footsteps by studying the way that Christians of a previous generation faced the challenges that confronted them.The first in a series of four volumes, which covers the history of the church from the earliest days up till modern times. Pastors and preachers will undoubtedly gain much from this series, and those who already have an interest in church history will find the four books useful additions to their library. Nevertheless, the series is written in a style that will appeal to the non-specialist and any modern Christian will find it challenging and stimulating to be introduced to men and women who loved and served the same Saviour that he loves and serves. This volume deals with the age of the Early Church fathers and includes, together with many more, the stories of martyrs such as Blandina and Polycarp, theologians like Athanasius and Augustine of Hippo, and preachers like John Chrysostom.
Fides et Ratio: On the Relationship Between Faith and Reason
Pope John Paul II - 1998
Pope John Paul II - Encyclical Letter "On the Relationship between Faith and Reason." (FIDES ET RATIO)
When God Is Silent
Barbara Brown Taylor - 1998
How may we approach this seemingly silent God with due respect, proclaiming the Word without violating the silence, by speaking with restraint? Her first chapter examines the late twentieth-century language with which we talk about God in theology and speak to God in prayer. The second chapter addresses the question of God's communication in Scripture and how the "voice of God" was heard less and less in the land as the centuries progressed. Finally, Taylor explores what the silence of God means for Christians and how we may exercise "homiletical restraint" in speaking of the divine.
For the Love of God: Volume Two: A Daily Companion for Discovering the Riches of God's Word: 2
D.A. Carson - 1998
But it is not God's Word that has changed. Indeed, its relevancy and its power to transform lives are intact. What has changed is the number of people who consult it. Now more than ever the need to read the Bible, to understand the big picture of its storyline, and to grasp the relevance this has for your life is critical.As with its companion volume, For the Love of God-Volume 1, this devotional contains a systematic 365-day plan, based on the M'Cheyne Bible-reading schedule, that will in the course of a year guide you through the New Testament and Psalms twice and the rest of the Old Testament once. In so doing, D. A. Carson completes the work he began in the first book.In an effort to help preserve biblical thinking and living, D. A. Carson has also written thought-provoking comments and reflections regarding each day's scriptural passages. And, most uniquely, he offers you perspective that places each reading into the larger framework of history and God's eternal plan to deepen your understanding of his sovereignty-and the unity and power of his Word.
The Joy of Fearing God
Jerry Bridges - 1998
And fearing God hardly sounds like an occasion for joy. But Jerry Bridges shows how the fear of the Lord is actually the key that opens the door to a life of true knowledge, wisdom, blessing, and joy.We all want a deeper, more intimate relationship with God–one that’s characterized by joy. But how does fearing God lead to joy? After all, aren’t we supposed to love Him and live in intimate relationship with Him? Jerry Bridges explores this paradox as he unpacks the biblical promise that God delights in those who fear Him. Join him as he unveils the awesome greatness of God–His incredible holiness, deep wisdom, and especially His inspiring love. You’ll gain a deeper understanding of who God is that will draw you into a truly biblical, and surprisingly delightful, fear of God–a fear that includes your own genuine, heartfelt delight in God.You’ll make the startling discovery that the fear of the Lord, far from being something to avoid, is the key to joyful, fulfilling, and genuine intimacy with God. It can change your relationship with God and change your life! Discover the surprising Joy of Fearing God!
The Enemy Within: Straight Talk about the Power and Defeat of Sin
Kris Lundgaard - 1998
Drawing from two masterful works by John Owen, Kris Lundgaard offers insight, encouragement, and hope for overcoming the enemy within.
Smith Wigglesworth on the Holy Spirit
Smith Wigglesworth - 1998
His love, power, and joy will flow through you to others, bringing salvation, healing, and miracles—just as they did through Smith Wigglesworth. His insightful messages reveal how you can…Manifest the gifts of the SpiritReceive your healingOvercome all the schemes of SatanDo greater works for GodLive in the abundance of GodFind true purpose for your lifeBe used by God to do miraclesIf your heart’s desire is to see great things happen in your life, God will work mightily in you by the power of His Spirit. You can personally experience God’s miracle-working power in your life!
By Faith Alone
Martin Luther - 1998
Best known as the father of the Protestant reformation, Luther affirmed the priority of the Holy Scriptures as the touchstone of our doctrine and that salvation is a radically free gift and must be received "by faith alone."
What's So Amazing About Grace? Study Guide
Philip Yancey - 1998
But do we understand it? More important, do we truly believe in it . . . and do our lives proclaim it as powerfully as our words? In What's So Amazing About Grace?, award-winning author Philip Yancey explores grace at street level.If grace is God's love for the undeserving, he asks, then what does it look like in action? And if Christians are its sole dispensers, then how are we doing at lavishing grace on a cruel and pain-filled world?In fourteen sessions, this study guide will help you to interact deeply with Yancey's most personal and provocative book yet. If you're willing to leave your comfort zone to embrace a more vigorous, passionate Christianity--read on. And prepare to grapple with grace and "un-grace" on a personal level.You'll consider how you can contend graciously with today's tough moral issues. And you'll discover how you can become Christ's answer to a world that desperately wants to know, What's So Amazing About Grace?
Van Til's Apologetic: Readings and Analysis
Greg L. Bahnsen - 1998
The result is a carefully organized digest of all that Van Til taught about apologetics with running exposition by Bahnsen.
An Exact Exposition of the Orthodox Faith
John of Damascus - 1998
676 – 4 December 749) was an Arab Christian monk and priest. Born and raised in Damascus, he died at his monastery, Mar Saba, near Jerusalem.A polymath whose fields of interest and contribution included law, theology, philosophy, and music, before being ordained, he served as a Chief Administrator to the Muslim caliph of Damascus, wrote works expounding the Christian faith, and composed hymns which are still in everyday use in Eastern Christian monasteries throughout the world. The Catholic Church regards him as a Doctor of the Church, often referred to as the Doctor of the Assumption due to his writings on the Assumption of Mary.
Dictionary of Biblical Imagery
Leland Ryken - 1998
These concrete pictures with their hidden force have struck sharp and lasting impressions on our minds. Their imprint has etched itself on the language and grammar of Christian faith and Western culture. Why then do traditional Bible dictionaries and reference works offer so little help to explorers of the Bible's galaxy of verbal pictures? They excel in describing the climate, borders and location of Galilee or Sinai. But they are often blind to the artistic expressions and deaf to the musical meanings that echo from within the world of the biblical text. The Dictionary of Biblical Imagery is the first contemporary reference work dedicated to exploring the images, symbols, motifs, metaphors and literary patterns found in the Bible. More than that, it examines the Bible's universal archetypes or master images--including the plot motifs and character types that recur throughout life, literature and the Bible. This unique dictionary explores the dazzling variety in which the Word of God comes dressed in clothes of everyday life. It traces the trail of images from Eden to the New Jerusalem. It captures the plotted patterns of biblical narrative. It surveys the imaged texture of each book of the Bible. In short, The Dictionary of Biblical Imagery is an inviting, enlightening and indispensable companion to the reading, study, contemplation and enjoyment of the Bible.
God Crucified: Monotheism and Christology in the New Testament
Richard Bauckham - 1998
Using the latest scholarly discussion about the nature of Jewish monotheism as his starting point, Richard Bauckham builds a convincing argument that the early Christian view of Jesus' divinity is fully consistent with the Jewish understanding of God.Bauckham first shows that early Judaism had clear ways of distinguishing God absolutely from all other reality. When New Testament Christology is read with this Jewish context in mind, it becomes clear that early Christians did not break with Jewish monotheism; rather, they simply included Jesus within the unique identity of Israel's God. In the final part of the book Bauckham shows that God's own identity, in turn, is also revealed in the life, death, and exaltation of Jesus.Originating as the prestigious 1996 Didsbury Lectures, this volume makes a contribution to biblical studies that will be of interest to Jews and Christians alike.
The Finished Work of Christ: The Truth of Romans 1-8
Francis A. Schaeffer - 1998
Luther. Wesley. These great leaders of the church all traced their spiritual awakenings to the book of Romans. To this day Paul’s letter continues to amaze and awaken those who seek to plumb its depths, including one of the most influential Christian thinkers of the 20th century, Francis Schaeffer.In his landmark commentary on the first eight chapters of Romans, Schaeffer expounds on the foundational doctrines that undergird the core of Christian teaching, offering us vital insights into the message of Romans and an arresting perspective on our own times.
Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics
Norman L. Geisler - 1998
The author provides extensive coverage of key individuals, philosophical systems and concepts, contemporary issues, difficult biblical passages, classic apologetic arguments, and specific challenges. This resource joins several other volumes in the Baker Reference Library in offering the finest to evangelical scholarship to both scholars and lay people. Each of the contributions is easy to understand and easy to use (thanks to their one-volume format). These volumes serve as ideal home reference books for laity, handy resources for pastors and church leaders, and reliable supplemental texts for courses in Christian colleges and seminaries.
Smith Wigglesworth on Spirit-Filled Living
Smith Wigglesworth - 1998
These included the restoration of hearing and sight, the creative formation of missing limbs, the disappearance of cancerous growths, the recovery of mental wholeness by the violently insane, and the raising of several people from the dead. His words continue to provide spiritual, financial, emotional, and physical healing as they inspire and build faith. In these riveting messages, Smith Wigglesworth reveals the privileges that believers have and how they can claim their rich inheritance in Christ. These pages will inspire your faith and explode your vision as you learn how to…Secure God’s favor on your lifeObtain freedom from sinPractice the presence of GodTake authority over SatanLive in the joy of the LordExperience the miraculousReceive divine wholeness and healthDiscover the power that is available to you right now through Christ, and change from ordinary to extraordinary living as God’s grace transforms your life.
Relativism: Feet Firmly Planted in Mid-Air
Francis J. Beckwith - 1998
The authors survey the rising tide of relativism in recent decades, explore its inherent inconsistencies, suggest specific approaches that can be used in the course of dialogue, and consider its everyday implications. (48)
The Powers That Be: Theology for a New Millennium
Walter Wink - 1998
Money, politics, sports, and science seem better suited to the hard realities of our world. As the church steeple has been eclipsed by the skyscraper as the centerpiece of the urban landscape, so has the divine realm been set aside in favor of more immediate human experience. One sad consequence of this shift is the loss of spiritual and theological bearings, most clearly evident in our inability to understand or speak about such things. If the old way of viewing the universe no longer works, something else has to replace it. The Powers That Be reclaims the divine realm as central to human existence by offering new ways of understanding our world in theological terms. Walter Wink reformulates ancient concepts, such as God and the devil, heaven and hell, angels and demons, principalities and powers, in light of our modern experience. He helps us see heaven and hell, sin and salvation, and the powers that shape our lives as tangible parts of our day-to-day experience, rather than as mysterious phantoms. Based on his reading of the Bible and analysis of the world around him, Wink creates a whole new language for talking about and to God. Equipped with this fresh world view, we can embark on a new relationship with God and our world into the next millennium.From the Hardcover edition.
Dust to Glory: An Overview of the Bible with R.C. Sproul
R.C. Sproul - 1998
Sproul on a unique study tour as he explores the major themes, events, and people that are brought to life in the Bible. Dust to Glory provides a panorama of biblical truth and a starting point to help you understand the content of the Bible. Dust to Glory can energize your study of the Bible, provide you with new insights, and improve your ability to read, understand, and apply Scripture to your life.
The Death of the Messiah, From Gethsemane to the Grave, Volume 1: A Commentary on the Passion Narratives in the Four Gospels
Raymond E. Brown - 1998
Now available in paperback, Raymond E. Brown's masterful study examines every detail of the four Gospel stories of the final agonizing days of Jesus' life. Where others simply describe the accounts of the death of the Messiah as if they were one seamless whole, Father Brown reads and explains each Gospel on its own terms and elucidates the themes that make each one unique. "The Death of the Messiah" is the ideal complement to Brown's Birth of the Messiah, as thorough and expert in its handling of the Passion narratives as his book on the infancy narratives of the Gospels.
Messianic Christology
Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum - 1998
Dr. Fruchtenbaum works his way through the Old Testament following the first century Jewish arrangement of the books, the arrangement that Jesus was familiar with. He shows from The Law, The Prophets and The Writings... how the revelation of the Messiah gradually progressed and built-up to reveal a magnificent picture of the Deliverer to come.
Surprised by Joy, Reflections on the Psalms, The Four Loves, and The Business of Heaven (The Beloved Works of C.S. Lewis)
C.S. Lewis - 1998
S. Lewis. The works are Surprised by Joy, Reflections on the Psalms, The Four Loves, and The Business of Heaven. Gold leaf book edge.
Your Eternal Reward: Triumph and Tears at the Judgment Seat of Christ
Erwin W. Lutzer - 1998
No hiding. No opportunity to put a better spin on what you did. No attorney to represent you. The look in His eyes says it all. Like it or not, standing before Christ is precisely where you and I shall some day be, 'for we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ' (2 Corinthians 5:10). And while we will not lose our entrance to heaven if we are believers, what we do in our earthly life will determine our standing in the eternal kingdom. There are eternal consequences to what we do.Jesus will not wink at our disobedience. He does not play favorites. We will be rewarded according to our faithfulness. There is no exception, no special deferment. When God calls our name we will be there. We cannot hide, for God will find us; we cannot scheme to make ourselves look good, for God shall see us. We cannot excuse ourselves, for God knows us.In Your Eternal Reward, pastor Erwin Lutzer teaches readers not only the effects of the Judgment Seat of Christ and the Great White Throne, but shares what Jesus will be looking for and how we can use the resources of this life to store up treasures in heaven. This life is training for the next. We are to be learning the rules of the kingdom and running the race to win the prize Christ has promised to His faithful servants. When He calls your name, will you hear Him say, 'Well done, good and faithful servant'?
Sacred Meditations
Johann Gerhard - 1998
Each devotion a powerful journey into the revelation of God to the human race, Johann Gerhard's meditations immerse the reader in Christ, bringing him or her through trial to glory, through anguish to peace, through doubt to certainty, through confession to absolution, through cross to resurrection. This classic work of Lutheran spirituality reminds us all that the Word of God is living and breathing, changing not only how we think or live, but even who we are.
And Now I See . . .: A Theology of Transformation
Robert Barron - 1998
What unites figures as diverse as James Joyce, Caravaggio, John Milton, the architect of Chartres, Dorothy Day, Dietrich Bonhoeffer and the later Bob Dylan is a peculiar and distinctive take on things, a style, a way, which flows finally from Jesus of Nazareth. Origen remarked that holiness is seeing with the eyes of Christ. Teilhard de Chardin said, with great passion, that his mission as a Christian thinker was to help people see. And Thomas Aquinas said that the ultimate goal of the Christian life is a ‘beatific vision,’ an act of seeing. This book is about coming to vision through Christ.” — Robert Barron, from the Prelude
The Road to Peace: Writings on Peace and Justice
Henri J.M. Nouwen - 1998
In other writings Nouwen reflects on the presence of Christ among the oppressed poor of Latin America, the legacies of Oscar Romero and Thomas Merton, and the lessons of the heart which he learned among his handicapped friends at LArche. The final pieces include a moving talk on compassion in the time of AIDS, and the call to solidarity with the human family.
The Collects Of Thomas Cranmer
Thomas Cranmer - 1998
Compiled and organized for devotional use by C. Frederick Barbee and Paul F. M. Zahl, Cranmer's Collects are each followed by succinct commentary on their historical context and an insightful meditation crafted with contemporary Christians in mind.
John F. MacArthur Jr. - 1998
This truth, which emphasizes the fact that spiritual fruit will accompany genuine belief, lies at the heart of this epistle. As captivating as it is convicting, the book of James outlines the practical implications of a living faith.Join John MacArthur as he explains each verse in a way that is both doctrinally precise and intensely practical. Taking into account the cultural, theological, and Old Testament contexts of each passage, MacArthur tackles interpretive challenges and fairly evaluates differing views, giving the reader confidence in his conclusions.The MacArthur New Testament Commentary series comes from the experience, wisdom, and insight of one of the most trusted ministry leaders and Bible scholars of our day. Each volume was written to be as comprehensive and accurate as possible, dealing thoroughly with every key phrase and word in the Scripture without being unnecessarily technical. This commentary will help to give a better, fuller, richer understanding of God's Word, while challenging the reader to a vibrant personal spiritual walk.A great resource for pastors, teachers, leaders, students, or anyone desiring to dig deeper into Scripture
The Mystery of the Supernatural
Henri de Lubac - 1998
First published in 1965, this book represents a refinement and further development of the core thesis that Henri de Lubac had originally put forward many years earlier in a bold and controversial work in which he first called into question the idea of pure nature.
We Confess Anthology
Hermann Sasse - 1998
The book is divided into three sections (previously published as separate volumes).Section 1 includes essays on Jesus Christ, the theology of the cross, and church and confession.Section 2 offers essays on the Sacraments.Section 3 presents writings on the Church, the Holy Spirit, ministry, last things, and more.
Light over the Scaffold: Prison Letters of Jacques Fesch and Cell 18 : Unedited Letters of Jacques Fesch Guillotined on October 1, 1957 at the Age of 27
Jacques Fesch - 1998
A rare insight into the spiritual journey of a young man condemned and executed in France in 1957.
Love, Power, and Justice: The Dynamics of Authentic Morality
William S. Hatcher - 1998
This work, now in its second edition, is an innovative contribution to one of the more intractable debates of our time—a time when so many different factions and individuals each claim to speak with moral authority.
Variations on the Song of Songs
Christos Yannaras - 1998
More recently, it has been seen as a collection of secular love songs that Jewish and Christian tradition subsequently spiritualized. In this book Christos Yannaras unites both approaches in a powerful series of poetic images that invite us to see sexuality and spirituality as complementary to each other. We can choose how we lead our lives: according to the mode of nature or according to the mode of life. Yannaras takes us on a provocative journey that gives us insights into the unexplored nature of our being. He accompanies us through time and space, showing us how to reach out beyond self to radiant otherness.
Eucharist and Church Fellowship in the First Four Centuries
Werner Elert - 1998
It explores the vocabulary of fellowship in the Christian community and the evidence from agreement in the confession of the faith and church practice in the Lord's Supper.
Altogether Lovely (Great Awakening Writings (1725-1760))
Jonathan Edwards - 1998
This is comforting, encouraging, uplifting, soul-and-heart-warming preaching from this great evangelist and pastor.
The New Linguistic and Exegetical Key to the Greek New Testament
Cleon L. Rogers Jr. - 1998
It not only simplifies reading the text of the Greek New Testament but also gives the reader a wealth of tools that a lexicon and grammar alone cannot provide. For those with a basic knowledge of first-year Greek grammar and vocabulary, this completely revised and greatly expanded edition of the highly successful Linguistic Key to the Greek New Testament (1982) makes reading the Greek New Testament faster, easier, and more effective. Going through the New Testament verse by verse, The New Linguistic and Exegetical Key to the Greek New Testament provides help in three areas: Lexical - It identifies unusual and uncommon word forms that in the past had to be looked up in a lexicon, as well as their meaning, based on BAGD and other standard lexicons. Grammatical - It provides grammatical insights from the leading Greek grammars, including Wallace's Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics. Exegetical - As the title of this revised and expanded edition indicates, The New Linguistic and Exegetical Key to the Greek New Testament also provides the reader with a wealth of exegetical insights and nuances, as well as references to a wide range of commentaries, monographs, journal articles, historical works, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and so forth.
The Way of the (Modern) World: Or, Why It's Tempting to Live As If God Doesn't Exist
Craig M. Gay - 1998
Gay takes a critical look at the modern world and exposes the foundational worldview of contemporary secular society and the ideas that undergird modern culture. Gay shows how, for Christians, one of the most seductive temptations fostered by these ideas is the temptation toward practical atheism-living as if God does not matter. Practical atheism has become so attractive that even some Christian churches have embraced it. In The Way of the (Modern) World Gay describes in detail the far-reaching consequences of practical atheism and what it will eventually mean for Christians. Yet Gay is not without hope for today's Christians. Arguing for the eviction of certain modern ideas from our churches, he shows that there is a biblically sound way to live in but not of the world.
The Very Best of Malcolm Muggeridge
Malcolm Muggeridge - 1998
Some material, collected by Muggeridge in the early 1980's has never previously been published. Ian Hunter has collected short, pungent pieces chosen to exhibit the essential cast of Muggeridge's mind: his insights, wit and singular capacity to see 'with, not through' the eye. In a single volume, this is the essential wisdom of Malcolm Muggeridge, perhaps the most prophetic and individualistic thinker of his generation, standing beside G. K. Chesterton and C. S. Lewis. Ian Hunter is Professor Emeritus of Law at the University of Western Ontario. His articles and reviews have appeared in many Canadian and American publications. Dr. Hunter has also written a biography of Muggeridge (Malcolm Muggeridge: A Life) and Muggeridge's friend, Hesketh Pearson (Nothing to Repent: The Life of Heskerth Pearson).
Faustina: The Apostle of Divine Mercy
Catherine M. Odell - 1998
At times ridiculed and even persecuted, the Saint Faustina never wavered in her faith in that revelation. This biography is illustrated with contemporary photographs and includes a chapter of Saint Faustina's own words and prayers.
Losing Our Virtue
David F. Wells - 1998
Continuing the series begun with David Wells's No Place for Truth and God in the Wasteland, this acclaimed volume urges the church to regain its moral weight and become a missionary of truth once more to our relativistic postmodern world.
Anatomy of the Soul
Chaim Kramer - 1998
Rebbe Nachman said that his teachings discuss every limb of the body. This work draws on them to heighten our awareness of the awesome spiritual power we have at our fingertips and our other limbs.
My Soul Magnifies the Lord: Meditations on the Meaning of Christmas
D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones - 1998
For he that is mighty hath done to me great things; and holy is his name. --Luke 1:46-49 This song of praise burst forth from Mary's heart as she began to understand her role in the Savior's arrival on Earth. Her joyful declaration of Christ's incarnation can be our own, bringing us face to face with many of the wonders of our salvation. Discover the joy of celebrating His birth every day of the year in this enlightening exposition of the Magnificat of Mary. Renowned preacher Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones looks at the characteristics of the words she uttered and their significance in her--and your--understanding of the greatness of God and His works. As you see how her praise reveals the wisdom and faithfulness of God and reflects the experience of coming to Christ, your soul will magnify the Lord, singing, Thanks be to God for His unspeakable gift.
God's Joy in Your Heart
Charles Haddon Spurgeon - 1998
You can experience the peace that passes understanding, joy that remains in any circumstances, and the confidence to minister God's love to others.
Becoming Human
Jean Vanier - 1998
He proposes that by opening ourselves to others, those we perceive as weak, different, or inferior, we can achieve true personal and societal freedom.
Perilous Times: A Study in Eschatological Evil
Kenneth L. Gentry Jr. - 1998
Gentry provides in-depth studies of the five principle passages defining these "perilous times": Daniel 9:24-27; Matthew 24:1-36; 2 Thessalonians 2:1-10; Revelation 13:1-18; and Revelation 17:1-11. These texts are crucial to understanding biblical eschatology.
Lover of My Soul: Delighting in God's Passionate Love
Alan D. Wright - 1998
By weaving the rich imagery of a wedding throughout the text, in Lover of My Soul the reader is reminded that Christ the Bridegroom loves them deeply and completely - that He gave His life as payment for their eternal joy. In the same way every bride appears as a radiant beauty on her wedding day and every groom is handsome and strong, Christ presents His all-satisfying love to anyone who will take His hand in a spiritual marriage of the heart.
Praying the Bible: An Introduction to Lectio Divina
Mariano Magrassi - 1998
. . should immerse themselves in the Scriptures by constant spiritual reading and diligent study. . . ." The Church is still far from adequately carrying out those words, but recent years have seen a revival of interest in the Bible. During that revival, both the knowledge and the practice of lectio divina have become more widespread. In Praying the Bible Mariano Magrassi reintroduces us to this practice of prayerful reading of the word of God which is our heritage.With his vast knowledge of the Fathers and medieval monastic writers, Archbishop Magrassi synthesizes the unique and extraordinary experience of lectio divina. What is it? What are its key ideas? What are the necessary personal dispositions? What are the steps by which prayed reading is transformed into genuine contemplation? In Praying the Bible Magrassi answers these questions, providing a discussion that contains a healthy challenge and an invitation to grow.Chapters are "Liturgical Proclamation and Lectio Sacra," "Lectio Divina: Meaning of the Term," "Lectio Divina: Key Ideas," "Lectio Divina: Concrete Dispositions," "Lectio Divina: Four Acts," and "The Ancient 'Conference' and the Modern Review of Life.""
Beginning Apologetics 2.5: Yes! You Should Believe in the Trinity: How to Answer Jehovah's Witnesses
Frank Chacon - 1998
Refutes the Jehovah's Witnesses' attack on the Trinity and demonstrates the biblical and historical basis for this central Christian doctrine.
The Joy of Being Wrong: Original Sin Through Easter Eyes
James Alison - 1998
This original work of theological anthropology looks at original sin in the light of the Resurrection, and shows how forgiveness has become the way of transformation.
Abraham Kuyper: A Centennial Reader
Abraham Kuyper - 1998
He was eminent in Dutch public life for half a century and left a deep imprint on Dutch immigrant communities in the United States, Canada, and South Africa. A theologian, politician, journalist, university founder, and seminal thinker in the history of modern Calvinism, Kuyper offered an engaging critique of the nineteenth century that still has much to say at the end of the twentieth. This anthology, published in the centennial year of Kuyper's famous Stone Lectures, gathers sixteen key writings by Kuyper never before available in English. Included in this volume are Kuyper's definitive statements on politics, education, culture, and the religious currents and social problems of his time. Also included are Kuyper's own conversion narrative, his critiques of Modernism and of Holiness theology, his proposals on common grace and Calvinist politics, his reflections on a culture in thrall to pantheism and evolution, and his classic address on "sphere sovereignty." Freshly translated and rendered in a clear, accessible style, these writings clearly display Kuyper's wide-ranging and creative Christian mind. Editor James Bratt provides helpful explanatory notes and an introduction to each piece. Photographs, cartoons, and short excerpts from some of Kuyper's better-known works also make this an attractive volume that will stand as the premier Kuyper reader for years to come.
God in Pain: Teaching Sermons on Suffering (Teaching Sermons Series)
Barbara Brown Taylor - 1998
But many Christians have difficulty comprehending God's pain, especially God's pain in the death of Christ. Is it atonement or child abuse? To speak of God in pain, says Barbara Brown Taylor, is not only to address the biblical stories of Christ's suffering and death, but also to proclaim the God who is present in our pain. This volume of teaching sermons on suffering presents different approaches to the problem of God in pain. In each sermon, Taylor speaks with sensitivity and profound insight as she addresses pain and both its human and divine impact.TABLE OF CONTENTS Part I: Pain of Life: The Gift of Disillusionment; A Cure for Despair; Learning to Hate Your Family; Divine Anger; Feeding the Enemy; The Betrayer in Our Midst; Buried by Baptism; The Suffering Cup; Pick Up Your Cross; Unless a Grain Falls; The Dress Rehearsal; Surviving Crucifixion; Portents and Signs; and The Delivery Room. Part II: Pain of Death: Believing What We Cannot Understand; Someone to Blame; The Triumphant Victim; The Myth of Redemptive Violence; The Silence of God; The Will of God; The Suffering of God; May He Not Rest in Peace.BARBARA BROWN TAYLOR, an Episcopal priest in the diocese of Atlanta, holds the Butman Chair in Religion and Philosophy at Piedmont College in Demorest, Georgia. She is widely sought after as a preacher and guest lecturer, and is the author of five books, including Preaching Life and Bread of Angels.She was named by Baylor University as one of the 12 most effective preachers in the English language.
Mary—Another Redeemer?
James R. White - 1998
What every reader needs to know about the controversial movement to name Mary as Co-Redeemer with Christ.
What God Wishes Christians Knew about Christianity
Bill Gillham - 1998
Offering biblical insight and real-life examples, Bill Gillham helps readers develop a vibrant relationship with the Savior.
Thomas Merton's American Prophecy
Robert Inchausti - 1998
His autobiography, The Seven Storey Mountain, published shortly after the Second World War, inspired an entire generation to reconsider the materialist preoccupations of consumer society. Twenty years later, his essays on nonviolence, contemplation, and Zen provided the most telling orthodox religious response to the New Left's radical critique of post-industrial society.In Thomas Merton's American Prophecy, Robert Inchausti provides a succinct summary and original interpretation of Merton's contribution to American thought. More than just a critical biography, this book lifts Merton out of the isolation of his monastic sub-culture and brings him back into dialogue with contemporary secular thinkers. In the process, it reopens one of the roads not taken at that fateful, cultural crossroads called The Sixties.Inchausti presents Merton not as the spokesman for any particular group, cause, or idea, but rather as the quintessential American outsider who defined himself in opposition to the world, then discovered a way back into dialogue with that world and compassion for it. As a result, Merton was the harbinger of a still yet-to-be-realized eschatological counterculture: the unacknowledged precursor, alternative, and heir to Norman O. Brown's defense of mystery in the life of the mind.
Lord, Teach Us to Pray: Sermons on Prayer
Alexander Whyte - 1998
This began a long series he taught, ranging from the prayers of Jacob to Paul's prayers and thanksgivings. This compilation of powerful sermons on prayer revolves around the central theme of Luke 11:1. Whyte's use and emphasis on imagination brings the message a vividness which gives life and relevance to the Scriptures. His emphasis on prayer is coupled with an emphasis on the importance of understanding sin and grace for the believer.
Family of God: A Study of the New Testament Church
Batsell Barrett Baxter - 1998
It is Christ's church not ours. ... In our effort to learn the life that the Lord would have his disciples to live, we are setting out upon a careful study of the church as originally established in apostolic times. Our intention is to go back to the original documents which describe the church in its early purity and strength." This in-depth study of the church, first published in 1980, examines such topics as the name, the work (evangelism, edification, benevolence), the government (elders, deacons), worship, the Holy Spirit and unity. Each chapter provides detailed analyses with biblical support assuring the reader the scriptural bases for the discussion. Baxter was known for his knowledge of Scripture and his gentle spirit. In his decades as a gospel preacher, chairman of the Bible department at David Lipscomb College, and speaker on the national TV program "Herald of Truth," he presented with clarity and compassion the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Our Sunday Visitor's Encyclopedia of Catholic Doctrine
Russell B. Shaw - 1998
Completely consistent with the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
The Only Way To Happiness: The Beatitudes (Foundations of the Faith) (Foundations of the Faith)
John F. MacArthur Jr. - 1998
And though His definition contains no prescriptions for acquiring cars, homes, or savings, it does require transformation and obedience. MacArthur examines Jesus' timeless definition of happiness, and explains that our reward for following Jesus' plan is citizenship in the kingdom of God- and an abiding joy that can never be taken away. Study guide and review included for individual or group study.
The Claims Of Truth: John Owen's Trinitarian Theology
Carl R. Trueman - 1998
High Calling of Motherhood
Walter J. Chantry - 1998
The true glory of Christian motherhood, according to Scripture.
Karl Rahner: Mystic of Everyday Life
Harvey D. Egan - 1998
His writings helped prepare the way for Vatican II and did much to shape the Church in the post-conciliar period. Because of his intellectual influence, however, his significant contributions to spirituality are often overlooked. In this book, a colleague of Rahner’s (and fellow Jesuit) presents short passages of Rahner’s work with clear and engaging explanation of Rahner’s Christian mystical vision.
Naked Before God
Bill Williams - 1998
Naked Before God: The Return of a Broken Disciple chronicles Williams' quest to find the answer. His poetic prose, the sharpness of his wit, and the profound nature of his struggle will leave you alternating between tears of sorrow, periods of laughter, and moments of breathtaking insight.
Three Golden Ages: Discovering the Creative Secrets of Renaissance Florence, Elizabethan England & America's Founding
Alf J. Mapp Jr. - 1998
explores three periods in Western history that exploded with creativity: Elizabethan England, Renaissance Florence, and America's founding. What enabled these societies to make staggering jumps in scientific knowledge, develop new political structures, or create timeless works of art?
Madonna: Mary in the Catholic Tradition
Frederick M. Jelly - 1998
There have been many Madonnas through the ages, but only one Mary, Mother of Jesus. Like the mystery of her divine Son, her participation in the rightness of divine Truth can only be contemplated by our limited minds from a great variety of approaches. The subtitle, Mary in the Catholic Tradition implies that no matter how her image may vary from one generation or culture to the next, our faith is focused on the authentic Mary of Scripture, Tradition and infallible Church teaching, revered not for herself but as the Mother of Christ.
Our Riches in Christ: Discovering the Believer's Inheritance in Ephesians
Ray C. Stedman - 1998
'Our Riches in Christ' helps Christians understand the liberating, transforming truths that produce lasting joy, unbounded peace, and radiant faith. Throughout his thorough, verse-by-verse analysis of Paul's letter to the Ephesians, master teacher Ray Stedman stops often to show what the Scriptures mean for today's believer. Practical issues of husband and wife relationships and church order find their way alongside such vital theological issues as faith, prayer, and spiritual warfare.
Romans: Encountering the Gospel's Power
John R.W. Stott - 1998
The power to save us. The power to change the world. In Paul's letter to the Romans he explains to us the power we've been given to be effective witnesses, to overcome sin, to be wholly committed to God, to handle differences in Christ's body, to understand God's view of homosexuality and to be responsible Christian citizens. The truth in Romans will transform your thinking and convict your heart as you discover the power of the gospel for every area of your life and our world. John Stott is one of the world's leading and most loved Bible teachers and preachers. In this guide you can explore Scripture under his guidance, enhancing your own in-depth study with insights gained from his years of immersion in God's Word.
Understanding the Spiritual Exercises
Michael Ivens - 1998
In this new translation, Michael Ivens draws on the wealth of previously published materials, as well as his extensive experience, to produce a new commentary that unravels the inner workings of the Spiritual Exercises. This new translation with detailed introductions to each section, helps directors arrive at a firm and nuanced understanding of this classic of western spirituality.
Jesus of Nazareth: How He Understood His Life
Raymund Schwager - 1998
This book takes a unique look at the life of Jesus and asks a new questions: how did Jesus himself come to understand life, and experience his faith? This imaginative narrative grounded in scholarship suggests that powerful answer.
Aaron's Rod Blossoming, or, the Divine Ordinance of Church Government Vindicated
George Gillespie - 1998
Addresses the Biblical view of separation of church and state.
The Art of Dying Well: (Or, How to Be a Saint, Now and Forever)
Robert Bellarmine - 1998
This book will free you from the fear of death, invigorate your spiritual life, and bring the consoling peace of Christ into all aspects of your life.
Christ in the Gospels of the Ordinary Sundays: Essays on the Gospel Readings of the Ordinary Sundays in the Three-Year Liturgical Cycle
Raymond E. Brown - 1998
Then he fits the Sunday readings, one by one, into an overall picture of each Gospel, showing how the Gospel shapes the narrative, its theological emphases, and what it says to readers. With such an overview, the Sunday selections may be read in context and interpreted in their original sequence.During Ordinary time people turn from reflecting on the mystery of Christ to considering how that mystery affects their lives. In Christ in the Gospels of the Ordinary Sundays, Father Brown provides an overview of the meaning of the Gospels during the many weeks of Ordinary Time.Chapters are "Understanding How Gospels Were Written and Their Use in the Sunday Liturgy," "The Gospel According to Matthew," "The Gospel According to Mark," "The Gospel According to Luke," and "The Gospel According to John."The late Raymond E. Brown, SS, was Auburn Distinguished Professor (Emeritus) of Biblical Studies at Union Theological Seminary in New York City. He wrote over twenty-five books on the Bible and was past president of three of the most important biblical societies in the world by appointment of two popes (Pope Paul VI and John Paul II), he was also a member of the Roman Pontifical Biblical Commission. The Liturgical Press has published his A Coming Christ in Advent, An Adult Christ at Christmas, A Crucified Christ in Holy Week, A Risen Christ in Eastertime, A Once-and-Coming Spirit at Pentecost, The Gospels and Epistles of John: A Concise Commentary, Recent Discoveries and the Biblical World, and The New Jerome Bible Handbook."
When He Leaves
Kari West - 1998
Kari West and Noelle Quinn offer their experience and companionship to the reader along a road she never wanted to walk as they urge her to hang on and admit to the all-but-unbearable pain grasp God's love and acceptance at a new level rebuild life...and learn to laugh and love again Readers will return again and again to the deeply practical and heartfelt counsel offered by Kari and Noelle.
The C.S. Lewis Index: A Comprehensive Guide to Lewis's Writings and Ideas
Janine Goffar - 1998
Lewis " Whether one is trying for the first time to find out what my stepfather wrote about a particular topic, or whether one is having difficulty remembering the exact place of a passage read previously, the "C.S. Lewis Index will prove invaluable." --Douglas Gresham, Author of "Lenten Lands: My Childhood with Joy Davidman and C.S. Lewis" A true boon to all who would mine the motherlode of Lewis's writings. Goffar's index is a reliable and well-researched guide to real treasure." --Dr. J. Stanley Mattson, Founder and President of the C.S. Lewis Foundation" A wonderful book. It is and will be invaluable for every serious student of Lewis." --George Sayer, Author of "Jack: A Life of C.S. Lewis" Janine Goffar's "Index to Lewis's theological works is one of the most useful books that has ever appeared on Lewis." --Dr. Thomas Howard, Professor of English at St. John's College; Author of "C.S. Lewis: Man of Letters" A monumental achievement and major contribution to Lewis studies." --Christopher W. Mitchell, Director of The Marion E. Wade Center at Wheaton College" Goffar's work is a masterpiece of economy. Part of her gift to us is her talent for selecting just the right phrase, giving us just enough to let us know we've found the right quote or idea, sending us on to the original, and allowing space for more entries. This is a work much needed and long overdue." --Wayne Martindale, Associate Professor of English at Wheaton College" Whether one is hunting for a particular quotation or sampling Lewis's thoughts on a given subject, this resource may quickly become one of the most well-thumbed on the bookshelf." --"Christianity Today" A necessary aid, making all of Lewis's thought accessible categorically. I highly recommend it!" --Jerry Root, Co-editor of "The Quotable Lewis" Not only a useful--indeed, a necessary--addition to our efforts to apprehend C.S. Lewis, but a noble one. I shall visit this index continually." --Dr. James Como, Editor of " CSL: The Bulletin of the New York C.S. Lewis Society" and Author of "C.S. Lewis at the Breakfast TableWhat began as Janine Goffar's years-long personal project in hand-written notebooks has grown to this comprehensive, much-endorsed volume for all Lewis scholars and fans. She is an active member of the Southern California C.S. Lewis Society.
Preaching from the Minor Prophets: Texts and Sermon Suggestions
Elizabeth Rice Achtemeier - 1998
This volume was written to provide clergy with the tools to once again preach from these important texts with confidence and relevancy. For each of the twelve Minor Prophets, Elizabeth Achtemeier provides a wealth of information useful for preparing a sermon: recommended commentaries, historical context, theological context, and sections dealing with selected texts. These sections include (1) a brief treatment of linguistic and rhetorical features to note, (2) suggested sermon titles designed to arouse the interest of a congregation, and (3) homiletical exposition intended to stimulate preachers as they develop their sermons. An excellent guide to the books of the Minor Prophets, this volume is unique for its theological depth, presented in clear and simple language for clergy and laity alike.
Coming out As Sacrament
Chris Glaser - 1998
Glaser persuasively argues that coming out--as gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgendered--has biblical precedence and sacramental dimensions. Using personal and biblical illustrations, he discusses coming out as an act of vulnerability, much like a sacrificial offering of ancient times, that invokes God's presence and effects atonement, or reconciliation. In this engaging book he shows how coming out, like other sacraments, may serve as a means of grace--that is, an experience of God's unconditional love.
Eternal Life: What You Need to Know about Death, Judgement and the Everlasting
Romano Guardini - 1998
From his patient and thoughtful study of Scripture and Church teachings, he has discovered enough to diminish your grief, calm your fears, and melt away your doubts. And that isn't all: he shows how this clear vision of the afterlife will help you in your daily struggles in the present life as well.
The Passion from Within
Adrienne von Speyr - 1998
These unique experiences and insights of von Speyr on Christ's redemptive sufferings, and the people and events surrounding Him, offer rich and moving material for meditation and adoration. She also presents rare and beautiful mediations on Christ's mysterious presence in the Eucharist, as well as a kind of "theology of the body", echoing John Paul II's emphasis on the dignity and importance of the human body in our relationship to God.
Jehovah-Jireh a Treatise on Providence
William Swan Plumer - 1998
God's providence is SURE and STABLE. Whoever wishes to walk securely, needs but to conform himself to its settled provisions and principles. Proverbs 10:9. Never did his Word fail. Greatly was the Psalmist comforted with this view of the stability of God's government, "Forever, O Lord, your word is settled in heaven. Your faithfulness is unto all generations-you have established the earth, and it abides. They continue this day according to your ordinances; for all are your servants." Psalm 119:89-91; compare Proverbs 19:21 and Josh. 23:14.
The Bible and The New York Times
Fleming Rutledge - 1998
No issue is too threatening, no event too shocking, no question too impertinent to be addressed. Following Karl Barth's dictum that sermons should be written with the Bible in one hand and the newspaper in the other, Rutledge weaves the changing events of the daily news together with the unchanging rhythms of the church seasons. Her book leads readers through the liturgical year, from All Saints to Pentecost, showing how the biblical story intersects with our own stories.
Rutherford's catechism, or, The sum of Christian religion
Samuel Rutherford - 1998
Many churches and families, even Christian families, have dispensed with it. Rutherford's Catechism is ideal for family or church use. His answers are often pithy, suggestive and always Biblical. The catechism forms a compact Body of Divinity, a little primer of theology. Catechising is an excellent way to teach children beliefs. Rutherford knew its value and was careful to catechise his flock regularly in order to bring them to maturity and understanding in the things of Christ.
Canon and Criterion in Christian Theology: From the Fathers to Feminism
William J. Abraham - 1998
Scripture is then related in positive or negative ways to tradition, reason, and experience. Such projects mistakenly locate the canonical heritage of the church within epistemology, and Abraham charts the fatal consequences of this move, from the Fathers to modern feminist theology.
Fundamental Theology
Fernando Ocáriz - 1998
. . ."We renew our desire that it will be useful for students of theology and for all those who are interested in studying the fundamentals of the Catholic Faith. Furthermore, it is our hope that it will lead the reader to a profound Christian awareness that cooperates with the grace of God in sustaining the Faith, lends reason to our hope, and helps others to receive this great gift of knowing and loving Christ."
Feed My Shepherds: Spiritual Healing and Renewal for Those in Christian Leadership
Flora Slosson Wuellner - 1998
Another member is scheduled for surgery. Yet another member is having marital problems. Just another day in the life of a congregation. Church leaders (both clergy and lay) give immeasurable comfort and nourishment to those in need. But it sometimes leaves them drained, stressed, and wounded. Feed My Shepherds addresses the struggles and burnout experienced by those in caregiving ministries and offers practical tips to practice healthy spirituality. ""While all Christians need nurture, the active leader who encounters spiritual and emotional stress daily has special, urgent needs,"" writes Wuellner. ""If the shepherd is not fed along with the sheep, that inner hunger and fatigue, those unhealed hurts can cause the shepherd to do great, unconscious harm to those within his or her care."" By looking at the intense, healing relationship between the risen Jesus and his disciples, Wuellner offers a paradigm of healing for today's disciples as well. She draws on scriptures from the Gospels' post-Resurrection narratives and adds spiritual reflection, personal questions, and guided meditations that can meet a variety of needs.
The Perfect Christian
Tony Evans - 1998
Using the book of James as his blueprint, Tony Evans tackles the topic of what Scripture means when it seemingly asks us to do the impossible-"be perfect as Christ is perfect."
Secret of Self Control
Richard L. Ganz - 1998
God has provided a way to overcome unhealthy thoughts and behaviors, silence the victim within, and gain the self-control you seek. It's a matter of taking charge of your life--His way.In these pages a longtime Christian counselor and former clinical psychologist lays out the differences between a " God-changed" and a " self-changed" character, explains why anchoring yourself in God's Truth is so important, underlines the necessity of obedience, and suggests how the resources of God make a Spirit-filled, self-controlled life possible. This practical, powerful approach to victorious biblical living can truly help you change for good--for God's glory." Ganz does a superb job of unwrapping and explaining the practical principles found in Scripture to help us gain the sort of self-control that is the fruit of a life surrendered to the Holy Spirit. Prepare yourself for a study that is at once challenging and uplifting." --Pastor John MacArthur
Woman at the Window: Biblical Tales of Oppression and Escape
Nehama Aschkenasy - 1998
In creative, analytical retellings of biblical tales about women, Aschkenasy demonstrates how recurring situations, dilemmas, and modes of conduct represent the politics of women's realities in premodern civilization--how women's lives in those times were characterized by social and legal limitations which some accepted and others challenged.
Sherrie Brown - 1998
This remarkable study guide is divided into four complete and discreet parts. The Disciple's Cross, instructs Christians to practice the six biblical disciplines of a disciple. In The Disciple's Personality, they are taught to live in the Spirit and become more like Christ. The Disciple's Victory depicts the loyal Christian's triumphs over the world, the flesh, and the devil. And finally, Christians are asked to look within themselves and identify their stage of growth and role in ministry in The Disciple's Mission.
Augustine: The City of God Against the Pagans
R.W. Dyson - 1998
Robert Dyson has produced a complete, accurate, authoritative and fluent translation of De Civitate Dei, edited together with full biographical notes, a concise introduction, bibliography and chronology of Augustine's life. The result is an important contribution of interest to students of theology, philosophy, ecclesiastical history, the history of political thought and late antiquity.
Doorways to the Soul: 52 Wisdom Tales from Around the World
Elisa Davy Pearmain - 1998
Designed for meditative reading, the book presents one story per week as guide-post and food for the soul. Questions for reflection complete this valuable tool for Christian educators, parents, clergy, teachers, and speakers.
Holy Spirit: Who He is & What He Does
R.A. Torrey - 1998
Torreys teaching on the person of the Holy Spirit brought thousands of sinners to Christ and spiritual power to thousands of saints all over the world. In addition to that teaching, this book also contains seven of his shorter works that were taught around the world, at the Moody Bible Institute, and at the churches he pastored, including; The Deity of Jesus Christ The Power of the Blood The Power of the Holy Spirit The Place of Prayer in Evangelism Keep Praying Until God Answers
Restless Till We Rest in You: 60 Reflections from the Writings of St. Augustine (Saints Speak Today)
Augustine of Hippo - 1998
Augustine (354-430 A.D.), including his "Confessions" and "The City of God", as well as rich insights from his homilies, especially those based on John's Gospel and epistles. As part of the "Saints Speak Today Series", this title features 60 daily readings, along with scripture passages and hymns.