Best of
الوابل الصيب من الكلم الطيب
Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya - 1998
Through discussions of the ego, the nature of the body, the ephemerality of the world, the degrees of prayer, fasting, charity, and the purification of the heart, this beautifully written work is a genuine contribution to Muslim spirituality. What makes Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya on the Invocation of God of great interest is that it illustrates the spiritual life of Ibn Qayyim and of his teacher, the Hanbalite reformer Ibn Taymiyya (1263AH/1328AD).رابط التحميل:
الطب النبوي
ابن قيم الجوزية - 1998
It is a magnificient work that is a treasure for every Muslim household. Although it was written by the author, Ibn Al-Qayyim, over six hundered and fifty year ago, it is an extremely timely work for our generation in which health and natural health care products have become an important aspect of the lives of so many.The author presents the guidance of the Prophet (Peace be upon him) in dealing with variety of health issues, including treatment of the Qur'an and Sunnah are the main sources of Islamic lifestyle, it only stands to reason that they should likewise be referred to in the matters of health as he presents verses of the Qur'an, and statements of the Prophet (Peace be upon him) as his main reference in these issues of health and medicines. The final chapters of this work include an extremely beneficial glossary of remedies, herbs, foods and other natural substances that aid in the journey towards better health.Healing with the medicine of the Prophet (Peace be upon him) is an invaluable reference guide for the Muslims of every land and every generation. May Allah bestow His mercy and blessing upon the author, Ibn Al-Qayyim, for surely his work will be cherished thorughout time.***Arabic Below:"كتاب الطب النبوي يتضمن فصول نافعة في هديه صلى الله عليه وسلم في الطب الذي تطبب به، ووصفه لغيره حيث يبين الكاتب فيه الحكمة التي تعجز عقول أكبر الأطباء عن الوصول إليها، أما مضمونه فقد جاء على النحو التالي: تقسيم الأمراض، ومراتب الغذاء، أنواع علاج النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم للمرض، العلاج بالأدوية الطبية، هدي النبي صلى الله في الطاعون وعلاجه، داء الاستسقاء وعلاجه، علاج الجرح، علاج عرق النسا، هدي النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم في علاج الصداع والشقيقة وأسباب الصداع وفوائد الحناء، هدي النبي في العلاج العام لكل شكوى بالرقية الإلهية... هدي النبي في علاج الأورام والخراجات التي تبرأ بالبط والبزل... هدي النبي في علاج الكرب والهمّ والغمّ والحزن، هدي النبي في إصلاح الطعام الذي يقع فيه الذباب... الخ"
When The Moon Split
Safiur Rahman Mubarakpuri - 1998
You also learn about the hardships the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) and his companions faced, and how they eventually succeeded with Allah’s help.So, it is necessary to study the Prophet’s (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) life and follow it in all manners. We hope this study will help you to get the better understanding of the religion of Islam. In this sense, this is one of the best books which are meant to be read and read again.
Revelation, Rationality, Knowledge and Truth
Mirza Tahir Ahmad - 1998
The underlying theme of the book is that the belief in a divine power, the Creator, is not in contradiction with the acceptance of scientific rationale.
Servants of Allah: African Muslims Enslaved in the Americas
Sylviane A. Diouf - 1998
Most assume that what Muslim faith any Africans did bring with them was quickly absorbed into the new Christian milieu. But, surprisingly, as Sylviane Diouf shows in this new, meticulously researched volume, Islam flourished during slavery on a large scale.Servants of Allah presents a history of African Muslim slaves, following them from Africa to the Americas. It details how, even while enslaved many Black Muslims managed to follow most of the precepts of their religion. Literate, urban, and well traveled, Black Muslims drew on their organization and the strength of their beliefs to play a major part in the most well known slave uprisings. Though Islam did not survive in the Americas in its orthodox form, its mark can be found in certain religions, traditions, and artistic creations of people of African descent.But for all their accomplishments and contributions to the cultures of the African Diaspora, the Muslim slaves have been largely ignored. Servants of Allah is the first book to examine the role of Islam in the lives of both individual practitioners and in the American slave community as a whole, while also shedding light on the legacy of Islam in today's American and Caribbean cultures.Choice Outstanding Academic Title of 1999.
Knowing How to Know: A Practical Philosophy in the Sufi Tradition
Idries Shah - 1998
This is the paperback edition of Shah's companion volume to the The Commanding Self, wherein he sets out to illuminate the barriers which prevent deeper knowledge and understanding.
The Rays Collection
Bediüzzaman Said Nursî - 1998
Stating that belief equals knowledge and that the convictions underlying nonbelief are ignorance and absence of judgment, this spirituality-affirming compendium features essays that introduce the pillars of faith for the Islamic tradition and give a broader understanding of Islam based on the Qur?an. Ultimately hoping to prove the existence and unity of God, this magnum opus is perfect for researchers and students of Islam as well as anyone interested in a broad analysis of the Qur?an and the main tenets of the Islamic faith.
The Life of the Prophet Muhammad
ابن كثير - 1998
Compiled in the fourteenth century by a prominent Syrian scholar, this four volume-set, translated in English, is a full examination, in chronological order, of the background, life and mission of the Prophet Muhammad.
Love Is a Fire: The Sufi's Mystical Journey Home
Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee - 1998
The call of the heart and how it draws us back to divine union is one of mankind’s greatest secrets, and for the Sufi this love is a fire that burns away all traces of separation. Love is a Fire is based on live talks and meetings with Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee, who teaches how to live this burning. He describes the stages of the path of love on the soul’s journey home. This is a book for anyone drawn to the fire of divine love.
Seeing Islam as Others Saw It: A Survey and Evaluation of Christian, Jewish, and Zoroastrian Writings on Early Islam
Robert G. Hoyland - 1998
The first part discusses the nature of the Muslim and non-Muslim source material for the seventh- and eighth-century Middle East and argues that by lessening the divide between these two traditions, which has largely been erected by modern scholarship, we can come to a better appreciation of this crucial period. The second part gives a detailed survey of sources and an analysis of some 120 non-Muslim texts, all of which provide information about the first century and a half of Islam (roughly A.D. 620-780). The third part furnishes examples, according to the approach suggested in the first part and with the material presented in the second part, how one might write the history of this time. The fourth part takes the form of excurses on various topics, such as the process of Islamization, the phenomenon of conversion to Islam, the development of techniques for determining the direction of prayer, and the conquest of Egypt. Because this work views Islamic history with the aid of non-Muslim texts and assesses the latter in the light of Muslim writings, it will be essential reading for historians of Islam, Christianity, Judaism, or Zoroastrianism--indeed, for all those with an interest in cultures of the eastern Mediterranean in its traditional phase from Late Antiquity to medieval times.
Knowing Allaah
Muhammad Mustafa al-Jibaly - 1998
In ten books, it covers the six pillars of Eemaan and related subjects. Each book is structured into chapters and sections to enhance learning and help present the concepts in a way adequate for children at the elementary-school level. Each chapter includes exercises to emphasize the concepts, making it easy to use these books as reading and study material in schools.
The Magic Horse
Idries Shah - 1998
A Sufi teaching tale in which two very different princes find their hearts' desires: one in a wonderous, mechanical fish, the other in a magical wooden horse.
Companions of the Prophet - Book 2
Abdulwahid Hamid - 1998
Here the trials and triumphs of the early Muslims as individuals are well-portrayed. Their various paths to Islam - sometimes direct, sometimes long and tortuous, their devotion to the noble Prophet, their endeavors in peace time and their exploits in war - all serve to cast them in a heroic mould. This is the second of two books based on original Arabic sources and written in a style that is lively and often gripping. The lives of the Sahabah or Companions of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, is a rich storehouse of knowledge, guidance and inspiration. The men and women whose stories are told here helped to lay the foundations of a new world order, and it is only fitting that they should be more widely known.
The Voyage and the Messenger: Iran and Philosophy
Henry Corbin - 1998
A study of religious philosophy, exploration of visionary faith, these pages offer a superb meditation of the great themes of Perso-Islamic mysticism—the Sufi theory of knowledge, the voyage within the soul, le rituel de la coupe—and an illuminating glimpse into the philosophic universes of Sohravardi, Ibn Arabi, and Molla Sarda Shirazi.
Sickness: Regulations & Exhortations
Muhammad Mustafa al-Jibaly - 1998
In the process, we pass through stages of sickness, death, and the intermediate life in the grave (al-Barzakh). These are the subjects with which “The Inevitable Journey” deals with:This book is the first in the series. It deals with a subject that afflicts the human being, in various forms, from birth until death. It strikes as light as a simple cold or allergy, and as hard as a plague or cancer. It keeps the human being under check, reminding him of his weakness, and giving him a chance to turn to the One who possesses to afflict and cure. It deals with sickness, its regulations, and lessons associated with it. Furthermore, it contains an extensive coverage of regulations relating to the disabled.
Greek Thought, Arabic Culture: The Graeco-Arabic Translation Movement in Baghdad and Early Abbasid Society
Dimitri Gutas - 1998
Dimitri Gutas draws upon the preceding historical and philological scholarship in Greco-Arabic studies and the study of medieval translations of secular Greek works into Arabic and analyses the social and historical reasons for this phenomenon.Dimitri Gutas provides a stimulating, erudite and well-documented survey of this key movement in the transmission of ancient Greek culture to the Middle Ages.
A Short History of the Ismalis
Farhad Daftary - 1998
This introduction to Ismaili history takes account of recently recovered Ismaili texts. It covers the main developments in the major phases of Ismaili history, from the early formative period, through the Fatimid golden age and the Alamut and post-Alamut periods, to more recent history, and gives a critical analysis of the available source materials.
The Demographic Siege
Koenraad Elst - 1998
Official census data show that the Hindu percentage has declined, and the Muslim percentage increased, in every single successive census in British India, free India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Muslim increase is not linear, but is itself increasing; and there is a large immigration of Muslims from Pakistan and Bangladesh, which can only increase. India's `secularists' admit the fact of Muslim demographic expansion but offer as their explanation that it is all due to Muslim poverty. But Kerela refutes the argument by showing a higher birth rate among Muslims, who have a high level of education and a relatively higher standard of living. Prophet Mohammed had said in so many words: 'Marry women who will love their husbands and be very prolific, for I want you to be more numerous than any other people' and 'In my Ummah, he is the best who has the largest number of wives.' Even secular Muslims candidly call it one of the fundamental tenets of Islam - namely, to multiply the tribe. To a modernist outsider, there is something quaint and unreal about this alternative: either islamizing or hinduizing India. I wonder if the present worldwide revival of religious identities can at all persist once the information revolution has had its full civilizational effect. Indian Muslims should be encouraged to outgrow their religious conditioning, and to explore the spiritual sphere afresh. This will automatically bring them in closer touch with their Hindu surroundings, and help them reintegrate into the society from which they were estranged by Islam.
Allah's Mountains: The Battle for Chechnya
Sebastian Smith - 1998
It is also a story of the history, people and cultures of the Caucasus and of tiny ethnic groups struggling for both physical and cultural survival.
The Rules or Secrets of the Naqshbandi Order
Omar Ali-Shah - 1998
As a member of a distinguished family of Sufi teachers descended from the Prophet, he could have remained in an eastern context which was automatically sympathetic to the Sufi Tradition, but he chose to pursue the work begun by his father in bringing this way of thinking to the West. After thirty-five years of effort it can be seen that his work, along with that of the rest of his family, has completely changed the western attitude towards this ancient way of thought. At the age of seventy-five, Omar Ali-Shah continues to be in direct teaching contact with over two thousand students scattered around the world. His other books are Sufisn for Today, Sufism as Therapy, The Course of the Seeker, The Sufi Tradition in the West and translations of Saadi's The Rose Garden (Gulistan) and The Rubaiyyat of Omar Khayaam.
Allah Gave Me Two Eyes to See
Fatima M. D'Oyen - 1998
Through rhymes and watercolor illustrations, this beautiful celebration of the five senses conveys the many gifts that Allah has bestowed on us. Full-colour illustrations.
Meeting the Challenge of Parenting in the West: An Islamic Perspective
Ekram Beshir - 1998
With schools playing no role in instilling ethical norms and values in children it becomes the responsibility of the family to undertake that role. The book is an excellent guide on how to take on that role in a holistic Islamic tarbiyyah.
Honor and Shame in the Gospel of Matthew
Jerome H. Neyrey - 1998
He examines the traditional literary forms for bestowing such praise and the conventional grounds for awarding honor and praise in Matthew's world.
Religion of Islam
Muhammad Maulana Ali - 1998
First publiched 1936.
Death before Dying: The Sufi Poems of Sultan Bahu
Sultan Bahu - 1998
1691), a Sufi mystical poet who continues to be one of the most beloved writers in Punjabi. Bahu, whose name translates as "With God," remains highly popular in Pakistan and India today—even illiterate Punjabis can recite his poetry by heart.
Words of Advice Regarding Da'wah from the Noble Shaykh
عبد العزيز بن عبد الله بن باز - 1998
A unique collection of the rulings of Shaykh Abdul Aziz ibn Baz on the subject of da'wah (calling to Islam).
Encyclopedia of Muhammad's Women Companions and the Traditions They Related
Shaykh Muhammad - 1998
The Traditions are organized according to the Divine Law (shariah), but this work begins with moral character development. A brief glance shows that women Companions related Traditions in many areas and not just in areas relating specifically to women. Where there is more than one Tradition on the same topic, one is presented and references to the other versions are indicated below that specific Tradition. Book II contains the biographies of over 600 women Companions of the Prophet including her name, her mother's name, the name of her children, the name of her husband (s) and where information is available from the earliest sources of Ibn Ishaq and Ibn Sad, her biography.
Realm of the Saint: Power and Authority in Moroccan Sufism
Vincent J. Cornell - 1998
The Moroccan Jazuliyya Sufi order used the doctrine that the saint was a "substitute of the prophets" and personification of a universal "Muhammadan Reality" to justify nearly one hundred years of Sufi involvement in Moroccan political life, which led to the creation of the sharifian state. This book presents a systematic history of Moroccan Sufism through the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries C.E. and a comprehensive study of Moroccan Sufi doctrine, focusing on the concept of sainthood. Vincent J. Cornell engages in a sociohistorical analysis of Sufi institutions, a critical examination of hagiography as a source for history, a study of the Sufi model of sainthood in relation to social and political life, and a sociological analysis of more than three hundred biographies of saints. He concludes by identifying eight indigenous ideal types of saint that are linked to specific forms of authority. Taken together, they define sainthood as a socioreligious institution in Morocco.
Suhrawardi: The Shape of Light
Shahab al-Din Suhrawardi - 1998
This treatise on the nature and levels of the human soul considers the limitations of human senses and our true or theomorphic essence; the various realms or Centers, including Absolute Mind as well as Ordinary Mind and Divine Mind; the nature of firmaments; and the meaning of pleasure and pain.
The Politics of Muslim Cultural Reform: Jadidism in Central Asia
Adeeb Khalid - 1998
With the Russian conquest in the 1860s and 1870s the region came into contact with modernity. The Jadids, influential Muslim intellectuals, sought to safeguard the indigenous Islamic culture by adapting it to the modern state. Through education, literacy, use of the press and by maintaining close ties with Islamic intellectuals from the Ottoman empire to India, the Jadids established a place for their traditions not only within the changing culture of their own land but also within the larger modern Islamic world.Khalid uses previously untapped literary sources from Uzbek and Tajik as well as archival materials from Uzbekistan, Russia, Britain, and France to explore Russia's role as a colonial power and the politics of Islamic reform movements. He shows how Jadid efforts paralleled developments elsewhere in the world and at the same time provides a social history of the Jadid movement. By including a comparative study of Muslim societies, examining indigenous intellectual life under colonialism, and investigating how knowledge was disseminated in the early modern period, The Politics of Muslim Cultural Reform does much to remedy the dearth of scholarship on this important period. Interest in Central Asia is growing as a result of the breakup of the former Soviet Union, and Khalid's book will make an important contribution to current debates over political and cultural autonomy in the region.
The Muslim Marriage Guide
Ruqaiyyah Waris Maqsood - 1998
Drawing on Islamic sources of the Qur'an and Sunnah the author discusses the main emotional, social and sexual problems that can afflict relationships, suggesting many practical ways in which they can be resolved.
Egypt (Thomas Cook travellers)
Michael Haag - 1998
-- The Times (London)"Cadogan's specialty is uncovering delightful secrets in some of the earth's most traveled spots". -- The Independent"Entertaining companions with sharp insights ... The series has received plaudits worldwide for intelligence, orginality and a slightly irreverent sense of fun. -- Daily Telegraph (London)"Cadogan Guides have a reputation as the outstanding series for the independent traveler who doesn't want to follow the crowd". -- Daily Telegraph (London)"... evocatively charming and chatty as they are informed". -- New York Daily News"Understated humorous writing". -- New York Daily
Neem the Half-Boy
Idries Shah - 1998
This unusual and memorable tale about an incomplete boy will fascinate young readers and will encourage them to think about just what it means to be "a complete person." That Neem is able to make himself complete by an act of cleverness, negotiation, and compromise teaches children more than the expected, usual lesson of bravery. This enchanting tale of Prince Neem, the king and queen of Hich-Hich, Arif the wise man, fairies and a fire-breathing dragon is marvelously and magically illustrated by Midori Mori and Robert Revels. Ages 3-8
The Spirit of Islamic Law
Bernard G. Weiss - 1998
Whereas the kindred science of fiqh is concerned with the articulation of actual rules of law, this science elaborates the theoretical and methodological foundations of the law.The Spirit of Islamic Law outlines the prominent features of Muslim juristic thought: espousal of divine sovereignty; a fixation on divine texts; an uncompromisingly intentionalist approach to the interpretation of those texts; a frank acknowledgment of the fallibility of human endeavor to capture divine intent; a toleration of legal diversity; a moralistic bent grounded in a particular social vision; and finally, a preoccupation with the affairs of private individuals--especially family relations and contracts--coupled with a concern to define the limits of governmental power.The Spirit of Islamic Law is the fifth book in Georgia's Spirit of Laws series, which illuminates the nature of legal systems throughout the world.
Rumi: The Hidden Treasure
Shems Friedlander - 1998
Bringing to light previously unpublished material on the sacred music and dance, or "sema," of the Mevlevi Dervishes, extraordinary photography contributes to the explanation of the significance and symbolism of the dress and movement of the dance performed in the Hall of Celestial Sounds.
The Authority of Sunnah
Muhammad Taqi Usmani - 1998
Narratives of Islamic Origins: The Beginnings of Islamic Historical Writing
Fred M. Donner - 1998
seventh to tenth centuries CE). The narratives that resulted focused on certain themes of Islamic origins, selected to legitimise particular aspects of the Islamic community and faith in one or another. These included the need to establish the status of Muhammad (d. 632) as prophet, to affirm that the community to which they belonged was the direct descendant of the original community founded by the Prophet, to explain Muslim hegemony over vast populations of non-Muslims in the rapidly growing Islamic empire, and to articulate different positions in the ongoing debate with the Islamic community itself over political and religious leadership.An examination of these key themes of early Islamic historiography and the issues generating them is placed in the context of other styles of legitimisation in the early Islamic community, including such methods as appeals to piety and genealogy. Narratives of Islamic Origins is a ground-breaking work that represents the first comprehensive tradition -- critical account of the origins and rise of Arab-Islamic historiography, and is essential reading for all historians of medieval Islamic history and civilisation, and for all those interested in the historiography of comparative civilisations.
Folktales From Somalia
Ahmed A. Hanghe - 1998
The book contains a selection of folktales in Somali with translations into English. This publication is a valuable contribution to our knowledge of oral traditions and folklore in the Horn of Africa.
Access to Qur'anic Arabic: Textbook
Abdul Wahid Hamid - 1998
An integrated set of books that covers the basic grammar and structure of Arabic using only Qur'anic words and examples throughout. The books are only available as a set.
Forty Hadith Qudsi
Ezzeddin Ibrahim - 1998
The present collection has been compiled from all the available books of hadith. The forty chosen here are all well authenticated and present many of the doctrinal, devotional and ethical elements of Islam. A scholarly introduction deals fully with the subject and shows the way in which the hadith qudsi differs from the Qur'an and from the Prophetic hadith. This selection and translation has been made by the translators of An-Nawawi's Forty Hadith. Forty Hadith Qudsi is regarded as a companion volume and has been printed in similar format with the original Arabic text given alongside the English translation.