Best of
Doctrine and Covenants and Pearl of Great Price
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
The Believing Heart: Nourishing The Seed Of Faith
Bruce C. Hafen
This experience with believing young people has allowed him to explore, as he puts it, his "own questions about life in an atmosphere of faith." The author's personal study has centered around three religious issues that hold the greatest meaning for him-faith, the Atonement of Jesus Christ, and relationships with people-and the connection among the three: faith prepares us to receive the Atonement; the Atonement purifies and strengthens us; and the Atonement then helps us build our relationships with the Lord and with others. The author felt he might one day publish a series of books centering on these themes. Subsequently, he released his first book, The Believing Heart, in 1986. By the time The Broken Heart was published three years later, the first printing of The Believing Heart had expired. The author was then invited to publish a revised and enlarged edition of that volume to act as a companion to The Broken Heart. This second edition of The Believing Heart, which incorporates two new chapters as well as a substantial revision of the original four, is the result of that process. In these six thought-provoking essays, the author discusses the power available to all who truly believe in Jesus Christ. He outlines the pattern all who hope to increase their spiritual power must follow, including the difficulties they can expect to encounter-life's trials, the hazards of agency, the pull of the world, and so forth. How can we bridge the gap between the ideal and the real? Is it possible for "ordinary" mortals to have encounters with angels? How does one actually nourish the seed of faith and make it come alive? By answering these and other pertinent questions, Bruce Hafen provides insight into the process of increasing personal faith and shows how powerfully the seed of faith is connected to the doctrine of the Atonement. As he explains, "The tree of life waits for us, as it did for Adam and Eve, Lehi and Sariah, at the end of the inviting, but sometimes treacherous and lonely, path of faith. . . . We take our first steps (and many later ones) along this path through our freely chosen desire to have a believing heart-for "even all this can ye do if ye will."
To Women: Is This What I Was Born To Do?
Marjorie Pay Hinckley
Small Phamplet from the LDS Church, Salt Lake City, UT
Live The Good Life
Thomas S. Monson
Monson, second counselor in the First Presidency, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In Live the Good Life, President Monson shares personal experiences and gospel truths that can add to our understanding of the purpose of life and how we might find true happiness and enjoy "the good life." Among his messages are these: "To reach, to teach, to touch the precious souls whom our Father has prepared for His message is a monumental task. Success is rarely simple. Generally it is preceded by tears, trials, trust, and testimony." "Life is a sea upon which the proud are humbled, the shirker is exposed, and the leader is revealed. To sail it safely, . . . we need to learn by the experience of others, to stand firm for principles, to broaden our interests, and to be reliable in our discharge of duty." "Life's journey is not traveled on a freeway devoid of obstacles, pitfalls and snares. Rather, it is a pathway marked by forks and turnings. Decisions are constantly before us. To make them wisely, courage is needed: the courage to say no, the courage to say yes." Live the Good Life is a book to be read and treasured by all who seek answers to important questions, answers that point the way to eternal happiness.
Thoughts For A Bad Hair Day
Mary Ellen Edmunds
Thoughts for a Bad Hair Day will help anyone get through the rough days on the power of truth and chuckles. Examples: "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you mad." "Honor thy father, but ask thy mother." "Ignore your teeth, and they'll go away."
King Noah Blindness and the Vision of Seers
S. Michael Wilcox
But he never could have done the damage he did if his pleasure-loving people had not been willing to turn a blind eye to his iniquities. S. Michael Wilcox calls this situation "Noah Blindness," and he says it "is evidenced in our own lives when we refuse to see the danger or evil in our choice of friends, influence, ideas, or environment."
House Of God: The Promised Blessings Of The Temple
Truman G. Madsen
In this classic talk, beloved speaker Truman G. Madsen shares his profound appreciation for this holy privilege. A perfect message for those preparing to enter the temple as well as for those who serve there regularly, the talk emphasizes that if young people could glimpse the importance and blessings of temple worship, it would become "the most powerful spiritual motivation of thier lives." Listeners will benefit from suggestions of how to prepare to enter the temple, along with ideas on how the temple can bring us peace and help us find answers to prayers. Punctuated by poignant personal stories, this talk is sure to provide a deeper appreciation for how the temple provides "a step-by-step ascent into the Eternal presence."
Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon, V4: Third Nephi through Moroni
Joseph Fielding McConkie
Naturally, it is read with varying degrees of comprehension, and many of us need assistance to deepen our understanding. The four-volume commentary focuses on the most significant aspect of this standard work-doctrine. Dividing the material into convenient topical sections, each volume quotes the Book of Mormon verses and gives detailed commentary that reflects not only the authors' own considerable scholarship and research but also the insights of other scriptures and modern prophets. This invaluable commentary will help readers draw nearer to God by enhancing their study of His sacred word.
Stand Ye In Holy Places
John Bytheway
Packer taught that Latter-day Saint familiesare living in enemy territory. So now more than ever, Latter-daySaint teenagers must take time to find refuge in holy places!Using humor, powerful stories, and quotations from Churchleaders, John Bytheway explains how we can meet the challengenot only to stand, but to remain standing, or to "be not moved"by the shifting winds of popular culture.An ideal talk on CD that supports the 2013 Mutual theme,which is "Stand Ye in Holy Places."John Bytheway served a mission to the Philippines and latergraduated from Brigham Young University. A favorite speakerand teacher, John holds a master's degree in ReligiousEducation and is a part-time instructor at BYU. John is theauthor of many bestselling books, audio talks, and DVDs, includingOf Pigs, Pearls, and Prodigals, When Times Are Tough,Isaiah for Airheads, and Heroes: Lessons from the Book of Mormon.
The John Bytheway Collection, Volume 3
John Bytheway
This audio collection is filled with evenmore Bytheway favorites including• Everything I Need to Know I Learned at Home• Earth Shakers• 5 Things You Can Do Today to Bless Your Marriage• We Seek After These Things• Farm Wisdom for City Folks• 5 Scriptures That Will Motivate You to Action• Get Up and Glow (first time on CD!)• Parable of the Marinade• Stand Ye in Holy Places• What's in Your Backpack? (DVD)ABOUT THE AUTHORJohn Bytheway served a mission to the Philippines and later graduatedfrom Brigham Young University. A favorite speaker and teacher,John holds a master's degree in Religious Education and teaches atthe BYU Salt Lake Center. John is the author of many bestsellingbooks and audio products. He and his wife, Kimberly, are the parentsof six children.
We'll Find The Place: The Mormon Exodus, 1846 1848
Richard E. Bennett
Bennett shows the inner workings of the Mormon exodus by probing the minds and hearts of those who suffered and triumphed through this remarkably difficult hour in Latter-day Saint history.A work many years in the making, We''ll Find the Place looks behind the scenes to reveal Mormonism on the move, its believers sacrificing home, comfort, and sometimes life itself as they sought a safe refuge beyond the Rocky Mountains. It is faithful both to the convictions of the early pioneers and to the records they kept.
One Tattered Angel
Blaine Yorganson
A touching true story of the power of love.
Palmyra Collector's Edition - 1830 Book of Mormon Replica
Joseph Smith Jr.
Aptly named, the Palmyra Collector's Edition offers one a chance to read it just as early converts such as Brigham Young, Parley P. Pratt and Emma Smith would have.
Treasures of Knowledge Rulon C. Allred Volume One
Louis R. Allred
AllredLibrary of Congress Card #81-70097
Forgiveness: The Healing Gift We Give Ourselves
Cheryl Carson
It is the belief that we are not the one who receives the benefit of our forgiveness. Unconsciously, we associate forgiveness with loss instead of gain. We may think of it as "giving in." Yet, who is the one who suffers? When our grievance grows to hatred, we become slaves of the very persons we hate. We are bound to them with chains that leave us no peace. The more we have been hurt, the more we deserve to forgive. Forgiveness is an act of self-love, a healing gift we give ourselves. It is relieving ourselves of the destructive burden that resentment and anger lay upon us. None of us can afford to pay the price of carrying grudges or harboring bitterness, because of what it does to us.
Don't Look Back
Eric D. Richards
Having an attitude of faith and hope, even when things haven't gone our way, is key to being happy and successful in life. With analogies from everyday living, popular speaker Eric D. Richards shares a fun and upbeat fireside message and provides a positive approach to principles of repentance, forgiveness, and kindness. In his unique way, Brother Richards uses humor, inspiring stories, scriptures, and doctrine to remind listeners that the Lord has commanded us to look ahead and not behind. "When we look back at the past and relive hurts or focus on mistakes, we can damage relationships and undermine our faith," Brother Richards teaches. "It's natural to want to look back—but we have to intentionally look forward so the pain of the past doesn't steal the promises of tomorrow. Looking ahead gives birth to overcoming feelings of depression and doubt, despite the worst of circumstances. Youth and adults of all ages will appreciate this spirited message centered on our Savior, Jesus Christ.About the Author
Aligned With Christ
Toni Sorenson
Now, the author invites you to be aligned with Christ and learn to turn mind, body, and will to the Savior and to claim the peace that comes from the assurance that you’re truly in tune with heaven. For those struggling to strengthen their relationship with Jesus and for all who are striving to withstand mortality’s feelings of unworthiness and hopelessness, this volume provides a simple, scripturally rich roadmap intended to lead you on a joyous journey of self-examination—to assess your own spiritual alignment, to reroute when necessary, and to come to know the love of the Savior—not just when you reach your desired destination, but along every step of the way.
Women Are, That They Might Have Joy Too
John Bytheway
Ezra Taft BensonRichard G. Scott
Through the atonement of Jesus Christ, we can receive forgiveness for our sins, on condition of our repentance. It is, in fact, the second principle of the gospel, after faith.What, then, is repentance, and how does it work? Can one truly become clean again, even after making terrible mistakes? In Repentance, fourteen General Authorities, including President Ezra Taft Benson, discuss this merciful principle of the gospel.(from book flap)
The Power of Music: Purify the Spirit or Pollute the Soul: Making the Music Decision
Jack R. Christianson
Christianson, Millennial Press, Melanie Christianson, Randy Bott, Vickie Bott, Mandi Christianson, Stephen Hales, Tim Bradley, Bruce R. McConkie, William E. Gladstone. Paperback 2003 Printing by Millennial Press. Second Edition. 178 Pages. ISBN 1932597085. EAN 9781932597080. In English. Special Limited Edition.
Emma (Includes Bonus Talk: Becoming an Elect Lady)
Mary Jane Woodger
Sister Woodger says, "Over the years I have learned some great lessons from Emma, especially as I have reflected on her sacrifice and undying devotion to her husband." In a fascinating look at Church history, Sister Woodger uses each of Emma's pregnancies as a window to describe what was happening in the lives of Emma and Joseph at that time. She points out, for example, that Emma and Joseph's first son was born the day after Martin Harris left with the 116 pages. That child lived only three hours. Emma was so sick for the two ensuing weeks that she hovered between life and death. Also includes the bonus talk, Becoming an Elect Lady. Approx. 80 minutes on 1 CD.
Lessons on the Atonement
Hugh Nibley
Lectures given by Hugh Nibley in various settings in which he brings his faith and his scholarship to bear on the Atonement and produces deep insights on this important topic.
The Essence of Greatness
Hank Smith
He quotes Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin, who said, "Kindness is the essence of greatness...Who can tell that far-reaching impact we can have if we are only kind?" With his engaging stories, trademark humor, and illuminating quotes from the Brethren, Hank Smith teaches how simple kindness can change who we are and how we bless those around us. He says, "If you are building others, you are building the kingdom of God. It's as quick as turning to the person next to you and giving them a genuine compliment."Hank asks why it is that we are kind to our friends and even to strangers but are often unkind to our own family members. Encouraging us to be kind to ourselves, he quotes President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, who said, "[You must] learn to see yourself as [your] Heavenly Father see you—as his precious daughter or son with divine potential" and, "You are endlessly compassionate and patient with the weaknesses of others. Please remember also to be compassionate and patient with yourself." Hank says that kindness is a key to happiness and will take us from goodness to greatness.
A Peculiar Treasure
Brent L. Top
Would it surprise you to know that the Old Testament is amazingly relevant to our day? that it testifies of a loving, merciful God? that you don't have to be a biblical scholar to understand its most profound messages? that it can help you come to know Christ? Evidence for all this and more can be found within these pages.