Book picks similar to
Chemical Engineering in the Pharmaceutical Industry: R&d to Manufacturing by David J. am Ende
Guidebook to Mechanism in Organic Chemistry
Peter Sykes - 1970
This guidebook is aimed clearly at the needs of the student, with a thorough understanding of, and provision for, the potential conceptual difficulties he or she is likely to encounter.
The Essential Turing: Seminal Writings in Computing, Logic, Philosophy, Artificial Intelligence, and Artificial Life Plus the Secrets of Enigma
Alan Turing - 2004
In 1935, aged 22, he developed the mathematical theory upon which all subsequent stored-program digital computers are modeled.At the outbreak of hostilities with Germany in September 1939, he joined the Government Codebreaking team at Bletchley Park, Buckinghamshire and played a crucial role in deciphering Engima, the code used by the German armed forces to protect their radio communications. Turing's work on the versionof Enigma used by the German navy was vital to the battle for supremacy in the North Atlantic. He also contributed to the attack on the cyphers known as Fish, which were used by the German High Command for the encryption of signals during the latter part of the war. His contribution helped toshorten the war in Europe by an estimated two years.After the war, his theoretical work led to the development of Britain's first computers at the National Physical Laboratory and the Royal Society Computing Machine Laboratory at Manchester University.Turing was also a founding father of modern cognitive science, theorizing that the cortex at birth is an unorganized machine which through training becomes organized into a universal machine or something like it. He went on to develop the use of computers to model biological growth, launchingthe discipline now referred to as Artificial Life.The papers in this book are the key works for understanding Turing's phenomenal contribution across all these fields. The collection includes Turing's declassified wartime Treatise on the Enigma; letters from Turing to Churchill and to codebreakers; lectures, papers, and broadcasts which opened upthe concept of AI and its implications; and the paper which formed the genesis of the investigation of Artifical Life.
Mechanical Vibrations
Singiresu S. Rao - 1986
This text gives expanded explanations of the fundamentals of vibration including history of vibration, degree of freedom systems, vibration control, vibration measurement, and more. For engineers and other professionals who want a clear introduction to vibration engineering.
Chemistry: An Introduction to General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry
Karen C. Timberlake - 1976
Now in it's tenth edition, this text makes chemistry exciting to students by showing them why important concepts are relevant to their lives and future careers.
Stereochemistry: Conformation and Mechanism
P.S. Kalsi - 1990
A solid understanding of this subject is indeed critical to subsequent success in a science career. Stereochemistry is, therefore, a core constituent both at the undergraduate and postgraduate chemistry courses. This seventh edition is extensively revised and enlarged by adding new material to take account of recent developments and extensive amendments have been made to improve clarity. The key features of this new addition are: * A brand new design. Incorporation of basic principles in boxes directly links the students to the main text. * A large number of exercises with their solutions have been now added in each chapter. These exercises are set at appropriate places so that the students can test their command of a particular topic. * New problems have been added at the end of each chapter. * Chemical illustrations have been modified and developed for clarity and information. Generally the figures contain text as well, to decrease the need to refer back and forth to the text and for better understanding.
Race Car Vehicle Dynamics
William F. Milliken - 1994
Written for the engineer as well as the race car enthusiast, the authors, who developed many of the original vehicle dynamics theories and principles covered in this book, including the Moment Method, pair analysis and lap time simulation, include much information that is not available in any other vehicle dynamics text.
Civil Engineering Reference Manual for the PE Exam
Michael R. Lindeburg - 1990
Updated to cover the new Transportation and Structural codes. As the most comprehensive reference and study guide available for engineers preparing for the morning and afternoon topics on the Civil PE exam, the 11th edition of the Civil Engineering Reference Manual provides a concentrated review of the exam topics. No other exam-focused publication is more complete.
The Most Trusted Reference for the Civil PE Exam is also the Most Up-To-Date
A complete introduction to the exam format and content A suggested study schedule, plus tips for successful exam preparation Nearly 500 solved example problems Hundreds of key tables, charts, and figures at your fingertips An easy-to-use index and full glossary for quick reference Perfect for post-exam reference
What's New in the 11th Edition
4 new construction engineering chapters Over 35 updated chapters—including extensively revised structural and transportation chapters 100 new equations Over 300 new, easy-to-use index entriesExam Topics CoveredConstruction—NewGeotechnical—UpdatedStructural—UpdatedTransportation—UpdatedWater Resources & Environmental—Updated_____________________________Since 1975 more than 2 million people preparing for their engineering, surveying, architecture, LEED®, interior design, and landscape architecture exams have entrusted their exam prep to PPI. For more information, visit us at
Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals.
John B. Heywood - 1988
An illustration program supports the concepts and theories discussed.
Journey to Mars: What Our Journey To the Red Planet Might Look Like ?
Peter Thiel - 2019
Putting people into places and situations unprecedented in history is stirred the imagination while the human experience was expanding and redefining. Yet, space exploration compels humans to confront a hostile environment of cosmic radiations, radical changes in the gravity and magnetic fields, as well as social isolation. Therefore, any space traveller is submitted to relevant health-related threats. In the twenty-first century, human space flight is poised to continue, but it will enjoy the ongoing developments in science and technology. It will become more networked, more global, and more oriented toward primary goals. A novel international human space flight policy could help achieve these objectives by clarifying the rationale, the ethics of acceptable risk, the role of remote presence, and the need for balance between funding and ambition to justify the risk of human lives. In order to address such a challenge, a preliminary careful survey of the available scientific data is mandatory to set forth adequate countermeasures. Envisaged solutions should provide a sound and technically feasible approach for counteracting microgravity and cosmic rays effects, which represent the main health risk for space crews. This objective must necessarily be sustained by national/international space agencies, which would coordinate their common efforts into a defined international spaceflight program.
Enzymes: Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Clinical Chemistry
Trevor Palmer - 2001
With the assistance of a co-author, this popular student textbook has now been updated to include techniques such as membrane chromatography, aqueous phase partitioning, engineering recombinant proteins for purification and due to the rapid advances in bioinformatics/proteomics a discussion of the analysis of complex protein mixtures by 2D-electrophoresis and RPHPLC prior to sequencing by mass spectroscopy. Written with the student firmly in mind, no previous knowledge of biochemistry, and little of chemistry, is assumed. It is intended to provide an introduction to enzymology, and a balanced account of all the various theoretical and applied aspects of the subject which are likely to be included in a course.
Electrical Machines, Drives, and Power Systems
Theodore Wildi - 2001
The scope of the book reflects the changes that have occurred in power technology, allowing the entrance of power electronics into every facet of industrial drives, and expanding the field to open more career opportunities.
The Complete Rigger's Apprentice: Tools and Techniques for Modern and Traditional Rigging
Brion Toss - 1997
It's much more than a knot book, though the knots a sailor needs are all here. It's a book for sailors who want the satisfaction and hard-cash savings of stepping their own masts, inspecting and maintaining their own rigs, and turning their own tailsplices and wire eyesplices. It is for boatowners who want to replace an entire gang of rigging themselves--measuring, choosing appropriate wire, turning soft eyes, leathering, and serving. It is for bluewater voyagers who want to feel secure in the knowledge that, should a shroud carry away far at sea, they will be able to repair it.The Complete Rigger's Apprentice is also a free-roaming collection of useful ideas and tips on everything from supplementing winches with block and tackle, to rigging snubbers at anchor, to using pantyhose for an emergency fanbelt. In short, it's the definitive book on the art of rigging, written by its most entertaining practitioner.
The Certified Six SIGMA Green Belt Handbook
Roderick A. Munro - 2007
From lean and project management to statistics and data analysis, the DMAIC process is explained in a clear and insightful manner. Figures, tables, references, useful appendices, and a full sample test only add to this book's comprehensiveness.
Total Quality Management
Dale H. Besterfield - 1994
* NEW-Provides four new chapters on: * Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA). * Total Productive Maintenance (TPM). * ISO 14000. * Management Tools. FEATURES * Covers the principles and practices that make up the backbone of TQM, with insightful analyses of such areas as: * Leadership (i.e., the role of senior management, core values, seven habits of highly effective people, communication, and strategic planning). * Customer satisfaction (including their perception of quality, feedback, and translating needs into requirements). * Employee involvement (motivation, empowerment, team training, unions, and more). * Performance measures (its basic concepts, quality costs). * Fully explores TQMs tools and techniques, with informativ