Psychology Applied to Teaching

Jack Snowman - 1971
    "Psychology Applied to Teaching "takes complex psychological theories demonstrates how they apply to the everyday experiences of in-service teachers. The Eleventh Edition combines fresh concepts and contemporary research with long standing theory and applications to create a textbook that speaks to today' s teachers and students."New! "Chapter 9: Social Cognitive Theory has been added in response to reviewer suggestions and the many recent developments in cognitive research. No other educational psychology book currently offers a separate chapter on this topic."New! ""Take a Stand!" features give the author an opportunity to spotlight issues such as inclusion, school violence, or high-stakes testing, and encourages debate on critical issues in education. Also accessible on the textbook web site with additional resources and pedagogy and in the Eduspace course with online chats."New! "Coverage of key national standards including PRAXIS and INTASC has been added and referenced throughout the text. A convenient correlation table highlighting text coverage is located on the inside covers for students and professors, with additional suggestions for instructor use in the IRM."Case in Print" exercises in every chapter use recent news articles to demonstrate how basic ideas or techniques are being applied by educators from the primary grades through high school. Each article is followed by several open-ended questions to encourage reflection. This feature can also be found on the textbook Web site."Suggestions for Teaching in YourClassroom" sections include detailed descriptions of how to apply the information and concepts discussed in the chapter to the classroom. These features are intended to be read while the book is used as a text and to serve as a reference for in-service teachers later on.Journal entries help students to prepare and use a Reflective Journal. Entries appear in the margins of the text and encourage readers to consider their own personality, style, and teaching situation in establishing personal guidelines for teaching. A guide for setting up a Reflective Journal is included in Chapter 16--students can use their journals as a reference before and during their teaching experience.Eduspace is a customizable, powerful Interactive platform that provides instructors with text-specific online courses and content in multiple disciplines. Eduspace gives an instructor the ability to create all or part of their course online using the widely recognized tools of Blackboard and quality text-specific content from HMCo. Instructors can quickly and easily assign homework exercises, quizzes, tests, tutorials and supplemental study materials and can modify that content or even add their own.

Medical Physiology [with Student Consult Online Access]

Walter F. Boron - 2002
    The most up-to-date and beautifully illustrated text on the market, it has a strong molecular and cellular approach, firmly relating the molecular and cellular biological underpinnings of physiology to the study of human physiology and disease. Contributions from leading physiologists ensure authoritative, cutting-edge information, and thorough and consistent editing have produced a readable and student-friendly text.The smart way to study!Elsevier titles with STUDENT CONSULT will help you master difficult concepts and study more efficiently in print and online! Perform rapid searches. Integrate bonus content from other disciplines. Download text to your handheld device. And a lot more. Each STUDENT CONSULT title comes with full text online, a unique image library, case studies, USMLE style questions, and online note-taking to enhance your learning experience.

Creative Writing: Four Genres in Brief

David Starkey - 2008
    How can students with widely varied levels of literary experience learn to write poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and drama — over the course of only one semester? In Creative Writing: Four Genres in Brief, David Starkey offers some solutions to the challenges of teaching the introductory creative writing course: (1) concise, accessible instruction in literary basics; (2) short models of literature to analyze, admire and emulate; (3) inventive and imaginative assignments that inspire and motivate.

Antibiotics Simplified

Jason C. Gallagher - 2008
    This practical text reviews basic microbiology and how to approach the pharmacotherapy of a patient with a presumed infection. It also contains concise Drug Class Reviews with an explanation of the characteristics of various classes of antibacterial drugs and antifungal drugs. Antibiotics Simplified, Third Edition simplifies learning infectious disease pharmacotherapy and condenses the many facts that are taught about antibiotics into one quick reference guide. This guide will help students learn the characteristics of antibiotics and why an antibiotic is useful for an indication. With an understanding of the characteristics of the antibiotics, students will be able to make a logical choice to treat an infection more easily. With helpful figures and flow charts, Drug Class Reviews, a Spectra of Activity chart, and an index for reference, this is an ideal handbook for students as well as practicing pharmacists, physicians, and other clinicians!

Successful Project Management (with Microsoft Project CD-ROM)

Jack Gido - 2008
    Communication is also emphasized, with a focus on how to document and communicate project developments, both within and outside of the team. In-depth coverage of planning, scheduling and cost management is also provided. The authors' goal is to provide many cases that are fun and elicit interesting debates, and this edition includes new end-of-chapter cases. In addition, all new up-to-date Real World Project Management vignettes are included at the beginning and within each chapter, giving you a taste of how project management is practically applied in the workplace. Key points of each chapter are highlighted in Critical Success Factor boxes, providing an overview of the main ideas covered within the chapter. End-of-chapter materials contain questions and Internet exercises that allow you to apply the concepts covered in the chapter. Sprinkled throughout each chapter are boxed questions designed to test your comprehension of key concepts. A trial version of Microsoft Office Project 2007 is included for student use on class projects.

Essentials of Family Therapy

Michael P. Nichols - 2001
    Expanded treatment of ethical issues, more material on diversity issues, a new chapter on research, and a new section on in-home therapy, further arm therapists with practical knowledge.

Human Anatomy & Physiology [With Interactive Physiology 10-System Suite and Paperback Book and Access Code]

Elaine N. Marieb - 1989
    Marieb and Katja Hoehn have produced the most accessible, comprehensive, up-to-date, and visually stunning anatomy & physiology textbook on the market. Marieb draws on her career as an A&P professor and her experience as a part-time nursing student, while Hoehn relies on her medical education and classroom experience to explain concepts and processes in a meaningful and memorable way. The most significant revision to date, the Eighth Edition makes it easier for you to learn key concepts in A&P. The new edition features a whole new art program that is not only more visually dynamic and vibrant than in previous editions but is also much more pedagogically effective for today's students, including new Focus figures, which guide you through the toughest concepts in A&P. The text has been edited to make it easier than ever to study from and navigate, with integrated objectives, new concept check questions, and a new design program.

Delivering Health Care in America: A Systems Approach

Leiyu Shi - 2007
    Using a unique systems approach, it brings together an extraordinary breadth of information into a highly accessible, easy-to-read text that clarifies the complexities of health care organization and finance, while presenting a solid overview of how the various components fit together.

Netter's Concise Orthopaedic Anatomy

Jon C. Thompson - 2001
    Jon C. Thompson presents the latest data in thoroughly updated diagnostic and treatment algorithms for all conditions while preserving the popular at-a-glance table format from the previous edition. You'll get even more art from the Netter Collection as well as new radiologic images that visually demonstrate the key clinical correlations and applications of anatomical imaging. For a fast, memorable review of orthopaedic anatomy, this is a must-have.Maintains the popular at-a-glance table format that makes finding essential information quick and convenient.Contains useful clinical information on disorders, trauma, history, physical exam, radiology, surgical approaches, and minor procedures in every chapter.Lists key information on bones, joints, muscles, and nerves in tables correlate to each Netter image.Highlights key material in different colors-pearls in green and warnings in red-for easy reference. Features both plain film and advanced radiographic (CT and MRI) images, along with cross-sectional anatomic plates for an even more thorough visual representation of the material.Includes additional common surgical approaches to give you a broader understanding of techniques.Incorporates reorganized Complicated Arthology tables for large joints, such as the shoulder, knee, and hip, for increased clarity and to incorporate new artwork and additional clinical correlations.Reflects new data and current diagnostic and treatment techniques through updates to the Disorders and Fractures sections and the Physical Exam and Anatomic tables in each chapter.Presents the very latest developments in the field through thoroughly updated diagnostic and treatment algorithms for all clinical conditions.

Understanding Abnormal Behavior

David Sue - 1981
    The first abnormal psychology book to present a thoroughly integrated multicultural perspective--based on the authors' view that cross-cultural comparisons can greatly enhance the understanding of disorders--the text provides extensive coverage and integration of multicultural models, explanations, and concepts. The book also helps you gain an understanding of abnormal behavior as scientific and clinical endeavors, while providing insight into the tools that mental health professionals use to study and treat disorders.

Criminal Justice: A Brief Introduction

Frank J. Schmalleger - 1997
    Now with a CJ careers feature and learning objectives aligned with end-of-chapter questions, the book provides both a streamlined and up-to-date look at this ever-evolving field. Known for its unifying theme, its unmatched timeliness and its coverage of the newest criminal justice trends and technology, this book has become THE standard by which all other brief texts are judged.

Quantitative Analysis for Management

Barry Render - 1982
    An interesting and reader friendly writing style makes for a clear presentation, complete with all the necessary assumptions and mathematical details. Chapter topics include probability concepts and applications, decision models and decision trees, regression models, forecasting, inventory control models, linear programming modeling applications and computer analyses, network models, project management, simulation modeling, and more. For an introduction toquantitative analysis, quantitative management, operations research, or management science-especially for those individuals preparing for work in agricultural economics and health care fields.

A Short Course in Digital Photography

Barbara London - 2009
    "The London, Upton, Stone series has helped over 1,000,000 photography students capture their potential. After a very successful first edition, this second edition returns with the most up-to-date industry knowledge. Modeled after the long-running and widely used "A ""Short Course in Photography, " a brief text which presents the medium entirely in its most updated form.

The Norton Anthology of World Literature, Volumes A, B, C: Beginnings to 1650

M.H. AbramsRobert Lyons Danly - 2003
    W. Norton changed the way world literature is taught by introducing The Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces, Expanded Edition. Leading the field once again, Norton is proud to publish the anthology for the new century, The Norton Anthology of World Literature, Second Edition. Now published in six paperback volumes (packaged in two attractive slipcases), the new anthology boasts slimmer volumes, thicker paper, a bolder typeface, and dozens of newly included or newly translated works from around the world. The Norton Anthology of World Literature represents continuity as well as change. Like its predecessor, the anthology is a compact library of world literature, offering an astounding forty-three complete longer works, more than fifty prose works, over one hundred lyric poems, and twenty-three plays. More portable, more suitable for period courses, more pleasant to read, and more attuned to current teaching and research trends, The Norton Anthology of World Literature remains the most authoritative, comprehensive, and teachable anthology for the world literature survey.

Exploring Art: A Global, Thematic Approach (with CourseMate Printed Access Card)

Margaret Lazzari - 2011
    EXPLORING ART uses art examples from around the world to discuss art in the context of religion, politics, family structure, sexuality, entertainment and visual culture.