Conquering Your Own Goliaths
Steven A. Cramer - 1988
And you can claim it beginning now. The well know Bible story of David and Goliath is the back drop that Steven A. Cramer uses to show how we can enlist the aid of the Lord in overcoming any of our problems. In our day, we do not have to face nine-foot giants physically, but often our Goliaths come in the form of spiritual giants that will not yield to a stone or sword.
The Second Rescue: The Story of the Spiritual Rescue of the Willie and Martin Handcart Pioneers
Susan Arrington Madsen - 1998
My Daily Book of Mormon Devotional - 365 Day Personal Study Guide
Layne Packer - 2013
There are many Book of Mormon commentaries and study guides available that give the author’s perspective on the Book of Mormon. This book is not one of them. The great truths of the Book of Mormon, particularly those that will be of greatest benefit to you, are found by going directly to the source then listening to the promptings of the Spirit. The study guide allows you to fully customize your daily devotional based on the amount of time you have available. It is divided into seven activities: Read, Look For, Ask Yourself, Ponder This Quote, Expand Your Understanding, Personal Application, and Prayer. This format allows you to select those activities that match both your needs and your time. For example, if you find you have limited time on a particular day you may only want to read the assignment and pray. On other days you can use the additional activities to expand your study and deepen your understanding. Following this pattern of scripture study and using these tools will lead you to ponder the Book of Mormon and will help you strengthen your testimony of its truthfulness as you listen to the Spirit. Additionally, it will aid you in obtaining the blessings promised by Elder Marion G. Romney in the April 1980 LDS General Conference:"And so, I counsel you, my beloved brothers and sisters and friends everywhere, to make reading in the Book of Mormon a few minutes each day a lifelong practice. All of us need continuing close contact with the Spirit of the Lord. We need to take the Holy Spirit for our guide that we be not deceived. I am persuaded by my own experience and that of my loved ones, as well as by the statement of the Prophet Joseph Smith, that one can get and keep closer to the Lord by reading the Book of Mormon than by reading any other Book. Don't be content with what someone else says about what is in it. Drink deeply from the divine fountain itself. "I feel certain that if, in our homes, parents will read from the Book of Mormon prayerfully and regularly, both by themselves and with their children, the spirit of that great book will come to permeate our homes and all who dwell therein. The spirit of reverence will increase; mutual respect and consideration for each other will grow. The spirit of contention will depart. Parents will counsel their children in greater love and wisdom. Children will be more responsive and submissive to that counsel. Righteousness will increase. Faith, hope, and charity--the pure love of Christ--will abound in our homes and lives, bringing in their wake peace, joy, and happiness." (Conference Report, April 1980; 112-113) Update Notes: Edition 2 (March 2014) Contains links to the scriptures site for each of the reading assignments. Additionally a number of minor error corrections have been made to the original edition.Edition 2.1 (17 Apr 14) Contains a significant number of punctuation and formatting changes to bring it more in line with the LDS Church style guide. It also contains a corrections to a few minor errors in the cross reference sections.Edition 2.2 (18 May 14) Contains additional minor corrections and updates to the cross references.Edition 3.0 (15 July 14) Over 2500 hyperlinks added to the document to make cross referencing easier. Also contains corrections to a few minor errors that were found during the update and re-editing process.Edition 3.1 (24 Sept 14) Minor corrections to the textEdition 3.2 (2 Jan 15) Fixed minor errors and hyperlinks.Edition 3.3 (16 May 15) Fixed minor errors and hyperlinksEdition 3.
Prophecy, Key to the Future
Duane S. Crowther - 1962
This book is throughly researched-its scope is far-reaching and its evidence is reliable. The research in this book will help all who read it to prepare for the events to come. With over 450,000 copies in print, Prophecy, Key to the Future, is a must-have for every Latter-day Saint and Christians everywhere. ISBN: 0-882-90781-6, SIZE: 6x9", paperback
Holy Places: True Stories of Faith and Miracles from Latter-Day Temples
Chad S. Hawkins - 2006
Holy Places includes more than sixty faith promoting stories with accompanying artwork from temples around the world, including the most recent temples in Ghana, Manhattan, Newport Beach, and Nigeria. Based on more than a decade of personal interviews and in-depth research, each story in this beautiful volume conveys a sense of God's hand in the important work of temples and the faith of Church members as they seek to perform that work. Families will love this treasured collection of stories documenting the faith and miracles associated with the most holy places on Earth.
The Fate of the Persecutors of the Prophet Joseph Smith
N.B. Lundwall - 1952
Second Witness: Analytical and Contextual Commentary on the Book of Mormon
Brant A. Gardner - 2007
Doctrines of Salvation Vol. III
Joseph Fielding Smith - 1956
The path to salvation and happiness is explored and explained.
Doctrinal New Testament Commentary: Volumes 1-3
Bruce R. McConkie - 1972
"How can I," came the answer, "except some man should guide me." Jesus said: "Search the scriptures," and gave the promise, "Whoso treasureth up my word, shall not be deceived." Today the Lord's command is: "Teach one another the doctrine of the kingdom." This Doctrinal New Testament Commentary is designed to enable gospel students to learn and live the doctrines of the New Testament; to grasp the greatness and glory of our Lord's mortal ministry; to comprehend the doctrines of the Master Teacher and of those commissioned by him to reveal pure religion to the world. Salvation centers in Christ. He is the Creator and Redeemer; the Way and the Truth; the Light of the World; the One Man who could say: "Follow thou me." Most of our knowledge of his earth-bound ministry is contained in the four Gospels. It is devoutly hope that this Commentary will help make the Gospels a living reality in the lives of gospel scholars, that it will help them understand what they read. Jesus himself is real; the Gospels are his life story; of him they teach and testify; and a knowledge of them is essential to salvation.
Joseph Smith's Kirtland: Eyewitness Accounts
Karl Ricks Anderson - 1989
Anderson. 1996, Deseret Book.
An ancient American setting for the Book of Mormon
John L. Sorenson - 1985
And the book itself provides some intriguing clues. But only recently has enough information come to light to make it possible to place the book in a plausible geographical, historical, and cultural setting. In An Ancient American Setting for the Book of Mormon, Dr. John L. Sorenson, chairman of the Department of Anthropology at Brigham Young University, presents a credible model for an ancient American background for the Book of Mormon. This model takes notice of extensive details given in the Book of Mormon descriptions of the land southward and of the land northward, of battle movements, of cities built and abandoned, of population and demographic data. Hundreds of geographical, historical, and cultural facts fall into place as his model is carried to its logical conclusions. How does Dr. Sorenson proceed? In a word, he asks more questions than he answers. His words are probing and carefully weighed. The results are great surprises and rewarding insights on every page. He asks questions like "Who were these people?" "What might they have looked like?" "Who were their neighbors?" "How many of them were there?" "How did they live, eat, speak, work, or fight?" He finds plausible answers to these questions by matching specific data from reliable archaeological and anthropological studies of Mesoamerica with the entire spectrum of cultural and historical information from the Book of Mormon. An Ancient American Setting for the Book of Mormon is a thorough work of scholarship, a book that must be read by every serious student of the Book of Mormon.
Three Degrees of Glory
Melvin J. Ballard - 2009
It was published under the direction of the Mount Ogden Stake Genealogical Committee.
Are Mormons Christians?
Stephen E. Robinson - 2010
Unless we understand the basis for the charge, we are not prepared to deal with it. This book explains each of the arguments used against Latter-day Saints, and demonstrates beyond dispute-using non-LDS authorities-that these arguments are based on false premises. The definitive work on the subject, this book is a must for every LDS home.
Defender of the Faith: The B. H. Roberts Story
Truman G. Madsen - 1980
Roberts, a man well recognized in the church and the author of many beloved books, was one that could fill countless pages. The son of a “ne’er-do-well,” his life in England reads as if it were straight from a Charles Dickens novel. His family was torn apart when his mother joined the Church and emigrated to America. Left to struggle alone in England with his sister, his life was one of severe trials. Finally, they were able to emigrate and join the other saints gathering in Utah.His tremendous impact in the church comes through his voluminous writings on Church subjects. Interestingly, he was eleven years old before he learned to read, and the discovery of what lies within printed words opened a deep love for knowledge. This passion eventually led to him becoming one of the foremost scholars, writers and religious leaders in the Church.For both the general reader as well as the specialist, this biography of B.H. Roberts will fill a long-standing gap as they come to better know this outstanding man.
The Story of Mormonism
James E. Talmage
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