Best of
Reformed Dogmatics Volume 1 : Prolegomena
Herman Bavinck - 2003
Bavinck's approach throughout is meticulous. As he discusses the standard topics of dogmatic theology, he stands on the shoulders of giants such as Augustine, John Calvin, Francis Turretin, and Charles Hodge. This masterwork will appeal to scholars and students of theology, research and theological libraries, and pastors and laity who read serious works of Reformed theology.
Lord, Have Mercy: The Healing Power of Confession
Scott Hahn - 2003
Jesus told his first clergy, "If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained." In Lord, Have Mercy, Scott Hahn explores the sacrament of reconciliation and shows why it is the key to spiritual growth, particularly in these times of intense anxiety and uncertainty.Drawing on the history of ancient Israel, the Gospels, the writings of the early Church, and the lives of the saints, Hahn reveals the living, scriptural heart of the Church's teachings on penance, forgiveness, and reconciliation. It is a story that begins with the sin of Adam and Eve, continues in the biographies of Moses, King David, and the Apostle Peter, and reverberates in the lives of believers today. Hahn presents the Catholic and biblical perspective on sin and mercy, elucidating in clear, easily understood language the true import of Jesus' simple, yet profound promise-"I am the door; if anyone enters by Me, he will be saved (John 10:9).Like Hahn's earlier books, Lord, Have Mercy offers thoughtful, authoritative insights into controversial issues and disputed doctrines in a manner that will enlighten lay readers yet is thorough enough for scholars to appreciate. More than just a Bible study, it is a guide for the perplexed, providing practical advice and inspiration that will help readers come to a deeper knowledge of themselves and of Jesus through the sacrament of penance.
The Grace and Truth Paradox: Responding with Christlike Balance
Randy Alcorn - 2003
Now bestselling author Randy Alcorn offers a simple two-point checklist for Christlikeness based on John 1:14. The test consists of balancing grace and truth, equally and unapologetically. Grace without truth deceives people, and ceases to be grace. Truth without grace crushes people, and ceases to be truth. Alcorn shows the reader how to show the world Jesus -- offering grace instead of the world's apathy and tolerance, offering truth instead of the world's relativism and deception.Grace or Truth…or Both? Truth without grace breeds self-righteousness and crushing legalism. Grace without truth breeds deception and moral compromise. Is it possible to embrace both in balance? Jesus did. Randy Alcorn offers a simple yet profound two-point checklist of Christlikeness. “In the end,” says Alcorn, “we don’t need grace or truth. We need grace and truth. And for people to see Jesus in us, they must see both.”
Jesus and Nonviolence: A Third Way
Walter Wink - 2003
In this small book Wink offers a precis of his whole thinking about this issue, including the relation of Jesus and his message to politics and nonviolence, the history of nonviolent efforts, and how nonviolence can win the day when others don't hesitate to resort to violence or terror to achieve their aims.
On the Cosmic Mystery of Jesus Christ: Selected Writings
St. Maximus the Confessor - 2003
St Maximus' two main collections of theological reflections-his Ambigua (or "Difficulties") and his Questions to Thalassius - plus one of his christological opuscula, hitherto unavailable in English, are accompanied by immensely helpful notes, and prefaced by a long, brilliant introduction to the theology of the Confessor.
The Beauty of the Infinite: The Aesthetics of Christian Truth
David Bentley Hart - 2003
Hart pays special attention to Nietzsche's famous narrative of the "will to power" -- a narrative largely adopted by the world today -- and he offers an engaging revision (though not rejection) of the genealogy of nihilism, thereby highlighting the significant "interruption" that Christian thought introduced into the history of metaphysics.This discussion sets the stage for a retrieval of the classic Christian account of beauty and sublimity, and of the relation of both to the question of being. Written in the form of a dogmatica minora, this main section of the book offers a pointed reading of the Christian story in four moments, or parts: Trinity, creation, salvation, and eschaton. Through a combination of narrative and argument throughout, Hart ends up demonstrating the power of Christian metaphysics not only to withstand the critiques of modern and postmodern thought but also to move well beyond them.Strikingly original and deeply rewarding, The Beauty of the Infinite is both a constructively critical account of the history of metaphysics and a compelling contribution to it.
Philosophical Foundations for a Christian Worldview
J.P. Moreland - 2003
These are questions that philosophy addresses. And the answers we give to these kinds of questions serve as the the foundation stones for consrtucting any kind of worldview. In Philosophical Foundations for a Christian Worldview J.P. Moreland and William Lane Craig offer a comprehensive introduction to philosophy from a Christian perspective. In their broad sweep they seek to introduce readers to the principal subdisciplines of philosophy, including epistemology, metaphysics, philosophy of science, ethics and philosophy of religion. They do so with characteristic clarity and incisiveness. Arguments are clearly outlined, and rival theories are presented with fairness and accuracy. Philosophy, they contend, aids Christians in the tasks of apologetics, polemics and systematic theology. It reflects our having been made in the image of God, helps us to extend biblical teaching into areas not expressly addressed in Scripture, facilitates the spiritual discipline of study, enhances the boldness and self-image of the Christian community, and is requisite to the essential task of integrating faith and learning. Here is a lively and thorough introduction to philosophy for all who want to know reality.
Judges: Such a Great Salvation
Dale Ralph Davis - 2003
It falls under the category 'embarrassing scripture'. Such an attitude is, of course, wrong so Ralph Davis here makes Judges digestible by analysing the major literary and theological themes discovered in each section, providing a 'theocentric' exposition.
Ecclesia de Eucharistia: On the Eucharist in Its Relationship to the Church
Pope John Paul II - 2003
Topics include: The theology of the Eucharist The importance of the Eucharist in the life of the Church The relationship between the priesthood and the Eucharist The Eucharist as a point of unity - and separation - among Christians The importance of the liturgy and following liturgical norms Mary as an example of our relationship to Jesus in the Eucharist
The Sovereign Grace of God: A Biblical Study of the Doctrines of Calvinism
James R. White - 2003
Without an accurate understanding, we can never fully comprehend or appreciate the awesome sovereign grace of God. Does the Bible really teach the doctrines known as Calvinism? Are the concepts of total depravity, unconditional election, limited atonement, irresistable grace, and perserverance of the saints based merely on the speculations of theologians or are they actually found clearly revealed in Scripture? In this essential book, the reader is led through a fundamental study of Scripture to scrutinize what God declares concerning these vital doctrines. Whether lay Christian or clergy, we each need to struggle through these difficult questions with the assurance that the Holy Spirit of God will not reveal something in the Scriptures that is not important for God's people to understand, embrace, and benefit from. Come along and learn about the incredible sovereign grace of God!
Safe in the Arms of God: Truth from Heaven About the Death of a Child
John F. MacArthur Jr. - 2003
And even if the little one is someone else's child, the issue remains: What happens to children?those unborn, stillborn, or youngsters?when they die? Can you hope to see them again? Can you let go of your fear and guilt? Can God's love soothe a wound so jagged?With scriptural authority and the warmth of a pastor's heart, bestselling author John MacArthur examines the breadth of the entire Bible and reveals in this compelling book the Heavenly Father's care for every life."I have sat by the grave of our daughter and son and wondered out loud if my belief that Hope and Gabriel are in heaven has any solid scriptural support. John MacArthur offers truth from God's Word that puts the doubts of any grieving parent to rest. Safe in the Arms of God reveals that confidence of heaven for the child you love is based on much more than mere sentimentality; it is revealed in the Word of God and reflective of the very heart of God." ?Nancy Guthrie, author of Holding On to Hope
The Spirit of Early Christian Thought: Seeking the Face of God
Robert L. Wilken - 2003
It is written as history ought to be, especially for nonspecialist readers."—Richard A. Kauffman,
Christian Century
In this eloquent introduction to early Christian thought, eminent religious historian Robert Louis Wilken examines the tradition that such figures as St. Augustine, Gregory of Nyssa, and others set in place. These early thinkers constructed a new intellectual and spiritual world, Wilken shows, and they can still be heard as living voices in the modern world. In chapters on topics including early Christian worship, Christian poetry and the spiritual life, the Trinity, Christ, the Bible, and icons, Wilken shows that the energy and vitality of early Christianity arose from within the life of the Church. While early Christian thinkers drew on the philosophical and rhetorical traditions of the ancient world, it was the versatile vocabulary of the Bible that loosened their tongues and minds and allowed them to construct the world anew, intellectually and spiritually. These thinkers were not seeking to invent a world of ideas, Wilken shows, but rather to win the hearts of men and women and to change their lives. Early Christian thinkers set in place a foundation that has endured. Their writings are an irreplaceable inheritance, and Wilken shows that they can still be heard as living voices within contemporary culture.
Seeing with New Eyes: Counseling and the Human Condition Through the Lens of Scripture
David A. Powlison - 2003
Some of these pieces exegete Scripture with a counseling perspective, while others recast specific "psychological" problems.
Theology of the Body for Beginners
Christopher West - 2003
With clarity and precision, Christopher West unpacks John Paul II's Theology of the Body, translating it into a language everyone can understand.
John B. Webster - 2003
According to Webster, God's holiness is known not in his simple transcendence but in his gracious and free relationship to his people. Such holiness finds an echo in the holiness of the Christian community, especially in worship and witness, and in the life of the individual disciple.Profound yet readily accessible to a wide range of readers, Webster's Holiness offers an ideal entry into reflection on the Christian God.
The Lord's Service: The Grace of Covenant Renewal Worship
Jeffrey J. Meyers - 2003
He then guides us through the stages of a covenant renewal liturgy, explaining from Scripture the meanings of each step of the service. The final section addresses miscellaneous issues in worship, such as the use of creeds, the "regulative principle," and ministerial clothing.Jeffrey Meyers provides not only a compelling biblical, theological, and historical case for covenant renewal worship, but also shows that it is beautiful, profound, edifying, and liberating.
A Case for Amillennialism: Understanding the End Times
Kim Riddlebarger - 2003
Recognizing that the study of future things is a complicated and controversial subject, Riddlebarger provides definitions of key terms and a helpful overview of various viewpoints.
Lord Jesus Christ: Devotion to Jesus in Earliest Christianity
Larry W. Hurtado - 2003
Larry Hurtado, widely respected for his previous contributions to the study of the New Testament and Christian origins, offers the best view to date of how the first Christians saw and reverenced Jesus as divine. In assembling this compelling picture, Hurtado draws on a wide body of ancient sources, from Scripture and the writings of such figures as Ignatius of Antioch and Justin to apocryphal texts such as the Gospel of Thomas and the Gospel of Truth. Hurtado considers such themes as early beliefs about Jesus’ divine status and significance, but he also explores telling devotional practices of the time, including prayer and worship, the use of Jesus’ name in exorcism, baptism and healing, ritual invocation of Jesus as “Lord,” martyrdom, and lesser-known phenomena such as prayer postures and the curious scribal practice known today as the nomina sacra. The revealing portrait that emerges from Hurtado’s comprehensive study yields definitive answers to questions like these: How important was this formative period to later Christian tradition? When did the divinization of Jesus first occur? Was early Christianity influenced by neighboring religions? How did the idea of Jesus’ divinity change old views of God? And why did the powerful dynamics of early beliefs and practices encourage people to make the costly move of becoming a Christian? Boasting an unprecedented breadth and depth of coverage — the book speaks authoritatively on everything from early Christian history to themes in biblical studies to New Testament Christology — Hurtado’s Lord Jesus Christ is at once significant enough that a wide range of scholars will want to read it and accessible enough that general readers interested at all in Christian origins will also profit greatly from it.
Great Doctrines of the Bible: Volume I God the Father, God the Son/Volume II God the Holy Spirit/Volume III the Church and the Last Things
D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones - 2003
For that reason Martyn Lloyd-Jones gave a series of lectures at Westminster Chapel to help ordinary people understand and apply theology to their own lives. This book is the fruit of those lectures.Previously published in three separate volumes, they are now combined into one work-a complete systematic Christian theology. Among others, the book covers Christian beliefs about Scripture, the attributes of God, the life and work of Jesus, the Fall, redemption, the person and work of the Holy Spirit, the nature of the church, and last things. The book is written in clear language and contains guidance for application. Anyone who wishes to learn more about the great doctrines of the Bible but doesn't want to wade through lengthy academic works should read this book. God the Father, God the SonThis volume focuses on the very character of God and the life and work of his Son, including his eternal decrees, his attributes, original sin, redemption, the covenant of grace, and the Incarnation. God the Father, God the Son will help you to truly know God and his Word better. And in that pursuit, you can never go wrong. Because someday, somewhere, you will need to know-and share-the Truth with someone else. God the Holy SpiritThis volume explores in detail the person and vital work of the Holy Spirit. He is a divine and mighty power who is active in conversion, redemption, regeneration, sanctification, and the assurance of salvation. Martyn Lloyd-Jones also considers within these pages Pentecost, baptism of the Spirit, and the gifts of the Holy Spirit-all to give you a better understanding of this least-known member of the Trinity. The Church and the Last ThingsThis volume explores in detail two doctrines that bear great impact on your today and all your tomorrows: the nature of the church, and the doctrine of the last things. Here is perspective on the Bible's various references to the church, plus a study of unity, baptism, church government, and the sacraments-all according to Scripture. Martyn Lloyd-Jones also carefully considers the various views regarding Christ's second coming, what God's Word communicates about the last days, and the meaning of Jesus' return for ourselves as well as the world. It's important reading, not just for admirers of this great preacher, but for Christians everywhere.
Jacob & the Prodigal: How Jesus Retold Israel's Story
Kenneth E. Bailey - 2003
His story of exile and return was their story as well. In the well-known tale of the prodigal son, Jesus reshaped the story in his own way and for his own purposes. In this work, Kenneth E. Bailey compares the Old Testament saga and the New Testament parable. He unpacks similarities freighted with theological significance and differences that often reveal Jesus' particular purposes. Drawing on a lifetime of study in both Middle Eastern culture and the Gospels, Bailey offers here a fresh view of how Jesus interpreted Israel's past, his present and their future.
A Fragile Stone: The Emotional Life of Simon Peter
Michael Card - 2003
For the story of Peter is the story of Jesus. Perhaps, if you and I do our best, the same will be said of us someday"--Michael Card. Simon Peter emerges from the pages of the Gospels with greater clarity and definition than any other person except Jesus. He is the Rock, the unambiguous leader of the Twelve. He could even be described as Jesus' best friend. But that is not all. "He was a fragile stone," writes Michael Card, "completely dependent upon his Master and Friend, Eeven as Jesus had insisted on his dependence on the Father." In this landmark book, songwriter and musician Michael Card explores the dynamic, contradictory life of the apostle Peter. The fruit of years of careful study, A Fragile Stone revisits well-known passages and discovers unexpected insights, painting a portrait of Peter that is both familiar and jarring. With a scope spanning the entire New Testament, Card reveals how the impetuous fisherman of the Gospels was transformed into the pivotal leader of the early church. The life of Simon Peter thus serves as a model for Christian discipleship, offering hope that we likewise can be changed as Jesus calls us to follow him.
Ignatius Catholic Study Bible: The Letter of St. Paul to the Romans
Scott Hahn - 2003
Ample notes accompany each page, providing fresh insights and commentary by renowned Bible teachers Scott Hahn and Curtis Mitch, as well as time-tested interpretations from the Fathers of the Church. These helpful study notes make explicit what Saint Paul's Letter to the Romans often assumes. They also provide rich historical, cultural, geographical, and theological information pertinent to the Letter. The Ignatius Study Bible also includes Topical Essays, Word Studies and Charts. Each page includes an easy-to-use Cross-Reference Section. Study Questions are provided for each chapter of the Letter to the Romans that can deepen your personal study of God's Holy Word. There is also an introductory essay covering questions of authorship, date, destination, structure, and themes. An outline of the Letter and several maps are also included.
The New Rosary in Scripture: Biblical Insights for Praying the 20 Mysteries
Edward Sri - 2003
This popular introduction to praying the rosary draws readers closer to Jesus and Mary by placing the mysteries-including the new mysteries of light-in the context of Scripture. The book addresses commonly asked questions about Mary and the rosary and provides the biblical background for all twenty mysteries. It also includes a scriptural rosary that offers ten Bible texts suitable for meditation on each mystery. An appendix offers the complete text of Pope John Paul II's Apostolic Letter, Rosarium Virginis Mariae. A Servant Book.
Philosophy of Revelation
Herman Bavinck - 2003
Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.
Where God Happens: Discovering Christ in One Another and Other Lessons from the Desert Fathers
Rowan Williams - 2003
The fourth-century Christian hermits of Egypt, Syria, and Palestine understood the truth of Christian community profoundly, and their lives demonstrate it vividly--even though they often lived in solitude and isolation. The author breaks through our preconceived ideas of the Desert Fathers to reveal them in a new light: as true and worthy role models--even for us in our modern lives--who have much to teach us about dealing with the anxieties, uncertainties, and sense of isolation that have become hallmarks of modern life. They especially embody valuable insights about community, about how to live together in an intimate and meaningful way. Williams makes these radical figures, who clearly have a special place in his heart, come to life in a new way for everyone. The book includes an appendix of selections from the teachings of the Desert Fathers.
Meditations on Divine Mercy: A Classic Treasury of Devotional Prayers
Johann Gerhard - 2003
A prolific writer, professor, and pastor, Johann Gerhard is regarded as one of the greatest theologians and thinkers of his time. This book is a translation of a book of prayers that Gerhard wrote prior to 1612. Now newly translated, Meditations on Divine Mercy is available for English readers to enjoy and appreciate. A chapter on the purpose and benefits of prayer is also included as well as an explanation of the aspects of daily meditation. The prayers are divided into four sections: sin, God's gifts, personal needs, and others' needs.
Come, Creator Spirit: Meditations on the Veni Creator
Raniero Cantalamessa - 2003
In this detailed commentary on the famous hymn Veni Creator, sung at the beginning of every new year, ecumenical council, and priestly ordination, Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa describes the Paraclete and gives praise to its glory. Progressing through the hymn line by line, he provides insights, reflections, hymnography of Christian traditions, and testimonies of the saints.This book describes the Church's experience of the Spirit of today, as well as the past. The biblical and theological base of the hymn opens the reader to the perspectives and inspirations in this book. Its Vision of the Holy Spirit in the history of salvation emerges as the reader progresses through the reading. In the celebration of the ecumenical character of Veni Creator, this book draws from Orthodox, Protestant, and Catholic traditions for all those who wish to seek a better understanding of the Holy Spirit.Chapters are "Spirit, Come!" “Creator,” “Fill with Heavenly Grace the Hearts that You Have Made,” “You Whom We Name the Paraclete,” “Most High Gift of God,” “Living Water,” “Fire,” “Love,” “Anointing for the Soul,” “Sevenfold in Your Gifts,” “Finger of God’s Right Hand,” “The Father’s Solemn Promise,” “Gifting Lips with the Word to Say,” “Kindle Your Light in Our Minds,” “Pour Love into Our Hearts,” “Infirmity in This Body of Ours Overcoming with Strength Secure,” “The Enemy Drive from Us Away,” “Peace Then Give without Delay,” “With You As Guide We Avoid All Cause of Harm,” “Through You May We the Father Know,” “Through You May We Know the Son As Well,” and “And You, the Spirit of Them Both, May We Always Believe.”
William Sloane Coffin - 2003
In this best-seller, Coffin gives a powerful record of his remarkable public life, offering his inspiring words on issues ranging from charity and justice to politics and the meaning of faith.
The Kingdom That Turned the World Upside Down
David W. Bercot - 2003
And they're all essential truths. But none of them were the theme of His teaching. The theme of Jesus' message was the kingdom of God. Wherever He went, Jesus preached about the kingdom. The irony is that the message of the kingdom is almost totally missing from the gospel that's preached today. As a result, a lot of Christians don't realize that the kingdom of God is a present reality on earth. In fact, they don't even know what the kingdom of God is. Consequently, they never make the kingdom commitment that Christ requires. In The Kingdom that Turned the World Upside Down, David Bercot takes the reader back to Jesus' teachings of the kingdomteachings that have too often been forgotten. Bercot describes the radically new laws of the kingdom and its upside-down values. There's no room in Christ's kingdom for superficial Christianity, for this is a kingdom that has historically turned the world upside down. The Kingdom that Turned the World Upside Down will challenge you to the core in your Christian walk.
I Believe: The Nicene Creed
Pauline Baynes - 2003
325 under the auspices of the Roman emperor Constantine, is the most widely accepted statement of Christian beliefs, used by Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran, Calvinist, and other churches all over the world. Pauline Baynes, the much-loved illustrator of C. S. Lewis's Chronicles of Narnia, here transforms this creed into a joyous hymn to God. Her breathtaking images of the sun, moon, and stars, creatures great and small, mythical beasts, death and resurrection, judgment and everlasting life are based on a lifetime's passion for Anglo-Saxon and Persian manuscripts. She brings these images together here in a spirited affirmation of faith that will delight and inspire readers everywhere.
Apostle of the Crucified Lord: A Theological Introduction to Paul and His Letters
Michael J. Gorman - 2003
Six introductory chapters provide background discussion on Paul's world, his resume, his letters, his gospel, his spirituality, and his theology, while the main body of the book covers in turn and in full detail each of the Pauline epistles. Gorman gives the context of each letter, offers a careful reading of the text, and colors his words with insightful quotations from earlier interpreters of Paul." Enhancing the text itself are questions for reflection and discussion at the end of each chapter and numerous photos, maps, and tables throughout. All in all, Apostle of the Crucified Lord is the ideal book for students and any other readers interested in seriously engaging Paul's challenging letters.
Pathway to Freedom: How God's Law Guides Our Lives
Alistair Begg - 2003
There is:A general listlessness and lawlessness in the lives of professing Christians.An absence of the fear of God in public worship and private living.A growing confidence in ourselves and an accompanying loss of confidence in God and His Word.Amidst this moral crisis, the message of the Ten Commandments can give us order, direction, and hope.With dynamic implications for how each of us lives every day, Pathway to Freedom will challenge you to think long and hard about the significance of God's Law. "We have entered into a time of moral crisis in our culture and in the church as well. Stories about divorce, adultery, and the individualized picking and choosing of doctrines abound. Pathway to Freedom is forthright and necessary teaching that today's church cannot afford to ignore. How now shall we live? The beginning of the answer must be in obedience to God's moral law summarized in the Ten Commandments." -CHARLES COLSON, PRISON FELLOWSHIP MINISTRIES, WASHINGTON, D.C.
Apostolic Letter of His Holiness Pope John Paul II: Novo Millennio Ineunte / To the Bishops, Clergy, and Lay Faithful at the Close of the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000
Pope John Paul II - 2003
Apostolic letter of His Holiness Pope John Paul II>
By What Standard? An Analysis of the Philosophy of Cornelius Van Til
Rousas John Rushdoony - 2003
2 Corinthians
John F. MacArthur Jr. - 2003
Each volume was written to be as comprehensive and accurate as possible, dealing thoroughly with every key phrase and word in the Scripture without being unnecessarily technical. This commentary will help to give a better, fuller, richer understanding of God's Word, while challenging the reader to a vibrant personal spiritual walk.A great resource for pastors, teachers, leaders, students, or anyone desiring to dig deeper into Scripture
On Being Liked
James Alison - 2003
With questions of religion and homosexuality on the front pages again, and debates raging about the nature of marriage and the ordination of priests, James Alison invites us into deep, lucid reflection about God, the wonder of creation, and the way that God not only loves but likes every one of us.
The Gospel of John: A Commentary - 2-Volume Set
Craig S. Keener - 2003
Comprehensive documentation of the Jewish and Greco-Roman social and historical context of the Fourth Gospel sheds light on its literary nature and theological meaning.
Theology of the Body Explained: A Commentary on John Paul II's Gospel of the Body
Christopher West - 2003
With clarity and precision, Christopher West unpacks the pope's weighty talks and translates them into a much more accessible language. Theology of the Body Explained makes the perfect companion to the Pope's text. For the first time ever, readers have a commentary that follows the complete series of general audiences, explained in an appealing way. Scholars and average readers alike will find this commentary greatly rewarding. "In my biography of the Pope, I wrote that the theology of the body needs explication for those who aren't specialists in biblical studies, theology, or philosophy. I am delighted that Christopher West has taken up that challenge. With intellectual care, with the experience bred of long years of teaching this material in the classroom and the parish, and taking account of his own experiences as a husband and father, Christopher West has put us in his debt by making the "Theology of the Body" available to a wide and, I hope, appreciative readership. " -George Weigel. About the author: Christopher West is a research fellow and faculty member of the Theology of the Body Institute. He is also one of the most sought after speakers in the Church today, having delivered more than 1000 public lectures on 4 continents, in 9 countries, and in over 150 American cities. All three of his books -- Good News About Sex & Marriage, Theology of the Body Explained, and Theology of the Body for Beginners -- have become Catholic best sellers. Christopher has also lectured on a number of prestigious faculties, offering graduate and undergraduate courses at St John Vianney Seminary in Denver, the John Paul II Institute in Melbourne, Australia, and Creighton University’s Institute for Priestly Formation in Omaha. Hundreds of thousands have heard him on national radio
Eternal Church
Bill Hamon - 2003
Bill Hamon takes the reader on a journey throughout the history of the church. Beginning at the origination of the church in the first century, he proceeds to the deterioration of the church d
Salvation Is from the Jews: The Role of Judaism in Salvation History from Abraham to the Second Coming
Roy H. Schoeman - 2003
It will give Christians a deeper understanding of Judaism, both as a religion in itself and as a central component of Christian salvation.To Jews it reveals the incomprehensible importance, nobility and glory that Judaism most truly has. It examines the unique and central role Judaism plays in the destiny of the world. It documents that throughout history attacks on Jews and Judaism have been rooted not in Christianity, but in the most anti-Christian of forces.Areas addressed include: the Messianic prophecies in Jewish scripture; the anti-Christian roots of Nazi anti-Semitism; the links between Nazism and Arab anti-Semitism; the theological insights of major Jewish converts; and the role of the Jews in the Second Coming.
On the Reliability of the Old Testament
Kenneth A. Kitchen - 2003
Questions about the factuality of its colorful stories of heroes, villains, and kings, for example, have led many critics to see the entire Hebrew Bible as little more than pious fiction. In this fascinating book, noted ancient historian K. A. Kitchen takes strong issue with today's "revisionist" critics and offers a firm foundation for the historicity of the biblical texts. In a detailed, comprehensive, and entertaining manner, Kitchen draws on an unprecedented range of historical data from the ancient Near East -- the Bible's own world -- and uses it to soundly reassess both the biblical record and the critics who condemn it. Working back from the latest periods (for which hard evidence is readily available) to the remotest times, Kitchen systematically shows up the many failures of favored arguments against the Bible and marshals pertinent permanent evidence from antiquity's inscriptions and artifacts to demonstrate the basic honesty of the Old Testament writers. Enhanced with numerous tables, figures, and maps, On the Reliability of the Old Testament is a must-read for anyone interested in the question of biblical truth.
General Instruction of the Roman Missal
The Catholic Church - 2003
The third edition of the General Instruction of the Roman Missal underscores the nature and importance of the Sacred Liturgy in the life of the Church.
The Beginning of Wisdom: Reading Genesis
Leon R. Kass - 2003
And as Leon R. Kass shows in The Beginning of Wisdom, it’s also timeless. Examining Genesis in a philosophical light, Kass presents it not as a story of what happened long ago, but as the enduring story of humanity itself. He asserts that the first half of Genesis contains insights about human nature that “rival anything produced by the great philosophers.” Kass here reads these first stories—from Adam and Eve to the tower of Babel—as a mirror for self-discovery that reveals truths about human reason, speech, freedom, sexual desire, pride, shame, anger, and death. Taking a step further in the second half of his book, Kass explores the struggles in Genesis to launch a new way of life that addresses mankind’s morally ambiguous nature by promoting righteousness and holiness. Even readers who don’t agree with Kass’s interpretations will find The Beginning of Wisdom acompelling book—a masterful philosophical take on one of the world’s seminal religious texts. “Extraordinary. . . . Its analyses and hypotheses will leave no reader’s understanding of Genesis unchanged.” —New York Times“A learned and fluent, delightfully overstuffed stroll through the Gates of Eden. . . . Mix Harold Bloom with Stephen Jay Gould and you’ll get something like Kass. A wonderfully intelligent reading of Genesis.”—Kirkus Reviews, starred review “Throughout his book, Kass uses fruitful, fascinating techniques for getting at the heart of Genesis. . . . Innumerable times [he] makes a reader sit back and rethink what has previously been tediously familiar or baffling.”—Washington Post “It is important to state that this is a book not merely rich, but prodigiously rich with insight. Kass is a marvelous reader, sensitive and careful. His interpretations surprise again and again with their cogency and poignancy.”—Jerusalem Post
The Female Face of God in Auschwitz: A Jewish Feminist Theology of the Holocaust
Melissa Raphael - 2003
But traditional Judaic obligations of female presence, together with the traditional image of the Shekhinah as a figure of God's 'femaleness' accompanying Israel into exile, seem to contradict such theologies of absence. The Female Face of God in Auschwitz, the first full-length feminist theology of the Holocaust, argues that the patriarchal bias of post-Holocaust theology becomes fully apparent only when women's experiences and priorities are brought into historical light. Building upon the published testimonies of four women imprisoned at Auschwitz-Birkenau - Olga Lengyel, Lucie Adelsberger, Bertha Ferderber-Salz and Sara Nomberg-Przytyk - it considers women's distinct experiences of the holy in relation to God's perceived presence and absence in the camps. God's face, says Melissa Raphael, was not hidden in Auschwitz, but intimately revealed in the female face turned towards the other as a refractive image of God, especially in the moral protest made visible through material and spiritual care for the assaulted other.
Rapture: The End-Times Error That Leaves the Bible Behind
David B. Currie - 2003
The unfortunate souls left behind by this "rapture" will endure seven horrible years of tribulation, at the end of which Christ will return to earth for a glorious thousand-year reign. Today, millions of Christians accept this end-times theology, assuming - as Currie did - that the Bible clearly teaches it. Many plan their whole lives around it. But, after studying Scripture for decades, Currie has come to see that if you accept the Bible, you have to reject the rapture. In these remarkable pages - which constitute the world's most careful and thorough scriptural study of the rapture - Currie demonstrates why. He considers all the relevant verses (and there are hundreds!) and examines them in the light of ancient history, the writings of the earliest Christians, and the claims of rapturist theologians. With painstaking thoroughness, he unlocks the meanings of the key biblical prophecies that culminate in Christ's Messianic Kingdom - including those verses in Daniel, Matthew, and Revelation that rapturists turn to most. Marshaling evidence that's as startling as it is compelling, Currie argues that these prophecies of war and tribulation don't point to some still-unrealized apocalyptic future. Rather, most of them were fulfilled long ago: the spiritual, priestly Kingdom prefigured in the Old Testament was inaugurated on Calvary, consummated in 70 A.D. with the destruction of the Temple, and continues to exist today ... in the Catholic Church! That may surprise you. Yet, shows Currie, it's the only conclusion that fits all the scriptural and historical evidence. Rapture: The End-Times Error That Leaves the Bible Behind makes Scripture, prophecy, and history come alive, and it demonstrates that if you open your Bible, you'll find that God's plan for the future of the world is not filled w
After the Locusts: Letters from a Landscape of Faith
Denise M. Ackermann - 2003
In the letters, which are intensely personal memoirs as well as review of the theological and political issues that have marked her career as a feminist Christian in a deeply wounded society, Ackermann discusses such issues as identity and difference, her struggles with sexism and racism, the power of naming, the evils of the apartheid years, the scourge of AIDS, and the function of faith in the midst of misery and conflict.
Adam & Eve's First Sunset: God's New Day
Sandy Eisenberg Sasso - 2003
God's first two people saw morning lift the sun high in the bright sky, and they rested in the contented warmth of the peaceful afternoon.Before long, Adam and Eve realized that the sun was slipping away. First it began to sink beneath the clouds, to fall behind the mountains, and then the sky became dark, the air cold.This engaging new story from award-winning author Sandy Eisenberg Sasso explores fear and hope, faith and gratitude in ways that will delight kids and adults--inspiring us to bless each of God's new days and nights.
Living by Faith: Justification and Sanctification
Oswald Bayer - 2003
In this penetrating reflection on the meaning of "justification," Oswald Bayer shows how this key religious term provides a comprehensive horizon for discussing every aspect of Christian theology, from creation to the end times.Inspired by and interacting with Martin Luther, the great Christian thinker who grappled most intensely with the concept of justification, Bayer explores anew the full range of traditional dogmatics (sin, redemption, eschatology, and others), placing otherwise complex theological terms squarely within their proper milieu -- everyday life. In the course of his discussion, Bayer touches on such deep questions as the hidden nature of God, the hope for universal justice, the problem of evil, and -- one of the book's most engaging motifs -- Job's daring lawsuit with God.
Sensual Orthodoxy
Debbie Blue - 2003
Debbie sees tangled questions about a God who gets a body. Though religion often abstracts, the story of Christ is the opposite. God becomes physical. God is made human in the womb of Mary and born through the birth canal.
Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus, Volume 3: Messianic Prophecy Objections
Michael L. Brown - 2003
Using the Hebrew Bible, rabbinic texts, and the New Testament, Dr. Michael Brown provides thorough answers to nearly forty such objections. This third installment of Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus looks specifically at questions raised about messianic prophecies in Isaiah, Daniel, Psalms, Haggai, and Zechariah. It's an invaluable resource for seekers and for anyone wanting to point students of the Torah to Jesus.
Signs amid the Rubble: The Purposes of God in Human History
Lesslie Newbigin - 2003
Now that he is gone, there is a call for his unpublished writings to be made available. To that end "Signs amid the Rubble" gathers some of Newbigin's finest statements on issues of continuing relevance. The first set of chapters consists of the 1941 Bangalore Lectures, in which Newbigin speaks powerfully of the kingdom of God in relation to the modern - severely deficient - idea of "progress." The second group of writings, the Henry Martyn Lectures of 1986, deals mainly with the importance of Christian mission. In the last piece, his address to the World Council of Churches conference on mission and evangelism in Brazil in 1996 - which editor Geoffrey Wainwright calls his "swan song on the ecumenical stage" - Newbigin wonders aloud how future generations will judge today's practice of abortion.
Cosmic Liturgy: The Universe According to Maximus the Confessor
Hans Urs von Balthasar - 2003
This masterpiece on Maximus broke new ground at that time. Subsequent editions included new material from decades of research. This is the first English translation of the latest edition of this acclaimed work.This book presents a powerful, attractive, religiously compelling portrait of the thought of a major Christian theologian who might, for this book, have remained only an obscure name in the handbooks of patrology. It is based on an intelligent and careful reading of Maximus’s own writings. Here the history of theology has become itself a way of theological reflection.
Down in the River to Pray: Revisioning Baptism as God's Transforming Work
John Mark Hicks - 2003
A name synonymous with twisted brutality and hate. Jeffrey Dahmer. The most notorious serial killer of our time.A decade ago his story shocked our nation and the world. But we didnrsquo;t get the whole story. In prison Dahmerrsquo;s dark journey crossed paths with deep grace.Here is the whole story told by a man who at first tried to avoid meeting Jeffrey Dahmer but later became his friend and showed him the light of Godrsquo;s love.Itrsquo;s an unexpected story of first steps in faith of surprising questions about the Bible of light breaking into darkness. A story that will change what you thought you knew about grace.Jeffrey Dahmer. Christian.Grace unspeakable.
The Fear Factor - What Satan Doesn't Want You to Know
Wayne A. Mack - 2003
In this powerful Bible study authors Wayne and Joshua Mack show that by thinking the same way as an unbeliever you're imprisoned by misplac
Written in Stone: The Ten Commandments and Today's Moral Crisis
Philip Graham Ryken - 2003
All across our nation they appear in churches, homes, and even some public buildings. But how do we apply them today, and how do they relate to the Gospel?Philip Graham Ryken believes that the Ten Commandments are an expression of God's eternal character and thus have binding force today. In this book he explains the value of the law for us-to convict us of our sin, to restrain sin in society, and to show us how to live for Christ. Dr. Ryken offers basic principles for interpreting and applying God's law and explains these holy words commandment by commandment, illustrating each with a biblical account and relating each to the person and redemptive work of Jesus Christ.This is a book to be read and savored with reflection. God's holiness and his standards for life are clearly related, and the joy of living by God's law is vividly portrayed. Readers will find themselves examining their own lives, changing their ways, and delighting in the grace of God.
Truly Our Sister: A Theology of Mary in the Communion of Saints
Elizabeth A. Johnson - 2003
Elizabeth Johnson offers an interpretation of Mary that is theologically sound, spiritually empowering, ethically challenging, socially liberating, and ecumenically fruitful. In particular, she sees the image of Mary as a blessing rather than a blight for women's lives in both religious and political terms."If you read only one book on Mary in your lifetime, let this be the one." American Catholic Booksellers'
Eleonore Stump - 2003
He ranks amongst the most famous of the Western philosophers and was responsible for almost single-handedly bringing the philosophy of Aristotle into harmony with Christianity. He was also one of the first philosophers to argue that philosophy and theology could support each other. The shape of metaphysics, theology, and Aristotelian thought today still bears the imprint of Aquinas' work.In this extensive and deeply researched study, Eleonore Stump examines Aquinas' major works, Summa Theologiae and Summa Contra Gentiles, and clearly assesses the vast range of Aquinas' thought. Philosophers, theologians, and students of the medieval period alike will find this unrivalled study an indispensable resource in researching and teaching Aquinas.
God's Unfailing Purpose: The Message of Daniel
Michael P.V. Barrett - 2003
Trials and tribulations of one sort or another crowd our personal lives, while corruption, conflict, and catastrophe command the world scene. Indeed, where is God in all of this? Asking the question is fair enough. Answering demands caution. God’s Unfailing Purpose: The Message Of Daniel is a cautious and biblical answer to that question. This book focuses on the heavenly throne from which God rules according to His perfect will and unchangeable, unfailing purpose. God is in absolute control of all things: the big issues of the world, as well as the seemingly bigger issues of our lives. Daniel’s view of history and prophecy shows that God’s kingdom is coming and that God’s will is being done on earth as certainly as it is in heaven. Daniel’s message is simply, “Not to worry–everything is under control.”
Apostolicam Actuositatem: Decree On The Apostolate Of The Laity
Second Vatican Council - 2003
Christ, Our Way and Our Life: A Presentation of the Theology of Archimandrite Sophrony
Zacharias Zacharou - 2003
In the book “Christ our Way and our Life”, Archimandrite Zacharias presents with simplicity the richness of the empirical theology of his Elder, Saint Sophrony Sakharov.
God's Generals: Why They Succeeded And Why Some Fail
Roberts Liardon - 2003
Roberts Liardon faithfully chron
One Hundred Years Of Modernism: A Genealogy Of The Principles Of The Second Vatican Council
Dominique Bourmaud - 2003
When it hit the Catholic Church, its faithful were told to expect a glorious springtime. Instead, doubt and instability have prevailed. Where has the destruction come from? - All indicators point to the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) as its epicenter. To prove it, the author reconstructed a family tree - a genealogy - of Vatican II to uncover the chain of causes that resulted in this Council and its novelties.What clearly emerges is that the Vatican II "effect" was related to a heresy going back one hundred years: Modernism. The modernists, actively combatted by Pope Pius X throughout his pontificate (1903-14) and condemned by the encyclical Pascendi Gregis (1907), had been working ever since to align the Church with the new ideas in philosophy and modern biblical criticism.But their "new ideas" had an origin too. Following back links in the chain, the author reached the first link: Martin Luther.One Hundred Years of Modernism: A Genealogy of the Principles of the Second Vatican Council is an Everyman's survey of the history of philosophical ideas from Aristotle's sane realism to the existentialists' insanity. Presenting the genealogy in chronological order, the author traces the modernist family tree from its root in Luther's principle of private judgment through its subsequent developments. It shows that modernism, prematurely declared dead after St. Pius X's reign, revived after World War II and reached the highest levels of the Catholic Church's hierarchy.This study moves in time-line order, going from causes to effects and from masters to disciples. The book is divided into five historical periods: Christian Truth, Protestant critical modernism in Germany, modernism in France, neo-modernism in Europe, and triumphant modernism in Rome itself.
The Messianic Jewish Epistles: Hebrews, James, First Peter, Second Peter, Jude
Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum - 2003
The first installment of the Ariel Commentary Series highlights the real life concerns of 1st century Jewish believers. This important book deals with the issues Jewish believers wrestled with during the turbulent early years of the Church. With the Mosaic Law now replaced by the law of Messiah, Jewish believers struggled with questions such as... "How are we to live and relate to our family, community, and the world?" Questions like these and God's answers are at the core of this groundbreaking work.
The MacArthur Lifeworks Library 1.0
John F. MacArthur Jr. - 2003
MacArthur's personal selection from Nelson's Bible Reference Library What use to take hours of study and research can now be done in minutes! Utilizes the Libronix Digital Library System.
The Atheism of the Early Church
Rousas John Rushdoony - 2003
These Christians knew that Jesus Christ, not the state, was their Lord and that this faith required a different kind of relationship to the state than the state demanded. Because Jesus Christ was their acknowledged Sovereign, they consciously denied such esteem to all other claimants. Today the church must take a similar stand before the modern state.
Cat and Dog Theology: Rethinking Our Relationship with Our Master. Living Passionately for the Glory of God
Bob Sjogren - 2003
Using the differences between cats and dogs in a light-handed manner, the authors challenge this thinking in deep and profound ways. This life-changing book will provide a new perspective and vision for God as we delight in the God who delights in us.
Fellow Heirs: Jews & Gentiles Together in the Family of God
Tim Hegg - 2003
But as Jews have begun to discover the Messiah, and non-Jewish believers have begun to discover the Torah, that divisive idea is being challenged. Now, Tim Hegg's FellowHeirs takes on the difficult question of the Gentile believer's relationship to the Torah and to the people of God. A masterful piece of scholarship, Tim Hegg's latest work seeks the biblical perspective on identity within the family of God. FellowHeirs answers these questions and more. The powerful results of Tim's research demonstrate, from the biblical text, that Jews and Gentiles are both beholden to the same convenant norms and responsibilities. There is only one set of teachings for all of God's people. FellowHeirs is a must-read for every serious student of the Bible.
The Defining Moment: Ultimate Leadership: Volume 1
Nathaniel J. Wilson - 2003
This book plunges deeply into the arena of the universal, the unseen, the spiritual. This is where highest level leadership begins. If you have the courage, Ultimate Leadership is for you. This book is based on the conviction that leadership greatness is born out an acquaintance with, and individual engagement with life's most primal and powerful forces. Ultimate leadership does not begin with do's and don'ts, but rather with the invisible and the spiritual.
Theopolitical Imagination: Christian Practices of Space and Time
William T. Cavanaugh - 2003
"Consumption of the Eucharist," he argues, "consumes one into the narrative of the pilgrim City of God, whose reach extends beyond the global to embrace all times and places." He develops the theme of the Eucharist as the basis for Christian resistance to the violent disciplines of state, civil society and globalization.
The Mystical Thought of Meister Eckhart: The Man from Whom God Hid Nothing
Bernard McGinn - 2003
Yet as he has come to be studied more closely in recent decades, a number of different Eckharts have emerged. This volume reviews and synthesizes the diverging views of Eckhart that have been presented in recent past. For the first time, Bernard McGinn, the greatest living scholar of Western Christian mysticism, brings together in one volume the fruition of decades of reflection on these questions, offering a view of Eckhart that unites his reflections as preacher, philosopher, and theologian.
The Smell of Sin: and the Fresh Air of Grace
Don Everts - 2003
A smooth-skinned boy lies to his father's face. Fetid tombs, harsh slavery, fatal choking . . . these images come right from the words of Jesus! They are word pictures Jesus asks listeners to imagine. But why? Why did Jesus paint such vivid pictures when he talked about sin? And why did he make them so sobering--and downright gory at times? In The Smell of Sin, Don Everts seriously tackles these stark images, coming face to face with Jesus' clear, graphic theology of sin. It's a view of sin that might make you uncomforable. But a collision with this hard truth may be just what you need.
Life in the Spirit Study Bible-NIV
Donald C. Stamps - 2003
Previously titled the Full Life Study Bible, this new edition includes updated and expanded notes, a new word study feature, and a new interior to meet the needs of Spirit-filled Christians today. In a culture that requires believers to depend strongly on God and his Word, this Bible will help you cultivate a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and the person of the Holy Spirit as the source of the Church's power. at a glance which theme a given passage addresses. Themes include: Baptized in/Filled with the Holy Spirit, Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Fruit of the Holy Spirit, Healing, Salvation, Witnessing and more. you understand and apply the Scriptures. the Spirit. in their original Greek and Hebrew contexts. Prophecies Fulfilled in Christ, The Kingdom of God Versus the Kingdom of Satan, The Gifts of the Holy Spirit, The Work of the Holy Spirit, and The Last Days of History. Plus--Book introductions/In-text maps and charts/Full-color map section/Concordance/Words of Christ in red/Subject and Themefinder indexes/Reading plan/Tables of contents for articles, maps and charts Wonderful as it is to be saved for all eternity, we also long to walk with the Lord today. We want to hear his voice, know his heart, receive his gifts, and participate in what he is doing. We desire what the early church had that Jesus promised would be ours as well: lives lived in the intimacy, vision and power of his Spirit. the Life in the Spirit Study Bible is designed as an important Biblical resource for all Christians, regardless of church background, who long to deepen their connection with the Holy Spirit. If you are hungry for greater intimacy with Jesus ... if what you've read in the Bible suggests amazing possibilities for your personal relationship with God ... if you long to experience the message, faith, devotion and power described in the book of Acts ... then this study Bible will help you build a bedrock of spiritual understanding and faith for living a down-to-earth life equipped with the presence of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit. walk in the Holy Spirit's power and presence. If that is your desire, the Life in the Spirit Study Bible will prove a valuable companion in your spiritual quest.
The Making of American Liberal Theology: Idealism, Realism, and Modernity 1900-1950
Gary J. Dorrien - 2003
He argues that in its prime theological liberalism effected a creative blending of theological schools, featured a tension between its evangelical and modernist impulses, and was fueled by its expectation of social and cultural progress, until its optimism was subjected to withering internal criticism in the 1930s.
God Is Love: Saint Teresa Margaret, Her Life
Margaret Rowe - 2003
Teresa Margaret of the Sacred Heart was born into a large devout family in Arezzo, Italy in 1747. From the earliest days of her childhood, Anna Maria was filled with a deep love of God, questioning the adults around her as to 'Who is God'?The cornerstone of St. Teresa Margaret's spirituality was to remain hidden, to appear just like everyone else in spite of her heroic virtue. To our loss, she has remained very much hidden even after her death. Fr. Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalen commented, 'This is an odd fact, for we do not hesitate to rank her among the primary figures who represent the glory of Carmel among Teresa of Jesus, John of the Cross, and Therese of the Child Jesus.'Though St. Teresa Margaret led a life of exquisite holiness and purity, it was also a life that is wholly imitable. In her were combined Martha and Mary as she served her community as infirmarian while reaching the heights of contemplation. No one will come away from the pages of this book without his or her own spirit being renewed and reinvigorated. Already she was dissatisfied with answers given her. Only the contemplative life of a Carmelite nun could begin to quench her thirst to know and give herself completely to God. Her entire life was driven by the desire to 'return love for love.' She entered the Carmelite convent in Florence at the age of seventeen, advanced rapidly in holiness, and died an extraordinary death at twenty-two. Her spiritual director reflecting on her death remarked, 'She could not have lived very much longer, so great was the strength of the love of God in her.' The cornerstone of St. Teresa Margaret's spirituality was to remain hidden, to appear just like everyone else in spite of her heroic virtue. To our loss, she has remained very much hidden even after her death. Fr. Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalen commented, "This is an odd fact, for we do not hesitate to rank her among the primary figures who represent the glory of Carmel among Teresa of Jesus, John of the Cross, and Thérèse of the Child Jesus." Though St. Teresa Margaret led a life of exquisite holiness and purity, it was also a life that is wholly imitable. In her were combined Martha and Mary as she served her community as infirmarian while reaching the heights of contemplation. No one will come away from the pages of this book without his or her own spirit being renewed and reinvigorated.
Divorce and Remarriage in the Church: Biblical Solutions for Pastoral Realities
David Instone-Brewer - 2003
Yet when we turn to Scripture for guidance, we often hear conflicting messages about its teachings. David Instone-Brewer shows how, when properly understood, the New Testament provides faithful, realistic and wise guidance of crucial importance and practical help for the church today.
Adastra & Stella Maris: Poems by Frithjof Schuon
Frithjof Schuon - 2003
The spiritual traveler may carry this German/English bilingual book of poems for a lifetime and not exhaust its content, because its contents I the inexhaustibly beautiful life of the spirit.
The Mystery of the Gospel: Jew and Gentile and the Eternal Purpose of God
Thomas Lancaster - 2003
In that letter, he unburdened his heart, sharing with the Ephesians what he understood to be the deepest mystery of the Messiah and the eternal purpose of God on earth. According to Paul, the mystery of the Gospel is that Gentiles are joint heirs with Israel through faith in Messiah. Following in the tradition of Torah Rediscovered and Take Hold, First Fruits of Zion's latest book, The Mystery of the Gospel, addresses the question of Jewish/Gentile relationships within the body of Messiah. In a friendly, easy to read, narrative style, D. Thomas Lancaster works through the Apostle Paul's rabbinic scholarship to piece together the deep mystery of the Messiah. Ultimately, that mystery is about the identity of Gentile believers and their relationship to Israel through the Messiah. The Mystery of the Gospel provides long-sought answers for everyone who is confused about where they fit in the House of Israel and the Torah of God. There are not many books on the market which can purport to convey the "eternal purpose of God." This one does! Like a collection of midrash for believers, Mystery of the Gospel is simultaneously a great introduction to the Hebrew Roots of Christianity and a wealth of new material for those already well on their way in that movement.
If Grace Is True: Why God Will Save Every Person
Philip Gulley - 2003
Long disturbed by the Church′s struggle between offering both love and rejection, they discover what God wants from us and for us: grace for everyone.
The Unknown She: Eight Faces of an Emerging Consciousness
Hilary Hart - 2003
The revelations of feminine wisdom offered from these encounters are not conceptual teachings, but vivid examples of lived spirituality expressed sometimes through simple ways of being, sometimes through profound mystical experiences. Revolutionary and remarkably practical, The Unknown She offers a startling new look at women's unique mystical orientation and its place in the evolution of our universal consciousness.
When Grace Comes Alive: Living Through the Lord's Prayer
Terry L. Johnson - 2003
Each subject is covered in depth 'Actively praying for' includes contrition, God's will to be accomplished, removing temptation etc. 'Attitude in prayer' includes arguing our case before God, keeping an eternal perspective, the prayer covenant, pleasing God, reverence, etc. This is a profoundly accessible book, one that cleverly combines the theology of the Lord's Prayer with down-to-earth application. Terry teaches us not only how we should pray but also how we should live. Sections I. Introduction, Our needs, Please God in Prayer II. The Preface of Praise III. The Petitions IV. The Benediction and Plea V. Persistence VI. Appendix, Bibliography, Index.
New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology: Abridged Edition
Verlyn D. Verbrugge - 2003
All Greek words are transliterated into English and linked with their Goodrick/Kohlenberger numbers. This book was formerly titled The NIV Theological Dictionary of New Testament Words. Now it has been reset in double columns and wider margins.
The Transforming Community: The Practise of the Gospel in Church Discipline
Mark Lauterbach - 2003
Mark Lauterbach shows how compassion, mediated through a functioning body of believers, provides the answers to human waywardness and maintains the integrity of the church.Although this is a book about church discipline, it is really about a spirit-empowered community. Mark uses real situations from his experience to help us turns principles into practice.
The Hopeful Heart
John R. Claypool - 2003
So says best-selling author John Claypool. But with hopefulness comes the possibility of disappointment. How can we hope and yet be realistic about what we hope for? What is a hope that doesn't disappoint?In his inimitable pastoral and gentle way, Claypool explores biblically based avenues to hopefulness. Beginning with what we can and cannot know of God's promises, he discusses the value of humility in the face of the Great Mystery that is God. Claypool then examines what we can expect by letting God be God, and he looks at the place of forgiveness and second chances in seeking hope. His conclusion addresses the greatest hope, that of the life to come beyond the grave.This very personal book, written without theological jargon, will be a welcome companion to anyone who is struggling with disappointment, fear, or loss.
Purity of Heart: Reflections on Love and Lust / Pope John Paul II's Theology of the Body in Simple Language, Vol. 2
Pope John Paul II - 2003
In Purity of Heart, we discover that true Christianity does not aim to repress our sexuality; rather it points the way to the "redemption of our bodies" through following Christ.
The Feasts Of The Lord
Hierotheos Vlachos - 2003
This is done each and every year so that we may experience the mystery of Christ personally and grow into Him. Using scripture and passages from the Fathers of the Church on the Feasts of our Lord, Metropolitan Hierotheos, a prolific writer accomplishes this in a remarkably inspiring way.
Dumb Things Smart Christians Believe: Misbeliefs that Keep Us From Experiencing God's Grace
Gary D. Kinnaman - 2003
Applying personal anecdotes, stories from the lives of others, and a large dose of humor, the author challenges ten beliefs that are obstacles to the experience of God's love and providence. With a lighthearted touch, the author rescues readers from stubborn religious lies, such as God grades on a curve; the better you are, the bigger the blessing. And whoppers, such as if God leads you to something, everything will work out just great. Witty and engaging, Kinnaman may offend Christians of all traditions as he provokes them to think more deeply about their faith and their behavior.
The Jewish Political Tradition: Volume II: Membership
Michael Walzer - 2003
. . . Every one of the chapters enacts a debate that should have a living resonance, not just for Jews, although obviously for them, but for everyone with a historical sense and a political conscience.”—Hilary Putnam, Boston Review “A vast and important resource which will be consulted for years to come by all interested in any aspect of Judaism and Jewish history.”—Ira Robinson, Journal of Religion & Culture (praise for the series)
In Search of the Hidden Treasure
Vilayat Inayat Khan - 2003
Its pages allow the contemporary reader to become immersed in the words, sights, and wisdom of this powerful mystical wing of Islam. Here is the world of whirling dervishes; of mysterious alleyways where chanting is heard all day long; and of a young poet named Rumi, who writes impassioned love songs to God. Constructed as a conference of Sufis who gather in a great hall to answer the questions of a seeker, In Search of the Hidden Treasure is illustrated with more than a hundred previously unpublished works of Islamic art, and portraits of the Sufi Pirs, or enlightened teachers, drawn by the author's wife, Mary Inayat Khan. The book also includes an extensive glossary of Sufi terms that pertain to states of consciousness, as well as well-documented biographies of all the Sufi Pirs, members of a long lineage that dates back to the prophet Muhammad.
Preaching from the Soul: Insistent Observations on the Sacred Art
J. Ellsworth Kalas - 2003
Right? Wrong, says Ellsworth Kalas. We have all encountered preachers who seem to know all the fine points of exegesis and inflection, yet whose sermons leave us surprisingly unmoved, aware that we were in the presence of good speaking, but not great preaching.The difference, Kalas reminds us, lies in that hard-to-describe, yet essential quality known as soul. Soul is the collection of those perspectives and convictions that matter most to the preacher. Soul preaching means offering one's particular ideas, attitudes, and convictions fully to the congregation. When one preaches with soul, one engages the biblical text with the core of one's values and beliefs. Soul preaching is, in other words, simply giving the whole self to the task of proclamation. While the concept may sound simple, the reality is anything but.In the clear, insightful style for which he is known, Kalas takes readers on a path of discovery, introducing them to the unique gifts that they can bring to preaching, and the best way to engage those gifts in preparing and delivering the sermon.
DISCIPLE I - Study Manual: Becoming Disciples through Bible Study
Various - 2003
The manual includes daily reading assignments of Scripture along with commentary and questio
Let's Study John (Let's Study)
Mark G. Johnston - 2003
Mark Johnston guides us through John's account of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. He shows that the Gospel of John can be seen as the reflective Gospel, a selection of the works and words of Christ for detailed contemplation. John takes us by the hand and leads us into the depths and mysteries of Christ's Person and the wonders He has accomplished - so that the reader should come to living faith in Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God, and have eternal life in His Name.
The Fire That Ignites: Living in the Power of the Holy Spirit (LifeChange Books)
Tony Evans - 2003
In the same way, the unchanging power of the Spirit can ignite a fire in readers' lives today -- transforming them from sleepwalkers into wide-awake witnesses for Him. Dr. Evans shows how the power of the Spirit brings wisdom, freedom, and joy to the Christian -- as well as glory to God's kingdom -- and how holy habits can keep readers plugged in to the eternal source of spiritual power.Jesus said, “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you.” What kind of difference is the Holy Spirit of God making in your daily life? You’ve probably heard confusing, often conflicting information about who the Spirit is and what He does. You may feel disconnected from Him, even as you long to experience His dynamic presence and power. Here is the practical help you’ve been looking for. With clear, simple teaching straight from the Word of God, Tony Evans shows you how to intimately know the Holy Spirit—His fruit, His power, His guidance—for a life of victory and joy.
Credo: Historical and Theological Guide to Creeds and Confessions of Faith in the Christian Tradition
Jaroslav Pelikan - 2003
This book is the historical and theological distillation of that work. In Credo, Pelikan addresses essential questions about the Christian tradition: the origins of creeds; their function; their political role; how they relate to Christian institutions, worship and service; and how they help to explain the major divisions of the Christian church and of Christian history. Credo stands as an independent reference work devoted to the subject of what creeds and confessions are and what their role in history has been.
Sermons to the Natural Man
William Greenough Thayer Shedd - 2003
Quality assurance was conducted on each of these books in an attempt to remove books with imperfections introduced by the digitization process. Though we have made best efforts - the books may have occasional errors that do not impede the reading experience. We believe this work is culturally important and have elected to bring the book back into print as part of our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works worldwide.
The Very Rich Hours of Jacques Maritain: A Spiritual Life
Ralph McInerny - 2003
The structure of this work is modelled on the medieval book of hours, making use of the daily offices, from Matins through Compline, to examine each stage of the life of Maritain and his wife, Raissa. Through this blending of biography and meditation, McInerny creates a portrait of the Maritains, one that reveals a model of the intellectual life as lived by the Christian believers. Maritain's life and thought. Among the topics McInerny covers are Maritain's remarkable and diverse set of friends, his involvement in French politics and the development of his views on the nature and future of democracy, the Church and Catholic intellectual life. By interweaving Maritain's philosophy with anecdotes from his life, McInerny demonstrates what distinguished Maritain as a Catholic philosopher and why he is a source of inspiration for McInerny and others of his generation. and the work of Ralph McInerny.
Why Must I Suffer?
F.J. Remler - 2003
The question is how to benefit from it unto everlasting happiness. Suffering and death are part of our debt due to original sin. Hence, they are necessary for our good; but, why such a debt as this? Fr. Remler provides fifteen reasons why we ought to embrace our trials. This is a practical book, for it has a foolproof game plan, that if followed well, will cut short dramatically our time in purgatory. However, it is much more than that. This magnificent analysis of suffering, as to its cause, its value, and its ultimate effect (i.e., conformity to Christ, the Man of Sorrows) will give us more strength to bear not only our own cross, but to willingly share in the suffering Jesus endured for all men.
Why I Am a Christian
John R.W. Stott - 2003
Or maybe you're intrigued with what you've heard about Jesus. Or maybe you're simply looking for meaning and direction in your life. John Stott has spent a lifetime wrestling with questions about Jesus both personally and in dialogue with skeptics and seekers around the globe. Now in Why I Am a Christian he provides a compelling, persuasive case for considering the Christian faith. If you take an honest look at Jesus, you will discover that following him gives you the purpose, identity and freedom you've been searching for--and far more than you have ever imagined.
Pursuing God: A Seeker's Guide
Jim Elliff - 2003
In a warm and conversational style, Jim Elliff presents the issues that must be considered for an essential relationship with God through Christ. A guide for reading the book of John is also provided to help readers obtain a firsthand knowledge of Jesus' teachings. (From the cover of Pursuing GodA Seeker's Guide) 70 pages, paperback, $5.95 suggested retail.
Dogmatic Theology
William Greenough Thayer Shedd - 2003
The editor, Alan W. Gomes, translated all foreign-language words and quotations and wrote an introduction and glossary. The first edition was published by Charles Scribner's Sons in two volumes in 1888; the second edition, in 1889. A third volume was added in 1894. All three volumes were reprinted by Zondervan in 1953 and by Thomas Nelson in 1980.