Designing Your Life: Build a Life that Works for You

Bill Burnett - 2016
    Now in book form for the first time, their simple method will teach you how to use basic design tools to create a life that will work for you.Using real-life stories and proven techniques like reframing, prototyping and mind-mapping, you will learn how to build your way forwards, step-by-positive-step, to a life that’s better by a design of your own making.Because a well-designed life means a life well-lived.

Active Dreaming: Journeying Beyond Self-Limitation to a Life of Wild Freedom

Robert Moss - 2011
    Active Dreaming offers three core areas of practice: talking and walking our dreams to bring energy and guidance from the dreamworld into everyday life; shamanic lucid dreaming; and conscious living.Active dreamers are choosers. They learn to recognize that whatever situation they are in, they always have choice. They choose not to buy into self-limiting beliefs or the limited models of reality suggested by others. Active dreamers learn to grow a dream of possibility, a dream strong enough to take them beyond fear and despair to a place of freedom and delight.

Self-Care for the Self-Aware: A Guide for Highly Sensitive People, Empaths, Intuitives, and Healers

Dave Markowitz - 2013
    Many of us are overly empathic, and many are extra sensitive to certain foods, medicines, situations, and people. If you have physical or emotional ailments, are overweight, have allergies, or are inexplicably lethargic, unfocused, or feeling lost, there is a reason. Your energetic sensitivities likely have caused you to take on the pain, unhappiness, and other disease of the people around you. Self-Care for the Self-Aware provides a solution specifically tailored for you and your uncommon healing needs.If you've done way too many traditional, alternative, or complementary healing modalities and at best have only achieved temporary relief, Self-Care for the Self-Aware is for you. You'll learn a process specific to the self-aware to heal ourselves, so we can better serve others."

The Desire Map

Danielle LaPorte - 2012
    Which is valuable. Getting results is what moves your life forward. Except that most goal-setting systems fail to harness the most powerful driver behind any aspiration: your preferred feelings; and they foster an uptight determination that can keep us from the vitality we crave.The Desire Map program is changing all of that. You could call it holistic life-planning. The inner meets the outer. The spirit drives the material.The purpose of The Desire Map is: - Ultimately, to help you remember your light, your true nature, your source. - To show you your heart’s longing — your core desired - feelings. - To help you use your core desired feelings as a guidance system for making choices. - To help you use your desired feelings as a way to access comfort and clarity during painful times. - To help you accentuate the positive aspects of your life, while still honouring, and not invalidating, the negative parts that you want to change. - To help you regard your feelings as road signs to your Soul.So that you can: - Plan your day, your week, your month, your year and… - Feel great, making a lot of awesome things happen in every area your life.

It's Not Always Depression: Working the Change Triangle to Listen to the Body, Discover Core Emotions, and Connect to Your Authentic Self

Hilary Jacobs Hendel - 2018
      Sara suffered a debilitating fear of asserting herself. Spencer experienced crippling social anxiety. Bonnie was shut down, disconnected from her feelings. These patients all came to psychotherapist Hilary Jacobs Hendel seeking treatment for depression, but in fact none of them were chemically depressed. Rather, Jacobs Hendel found that they’d all experienced traumas in their youth that caused them to put up emotional defenses that masqueraded as symptoms of depression. Jacobs Hendel led these patients and others toward lives newly capable of joy and fulfillment through an empathic and effective therapeutic approach that draws on the latest science about the healing power of our emotions.   Whereas conventional therapy encourages patients to talk through past events that may trigger anxiety and depression, accelerated experiential dynamic psychotherapy (AEDP), the method practiced by Jacobs Hendel and pioneered by Diana Fosha, PhD, teaches us to identify the defenses and inhibitory emotions (shame, guilt, and anxiety) that block core emotions (anger, sadness, fear, disgust, joy, excitement, and sexual excitement). Fully experiencing core emotions allows us to enter an openhearted state where we are calm, curious, connected, compassionate, confident, courageous, and clear.   In It’s Not Always Depression, Jacobs Hendel shares a unique and pragmatic tool called the Change Triangle—a guide to carry you from a place of disconnection back to your true self. In these pages, she teaches lay readers and helping professionals alike   • why all emotions—even the most painful—have value. • how to identify emotions and the defenses we put up against them. • how to get to the root of anxiety—the most common mental illness of our time. • how to have compassion for the child you were and the adult you are.   Jacobs Hendel provides navigational tools, body and thought exercises, candid personal anecdotes, and profound insights gleaned from her patients’ remarkable breakthroughs. She shows us how to work the Change Triangle in our everyday lives and chart a deeply personal, powerful, and hopeful course to psychological well-being and emotional engagement.

Your Subconscious Brain Can Change Your Life: Overcome Obstacles, Heal Your Body, and Reach Any Goal with a Revolutionary Technique

Mike Dow - 2019
    Have you ever been surprised by the power of your subconscious brain? Perhaps it took control of the wheel as your conscious mind was busy tackling a problem during a 30-minute drive home. You barely remember making your way from the office, but then your car ended up safely in your driveway. Perhaps a name escaped you at some point during your day. Despite trying your hardest to remember it, the conscious parts of your brain couldn't retrieve what you were seeking. Then, your subconscious worked its magic and presented you with the answer hours later. It had been hard at work for you this whole time, and you didn't even realize it! In this book, Dr. Mike Dow shares a program he created: subconscious visualization technique (SVT) and cutting-edge tools to help you learn how to speak directly to your subconscious brain and tap into your greatest strengths, gifts, and resources. His program starts with cognitive therapy, then incorporates various types of subconscious tools: mindfulness, relaxation training, hypnosis, meditation, cognitive rehearsal, and guided imagery.

The Connected Parent: Real-Life Strategies for Building Trust and Attachment

Karyn Purvis - 2020
    You might discover that traditional techniques that may have worked for you with your birth children are not working with your adopted or foster child. Renown child development expert Dr. Karyn Purvis will give you practical advice and powerful tools you can use to encourage secure attachment in your child, just as she did for coauthor Lisa Qualls. You will benefit from Karyn’s decades of research and understanding, plus Lisa’s hands-on experience and successful implementation of the strategies shared in this book. You will learn how to simplify your approach using scripts, nurture your child, combat chronic fear, teach respect, and develop other valuable skills to add to your parenting toolbox.The Connected Parent will help you lovingly guide your children and bring renewed hope and healing to your family.

Talking to Crazy: How to Deal with the Irrational and Impossible People in Your Life

Mark Goulston - 2015
    No matter how hard you try to reason with them, it never works. So what’s the solution? How do you talk to someone who’s out of control? What can you do with a boss who bullies, a spouse who yells, or a friend who frequently bursts into tears?In his book, Just Listen, Mark Goulston shared his bestselling formula for getting through to the resistant people in your life. Now, in his breakthrough new book Talking to Crazy, he brings his communication magic to the most difficult group of all—the downright irrational.As a psychiatrist, Goulston has seen his share of crazy and he knows from experience that you can’t simply argue it away. The key to handling irrational people is to learn to lean into the crazy—to empathize with it. That radically changes the dynamic and transforms you from a threat into an ally. Talking to Crazy explains this counterintuitive Sanity Cycle and reveals:• Why people act the way they do• How instinctive responses can exacerbate the situation—and what to do instead• When to confront a problem and when to walk away• How to use a range of proven techniques including Time Travel, the Fish-bowl, and the Belly Roll• And much moreYou can’t reason with unreasonable people—but you can reach them. This powerful and practical book shows you how.

In Touch: How to Tune In to the Inner Guidance of Your Body and Trust Yourself

John J. Prendergast - 2015
    We can feel authenticity in ourselves and in others. However, this innate wisdom is obscured by our conditioning-the core limiting beliefs, reactive feelings, and somatic contractions that fuel our sense of struggle and veil who we really are. In Touch is a groundbreaking, experiential guide to the felt-sense of our "inner knowing"-the deep intelligence available through our bodies. Each chapter presents moving stories, helpful insights from spirituality, psychology, and science, and simple yet potent experiments for integrating the gifts of inner knowing into every aspect of daily life. Join pioneering psychotherapist and teacher Dr. John J. Prendergast to explore: The phenomenon of "attunement"-how we accurately sense and resonate with ourselves and others-including an introduction to attachment theory, mirror neurons, and interoception (the ability to sense into the interior of your body) Felt-sensing and the subtle body-our ability to have a whole-body sense of reality and how the seven major energy centers relate to common psychospiritual issues "Shadows as portals"-how our dark and painful feelings and sensations can point us toward an essential radiance within The art of identifying and undoing our core limiting beliefs The four somatic qualities of inner knowing-relaxed groundedness, inner alignment, open-heartedness, and spaciousness-and how these subtle signals, once recognized, can guide our choices and help us to navigate life's challenges The fruits of inner knowing-the realization of who we are in our depths and the great intimacy with life we can all enjoy "As we tune into our deepest nature, our body relaxes, grounds, lines up, opens up, and lights up," writes Prendergast. "So far this extraordinarily useful subtle feedback has been largely overlooked; almost nothing has been written about it. We need to both sense and decode these signals if we are to benefit from them. These bodily markers are here to be seen and used as guides to enable us to more gracefully navigate life and to awaken. They are part of our birthright, available to anyone." Here is his invitation to start listening in a profound new way, deeply in touch with reality and our shared journey of awakening.

Whatever Arises, Love That: A Love Revolution That Begins with You

Matt Kahn - 2016
    This is the life-changing teaching that Matt Kahn has been sharing with millions of YouTube viewers around the world. Whatever Arises, Love That offers a collection of powerful teachings by this highly regarded teacher, providing you with a series of deeply healing insights and practices to ignite the spark of your highest potential. Topics include:- Discovering the first step in finding inner peace- Reclaiming the passion, joy, and inspiration of your true innocent nature- Exploring the essential role of surrender throughout the spiritual journey- Unraveling the patterns of ego with compassion and ease- Mastering the vital skill of conscious communication to uplift every relationship and encounter- Reuniting the mind and heart as a doorway into greater spiritual evolutionAs Matt often says, "The deepest invitation in any moment is to heal the root of human suffering and celebrate the Spirit in all by opening your heart to its absolute potential. In a universe of endless questions, love is the only answer." Whatever Arises, Love That is the blueprint for a new spiritual paradigm and your companion in exploring spiritual evolution in the most heart-centered way.

I Could Do Anything If I Only Knew What It Was: How to Discover What You Really Want and How to Get It

Barbara Sher - 1994
    If you suspect there could be more to life than what you're getting...if you always knew you could do anything if you only knew what it was, this extraordinary book is about to prove you right!A life without direction is a life without passion.  The dynamic follow-up to the phenomenal best-seller Wishcraft, I Could Do Anything If I Only Knew What It Was (the New York Times Bestseller) guides you, not to another unsatisfying job, but to a richly rewarding career rooted in your heart's desire.  And in a work of true emancipation, this life-changing sourcebook reveals how you can recapture "long lost" goals, overcome the blocks that inhibit your success, decide what you want to be, and live your dreams forever!You will learn:*       What to do if you never chose to be what you are.*       How to get off the fast track--and on to the right track.*       First aid techniques for paralyzing chronic negativity.*       How to regroup when you've lost your big dream.*       To stop waiting for luck--and start creating it.

The Sedona Method: Your Key to Lasting Happiness, Success, Peace and Emotional Well-being

Hale Dwoskin - 2003
    The Sedona Method will show you how to access your natural ability to let go of any unwanted thought or feeling on the spot-even when you are right in the middle of life's greatest challenges. This will free you to quickly and easily have all that you choose. In short, The Sedona Method will show you how to enjoy living a happier, more productive, more satisfying, more loving and joyous life. Because our world has changed so radically, letting go is a critical survival skill that we all need in order to maintain and expand upon the life that up until now we may have taken for granted. Tapping your natural ability to release will allow you to produce results far beyond what you could achieve with any other transformational tool available today. In fact, the results will often seem quite miraculous. We realize that these claims may sound extravagant; however, if you are open, you can attain an inner mastery and true happiness you never dreamed possible. This can all be yours, because The Sedona Method is not another "should" or external "fix." It is a powerful way for you to transform yourself from the inside out, easily and permanently. "In The Sedona Method, Hale Dwoskin provides us with a practical, wise and proven formula for emotional and mental freedom to experience the joy and pleasure of simply being alive."-- John Gray, Ph.D., Author of Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus "The Sedona Method is a unique program for making positive changes in your life. As you learn this simple process of releasing the underlying emotions that rob you of abundance and joy, your fear and anxiety will gently slip away. If you allow yourself to do the exercises in this book, you'll be shocked by how quickly your life changes!" -- Cheryl Richardson, New York Times best-selling author of Stand Up for Your Life and Take Time for Your Life "There is no pilgrimage more important than the one we undertake to explore ourselves. The Sedona Method is a valuable tool to help make our journey of self-discovery one that leads to powerful personal breakthroughs and new beginnings. Designed with wisdom, simplicity and compassion, it will offer you ways to live the life you've always dreamed of." -- Barbara De Angelis, Author of Real Moments and What Women Want Men To Know "This is a powerful and profound way of achieving immediate and lasting improvements and breakthroughs in your personal and business life. Incredibly effective!"--Brian Tracy, Author of Deals!" The Sedona Method is an extremely powerful tool for emotional freedom and wellness. I highly recommend it!" -- Mark Victor Hansen, co-creator of the #1 New York Times best-selling series Chicken Soup for the Soul and co-author of The One-Minute Millionaire "The Sedona Method is an extremely powerful tool that will support you in finding inner balance and emotional freedom. The technique supports you in quickly shifting your state of consciousness from one of stress and resistance to one of relaxation and allowance. I highly recommend it." -- Debbie Ford, best-selling author of The Right Questions and The Secret of the Shadow "The Sedona Method is a wonderful contribution to the field of self-acceptance and transformation. This is like an accessible, western form of Buddhist teachings that can free our hearts and minds from our self-made limitations and the old stories we tell ourselves."--Lama Surya Das. author of Awakening The Buddha Within And Letting Go Of The Person You Used To Be "Brilliantly simple and simply brilliant! The Sedona Method is a great resource for coaches, therapists, healers, managers, and anyone who desires deep, gentle change at a rapid pace."-- Gay Hendricks, Ph.D., author of Conscious Loving and The Conscious Heart "The Sedona Method is an effective tool for getting rid of the 'victim' mentality. Instead of giving away our power to others, Hale Dwoskin encourages us to look inside and take control of our own experiences of life. That's powerful!"-- Susan Jeffers, Ph.D., author of Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway and Embracing Uncertainty "Hale Dwoskin has succeeded in presenting a masterful healing system with a treasure of practical examples for bringing it to life. The Sedona Method contains many jewels of illumination that can take your life to the next level. Practicing these principles can bring you home. Here is a rare and useful manual for awakening."-- Alan Cohen, author of A Deep Breath of Life "A breakthrough book in terms of realizing your goals and dreams and living a life that is richer, more meaningful and much more enjoyable. And all without having to work so damn hard at it!" -- Robert Kriegel, Ph.D., NY Times best-selling author of If it Ain't Broke--Break it! and How to Succeed in Business Without Having to Work so Damn Hard. "The Sedona Method is an easy-to-use, practical guide to releasing emotional tension, one of the key steps I recommend in my medical practice for achieving resilience, vitality, and long-term health. This book is a valuable adjunct to every healthcare program." -- Frank Lipman, M.D. and author of Total Renewal

Start with No: The Negotiating Tools That the Pros Don't Want You to Know

Jim Camp - 2002
    Think a win-win solution is the best way to make the deal? Think again.For years now, win-win has been the paradigm for business negotiation. But today, win-win is just the seductive mantra used by the toughest negotiators to get the other side to compromise unnecessarily, early, and often. Win-win negotiations play to your emotions and take advantage of your instinct and desire to make the deal. Start with No introduces a system of decision-based negotiation that teaches you how to understand and control these emotions. It teaches you how to ignore the siren call of the final result, which you can't really control, and how to focus instead on the activities and behavior that you can and must control in order to successfully negotiate with the pros.The best negotiators: * aren't interested in "yes"--they prefer "no" * never, ever rush to close, but always let the other side feel comfortable and secure * are never needy; they take advantage of the other party's neediness * create a "blank slate" to ensure they ask questions and listen to the answers, to make sure they have no assumptions and expectations * always have a mission and purpose that guides their decisions * don't send so much as an e-mail without an agenda for what they want to accomplish * know the four "budgets" for themselves and for the other side: time, energy, money, and emotion * never waste time with people who don't really make the decisionStart with No is full of dozens of business as well as personal stories illustrating each point of the system. It will change your life as a negotiator. If you put to good use the principles and practices revealed here, you will become an immeasurably better negotiator.

Childhood Disrupted: How Your Biography Becomes Your Biology, and How You Can Heal

Donna Jackson Nakazawa - 2015
    Childhood Interrupted also explains how to cope with these emotional traumas and even heal from them.Your biography becomes your biology. The emotional trauma we suffer as children not only shapes our emotional lives as adults, it also affects our physical health, longevity, and overall well-being. Scientists now know on a bio-chemical level exactly how parents, chronic fights, divorce, death in the family, being bullied or hazed, and growing up with a hypercritical, alcoholic, or mentally ill parent can leave permanent, physical fingerprints on our brains.When we as children encounter sudden or chronic adversity, excessive stress hormones cause powerful changes in the body, altering our body chemistry. The developing immune system and brain react to this chemical barrage by permanently re-setting our stress response to high, which in turn can have a devastating impact on our mental and physical health.Donna Jackson Nakazawa shares stories from people who have recognized and overcome their adverse experiences, shows why some children are more immune to stress than others, and explains why women are at particular risk. Groundbreaking in its research, inspiring in its clarity, Childhood Interrupted explains how you can reset your biology and help your loved ones find ways to heal.

Superhuman Social Skills: A Guide to Being Likeable, Winning Friends, and Building Your Social Circle

Tynan - 2015
    What would happen if you treated social skills as though they were indeed skills, and became proactive about your social life? Superhuman Social Skills is a transformative book which analyzes and explains how to be likeable, how to converse, how to tell stories, how to make friends, and how to combine those friends to create an incredible social circle. If you ever feel socially awkward, don't know what to say, or wish you had more or better friends, Superhuman Social Skills is for you.