Best of
Charge of the Goddess: The Mother of Modern Witchcraft
Doreen Valiente - 2000
Spell Crafts: Creating Magical Objects
Scott Cunningham - 2000
Tap into that power! Carve a symbol, dip a candle, mix fragrant herbs, sculpt clay, and make your life all that you want it to be. When crafts are used to create objects intended for ritual or to symbolize the divine, the connection between the craftsperson and divinity grows more intense.This second edition of Spell Crafts, the much-loved and oft-read guide to magical handwork, features new illustrations and a new preface by David Harrington. Learn how to create and use all of the following:Magical simmering potpourris A beaded psychic mandala Clay pentacles, plaques, and runic dice A shaman's arrow Sand paintings Corn Mother A magical spell broom Protective hex sign Witch bottles Flower garlands Spell banner Magic mirror Prosperity trivet Wheat weaving
In the Nature of Avalon
Kathy Jones - 2000
Explore the Sacred Goddess Landscape of Glastonbury Avalon with Kathy Jones, Priestess of Avalon
The Heart of Wicca: Wise Words from a Crone on the Path
Ellen Cannon Reed - 2000
It takes us far beyond the currently popularized images and surface understanding into a world that few are privileged to enter.Ellen Cannon Reed guides us past misunderstanding and false conceptions into the lifestyle, mind set, and religious dedication to spiritual growth that lie at the heart of this lifetransforming practice. She talks about life in a coven, the magical family of brothers and sisters who love and care for one another, who work together magically, circle together, study together, celebrate and laugh together, and lift each other up when one falls.From the wisdom developed through many years of Wiccan practice, she talks about the nature and complexity of symbols, and explains how their layered, deeper meanings are vehicles of communication that bypass ordinary conscious thought and go directly to our deep or unconscious mind. She says that we can develop a personal relationship with the Deities, for that is the very soul of Wicca. Learning to honor the ancient Gods and Goddesses through study, meditation and other forms of magical or ritual dedication, opens up direct communication which leads to everincreasing levels of healing and guidance. She discusses about practical issuesfinding a teacher, coven leadership and tradition, training, rituals, the various types of initiation, the ethics of spell casting, and the importance of the Wheel of the Year (the eight Sabbats).The Heart of Wicca is like having a personal conversation with a wise crone.
Wiccan Warrior: Walking a Spiritual Path in a Sometimes Hostile World
Kerr Cuhulain - 2000
In the Wiccan community these include Maiden, Healer, Mother, Bard, and others. In Wiccan Warrior by Kerr Cuhulain, you will learn of eight new yet traditional archetypes that Wiccans can model their lives and goals upon. You'll also find that they are completely appropriate for any person following a spiritual system.These eight are:The Balanced Warrior, for whom all comes from the Divine and must be treated as such. The Creative Warrior, who masters myths and can use them to share wisdom. The Rational Warrior, who avoids all types of fundamentalism. The Energized Warrior, who can raise and direct energy. You'll learn to do this with toning, mantras, dance and drumming. The Dreaming Warrior, who knows how to alter consciousness. Here you will learn meditation, concentration and breathwork. The Magickal Warrior, who knows and can do magick. The Ritual Warrior, who helps revitalize rituals with knowledge, understanding, energy and love. The Initiated Warrior, who knows and shares the value of true initiation. There are five cornerstones to the magick of being a Wiccan Warrior. These are the well-known To Dare, To Will, To Know and To Keep Silent. To these Cuhulain adds To Imagine. For to imagine is to be able to clearly visualize your objective, to develop and use a creative imagination. The book is filled with ideas and insights that will guide you on your way to becoming a true Wiccan Warrior, a person freed from limitations.This book is a must for Wiccan and Witches of all stripes. If one of the Warrior archetypes doesn't fit your needs, another (or several others) will. People who are not Wiccans will find much to admire and make use of, too.Winner of the 2001 Coalition of Visionary Resources (COVR) Award for best Biographical/Personal Book
Native Faith. Polish Neo-Paganism at the Brink of the 21st Century
Scott Simpson - 2000
For 300 years before that, his lands had been inhabited by kings who begot dynasties, warriors who won great victories, priests who sacrificed to their gods and peasants who tilled the land.After the fall of communism, a growing number of people in Poland have been looking back to the days before 966 for religious inspiration. "Neo-Paganism" is a movement made up of groups that see themselves as the legitimate continuation of the pre-Christian religious beliefs of their ancestors and/or geographical territory. The attempted return of perhaps a thousand of Poland's several million inhabitants to the native faith of their forefathers seems at first glance a curiosity of no great importance to social science. Nonetheless, Neo-Paganism is a subject whose significance outweighs its numbers.
The Salem Witches Book Of Love Spells: Ancient Spells from Modern Witches
Lilith McLelland - 2000
The witches of Salem, Massachusetts, share their favorite spells, incantations, aphrodisiacs, and love potion recipes, some dating back to the 15th century.
Destiny in the Palm of Your Hand: Creating Your Future through Vedic Palmistry
Ghanshyam Singh Birla - 2000
• Learn to influence your future to bring forth the best qualities of heart, mind, and soul. • Read a record of the past, a print of the present, and guidance for the future in the ever changing interplay of lines. • Become aware of your innate tendencies and personality type from the lines in your palms. One's destiny isn't carved in stone. Rather than predicting a set future, Vedic palmistry shows us how to take active steps to influence and improve our destinies once we have gained better self-understanding. Using dozens of illustrations and examples of actual palm prints, Birla demonstrates how our less dominant hand reflects all that we have inherited from the past--old behavior patterns, thoughts, desires, and attitudes--while our dominant hand (the hand we write with) reflects our resolve to change for the better. By comparing both hands we gain an understanding of where we are coming from and where we are headed. As we make positive changes in our lives, the lines on our palms will actually change to reflect our progress.