Book picks similar to
Russia's Virtual Economy by Clifford G. Gaddy


Freakonomics: Rejuvenating the Self-Destructive Global Economy

Dan Nathaniel Brown - 2006

CBD-Rich Hemp Oil - Cannabinoid Nursing 101: Cannabis Medicine is Back

Tina Rappaport - 2014
    Although it has a long history, the recent discovery (1992) of the body's widespread endocannabinoid system (ECS) has thrust cannabis back into the limelight again as a viable medicine. In 2012 over 2.5 million prescriptions were written for medical marijuana in the United States. CBD and THC are both cannabinoids found in cannabis. However, while THC produces a “high” in the user, CBD does not. And now legal CBD-rich hemp oil is available over-the-counter in all 50 states, without a prescription. It was discovered that the Hemp Family of plants (cannabis, marijuana) is loaded with cannabinoids that stimulate our ECS receptor sites. These sites are found in the brain, organs, glands, connective tissue and immune cells and plays regulatory roles in many physiological processes including appetite, pain-sensation, mood and memory. The primary purpose of this system revolves around maintaining balance in the body. Cannabinoids found in all varieties of cannabis work in harmony with the cannabinoids we naturally produce when our system is functioning properly. It is now coming to light that we may very well be “Endocannabinoid Deficient” and supplementing with Cannabidiol, known as CBD, may provide just what we’re missing to restore optimum health. The health benefits of cannabidiol (CBD) from natural hemp oil is this book's primary focus. It explores the similarities, differences, uses and benefits of hemp, cannabis and medical marijuana along with the interplay of THC and CBD. Their 480 other components are also discussed, such as terpenoids, flavonoids, enzymes, vitamins, etc. Make no mistake about it, the endocannabinoid system, although newly discovered, is just as important as any other bodily system, like the muscular, cardiac, circulatory or digestive system. The ECS requires its own specialized medicine as found in the Hemp Family of plants, which is also known as cannabis, and which includes all strains of marijuana. Here is a list of conditions known and/or being researched that may be helped by cannabinoid therapeutics and supplementation: Acne ADD/ADHD Addiction AIDS ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease) Alzheimer’s Anorexia Antibiotic Resistance Anxiety Atherosclerosis Arthritis Asthma Autism Bipolar Cancer Colitis/Crohn’s Depression Diabetes Endocrine Disorders Epilepsy/Seizure Fibromyalgia Glaucoma Heart Disease Huntington’s Inflammation Irritable Bowel Kidney Disease Liver Disease Metabolic Syndrome Migraine Mood Disorders Motion Sickness Multiple Sclerosis Nausea Neurodegeneration Neuropathic Pain Obesity OCD Osteoporosis Parkinson’s Prion/Mad Cow Disease PTSD Rheumatism Schizophrenia Sickle Cell Anemia Skin Conditions Sleep Disorders Spinal Cord Injury Stress Stroke/TBI 10% of the proceeds from sales of this book will be donated to the American Cannabis Nurses Association in an effort to bring together nurses, to share, integrate and one day certify nurses in the science of endocannabinoid therapeutics in nursing practice.

Google AdWords for Beginners: A Do-It-Yourself Guide to PPC Advertising

Corey Rabazinski - 2015
    Google's AdWords platform enables you to create pay-per-click advertisements that appear as 'sponsored links' when someone searches for content related to your product or service. You bid for the position to place your ad, and you only pay when someone clicks. It's that simple. If used correctly, AdWords can garner higher targeted traffic, which in turn will increase your conversion rates and profits. So, AdWords will definitely help your business, but you have no idea how to utilize them. What should you do? Take a couple of hours to read this book. Google AdWords for Beginners is designed to teach you the fundamentals of AdWords, how it works, why it works, and the proven techniques that you can use to make it work for you and your business. Additionally, this book details an eight-step blueprint that has consistently delivered positive results for companies. Upon completion, you'll be armed with the knowledge to launch profitable campaigns or drastically improve an existing one.

Direct Path to the CFA Charter: Savvy, Proven Strategies for Passing Your Chartered Financial Analyst Exams

Rachel Bryant - 2014
    This is no ordinary "how-to" manual for CFA candidates. Written by an internationally published author who passed all three CFA exams on the first try, this book is packed with real strategies that get real results. What tactics make the difference? How do passing candidates set themselves apart? Direct Path to the CFA Charter enables you to adopt the right methods and strategies to pass the exams the first time around. With actionable takeaways, sample study schedules, and unique tips for every CFA Level, this book is for the serious candidate who not only wants to understand the CFA Program, but succeed in it.

Trade and Grow Rich : Adventurous Journey to Successful trading

Indrazith Shantharaj - 2018
    For over a decade,the authors have studied the world’s successful traders. Based on their learnings, they started practicing it and are now part of the 5%. Trade and Grow Rich teaches not just concepts but also methods with the help of anecdotes. This book has to be read one chapter at a time, rather than just being a one-time read. If you want to enjoy an adventurous journey to become a successful trader, then this is the book you are looking for!

Exit Ramp: A Short Case Study of the Profitability of Panhandling

David P. Spears II - 2013
    During the summer of his senior year at college, while earning a B.A. in Economics and Political Science, David P. Spears spent eighty hours undercover as a panhandler. Systematically recording every transaction at the exit ramp, Spears captured a rarely seen picture of how modern urban charity works.This book is the record of his adventures, part economic research, part investigative journalism. Both the numbers and the stories behind the numbers provide answers to the questions we’ve all been wondering: Who gives more to panhandlers—men or women? What percentage of drivers roll down their windows to donate? And most important of all, how much can a panhandler earn per hour?Get out your bi-weekly pay stub—by the end of this book you’ll know if you make more or less than the guy with the cardboard sign.

A Thousand Barrels a Second: The Coming Oil Break Point and the Challenges Facing an Energy Dependent World

Peter Tertzakian - 2006
    A Thousand Barrels a Second examines the future of oil and the nature of our energy supply, revealing how governments, businesses, and individuals can meet the coming challenges with better solutions and innovations."A Thousand Barrels a Second is a book that arrives just in time."-U.S. Representative Charles F. Bass, (R-NH), member House Energy and Commerce Committee"Peter Tertzakian's analysis of world oil is a fascinating reminder that history often foretells the major turning points of the future."-Gwyn Morgan, President & Chief Executive Officer, EnCana Corporation"An excellent book! In my more than 40 years in the industry I can't think of a publication which has so clearly discussed the global challenges of today's demands and tomorrow's requirements."-Peter Gaffney, Senior Partner, Gaffney, Cline & Associates

Micro-Economic Theory

M.L. Jhingan - 1984

economic development

Feliciano R Fajardo - 1985

What Stays in Vegas: The World of Personal Data - Lifeblood of Big Business - and the End of Privacy as We Know It

Adam Tanner - 2014
    Internet giants, leading retailers, and other firms are voraciously gathering data with little oversight from anyone.In Las Vegas, no company knows the value of data better than Caesars Entertainment. Many thousands of enthusiastic clients pour through the ever-open doors of their casinos. The secret to the company’s success lies in their one unrivaled asset: they know their clients intimately by tracking the activities of the overwhelming majority of gamblers. They know exactly what games they like to play, what foods they enjoy for breakfast, when they prefer to visit, who their favorite hostess might be, and exactly how to keep them coming back for more.Caesars’ dogged data-gathering methods have been so successful that they have grown to become the world’s largest casino operator, and have inspired companies of all kinds to ramp up their own data mining in the hopes of boosting their targeted marketing efforts. Some do this themselves. Some rely on data brokers. Others clearly enter a moral gray zone that should make American consumers deeply uncomfortable.We live in an age when our personal information is harvested and aggregated whether we like it or not. And it is growing ever more difficult for those businesses that choose not to engage in more intrusive data gathering to compete with those that do. Tanner’s timely warning resounds: Yes, there are many benefits to the free flow of all this data, but there is a dark, unregulated, and destructive netherworld as well.

Blockchain for Everyone: How I Learned the Secrets of the New Millionaire Class (And You Can, Too)

John Hargrave - 2019
    When John Hargrave first invested in cryptocurrency, the price of a single bitcoin was about $125; a few years later, that same bitcoin was worth $20,000. He wasn’t alone: this flood of new money is like the early days of the Internet, creating a new breed of “blockchain billionaires.” Sir John has unlocked their secrets. In Blockchain for Everyone, Sir John reveals the formula for investing in bitcoin and blockchain, using real-life stories, easy-to-understand examples, and a healthy helping of humor. Packed with illustrations, Blockchain for Everyone explains how (and when) to buy bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, and other blockchain assets, with step-by-step instructions. Blockchain for Everyone is the first blockchain investing book written for the layperson: a guide that helps everyone understand how to build wealth wisely. It’s the new investing manifesto!

Economics of Small Things

Sudipta Sarangi - 2020
    The book studies the development of familiar cultural practices from India and around the world and links the regular to the esoteric and explains everything from Game Theory to the Cobra Effect without depending on graphs or equations-a modern-day miracle!Through disarmingly simple prose, the book demystifies economic theories, offers delightful insights, and provides nuance without jargon. Each chapter of this book will give you the tools to meaningfully engage with a subject that has long been considered alienating but is unavoidable in its relevance.

10 1/2 lessons from Experience: Perspectives on Fund Management

Paul Marshall - 2020

Good to Great Summarized for Busy People

James C. Collins - 2013
    Good to Great Summarized for Busy People

Tax-Free Retirement

Patrick Kelly - 2007
    Tax-Free Retirement