Best of
Girlfriends Forever: From the Heart of the Home
Susan Branch - 2000
From everyone's favorite girlfriend, the author of The Heart of the Home, comes a celebration of friendship, happiness, and healthy, low-fat recipes--illustrated with all-new, enchanting watercolor images.
Julia's Kitchen Wisdom: Essential Techniques and Recipes from a Lifetime of Cooking
Julia Child - 2000
But which book do you go to for which solution? Now, in this little volume, you can find the answers immediately.Information is arranged according to subject matter, with ample cross-referencing. How are you going to cook that small rib steak you brought home? You'll be guided to the quick saute as the best and fastest way. And once you've mastered this recipe, you can apply the technique to chop, chicken, or fish, following Julia's careful guidelines.And here is equally essential information about soups, vegetables, and eggs, and for baking breads and tarts. It's all waiting for you in this delicious, priceless, comforting compendium of Julia's kitchen wisdom.
The Complete Cooking Light Cookbook
Cooking Light Magazine - 2000
More than 1000 tasty recipes are included, from light appetizers to marvelous desserts. Readers are guided through each recipe by step-by-step instructions illustrated with close-up, full-color photos. Healthy cooking has never been easier!
Nigel Slater - 2000
You are losing out on one of the greatest pleasures you can have with your clothes on." Nigel SlaterA chance comment spurred the heralded Observer columnist and wildly popular cookbook author Nigel Slater to write Appetite. A reader asked"If you don't give me exact amounts in a recipe, then how will I know if it is right?" Slater realized the reader had so little confidence in his own cooking that he didn't know what he liked unless he was told. Appetite is not about getting it right or wrong; it is about liking what you cook.To help the everyday cook achieve culinary independence, Slater supplies the basics of relaxed, unpretentious, hearty cooking, written with his trademark humour and candour. Slater doesn't believe in replicating restaurant-style theatricality to impress guests -- he simply loves food, and his love is evident on every page.Slater covers the philosophies of cooking, the basics to have on hand, and detailed descriptions of necessary equipment and ingredients. He tells you which wok to buy (the cheap one), and why it can pay to flirt with the fishmonger. There are sections on seasoning, a good long list of foods that pair well, and a large collection of recipes for soup, pasta, rice, vegetables, fish, meat, pastry and desserts. These are straightforward, easy-to-make dishes adapted for the North American cook -- every one a springboard to something new, different and delicious. And with full-colour photography throughout the book, Appetite is a feast for the eyes as well as the palate.
The Bread Lover's Bread Machine Cookbook: A Master Baker's 300 Favorite Recipes for Perfect-Every-Time Bread-From Every Kind of Machine
Beth Hensperger - 2000
A fresh loaf any time you want! Can the incomparable taste, texture, and aroma of handcrafted bread from a neighborhood bakery be reproduced in a bread machine? When Beth Hensperger, one of America’s most respected authorities on bread, first set out to try, she had doubts. Then she spent hundreds of hours testing all kinds of breads in a bread machine, and her answer turned out to be a resounding “Yes!” In this big and bountiful book full of more than 300 recipes, she reveals all the simple secrets for perfect bread every time. No matter how you slice it, Beth’s brilliant recipes add up to a lifetime of fun with your bread machine!Recipes include:White BreadsEgg BreadsWhole Wheat BreadsRye BreadsGluten-Free BreadsMultigrain BreadsCountry BreadsSourdough BreadsHerb BreadsNut BreadsVegetable and Fruit BreadsCheese BreadsPizza and FocacciaBreakfast BreadsCoffee Cakes and Sweet RollsChocolate BreadsJams and ChutneysCroutons and CrostiniFlavored Butters and Other Toppings
The Essential Cuisines of Mexico: Revised and Updated Throughout, with More than 30 New Recipes
Diana Kennedy - 2000
But change was in the air. Home cooks were turning to Julia Child for an introduction to French cuisine and to Marcella Hazan for the tastes of Italy. Through Diana Kennedy they discovered a delicious and highly developed culinary tradition they barely knew existed. The Cuisines of Mexico, Mexican Regional Cooking, and The Tortilla Book became best-sellers, and Diana Kennedy was recognized as the authority on Mexican food.Now a new generation has discovered that Mexican food is more than chimichangas, that they can find fresh hierbas de olor (pot herbs, including marjoram and Mexican bayleaf) and chilacas in their markets. The book that will become indispensable in their kitchens is The Essential Cuisines of Mexico.Diana has combined her three classic books in one volume, refining recipes when possible, bringing them up to date without losing the spirit of their generation. Old friends will be delighted to revisit these refreshed classics and to find more than thirty new recipes from different regions of Mexico. Among these discoveries are the very popular arroz a la tumbada (rice with seafood) from Veracruz, a pico de gallo with peaches from the state of Mexico, and tasty snacks from the cantinas of Mérida. Newcomers will delight in Diana's "word pictures" -- descriptions of her travels and discoveries -- and in her off-the-cuff comments. Whether they turn to this book for the final word on tamales, recipes for tasty antojitos to serve with drinks, or superb tacos, they will find there is no better teacher of Mexican food. How enviable to attempt for the first time Calzones del Diablo (yes, the Devil's Pants), and what a pleasure to succumb to Diana's passion for Mexican food.
Mexico One Plate At A Time
Rick Bayless - 2000
In this companion book to his 26-part Public Television series, he takes us, with boyish enthusiasm, through Mexican markets, street stalls and home kitchens to bring us the great dishes of Mexico, one “plate” at a time.Rick Bayless has been acclaimed widely as America's foremost proponent of Mexico's thrillingly diverse cuisine. In this companion book to his 26-part Public Television series, he takes us, with boyish enthusiasm, through Mexican markets, street stalls and home kitchens to bring us the great dishes of Mexico, one “plate” at a time. And each “plate” Rick presents here is a Mexican classic. Take guacamole, for instance. After teaching us the essentials for a perfect, classic guacamole, Rick shows how to spin contemporary interpretations, like his Roasted Poblano Guacamole with garlic and parsley. Rick's cuisine is always lively, but rooted in strong traditions. Always the teacher, Rick begins each “plate” with some never-before-found features: traditional benchmarks (Rick's idea of the best guacamole), when to think of the recipes (weeknight dinners or casual party food), and advice for American cooks (Rick's insight into the ingredients that make the dish). He rounds out each “plate” with suggestions for working ahead. To complete the journey into the Mexican mindset, Rick, with help from his testers, ends each “plate” with a question-and-answer section detailing just about everything a home cook might want to know: What are the best cuts of beef for grilled tacos? The best cheeses for quesadillas? Is one grill better than another? Rick draws from his years of living in Mexico, pulling us into the Mexican kitchen, to teach us how to create authentic Mexican dishes in our American kitchens. Rick is an Indiana Jones of the stove, a Julia Child of Mexican cuisine in black jeans and a T-shirt. Rick's goal: to enable folks all across the United States to create dishes that weave in the rich tapestry of Mexican flavor with ingredients that are widely available. He always provides ingredients that make the dish authentic, but he also delivers with the right substitute if an ingredient is hard to find. Experience food you can't wait to make in a new and user-friendly cookbook that contains the full range of dishes—Starters, Snacks and Light Meals; Soups, Stews and Sides; Entrées; Desserts and Drinks. Rick serves up such classic Mexican plates as Tomatillo-Braised Pork Loin, Quick-Fried Shrimp with Sweet Toasty Garlic, Chiles Rellenos, Cheesy Enchiladas Suizas, and Mexican Vanilla-Scented Flan. And for an exciting taste of the unexpected, try Rick's contemporary interpretations of the classics—Crispy Potato Sopes with Goat Cheese and Fresh Herbs, Grilled Salmon with Lemon-and-Thyme-Scented Salsa Veracruzana, Broiled Flank Steak with Tomato-Poblano Salsa and Rustic Cajeta Apple Tarts with Berry “Salsa.” Food and friends, food and family. Good cooking, for Rick, is the unspoken animator of friends and family as they gather to share a meal. Rick's recipes lend themselves to weeknight family meals or celebrations. Take part in a tamalada, the tamal-making party before the party, or the ritual of a barbacoa, an earthy experience that Rick has made possible with a kettle grill in the backyard. 24 color photographs of finished dishes Photographs of Mexican location shots throughout
Hot Sour Salty Sweet: A Culinary Journey Through Southeast Asia
Jeffrey Alford - 2000
Here, along the world's tenth largest river, which rises in Tibet and joins the sea in Vietnam, traditions mingle and exquisite food prevails. Award-winning authors Jeffrey Alford and Naomi Duguid followed the river south, as it flows through the mountain gorges of southern China, to Burma and into Laos and Thailand. For a while the right bank of the river is in Thailand, but then it becomes solely Lao on its way to Cambodia. Only after three thousand miles does it finally enter Vietnam and then the South China Sea.It was during their travels that Alford and Duguid—who ate traditional foods in villages and small towns and learned techniques and ingredients from cooks and market vendors—came to realize that the local cuisines, like those of the Mediterranean, share a distinctive culinary approach: Each cuisine balances, with grace and style, the regional flavor quartet of hot, sour, salty, and sweet. This book, aptly titled, is the result of their journeys.Like Alford and Duguid's two previous works, Flatbreads and Flavors ("a certifiable publishing event" —Vogue) and Seductions of Rice ("simply stunning"—The New York Times), this book is a glorious combination of travel and taste, presenting enticing recipes in "an odyssey rich in travel anecdote" (National Geographic Traveler).The book's more than 175 recipes for spicy salsas, welcoming soups, grilled meat salads, and exotic desserts are accompanied by evocative stories about places and people. The recipes and stories are gorgeously illustrated throughout with more than 150 full-color food and travel photographs.In each chapter, from Salsas to Street Foods, Noodles to Desserts, dishes from different cuisines within the region appear side by side: A hearty Lao chicken soup is next to a Vietnamese ginger-chicken soup; a Thai vegetable stir-fry comes after spicy stir-fried potatoes from southwest China.The book invites a flexible approach to cooking and eating, for dishes from different places can be happily served and eaten together: Thai Grilled Chicken with Hot and Sweet Dipping Sauce pairs beautifully with Vietnamese Green Papaya Salad and Lao sticky rice.North Americans have come to love Southeast Asian food for its bright, fresh flavors. But beyond the dishes themselves, one of the most attractive aspects of Southeast Asian food is the life that surrounds it. In Southeast Asia, people eat for joy. The palate is wildly eclectic, proudly unrestrained. In Hot, Sour, Salty, Sweet, at last this great culinary region is celebrated with all the passion, color, and life that it deserves.
Culinaria Italy
Claudia Piras - 2000
The rich culture and varied countryside of Italy has attracted and inspired artists and writers through the ages. From the era of the classical "grand tour," when educational visits were made to sites of antiquity on the Apennine peninsula, ever-increasing numbers of tourists have fallen in love with this country. The ars vivendi, or style of living, of its vivacious inhabitants has undoubtedly left just as lasting an impression as the treasures of its cultural heritage. For countless visitors, the simple and yet imaginative cuisine of Italy has now come to symbolize that very Italian love of life.We invite you to accompany us on a culinary giro d'Italia, a tour of Italy that begins in the northeast, leads through he Alpine regions to Liguria in the west, then turns south, through Emilia-Romagna and Tuscany, crossing from Calabria to Sicily, and finally ending on the island of Sardinia.In Friuli-Venezia Giulia, we sample ham from San Daniele and admire the largest frico in the world. In Venice and the Veneto, we are invited to drink a glass of prosecco, while in Trentino-Alto Adige we treat ourselves with a snack of home-cured bacon and the local bread specialty. Lombardy tempts us with Milanese salami and pannettone. In Piedmont we get to know the art of making risotto, and in Aosta Valley we find out about a local hard bread and a reviving herb liqueur. Liguria presents is with pesto and the finest olive oil, while Emilia-Romagna provides the products that are emblematic of Italy -- Parma ham, Parmesan, and mortadella. In Tuscany we sample fine wine, in Umbria we go fishing on Lake Trasimeno, and in Marche we stroll along the culinary trail laid by the composer, Rossini. In Lazio, which includes the capital city of Rome, we track down papal cuisine and savor classic pasta dishes. In Abrizzi and Molise, brightly colored confectionary awaits us, in Campania snow-white mozzarella cheese, in Apulia blond wheat, and in Basilisata brilliant red chili peppers. After a robust breakfast in Calabria, we admire deceptively real-looking marzipan fruits in Sicily and catch langoustines off the Sardinian coast.How does the blue mold get into Gorgonzola? Where did ice cream come from, in the days before refrigerators? What is there to tell about the wine of Piedmont? How are tomato preserves made? How does one recognize a genuine balsamic vinegar? What are the marks of quality that help to distinguish genuine products from imitations? What food was eaten in ancient Rome which specialties were served at court during the Middle Ages, and what culinary innovations accompanied the Renaissance? Culinaria italy takes a look behind the scenes and answers these and many other questions of interest to lovers of Italian Cuisine.With 496 pages and 1,294 illustrations, Culinaria Italy shows us not only the food and drink of Italy, but also the country and its people, from its Alpine crest in the north to the tip of its heel in the south. The 386 tried and tested recipes from the various region visited ensure that a treat for the taste buds follows a pleasurable read.
The Lady & Sons, Too!: A Whole New Batch of Recipes from Savannah
Paula H. Deen - 2000
In addition to featuring 315 new Southern recipes, this book has thirty-two more helpful kitchen hints from "the Lady" and a whole new chapter featuring introductions and recipes from some of Paula's friends in Savannah, including three recipes from John Berendt's mother! The Lady & Sons, Too! makes a tempting addition to any cookbook collection or a great gift for friends.
Barbecue! Bible Sauces, Rubs, and Marinades, Bastes, Butters, and Glazes
Steven Raichlen - 2000
Or slather pork chops with B.B. Lawnside Spicy Apple Barbecue Sauce. Or coax a chicken breast to perfection with a Coconut Curry Baste. From Steven Raichlen, author of the big, bad, definitive BARBECUE! BIBLE, comes BARBECUE! BIBLE SAUCES, RUBS, AND MARINADES, BASTES, BUTTERS & GLAZES, an in-depth celebration of those cornerstones on which unforgettable live-fire flavors are built. Here are fiery spice mixtures for massaging into food, sensuous bastes to be brushed on like lacquer, killer marinades, sugary glazes, tangy mops from award-winning barbecue teams, and dozens of sauces, from the classic tomato-based American Sweet and Smoky to a bold Moroccan Charmoula with its medley of fresh herbs and spices.In all, 200 recipes cover the gamut. But BARBECUE! BIBLE SAUCES aims even higher - offering a serious education in flavor. Big flavor. It tells how to use a mortar and pestle to maximize fresh garlic and onions. How to create a failproof fish cure and radically improve home-smoked fish. The best way to handle a Scotch bonnet chili to reap its heat and savor without scorching skin or eyes. How to balance acid, oil, and aromatics in a marinade so that it tenderizes meat, coats the exterior to keep it from drying out during cooking, and adds cannon blasts of flavor. And how to confidently incorporate ingredients like tamarind, lemon grass, star anise, wasabi, marjoram, kaffir lime leaf, and tarragon.Put it all together, and you'll really have your barbecue mojo working.
Culinaria Hungary
Aniko Gergely - 2000
Culinaria reports on every aspect of a country's cuisine within the context of the people who created it. Profusely illustrated with spectacular photography and abundantly peppered with authentic recipes, these volumes are a treat for both the mind and the palate.
The Herbfarm Cookbook
Jerry Traunfeld - 2000
Today, bunches of fresh oregano and rosemary can be found in nearly every supermarket, basil and mint grow abundantly in backyards from coast to coast, and garden centers offer pots of edible geraniums and lemon thyme. But once these herbs reach the kitchen, the inevitable question arises: Now what do I do with them? Here, at last, is the first truly comprehensive cookbook to cover all aspects of growing, handling, and cooking with fresh herbs.Jerry Traunfeld grew up cooking and gardening in Maryland, but it wasn't until the 1980s, after he had graduated from the California Culinary Academy and was working at Jeremiah Tower's Stars restaurant in San Francisco, that he began testing the amazing potential of herb cuisine. For the past decade, Jerry Traunfeld has been chef at The Herbfarm, an enchanted restaurant surrounded by kitchen gardens and tucked into the rainy foothills of the Cascade Mountains, east of Seattle. His brilliant nine-course herb-inspired menus have made reservations at the Herbfarm among the most coveted in the country. Eager to reveal his magic to home cooks, Jerry Traunfeld shares 200 of his best recipes in The Herbfarm Cookbook. Written with passion, humor, and a caring for detail that makes this book quite special, The Herbfarm Cookbook explains everything from how to recognize the herbs in your supermarket to how to infuse a jar of honey with the flavor of fresh lavender. Recipes include a full range of dishes from soups, salads, eggs, pasta and risotto, vegetables, poultry, fish, meats, breads, and desserts to sauces, ice creams, sorbets, chutneys, vinegars, and candied flowers. On the familiar side are recipes for Bay Laurel Roasted Chicken and Roasted Asparagus Salad with Fried Sage explained with the type of detail that insures the chicken will be moist and suffused with the flavor of bay and the asparagus complemented with the delicate crunch of sage. On the novel side you will find such unusual dishes as Oysters on the Half Shell with Lemon Varbana Ice and Rhubarb and Angelica Pie. A treasure trove of information, The Herbfarm Cookbook contains a glossary of 27 of the most common culinary herbs and edible flowers; a definitive guide to growing herbs in a garden, a city lot, or on a windowsill; a listing of the USDA has hardiness zones; how to harvest, clean, and store fresh herbs; a Growing Requirements Chart, including each herb's life cycle, height, pruning and growing needs, and number of plants to grow for an average kitchen; and a Cooking with Fresh Herbs Chart, with parts of the herb used, flavor characteristics, amount of chopped herb for six servings, and best herbal partners. The Herbfarm Cookbook is the most complete, inspired, and useful book about cooking with herbs ever written. -8 pages of finished dishes in full color -16 full-page botanical watercolors in full color
The Japanese Kitchen
Hiroko Shimbo - 2000
market in two decades, Hiroko Shimbo Beitchman gently and authoritatively demystifies for Western cooks this elegant and tasty cuisine.
Fix-It and Forget-It Recipes for Entertaining: Slow Cooker Favorites for All the Year Round
Phyllis Pellman Good - 2000
You'll love cooking, hosting and eating from this treasure of good food.
Simple to Spectacular: How to Take One Basic Recipe to Four Levels of Sophistication
Jean-Georges Vongerichten - 2000
Simple to Spectacular introduces a unique concept developed by one of the world's top chefs, Jean-Georges Vongerichten, and Mark Bittman, author of How to Cook Everything and the New York Times's hugely popular column "The Minimalist." Ever since their award-winning collaboration on Jean-Georges: Cooking at Home with a Four-Star Chef, the acclaimed duo has been cooking up a repertoire of new dishes that can be prepared in any of five progressively sophisticated ways.Simple to Spectacular features a total of 250 recipes in 50 groups. Each group begins with a simple, elegant recipe--a few ingredients combined for maximum effect--followed by fully detailed, increasingly elaborate variations. For example, a recipe for Grilled Shrimp with Thyme and Lemon leads to Grilled Shrimp and Zucchini on Rosemary Skewers, Grilled Shrimp with Apple Ketchup, Thai-style Grilled Shrimp on Lemongrass Skewers, and Grilled Shrimp Balls with Cucumber and Yogurt.Every aspect of the meal is covered, from superb soups and salads to unforgettable side dishes, entrees, and desserts. In Simple to Spectacular, everything--from the basics to innovations by a four-star chef--is tailored for a quick Tuesday night dinner or an elegant weekend party. And in the now-classic Vongerichten-Bittman style, all of the recipes can be made in the kitchen of any home cook. With 80 full-color photographs giving a mouthwatering view of the Simple-to-Spectacular transformations, readers and cooks will eagerly explore the possibilities.Jean-Georges Vongerichten (right) won the 1998 James Beard Award for Outstanding Chef and Best New Restaurant. His Manhattan restaurants include Vong, Jo Jo, The Mercer Kitchen, and Jean Georges, which earned a rare four-star rating from the New York Times. In Simple to Spectacular, two titans of the food world have created a truly groundbreaking cookbook. Here are 250 superb recipes arranged in a uniquely useful way: a basic recipe and four increasingly sophisticated variations, with each group (there are 50 groups in all) based on a given technique. This ingenious organization enables cooks of all levels of expertise to understand how a recipe is created and to re-create the brilliantly simple recipes and dazzling variations from one of our best food writers and home cooks teamed with one of America's greatest chefs.
Think Like a Chef
Tom Colicchio - 2000
Rather than list a series of restaurant recipes, he uses simple steps to deconstruct a chef's creative process, making it easily available to any home cook. He starts with techniques: What's roasting, for example, and how do you do it in the oven or on top of the stove? He also gets you comfortable with braising, saute ing, and making stocks and sauces. Next he introduces simple " ingredients" -- roasted tomatoes, say, or braised artichokes -- and tells you how to use them in a variety of ways. So those easy roasted tomatoes may be turned into anything from a vinaigrette to a caramelized tomato tart, with many delicious options in between. In a section called Trilogies, Tom takes three ingredients and puts them together to make one dish that's quick and other dishes that are increasingly more involved. As Tom says, " Juxtaposed in interesting ways, these ingredients prove that the whole can be greater than the sum of their parts, " and you'll agree once you've tasted the Ragout of Asparagus, Morels, and Ramps or the Baked Free-Form " Ravioli" -- both dishes made with the same trilogy of ingredients. The final section of the books offers simple recipes for components -- from zucchini with lemon thyme to roasted endive with whole spices to boulangerie potatoes -- that can be used in endless combinations. Written in Tom's warm and friendly voice and illustrated with glorious photographs of finished dishes, Think Like a Chef will bring out the master chef in all of us.
Staff Meals from Chanterelle
David Waltuck - 2000
Customers eat foie gras and truffles. The staff eats Venison Chili with Red Beans. Customers swoon over the signature seafood sausage. The staff, elbows on the table, cheerfully tucks into Lamb Shanks with Tomato and Rosemary. Of all the great restaurants in New York, Chanterelle serves the finest staff meals--nothing fancy, just delicious home-style peasant and bourgeois dishes. And here they are, in Staff Mealsfrom Chanterelle. In 200 recipes, Chanterelle's chef, David Waltuck, brings the superb culinary insights and techniques befitting one of America's best chefs (Gourmet) to the delectable stews, pasta dishes, roasts, curries, one-pot meals, and blue plate specials that have made families happy forever. Outstanding yet easy-to-make, these are dishes for home cooking and entertaining alike, including Fish Fillets with Garlic and Ginger, Thai Duck Curry, Sauteed Pork Chops with Sauce Charcutiere, and the most requested dish of all, David's Famous Fried Chicken with Creamed Spinach and Herbed Biscuits. Tips throughout put cooks in the hands of a four-star teacher, from the best way to boil a potato (uncut and in its jacket) to shaping hot, oven-fresh tuiles into sophisticated dessert cups.
Texas Cowboy Cooking
Tom Perini - 2000
Perini also shares his award-winning tips preparing them, including his secrets to cooking the perfect steak - for selecting the cut, preparing it, knowing when to turn it, and when to call it done. Throughout, stunning photography, archival illustrations, and Perini's own dry, Texan wit bring to life the romance, adventure, character, and humor of life in cowboy country. * Beautiful, artful photographs complemented by drawings of regional western art * Written descriptions of historic Texas regions capture the romance of cowboy food and culture * Showcases heritage food, with heirloom recipes and cowboy practicality complemented by modern kitchen shortcuts
Commander's Kitchen: Take Home the True Taste of New Orleans with More Than 150 Recipes from Commander's Palace Restaurant
Ti Adelaide Martin - 2000
It was named the outstanding restaurant in America by the James Beard Foundation, and is always rated the most popular restaurant in New Orleans by Zagat. It consistently receives awards from magazines such as Food & Wine, Wine Spectator, and Southern Living. A trip to New Orleans just isn't complete without a meal at Commander's Palace.Now home cooks can bring its unmatched style, hospitality, and great food to their own tables. Reflecting the restaurant's fascinating culinary intersection--a New Orleans landmark combining native ingredients and techniques with exciting and evolving contemporary flavors--Commander's Kitchen takes readers behind the doors of a truly exciting culinary experience.Featuring 150 recipes from the restaurant's extensive offerings and other Brennan family recipes, Commander's Kitchen describes step-by-step the secrets to Shrimp and Tasso Henican with Five-Pepper Jelly, Eggs Louis Armstrong, Pan-Seared Crusted Sirloin Steak with Cayenne Butter, Braised Lamb Shanks with Merlot Mushroom Sauce, and, the queen of Creole desserts, Bread Pudding Souffle. Of course, four varieties of gumbo are also included, along with dozens of information-packed sidebars, personal anecdotes, tips for throwing a New Orleans--style bash, and juicy tidbits of Commander's Palace lore. Lavishly illustrated with color and black-and-white photographs that beautifully capture the lively Commander's Palace spirit, Commander's Kitchen lets the good times, and the exceptional dining, roll.
The Black Dog Summer on the Vineyard Cookbook
Joseph Hall - 2000
75 color photos, 25 line drawings.
The Kosher Palette
Joseph Kushner Hebrew Academy - 2000
Stunning full-color photos plus advice on wine, dazzling table decorations, and holiday treats to enhance at-home entertaining. A 2000 Mid-Atlantic Regional Winner of the Tabasco Community Cookbook Award and featured in the 2002 Hometown Collection????????????????????????America's Best Recipes.
Pillsbury Complete Cookbook: Recipes from America's Most-Trusted Kitchens
Pillsbury - 2000
Low in Fat and 20 Minutes or Less recipes are listed on chapter dividers for easy reference.Cook's Notes, ingredient and cooking charts and clearly illustrated step-by-step technique instructions included throughout.High altitude directions provided.
The Naked Chef Takes Off
Jamie Oliver - 2000
Oliver features mouthwatering breakfasts, tapas, roasts, fish, and desserts. Each recipe is accompanied by Oliver's commentary, which will encourage and inspire cooks of all levels!
Nancy Silverton's Pastries from the La Brea Bakery
Nancy Silverton - 2000
But the locals clamored for more, so owner Nancy Silverton--to ever-widening acclaim--introduced everyone's favorite sweets, including cookies, tarts, crisps, and crumbles. The irresistible sights and smells of a good local sweets shop permeate her second cookbook, Pastries from the La Brea Bakery, a follow-up and companion to Breads from the La Brea Bakery. The recipes are designed with the novice baker in mind (baking tools and ingredients are indexed with brief explanations of importance), but the book courts all levels of baking experience. For the more advanced, Silverton shows how to visually accentuate her creations with richly colored fruits and sugars that create varying caramelized effects in delicious ways. Dough recipes include bobka, brioche, and croissants; in the more decadent sweets department are recipes for cookies, tarts, scones, and an entire chapter on doughnuts. Once you get stuck in La Brea you'll have a deliciously hard time getting out. --Teresa Simanton
Joy of Cooking: All About Chicken
Irma S. Rombauer - 2000
And why not? "Joy" in hand, tens of millions of people -- from novices to professionals -- have learned to do everything from make a meat loaf to clean a squid to frost a wedding cake. For decades, "Joy of Cooking" has taught America how to cook, serving as the standard against which all other cookbooks are judged. "All About Chicken" upholds that standard. In the conversational and instructional manner of the flagship book, "All About Chicken" is organized by technique. Chapters that cover roasting, broiling, baking, sauteing and stir-frying, braising, frying, and grilling chicken incorporate more than 100 of "Joy's" best-loved recipes -- Casserole Roasted Chicken with Forty Cloves of Garlic to Broiled Lemon Garlic Chicken to Chicken Breasts Baked on Mushroom Caps. You'll also find recipes for a dozen or more stuffings, sauces, marinades, and gravies, as well as techniques for carving, preparing, buying, and storing chicken. Add to that more than 150 original photographs, specially commissioned for this volume, presented in the most easy-to-use design imaginable.Whether you belong to one of the millions of American households that already own a copy (or two) of "Joy, " or you have never cracked the spine of a cookbook before, "Joy of Cooking: All About Chicken" is for you. It is a spectacular achievement, worthy of its name. "Joy" has never been more beautiful."The Indispensable Kitchen Resource...All-New, All-Purpose, and now All-in-Color"
The Juicing Bible
Pat Crocker - 2000
The first edition of
The Juicing Bible
won the 2000 International Cookbook Revue Award and has over 700,00 copies in print. It continues to be one of the bestselling juicing books in the marketplace. In response to consumer demand, we've decided to add more value to this comprehensive book with an additional 16 color photographs, which takes the total photographs up to 32. All the outstanding elements in this essential guide for anyone who wants to explore the wide-ranging nutritional and health benefits of juicing are still here:A market-leading 350 recipes -- delicious fruit and vegetable juices, tonics, cleansers, digestives, teas, roughies, smoothies, milk and coffee substitutes and frozen treats.Information on the seven body systems, including their importance to good health along with diet and lifestyle changes that will keep each system working as well as it can.Details on 80 common health concerns, with recommendations on how to use natural foods to combat each condition.128 illustrations of fruits, vegetables and herbs, plus information on their uses and healing properties, and advice on purchasing and storage.
The Kid's Cookbook: A Great Book for Kids Who Love to Cook!
Abigail Johnson Dodge - 2000
From the best-ever Blueberry Muffins to a Classic Turkey Club, from grown-up Fettuccine Alfredo to Brownie and Ice Cream Sandwiches, this book is bursting with imaginative recipes that have tons of kid-appeal! Give your future chefs a head start in the basics of cooking with this outstanding introduction.• Includes more than 40 easy-to-follow recipes• Inset photographs are sprinkled throughout the recipes to give kids an up-close view of ingredients and cooking techniques• Classic cooking techniques are simplified and explained• A glossary of common and not so common ingredients includes photographs for easy identification• Spiral-bound for easy handling by small hands
Breaking Bread with Father Dominic 2
Dominic Garramone - 2000
128 pages, of over 60 recipes and bread machine adaptations, drawings illustrating bread-making techniques, helpful tips on working with flours, yeast and dough, easy-to-reference format, and a concealed spiral binding that keeps cookbook open to the recipe you want.
Savoring the Spice Coast of India: Fresh Flavors from Kerala
Maya Kaimal - 2000
Kaimal's passion for her native food shines through in more than 100 exciting recipes, each adapted for the Western kitchen and using easily identifiable ingredients. Two-color throughout. 8 pages of color photos.
One Smart Cookie: All Your Favourite Cookies, Squares, Brownies and Biscotti... with Less Fat !
Julie Van Rosendaal - 2000
They are as welcome at a dinner party as they are tucked into a lunch box or hanging on the Christmas tree. And we all have long-time favorites that have often become family traditions. In this book you will find lower fat recipes for your favorite cookies, squares, brownies and biscotti, as well as a wealth of information that will help you to reduce the fat in your own special cookie recipes. The desserts and snacks in this book aren't just a healthy alternative to the cookies you crave - they are the real thing!
Bruce Aidells' Complete Sausage Book: Recipes from America's Premier Sausage Maker
Bruce Aidells - 2000
In BRUCE AIDELLS' COMPLETE SAUSAGE BOOK, the king of the links defines each type of sausage, explains its origin, teaches us how to make sausages, and treats us to his favorite recipes for cooking with them. Hundreds of related tips and essays on Aidells' never-ending quest for yet another great sausage round out the collection, which includes color photos of 16 of the most mouth-watering dishes. With the COMPLETE SAUSAGE BOOK in hand, you'll be ready to add this most versatile, hearty, and satisfying ingredient to your gourmet cooking repertoire.
The Best Recipe: Grilling & BBQ
Cook's Illustrated - 2000
The result is this book: a volume filled with no-nonsense equipment ratings, taste-tests of supermarket foods--such as bottled barbecue sauces--and more than 400 fantastic recipes. 300 helpful illustrations.
Savoring Spain & Portugal: Recipes And Reflections On Iberian Cooking
Joyce Goldstein - 2000
This book is part recipe collection, part history, and part travelogue. There are more than 130 authentic recipes, all beautifully photographed.
Charlie Trotter Cooks at Home
Charlie Trotter - 2000
In this cookbook, Trotter begins by discussing classic methods of preparing food, from braising to grilling to sauteeing, and then moves on to the three main sections of the book - Starters, Entrees and Desserts.
Grand Slam: More Recipes from the Best of Bridge
Best of Bridge - 2000
Most requested recipes include: "Bomb Shelter Croustades," "Cocktail Spread," "How Cheesy Do You Want It?" and "Terriyaki Salmon Steaks." Serve "Unattended Roast Beef" and "French Lemon Pie" -- Entertaining made easy
Celebrations Keepsake Book
Susan Branch - 2000
With that in mind, Susan created this keepsake book as a place where family and friends can share impressions, expressions of love, words of wisdom and friendly advice. Included are wonderful handwritten quotations and beautiful watercolor illustrations in Susan's lighthearted style - with lots of room to record the memories that will truly make this book a keepsake. Every season has its events, from Spring flings and Summer celebrations to Fall festivities and Winter revelries. This keepsake book is designed to be a record of all the fun!
The Foods of the Greek Islands: Cooking and Culture at the Crossroads of the Mediterranean
Aglaia Kremezi - 2000
Over the centuries, Phoenicians, Athenians, Macedonians, Romans, Byzantines, Venetians, Ottoman Turks, and Italians have ruled the islands, putting their distinctive stamp on the food. Aglaia Kremezi, a frequent contributor to GOURMET and an international authority on Greek food, spent the past eight years collecting the fresh, uncomplicated recipes of the local women, as well as of fishermen, bakers, and farmers. Like all Mediterranean food, these dishes are light and healthful, simple but never plain, and make extensive use of seasonal produce, fresh herbs, and fish. Passed from generation to generation by word of mouth, most have never before been written down. All translate easily to the American home kitchen: Tomato Patties from Santorini; Spaghetti with Lobster from Kithira; Braised Lamb with Artichokes from Chios; Greens and Potato Stew from Crete; Spinach, Leek, and Fennel Pie from Skopelos; Rolled Baklava from Kos. Illustrated throughout with color photographs of the islanders preparing their specialties and filled with stories of island history and customs, THE FOODS OF THE GREEK ISLANDS is for all cooks and travelers who want to experience this diverse and deeply rooted cuisine firsthand.
Favorites: A Collection of Favorite Ivory Family Recipes
Grace Ivory Rock - 2000
But as we began to rummage through our Mom's kitchen, we discovered an amazing collection of recipes; some old classics from her worn-out recipe box, many from the dog-eared, splattered pages of her Jr. League cookbook collection, some clipped from the newspaper or scribbled on the backs of envelopes. We became so excited about our final product of so many good, tried-and-true, favorite recipes, we decided to share our family favorites with other families too.
Southern Living: 30 Years of Our Best Recipes
Mary Gunderson - 2000
Containing over 450 different recipes from soups to desserts, this amazing volume offers readers a guided tour through the past thirty years in cooking trends. These recipes have been pulled from the pages of Southern Living publications of the past three decades and feature both old classics and trendy new dishes. Helpful banners highlight recipes that are "Quick", "Make Ahead" or "Family Favorite". This edition also includes a Food Trends Timeline that examines how the world of food has changed over the last 30 years. All recipes are kitchen-tested to ensure that they come out tasting perfect every time
Sydney Food
Bill Granger - 2000
Though proud for not taking themselves too seriously, Aussies, in Sydney in particular, reserve considerable reverence for their food. Bill Granger is the owner of three Sydney restaurants and Sydney Food brings his famous flavours across the globe and into the your home in a stunning collection of recipes. Bill starts by illustrating the rich abundance of ingredients available. In Sydney, home cooks and restaurateurs alike are spoilt for choice between the fish markets, incredible Thai and Vietnamese greengrocers, Italian delis, gourmet food halls, even the CBD fruit barrows. The recipes themselves are divided into Breakfasts, Lunches and Dinners. Unusually perhaps, it is the section of Breakfasts that's really enticing, demonstrating the varying European influences that affect this city's eating habits. Waking to blinding sunshine requires bold, fortifying flavours on the breakfast table. Recipes like Banana Maple Porridge with Buttered Apples, French Toast stuffed with Peaches, Toasted Coconut Waffles with Fresh Mango and Palm Syrup set the tone for a lazy weekend on the beach. The Lunch section is comprised of some of the most popular dishes from Bill's menus. These are largely restaurant classics but always with a twist, spring onion pancakes replacing the more conventional blinis with gravalax. The multicultural mix doesn't abate in the Dinner section that moves from Asia to Italy, Grilled Beef with Blackbean to Parmesan Veal Schnitzel. The quintessentially Aussie offering comes in the (naturally barbecued) form of Barramundi with Fresh Herb Relish. The Australian inclination for reinvention is nowhere more apparent or more appealing than on their restaurant menus. Combining such an incredible range of ingredients, a rich cultural mix, a lack of pretension and an innate desire to do things "their way" has given the food of Sydney a worldwide reputation. Anyone who even glances at the recipes in this brilliant book will immediately understand why.--Rachel O'Connor
Crazy Plates: Low-Fat Food So Good, You'll Swear It's Bad for You
Janet Podleski - 2000
Presents a collection of healthful recipes that include nutritional information on each dish, special sections on diet and lifestyle, and food facts and trivia.
Lion House Desserts
Melba Davis - 2000
Eat dessert first. This saying has passed the lips of countless dessert lovers as they have reached for the menus at their favorite restaurants. Lion House Desserts brings to home kitchens delectable taste sensations from The Lion House; The Roof and The Garden restaurants in the Joseph Smith Memorial Building; and the Carriage Court restaurant at The Inn at Temple Square. Together, the chefs from these fine restaurants have combined some of their most famous and most requested dessert recipes in a single, mouth-watering volume. Lion House Desserts contains nearly 300 recipes that can satisfy any dessert craving -- from moist cakes and frostings to flaky pies and tarts, from cheesecakes, mousses, and puddings that melt in your mouth to ice cream, candy, and cookies that will have you begging for second helpings. With step-by-step directions and full-color photographs, these delicious dessert recipes are easy to prepare perfectly every time.
Artisan Baking across America: The Breads, the Bakers, the Best Recipes
Maggie Glezer - 2000
Maggie Glezer has traveled across America and persuaded the country's most gifted artisan bread bakers to share their very best recipes and techniques so that home cooks can now reproduce sourdoughs, pizzas, corn breads, and baguettes that are truly out of this world. Along with the recipes and the sumptuous photography, the fascinating portraits of the bakers tell the story of the artisan bread movement in America. Visit wheat breeders in Kansas, a gristmill in Rhode Island, and specialty bakers from Berkeley to Long Island City. Share the apprentice experience and visit a baking competition where Baking Team USA is selected. Glezer opens a window to a world never before revealed.
50 Chowders: One Pot Meals - Clam, Corn, & Beyond
Jasper White - 2000
Once you discover the diversity of ingredients you can cook into a chowder and see the scope of styles and colors open to you, you will wonder how we ever came to think there were only one or two chowders in the world.Authentic chowder is characterized by generous chunks of local seasonal ingredients served in a moderate amount of broth. Another basic characteristic of chowder is its ease of preparation--even chowders that take more than an hour to make don't require anything more than keeping an eye on the pot. A big pot of chowder is perfect for a large gathering of family and friends, and because chowder truly is best when made ahead, you'll have plenty of time to enjoy your company.50 Chowders is the first hardcover cookbook to explore the many interpretations of chowders. On the familiar side, you will find a recipe for Corn Chowder explained with the kind of detail that ensures a sweet, mellow broth, succulent chunks of potatoes, and fresh golden kernels of corn. On the exotic side, there is a recipe for San Francisco Crab "Meatball" Chowder, an exciting dish whose deep and robust flavors make it really quite special. Here are a few of the more than fifty other chowders you will find: Shaker Fresh Cranberry Bean Chowder, Nova Scotia Lobster Chowder, Nantucket Veal Chowder, Pacific Northwest Salmon Chowder, and nine different clam chowders.Among this book's unique features: A chapter of chowder companion dishes, from Parker House Rolls to Buttermilk Biscuits; more than fifty illustrations of important cooking techniques and chowder ingredients; cook's notes for each recipe, giving possible substitutions, required equipment, and serving suggestions; a list of reliable mail-order suppliers of seafood and other chowder ingredients.Jasper White brings to 50 Chowders the same enthusiasm and flair that made his previous book, Lobster at Home, "like having a Down Easter by your side, distilling years of experience and telling you just what to do" (Corby Kummer of The Atlantic Unbound). With this treasure trove of information and expertise in your kitchen, you will never think of chowder in the same way again.
Exotic Sugar Flowers for Cakes
Alan Dunn - 2000
In this exciting collection of sugar flower designs, the expert sugarcrafter focuses on the most popular varieties of exotic flowers, as well as some of his own personal favorites. With over 60 cake decorating and flower design ideas, this book is sure to be a favoriteExotic flowers and unusual blooms are becoming increasingly popular and accessible, making Exotic Sugar Flowers for Cakes the perfect companion. Ideal cake decorations, these exotic sugar flowers are breathtakingly beautiful and fascinatingly formed. From the delicate matilija poppy to the exquisite bird of paradise, Dunn's stunning designs capture the unique qualities of each individual bloom.Every flower is fully illustrated with clear, color photographs and detailed, practical step-by-step instructions. The latest techniques and professional hints and tips are also included, making the designs achievable by both novice and experienced sugar flower makers. This cake decorating book shows how to wire and arrange the flowers into amazing sprays, bouquets and arrangements, and how to display them on cakes or as table decorations.Flowers include:Miltoniopsis OrchidBird of ParadiseFlame LilyRed-feathered GerberaBrazilian Kapok Tree FlowerAmaryllisLadder FernAlstroemeria
Savoring Southeast Asia: Recipes and Reflections on Southeast Asian Cooking
Joyce Jue - 2000
An unforgettable odyssey through the world's legendary culinary capitals, each book includes 130 recipes and full-color photographs throughout.
Dancing Shrimp: Favorite Thai Recipes for Seafood
Kasma Loha-Unchit - 2000
In "Dancing Shrimp," Kasma Loha-unchit shares with us her ingenious techniques for preparing all types of fish, mollusks, and shellfish according to the traditions of her native cuisine. The more than 100 recipes in "Dancing Shrimp" show the full range of the Thai palate, with curries like Salmon Poached in Green Curry Sauce with Baby Eggplants and Thai Basil; stir-fries like Spicy Southern-Style Stir-Fried Squid; salads like Hot-and-Sour Shrimp Salad with Roasted Chilli Sauce, Lemon Grass, and Mint; steamed dishes like Steamed Fillet of Sea Bass with Ginger, Green Onions, and Sesame-Soy Sauce; soups like Spicy "Broken Fish Trap" Soup; and many more. Thai people, as Kasma reminds us, are warm, welcoming, and playful, and this is evident in the food they prepare. While a dish like Shrimp Cooked in Turmeric-Coconut Sauce might taste sweet on the tip of the tongue, you also will be warmed and surprised by the heat that slowly emerges from the chillies. There is also a real reverence for the bounty of the sea and earth; many of the fish recipes call for a whole fish, and the cooking techniques, such as steaming a fish wrapped in a banana leaf or poaching it in a spicy sauce, preserve the full flavor. Along with the recipes, Loha-unchit provides cooking tips, inspirational ideas for adapting the recipes to different techniques or ingredients, and warm, revealing stories of her homeland. With her charming personal tone and detailed cooking instructions, she guidescooks simply and easily through techniques that may involve unfamiliar fishes or herbs but never fail to result in a mouthwatering delight. As every recipe reflects her years of experience in teaching Americans to re-create the exquisite flavors of Thailand on their own, "Dancing Shrimp" is suitable for beginning and experienced cooks alike.
Hometown Favorites Cookbook
Gooseberry Patch - 2000
Neighbors visit to share news, children play on the steps and if you are new in town, anyone can tell you where to get the best home-cooked dinner, who serves the tallest stack of flapjacks and what time the farmers' market opens. In Hometown Favorites we've gathered simple, homestyle recipes...Grandma's Buttermilk Waffles, Cream of Chicken-Rice Soup, Deli Skillet Sandwiches, Scalloped Tomatoes, Mom's Manicotti, Red Cabbage Toss and Blueberry Crumble. Gather your family together and enjoy the best of your hometown, then take time to settle in and enjoy these delightful recipes and sweet memories from our hometown to yours! Hardcover, 224 pages. (9-1/4" x 6-1/2")
Mediterranean Light: Delicious Recipes from the World's Healthiest Cuisine
Martha R. Shulman - 2000
Finding inspiration in every region of the Mediterranean basin, from the ever-popular dishes of France, Italy, and Spain to the more exotic fare of North Africa and the Middle East, Martha Rose Shulman offers innovative recipes that use less olive oil and other high-fat ingredients while retaining every drop of sun-drenched flavor.The results: meatless yet hearty pasta sauces; refreshing salads of beans, grains, and vegetables; sizzling grilled fish dishes; aromatic chicken stews; refreshing fresh fruit desserts; virtually fat-free renditions of ratatouille and hummus; and updated, slimmed-down versions of traditional classics like paella, salade Nicoise, and lasagne. These satisfying recipes will become the cornerstone of a long-lasting commitment to healthful eating.
The Junior League Celebration Cookbook
Association of Junior Leagues International Inc. - 2000
Concealed spiral binding. Printed two-color throughout. Index.
1,000 Jewish Recipes
Faye Levy - 2000
1,000 Jewish Recipes includes instructions for maintaining a kosher kitchen, information on the delicious culinary heritage of Jewish cultures, and tempting and easy-to-follow recipes such as Three-Cheese Knishes and Old-Fashioned Roast Chicken.
The Best from Helen Corbitt's Kitchens
Patty Vineyard MacDonald - 2000
Johnson loved her stroganoff and wished she would accompany him—and Lady Bird—to the White House to run the dining room. Helen Corbitt is to American cuisine what Julia Child is to French. Corbitt’s genius was in presentations of new and unusual flavor combinations, colors, and even serving temperatures. She insisted on the finest, freshest ingredients, served with impeccable style. As Director of Food Services for Neiman Marcus, she traveled widely, bringing recipes back to tantalize Texans’ tastebuds. An Irish red-head born in New York and raised with Edwardian rules and grace, Corbitt lassoed appetites across Texas when she moved there in 1931 from her job as dietitian at Cornell Medical Center in New York City to manage the tea room at the University of Texas. She was lured to the Houston Country Club before operating the tearoom at Joske’s department store in Houston and had started her own catering business when the Driskill Hotel called her back to Austin. Stanley Marcus “courted” her for eight years until she finally accepted his offer to direct his Dallas store’s lunchtime oasis. She then dazzled celebrities and dignitaries who flocked to the famed Zodiac Room at Neiman Marcus for tantalizing cuisine. Now, you can savor Helen Corbitt all over again—or perhaps for the first time—through a brand new Helen Corbitt cookbook. In The Best from Helen Corbitt’s Kitchens, Patty MacDonald serves up more than 500 favorite recipes from Helen Corbitt’s Cookbook, published in 1957, Helen Corbitt’s Potluck (1962); Helen Corbitt Cooks for Company (1974); Helen Corbitt Cooks for Looks (1967); and Helen Corbitt’s Greenhouse Cookbook , published after her death in 1978, as well as many never before published recipes, many from her cooking schools. Vintage photographs spice up a chapter on Helen’s life written from interviews with Stanley Marcus, men and women who attended Corbitt’s cooking classes, her personal friends, and her employees at the Driskill Hotel in Austin and the Zodiac Room at Neiman Marcus. Corbitt's memory still lives through an older generation of admirers, who will want the book for themselves and as gifts for their offspring to keep her precious culinary heritage alive. Good cooks of all ages will recognize the value of these recipes. Corbitt’s recipes are from an era of honest delectable food.TheDallas Morning News columnist Dick Hitt wrote that Corbitt was “a no-nonsense woman . . . capable of humor, who often . . . used it as she would a pungent spice: for hinting at the substance of a point . . . a curious combination of elegance and gusto, impatience and painstaking perfectionism, femininity and jaunty zest . . . subtle and imperious, ebullient and unerringly correct. . . . She was a bouillabaisse of a person, part administrator, part hostess, part duchess and part Mother Superior.”
Recipes for Comfort Cookbook
Gooseberry Patch - 2000
All your favorite comfort foods for the whole year 'round, plus a sprinkling of heartwarming tips!
Japanese Homestyle Cooking
Tokiko Suzuki - 2000
Including over 135 recipes, this comprehensive cookbook brings the most popular meals in Japanese homes to your home.The menu variety is stunning, with foods that are simmered, broiled, pan-fried, deep-fried, steamed, and dressed with vinegar. Recipes include Sashimi, one-pot meals, rice, noodles, soups and more. Since Japanese cuisine is world renowned for using healthful ingredients it is no surprise that the dishes featured here are ideal for health-conscious and weight-conscious consumers.All dishes are beautifully photographed in color and include fully illustrated, easy-to-follow directions. A special feature provides an illustrated listing of common Japanese utensils with directions for their proper use. Japanese Homestyle Cooking is the best reference you'll find for making delicious, healthy Japanese meals everyday.
Chevys Fresh Mex Cookbook
Ten Speed - 2000
True to their word, Chevys and Rio Bravo (its cousin in the southwest and southeast) make their salsa hourly from blackened tomatoes and serve their tortillas piping hot less than three minutes after they are made. Now for the first time, Chevys' classic recipes are made available for the home. In this flashy, full-color Fresh Mex primer, you'll learn how to make fabulous fajitas, smoky salsas, tasty tacos, and more, and serve them up with the same festive flair that is the hallmark of the Chevys.
At Grandmother's Table: Women Write about Food, Life and the Enduring Bond Between Grandmothers and Granddaughters
Ellen Berkeley - 2000
Cookin' Southern: Vegetarian Style
Ann Jackson - 2000
Included are the sumptuous vegetable and fruit dishes and baked goods that have traditionally graced Southern tables. and tucked in between are remembrances of life in the South that will take you back to a time and place where the pace is slow and friendly, close to the earth, and full of good food.
The Best American Recipes 2000
Fran McCullough - 2000
For this volume, editors Fran McCullough and Suzanne Hamlin have assembled an even larger collection of the year’s best recipes from an even wider array of sources. The result is a dazzlingly diverse collection. There are weekday dinners: a skillet supper that no family cook should be without, a huge vegetarian feast in a single bowl, a winter salad that won the hearts of a top food magazine’s editors. There are recipes to satisfy our latest cultural cravings: the lamb shanks that knowledgeable New Yorkers consider the best, an easy Indonesian chicken that Lauren Bacall reportedly adores, a slow-roasted salmon from the country’s most fashionable Irish chef. There are great grilling recipes, cutting-edge dishes, best-ever holiday classics, and for dessert, everything from simple cookies to a show-stopping chocolate cake.
Sam Choy's Sampler
Sam Choy - 2000
Sam's recipes reflect a melding of East and West, with distinctive Polynesian flourishes and some highly innovative twists that could have been conceived only in the creative and original mind of Chef Choy. Here are over 80 recipes including both Sam's innovations as well as his renditions of Island favorites. They range from simple preparations like poke, an addictively delicious raw seafood appetizer, to elaborate and beautiful dishes like Sautéed Island Fish Trio, sure to dazzle the table and palate at your next dinner party. All the recipes use readily available ingredients. Where hard to find ingredients are involved, a guide to mail and Internet sources will give mainland readers access to poi, tropical fruits and even fresh fish. About the Author Sam has been cooking since he was a young boy helping his father cater huge luau on the North Shore of O'ahu in the 1950s and '60s. His father, being of Chinese ancestry, taught him the secrets and techniques of Oriental cookery, while he learned the Island ways and European traditions from his Hawaiian-German mother. He earned a degree at Kapiolani Community College and worked as a chef at some of Hawaii's most renowned hotels and resorts before opening his own restaurants. Since opening Sam Choy's Restaurant in Kona in 1991, Sam has become a legend, not only for his cooking, but also for his outgoing personality. He is Hawaii's unofficial goodwill ambassador. People who dine at his restaurants end up friends as well as customers. Sam's restaurants on Guam, Maui, the Island of Hawaii,Oahu and Tokyo are always packed, and the people eating there are always smiling.
Crescent City Collection: A Taste of New Orleans
Junior League of New Orleans - 2000
The recipes and culinary sidebars entice the taste buds, offering a veritable buffet of delicacies with creative ideas and preparation tips.
Authentic Chinese Cuisine
Bryanna Clark Grogan - 2000
And since we are being urged to eat more vegetables than ever before, Chinese vegetarian cuisine can provide variation, taste, and nutritional excellence to boot. Bryanna Clark Grogan generously shares her knowledge of chinese ingredients and cooking techniques, helping to enrich your experiences with superbly crafted recipes.
Wildwood: Cooking from the Source in the Pacific Northwest
Cory Schreiber - 2000
BRAND NEW!!! Qualifies for FREE SHIPPING! Over 60,000 happy customers, 100% GUARANTEED!!!
Tom Douglas' Seattle Kitchen
Tom Douglas - 2000
It's called Seattle. Here you'll find everything from Japanese bento box lunches and Thai satays to steaming bowls of Vietnamese soups and all-American blackberry cobblers. No chef embodies this diversity with more flair and more flavor than chef/author/restaurateur Tom Douglas. And no book does it better than Tom Douglas' Seattle Kitchen.Tom's creativity with local ingredients and his respect for Seattle's ethnic traditions have helped put his three restaurants and Seattle on the national culinary map. Join Tom and celebrate the Emerald City's rich culinary tradition: sweet I Dungeness crabs, razor clams, rich artisan cheeses, and deeply flavored Northwest beers. Share in the delight of sophisticated Washington wines, coffee fresh vegetables, fruits, and the exotic flavors of the Pacific Rim countries.Tom Douglas' style is laid-back sophistication with a dash of humor. You can see it in the names of his chapters, "Starch Stacking," "Slow Dancing," and "Mo' Poke, Dadu" (this last title, courtesy of his daughter, Loretta, means "More Pork, Daddy"). And you can taste it in his signature dishes such as Dungeness Crabcakes with Green Cocktail Sauce, Roast Duck with Huckleberry Sauce and Parsnip-Apple Hash, Udon with Sea Scallops in Miso Broth, and Triple Cream Coconut Pie.Try his hearty Long-Bone Short Ribs with Chinook Merlot Gravy and Rosemary WhiteBeans or spicy Fire-roasted Oysters with Ginger Threads and Wasabi Butter. Relax in the comfort of the comfort foods he prepares for his own family: Loretta's Buttermilk Pancakes with Wild Blackberries, Basic Barbecued Baby Back Ribs, and Five-Spice Angel Food Cake. They're all clear, simple recipes that'll have you cooking like Tom Douglas from the very first page.But this is more than a cookbook; it's a food lover's guide to Seattle. Join Tom on a tour of his city with his list of top ten best things to do -- and eat -- in Seattle, from his favorite ethnic markets and neighborhoods to where to get the best breakfast.Why not turn your kitchen into a Seattle kitchen? All it takes is a little help and inspiration from Tom Douglas.
What's to Eat?: The Milk-Free, Egg-Free, Nut-Free Food Allergy Cookbook
Linda Marienhoff Coss - 2000
The book is packed with over 145 kitchen-tested recipes for everything from soups and salads to main courses, side dishes, breakfast foods and baked goods - all completely dairy-, egg- and nut-free, and most using ingredients that you can find at your local supermarket. Here are recipes that can be enjoyed by everyone, whether they suffer from food allergies or not. These recipes are irresistibly good - the entire family will enjoy them, and guests will not believe they're being served "special diet" foods. "What's to Eat?" also includes suggestions for complete menus, and a guide to help you determine if an ingredient is "safe" to use. As an added bonus, all 45 of the baked goods recipes in this book are also completely cholesterol-free and Kosher Pareve. If you don't want to feel "restricted" by a restricted diet, "What's To Eat?" will help simplify the difficult task of managing multiple food allergies. Sections include: Tables of Contents & Recipe List, Introduction, Ingredients, Basic Recipe Information, Soups & Salads, Beef, Poultry, Fish, Pasta, Potatoes, Rice, Vegetables, Miscellaneous, Quick Breads & Breakfast Foods, Cakes, Cookies, Other Desserts, Menu Ideas, and Glossary.
Wolfgang Puck's Pizza, Pasta, and More!
Wolfgang Puck - 2000
World-renowned for his dazzling Spago restaurants and his Wolfgang Puck Cafes, Puck now brings us this spectacular collection of soups, salads, pizzas, and pastas. Offering inventive twists on our favorite classics, this book provides us with a new appreciation for America's favorite foods. Here are recipes for the basics, simple delicious sauces, and easy-to-make pizza toppings. Puck tempts us with such wonderful starters as Roasted Beet Napoleon and Chicken Bouillon with Chicken Herb Crepes and Julienne of Vegetables. He tantalizes us with tangy pizzas, such as Caesar Chicken Pizza. And finally, he presents us with an array of fabulous pastas, including Smoked Salmon Ravioli with Lime-Dill Butter Sauce and tasty Pappardelle with Garlic, Oven-Dried Tomatoes, and Herbed Goat Cheese. All of the recipes reflect Puck's lively personality and confident approach to cooking--his passion for fresh tastes, textures, and ingredients. Innovative and delicious, the recipes in "Wolfgang Puck's Pizza, Pasta, and More!" are ideal for every home chef and food lover.
Paris in a Basket : Markets - The Food And The People
Nicolle Aimee Meyer - 2000
Entertaining as well as informative, this attractive hardcover book guides the reader through the over 80 food markets of Paris. Written and photographed by two young American women, "Paris in a Basket" is a complete and novel tour that brings to exuberant life the authentic market culture, traditions, and lifestyle that bewitch every food lover and traveler visiting this magnificent city. Over 400 vivid photographs illustrate the colors and sights and a fresh and personal narrative captures the unique atmosphere of each and every market and the different areas of Paris. Punctuated with historical tidbits and charming anecdotes, in addition to 65 of the vendors favorite recipes, there are insightful portraits, helpful cooking tips, practical maps and charts, and the addresses of tempting bakeries, mouthwatering specialty shops, neighborhood restaurants, local cafs, and hidden places of interest. The world renowned chef Paul Bocuse, who shares with the authors a passion for open-air markets, has written the foreword to "Paris in a Basket".
The Common Grill Cookbook
Craig Common - 2000
Learn the secrets to 161 of Chef Common's we loved recipes.
From the Kitchen of Two Sisters: A New Approach to Slimness, Vitality, and Health
Danielle Voeller - 2000
Lovely spiral bound 7"x 9.5" soft cover cookbook.
Grand Finales: A Neoclassic View of Plated Desserts
Tish Boyle - 2000
This dynamic duo has thoroughly translated the recipes of some of our country's leading pastry chefs with immense ease and perfection. It is with enormous admiration that I recommend this cookbook to anyone searching for a greater knowledge of desserts." -Francois Payard Owner, Payard Patisserie & Bistro Author, Simply Sensational Desserts "It is the purpose of a neoclassic dessert to isolate the integral elements of a time-honored classic and transform its components to produce a dessert with the grandeur demanded by today's consumer. The pastry chefs who contributed to this book have provided recipes that do just that-and they do it magnificently!" -Bo Friberg Chef/Instructor, The Culinary Institute of America at Greystone
Grilling: Where There's Smoke There's Flavor
Eric Treuille - 2000
Treuille, the author of Ultimate Bread and Hors D'oeuvres, now presents 100 recipes for grilling, along with cooking tips, a list of staples, and garnishing and presenting ideas.
Life's on Fire: Cooking for the Rushed
Sandi Richard - 2000
New crisp and tight
Nick Stellino's Passione: Pasta, Pizza and Panini
Nick Stellino - 2000
And this all-new collection is no exception. More than one hundred recipes celebrate the quintessential comfort foods that have enjoyed enduring and universal appeal.But this is more than just a sampling of Italian classics. Nick's recipes for pizza, pasta and panini are imaginative and contemporary interpretations. Traditional pizzas are enlivened with unusual ingredients. Nick makes pasta-from-scratch as simple as 1-2-3. And the breads, for which Italy is famous, become works of art in Nick's hands -- but are often as easy as paint-by-number. And throughout the book Nick shares his own cooking secrets and those of the great chefs and cooks he has encountered in his journeys through Italy and America.Nick Stellino's Passione speaks as much to the heart as it does to the taste buds. Nick draws on the rich culinary history of his native Italian and adds his own unique touches to create an entertaining and engaging book that is a joy to read as well as pleasure to use.
Chef Paul Prudhomme's Louisiana Tastes: Exciting Flavors from the State that Cooks
Paul Prudhomme - 2000
Fifteen years have passed since the publication of his groundbreaking Chef Paul Prudhomme's Louisiana Kitchen. Now Chef Paul returns to his culinary roots to show us how Louisiana cooking has evolved.Today, the culinary influences of Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, and many other cuisines are being integrated into "traditional" Louisiana cooking. Chef Paul explores how Louisiana cooks have incorporated such newly available ingredients as lemongrass, fresh tamarind, and papaya into their dishes. As Chef Paul says, any Louisiana cook worth his or her salt will work with what's available -- familiar or not -- and turn it into something delicious. Andouille Spicy Rice gets its zing! from chipotle and pasilla chile peppers, and Roasted Lamb with Fire-Roasted Pepper Sauce is flavored with jalapeno peppers and fennel. Classic jambalaya, etouffee, and gumbo are reinvented with such far-flung ingredients as star anise, cilantro, yuca, plantain, and mango.Chef Paul Prudhomme's Louisiana Kitchen is an exciting exploration of the new flavors that have made Louisiana cooking even better.Chef Paul Prudhomme put Louisiana cooking on the map. Fifteen years have passed since the publication of his groundbreaking Chef Paul Prudhomme's Louisiana Kitchen. Now Chef Paul returns to his culinary roots to show us how Louisiana cooking has evolved.Today, the culinary influences of Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, and many other cuisines are being integrated into "traditional" Louisiana cooking. Chef Paul explores how Louisiana cooks have incorporated such newly available ingredients as lemongrass, fresh tamarind, and papaya into their dishes. As Chef Paul says, any Louisiana cook worth his or her salt will work with what's available -- familiar or not -- and turn it into something delicious. Andouille Spicy Rice gets its zing! from chipotle and pasilla chile peppers, and Roasted Lamb with Fire-Roasted Pepper Sauce is flavored with jalapeno peppers and fennel. Classic jambalaya, etouffee, and gumbo are reinvented with such far-flung ingredients as star anise, cilantro, yuca, plantain, and mango.Chef Paul Prudhomme's Louisiana Kitchen. is an exciting exploration of the new flavors that have made Louisiana cooking even better.Chef Paul Prudhomme put Louisiana cooking on the map. Fifteen years have passed since the publication of his groundbreaking Chef Paul Prudhomme's Louisiana Kitchen. Now Chef Paul returns to his culinary roots to show us how Louisiana cooking has evolved.Today, the culinary influences of Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, and many other cuisines are being integrated into "traditional" Louisiana cooking. Chef Paul explores how Louisiana cooks have incorporated such newly available ingredients as lemongrass, fresh tamarind, and papaya into their dishes. As Chef Paul says, any Louisiana cook worth his or her salt will work with what's available--familiar or not--and turn it into something delicious. Andouille Spicy Rice gets its zing! from chipotle and pasilla chile peppers, and Roasted Lamb with Fire-Roasted Pepper Sauce is flavored with jalapeno peppers and fennel. Classic jambalaya, etouffee, and gumbo are reinvented with such far-flung ingredients as star anise, cilantro, yuca, plantain, and mango.Chef Paul Prudhomme's Louisiana Kitchen. is an exciting exploration of the new flavors that have made Louisiana cooking even better.
Sarah Leah Chase's Year Around Cookbook
Sarah Leah Chase - 2000
This book contains a full-year around worth of timeless ad eclectic fare by combining Sarah Leah Chase's Nantucket Open-House Cookbook and Cold-Weather Cooking
The Cheese Course: Enjoying the World's Best Cheeses at Your Table
Janet Fletcher - 2000
The elegant tradition of the after-dinner cheese course is rapidly gaining popularity as a part of home entertaining. Written by best-selling author and award-winning food writer Janet Fletcher, The Cheese Course decribes the wonderful array of artisanal cheeses now available, offering suggestions for presentations as well as wine pairings and fruit and nut accompaniments. The Cheese Course is rounded out with 50 sweet and savory recipes for salads, breads, and desserts that match deliciously with cheese.
The American Table: More Than 400 Recipes That Make Accessible for the First Time the Full Richness of American Regional Cooking
Ronald Johnson - 2000
From conversations anywhere across the country, from lifting the lid on a regional back burner, from thumbing thought the local Methodist Ladies' or Firehouse cookbook, Johnson has discovered a heretofore unimagined treasure trove of American dishes.He reveals the basic secrets of gumbo and mother's piecrust, of slaw and summery pickles; tells how to make perfect mashed potatoes, Thomas Jefferson's pilau, Emily Dickinson's Rye and Indian Bread, and the Kennedys' favorite Hyannis Chowder. Johnson's chapter on soups offers the delights of salmon bisque, a champion chili, and a hearty posole. One of the most absorbing chapters, "Special Dishes", recaptures the legendary bean and rice dishes of the South -- the perloos, pilaus, jambalayas, and New Year's Hopping John -- and then goes on to explain the varieties of corn and chile, tortilla and bean that comprise the main diet of our southwestern states. Finally, an extensive chapter on desserts includes the glories of pies and cakes, a lost cookie called Snickerdoodle, subtle variations on both traditional pecan and lemon pies, Mississippi Mud Cake, a cobbler to end all cobblers, and a recipe for Roanoke Rum Cram that is a dream of quick gourmet preparation.
The Perfect Pie: More Than 125 All-Time Favorite Pies & Tarts
Susan G. Purdy - 2000
A not-too-tart sour cherry pie with a soft, flaky, almond-scented crust. A towering lemon meringue pie with a tart lemony filling and a cloudlike meringue topping. Whether it's a buttery pastry or graham cracker crust, a fruit or chocolate cream filling, or a lattice crust or cinnamon streusel topping, who doesn't love a wedge of freshly baked pie? But when it comes to making pies, most people hide in the kitchen corner. Not any-more. Not with expert piemaker and cooking teacher Susan G. Purdy by your side. From traditional classics like Old-Fashioned Apple Pie, Mississippi Mud Pie, and Key Lime Pie to inspired favorites like Rum-Pumpkin Chiffon Pie, Italian Ricotta Cheese Pie, and Grass-hopper Pie, The Perfect Pie features simple recipes for dazzling pies, tortes, tarts, and crisps. Flawless crusts and an enormous selection of fillings are as easy as pie. With step-by-step illustrations, clever shortcuts, and troubleshooting tips, Susan is with you every step of the way. The Perfect Pie guarantees that your pies will be perfect every time.
Oh My Stars!: Recipes That Shine
Junior League of the Roanoke Valley - 2000
Stunning photography showcases a region rich in beauty and lore.
French: The Secrets of Classic Cooking Made Easy
Carole Clements - 2000
There are dishes for all occasions, including rustic specialities such as moules marinieres, extravagant classic dishes and lighter contemporary creations such as grilled goat's cheese salad.
Lonely Planet World Food New Orleans: Creole, Cajun & Soul
Pableaux Johnson - 2000
As well as containing explorations of regional influences and traditional cooking they provide guides to markets, dining out and celebrating in each country plus a cuisine dictionary.
A Wolf in the Kitchen: Easy Food for Hungry People
Lindsey Bareham - 2000
It details how to shop and what are the essentials to keep in a store cupboard.
Old-Time Brand-Name Desserts: Recipes, Illustrations, and Advice from the RecipePamphlets of America's Most Trusted Food Makers
Bunny Crumpacker - 2000
In a companion to The Old-Time Brand-Name Cookbook, and artfully adapted for today's health conscious kitchens, these recipes include such favourite desserts as strawberry shortcake, brownies, and blondies, along with offbeat delicacies like Milton Berle's Peach Cobbler.
Bounty of Biltmore Cookbook: A Recipe Collection from Biltmore Estate
Whitney Wheeler Pickering - 2000
This elegant title is sure to inspire and empower anyone who appreciates fine dining and fine wines with over 150 recipes, 10 different menus, an extensive wine information and a pictorial fresh herb glossary. Along with the delicious recipes taken from chefs at the three restaurants on the premises, a section on the history of the Biltmore Estate is included to give the reader a sense of the grand backdrop against which the featured dishes were originally served.
Aunt Bee's Delightful Desserts
Ken Beck - 2000
From candies and cakes to rare photos from the show to trivia, this cookbook brings home all the sweet flavor of Mayberry. Illustrated and indexed.
New Indian Home Cooking
Madhu Gadia - 2000
A sound resource on Indian cooking from a dietary standpoint." --BooklistNew Indian Home Cooking features more than 100 quick and easy-to-prepare recipes--from appetizers to desserts--plus: sample meal plans * time-saving tips * vegetarian meals * nutritional analysis for each recipe * a glossary of cooking terms and ingredients * and more...Recipes include * Samosas and Naan * Subji Biriyani (vegetable-rice casserole) * Masoor Dal (lentil soup) * Tandoori Tari (barbecued chicken) * Machhi Kali Mirch (baked fish with black pepper) * Rogan Josh (lamb in yogurt sauce) * Pudina Chutney (mint chutney) * Kheer (rice pudding) * and more
Alfred Portale's Twelve Seasons Cookbook: A Month-By-Month Guide to the Best There Is to Eat
Alfred Portale - 2000
Using only the freshest ingredients as they come into their prime, his approach is finely attuned to the changing rhythms of life, and the way readers' focus changes from month to month. 100 color photos.
Authentic Norwegian Cooking
Astrid Karlsen Scott - 2000
And now you can enjoy all of Norway’s finest traditional foods with Authentic Norwegian Cooking. With more than 300 recipes gathered from throughout Norway, this comprehensive cookbook is easy to use, boasts recipes for every occasion, provides the history of the dishes, and includes a complete index and recipe titles in English and Norwegian. Included among full-color photographs are the recipes for delectable dishes, such as: • Pickled mackerel • Marinated salmon • Stuffed cabbage leaves • Lamb roll • Bergen pretzels • Spinach pie • Rhubarb soup • Thick rice pancakes • Sweet cardamom bread • Marzipan cake • And more! Author Astrid Karlsen Scott also provides tips for throwing parties, a helpful guide to temperatures, weights, and conversions, and excellent resources for even more Norwegian cooking. Heralded as “magnificent” by Ingrid Hovig Espelid, Norway’s Julia Childs, now you, too, can enjoy Nordic dining any day of the week!
World Food Thailand
Lonely Planet - 2000
Finally, here is a series to cover the whole cuisine experience.The World Food series is a list of definitive culinary guides to major world destinations. With tantalising photography throughout and written in an entertaining, opinionated and contemporary style, each guide is intended to be the benchmark for a country's cuisine. Illustrated with the work of specialist food & travel photographers, the books have a dynamic design style which contributes to the overall tone of fun and enthusiasm. They are intended to be a bible for travelling and non-travelling food lovers around the world.These pocket-sized guides include everything to do with eating and drinking in each country -- the history and evolution of the cuisine, its staples and specialities, and the kitchen philosophy of the people. We open the doors on home cooking and traditions, showing how food and drink have become integral to personal and national celebrations, and discover the myriad of regional cuisines that exist in even the most familiar countries.The World Food guides also include comprehensive cuisine dictionaries. These two-way guides will be the best available resource for anyone interested in having a key reference to the local food, drink and cooking terms on their shelves, and will prove invaluable to travellers as they try to read menus, buy food, speak the right words and gain an insider's knowledge of where and what to eat and drink.-- glossy specialist photography and full colour throughout-- essentialguide to markets and local produce-- explores variations of regional cuisine-- covers cuisines for all occasions, including festivals and home cooking-- simple and authentic recipes with notes on origin, occasion, preparation and culture-- quick reference glossary-- comprehensive dictionary, with foreign script included-- useful phrases for every food and drink occasion-- maps throughout to show marketplaces, key eating locations, regional produce-- practical advice on keeping fit and healthy
Splendor in the Bluegrass: A Cookbook by the Junior League of Louisville
Junior League of Louisville - 2000
Capturing the essence of Kentucky cooking from the traditional to the cutting edge, this book highlights celebrated Kentucky chefs, cooks, and beverage professionals. A 2000 South Regional Winner of the Tabasco Community Cookbook Award.
Great Food Fast: Dietitians of Canada
Bev Callaghan - 2000
But faced with the demands of a busy day, it's hard to resist the convenience of take-out or commercially prepared foods. Great food -- or fast food? Well, now you can have both.With Great Food Fast, you can enjoy breakfasts, lunches, snacks and dinners that taste better -- and are better for you -- than just about any so-called 'convenience foods.' And you can prepare them in surprisingly little time. Get off to a great start with Salsa Fresca Omelettes or Orange-Apricot Oatmeal Scones. At midday, use the office or school microwave to make home-cooked Lunch Box Chili Bean and Rice. Fast and easy main meals include Salmon with Roasted Vegetables or Crowd-Pleasing Vegetarian Chili or Skillet Pork Chops with Sweet Potatoes and Couscous. And for the perfect end to an effortless meal, try Apricot Bread Pudding or Orange Creme Caramel.As you'd expect from Dietitians of Canada, these recipes are nutritionally balanced, but never at the expense of great taste and pure eating pleasure. (That's also an important part of healthy eating ) They're also designed to accommodate real life, where hectic schedules leave little time for elaborate food preparation.With Great Food Fast, you'll discover that good nutrition doesn't require a lot of work -- and it tastes great
Simple French Desserts
Jill O'Connor - 2000
Pastry chef and author Jill O'Connor starts with the easiest recipes and gradually builds skills as she moves on to more challenging treats. Throughout, she demystifies the art of French baking, guiding cooks with step-by-step techniques, and clear and complete explanations. Here are over 50 recipes for delectable treats like Crme Caramel, Lemon-Almond Madeleines, and Chocolate Eclairs. With a whimsically elegant design and mouthwatering full-color photographs, Simple French Desserts is the perfect introduction to the art of the patisserie--sans signing up at the Cordon Bleu.
Best Loved Cookies
Publications International - 2000
This book has it all - it's a cookie lover's dream come true!
Sweet Maria's Italian Desserts: Classic and Casual Recipes for Cookies, Cakes, Pastry, and Other Favorites
María Bruscino Sánchez - 2000
These are festive favorites like Traditional Cannoli, Espresso Cheesecake, Tiramisu, Amaretto Chiffon Cake, Spiced Gelato, and many others. The result of years of baking in Italy, in her popular bakery, and in the kitchens of her grandmother, mother, and aunts (many of whom do the baking at Sweet Maria's), the book includes cookies, cakes, pies, tarts, pastry, sweet breads, frozen desserts, fruit dishes, and other specialties-all made with warmth, tradition, and a love of great desserts.Presented with simple instructions, tips from the bakery, and a dollop of background information on the customs and history of the desserts, these creative, top-notch recipes will bring delicious favorites to your kitchen.
Chocolate Everything
Jean Paré - 2000
In addition to classic cakes and sauces, cooks can discover creative recipes for beverages, breads, cheesecakes, pies, cookies, squares, and even main-course dishes. Each recipe is pictured in full color.
Back to Protein: The Low Carb/No Carb Meat Cookbook
Barbara Doyen - 2000
This cookbook is for health-conscious carnivores who are tired of the vegan rhetoric.
Imperial Mongolian Cooking
Marc Cramer - 2000
A collection of recipes that open a window into a diverse and unknown culinary tradition that is worth exploring.