Wicca: A comprehensive guide to the Old Religion in the modern world

Vivianne Crowley - 1989
    Today, growing numbers of people are becoming attracted to the old way. In this bestselling, introductory book, Vivianne Crowley explains the way of the Witch and shows the relevance of modern Wicca in today's world.Sales Handles:• Wicca has sold over 75,000 copies since publication.• Regarded as the classic text on the subject and recommended reading in many Wiccan websites and publications.• Vivianne Crowley is the leading authority in this field.• Paganism is the fastest growing spirituality in the UK and US, according to recent newspaper surveys, especially amongst young people.Audience:• Pagans, Wiccans, anyone interested in alternative spirituality.Competition:Wicca by Scott Cunningham (Llewellyn), Wicca Handbook by Eileen Holland (Robert Hale)Author:• Vivianne Crowley Ph.D. is a writer and psychologist who lectures in Psychology of Religion at the University of London.• She is a renowned authority on Wicca and lectures all over the world.• She is the author of many books on contemporary spirituality and psychology, including Your Dark Side, Free Your Creative Spirit, The Way of Wicca and A Woman's Guide to the Earth Traditions.

Supermarket Magic: Creating Spells, Brews, Potions & Powders from Everyday Ingredients

Michael Furie - 2013
    There are clear instructions for working a wide variety of simple and powerful spells: clearing and cleaning, increasing harmony, healing, love, lust, beauty, luck money, protection, and honing psychic abilities. Discover how to whip up magical brews, powders, and oils using inexpensive items that can be conveniently purchased at your local grocery store.

Advanced Magick for Beginners

Alan Chapman - 2008
    The author assumes no previous knowledge, only a willingness to explore what magick offers, yet its apparent to anyone with a background in the subject that Alan Chapman is drawing on a wide range of experience, from classical Crowleyean Magick, to eastern metaphysics, and back again to Discordianism and Chaos Magick. Chapmans writing-style is humorous, direct, seductively logical, and his enthusiasm for the benefits of magick is both tangible and infectious. The novice magician will indeed find themselves equipped to commence all sorts of magickal operations: trance work, enchantment, divination, and even some of the higher forms of spiritual development. To experienced magicians, Chapman offers a subtler challenge: he revitalises magick by cutting it free from the extreme relativism Chaos Magick bequeathed, provocatively redefining it as: the art, science and culture of experiencing truth.

The Encyclopedia of Magic & Witchcraft: An Illustrated Historical Reference to Spiritual Worlds

Susan Greenwood - 2001
    From magic's origin in the Shamanic tradition can religion, which, for the world's first civilizations, had no disctinction from magic. The book includes an international sweep of ancient cultural traditions and details the medieval phenomena of witch-hunts that still have resonance in modern society. In addition, the book examines the modern wicca movement, tracing the development fromt he 1900s and its links with the Celtic tradition.Illu strated with archival material, fine art illustrtaions of legendary magic workers, and special photography, this volume is a comprehensive examination of a timeless subject.

The God of the Witches

Margaret Alice Murray - 1933
    In this volume I have followed one line only of anthropological enquiry, the survival of an indigenous European cult and the interaction between it and the exotic religion which finally overwhelmed it. I have traced the worship of the Horned God onwards through the centuries from the Paleolithic prototypes, and I have shown that the survival of the cult was due to the survival of the races who adored that god, for this belief could not have held its own against the invasions of other peoples and religions unless a stratum of the population were strong enough to keep it alive...Dr Margaret Alice Murray

Witchcraft Today

Gerald B. Gardner - 1949
    Commemorating its 50th anniversary is an expanded edition of the first Wicca book, by the father of the Pagan renaissance.

The White Goddess: A Historical Grammar of Poetic Myth

Robert Graves - 1948
    In this tapestry of poetic and religious scholarship, Graves explores the stories behind the earliest of European deities—the White Goddess of Birth, Love, and Death—who was worshipped under countless titles. He also uncovers the obscure and mysterious power of "pure poetry" and its peculiar and mythic language.

Earth Magic: A Book of Shadows for Positive Witches

Marion Weinstein - 1986
    Here is the revised and updated version of Earth Magic, the author's personal book of magical practice, made available for today's Witches. Based on an indepth study of the many facets of Witchcraft, Earth Magic presents the religion as positive and life-affirming.The book is filled with how-to's of a practical nature, as is traditional in Witchcraft. It is intended to be a springboard, to unlock the reader's psychic Wiccan abilities and guide them into the creation of their own unique and personal work. Every technique is explained in detail, in keeping with Weinstein's proviso that one should never attempt to work any magic unless one understands it fully. The goal is to encourage true Witchcraft expertise and creativity.The information from the original edition is still available, as well as a treasure trove of new material, some of which has never been seen before. In this thoroughly revised edition, you will learn: -- How to set up psychic protection.-- How to work string and cord magic.-- Working with the phases of the Moon.-- Forming and working with your own coven.-- Visualization in a Witch's mode.-- Choices of Deity alignments from a wide realm of cultures.-- Not one, but two methods of Manifestation: Creation Manifestation and Affinity Manifestation.-- Creating rituals, creating Words of Power, composing one's own spells, use of talismans, candles, pendulums, Witch's Bottles, scrying, oracles, and much more.

The Black Folder: Personal Communications on the Mastery of Hoodoo

Catherine Yronwode - 2013
    All of these three-hole-punched information sheets -- the Lucky Mojo Shop Flyers and the Hoodoo Workshop Hand-Outs -- were then collected together into a black school-report cover -- which we called The Black Folder. As the years went on, the content of The Black Folder grew and grew and grew, until there were so many pages that they could no longer easily fit into a single report cover ... and so we put together the complete set of all of the past Missionary Independent Spiritual Church Workshop flyers, plus a complete set of all of the Lucky Mojo shop flyers into a 136 page professionally printed BOOK. The name of the book is "The Black Folder" -- but don't let the name (or the cover) fool you -- it's a regular 8 1/2" x 11" trade paperback book, like nothing else available anywhere.Contributors include an all-star line-up of well-known conjure doctors from around the world: ConjureMan Ali, Deacon Millett, Dr. E., Lara Rivera, Prof. Charles Porterfield, Dr. James Dotson, Khi Armand, Sister Robin Petersen, Sindy Todo, Susan Diamond, Marin Graves, Miss Elvyra Curcuruto-Love, Ms. Robin York, Dr. Johannes Gardback, Michele Jackson, Valentina Burton, Tanisia Mooney, and catherine yronwode.

Holistic Tarot: An Integrative Approach to Using Tarot for Personal Growth

Benebell Wen - 2015
    The tarot deck has been used as a divination tool for more than two centuries; while the tarot is still most commonly thought of as "fortune telling," the true power of the tarot lies in its ability to channel a clear path for our deep intuition to shine through. Consulting the tarot can help clear creativity blockages, clarify ambitions, work through complex decisions, and make sense of emotions and relationships. Whether used for simple decision-making or an understanding of your life's purpose, learning tarot can be an indispensible tool for being more mindful of the factors that can assist or weaken your efforts toward success. In Holistic Tarot, author Benebell Wen provides a complete guide to using the tarot to foster personal development. Wen gives a comprehensive overview of the history of the tarot and a wide array of theories on its use (including its relationship to Jungian archetypal psychology and traditional Chinese divination practices) before digging deeply into one of the best-known tarot systems, the Rider-Waite-Smith. Beginners will find a complete guide to working with the tarot, including choosing and caring for a deck, how best to learn and remember the attributes of the major and minor arcana, the interpretation of cards and spreads, the role of meditation in a tarot practice, and how to use the tarot for improving relationships, professional development, and personal resilience. More advanced practitioners will appreciate nuanced theoretical discussions of the tarot as well as practical advice about reading others' tarot cards and setting up a practice. Containing over 500 illustrations and detailed information on each card as well as numerous spreads, Holistic Tarot is a complete compendium of tarot study that every practitioner should have in his or her library.“A modern alchemical achievement.”—Barbara Moore, author of Tarot Spreads “Will become one of the jewels in the crown of tarot literature.” —Anthony Louis, MD, author of Tarot Beyond the Basics “A tarot classic.”—Sasha Graham, author of Tarot Diva“A magnificent, intelligent, comprehensive overview and innerview of the Rider Waite Smith system of tarot! This is the only guide you need to have. Bravo!” —James Wanless, PhD, author of Voyager Tarot“A huge accomplishment … likely to become the essential guidebook for serious students of the tarot.”— Joan Bunning, author of Learning the Tarot“No tarot enthusiast should be without this book!”—Chic and Tabatha Cicero, authors of The Golden Dawn Magical Tarot“Arguably the most comprehensive guide to tarot on the market today. It's also innovative: it deftly combines Eastern mysticism with Western metaphysics. It's an impressive tome that presents a wholly modern, rational approach to tarot practice while preserving notable elements of tradition."—Corrine Kenner, author of Tarot and Astrology

Mystical Origins of the Tarot: From Ancient Roots to Modern Usage

Paul Huson - 2004
    Most scholars have guessed that its origins were in China, Egypt, or India. In Mystical Origins of the Tarot, Paul Huson has expertly tracked each symbol of the Minor Arcana to roots in ancient Persia and the Major Arcana Trump card images to the medieval world of mystery, miracle, and morality plays. A number of tarot historians have questioned the use of the tarot as a divination tool prior to the 18th century. But the author demonstrates that the symbolic meanings of the Major Arcana were evident from the time they were first employed in the mid-15th century in the popular divination practice of sortilege. He also reveals how the identities of the court cards in the Minor Arcana were derived from a blend of pagan and medieval sources that strongly influenced their interpretation in tarot divination.Mystical Origins of the Tarot provides a thorough examination of the original historical source for each card and how the cards’ divinatory meanings evolved from these symbols. Huson also provides concise and practical card-reading methods designed by the cartomancers of the 18th and 19th centuries and reveals the origins of the card interpretations promoted by the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and A. E. Waite.

The Encyclopaedia of Celtic Wisdom: A Celtic Shaman's Sourcebook

Caitlín Matthews - 1994
    This superb sourcebook contains many new translations of seminal Celtic texts, including stories, poems, and prose pieces, some dating from as far back as the seventh century. Key ingredients in this rich cauldron of ancient lore include sections on: . Shamanic Memory, including chapters on: The Memory of the Earth--The Memory of the Trees--The Memory of Animals--and The Memory of Ancestors . Vision Poets, Druids, and Shamanic Guardians, including chapters on: Initiations--ShapeshiftingóDru . . . and Vision Poets . The Bright Knowledge, including chapters on: Prophecy and Divination--Healing and Soul Restoration-Dreams and Visions . Otherworldly Journeys, including chapters on: The Journey Quest--The House of the Sidhe. These ancient tales are accompanied by detailed commentaries, comprehensive background material, and practical shamanic insights. This wide-ranging sourcebook contains new translations of seminal texts, and is a must-have for any devotee of one the world's richest religious traditions.