Sun Certified Programmer & Developer for Java 2 Study Guide (Exam 310-035 & 310-027)

Kathy Sierra - 2002
    More than 250 challenging practice questions have been completely revised to closely model the format, tone, topics, and difficulty of the real exam. An integrated study system based on proven pedagogy, exam coverage includes step-by-step exercises, special Exam Watch notes, On-the-Job elements, and Self Tests with in-depth answer explanations to help reinforce and teach practical skills.Praise for the author:"Finally A Java certification book that explains everything clearly. All you need to pass the exam is in this book."--Solveig Haugland, Technical Trainer and Former Sun Course Developer"Who better to write a Java study guide than Kathy Sierra, the reigning queen of Java instruction? Kathy Sierra has done it again--here is a study guide that almost guarantees you a certification "--James Cubeta, Systems Engineer, SGI"The thing I appreciate most about Kathy is her quest to make us all remember that we are teaching people and not just lecturing about Java. Her passion and desire for the highest quality education that meets the needs of the individual student is positively unparalleled at SunEd. Undoubtedly there are hundreds of students who have benefited from taking Kathy's classes."--Victor Peters, founder Next Step Education & Software Sun Certified Java Instructor"I want to thank Kathy for the EXCELLENT Study Guide. The book is well written, every concept is clearly explained using a real life example, and the book states what you specifically need to know for the exam. The way it's written, you feel that you're in a classroom and someone is actually teaching you the difficult concepts, but not in a dry, formal manner. The questions at the end of the chapters are also REALLY good, and I am sure they will help candidates pass the test. Watch out for this Wickedly Smart book."-Alfred Raouf, Web Solution Developer, Kemety.Net"The Sun Certification exam was certainly no walk in the park but Kathy's material allowed me to not only pass the exam, but Ace it "--Mary Whetsel, Sr. Technology Specialist, Application Strategy and Integration, The St. Paul Companies

Game Project Completed: How Successful Indie Game Developers Finish Their Projects

Thomas Schwarzl - 2014
    They teach you how to make games. This book does not show you how to make games. It shows you how to take your game project to the finish line. Many game projects never make it beyond the alpha state.Game Development Success Is All About The Inner Game.Being a successful game developer does not (just) mean being a great programmer, a smart game designer or a gifted artist. It means dominating the inner game of game making. This separates the pros from the wannabes. It's the knowledge of how to stay focused, motivated and efficient during your game projects. It's the skillset of keeping things simple and avoiding misleading dreams of the next overnight success. Finally it's about thinking as a salesperson, not just as a designer, programmer or artist.

The Jewish Candidate

David Crossland - 2013
     After a four year posting in Islamabad, Frank Carver, a reporter for the London Chronicle, is sent to Germany to cover the country’s most fascinating election campaign since the Second World War. Rudolf Gutman, the first Jew to run for chancellor, is promising to free Germany from the shackles of its past. He is up against Hermann von Tietjen, the charismatic Far Right candidate whose mantra is to rid Germany of the threat from its Muslim immigrants. Carver and Wolfgang Renner, a freelance journalist, believe Tietjen has a more deadly agenda. He is secretly guiding Neo-Nazis in a plot to assassinate Gutman, using cash and contacts of old SS men to hire a killer. They prepare the ground with terrorist attacks that are pinned on islamists, sowing fear and hatred of Muslim immigrants.

 Carver and Renner race to clinch the scoop of their lives. But no one believes them as Tietjen covers his tracks with his devilish gambit that plunges the nation into terror and a trail of killings. As the clock ticks down to election day and the noose tightens around Gutman’s neck, their quest turns into a lone, bloody struggle for survival that brings them face to face with modern Germany’s dark secret. It seems that Carver has run out of time to unmask the assassin and to save Gutman. 'As the European Union faces a resurgence of the right-wing ultranationalism, veteran journalist David Crossland paints a chilling scenario of the threats posed to contemporary German society by neo-Nazi extremists. A real page-turner.' Efraim Zuroff, The Simon Wiesenthal Center

The Alaskan Homesteader

Mel Adkins - 2013
    They learned to be inventive and self reliant in a land untouched by humans after moving more than twelve miles from the nearest road, to a one hundred and sixty acre homestead on the Kenai Peninsula. To a young man just entering his teens this was a dream come true, but the physical labor that had to be done the first year, simply to survive, was more than he had ever imagined. Cutting firewood with a manual cross cut saw, packing water from the spring, working on a sawmill, and packing supplies in to the homestead on his back left little time for hunting and fishing. The family almost starved and froze out that first year, but sheer will power, stubborness, and rugged determination for a better way of life persevered; A family of the greenest chechocko's that ever homesteaded in the land of the midnight sun.

Kids Want To Know About Mysterious Places

J.W. Patterson - 2014
    Did you know that actors making the movie "Gettysburg" in 2003 had an incredible ghostly experience? Did you know that the Bigelow Ranch in Utah has been the scene of reported crop circles, UFO landings and ghosts?Kids will learn what is known and not known about many mysterious places. Are these places really where strange happenings occur? Kids can make their own minds up about them. Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Discover In This Book Did you know that 5 military planes and 14 men were lost in the Bermuda Triangle in one flight exercise in 1945? Did you know that a search plane looking for the 5 missing planes also disappeared? How were statues weighing 82 tons moved miles on Easter Island 1,000 years ago? Did you know that Union troops swore that the ghost of George Washington appeared on the Gettysburg battlefield? Were the amazing Nazca lines created by aliens as a giant UFO landing area 1,500 years ago? 8,000 people every year search for the Lost Dutchman Mine in the Superstition Mountains! Is it cursed? and much, much more

Jacksons' Story: Based on true story

Asher Boyd - 2016
    The home was unkempt and rubbish was littered all over the floor. Dirty nappies were piled up in a corner of the room, which made the room have an awful stench. None of Jacksons bottles were being sterilised before use, and the water that was to make up the formula was tap water….straight from the tap and unboiled."

Hollywood Untold: The true and incredible stories of some of Hollywood’s biggest and best known stars, but never before told . (Little Known Facts Book 1002)

Chaz Allen - 2017
    These are the true and incredible stories of some of Hollywood’s biggest and best known stars, but never before told . Every story has been researched and verified, no matter how surprising or out of character it may seem to the public, for some of the world’s best known people. * "This book is a pure delight." - Daily Oklahoman * " The research is incredible and told in a most      entertaining fashion." - Houston Courier * " Chaz does it again!  This time a Best Seller!      - Blake's Review * " I read until my eyes hurt and still couldn't      put it down." -  Dexter. MacBride      - Columbia Review. *  "A Winner!" - Ray Hibbard, Edmond Life & Leisure. * “A surprise on every page. Fantastic true stories. We loved having Little Known Facts on our radio station for more than 10 years.” - Craig Stallcup – NetRadio Boston * “I could forget the news and nobody would notice. But forget to air Little Known Facts and I would get 30 phone calls.”– Matt Batton – WPRG Radio * “What a fantastic way to spend a few hours. I love these stories of my friends and fellow actors.” - Dale Robertson, Actor, Host. * “Chaz is a dear friend. I can attest to many of these stories personally. What a pleasure to see them put together in one place.” - Tony Randall, Actor -What famous woman movie star invented the snooze alarm? - What famous woman television personality was a spy in WWII? - Did you know it was a glamorous woman movie star who invented the secret codes to direct navy topedos... - Which famous star was the real impetus for the movie Pretty Woman - The Beverly Hillbillies really existed - Which famous movie star was actually AWOL from the Army - Which famous Hollywood hunk was actually a Mailman - Which television star was responsible for one of the biggest toy crazes in history - Which famous comedy star was once completely blind And many many more.


Ron Parker - 2012
    Into primary training, the voyage overseas, and being sunk in the Mediterranean sea. Resuming the voyage on a bluddy awful peacetime troop ship. Deolali, being held back for glasses. |No Jungle training, which it would seem most everyone else got. The siege of Imphal, then more than 500 miles chasing the Japs out of Burma. The dropping of the atom bomb which saved us from the invasion of Malaya.

Three Truths of Well Being: The Body (e-Single)

Sadhguru - 2014
    Don’t route your joy through heaven, he says. Access happiness for yourself—right here, right now. Starting with three basic dimensions of the self—Body, Mind and Energy—Sadhguru introduces us to simple techniques to realign and transform them into a life of sparkling aliveness. From the ideal approach to food and sleep to the profound secrets of the human spine, from the role of sex and desire to the deepest meaning of love and morality, from the significance of physical postures and psychological attitudes to the notion of authentic spiritual illumination—this book guides us on all this and more.Also read The Mind and The Energy from 'Three Truths of Well Being'.

The Man Who Saved the V-8: The Untold Stories of Some of the Most Important Product Decisions in the History of Ford Motor Company

Chase Morsey Jr. - 2014
    joins Ford Motor Co. in 1948, he has no idea the part he'll play in automotive history. Morsey's arrival comes as Henry Ford II and other titans in the industry are about to kill the vaunted V-8 engine. He sees it as his sole mission to talk them out of it. In The Man Who Saved the V-8, he shares the never-before-told story of how his crusade saved the engine that would go on to power iconic cars like the Ford Thunderbird and Mustang. "To this day, I have no idea how a young, newly hired manager like myself...had the nerve to challenge the most powerful men inside Ford Motor Company and tell them they were wrong," Morsey says. "But that is exactly what I did." The twenty-nine-year-old executive embarks on massive market research. He works with manufacturing experts to find ways to produce the V-8 engine more efficiently. After finding success, he goes on to continue playing a central role in some of the most pivotal decisions that would ensure Ford remains one of the powerhouses in the automotive industry. The Man Who Saved the V-8 tells the story of his successes and lessons learned.

Leadership in 100 Words: Simple Tips for Complex Leadership Challenges

Mainak Dhar - 2022

Crawling Out of Hell: The True Story of a British Sniper's Greatest Battle

Dean Bailey - 2017
    Craving the opportunity to finally see some action after a disappointing tour in Iraq, he now had the chance to put his elite marksmanship training to the test. To his disappointment, the Taliban proved to be nothing like a traditional enemy and their hit and run ambush tactics mean that more often than not Dean and his men are cooped up inside a Viking armoured personnel carrier, desperate to get out and take the fight to the Taliban on the ground. During one such ambush, Dean's Platoon is attacked from all sides, and Dean's Viking is immobilised. Going up on top of the carrier to fend off the assailants with his rifle, an RPG explodes next to him, covering him with burning diesel. Continuing his stubborn defence, and enabling his men to scramble out the back door of the stricken vehicle, Dean takes a direct hit from an RPG ending his brave covering fire. Dragged from the burning Viking, he is flown back to England with little expectation of surviving the flight home. Dean's next battle was the hardest he ever had to face.

Diabetes Free For Life: A Simple Guide On How To Be Diabetes Free For Life While Living A Healthy Life

Kristy Clark
    This informative guide will tackle the issue of avoiding diabetes through diet, exercise, and proper goal setting. Diabetes continues to be a leading cause of death and blindness in North America - the data is staggering. Much of what's been diagnosed as pre diabetes today could be easily eliminated by following the well-directed advice contained in the pages of this book.Avid reader and researcher, Kristy Clark, has developed a strategy based on scientific evidence to help combat and avoid the adverse effects of diabetes. She's not suggesting you ignore your doctor’s instructions, on the contrary, she's offering clear-cut ideas to enhance your diet and escape a life of insulin dependent, diabetes management. The concepts are time-tested, but it's about you: your ability to set honest goals, stick to the plan, and reap the rewards.Brief Content Overview:• General tips for healthy living• Natural foods that help in diabetes prevention• Exercise ideas and suggestions• How to live with diabetesChanging your lifestyle and eating habits may prevent the onset of diabetes, and a multitude of other associated pathologies. Kristy's book, one of a series, takes you on a mission of metabolic discovery and awareness. Act today, decide upon the future you want for yourself and your family. If you're at risk for diabetes, have a strong family history of the disorder, or just want to live a more vigorous lifestyle; this guide is a valuable first step.So, if you're serious about wanting to learn how to deal with diabetes throughout life and want to know how to live with diabetes, then you need to grab a copy of "Diabetes Free For Life: A Simple Guide On How To Be Diabetes Free For Life While Living A Healthy Life" right now, because this book will reveal how a person who has diabetes, regardless of experience level, can succeed - Today!Take action today and download this book now! Don't miss this great opportunity!!! Get your copy today!

The Prodigal Para: An Afghan War Diary

Andy Tyson - 2018
    He was 47 years old. During his time on the ground he kept a diary. Humorous, authentic and sad, it is a warts and all account of infantry soldiering in a hot and dangerous place. This is his storty.

Trump as President: The Inside Story of His First Years in the White House

Doug Wead - 2019
    In Trump as President, Doug Wead offers a sweeping, eloquent history of President Donald J. Trump's first years in the White House, covering everything from election night to the news of today. The book will include never-before-reported stories and scoops, including how President Trump turned around the American economy, how he "never complains and never explains," and how his actions sometimes lead to misunderstandings with the media and the public. It also includes exclusive interviews with the Trump family about the Mueller report, and narrates their reactions when the report was finally released. Contains Interviews with the President in the Oval Office, chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, Jared and Ivanka Kushner, Donald Trump, Jr., Eric and Lara Trump, and White House insiders.