Al-Ghazali on the Ninety-nine Beautiful Names of God

Abu Hamid al-Ghazali - 1992
    Taking up the Prophet's teaching that 'Ninety-nine Beautiful Names' are truly predicated of God, the author explores the meaning and resonance of each of these divine names, and reveals the functions they perform both in the cosmos and in the soul of the spiritual adept. Although some of the book is rigorously analytical, the author never fails to attract the reader with his profound mystical and ethical insights, which, conveyed in his sincere and straightforward idiom, have made of this book one of the perennial classics of Muslim thought, popular among Muslims to this day.

The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam

Muhammad Iqbal - 1934
    These lectures were delivered by Iqbal in Madras, Hyderabad, and Aligarh. The last chapter, "Is Religion Possible?", was added to the book from the 1934 Oxford Edition onwards.In Reconstruction, Iqbal called for a re-examination of the intellectual foundations of Islamic philosophy. The book is a major work of modern Islamic thought.

Textbook of Machine Design

R.S. Khurmi - 1996
    It is also recommended for students studying btech, be, and other professional courses related to machine design. The book is systematic and is presented in clear and simple language. The syllabus of the book is in line with the course at nmims. It is good reference book for students of other colleges too. The book explains the life cycle of engineering design, with respect to machines beginning from identifying a problem, defining it in relatively simpler terms, considering the environment in which it operates, and finding a solution to solve problems or improvise methods. It includes more than 30 chapters like shafts, levers, chain drives, power screws, flywheel, springs, clutches, brakes, welding joints, pressure vessels, spur gears, internal combustion engine parts, bevel gears, pipes and pipe joints, worms gears, columns and struts, riveted joints, keys and coupling, and more. S chand publishing is the publisher of a textbook of machine design, and it was published in 2005. This 25th revised edition book is available in paperback. Key features: this is a multi-coloured edition with pictures, illustrations, diagrams, and graphics to support the concepts explained. About the authorsj k gupta and r s khurmi have authored the book. Dr r s khurmi worked as a professor in delhi university, and now he writes books on engineering. J k gupta is also a technical writer, and writes mostly in collaboration with r s khurmi. They have their individual authored books as well like strength of material, life and work of ramesh chunder dutta c. I. E, and history of sirsa town. Some of the books that have been authored by both of them are refrigeration tables with chart, textbook of refrigeration and airconditioning (m. E.

The Ideal Muslim: The True Islamic Personality of the Muslim as defined in the Qur'an and Sunnah

محمد علي الهاشمي - 2005
    In his relation with his rabb' (lord), himself, family, parents, relatives, friends, and the community at large, he has a most excellent example in the Prophet of Islam (pbuh). His idealism is further strengthened by the characters of the first generations of Muslims who excelled in all the various fields of human endeavour. He is reassured by the teachings of Islam that he also can reach these noble heights by working to improve his character daily.In this title, the author gives a clear overview of the practical aspects of the Islamic lifestyle, as exemplified by the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) and his Companions. Moving from the innermost aspect of the individual's spiritual life to his dealings with all those around him, one can see how the Muslim is expected to interact with all others in his life.

Reliance of the Traveller: A Classic Manual of Islamic Sacred Law

أحمد بن النقيب المصري أبو العباس - 1991
    It is an indispensable reference for every Muslim or student of Islam who needs to research on Islamic rulings on daily Muslim life.

The Other Side of the Coin

Aiman Azlan - 2014
    An alternative perspective into topics such as identity, love, education, community, and self-worth.

Western Muslims and the Future of Islam

Tariq Ramadan - 2003
    As the number of Muslims living in the West grows, the question of what it means to be a Western Muslim becomes increasingly important to the futures of both Islam and the West. While the media are focused on radical Islam, Ramadan claims, a silent revolution is sweeping Islamic communities in the West, as Muslims actively seek ways to live in harmony with their faith within a Western context. French, English, German, and American Muslims--women as well as men--are reshaping their religion into one that is faithful to the principles of Islam, dressed in European and American cultures, and definitively rooted in Western societies. Ramadan's goal is to create an independent Western Islam, anchored not in the traditions of Islamic countries but in the cultural reality of the West. He begins by offering a fresh reading of Islamic sources, interpreting them for a Western context and demonstrating how a new understanding of universal Islamic principles can open the door to integration into Western societies. He then shows how these principles can be put to practical use. Ramadan contends that Muslims can-indeed must-be faithful to their principles while participating fully in the civic life of Western secular societies. Grounded in scholarship and bold in its aims, Western Muslims and the Future of Islam offers a striking vision of a new Muslim Identity, one which rejects once and for all the idea that Islam must be defined in opposition to the West.

Studies in Hadith Methodology and Literature

Muhammad Mustafa al-ʿAzami - 1978
    This is a topic-by-topic study about the science of Hadith written to fulfil the needs of modern college students whose medium of instruction is mainly in English.

The Dilemma Of Muslim Psychologists

Malik B. Badri
    As in other areas of social sciences, some Muslim thinkers and scholars have developed an amazing skill for the unthinking repetition and blind copying of Western, non-Islamic ideas and practices. “In the Lizard’s Hole” is a Prophetic epitaph that describes this activity very well. Some Muslim psychologists insist dogmatically on prying even into lizard’s holes that have been partly or totally abandoned by their Western counterparts. But do Muslims really need modern psychology at all? Is modern psychology wholly Western? Is there a way in which it could be reconciled with Islam? These burning questions lie lurking behind the dilemma of Muslim psychologists.

Exercises for the Brain and Memory : 70 Neurobic Exercises & FUN Puzzles to Increase Mental Fitness & Boost Your Brain Juice Today (With Crossword Puzzles)

Jason Scotts - 2013
    A lot of people today seek ways to retain and improve their memory and there is no better way to improve aside from these exercises. Just as the body needs physical exercises in order to function optimally, the brain needs to be exercised as well to prevent it from becoming sluggish. Get to know these fun and challenging exercises, do them and experience improved brain and memory function.

The Amazing Qur'an

Gary Miller - 1992

The Fourteen Infallibles

Sayed Ammar Nakshawani - 2012
    Sayed Ammar Nashawani's lectures on the biographies of the fourteen infallible figures in Shi'a Islam.An invaluable resource that represents a Shi'a view of the history of Islam, the Prophet and Imams for the present day audience. This excellent book will be of benefit to many in understanding the true nature of Islam and also illustrate how the illustrious figures as representing and manifesting universal human values that can serve humanity at large

Islam: Religion of Bigots

Robert Spencer - 2013
    The truth? In Saudi Arabia, the existence of Christian churches is prohibited, along with the Bible itself; no Christian or Jew can enter Mecca or Medina lest their mere footsteps desecrate Islam’s holiest sites. In Pakistan and Afghanistan and elsewhere in the Muslim world, conversion from Islam to Christianity is punishable by death. In Iraq, Syria, Nigeria and even the President’s beloved Indonesia, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists and other “infidels” often face acts of religious genocide by fundamentalists who invoke core Islamic texts and teachings to justify their actions.In short, as Robert Spencer shows in this work, the creed of Muhammad, far from being a religion of peace, has revealed itself in the post-9/11 world to be a religion of bigotry.

The Muslim Marriage Guide

Ruqaiyyah Waris Maqsood - 1998
    Drawing on Islamic sources of the Qur'an and Sunnah the author discusses the main emotional, social and sexual problems that can afflict relationships, suggesting many practical ways in which they can be resolved.

The Creed of Imam al-Tahawi

أبو جعفر الطحاوي
    The Creed Of Imam Al Tahawi;' Hamza Yusuf Arabic-English, Hb, 167Pp, Zaytuna Institute, Shaykh Abdullah Bin Bayyah/ Bio Imam Abu Hanifah/Abu Y