Book picks similar to
To Be Near Unto God by Abraham Kuyper


True Worship

Vaughan Roberts - 2001
    While we may struggle to define worship by arguing about singing hymns with the organ, versus modern songs with guitars and drums, or about the place of certain spiritual gifts, Roberts suggests we are asking the wrong questions. For true worship is more than this - it is to encompass the whole of life. This book challenges us to worship God every day of the week, with all our heart, mind, soul and strength.

I Come Quietly to Meet You An Intimate Journey in Gods Presence

Amy Carmichael - 1991
    Amy Carmichael remained faithful to God through times of material need, physical danger, pain, debilitating illness, disappointment, and attack by friends. From this crucible she guides readers into a deeper friendship with the Father who is always trustworthy. Formerly released as You Are My Hiding Place.

It Is Finished: 365 Days of Good News

Tullian Tchividjian - 2015
    But it's the foundation of our faith. In this new 365-day devotional, Tullian Tchividjian reminds you every day that the gospel is good news. It's God's message that He loves us even when we don't deserve it. These short readings each contain a truth from God's Word that will set you on a solid foundation for the day—a foundation of God's grace, goodness, and unconditional love.

How Jesus Transforms The Ten Commandments

Edmund P. Clowney - 2007
    If Jesus did not abolish the law, then how should we look at the Ten Commandments today?Clowney explains how Jesus intensifies the law and expands its scope to every situation in life. But as the author did so often during his ministry, he goes further, finding Christ in the law and showing how he fulfills it for his people. Thus believers will learn more not only of God's character revealed in the law, but also of the gospel with its focus on Christ.Divided into eleven chapters, each with study questions for reflection and application, this book is an ideal resource for group study and personal growth.

Searching for Christmas: What If There's More to the Story Than You Thought?

J.D. Greear - 2020

Singing God: Discover the joy of being enjoyed by God

Sam Storms - 1998
    We need to know that God loves us just the way we are In The Singing God, Sam Storms explores God's immeasurable love for His children--and the fact that we can take comfort in seeing how the Father joys over us, to the extent that He breaks out in inexpressible joy and song as He thinks about us.

Facing Your Giants: God Still Does the Impossible

Max Lucado - 2006
    You recognize his walk, the thunder of his voice.He taunts you with bills you can't pay, people you can't please, habits you can't break, failures you can't forget, and a future you can't face. But just like David, you can face your giant, even if you aren't the strongest, the smartest, the best equipped, of the holiest.David. You could read his story and wonder what God saw in him. His life has little to offer the unstained, straight-A saint. He fell as often as he stood, stumbled as often as he conquered. But for those who know the sound of Goliath, David gives this reminder:Focus on giants -- you stumble; focus on God -- your giants tumble.If you're ready to face your giants, let his story inspire you. The same God who helped him will help you.

The Valley of Vision: A Collection of Puritan Prayers and Devotions

Arthur Bennett - 1975
    In this practice the spirit of prayer was regarded as of first importance and the best form of prayer, for living prayer is the characteristic of genuine spirituality. Yet prayer is also vocal and may therefore on occasions be written. Consequently in the Puritan tradition there are many written prayers and meditations which constitute an important corpus of inspiring devotional literature. Too often ex tempore prayer lacks variety, order and definiteness. The reason for this lies partly in a neglect of due preparation. It is here that the care and scriptural thoroughness which others found necessary in their approach to God may be of help. This book has been prepared not to 'supply' prayers but to prompt and encourage the Christian as he treads the path on which others have gone before.

Everlasting Righteousness

Horatius Bonar - 1993
    Horatius Bonar is best remembered for his hymns, but he was also a leading author and his Everlasting Righteousness remains one of the finest and most uplifting treatments of truths which have changed nations and centuries.

Supernatural Power for Everyday People: Experiencing God’s Extraordinary Spirit in Your Ordinary Life

Jared C. Wilson - 2018
    Wilson reveals how God has a plan for you that involves doing the ordinary, mundane stuff of life in a supernatural way.Would it change your life to know that there is a way to live your everyday life supernaturally? Most of us would say “yes,” and Jared C. Wilson’s new book reveals how. For the homemaker wondering how to get through the stress of washing dishes and making meals nobody seems to appreciate; for the cubicle jockey punching her time-card every day wondering if what she does really matters; for the teacher or leader wondering if he is making an impact; for the student afraid of the future; for every believer struggling to get through daily life, Supernatural Power for Everyday People offers the hope of meaning and purpose, and also the promise of power. We can get beyond just “getting by." We can prevail and live a life of far more joy, contentment, and peace than we ever thought possible.A practical book written in a devotional tone, Supernatural Power for Everyday People shows readers how to rely more fully on the power of the Holy Spirit for growth and satisfaction in their lives.

Boring: Finding an Extraordinary God in an Ordinary Life

Michael Kelley - 2013
    Today we live with a false separation between sacred and secular that was never meant to be. Work, paying bills, changing diapers . . . when Jesus enters any situation He makes even the most mundane things extraordinary.Bored enlivens this truth as author Michael Kelley uses the narrative of Saul's rise to kingship in the Old Testament to make his fine point: we can give ourselves to ordinary life -- parenting, marriage, work, etc. -- because we fully believe in God's presence and power within those situations. They are no longer boring but important.See every relationship, every act of kindness, and every moment for what it is: a part of God's exciting plan for your life.

When God Doesn't Answer Your Prayer

Jerry Sittser - 2003
    What went wrong? Why wasn't my prayer answered? he asks. It is no longer an abstract question to me. What should we do and how should we respond when our prayers--prayers that seem right and true and good--go unanswered? In When God Doesn't Answer Your Prayer, Sittser continues exploring the issues he addressed in A Grace Disguised. He asks, Why doesn't God answer our prayers? What, if anything, can we do about it? Sittser is intensely committed to exploring the Christian faith, especially when it doesn't seem to work. In this thoughtful and beautifully written book, he moves beyond easy answers and religious formulas to explore the goodness and greatness of a God who cannot be controlled but can be trusted.

Mere Hope: Life in an Age of Cynicism

Jason G. Duesing - 2018
    Mere Hope offers the core, Christ-centered perspective that all Christians share, and that Christians alone have to offer a world filled with frustration, pain, and disappointment. For those in darkness, despair, and discouragement, for those in the midst of trials, suffering, and injustice, mere hope lives. The spirit of the age is cynicism. When our leaders, our families, and our friends let us down at every turn, this isn't surprising. But we need another perspective; we need hope. Rather than reflecting resigned despair or distracted indifference, author Jason Duesing argues, our lives ought to be shaped by the gospel of Jesus—a gospel of hope.

The God Of The Mundane

Matthew B. Redmond - 2012
    You would sell your belongings. You would become a missionary and move to another country.” Matthew B. Redmond has preached the gospel of doing more for God, and he wants out. In this collection of essays, he asks a simple question: what about the rest of us? Is there a God for our often-mundane lives?This is a book about pastors, plumbers, dental hygienists, and stay-at-home moms. It finds grace and mercy in chicken fingers, smiles from strangers, and classic films, and ultimately convicts us of something Matt Redmond has learned himself: there is a God of the mundane, and it’s not about what we do for him. It’s about what he does for us.

Streams in the Desert, KJV

Mrs. Charles E. Cowman - 1904
    Lettie Cowman (who published under the name: Mrs. Charles E. Cowman) worked alongside her husband as missionary in Japan. In the years leading up to the death of her husband in 1924, the Lord gave her the “streams in her desert”. Its strength lies in its nature: it is a compilation of the devotional insights from some of the most spiritual people of the last 400 years. This feature makes the book both timeless and up-to-date, both challenging and comforting, both inspiring and convicting. In one word, by God’s grace, the prayerful reading of this book will be life-changing! The book is not an easy read. If you are looking for excitement or superficial encouragement, look elsewhere! But if you desire to follow the lamb wherever he goes (Rev 14:4), then you will find comfort, strength and joy in feasting on these pages. May the Lord meet with you daily as you use this book!