
Jess Stearn - 1984
     Is it fantasy or reality? In this extraordinary and fascinating book, bestselling author Jess Stearn reveals that perfect love does exist--that you can find it, experience it . . . and with it, change your life forever. Here are the inspiring stories of many real-life soulmates Stearn has met, the innermost secrets of celebrities like Shirley MacLaine, Susan Strasberg, Howard Hughes, and Joan Hackett, who have sought and found the ultimate love.Now you can share in the drama and ecstasy of fulfilling your deepest and most powerful yearnings and desires. You too can find your own true soulmate.

The Afterlife Unveiled: What the Dead are Telling Us About Their World

Stafford Betty - 2011
    As for hell, it's far out of proportion to any sin we might have committed and makes a travesty of God. But what if the afterlife was something very different? The key to such knowledge is mediumship. Three decades of research have taught the author, a world expert in the field of death and afterlife studies, who the most reliable voices are. These accounts are far better developed and more plausible than anything found in the world's scriptures or theologies. We hunger for a reliable revelation telling us that life here and now is meaningful and good, that each of us has an important part to play in its proper unfolding, that we are accountable for all we do, and that the godless materialism all around us is a pathological mistake. The world ahead, unlike ours, is fascinating and fair. Authentic mediums may be the closest thing to the voice of God that our planet has.

The Pictorial Key to the Tarot

Arthur Edward Waite - 1910
    This pictorial key contains a detailed description of each card in the world's most popular 78-card Rider-Waite tarot deck, along with regular and reversed meanings.

Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna

    Hinduism teaches that every soul is potentially divine, and that its divinity may be manifested through worship, contemplation, unselfish work, and philosophical discrimination. According to Hinduism, Truth is universal and all humankind and all existence are one. It preaches the unity of the Godhead, or ultimate Reality, and accepts every faith as a valid means for its own followers to realize the Truth. For more information about the Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center of New York.

Destiny of Souls: New Case Studies of Life Between Lives

Michael Newton - 2000
    Michael Newton takes you once again into the heart of the spirit world. His groundbreaking research was first published in the bestselling Journey of Souls, the definitive study on the afterlife. Now, in Destiny of Souls, the saga continues with 70 case histories of real people who were regressed into their lives between lives. Dr. Newton answers the requests of the thousands of readers of the first book who wanted more details about various aspects of life on the other side. Destiny of Souls is also designed for the enjoyment of first-time readers who haven't read Journey of Souls.  Explore the meaning behind your own spiritual memories as you read the stories of people in deep hypnosis, and learn fascinating details about: —Our purpose on Earth—Soul mates and spirit guides—Spiritual settings and where souls go after death—Soul travel between lives—Ways spirits connect with and comfort the living—The soul-brain connection         —Why we choose certain bodies

Gita Wisdom: Krishna’s Teachings on the Yoga of Love

Joshua M. Greene - 2009
    In Gita Wisdom, Joshua Greene retells this timeless text in a completely new way, revealing that it is, in essence, a heart-to-heart talk between two friends about the meaning of life. As Krishna and his friend Arjuna reminisce on a battlefield known as Kurukshetra, readers learn that the two played together as children, were close as young men, and became family when Arjuna married Krishna’s sister. In later life the men shared extraordinary adventures, including a journey to places outside the known universe. Like all great literature, the Gita explores the human condition: who we are, where we came from, and why we’re here. With a helpful glossary that lists names, terms, and places, this accessible, enlightening retelling is the perfect introduction to the Gita’s venerable wisdom.

Witchcraft: Theory and Practice

Lore de Angeles - 2000
    With more than three decades of experience she has learned how to bring the teachings alive, combining modern with ancient, so you can better understand the true potential and depth of Witchcraft.Within the pages of this book you will find the secrets and techniques to become a Witch. These can be divided into three categories: philosophical disciplines, spiritual beliefs, and practical techniques. Each part gets a focus in this book.In the first section, you will:Learn meditation and how it can be used for ritual Discover the secrets of visualization, telepathy, and personal power Use the self-analysis techniques to discover who you are and never walk in anyone's shadowIn the second section you can:Uncover the essence of the God and Goddess Discover the festivals of Witchcraft Learn how to make and use the tools of Witchcraft Understand how to do rituals, including the rite of self-initiationAnd in the final section, you'll:Practice psychic protection, shapeshifting, and banishing Master astral projection Learn to interpret omens This really just barely covers some of the information you will find revealed in these pages. Written in a style that is clear and concise, this book will add to your knowledge of Witchcraft. Whether you are new to the Craft or have been practicing for some time, Witchcraft: Theory and Practice will impart wisdom that will fascinate and entice. You will be using this book for many years to come.

The Seven Types of Spirit Guide: How to Connect and Communicate with Your Cosmic Helpers

Yamile Yemoonyah - 2020
    Starting with a quiz to discover their type of spirit guide, readers will then learn how to communicate with their spirit guides to work through any challenges--be it healing ancestral trauma, growing their business soulfully, or living a life with purpose. This is the first-ever exploration of seven different kinds of cosmic helpers that have communicated with shamans, mediums, priests, and everyday people across cultures and throughout human history. This refreshing guide reveals that the key to success lies in adapting (not appropriating) the proven techniques developed by other spirit communicators around the world. This book is unique in that it not only answers the question of what spirit guides are but helps the reader identify their very own team of guides. Best of all, it reassures the reader that they don't need to be a shaman, witch, priest, or other professional spirit worker, nor have any special abilities to connect with their guides. All they need is an open mind.

Avadhuta Gita of Dattatreya

Dattātreya - 1978
    Contains the Sanskrit (devanagari) text, transliteration, and English translation. Notes by the translator. This version by Swami Ashokananda is the most popular translation.The singer of the Avadhuta Gita is Dattatreya, an Avadhuta, and according to the Nath Sampradaya, the work was heard and transcribed by two of Dattatreya's disciples—Swami and Kartika. Ashokananda (1893–1969) in Katz (2007: p. 47) holds that "[t]he Avadhuta Gita is a text of Vedanta representing extreme Advaita or Nondualism...", that is Advaita Vedanta with an emphasis on "extreme". As such, this text may also be considered a forerunner of Tantric literature as the themes, motif and orientation of this 'song' (Sanskrit: gita) are common to Shaivite Tantras, Buddhist Tantras and Vaishnava Agamas (which are also tantric literature) and ancient Yoga philosophy.

Ramana Maharshi and the Path of Self-Knowledge

Arthur Osborne - 1954
    Introduced to the West by Paul Brunton, Ramana Maharshi's spirituality, simplicity, kindness and shrewdness had a great impact on many Westerners.

Bhavad Gita

Eknath Eswaran - 2015
    Easwaran's introduction places the Gita in its historical setting and brings out the universality and timelessness of its teachings. Chapter introductions give clear explanations of key concepts in that chapter. To listen to the scripture without the introductions, listeners should start at track 044. The Bhagavad Gita opens dramatically on a battlefield, as the warrior Arjuna turns in anguish to his spiritual guide, Sri Krishna, for answers to the fundamental questions of life. But as Easwaran points out, the Gita is not what it seems - it's not a dialogue between two mythical figures at the dawn of Indian history. "The battlefield is a perfect backdrop, but the Gita's subject is the war within, the struggle for self-mastery that every human being must wage" to live a life that is meaningful, fulfilling, and worthwhile. This audio recording is a complete and unabridged reading of Eknath Easwaran's book The Bhagavad Gita.

The Guru of Joy: Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and the Art of Living

François Gautier - 2002
    He is a man whose presence and grace have touched and transformed millions of followers all over the world—from Bangalore to Bosnia, Surinam to South Africa, Tamil Nadu to Trinidad.  A tireless traveler, he has addressed the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, and bright young minds at Harvard University. In a world torn with strife, he has carried the eternal message of love and revival of human values. Wherever he goes, people from all walks of life—homemakers, chiefs of industry, politicians, and film stars—seek his blessings and advice. Amazingly, he manages to make each one feel special and cherished. Who is this playfully profound, childlike, ever-smiling guru whose avowed mission is to “put a smile on the face of every person he meets”? He is Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, the founder of the international Art of Living Foundation, with centers in more than 140 countries of the world. This book offers you hitherto-unpublished material about his childhood, his adolescence, his spiritual development, his organization, and his Healing Breath Workshop. He has devised the Sudershan Kriya, a transformative process that has miraculous healing powers. This is a man who practices no religion but teaches, through example, the meaning if true spirituality: being ever-joyful!

Meditation within Eternity: The Modern Mystics Guide to Gaining Unlimited Spiritual Energy, Accessing Higher Consciousness and Meditation Techniques for Spiritual Growth

Eric Pepin - 2012
    Easiest Way to MeditateThis meditation was specially designed to give you maximum results with minimum effort. It's really an "all in one" technique where one single action allows you to maximize your results.2. Rake-in Spiritual EnergyThe technique is direct and unmediated. It is a new meditation method that you will not find anywhere else that allows you to absorb massive amounts of spiritual energy.3. Feel inner peace and serenityImprove the flow of your energy, release your emotional blocks and re-balance your energy body.4. Unfold deep inner experiencesDevelop your sixth sense and inner powers to have direct, real spiritual experiences.5. Learn To Sense, Feel And Affect Spiritual/Psychic/Metaphysical EnergyThis energy controls, manipulates and directs you every day of your life and 99.9% of people have no idea they are being affected by it. Remove negative energy, replace it with positive.6. Develop your "bubble of personal energy"Multiply the synchronicities in your life (chance meetings, opportunities, luck), connect and communicate with your Higher Self, and Find the source of that feeling that is calling you all by creating a perfect, 'magnetic' bubble of higher energy. Meditation within Eternity is a journey into the heart of being spiritual in the modern world. Practical yet provocative, it pushes the limits of what spirituality is conceived to be, more than just relaxation and bits of Zen wisdom, it is the extraordinary yet invisible aspect of the universe we have forgotten how to touch, hear and see.This guide offers simple methods to gain unlimited spiritual energy, a forgotten resource and why many fail to truly grow spiritually. It also solves the missing link to accessing higher consciousness. It is the natural magnetic sense, or sixth sense, each of us possesses. The universe, reality, is molded by magnetism. We have an organic body, and an electric one. This electric, energy body, is capable of tapping the electromagnetic nature of reality. Following simple techniques and practical advice you will learn how it is possible to tap into the source code of reality.Meditation within Eternity provides practical, short meditation techniques for real spiritual growth. It serves a humble purpose – to give you the ability to experience spiritual awakening for yourself.

Mantras: Words of Power

Sivananda Radha - 1980
    This helpful guide to the practice of chanting is useful for both the beginner and the experienced yogi.Mantras: Words of Power, now in its beautiful third edition, teaches how Mantra practice can be used to focus the mind and increase awareness. Each chapter of the book builds on learning from the previous chapter, beginning with an explanation about what Mantra is, how to practice, and then giving specific instruction for twelve mantras. It also includes chapters on Mantra and Healing, and Mantra and Initiation.

Finding of the Third Eye

Vera Stanley Alder - 1968
    She made it her task to simplify and summarize this knowledge in order to present it to others. She offers a guide to attainment through the path outlined by Ancient Wisdom which she summarizes in relation to man, comparing it with the discoveries of modern science. She surveys the philosophies of breathing, color, sounds, numbers, diet and exercsie. Finally she discusses the functions of the Third Eye, Astrology, Meditation, and thier ultimate aims.