Man Up: How to Cut the Bullshit and Kick Ass in Business (and in Life)

Bedros Keuilian - 2018
    . ." "There's no way . . ." "It's impossible . . ." Enough. Get off your ass make your "someday" goals a priority—today. After years of coaching and consulting hundreds of startup rookies as well as seasoned entrepreneurs, executives, and CEOs, Bedros Keuilian realized that most people who want to start a business, grow an existing business, author a book, make more money, or make a bigger impact usually take the long, slow, painful way to get there . . . and more than 80 percent of entrepreneurs never get to their desired destination or achieve their full potential in business. They treat their dream as if it were merely a hobby and dip their toes in the water, but they never commit to diving in—you get the idea. It's time to cut the bullshit excuses. Everyone has a gift, a purpose. It's your duty to figure out what your gift is and how you're going to share it with the world. Man Up: How to Cut the Bullshit and Kick Ass in Business (and in Life) is your guide to doing exactly that. Keuilian, founder and CEO of Fit Body Boot Camp and known as the "hidden genius" behind many of the most successful brands and businesses throughout multiple industries, will show you how to break out of the sea of mediocrity, get singularly focused on your purpose, and do what it takes—not only to achieve but dominate your goals. With Keuilian's no-nonsense approach in both business and personal spheres, you'll be able to define your purpose and have clarity of vision—and a plan—to make the quantum leap. Whether it's creating and growing a company, leaving a legacy, making a difference, or launching a new brand, you will discover how to use your passion, purpose, and sheer grit to overcome any adversity that attempts to derail your progress. If there's an area of your life in which you need to man up, this book will get you there.

Persuasion Secrets of the World's Most Charismatic & Influential Villains

Ben Settle - 2016
    this book shows you how.Mush cookies and feminists will be horrified. The information's been used for centuries by history's most powerful, influential, and sometimes notorious men to live lives lesser men only imagine. Just some of the secrets inside: Mental techniques used by General Douglas MacArthur to inflict psychological pain on someone who disobeys or displeases you. (Psychologists say this causes the same reaction in their brain as physical pain, without leaving marks. Use it for disciplinary purposes only.) 13 ways to keep your enemies and competitors constantly on defense, fearing your next move, struggling to keep up with you. How to peacock your way to straight to the top level power! How men grab power over others — in professional relationships, personal, and family. (The closest thing to owning a "super power"!) How to go from being socially awkward and shunned by women to becoming the most confident guy in the room. (Even broke, creepy losers can become successful and confident, with beautiful women always on an arm.) How to get women to compete for your attention, love, and commitment. How to inspire other men to want to follow and help you achieve your goals. (They'll be loyal and cheerfully submit to your will.) How ugly, short, broke men instantly become attractive to women. (Be attractive to business partners, lenders, clients, and all others you want something from.) A secret way to make people fight to be with you, listen and obey you, and get nervous if they don't hear from you! (You'll be the person everyone wants to hang out with are yours.) Easiest way to attract people and opportunity like a magnet. (No fluffy universe-worshiping woo-woo nonsense here!) How to change your phone usage making yourself influential and persuasive. (Chicks, friends, customers, or anyone!) The ruthless dictator's secret to gain obedience, loyalty, and the top work from all you wish to lead (without committing genocide). Lex Luthor's method for getting devotion from women, underlings, minions, and employees. (Be perceived as a strong leader for a change!) The mistake 80%+ of men make that ensures they're looked down upon by women, clients, customers, friends, and family. (It's probably the most common reason why men fail at reaching their goals, are always broke, and cry in their beer lonely each night.) How being nice makes people hostile (And no, you don't have to sell your soul or be a dick to anyone.) Embrace selfishness to help others. (You'll notice things fall in place: Chicks, family, colleagues, and bosses!) And so much more! Get it today and live a new life by tonight!

Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach their Kids About Money That The Poor And Middle Class Do Not!

Robert T. Kiyosaki - 2020

Brand Strategy 101: Your Logo Is Irrelevant - The 3 Step Process to Build a Kick-Ass Brand

Michael R. Drew - 2013
    No really, it is. Let me explain.It turns out that drooling dogs and ringing bells are far more important than a logo (thank you Pavlov).Sure, successful businesses have logos--easily recognizable logos. Playboy, McDonald's, Coke. But there's far more to their success than bunny ears, golden arches or a certain shade of red. Stripped of all the marketing lingo, branding is pretty simple: Your brand is all the associations that come to mind when your potential customers see or hear your name.Whether your focus is on personal branding or on branding your company culture--you've got to have more than a fancy logo and edgy color scheme to create brand stickability (you know, a brand your customers can't get out of their heads).Well, there’s a process to capturing attention and getting your foot in the door of your customers’ minds. Here's a taste of some of the personal branding advice you'll find in this book:You must become the first solution your customer thinks of when they have a problem you can solve. How?The first step is to figure out what your audience cares about. What keeps them up at night? What problems can you help them solve? From there, you need to apply these three steps:1) Frequency2) Repetition3) AnchoringIn this e-book, we’ll show you how to figure out what your customers really want. Then we will show you how to apply these three steps to help you become the trusted resource that comes to mind first when your customer’s itch needs to be scratched.Is real and authentic branding going to happen overnight? Probably not. But ask yourself this: Do you want short-term results that lose effectiveness? Or are you willing to invest a bit more time and effort to create long-term results that get better and better?If you're looking for a branding book that promises a quick fix, this isn't the book for you. But if you want to create a brand that sticks like superglue--read this book!Go ahead and let the wimps and whiners have the get-rich quick schemes that fizzle and fall flat like a wet firework. You want to ignite a branding bonfire.

Amazon Selling Blueprint - How to Find and Launch Your First Private-Label Product on Amazon in 90 Days or Less

Scott Voelker - 2015
    I'll gladly show you the exact steps I took to choose and launch my first private-label product. I generated over $118,000 in less than 6 months and have since increased my success almost 3-fold. In this book I'll explain in simple, easy-to-understand language: - How to find product ideas right before your eyes — if you know what to look for. - My secret 10 x 10 x 1 formula that can bring you $100 a day ($36,500/yr.) in pure profit. - The 5 phases of choosing & selling a product that is successful. - My personal recommendations for locating manufacturers and vendors that are easy to work with. - How "bootstrapping" can eventually turn you into a 6-figure earner. - Sneaky little tips I've learned that will save you time and help with supplier price negotiations. - My 2 favorite ways to launch your new product with unbelievable results. - 2 vital elements that significantly impact your rankings. (It's not your title and your search terms!) - My perfected 6-step plan for maintaining a steady flow of sales indefinitely. - The 9 pitfalls you must overcome to be successful. - The real-life case study of one Amazing Seller member who turned an initial $500 investment into $1,000 profit in about 60 days. BONUS: You'll get access to a special FREE online course I've created to help you take action and launch your first private-label product on Amazon. Ready to create your first profitable private-label product to sell on Amazon? Download this Kindle book now and let's get started!

Summary: How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie | Key Ideas in 1 Hour or Less (up-to-date real-world examples included)

Millionaire Mindset Publishing - 2017
    If you're looking for the original book, please use the following link: Originally published in 1936, How to Win Friends and Influence People is perhaps the greatest self-help book of all time. Written by Dale Carnegie, the book contains the most essential principles of social interaction and highly effective techniques of dealing with people. Since its first release, the book has sold over 15 million copies and is currently being recognized as an all-time international bestseller. This proves the fact that Carnegie's principles are just as relevant today as they were 80 years ago. The book has served as a guide to many trying to navigate complex human relations in the business world, and it will surely teach you how to master the fine art of social interactions to maximize the quality of your personal and professional relationships. This summary highlights the key ideas and captures the most important lessons found in the original book. Unessential information has been removed to save the reader hours of time. If you've already read the original, this summary will serve as a reminder of main ideas and key concepts. If you haven't, don't worry, here you will find every bit of practical information that you can apply. However, we do encourage you to purchase the original as well for a more comprehensive understanding of the subject. P.S. This is a ZERO-RISK investment, by the way. If for whatever reason you are not satisfied with our product, you will get a FULL REFUND within 7 days! So, what are you waiting for? Take action and get your copy right now, by scrolling up and clicking on the “Buy now with 1-Click” button! (Note: This summary is written and published by Millionaire Mindset Publishing. It is not the original book, and it’s not affiliated with the original author in any way. You can find the original book by accessing this link:

Sponge: Leadership Lessons I Learnt From My Clients

Ambi Parameswaran - 2018
    A challenging customer, in his view, goes from being someone who poses an obstacle to quality work to someone with eye-opening ideas and concepts. Approached as an exercise in listening and learning, these conversations can become long-term lessons. Ambi has worked with some of the most respected brands and names in the Indian corporate world, and each of those assignments were for him masterclasses in leadership development. In this book, Ambi recounts conversations with some of the most iconic business leaders, such as Ratan Tata, Azim Premji, S. Ramadorai, Karsanbhai Patel, M. Damodaran, Dr V. Kurien and many others. He soaked up these conversations, in his own words, 'like a sponge’. This book is an attempt to walk us through some of those dialogues – both the illuminating and the difficult aspects of them – to help us understand how they were learning sessions. For anyone looking at turbocharging their business and career, the ‘Sponge Process’ that emphasises listening is a radical new way of engaging with clients and customers.

Good to Great Summarized for Busy People

James C. Collins - 2013
    Good to Great Summarized for Busy People

How to Thrive in the Virtual Workplace: Simple and Effective Tips for Successful, Productive, and Empowered Remote Work

Robert Glazer - 2021

Quit Your Job in 6 Months: Why You Should Quit Your Job and How You Can!

Buck Flogging - 2015
    We show up, do what we’re supposed to do, and a check for the same amount comes in every couple of weeks. We can feel safe, secure, and comfortable with that. We can budget for housing, transportation, and food. We might even get a few weeks of vacation each year and have enough left over to go somewhere nice. So what’s the problem? Average Isn’t Satisfying, and Repetition is Drudgery The problem is that average just isn’t satisfying. We can be thankful that we’re not homeless or completely impoverished all we want, but that still doesn’t scratch the itch we all have to live an extraordinary life—to spend more time doing what we love, less time doing what we don’t love, and have more financial wealth to support our adventures. On top of that, most jobs involve doing the same things over and over again. You don’t learn. One day blends into the next. You don’t grow. Your life lacks richness, diversity, and excitement. All put together this doesn’t make for a very inspiring way to live the one life you get. Quit, and Do Your Own Sh*t In Quit Your Job in 6 Months: Why You Should Quit Your Job and How You Can, author and internet entrepreneur Buck Flogging reveals all of his internet business secrets to help you build a business from zero to $100 per day or more in 6 months or less—all in your spare time using time-efficient tactics that work, with minimal startup costs. If you want a shot at achieving real wealth and living the dream life of freedom to work anywhere in the world with an internet connection, the four book Quit Your Job in 6 Months series will teach you everything you need to know. Available in paperback, audiobook, and as an eBook for instant download on major book retailers everywhere. To get each book in the series for FREE, and to get insider information that can help show you the way, go to:

HR from the Heart: Inspiring Stories and Strategies for Building the People Side of Great Business

Libby Sartain - 2003
    They bridge the gaps between the individual and the collective, the person and the purpose. The most successful and effective HR professionals see their careers as a calling, and their work, though driven by corporate goals, is graced by a sense of purpose, a profound generosity, and a love for what they do and the constituencies they serve.HR from the Heart is a book for HR practitioners who love their jobs -- or want to. Libby Sartain, one of the country's top human resources executives, reveals how HR professionals create a synergy between business objectives and the needs and wants of employees. This inspiring book is equal parts motivational message and how-to, confessional and career guide. Filled with stories from Sartain's considerable experience, HR from the Heart offers a first-hand perspective on forging relationships, selling HR to the company, taking diversity beyond ""by the book,"" keeping policy in perspective, and more -- all while making the right career moves, staying engaged, and forwarding the strategic goals of the company."

God's Way Is Still the Best Way

Zig Ziglar - 2007
    Now, in "God's Way Is Still the Best Way," this dynamic author and speaker teaches you biblical principles that will infuse your faith with action and skyrocket your impact on the world.Ziglar shares how developing the fruits of the Holy Spirit are key to an energized, God-centered life. Each chapter is filled with stories of men and women like Tony Evans, Mary Kay Ash, and Dr. Kenneth Cooper whose love forJesus propels them to share their faith and provide relief to a hurting world.A lively, Christ-centered book that teaches by example, "God's Way Is Still the Best Way" will inspire you to experience success God's way, which, as Ziglar says, is the only permanent way.

The Power Of Visualization : Meditation Secrets That Matter The Most

Vishwanath - 2012
    Every other skill will fall short in helping you remember your real nature. This book reveals the closely guarded secret of wise men and women.Few greater gifts can be given to someone than to learn how to truly develop a method to grasp their own consciousness and unlock a remarkable scope of understanding of both themselves and the universe. Life-changing books are few in number, but here is one that conveys a remarkable breakthrough. No one will be the same after absorbing the contents of this mind-enlarging volume.

Cheat Sheet: Master Getting Things Done...In 2 Minutes - The Practical Summary of David Allen's Best Selling Book

2 Minute Insight - 2014
     To get the book's methods to work for you in real life, research shows it takes an average of 66 days of consistent practice for a new skill to become a habit. Cheat Sheet: Master Getting Things Done ...In 2 Minutes... is a fast reference tool that captures this organizational system in a concise, step-by-step format that help you embed the concepts while providing rapid refresher when you need it most. It is designed for: 1.) The busy individual familiar with the system and serious about habit change 2.) The newcomer who values time spent on EXECUTION, not reading. Key Benefits: • Excellent compact summary of the basic principles of the Get Things Done system in a fast, convenient format. • Saves you precious time from re-reading the book to re-absorb, remember and categorize concepts. We did all the work for you. • Contains illustrated work flow map to follow during THE critical 2 hour weekly review.
 • Keep the topic relevant and in front of you for times you fall off the program. More than just a book summary, pull up this organization tool to coach you through the entire process. Life just got easier as you cross off tasks after task; achieve multiple goals and milestones, all the while functioning with a clear mind and a sense of relaxed control. 

 This reference summary is designed to be purchased along side the reviewed title Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress Free Productivity.

Coach: The A. L. Williams Story

Art Williams - 2006
    Williams and it "ragtag army of part-timers" took on a Goliath-sezed insurance industry.