Book picks similar to
Men And Women Of Christ by Neal A. Maxwell
Discourses of President Gordon B. Hinckley, Vol. 2: 2000-2004
Gordon B. Hinckley - 2005
Hinckley became the fifteenth President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Beloved for his sound counsel, his far-reaching vision, his ease with the media, and his sense of humor, President Hinckley has traveled the world over, addressing huge audiences and small congregations. This volume gathers a marvelous sampling of those addresses, including all his general conference addresses from the second five years of his ministry as prophet, many additional talks selected from his travels, and speeches delivered to the general public. This landmark collection takes readers from Manhattan to Madrid, from Guam to Ghana, and also features talks from several historic satellite broadcasts, including the 175th anniversary of the restoration of the priesthood and the 125th anniversary of the Primary. Particularly poignant are the addresses given on September 11 and 14, 2001, when the United States was reeling from the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Truly, in such troubled times, the greatest comfort comes from knowing we are led by a prophet of God!
That We Might Have Joy
Howard W. Hunter - 1994
Hunter asked members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, "How often do we think of the Savior? How deeply and gratefully and how adoringly do we reflect on his life? How central to our lives do we know him to be?" Living a more Christlike life has long been a theme of President Hunter's messages to the Saints. That We Might Have Joy presents thirty-two of these messages, each expressing his testimony that "Christ's way is not only the right way, but ultimately the only way to hope and joy." The book is arranged in four parts"Making Christ Our Exemplar," "A Plea for Unity," "Facing Trials and Tribulations," and "Becoming Disciples of Christ." Each chapter within these sections draws from the scriptures an important message illustrating how using the Savior's life and teachings as our guide can lead to greater peace of mind and joy. President Hunter summarizes well this theme in his talk entitled "Facing Trials and Tribulations": "Our task is to have the gospel in our lives and to be a bright light, a city set on a hill, that reflects the beauty of the gospel of Jesus Christ and the joy and happiness that will always come to every people in every age who keep the commandments."
Be Your Best Self
Thomas S. Monson - 1979
The Savior's admonition "Be ye therefore perfect" was not limited in time or scope; it applies to his disciples in every age, including this last dispensation. Be Your Best Self can help in the constant struggle for perfection. Adapted from the powerful discourses of President Thomas S. Monson of the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, this book is divided into three sections: Ask in Faith, Be Thou an Example, and Called to the Work. Pertinent advice and faith-promoting stories in each of these vital areas combine to create a valuable blueprint for self-improvement. "The road back to God is not nearly so steep nor is it so difficult as some would have us believe," says President Monson. "The gentle invitation of Jesus beckons: 'Come unto me.'" Be Your Best Self provides encouragement, guidance, and hope for all who would accept the Savior's invitation to become like him.
The Power Within Us
Russell M. Nelson - 1988
Literally, no two people are alike. Each one has a specific genetic inheritance indelibly stamped upon every cell. Environmental influences from the company one keeps, and experiences that one endures, blend to enrich and educate the person who ultimately emerges from this marvelous experience we call life." With rare insight, gained through service as both a world-renowned heart surgeon and a Church leader, Elder Russell M. Nelson, a member of the Council of the Twelve Apostles in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, writes about the unique powers and potential of each individual. "The potential for divine power is within us," he says. "It awaits the grasp of each willing child of God." Some of the attributes each person must develop in order to achieve divine power are: "The potential for divine power is within us," he says. "It awaits the grasp of each willing child of God." Some of the attributes each person must develop in order to achieve divine power are: Love of neighbor: "Most who have separated themselves from full fellowship in the Church have done so not because of doctrinal disputations but because of hurt, neglect, or lack of love. Progress toward full participation in the blessings of the gospel needs no new programs, only new vision of love, which can be rendered best by friends and neighbors. Obedience: "Our choice to serve must be an informed choice based on eternal truths, for we do not obey blindly, but because we can see." * Obedience: "Our choice to serve must be an informed choice based on eternal truths, for we do not obey blindly, but because we can see." A strong marriage: "It takes a man and a woman to make a man or a woman. Ordinary and imperfect people can build each other through their wholeness together." Obedience to law: "Freedom to act and mastery of our actions both emanate from law." "The source of our spiritual power is the Lord," he concludes. "This power differs from electrical power. An electrical appliance consumes power, while the use of God's spiritual power replenishes our power. While electrical power can be used only for measured periods of time, spiritual power can be used for time and eternity."
Saying It Like It Is
Sheri Dew - 2009
Her personable and engaging approach has made her a favorite among people all over the world. In this collection, she shares some of the simple, stunning, sobering truths that have become her trademark: When we come to understand not only who we are but who we have always been and therefore who we may become the choice between following Christ or embracing the world is really no choice at all. The only way to be happy is to live the gospel. It is not possible to sin enough to be happy. We are here to influence the world rather than to be influenced by the world. If we could unleash the full influence of covenant- keeping women, the kingdom of God would change overnight. Paired with inspirational images in a beautifully designed gift book, her unflinchingly honest insights bring clarity to some of the most important issues we face today.
The Doctrine and Covenants Made Easier: Part 1: Sections 1-42
David J. Ridges - 2004
From beloved gospel scholar David Ridges, this valuable book contains the complete text of the Doctrine and Covenants, sections 1-42, including Brother Ridges's classic in-verse notes, and additional insights and commentary. Bring your family together and master latter-day scriptures with this helpful study companion.
The Lord's Way
Dallin H. Oaks - 1991
Elder Oaks contrasts the Lord's way and the world's way
That All May Be Edified: Talks, Sermons & Commentary
Boyd K. Packer - 1982
That All May Be Edified concentrates on building -- the building of souls.Exquisitely detailed illustrations of basic structural forms introduce the seven sections into which the book is divided: The foundation of the edifice is instruction. Walls of encouragement are lifted up. Comfort spreads a shelter against despair. Windows of enlightenment let in the light of faith. A closed door symbolizes a warning, for there are places that we must not enter if we are to be protected against danger. An exhortation is a buttress to correct error and strengthen the structure. Pure witness becomes the steeple, the capstone, the pinnacle.Each section begins with a specially written commentary and includes some of Elder Packer's most memorable addresses and writings on such timely tops as the plan of salvation, thought control, prayer, miracles, nonmember spouses, family life, marriage, morality, obedience, the arts, the Atonement, and many more. The author's clear expression, creative presentation, and powerful testimony ensure that every reader will indeed be edified.
The Belonging Heart: The Atonement and Relationships with God and Family
Bruce C. Hafen - 1994
This book's theme deals with how the Atonement helps us build our relationships with the Lord and with others, especially family members. As we accept the Atonement, the Lord blesses us with a belonging heart. When we commit our lives to God, we show that commitment by how we give our lives, a day at a time, for the benefit of those we love_by how fully we let ourselves belong to them. The authors explain, 'In this kind of life, a full life of gracious connections with God and with other people, we may find where we really belong_for what we really were made.' This thought-provoking book helps us learn to gain the fulness of mortality by 'always abounding in good works, . . . [that] Christ, the Lord God Omnipotent, may seal [us] his.' (Mosiah 5:15.)
Chieko N. Okazaki - 1995
Okazaki welcomes us into a garden of goodness where the gospel has the zing and zest of ginger. Sister Okazaki shares insights from the scriptures that are personal and practical. Christ is not just the way, the truth, and the life, she reminds us. He wants to be our way, our truth, and our life. The Christian way is not dramatic, flashy, or taxing. It is do-able, satisfying, and even fun.
Men of Influence: The Potential of the Priesthood to Lift the World
Robert L. Millet - 2009
Millet describes how men can become men of influence, thereby blessing their families and neighborhoods even the world. How are we enabled to receive the Lord s power? Brother Millet explains that maturing spiritually isn't accomplished merely by being active in the Church and holding a current temple recommend, although those are necessary. Men of Influence encourages men to achieve that connection between heaven and earth which eventually makes a good man into a holy man, transforming a noble man into a man who can lift the world. If you feel you re living beneath your potential as a priesthood bearer (or if someone you love is), this book provides inspiration and practical advice to enable you to become one of the Lord's valiant servants.
Your Happily Ever After
Dieter F. Uchtdorf - 2011
The author, a member of the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, shares insight and advice with the young women of the Church.
Conquering Your Own Goliaths
Steven A. Cramer - 1988
And you can claim it beginning now. The well know Bible story of David and Goliath is the back drop that Steven A. Cramer uses to show how we can enlist the aid of the Lord in overcoming any of our problems. In our day, we do not have to face nine-foot giants physically, but often our Goliaths come in the form of spiritual giants that will not yield to a stone or sword.