Don't Give Your Work Away For Free

Thaddeus Cooper - 2014
    In this linear construct, you go to work for a week and at week’s end you are compensated for that work. The next week you do more work and are compensated for that work, and so on. This is a common agreement between employers and employees in many countries, including the United States. The purpose of this book is to challenge that construct. It is the author's intent to suggest a more profitable arrangement for the creator of the product — the worker. The notion is that one could work on a project for a certain amount of time but the product of that project could pay dividends for a longer term. One might work for a week and be paid for the product of that work every week for many years. Imagine how this construct would compound income week after week, project after project. At some point, with numerous streams of income from a growing number of completed projects, one would be able to discontinue taking on new projects if he or she desired, living off the residuals of the projects he or she created to that point. Indeed, one could take a vacation, still earning income from work he or she completed long ago. With the help of Dr. Frederick Von Greensburg, Thaddeus Cooper breaks down the concept of passive income and outlines a strategy for creating streams of this revenue to supplement or replace traditional income. A self-help book for the masses and a manifesto for the most creative among us, Don't Give Your Work Away For Free: A free ebook by Thaddeus Cooper is a MUST READ!

Emotional Intelligence: Exploring the Most Powerful Intelligence Ever Discovered

Benjamin Smith - 2016
    This process of introspection and self-reflection is never easy. It requires the ability to understand and handle your emotions in a healthy manner, and this always takes time and patience. That is why this book, “Emotional Intelligence: Exploring the Most Powerful Intelligence Ever Discovered,” has been written just for you. This book is meant to help make the process of emotional development clearer and smoother. Our lives are filled with constant and continual situations where communication with others is necessary. Your ability to communicate effectively and successfully with others is what sets you apart from animals. However, how many of us actually take the time to think about just how important the way we communicate is? In what ways can we become better able to communicate? This would be a good time to introduce you to the concept of emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence, or EI, is defined as the ability to recognize, control, and express your emotions in a way that enables you to handle interpersonal relationships empathetically and judiciously. Emotional intelligence is what enables you to recognize how others are feeling in a given situation, differentiate the myriad of emotions, and act accordingly. It is only through emotional intelligence that we are able to adjust our emotions as we go through life, thus reaching whatever goals we have set. Nobody can claim that they do not have emotional intelligence. The only difference is that people exhibit varying levels of EI – some are simply more emotionally intelligent than others. However, it is not something that is fixed from birth to death. There are steps and actions you can take to become more intelligent emotionally. In fact, if there is one feature of personal development that most people need to work on, it is their emotional intelligence. Research has proven that those individuals who have a higher emotional quotient, or EQ, tend to make better leaders, enjoy a better quality of personal and professional relationships, and are more mentally healthy. All you need to do to increase your emotional quotient is take the time to put into practice the tips and strategies outlined in this book. In here, you will learn how to know yourself better so that you can understand others better. You will learn how your emotional brain works, and how emotional intelligence can be improved. There are some great tools and tips described in this book, so make sure that you are ready to learn and practice them. Get ready to also learn about some of the new discoveries in the field of emotional intelligence. Scroll to the top of this page and click the " Buy Now With One-Click " Button to start your journey on EI

Breaking Out Of A Broken System

Seth Bolt - 2014
    Find out below how all profits from every purchase of this book saves another person's life.Has your life turned out exactly as planned?When you were younger did you have dreams of being a rockstar?...a fireman?...a doctor?Who did you want to be before the world told you who you should be?When we're born, we enter a world full of systems, most of which are out of our control. There are tons of unwritten rules and social pressures we feel forced to follow. We're pressured to:- study hard and get good grades- get accepted and attend college- graduate and find a secure job- get married and start a familyWe're trained not to stray too far from the path.If we follow this recommended path, why do we still feel that we're missing something? In Breaking Out of a Broken System, Seth & Chandler Bolt give you the tools to re-draw the lines, chart new roads, and expand the borders around your life. Each of the brothers writes a totally different perspective on the 15 most important life lessons taught by their parents. These are things they thought everyone learned growing up, but they realized otherwise after going out into the "real world".As you read, you'll have the option to read two completely different perspectives on each life lesson.You can start with the artistic account written by Seth, bass player for the southern rock band NEEDTOBREATHE.Or...Dive into Chandler's entrepreneurial story told from the perspective of the younger brother.There are two major benefits that will manifest from reading these intriguing tales. First, your life will gain a fresh new outlook on how blazing new trails can be the perfect addition to your own path.And secondly, you'll be saving someone else's life.Each book sold saves a life by providing a life-saving malaria pill (#1book1life). Each year, 1.2 million people die from malaria. This is solely because many villages only receive 3-4 months worth of pills per year to cure the disease.Our mission with the "Breaking Out of a Broken System" book launch is to buy 10,000 life-saving malaria pills by selling 10,000 copies of this book.Buy this book, change your life. Buy this book, save another.Buy the book during launch week to get tons of free stuff & a chance to win the trip of lifetime to Uganda!

The Da Vinci Method - Break Out & Express Your Fire

Garret LoPorto - 2005
    Discover and master the fiery temperament shared by great leaders, entrepreneurs, artists and AD/HD-ers. Are you: - Impulsive? - Risk-taking? - Distractible? - Sensation-seeking? - Insightful or Intuitive? Do you: - Crave risk and excitement? - Have an addictive personality? - Rebel against authority? - Think differently? Then you are a DaVinci. Discover the secret genius that drives risk-takers, rebels, entrepreneurs, artists and ad/hd-ers to achieve greatness. Learn how to express this fire and harness it productively. About the Author Garret LoPorto, has been featured in The New York Times, Money Magazine, The Boston Globe and The London Financial Times. He is a successful entrepreneur, CEO, presenter at MIT, U.S. & International patent-pending inventor, and father of two children. He lives with his wife and children in Concord, Massachusetts.

Amazon Selling Secrets: How to Make an Extra $1K - $10K a Month Selling Your Own Products on Amazon

William U. Peña - 2014
     By mastering the Amazon Selling System in this book, you will be able to easily tap into the opportunities on Amazon, and create an additional $1K - $10K a month in passive income. This book will teach you the highly sought after secrets of how to identify highly popular products, and then transform them into your own special brand, which customers will pay a lot of money for. In this book you will learn How to: Identify Desirable Products People Want to Buy. Create a Unique Brand that People will Remember. Find High Quality Product Sources that will Support Your Thriving Amazon Business. Create High Converting Amazon Listings that will Emotionally Compel Customers to Buy Over and Over. Create the Most Profit Possible with the Least Amount of Expense. Test and Validate Your Product to Guarantee your Success. Effectively Manage Your Inventory and Fulfill Orders with Little Effort. Provide Outstanding Customer Satisfaction and Motivate Customers to Buy More. Get Abundant Reviews from Raving Fan Customers. Automate the Process so that You Can Sell Products While You Sleep. Expand Your Amazon Selling Business and Make 6 or 7 Figures a Year. By the time you finish this book, you will have all the tools, resources, and a simple, yet effective system to make an extra $1000 - $10,000 a month. So Get Your Copy Now and Start Making Money on Amazon Today!

Building Wealth for Building the Kingdom: A Financial Planning Guide for Latter-day Saint Families

Devin D. Thorpe - 2012
    The book provides simple answers to questions like:How much should I be saving each month for my son's mission?How much should I be saving each month for my children's college education?How can I save enough to be able to retire while I'm healthy enough to serve a mission?Avoiding tips on pinching pennies, the book focuses on opportunities to save thousands or tens of thousands of dollars by making smart moves with big decisions, like home and car purchases. Mormon families will appreciate the gospel-centered, scripture-based focus on putting tithing at the center of a financial plan. Building Wealth for Building the Kingdom will help prepare families to enjoy the benefits of their labor while simultaneously contributing to the growth of Church.About the Author:Devin D. Thorpe brings a broad perspective to financial planning, having owned and operated an investment-banking firm, which included an investment advisory business, a mortgage brokerage and having served in a variety of corporate finance positions. Presently, Devin serves as a business professor at South China University of Technology in Guangzhou, China on behalf of Brigham Young University’s Kennedy Center China Teachers program. Previously, he served as the Chief Financial Officer for the multinational company MonaVie, listed in Inc. Magazine’s 2009 Inc. 500 as the 18th fastest growing company in America and, at $834 million in revenue, the third largest company on the list. Prior experience includes two years working on the staff of the U.S. Senate Banking Committee during Utah Senator Jake Garn’s tenure. He also served briefly in Utah State Government, working at USTAR under Governor Jon Huntsman.He earned an MBA with focus in Finance and Accounting from Cornell University’s Johnson Graduate School of Management. He completed his undergraduate degree in finance at the University of Utah, where he later worked as an adjunct professor of finance. In 2006, Devin was recognized by the David Eccles School of Business at the University of Utah as a Distinguished Alum.

Financial Peace University And Total Money Makeover Complete 2009 Home Study Kit By Dave Ramsey W/ Dvds Cds Books

Dave Ramsey

Love Your Life, Not Theirs: 7 Money Habits for Living the Life You Want

Rachel Cruze - 2016
    Then she unpacks seven essential money habits for living the life we really want—a life in line with our values, where we can afford the things we want to buy without being buried under debt, stress, and worry.The Joneses are broke. Life looks good, but hidden beneath that glossy exterior are credit card bills, student loans, car payments, and an out-of-control mortgage. Their money situation is a mess, and they’re trying to live a life they simply can't afford. So why exactly do we try so hard to keep up with the Joneses?Are we really living the lives we want, or are we chasing someone else’s dream, just trying to keep up appearances on social media, at church, and in our community? Why are we letting other people set the pace for our own family’s finances?In Love Your Life, Not Theirs, Rachel shows you how to buy and do the things that are important to you—the right way. That starts by choosing to quit the comparisons, reframing the way you think about money, and developing new habits like avoiding debt, living on a plan, watching your spending, saving for the future, having healthy conversations about money, and giving.These habits work, and Rachel is living proof. Now, she wants to empower you to live the life you’ve always dreamed of without creating the debt, stress, and worry that are all too often part of the deal. Social media isn’t real life, and trying to keep up with the Joneses will never get you anywhere. It’s time to live—and love—your life, not theirs.

Wake Up! How starting your day at 5 a.m. will change your life

Eliott Reich - 2013
    This book will show you what successful early risers do once they are up and teach you step-by-step how you can become an early riser.

The Bank On Yourself Revolution: Fire Your Banker, Bypass Wall Street, and Take Control of Your Own Financial Future

Pamela Yellen - 2014
    Wall Street lost more than 49% of the typical investor's money—twice—since the year 2000. And studies show that because they followed the conventional wisdom, almost half of all Boomers won't have enough money to cover even basic living expenses during their retirement years. Now the financial gurus whose advice got you into this mess in the first place are telling you to "take more risk," "work till you drop," and "plan on spending less in retirement." Don't let them fool you again!In The Bank On Yourself Revolution, financial security expert Pamela Yellen details how hundreds of thousands of people of all ages and incomes have bucked the system to secure their families' financial futures without gambling in the Wall Street Casino or taking any unnecessary risks. You'll discover a proven step-by-step plan for growing your wealth safely, predictably, and guaranteed every single year—even when the markets are tumbling. And you'll learn how to bypass banks, credit card and financing companies to become your own source of financing for cars, vacations, a college education, business expenses and other major purchases.The Bank On Yourself Revolution isn't a "get-rich-quick" scheme; it's about having real wealth and financial security for as long as you live. You can finally know how much money you'll have next year, in 10, 20 or 30 years—and at every point along the way. Join the Revolution and take control of your own financial future!

Healthy Living: 30 Powerful Daily Habits to Transform Your Health, Lose Weight & Radiate Happiness (Healthy Habits, Weight Loss, Motivation, Healthy Lifestyle)

Carmen Reeves - 2015
    You’ve tried to fix your life with countless other methods that promise you the entire world but then, sadly, deliver absolutely nothing. You’ve wasted months of your life trying to get your head around complicated and time consuming solution, thrown more money at it than you care to admit to, and worst still you are close to giving up hope. You’ll never feel bursting with energy, never again fit into your favorite pants, never feel as happy as you really deserve and never live the life of your dreams. But you’re not the kind of person to give up without a fight, are you? You’re not the kind of person to settle for second best in anything, far from it in fact. For that very reason you’re willing to give it one final attempt before you throw your life on the scrap heap. This book is your answer. Inside you will discover 30 simple daily habits that will transform your life and achieve all of those things you ever wished for. Each habit is easy to comprehend and easier still to implement, and I promise that you won’t be disappointed with the changes you witness in your life.And the best news of all is that it won’t take months of your life, hundreds of dollars or demand that you give up everything you love. It just takes you, your focus and a willingness to make these positive changes. So who do you want to become? Which of your dreams would you most like to come true? Read this book and you will discover exactly how to make this all happen. What’s inside?In this book you will discover the thirty most powerful habits for your mind, body and soul that you can implement to see positive and lasting change in your life. These include:• How To Get That Glow• Transforming Your Life The Easy Way• Boosting Your Energy Levels• Fighting Cancer And Age-Related Diseases• Improving Your Mood The Drug-Free Way• Balancing Your Hormones Naturally• Simplifying Your Life• How To Tackle The Stresses Of Life • Beating LonelinessAnd much more! Interested in learning more? Download your copy today to begin your journey to health and happiness!

Steve Jobs: 11 The Most Important Life And Business Lessons Of Steve Jobs

Donald Allen - 2015
    Steve Jobs: 11 The Most Important Life And Business Lessons Of Steve Jobs

The Home-Based Bookstore: Start Your Own Business Selling Used Books on Amazon, Ebay or Your Own Web Site

Steve Weber - 2005
    publishers. Learn how to start your business part-time, then work as little or as much as you want. This step-by-step guide, written by one of the most successful and highly rated sellers on and eBay, includes everything you need to know: -- Where to find books Find books in your own neighborhood to resell profitably to a worldwide pool of ready buyers. Get the best sources for valuable used books at low prices. -- Where to sell Learn how to list your books to sell at the best price on and eBay, and even your own Web store. -- Which books to buy What to look for in fiction, nonfiction, and collectibles to resell at the highest profits. -- Grading and pricing your books How to describe and price your books. Learn what buyers are looking for. -- Handling customers Tips on handling online book buyers. See the author's time-tested scripts for responding to customer issues. Learn how you can get and maintain high feedback ratings. -- Fulfilling orders Easy-to-use ideas for storing, organizing, and shipping your books and handling returns. -- Automation tools Maximize your efficiency with these tips on automating your business. Automatically notify customers about shipments, and print postage to ship your books without leaving home. -- Taxes and legal requirements How to register your business to obtain the proper permits and be exempted from paying sales tax on your inventory. -- Exclusive list of wholesale book distributors Exclusive profiles and contact info for 32 wholesale distributors of used and new books. Order inventory at up to 90 percent off retail, shipped right to your door. About the author: Steve Weber started his home-based bookstore as a hobby in March 2000. Two months later, he quit his day job to sell used books full-time on and eBay, using his one-bedroom apartment in Virginia as warehouse and shipping depot. In the meantime, he has sold more than $1 million of used books to buyers in all 50 states and 31 foreign countries. In this step-by-step guide, Weber tells you how he took $80 in savings to buy his first batch of books, then invested the profits to build a successful business, and how you can too.

How My Blog Got 1 Million Visits In 7 Months: A practical and straightforward guide to increasing traffic to your blog in your spare time - and without having to pay for advertising

Patric Morgan - 2015
    For some, blogging is a pastime, a hobby, something to fulfil a creative need. But some take blogging one step further. Many individuals, with no special training, are using their blog/s as a part-time or even a full-time job. You may already have a blog that could do with a few more visitors. Or maybe you’re thinking of setting up a blog but are not sure where to start. The question most people ask me is ‘How do I get visitors to my blog?’ It’s like setting up a shop on the High Street and facing the challenge of getting people in the door. The good news is – I have answers that will see your visitor count lift substantially. All you need is a computer, an internet connection and a brain (your own preferably). Here’s what you don’t need: money. This book answers your blogging questions in a practical and straightforward way. How My Blog Got 1 Million Visits In 7 Months has been designed to show you how to drive people to your blog – and how to keep them coming back, time after time. It’s designed for bloggers and for those who have websites that could do with more traffic. I’m a multi-award winning blogger and publisher and have been for over eight years. When I first started blogging, I got very excited to see that one person kept visiting my site. That was until I realised that the analytics was, in fact, counting me as a visitor. I’ve learned a lot since. My latest blog broke through the 1,000,000 visit mark after just 7 months. As a result, my blog is now a profitable business. I haven’t spent a penny on advertising and I spend about 30 minutes a day blogging at most. I’ve picked up a large-scale book deal as a direct result of my blog. In this book, I’ll show you the basics of setting up your blog; how to write content that people will just want to click on and share with their friends; how to create viral posts that will see your visitor statistics balloon; how to write content for your website that will sell your services or products; how to optimise your posts for search engines and how to make money from your blog. My promise to you is this - if you use the tips and tricks that I am about to show you, your site will get more traffic and you can start making money from it. These are proven techniques that you can start implementing on your blog straight away. Run the kind of blog that other bloggers envy. Be the kind of blogger that people marvel at. It’ll make you feel pretty good, I guarantee it. Find out how right now. *** “Patric Morgan's How My Blog Got 1 Million Visitors in 7 Months makes me sick! I've got 15,000+ people on my combined social media and I've never gotten even close to a million visits on my site. Screw you, Patric! However – I have read through his book and have found some cool tricks to steal and apply. Shh...don't tell him.” Vicki Abelson, Author of ‘Don't Jump’, published October '15 from Carl Reiner's Random Content. “What an absolutely incredible 'How to Guide'. This book will give you the tools you need to increase your web traffic and create a viral sensation from your blog or website. Follow the common sense approach within these pages and maybe you'll be writing your own success story very soon. A must read for any avid blogger trying to step up into the big leagues. Buy it now!” Nigel Shinner, Author of the critically acclaimed novel ‘From Within’ “It’s good to read something that actually delivers on the title of the book.

Couponing for the Beginner: A Guide to Couponing for the Uninitiated

Jenny Dean - 2012
    Such background knowledge will help you understand why couponing works for not only couponers but also the stores that accept them. You'll feel confident going into the store for your first real deal because of the well-rounded knowledge, couponing advice as well as the online coupon tips you will receive from Couponing for the Beginner: A Guide to Couponing for the Uninitiated. The sensible approach in Couponing for the Beginner: A Guide to Couponing for the Uninitiated will help you shop for free for some of your favorite items at some of your favorite stores like CVS, Rite Aid, Target, and Walgreens. You'll also learn how to find the best savings on items you use every day in your home - learn how to combine them with store sales and promotions, store rewards/loyalty programs, rebates and more.All you have to do is follow Dean's step-by-step guide that teaches you how to get stuff for free and you'll be shopping for free in no time. In fact, you'll be wondering why you didn't shop like this sooner!