Best of
The Orthodox Way
Kallistos Ware - 1979
It raises the basic issues of theology: God as hidden yet revealed; the problem of evil; the nature of salvation; the meaning of faith; prayer; death and what lies beyond. In so doing, it helps to fill the need for a modern Orthodox catechism. Yet this book is not a mere manual, a dry-as-dust repository of information. Throughout the book, Father Ware shows the meaning of Orthodox doctrine for the life of the individual Christian. Doctrinal issues are seen not as abstract propositions for thological debate but as affecting the whole of life.A wealth of texts drawn from theologians and spiritual writers of all ages accompanies Father Ware's presentation. They too reveal Orthodoxy not just as a system of beliefs, practices and customs but indeed as the Way.
The Strategy of Satan: How to Detect and Defeat Him
Warren W. Wiersbe - 1979
Wiersbe zeroes in on Satan's attacks as deceiver, destroyer, ruler, and accuser. He emphasizes that conquering the enemy comes by obeying God's truth.
Community And Growth
Jean Vanier - 1979
It is a series of starting points for reflection discovered through everyday life, through mistakes and set-backs, through inspiration, through moments of dissension as well as unity. To Vanier, living with others is an adventure whose end is interior liberation -- the freedom to love and be loved. The greatest of Vanier's books, the distilled essence of his life work and thought
The Message of Ephesians
John R.W. Stott - 1979
Paul presents a greater vision still, writes John Stott. In his letter to the Ephesians the apostle sees the human predicament as something even deeper than the injustice of the economic structure and so propounds a yet more radical solution. He writes of nothing less than a 'new creation.' John Stott expounds Paul's theme of uniting all things in Christ by uniting his church and breaking down all that separates us from God, one ethnic group from another, husband from wife, parent from child, master from slave. A book for all who want to build the church into the new society God has planned it to be.
The Existence and Attributes of God
Stephen Charnock - 1979
Puritan divine Charnock constructs an awe-inspiring portrait of God's attributes from theology and painstaking study of Scripture.
The Book of Common Prayer
The Episcopal Church - 1979
This is the standard Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments and Other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church together with The Psalter or Psalms of David according to use in the Episcopal Church in the United States as authorized in 1979.
Words to Winners of Souls:
Horatius Bonar - 1979
Though written over a century ago, these words are as timely and convicting today as when first delivered. They represent a gripping challenge to put aside all that interferes with the ministry of the gospel--to labor urgently and "be spent" for Christ.
The Practical Implications of Calvinism
Albert N. Martin - 1979
True Christianity involves a sight of the majesty of God and calls for a godly life.
The Bible and the Future
Anthony A. Hoekema - 1979
The two major sections of the book deal with inaugurated eschatology (the "already") and future eschatology (the "not yet"). Detailed appendix, bibliography, and indexes.
The Wound of Knowledge: Christian Spirituality from the New Testament to St. John of the Cross
Rowan Williams - 1979
The Wound of Knowledge is a penetrating psychological and intellectual analysis of Christian spirituality.
The Book of Leviticus
Gordon J. Wenham - 1979
In the modern church it tends to be the last part of the Bible that anyone looks at seriously. Because Leviticus is largely concerned with subjects that seem incomprehensible and irrelevant today — rituals for sacrifice and regulations concerning uncleanness — it appears to have nothing to say to twenty-first-century Christians. In this excellent commentary on Leviticus, Gordon Wenham takes with equal seriousness both the plain original meaning of the text and its abiding theological value. To aid in reconstructing the original meaning of the text, Wenham draws from studies of Old Testament ritual and sacrifice that compare and contrast biblical customs with the practices of other Near Eastern cultures. He also closely examines the work of social anthropologists and expertly utilizes the methods of literary criticism to bring out the biblical author’s special interests. In pursuit of his second aim, to illumine the enduring theological value of Leviticus, Wenham discusses at the end of each section how the Old Testament passages relate to the New Testament and to contemporary Christianity. In doing so, he not only shows how pervasive Levitical ideas are in the New Testament but also highlights in very practical ways the enduring claim of God’s call to holiness on the lives of Christians today.
Dynamics of Spiritual Life
Richard F. Lovelace - 1979
Isolating the elements of live orthodoxy, he proposes a comprehensive approach to renewal. Lovelace looks at such practical issues as renewal of the local congregation, the ways revivals go wrong, the evangelical thrust toward church unity, and Christian approaches to the arts and to social concern. A book for all concerned to revitalize the church.
Meat for Men
Leonard Ravenhill - 1979
The book has been out of print for decades and is available only through Christian Life Books Ravenhill series. Pulpit Magazine said, Every page is stimulating. Christianity Today said the book was a hard-hitting attack upon sin, carnality, and easy undisciplined Christian living.
Best of A.W. Tozer, Book 1
Warren W. Wiersbe - 1979
Tozer released a laser beam from the pulpit, a beam that penetrated your heart...and left you crying, 'What must I do to be saved?'" So says Warren Wiersbe, compiler of these 52 favorite sermon chapters, a best-selling cross-section of the major themes from the works of Tozer.
Reform Of The Roman Liturgy: Its Problems And Background
Klaus Gamber - 1979
Klaus Gamber The Reform of the Roman Liturgy by Msgr. Klaus Gamber. Thirteen years ago when Pope Benedict was still ‘Cardinal Ratzinger’ he wrote the following in a Preface to this book: “What happened after the Council . . . in the place of ‘liturgy as the fruit of development’ came fabricated liturgy. We abandoned the organic, living process of growth and development over centuries, and replaced it—as in a manufacturing process—with a fabrication, a banal on-the-spot product. Gamber, with the vigilance of a true prophet and the courage of a true witness, opposed this falsification, and, thanks to his incredibly rich knowledge, indefatigably taught us about the living fullness of a true liturgy.” This most important book will give us insight to what the now Pope Benedict may have planned for the future of the liturgy.
Tabernacle, The
Martin R. Dehaan - 1979
It was a perfect replica of something that already existed before; it is a picture, a type, and a shadow of the Lord Jesus Christ, where God meets man, and where deity and humanity meet in one person. Every detail of the tabernacle points to some aspect of the person and work of our Savior.Then the tabernacle becomes, secondarily, a picture of the believer. Thirdly, it provides a complete picture of the plan of salvation. It is an inexhaustible subject. Within the pages of this book, the three pictures of Christ, the believers, and the plan of salvation are drawn with stimulating and expressive words to emphasize the message of 'Christ in us, the hope of glory.'
God's Word for Today
Ole Hallesby - 1979
Each meditation brings the light of God's Word to our lives today.
A History of Christian Thought: In One Volume
Justo L. González - 1979
Justo González’s popular three-volume history, is revised and updated. While retaining the essential elements of the earlier three volumes, this book describes the central figures and debates leading to the Councils of Nicea and Chalcedon. Then it moves to Augustine and shows how Christianity evolved and was understood in the Latin West and Byzantine East during the Middle Ages. Finally, the book introduces the towering theological leaders of the Reformation and continues to trance the development of Protestant, Catholic, and Orthodox Christianities through modernity in the twentieth century to post-modernity in the twenty-first.
The Book of Our Heritage: The Jewish Year and Its Days of Significance
Eliyahu Ki Tov - 1979
Midrashic commentaries and insights of great Jewish thinkers and spiritual leaders enhance the heartwarming, inspiring text. 3 volume gift boxed set. Individual volumes not sold separately. Show More Show Less
Birthright: Christian, Do You Know Who You Are?
David C. Needham - 1979
He offers fresh insight into the theological problem of Christian identity, biblically based teaching, and a challenge for personal enrichment and further Bible study. Birthright achieves an excellent balance between the theological and the practical. The author's sincerity and candid writing style are guaranteed to buoy the spirits of readers.
The Might of the West
Lawrence Brown - 1979
In particular, the Renaissance and the Reformation were a retreat from the West's foremost acheivement, its science." "This book, whose every page challenges widely held views on many subjects, is for the vast audience who have read Spengler, Toynbee, Wells, and lecky."
Pauline Eschatology
Geerhardus Vos - 1979
The author discusses the structure of Paul's eschatology, the interaction between his eschatology and his soteriology, and the religious and ethical motivation of his eschatology. This volume also discusses the coming of the Lord and its precursors, the man of sin, the resurrection, chiliasm, the judgment, and the eternal state. The Pauline Eschatology, originally published in 1930, includes a bibliography and an appendix on the eschatology of the Psalter.
Love and Living
Thomas Merton - 1979
“Love is the revelation of our deepest personal meaning, value, and identity.” Edited by Naomi Burton Stone and Brother Patrick Hart.
The Faith of the Early Fathers, Vol. 2
William A. Jurgens - 1979
Jerome. Volume 2 concludes with Julian of Eclanum (d. 454).Volume 1: the Pre-Nicene and Nicene erasVolume 2: the Post-Nicene era through St. Jerome;Volume 3: St. Augustine to the end of the patristic period. The passages selected are keyed to the numerical order established in M. J. Rouët de Journel's Enchiridion Patristicum. In no sense, however, are these volumes a translation of that standard work. The author has made his own investigation of theological textbooks in common use and has selected the patristic passages most frequently cited, including much that is in Rouët and much that is not. All passages have been freshly and accurately translated from the best critical editions. Preceding each selection is a brief introduction treating the authorship, date and place of composition, and the purpose of the work from which the selection is taken. The author's scholarship and sprightly sense of humor are evident in these prefatory remarks. Of immense value to the reader is the Doctrinal Index provided for each volume. Here one can find the texts pertinent to particular doctrinal points, a method especially useful to homilists. In addition, each volume is enhanced by comprehensive Scriptural and General Indices.
To Be Near Unto God
Abraham Kuyper - 1979
. . it must permeate and give color to our feeling, our perceptions, our sensations, our thinking, our imagining, our willing, our acting, our speaking. It must not stand as a foreign factor in our life, but it must be the passion that breathes throughout our whole existence." The meditations reflect the blending of spiritual vigor with doctrinal loyalty so consistently expressed in the life of Abraham Kuyper. These are devotions with true substance, avoiding the extremes about which Kupyer adds a word of caution: "Stress in creedal confession, without drinking from the Living Fountain, runs dry in barren orthodoxy, just as truly as spiritual emotion, without clearness in confessional standards, makes one sink in the bog of sickly mysticism." This treasure of inspiration is supplemented with a complete index of Scripture texts. ABRAHAM KUYPER (1837-1920) was Calvinist theologian and major political figure in recent Dutch history. Elected to parliament in 1874, he became Prime Minister in 1901 and served to that capacity until 1905. As a theologian, he revived a systematic, orthodox Calvinism. He founded the Free Reformed Church and the Free University of Amsterdam. His other works include Principles of Sacred Theology, Lectures on Calvinism, The Work of the Holy Spirit, and The Death of Resurrection of Christ.
Christian Meditation: What the Bible Teaches About Meditation and Spiritual Exercises
Edmund P. Clowney - 1979
What place does meditation have in Christian devotion? Is the same thing as the ?
The Story of Ramayan
Bani Roy Choudhry - 1979
Abridged and illustrated children's version of the story of Ramayan.
Listening to the Giants: A Guide to Good Reading and Great Preaching
Warren W. Wiersbe - 1979
Sermons and Treatises, Vol 2
Meister Eckhart - 1979
O'C. Walshe's collection of Meister Eckhart's writings, beautifully and faithfully translated with well-received scholarly commentary.
Aelfric's Catholic Homilies: The Second Series
Malcolm Godden - 1979
Language and Theology
Gordon H. Clark - 1979
One argument frequently used to undermine Christianity is the alleged inadequacy of human language to express divine truth. Statements about God, so we are told, are mythological, analogical, or allegorical; they are not - they cannot be - literally true. But if words are inadequate, if human words cannot express the divine Word, then the Bible cannot be a revelation from God. The whole of Christianity rests upon the adequacy of words, for the revelation is conveyed by means of words. When God spoke to Moses and the prophets, when he guided the pens of Peter and Paul, he used words - human words. In Language and Theology, Gordon Clark presents a masterful and devastating analysis of those secular and religious thinkers who deny that human words can express divine truth. This is an issue that is of vital importance to all, for all churches and seminaries have been influenced by the anti-Christian notion that human words cannot teach divine truth.
The Descent into Hell: A study of the Radical Reversal of the Christian Consciousness (The Seabury Library of Contemporary Theology)
Thomas J.J. Altizer - 1979
Come, Holy Spirit
Karl Barth - 1979
Professor Barth preached some of them while he was minister of the Reformed congregation in Safenwil, Canton Aargau, Switzerland; others in the Reformed Church in Goettingen while he was professor of theology in the University. Pastor Thurneysen at that time preached to the congregation in Bruggen, near St. Gall, Switzerland. The sermons were written not for special occasions but for the regular Sunday morning service, and were addressed to such men and women as one will find in any village or city church--to men and women in the struggle for life, waiting and seeking for God. "Pastor Thurneysen selected the sermons and arranged them according to a scheme that may be indicated by the words Promise, Christ, Christian Living." --from the Translator's Preface Author Biography: Karl Barth (1886-1968) the Swiss Reformed professor and pastor, was once described by Pope Pius XII as the most important theologian since Thomas Aquinas. As principal author of The Barmen Declaration, he was the intellectual leader of the German Confessing Church--the Protestant group that resisted the Third Reich. Barth's teaching career spanned nearly ve decades. Removed from his post at Bonn by the Nazis in late 1934, Barth moved to Basel where he taught until 1962. Among Barth's many books, sermons, and essays are the Epistle to the Romans, Humanity of God, Evangelical Theology, and Church Dogmatics. Eduard Thurneysen (1888-1974) was a pastor in a Swiss town near where Barth was pastor, and they worked out dialectical theology together. He was later Professor of Theology at Zurich.
Experiences of God
Jürgen Moltmann - 1979
Enduring meditations on hope, anxiety, and mysticalexperience, together with the author's personalconfession of faith.
The Acting Person
Pope John Paul II - 1979
The author sees this expression as an emphasis on the significance of the individual living in community and on the person in the process of performing an action. The author states in his preface that he has tried to face the major issues concerning life, nature, and the existence of Man directly as they present themselves to Man in his struggles to survive while maintaining the dignity of a human being, but who is torn apart between his all too limited condition and his highest aspirations to set himself free.The author hopes that his book "contributes to this disentangling of the conflicting issues facing Man, which are crucial for Man s own clarification of his existence and direction of his conduct."The author s analysis of the human being is a dynamic counter to the materialistic and positivistic tendencies in various schools of modern philosophy. Ever since Descartes, the knowledge of Man and his world has been identified through cognition. This book is a reversal of the post-Cartesian attitude toward Man in that it characterises him as the person in action.Audience: The Acting Person will be of great interest to philosophers, anthropologists, and scholars specializing in phenomenology. It will also be of deep concern to theologians, priests, seminarians, and members of religious orders who wish to gain an insight into Pope John Paul II s philosophy of life. "
The Westminster Confession Of Faith: An Authentic Modern Version
Douglas F. Kelly - 1979
Also included are the changes and additions made to the Confession and its proof texts. The text has been carefully prepared for readability, contemporaneity, and fidelity to the doctrinal content of the original by a team of experts in language, translation, and theology.
Homilies in Praise of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Bernard of Clairvaux - 1979
The young abbot meditates on the singular role of the virgin mother of Christ 'to satisfy my own devotion', and in doing so bequeathes his own love of Mary and of Scripture to his Order and to the Church.
Springtime of the Liturgy
Lucien Deiss - 1979
Included among the main sources treated are liturgical texts of the Jewish tradition; doxologies, hymns, and blessings of the New Testament; the Didache; the Letter to the Corinthians of Clement of Rome; the Apostolic Tradition of Hippolytus of Rome; the Anaphora of Addai and Mari; the Didascalia of the Apostles; the Euchology of Serapion.Later witnesses include the Strasbourg Papyrus; the Apostolic Constitutions; the Euchology of Der Balyzeh; the Catechesis of Cyril of Jerusalem.
From Rationalism to Irrationality
Charles Gregg Singer - 1979
He is a remnant of the Christian heritage of the West, but his death parallels the disappearance of the rigorous academic polemicists in the mold of Francis Schaeffer and J. Gresham Machen. Singer is a bold and unapologetic Calvinist, heavily influenced by Van Til. To Singer, Christian Theism means the reformed doctrines of John Calvin--anything less is a deficient theology. In Calvin, Singer finds the answer to the philosophers that have sought to create systems of rational thought, yet have all been deterred by the corollary of irrationalism that is inherent in any autonomous philosophy. This is the theme of Singer's book--no philosophy apart from Christian Theism can stand due to its inherently irrationality. He begins with an evaluation of the Greek and Roman philosophers, Augustine and the early church fathers, the Renaissance, Reformation, Enlightenment, German idealism, Marxism, Darwinism, and Existentialism. The last and most important chapter is his argument for Christian Theism in the mold of Calvin. This is the kind of thing any Christian would benefit from in reading. It is the kind of thing that is no longer preached in our pulpits or taught in our churches. The rigorous, God-centered view of the world where all things are subject to Christ. There is no concession made for autonomous human institutions. The implications of this are massive. Few Christians are ready spiritually or intellectually for this. Again, Singer reads like a prophet of old, from a lost age. Our culture can no longer produce men of such intellect or temper. We've lost our way and our cultural institutions have decayed such that we need to rebuild for generations to regain what has been lost.
Finite and Infinite: A Philosophical Essay
Austin Farrer - 1979
Fatima: The Great Sign
Francis Johnston - 1979
Penetrates deeply into the theology of Fatima: the Rosary, daily duty, Eucharistic reparation, consecration and reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Hell and the prophecies, etc. Spells out the repeated papal pronouncements on the crucial relevance of Fatima to the entire world. As Pope Pius XII said, "The time for doubting Fatima is past; it is now time for action." One of our most popular titles. Eye-opening!
Black Theology: A Documentary History
James H. Cone - 1979
Born out of the Civil Rights Movement and the emerging demand for Black Power, Black Theology has tried for 25 years to relate the gospel to the African-American experience of oppression and struggle for liberation. This revised volume contains a new introduction, many additional essays, and a revised bibliography .
The Word Became Flesh
E. Stanley Jones - 1979
From his wide experience with world religions and contact with believers across the globe, E. Stanley Jones explains the difference between Christianity (in which God reaches toward humanity through Jesus Christ) and other faiths (in which humanity reaches toward God in various ways).Includes:
Daily scripture reading, commentary, a prayer and affirmation for each day.
Discussion guide for 52 weeks with several questions for reflection and conversation
Scripture index
Topical indexE. Stanley Jones (1884-1973) was perhaps the most widely known and admired Christian evangelist of his time. He spent a lifetime in missionary work in India, Japan, and other countries, and touched many more lives through his writings.Praise for the original volume:"...goes to the heart of the matter, for it deals with that which makes the Christian religion unique and enduring among all religions: God becoming man, a religion rooted and grounded in human history." --Kirkus"Characteristically always spiritually motivated and down to the very hear of life itself." --Christian Herald