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Torah Old and New: Exegesis, Intertextuality, and Hermeneutics by Ben Witherington III
Interpreting the Parables: God's Good News for the World
Craig L. Blomberg - 1990
H. Dodd and Joachim Jeremias set the direction for nearly all further parable studies in this century. Embodied in both scholar's approaches are at least two assumptions that, for the most part, have gone unchallenged: (1) Parables make one and only one main point. (2) They are not allegories. But can these assumptions be supported by the evidence? In this introductory text, Craig Blomberg surveys and evaluates contemporary critical approaches to the parables, challenging the prevailing consensus and making his own important new contribution to parable studies. Within proper definitions and limits, he argues, the parables are in fact best seen as allegories. In support of his thesis, he not only sets forth theoretical considerations but devotes attention to all the major parables, providing brief interpretations that highlight the insights to be gained from his distinctive method. A concluding chapter examines the implications of the parables for Christology and our understanding of the kingdom of God. This groundbreaking book will be of value not only to students but to pastors and other serious readers of Scripture.
Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes: Removing Cultural Blinders to Better Understand the Bible
E. Randolph Richards - 2012
Because of the cultural distance between the biblical world and our contemporary setting, we often bring modern Western biases to the text. For example:When Western readers hear Paul exhorting women to "dress modestly," we automatically think in terms of sexual modesty. But most women in that culture would never wear racy clothing. The context suggests that Paul is likely more concerned about economic modesty--that Christian women not flaunt their wealth through expensive clothes, braided hair and gold jewelry.Some readers might assume that Moses married "below himself" because his wife was a dark-skinned Cushite. Actually, Hebrews were the slave race, not the Cushites, who were highly respected. Aaron and Miriam probably thought Moses was being presumptuous by marrying "above himselfWestern individualism leads us to assume that Mary and Joseph traveled alone to Bethlehem. What went without saying was that they were likely accompanied by a large entourage of extended family.Biblical scholars Brandon O'Brien and Randy Richards shed light on the ways that Western readers often misunderstand the cultural dynamics of the Bible. They identify nine key areas where modern Westerners have significantly different assumptions about what might be going on in a text. Drawing on their own crosscultural experience in global mission, O'Brien and Richards show how better self-awareness and understanding of cultural differences in language, time and social mores allow us to see the Bible in fresh and unexpected ways. Getting beyond our own cultural assumptions is increasingly important for being Christians in our interconnected and globalized world. Learn to read Scripture as a member of the global body of Christ.
Meet the Rabbis: Rabbinic Thought and the Teachings of Jesus
Brad H. Young - 2007
In this sense, Rabbinic thought is relevant to every aspect of modern life. Rabbinic literature explores the meaning of living life to its fullest, in right relationship with God and humanity. However, many Christians are not aware of Rabbinic thought and literature. Indeed, most individuals in the Western world today, regardless of whether they are Christians, atheists, agnostics, secular community leaders, or some other religious or political persuasion, are more knowledgeable of Jesus' ethical teachings in the Sermon on the Mount than the Ethics of the Fathers in the Jewish prayer book. The author seeks to introduce the reader to the world of Torah learning. It is within this world that the authentic cultural background of Jesus' teachings in ancient Judaism is revealed.
Confronting Old Testament Controversies: Pressing Questions about Evolution, Sexuality, History, and Violence
Tremper Longman III - 2019
Often our solutions have tended toward the extremes--ignore problem passages and pretend they don't matter or obsess over them and treat them as though they are the only thing that matters. Now with clarity of purpose and fidelity to the message and spirit of Scripture as a whole, Tremper Longman confronts pressing questions of concern to modern audiences, particularly young people in the church: - the creation/evolution debate- God-ordained violence- the historicity of people, places, and events- human sexualityPastors, leaders in the church, and thoughtful and troubled Christians in the pews will find here a well-reasoned and faithful approach to dealing with the Old Testament passages so many find challenging or disconcerting.
Gospel of Glory: Major Themes in Johannine Theology
Richard Bauckham - 2015
In this volume Richard Bauckham, a leading biblical scholar and a bestselling author in the academy, illuminates several main theological themes of the Gospel of John. Bauckham provides insightful analysis of key texts, covering topics such as divine and human community, God's glory, the cross and the resurrection, and the sacraments. This work will serve as an ideal supplemental text for professors and students in a John course or a Gospels course. It will also be of interest to New Testament scholars and theologians.
The Shadow of Christ in the Law of Moses
Vern Sheridan Poythress - 1991
Poythress demonstrates how the sacrifices, traditions, and penalties of the law of Moses graphically foreshadow the work of Christ and his relationship with his people.
The Complete Visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich (Illustrated): The Lowly Life and Bitter Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Mother
Anne Catherine Emmerich - 2010
Your special 4 for 1 Illustrated edition includes— +15 unique crafted images by Sequential Artist Myron Henkmen – all based on the Stations of the Cross! (look for the Bonus) +All 4 volumes In 2004, Anne Emmerich was at last beatified by Pope John Paul II.
James for You
Sam Allberry - 2015
James For You makes clear its teaching and applies its challenges to the experiences of everyday Christians as Sam Allberry brings his clarity, wisdom and humor to every page. You can read through this book as a normal book]] work through it as part of your daily Bible-reading routine]] or use it to help you teach this letter, whether in small groups or from the pulpit.
Book of Enoch: All About the Three Books of Enoch
Ann Nyland - 2014
Nyland's translation is called, "Complete Books of Enoch: All Three: New Translation with Extensive Commentary." The mysterious figure of Enoch was the great grandfather of Noah, and an extract from the First Book of Enoch appears in the book of Jude in the New Testament. The First Book of Enoch has been a most controversial book for centuries. The Book of Enoch is of importance to those interested in theology, and controversial knowledge as well as angelology and demonology. Book of Enoch: All About the Three Books of Enoch is by #1 bestselling author and translator Dr. A. Nyland, translator of the Complete Books of Enoch: All Three: New Translation with Extensive Commentary. ABOUT THE AUTHOR. Best selling author and translator Dr. A. Nyland is an ancient language scholar who served as Faculty at the University of New England, Australia. Dr. Nyland is also the translator of "The Book of Jubilees," and "The Gospel of Thomas," and the author of "Angels, Archangels and Angel Categories: What the Ancients said," "Satan: Fiction not Fact. Evidence from the Bible," and "Fallen Angels, Watchers, Giants, Nephilim and Evil," among others.
Stories with Intent: A Comprehensive Guide to the Parables of Jesus
Klyne R. Snodgrass - 2008
Klyne Snodgrass explores in vivid detail the context in which these stories were told, the purpose they had in Jesus' message, and the ways they have been interpreted by the church and modern scholarship. While holding a consciously evangelical approach, Snodgrass deals throughout with a broad spectrum of opinions and interpretations. He begins by surveying the primary issues in parables interpretation. Offering both a new, more functional classification system for Jesus' parables and guidelines for interpreting them, he provides an overview of other parables -- often neglected in the discussion -- from the Old Testament, Jewish writings, and the Greco-Roman world. The remaining chapters group the longer and more important parables of Jesus thematically and give a comprehensive treatment of each, including background and significance for today.
Mystery Babylon: Unlocking the Bible's Greatest Prophetic Mystery
Joel Richardson - 2016
Mystery Babylon is an in-depth look at the prophecy of Revelation 17 and 18. Richardson dissects the longest prophecy in the New Testament – the final chapters of the Bible – in order to make sense of these deeply elusive and profoundly controversial passages. At once a queen, a prostitute, and a cold-blooded killer, this great harlot waves a golden cup filled with blood. Adorned in purple and scarlet and gold and precious stones, she seduces the kings of the earth with luxury. Most commonly known, perhaps, is that she rides a beast with seven heads and ten horns. Her title is Mystery, Babylon the Great, the mother of all harlots and of the abominations of the earth. From the early days of Christianity, believers have struggled to understand the mystery of the great harlot. Scholars and students alike have arrived at many different conclusions. In his characteristically easy-to-understand style, Richardson works through the history of Christian interpretation of Mystery Babylon, weighing the strengths and weaknesses of each view, making a powerful case for a solution to this prophecy that will rock the prophecy world. Divided into three parts Mystery Babylon Richardson exposits Scripture in part 1, examines the more common positions in part 2, and invites the reader to a powerful conclusion in part 3. Keep both your Bible and your mind open as you read this book not simply with an intellectual curiosity, but with much prayer and a truly contrite and trusting heart, believing indeed that the Lord will open up his secrets to all “those who fear Him” (Ps. 25:14).
The Book of Leviticus
Gordon J. Wenham - 1979
In the modern church it tends to be the last part of the Bible that anyone looks at seriously. Because Leviticus is largely concerned with subjects that seem incomprehensible and irrelevant today — rituals for sacrifice and regulations concerning uncleanness — it appears to have nothing to say to twenty-first-century Christians. In this excellent commentary on Leviticus, Gordon Wenham takes with equal seriousness both the plain original meaning of the text and its abiding theological value. To aid in reconstructing the original meaning of the text, Wenham draws from studies of Old Testament ritual and sacrifice that compare and contrast biblical customs with the practices of other Near Eastern cultures. He also closely examines the work of social anthropologists and expertly utilizes the methods of literary criticism to bring out the biblical author’s special interests. In pursuit of his second aim, to illumine the enduring theological value of Leviticus, Wenham discusses at the end of each section how the Old Testament passages relate to the New Testament and to contemporary Christianity. In doing so, he not only shows how pervasive Levitical ideas are in the New Testament but also highlights in very practical ways the enduring claim of God’s call to holiness on the lives of Christians today.
The Christ of the Covenants
O. Palmer Robertson - 1980
Palmer Robertson presents the richness of a covenantal approach to understanding the Bible. He treats the Old Testament covenants from a successive standpoint--that each covenant builds on the previous one.
Jesus' Sermon on the Mount and His Confrontation with the World: An Exposition of Matthew 5-10
D.A. Carson - 2004
Provides an explanation of the teaching of Jesus in his Sermon on the Mount and the events that follow.
Coming Soon: Unlocking the Book of Revelation and Applying Its Lessons Today
Michael Barber - 2005
In the midst of so much discussion about the end times, what does Revelation teach us about living in the present moment, with our eyes focused on the heavenly Jerusalem? Michael Barber's Coming Soon explores these questions by taking a detailed look at Revelation and its rich tapestry of prophecy, history, and biblical allusion. Barber explores the profound link between the Mass celebrated here on earth and the eternal reality of heaven, demonstrating that the Apocalypse reveals truth that has practical implications for today and points to a firm hope in tomorrow. Coming Soon is a verse-by-verse commentary on the Book of Revelation using the Revised Standard Version: Catholic Edition of the Bible. Barber provides a Catholic interpretation, which sees the liturgical background of this book of Scripture-a perspective missing in many Protestant commentaries.