The 40-Day Sugar Fast: Where Physical Detox Meets Spiritual Transformation

Wendy Speake - 2019
    But a healthy body doesn't do us a lot of good if we are spiritually malnourished.Welcome to the 40-Day Sugar Fast, a fast that begins with us giving Jesus our sugar and ends with Jesus giving us more of himself--the only thing that can ever truly satisfy our soul's deep hunger. On this 40-day journey you'll learn how to stop fixating on food and other things you use to fill the voids in life and instead fix your eyes on Christ.Anyone who runs to sugar for comfort or a reward, who eats mindlessly or out of boredom, who feels physically and spiritually lethargic, or who struggles with self-control will discover here not only freedom from their cravings but an entirely new appetite for the good things God has for us.

The Choice is Yours: Life Happens. Walking with God is a decision.

Terrie Chappell - 2011
    We like our options, and we enjoy the opportunity to choose our preferences. Popular psychology and human reasoning tell us to make choices based on what feels good. They encourage us, “just follow your heart.” God has given us a much better guide, however, in His Word. Unlike our fickle and untrustworthy opinions, God’s Word never changes. Its dependability has been proven through the centuries.In The Choice Is Yours Terrie Chappell leads readers through twelve choices that can strengthen or weaken your walk with God. Discover these important, daily decisions that will bring joy and purpose to your life!

Unashamed: Drop the Baggage, Pick up Your Freedom, Fulfill Your Destiny

Christine Caine - 2016
    It hides in the shadows of the most successful, confident and high-achieving woman who struggles with balancing her work and children, as well as in the heart of the broken, abused and downtrodden woman who has been told that she will never amount to anything. Shame hides in plain sight and can hold us back in ways we do not realize. But Christine Caine wants readers to know something: we can all be free.“I know. I’ve been there,” writes Christine. “I was schooled in shame. It has been my constant companion from my very earliest memories. I see shame everywhere I look in the world, including in the church. It creeps from heart to heart, growing in shadowy places, feeding on itself so that those struggling with it are too shamed to seek help from shame itself.”In Unashamed, Christine reveals the often-hidden consequences of shame—in her own life and the lives of so many Christian women—and invites you to join her in moving from a shame-filled to a shame-free life.In her passionate and candid style, Christine leads you into God’s Word where you will see for yourself how to believe that God is bigger than your mistakes, your inadequacies, your past, and your limitations. He is not only more powerful than anything you’ve done but also stronger than anything ever done to you. You can deal with your yesterday today, so that you can move on to what God has in store for you tomorrow—a powerful purpose and destiny he wants you to fulfill.Join the journey. Lay ahold of the power of Jesus Christ today and step into the future—his future for you—a beautiful, full, life-giving future, where you can even become a shame-lifter to others. Live unashamed!

Fat Chance: Losing the Weight, Gaining My Worth

Julie Hadden - 2009
    At age thirty-four she found herself at a crossroads: would she settle for staying "big" the rest of her life, or would she insist on making big changes instead? Reality-TV fans know which path Julie chose that day. When she stepped on the scale at the show's season-four finale, revealing that she had lost an astounding 45 percent of her body weight, she simultaneously stepped into the world's collective hearts. Julie's experience on "The Biggest Loser" helped birth her new physique, but the transformation went far deeper than that. From displeasure to contentment, from indulgence to self-control, from shame to self-confidence--every step along renovation's path, Julie sensed God hard at work.

Pure Fat Burning Fuel: Follow This Simple, Heart Healthy Path To Total Fat Loss (The Beyond Diet)

Isabel De los Rios - 2012
    which would you like to experience first?Is It Possible To:Reach your fat loss goals in record short time?Feast like a king, never feel hungry and still shed unwanted fat?Finally have the healthy, fit body you want without wrestling with constant cravings?Experience more energy, stamina and focus than you ever imagined?The answer is yes, and much more...Pure Fat Burning Fuel by certified nutritionist Isabel De Los Rios, is not a diet but rather a deliciously simple way of eating which can help you quickly burn fat, while at the same time totally curbing any feelings of hunger or cravings.Inside Pure Fat Burning Fuel You Will Discover: Five Shockingly Common Mistakes Almost Nobody Knows About That Are Keeping You Fat...How To Quickly & Easily Sculpt Your Dream Body...The Three Healthy Eating Tricks To Help You Melt Fat Quickly, Effectively And Permanently...4 Shocking Foods You Must NEVER Eat...23 Quick, Easy & Delicious Fat Melting Recipes To Kickstart Your Fat Loss Fast...And Much, Much More...

The Lean Belly Prescription: The fast and foolproof diet & weight loss plan from America's top urgent-care doctor.

Travis Stork - 2010
    Travis Stork, co-host of The Doctors, cares about the state of your abdomen. Why? Because when he's not on TV, he works in the E.R. at Vanderbilt Medical Center. And his years of training and experience have told him that the one of the very first vital signs to check—one of the most important determining factors in whether a patient will recover from illness and injury, or face a future of disease, pain, and disability—is how much belly fat they're carrying. In fact, visceral fat—the kind that clings to your waistline and infiltrates your internal organs—is not only unsightly, it also sets you up for a host of health woes, including diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. So fighting belly fat is the same thing as fighting for your life!But now, Dr. Travis, America's top urgent-care doctor, has written the ultimate prescription for curing dangerous belly fat. His revolutionary "Pick 3 to Lean" Plan lets you customize your diet and lifestyle to start melting away belly fat, without giving up your favorite foods, without spending hours in the gym, without really sacrificing anything—except belly fat! If you love snacking, if you love desserts, if you love burgers and steaks, if you love big, hearty breakfasts, there—a plan in here for you. With tiny tweaks to the foods you already love and enjoy, you'll begin to see the pounds disappear in just days!Plus, Dr. Travis explains the magic of N.E.A.T.: non-exercise activity thermogenesis, a fancy way of saying "burn more calories without exercising." You pick the lifestyle you're most comfortable with. You decide which foods you want to eat. You choose what fun activities you want to enjoy. With The Lean Belly Prescription, you will have a plan custom-designed by you—with the help of Dr. Travis—that's scientifically proven to strip away up to 15 pounds in just 4 weeks.With The Lean Belly Prescription, you'll find yourself eating more the foods you love, spending more time doing the things you love, and having more fun with the people you love. Dr. Travis will teach you how to do that because The Lean Belly Prescription is a whole-life plan, taking in variables other diets don't consider, and offering weight-loss opportunities you didn't know you had. The result: a prescription plan you'll love, and stay on for the rest of your life because of how it makes you feel.

Super Shred: The Big Results Diet: 4 Weeks, 20 Pounds, Lose It Faster!

Ian K. Smith - 2013
    Ian has developed what dieters told him they needed: a quick-acting plan that is safe and easy to follow at home, at work, or on the road.SUPER SHREDIt’s a program with four week-long cycles:--Foundation, when you’ll eat four meals and three snacks a day, start shedding pounds and set yourself up for success--Accelerate, when you’ll kick it up and speed up weight loss--Shape, the toughest week in the program, and the one that will get your body back by keeping it guessing--Tenacious, a final sprint that cements your improved eating habits and melts off those last stubborn poundsThe SHRED system never leaves you hungry. It’s a completely new way to lose weight, stay slender, and feel fantastic about your body, mind and spirit!Includes more than 50 all-new recipes for meal replacing smoothies and soups!

The 3-Hour Diet (TM): How Low-Carb Diets Make You Fat and Timing Makes You Thin

Jorge Cruise - 2005
    Although low–carb diets produce short term weight loss, the results are not sustainable. Dieticians, fitness experts, and medical publications are slowly awakening to the fact that the low–carb diet isn't the answer to weight loss nor a solution to the obesity epidemic. Jorge Cruise's The 3–Hour Diet reveals that timing is the revolutionary weight loss element that has been kept secret until now. By eating small, balanced meals every three hours you reset your body's metabolism and achieve amazing results. Eating every three hours turns off your "starvation protection mechanism" ensuring that fat is released and fat–burning muscle preserved. So get ready to lose 2 pounds each week! All with no calorie counting, no starvation, and no deprivation. Bottom line, timing will sculpt your body slim.With his now trademark easy–to–follow instructions, accessibility, and client success stories, Jorge Cruise's The 3–Hour Diet is a fluid combination of proven success and categorical innovation. Weight loss has never been easier!o For overweight people disillusioned with the low–carb craze and other fad diets that don't work or are even unhealthy. Also aimed at people with busy schedules looking to lose weight quickly and effectively, utilizing a dietary approach instead of committing to a workout regimen.o 8 Minutes in the Morning has sold 1.8K through BookScan.o The dark side of low–carb diets is only just beginning to rear its ugly head, and this book has the potential to be at the forefront of the low–carb backlash. In this book readers will find:o Why low–carb and other fad diets make you fat, and why timing is the key to sustained weight loss.o The Cruise Down Plate approach to eating that supports lean muscle development by eating your favourite foods (including candy and carbs) with no banned items and no calorie–counting. Includes frozen foods and fast food options!o How to prevent emotional eating.o A 28–Day Planner designed to promote organization and accountability for the dieter.o An all–new meal and recipe guide, that is both delicious and healthy.

Girl Talk: Getting Past the Chitchat

Jen Hatmaker - 2007
    Reset your priorities while studying God’s design for community.Leader's guide included.• Personal study between meetings• 5 sessions

Sweet Grace: How I Lost 250 Pounds and Stopped Trying To Earn God's Favor

Teresa Shields Parker - 2013
    Once weighing 430 pounds, she's been through every magic fix imaginable. The thing she found that worked, really worked, was a key she had available to her all along. After years of praying about her difficult, she finally realized she had to make a bold decision to change her life. She knew she was addicted processed sugar and flour because she craved them day and night. With God’s help, she gave up what she craved and began walking choice by choice into freedom. Sweet Grace will challenge you. It may shock you at times. You may shed a tear. But one thing is certain, you will never again be able to say you don't know what to do to become healthy. It is possible to overcome food cravings and live free and healthy.

Fit Men Cook: 100+ Meal Prep Recipes for Men and Women—Always #HealthyAF, Never Boring

Kevin Curry - 2018
    No one enjoys cookie-cutter meal plans, bland recipes, or eating the same thing every day. Instead of worrying about what to eat and how it’s going to affect our bodies, we should embrace food freedom—freedom to create flavorful meals, but in a more calorie-conscious way; freedom to indulge occasionally while being mindful of portions; and freedom to achieve wellness goals without breaking the bank. In Fit Men Cook, Kevin Curry, fitness expert and social media sensation with millions of followers and hundreds of thousands of downloads on his app, shares everything you need to live a healthy life each day—from grocery lists to common dieting pitfalls to his ten commandments of meal prep—as well as his personal story of overcoming depression and weight gain to start a successful business and fitness movement. This guide also includes 100+ easy and flavorful recipes like Southern-Inspired Banana Corn Waffles, Sweet Potato Whip, Juicy AF Moroccan Chicken, and many more to help you plan your week and eat something new and nutritious each day. With Fit Men Cook, you can create exciting, satisfying meals and be on your way to losing weight for good. After all, bodies may be sculpted at the gym, but they are built in the kitchen.

The Big Book of Juice Fast, Cleanse and Detox Recipes: Discover the Secrets of "Top 50" Best Green Juice Fasting Recipes For QUICK WEIGHT LOSS, LOOKING YOUNGER & BOOSTING YOUR STAMINA

Ravi Kishore - 2013
    USING A QUICK "BODY DETOX & 3-DAY CLEANSE?" Thousands of people are losing weight following a simple, yet effective, juice fasting diet; you could be one of them! Losing body weight through a detox and cleanse is not as hard as you might think. There are many juices that can help you achieve your goal in just 3-7 days. Learn how to: "Why You Go for Juice Fast?": Juice fasts are becoming a popular remedy to help cut down on fat, calories, and to help people lose weight. Unlike some popular diets, juicing supplies the body with many vitamins and minerals. These nutrients cleanse the body, repair the immune system, aid in maintaining proper digestion, and reset physiological processes that have been riddled with pollutants. Many individuals who have utilized this method for weight loss have reported losing an average of one pound a day. Fat Burning and Body detox by "Juicing": Juice fasting, also referred to as "juice cleansing," is a detox diet that requires individuals to drink healthy juices to obtain nutrition and restarting your body system.Juicing is a powerful detox that flushes toxins out of the body as a part of an all-natural, self-regulatory cleansing process. People, on average, have at least 5-10 pounds of accumulated toxins in their cells, organs, and tissues. These include pesticides, chemicals, drug residues, food additives, traces of metal, and a long list of toxins found in the environment that people consume on a daily basis. Fortunately with regular juicing, an improvement in the body's ability to detoxify and repair itself on a cellular level is possible. Secrets of Juice Fasting for Weight loss by Quick Body Detox, Cleanse, "What Inside this Book?": •Juice fasting Detox and Cleansing.•What exactly is a Juice Fast?•Does juice fasting help you to shed unwanted pounds?•Why juice fasting is so popular among celebrities and medical professionals: Is juice fasting safe for everyone?•Still confused: Can you participate in a “JUICE FASTING” program? Want to know more benefits?•To succeed is any preparation/ planning required before “JUICE FASTING?”•Prior to starting the “juice fasting”, determine if your body requires any preparations.•You want to maintain optimal health while fasting. Don’t avoid these INSTRUCTIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS.•How do you feel? Yes, expect PHYSICAL & EMOTIONAL changes before and after fasting.•Some quick tips to make your juice fasting HEALTHY and SAFE.•How you correlate “Juice Fasting” with “Weight Loss”.•Is your weight loss safe with juice fasting?•What are the best FRUITS & VEGETABLES for weight loss?•MYRIAD OF NUTRIENTS THE BODY REQUIRES TO ACHIEVE WEIGHT LOSS GOALS. TOP & EASY 50- DELICIOUS FAT BURNING and Body Detox "Juicing Recipes" Including Your's Ready Made Calories and Other Health Benefits of Each Recipes: •If you are a BEGINNER: Start a "3-DAY JUICE FASTING CHALLENGE" for “WEIGHT LOSS”.•You are an Expert: How to start your “7 DAY FASTING” CHALLENGE.•How to ensure the SUCCESS of the fast.•CLEANSING AND DETOXIFICATION WITH JUICING.

God's Eye View: Worshiping Your Way to a Higher Perspective

Tommy Tenney - 2002
    The higher we go, the smaller our problems seem. Tenney also teaches the Principle of Magnification: The closer you get to something, the bigger it appears. In other words, worship not only "shrinks" our problems; it also magnifies God in our lives and to others.Worship doesn't really change our problems; it just minimizes their influence over us as we focus on God. He doesn't promise to remove all of our circumstances, but God does assure us that in His presence and from His perspective--we can see things as they really are and not how they appear to be.In the book of Revelation John was instructed to "behold the Lion," but from an earthly perspective John saw only the Lamb. The heavenly perspective reveals that the Lamb is the Lion, the babe of Bethlehem is the "ancient of days," and the dragon is really a weakened lizard. God's eye view is higher than man's.Higher than a bird's eye view, higher than a man's eye view is God's eye view.

21 Pounds in 21 Days: The Martha's Vineyard Diet Detox

Roni DeLuz - 2007
    Enjoy vibrant health and maximum weight loss with Roni DeLuz’s clear, step-by-step detox plans—and you can even choose one of three different programs: the “MiniFast” weekend detox for first-timers, or the “SuperFast” or “MasterFast” plans for more committed detoxers.

Beautiful Battle: A Woman's Guide to Spiritual Warfare

Mary E. DeMuth - 2012
    You've heard about binding Satan and breaking strongholds and calling demons by name. You've heard you should claim your victory in Christ...but you're not really sure how to do that.This isn't a book about evil.With passion and strength, Mary DeMuth brings balance and insight to the often murky realm of spiritual warfare. As you embrace the abundant life to which God calls his daughters, she'll tell you why your voice matters for eternity. And on the darkest days, you'll know that spiritual warfare is about bowing before the Creator, not cowering before the devil. It's about finding freedom and beauty in the midst of devastation. It's about the power of God to heal our hearts, to move mountains, to intercede when we're weary. It's about crucifixion and a defiant, glorious resurrection.It's about truth.It's about power.Join Mary in the beautiful battle, and be renewed on the journey.