Life! by Design: 6 Steps to an Extraordinary You

Tom Ferry - 2010
    It is time to emerge from your coma, embrace renewed vitality, and approach life By Design! In this dynamic hands-on guide, world-class success coach and motivational leader Tom Ferry reveals the secrets to achievement at work and at home, and how to create a greater balance between the two. This book will help you conquer the four addictions that are holding you back from living up to your greatest potential: addiction to the opinions of others, addiction to drama, addiction to the past, and addiction to worry. By becoming aware of these addictions, you will be better equipped to respond to uncertain times and to the challenges that crop up in your daily life. Tom Ferry's unique six-step approach to living By Design will help you emerge from complacency into action and accomplishment. Step 1: Explore the Core Seven life assessments--your career, your intimate relationships, your finances, your physical body, your spirituality, your attitude about the world, and your intellectual self--and pinpoint the areas in which you want to improve. Step 2: Make the conscious, deliberate choice to change your life and find fulfillment, no matter the obstacles. Step 3: Create your Life! By Design by declaring what you want for yourself, defining your goals, and devising a concrete plan to make it happen. Step 4: Identify the actions you can take to ensure that you thrive in all areas of your life. Step 5: Visualize your life as you want it to be. This simple but profound exercise is a proven technique that will lock in your vision and will lead you toward achieving your goals. Step 6: Create accountability and structure to break old habits and gain the discipline required to live life to your fullest potential. It's time to draw the line between the past and the present as you face your fears, and go for everything you really want. This is Life! By Design."" And the results will astound you!

Purpose: Find Your Truth and Embrace Your Calling

Jessica Huie - 2018
    Throughout the course of a career that has spanned more than 20 years, she has worked with some of the world’s biggest stars and business people, including Simon Cowell, Samuel L. Jackson, Mariah Carey and Meghan Markle.But there’s more to her story than that.In Purpose, Jessica shares the lessons she learned as she went from being an individual who felt purposeless and unhappy, to someone who recognizes her complete power to design and create a successful, meaningful and limitless life built from an authentic foundation. Using the tools Jessica shares, you too will feel empowered to get unstuck, begin making real change in your own life and the lives of others, and live according to your own true PURPOSE.

How to Discover Best-Selling Nonfiction eBook Ideas - The Bulletproof Strategy

Steve Scott - 2013
    You can't write about any topic and expect it will become a best selling eBook. The truth is the Amazon marketplace is full of fickle readers. Most will only read a specific type of nonfiction book. If you're not writing about these topics then no one is going to buy your book. It's that simple!As an expert on niche research, I know what it takes to find proven, profitable markets. I use four free websites to discover where people are spending money. In my book, I show you these sites. Plus I teach you how to find the right niche that matches your background and personal interests.Generate Hundreds Of Book Ideas and Publish Your 1st, 2nd, and 100th Best-Selling Kindle BookThe key to making a killing on Kindle is to follow a publisher's model. You don't succeed with a single title. Your best best is to locate a hidden niche full of hungry buyers who will buy everything you publish. That's how the top authors really make money with Amazon eBooks.My guide details an additional four websites for exploring any market topic. You won't have to guess what people will buy. Instead you'll do a special type of research to decipher the language they use and locate the problems they encounter on a daily basis. In addition, you'll discover the right way to get hundreds of profitable nonfiction book ideas.Discover 7 Secrets Of Highly Effective Kindle AuthorsYou'll need the right philosophy to win at the Amazon game. I've examined top-selling Kindle authors and discovered they have a specific mindset that leads to hundreds of daily sales. My guide details these 7 "highly effective" secrets and shows how you can adopt these winning habits.Use 5 Different Ways To "Hack" AmazonAll the market research in the world won't matter if you pick the wrong market. The only way to publish a best-selling book is to know if it' something Amazon readers will buy.Fortunately I know the secret to determining the profitability of any nonfiction book idea. Specifically I use five tools to "hack" Amazon's algorithm. You'll learn:1. How to determine the average daily sales of any published title2. The quickest way to find related books in your marketplace3. A simple trick for discovering "hidden" book ideas4. My system for turning an unprofitable idea into a title that readers want5. How to use the top selling charts to find what's currently popular in your market.There is a goldmine of information on Amazon. You just need the right tools to do the digging. With my "5 Amazon Hacks," you'll know...within minutes...if you have a best-selling book idea. Then all you have to do is write and publish your title!Would You Like To Know More?Get started right away and locate those best-selling nonfiction book ideas.Scroll to the top of the page and select the 'buy button' now.

Portal to Genius

Leslie Householder - 2009
    Follow Richard and Felicity who are at the end of their financial rope, Morgan who needs a medical miracle for his son, and Ray who needs to find $4.5 million dollars by Wednesday as they each discover their portals to genius. Built on the premise that the solution to every problem is just an idea away, Leslie Householder (award-winning best selling author of The Jackrabbit Factor: Why You Can) and Garrett B. Gunderson (New York Times best selling author of Killing Sacred Cows), bring you an experience you'll never forget through this brilliant work true to its name: Portal to Genius.

Hard Core Poor - a book on extreme thrift

Kelly Sangree - 2014
    I hope it helps you too!

Mastering Minimalism: Eight Steps To A Life Of Less Stuff And More Freedom

Emily Josephine - 2017
    This book will help make the journey of learning how to be a minimalist much less difficult – even enjoyable – for you. Wannabe minimalists often have not only hundreds, if not thousands, of material goods to declutter, but also a plethora of mainstream mindsets that make navigating their way toward voluntary simplicity a rough and rocky path. I wrote this book to ease that navigation process for newbies. I also wrote it to help intermediate Minimalists who want to dive deeper into the journey, to overcome the obstacles that are holding them back. The steps and tips are those that my husband and I used to begin the journey toward Minimalism, and the ones we continue to use to remain on the path. The book begins by briefly addressing what Minimalism truly is (as opposed to what religious minimalist gurus have made many people think it is). It continues by explaining the benefits of becoming a minimalist. The rest of the book, the bulk of it, describes the steps you need to take in order to master Minimalism; that is, to overcome the insidious materialistic mindset of the modern age and to integrate the philosophy into your soul so completely that it becomes as easy as breathing. The first step toward simple living is one you likely won’t hear about in any other book on the subject. Then, you will be asked to consider two major paradigm shifts that will completely change the way you look at material goods. The remaining steps are more practical and hands-on, enabling you to take instant action on your desire to join the minimalist movement. If you are looking at becoming a minimalist, or you have already begun moving toward it but need some encouragement to “fight the good fight,” read this book. It will help.

Amazon Selling Secrets: How to Make an Extra $1K - $10K a Month Selling Your Own Products on Amazon

William U. Peña - 2014
     By mastering the Amazon Selling System in this book, you will be able to easily tap into the opportunities on Amazon, and create an additional $1K - $10K a month in passive income. This book will teach you the highly sought after secrets of how to identify highly popular products, and then transform them into your own special brand, which customers will pay a lot of money for. In this book you will learn How to: Identify Desirable Products People Want to Buy. Create a Unique Brand that People will Remember. Find High Quality Product Sources that will Support Your Thriving Amazon Business. Create High Converting Amazon Listings that will Emotionally Compel Customers to Buy Over and Over. Create the Most Profit Possible with the Least Amount of Expense. Test and Validate Your Product to Guarantee your Success. Effectively Manage Your Inventory and Fulfill Orders with Little Effort. Provide Outstanding Customer Satisfaction and Motivate Customers to Buy More. Get Abundant Reviews from Raving Fan Customers. Automate the Process so that You Can Sell Products While You Sleep. Expand Your Amazon Selling Business and Make 6 or 7 Figures a Year. By the time you finish this book, you will have all the tools, resources, and a simple, yet effective system to make an extra $1000 - $10,000 a month. So Get Your Copy Now and Start Making Money on Amazon Today!

Rock Bottom to Rock Star: Lessons from the Business School of Hard Knocks

Ryan Blair - 2016
    In his first book, Nothing to Lose, Blair shared the brutally honest story of how he went from being an at-risk youth, sleeping on a mattress on the floor of a shack, to a self made multi-millionaire by his early twenties. As both the book and his story became a national sensation, Blair realized it was time to share the next piece of the puzzle--a detailed road map on how you can reach financial freedom yourself. Blair has battled extreme obstacles--growing fame, bad press, outrageous lawsuits, making and losing tens of millions of dollars (sometimes all in one day)--and still came out on top every time, and continued his mission to positively impact the lives of millions of people. Now he reveals how he did it; his personal formula for going from rock bottom to "rock star," and being the absolute best at what you do. If you're serious about making the most of your life and you're ready to become the "rock star next door," instead of just looking up to them, this may be the most rewarding book you'll ever read.

Forgive for Love: The Missing Ingredient for a Healthy and Lasting Relationship

Fred Luskin - 2007
    The problem hasn't gone unnoticed. From relationship therapists to speed-dating, self-help books to online matchmaking, an entire industry has developed to help us navigate the bumpy road of relationships. Yet in spite of the availability of all these resources, many of us still struggle to discover and keep the love of our lives. That is, until now.This groundbreaking book from the frontiers of psychology offers startling new research about the one missing factor that is vital to relationships—forgiveness. A national bestselling author and leading expert on forgiveness, Dr. Fred Luskin shows that no matter how much two people may love each other, their relationship will not succeed unless they practice forgiveness—an approach that most relationship experts continue to ignore.Why is forgiveness an essential tool for relationships? Studies reveal that 70 percent for what we argue about at the beginning of our relationships will never be fully resolved. In other words, our basic needs and behaviors don't change over time. The issues are endless: the socks that always end up on the floor, how often to have sex, the ESPN obsession, working hours, and, of course, friends and family. Without forgiveness, these issues, however big or small, too easily turn into relationship-eroding grudges.Forgive for Love is the solution for your relationship woes, providing the tools you need to find and hold onto the love of your life. Dr. Luskin delivers a proven seven-step program for creating and maintaining loving and lasting relationships, teaching easy-to-learn forgiveness skills that will not only resolve immediate conflicts but improve the overall happiness and longevity of your relationships. Simply put: people in healthy relationships figure out how to forgive their partners for being themselves. They do so because it is nearly impossible to change other people and because none of us are perfect. Forgiveness is the key, and Forgive for Love has the answers.

Leadership is Hell: How to Manage Well - And Escape with your Soul

Rob Asghar - 2014
    This book punctures that misguided myth—and it will liberate you from others’ expectations and from your own illusions about success. This book is a practical manual for leading the right way and for the right reasons. It explores how to identify and overcome the blind spots that may be hurting your career; whether you have the right mindset for the kind of success that you’re seeking; how to develop just the right amount of “healthy ego” to make an impact; and how to make an impact on the world in a way that’s true to who you are (be forewarned, this might involve a completely different path than your current one). This book will take you on a journey, showing you famous figures from history and the present—some who got it right, and some who didn’t. You’ll look at seven roads to hell within the world of leadership, and seven roads out of hell, to guide you safely to a meaningful legacy. All royalties support the University of Southern California’s Neighborhood Academic Initiative to prepare local urban schoolchildren for college.

Retire Your Husband: A Millionaire Mom's Guide To Replacing Your Spouse's Income Through Network Marketing

Kami Dempsey - 2013
    Whether you're still thinking about starting your own business or wanting to get back into it after an unsuccessful prior attempt, these millionaire moms will teach you how to identify your own unique, God-given talents to build a business that provides a legacy of freedom and wealth for your family for years to come. If you want to stop trading your time for money and want to start spending more time with the people you love, this book is for you. It doesn't matter if you have any experience in sales, what education you've had, or how old you are--if you're willing to spend a couple hours reading this book and you can commit to doing the exercises within, we know you will be successful with your own business. If you're ready to start creating a residual income that will serve you for a lifetime, we're ready to show you how!

Time Is Money: A Simple System To Cure Procrastination Without Willpower, Become More Productive, Find Your Focus & Get More Done In Less Time! (Personal ... Productivity & Get Stuff Done Book 3)

Alex Altman - 2015
    You’ll be able to have fun, build unstoppable motivation and even break lazy habits that are holding you back. You’ll learn how to develop habits correctly by following the “Three R’s”. What will you learn? Well here’s a preview…• The 4 Reasons why you procrastinate and how to solve them• How to increase your energy by creating habits that stick• The 4 mistakes people make when setting goals• How to increase your “focus muscle” and get more things done in less time• What to do when you’re feeling overwhelmed• How to overcome the fear of failure thats preventing you from making progressDon’t hesitate to pick up your copy today by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page!P.S. If you’re a procrastinator don’t delay this purchase. The information in this book will help you transform your life!

The Secret to Money Masterclass

Rhonda Byrne - 2020
    You are meant to have a rich life, in every respect, and yet many people are unaware of the power they have within them that directly and effortlessly accesses abundance in all things, including money.In this new book, Rhonda Byrne, author of The Secret, explains how the law of attraction applies specifically to wealth and your relationship with money. By applying the knowledge in The Secret, you can stop money from slipping through your fingers, and eliminate forever the perpetual state of “not having enough money.” You will discover the power you have to bring money to you and to live a life of abundance, where you can be, do, or have anything you want.Subjects covered by Rhonda include personal finance, eradicating a poverty mindset and adopting a wealth mindset, job hunting, career advancement, creating a successful business, and giving and sharing wealth.Rhonda also presents many inspirational real-life stories of people who have used The Secret to attract wealth, build a company, pay off debts, acquire a home, and secure a high paying job.They say money doesn’t grow on trees—but with the knowledge of The Secret to Money Masterclass, you will feel that it actually does, as money starts to come into your life from unexpected places. Financial freedom can be yours, and as you will discover, it is just one thought away!

Soap Making Business Startup: How to Start, Run & Grow a Million Dollar Success From Home!

Suzanne Carpenter - 2017
    You can find that information anywhere, don’t have to buy my book to learn that. Wait! Oh! I did that in this book. I did explain how to make soap, I also did give you a few simple recipes too. But I hope that is not why you bought this book.In this book my goal is to explain to you in simple terms how to CREATE great natural and organic soaps and not just MAKE soaps, there is a difference. You will get to see and understand that difference when you understand each ingredients and how they interact and react with each other.& You will not have a great business if you are just making carbon copy of few soaps of other people which your customers can go buy from any local stores. What will make you unique is when you create a blend or two of your own and people start liking your creation. That is when you can hit the home run in business.Imagine growing your soap company into a local, regional and ultimately a national brand, where your soaps will be sold at every Whole food, Body, Bath and Beyond, Home Goods and many other great retailers.&This is a Two Part Book. In the first part I show you how to get started with soap making, I show you every steps you need to take to make your first batch of soap. Then I show you how to test your creation and how to figure out what works and what does not.On the second part of the book, I teach you everything you need to know about turning your new found passion into a successful business. I share my own story and how I turned my passion into a 6 figure business. Though this book is not about my success but yours, but I think you may find it inspiring that an average housewife like myself was able to build the business and then was able to sell it for a good profit. In the First Part I will Show You: Why you should your own Soap Making Business What Soap Making Equipment you will need How to get Started in Under a 1K How & Where to Buy Soap Making Supplies for Cheap What makes a soap Natural and Organic? What is the Difference between Fragrance and Essential oil How to use Various Natural Botanicals in your Soap and Make them Unique How to be Creative with various Soap Molds What and how to Use 32 Various Oils in your Soap How to Scent Your Soap How to Color your Soap with 11 Natural Colorants All the Soap Making methods Step by Step Soap Making Safety Rules to Follow Best & Easiest Recipes to Start with In the Second Part of the Book I Will Show You: Startup Costs for your New Homemade Soap Business How to get started, Step by Step Expected Average Monthly Revenue Average Monthly Expenses How to Start from Home and Save Money How to Find and Develop a Niche for your Soap Business The New Market Trends in the Soap Industry How to Price your Soap for Sale How to Calculate

Liking Jesus: Intimacy and Contentment in a Selfie-Centered World

Craig Groeschel - 2018
    The more we interact online, the more we crave intimacy. The more filtered our lives become, the harder it is to be real.It’s time to refresh and rediscover what it means to be “like Jesus” and find true authenticity, a healthy self-image, and compassion for others in an age when we relate to each other so differently than ever before. Groeschel taps into some of the most leading-edge studies on the effects of social media on our emotions and friendships. He offers real-life examples of how we struggle with screens and likes, how these things mask our struggles with who we really are, and how we can reclaim a Christ-centered life.Packed with helpful topics like the “10 Commandments of Using Social Media to Strengthen Your Faith” and “Creating Safeguards for Your Digital Devices,” readers from ages sixteen to sixty will find Liking Jesus to be just the guide to bring balance and real-world engagement to everyday life.