Book picks similar to


Audition Success

Don Greene - 1998
    Combining specially designed self-tests and real-life examples from the careers of two performers, Audition Success will help performers understand what prevents them from nailing an audition and give them the tools to reach their goals.

The Gentle Way: A Self-Help Guide for Those Who Believe in Angels

Tom T. Moore - 2006
    You will have more fun and less stress in your life. It will assist you in achieving whatever goals you have set for yourself in your life. It will assist you in handling those major challenges we all experience in life. This book will even inspire you to learn more about our world and universe. How can I promise all these benefits? Because I have been using these concepts for over ten years, and I can report these successes from direct knowledge and experience. But this is a self-help guide, so that means that it requires active participation on your part. What you are going to read in this book is unique information that you have never seen before! This book is for people of all faiths and beliefs -- the only requirement is a basic belief in angels.

The Juice Master's Slim 4 Life: Freedom From The Food Trap

Jason Vale - 2002
    The "Juice Master's" workshops and roadshows contain such antics as the "Who Wants to Be a Slimionnaire" game. Jason Vale is the ultimate health coach - the "Juice Master" - and in this book he reveals how everyone can get slim, get fit, and get energised - or "juiced". His lively style and irreverent text nonetheless contains clear health messages for everyone: give up what he calls "drug foods" - those nutritionally worthless addictive substances, such as sugar and caffeine and return to a fresh diet. Eat the freshest plant ingredients and feel the health benefit of raw juice which is full of healthy enzymes- hit out at the food industry and reject its brainwashing advertising- use food combining to help your digestion

45 Day Self-Improvement Handbook: 45 Daily Ideas, Habits, and Action-Plan for Becoming More Productive, Persuasive, Influential, Sociable and Self-Confident (Self-Improvement Action Guide Book 1)

A.V. Mendez - 2019
    Mendez's actionable guide that will help you build habits that will make you more productive, sociable, self-confident and persuasive. It's easy to get overwhelmed by all the information that we have today. There's no lack of information about self-help on Amazon and other platforms. This book isn't just about information, it's about building a habit and implementing a daily action guide that will help you achieve your goals. DOWNLOAD: 45 Day Self-Improvement Handbook: 45 Daily Ideas, Habits and Action-Plan for Becoming More Productive, Persuasive, Influential, Sociable and Self-Confident The goal of 45 Day Self-Improvement Handbook is to help you get started in building good habits and applying great ideas that will help you improve yourself in different aspects of your life. You'll discover simple but effective ideas that you can implement on a daily basis. Specifically, you will learn how to: * Implement the daily action guide that will help you build good long-term habits for your life * The power of saying NO and how this will free up your time. * The one secret that will make you the most productive than you've ever been in your life * The one thing you should learn to do today in order to finally get what you want. * Where TRUE self-confidence comes from and how to build it fast! * How momentum works and why you should watch out for it as if your life depends on it. * The magic word that will instantly light up anyone's day... it's probably not what you think it is. You can eliminate information overload and go straight to action by following the 45 Day Improvement Handbook daily plan. You'll discover how you can take massive action in your life by relying on an easy-to-implement daily tasks. Learn How to Take Control of Your Own Life by Clicking the "Buy Now" Button at the Top of the Page.

The Dr. Wayne W. Dyer Audio Collection: Includes the Bestsellers: Real Magic - Pulling Your Own Strings - Your Erroneous Zones

Wayne W. Dyer - 1995
    Wayne Dyer is an inspirational guide to thousands. Now his main titles—including the perennial blockbuster Real Magic—are available in one boxed set perfect for gift-giving.Author Biography: Wayne W. Dyer is one of the most widely read authors today in the field of self-development. He is the author of many books, including such bestsellers as Your Erroneous Zones, You'll See It When You Believe It, and Real Magic. A psychotherapist, Dyer received his doctorate in counseling psychology from Wayne State University and the University of Michigan, and has taught at many levels of education from high school through graduate study. He is the co-author of three textbooks, contributes to numerous professional journals and lectures extensively in the United States as well as abroad. He appears regularly on radio and television shows around the country.

Lose It!: The Personalized Weight Loss Revolution

Charles Teague - 2010
    To get lean, you have to be extreme…right?Wrong. Dieting is a zero-sum game. You can lose weight fast, but more than a third of people regain all of the weight they've lost within a year. So why waste time following someone else's diet advice when you can drop the pounds on your own terms? With Lose It! by Charles Teague and Anahad O'Connor, the power to lose weight is in your hands. No deprivation, no detox, no hard-and-fast rules—just a plan that empowers you to create your own, personalized strategy tailored to your individual lifestyle, schedule, dietary needs, and goals.Despite what many "experts" would lead you to believe, weight loss boils down to simple math: calories in vs. calories out. To shed pounds, you have to end each day with a calorie deficit. It sounds easy enough, but studies show that 63 percent of Americans grossly underestimate their daily calorie intake. In fact, the average American consumes a staggering 3,790 calories a day—that's enough calories to gain more than 10 pounds every month!Lose It!'s life-changing philosophy and program have already helped more than 5 million people lose weight. In this, the first-ever book to be developed from an iPhone app, readers will learn the five pillars of the Lose It! strategy:1. Embrace mindful empowerment: Take control of your body and the foods you put in it.2. Track your calories: There are no points or complicated algorithms to follow. But every snack, taste, and bite counts!3. Track your habits. Spot behavior patterns—good and bad—that you can modify to help you meet your goal.4. Track your exercise. Learn how to burn more calories in less time and boost your calorie burn even when you're not at the gym.5. Benefit from peer support. Your social network inspires you, keeps you accountable, and provides insight and advice.With Lose It!, you can forget about following someone else's idea of what you should and shouldn't eat and simply learn to love food again. The best possible weight loss plan, after all, is the one that you design yourself.

The Ten Ancient Scrolls for Success

Og Mandino - 1997
    Handy pocket-sized edition.

The Easy Peasy Way to Quit Porn

Hackauthor² - 2020
    It won’t place any judgement, embarrassment, or pressure to undergo painful measures.In fact, there’s absolutely no need to cut down or reduce your usage whilst reading; doing so is actually detrimental.Perhaps this goes against everything you’ve been told, but ask yourself if what you’ve been told has worked? If it had, you wouldn’t be reading this hackbook.Pornography addiction manifests in various ways with far-reaching societal effects. Many people use pornography because the internet allows instantaneous access to supernormal stimuli. Consider if the following questions apply to you.- Do you spend far more time viewing porn than you originally intended?- Are you unsuccessful in efforts to stop or limit your consumption of pornography?- Has time spent viewing pornography interfered with, or taken precedence over personal or professional commitments, hobbies, or relationships in your life?- Do you go out of your way to keep your pornography consumption secret (e.g. deleting browser history, lying about viewing porn)?- Has viewing pornography caused significant problems in intimate relationship(s)?- Do you experience a cycle of arousal and enjoyment before and during pornography consumption, followed by feelings of shame, guilt, and remorse after?- Do you spend significant amounts of time thinking about pornography, even when not watching it?- Has viewing pornography caused any other negative consequences in your personal or professional life (e.g. missed work, poor performance, neglected relationships, financial problems)?If you’re a porn user that depends on it for masturbation or sex, all you need to do is read on. If you’re here for a loved one, all you need to do is persuade them to read this book. If unable to persuade them, read the book yourself. Understanding the method assists getting the message across and preventing your children from starting. Don’t be fooled by the fact that they don’t have access to it now – all do before getting hooked.

Key Takeaways & Analysis of Michael A. Singer's The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself

The Unthered Soul - 2015
    By tapping into traditions of meditation and mindfulness, Singer shows how the development of consciousness can enable us all to dwell in the present moment and let go of painful thoughts and memories that keep us from achieving happiness and self-realization. PLEASE NOTE: This is key takeaways and analysis of the book and NOT the original book.  Inside this WiseMinds Key Takeaways & Analysis of The Untethered Soul  • Key Ideas from the Book • Analysis of Key Ideas • and much more! ###Keywords: Four Agreements, Gifts of Imperfection, Letting Go, Outrageous Openness, Book of Awakening, Three Pillars

Sane: How I shaped up my mind, improved my mental strength and found calm

Emma Young - 2015
    Disappointed that her mind does not always deal well with the pressures of modern life, Emma decided to go on mind-toning journey.Is it possible to tone your mind just as you can tone your body so it becomes more resilient and better prepared to deal with what life throws at you?By looking at some of the new and tried and tested techniques, from meditation to mental preparation involved in extreme sports and military training, Emma has devised a programme that will help everyone achieve mental stability.

No Period. Now What?: A Guide to Regaining Your Cycles and Improving Your Fertility

Nicola J. Rinaldi - 2016
    People tend to think that loss of menstrual cycles only happens to Olympic-level athletes or people with eating disorders. But it turns out you can have seemingly healthy eating and exercise habits and still be faced with a missing monthly cycle. In fact, your lifestyle may be the culprit. No matter how long you've been without a period, our Recovery Plan will guide you on the path to regaining your cycle and improving your long-term health and fertility. This comprehensive book will: Explain what is happening in your body and why Present guidelines for how much and what to eat (Good news! They're probably a lot more fun than what you're used to!) Provide exercise recommendations Support you through the challenges of changing your habits Explain fertility treatments that can help achieve pregnancy if you still need assistance In "No Period. Now What?" Dr. Nicola Rinaldi shares her extensive research on hypothalamic amenorrhea as well as her own experience with recovery. Additional contributors include eating disorder speaker Stephanie Buckler, fitness coach Lisa Sanfilippo Waddell, and hundreds of other women who have taken this journey and come out the other side with cycles, babies, and a better understanding of what it means to be healthy. Now it's your turn. Are you ready to recover?

THE Complete Keys to Progress

John McCallum - 1993
    Here they are: the full collection of the original John McCallum articles, classic gems. If you were to only buy one book - ever - on how to train, this is it. 288 pp.

Break-up Boss

Zoë Foster Blake - 2018
    But you don't have to suck at break-ups. Break-ups are awful, and tough, and they're very real, but that doesn't mean they get to take over your whole life. YOU can take charge. YOU can be the boss of your break-up. YOU can choose to see it as a gift. And you must.Break-up Boss gives you all the tools and techniques (and lots of lectures - cute!) to deal with each stage of your break-up. This is a Real Life, no-nonsense picture of a break-up, and an enthusiastic, empowered and positive view of how to deal with it.

The Da Vinci Method - Break Out & Express Your Fire

Garret LoPorto - 2005
    Discover and master the fiery temperament shared by great leaders, entrepreneurs, artists and AD/HD-ers. Are you: - Impulsive? - Risk-taking? - Distractible? - Sensation-seeking? - Insightful or Intuitive? Do you: - Crave risk and excitement? - Have an addictive personality? - Rebel against authority? - Think differently? Then you are a DaVinci. Discover the secret genius that drives risk-takers, rebels, entrepreneurs, artists and ad/hd-ers to achieve greatness. Learn how to express this fire and harness it productively. About the Author Garret LoPorto, has been featured in The New York Times, Money Magazine, The Boston Globe and The London Financial Times. He is a successful entrepreneur, CEO, presenter at MIT, U.S. & International patent-pending inventor, and father of two children. He lives with his wife and children in Concord, Massachusetts.

Racing Towards Excellence

Muzaffar Khan - 2009
    Written in a conversational tone, the book offers a succinct, approachable manual on how to get more done.