The Idea of the Brain: The Past and Future of Neuroscience

Matthew Cobb - 2020
    Yet, despite the astonishing discoveries of science, we still have only the vaguest idea of how the brain works. In The Idea of the Brain, scientist and historian Matthew Cobb traces how our conception of the brain has evolved over the centuries. Although it might seem to be a story of ever-increasing knowledge of biology, Cobb shows how our ideas about the brain have been shaped by each era's most significant technologies. Today we might think the brain is like a supercomputer. In the past, it has been compared to a telegraph, a telephone exchange, or some kind of hydraulic system. What will we think the brain is like tomorrow, when new technology arises? The result is an essential read for anyone interested in the complex processes that drive science and the forces that have shaped our marvelous brains.

Puswhisperer: A Year in the Life of an Infectious Disease Doctor

Mark Crislip - 2010
    Spelling and grammar errors go unseen after numerous reading. But then, as Bones might say, Jim, I'm a doctor, not an editor.

Pathophysiology: The Biologic Basis for Disease in Adults And Children

Kathryn L. McCance - 1990
    Part One presents the general principles of pathophysiology and discusses the influence of the environment and the role of genetics in the development of disease. Part Two, organized by body system, examines normal anatomy and physiology, alterations of function in adults, and alterations of function in children.

The Lobotomist: A Maverick Medical Genius and His Tragic Quest to Rid the World of Mental Illness

Jack El-Hai - 2005
    Into this crisis stepped Walter Freeman, M.D., who saw a solution in lobotomy, a brain operation intended to reduce the severity of psychotic symptoms. Drawing on Freeman’s documents and interviews with Freeman's family, Jack El-Hai takes a penetrating look at the life and work of this complex scientific genius.The Lobotomist explores one of the darkest chapters of American medicine: the desperate attempt to treat the hundreds of thousands of psychiatric patients in need of help during the middle decades of the twentieth century. Into this crisis stepped Walter Freeman, M.D., who saw a solution in lobotomy, a brain operation intended to reduce the severity of psychotic symptoms. Although many patients did not benefit from the thousands of lobotomies Freeman performed, others believed their lobotomies changed them for the better. Drawing on a rich collection of documents Freeman left behind and interviews with Freeman's family, Jack El-Hai takes a penetrating look into the life of this complex scientific genius and traces the physician's fascinating life and work.

Clinical Ophthalmology: A Systematic Approach

Jack J. Kanski - 1994
    Translated into eight languages, it is an essential textbook, an accessible reference, and a bestselling text worldwide.This authoritative textbook retains the successful layout and approach of the bestselling fourth edition Four extra chapters have been added on dry eye, scleritis, corneal and refractive surgery, and systemic diseases.Each chapter have been updated and expanded and the number of illustrations greatly increased.Over a third of the illustrations are new for this editionFour extra chapters have been added on dry eye, scleritis, corneal and refractive surgery, and systemic diseases.The contents of each chapter have been updated and expanded and the number of illustrations has significantly increased.

The Concussion Crisis: Anatomy of a Silent Epidemic

Linda Carroll - 2011
    On playing fields across America, lives are being derailed by seemingly innocuous jolts to the head. From the peewees to the pros, concussions are reaching epidemic proportions. This book brings that hidden epidemic and its consequences out of the shadows. As frightening as the numbers are—estimates of sports-related concussions range from 1.6 million to 3.8 million annually in the United States—they can’t begin to explain the profound impact of a hidden health problem that can strike any of us. It is becoming increasingly clear that concussions, like severe head traumas, can rob us of our memory, our mental abilities, our very sense of self. Because the damage caused by a concussion is rarely visible to the naked eye or even on a brain scan, no one knows how many millions might be living lives devastated by an invisible injury too often shrugged off as “just a bump on the head.” This book puts a human face on a huge public health crisis. Through narratives that chronicle the poignant experiences of real people struggling with this invisible and often unrecognized brain injury, Linda Carroll and David Rosner bring home its potentially devastating consequences. Among those you will meet are a high school football player whose college dreams were derailed by a series of undiagnosed concussions, a hard-driving soccer star whose own struggles with concussions pushed her to crusade for safety reform as a coach and soccer mom, and an economist who lost her career because of lingering concussion symptoms from a fender bender. The Concussion Crisis weaves these human dramas with compelling stories of scientists and doctors who are unraveling the mysteries of how an invisible injury can wreak such havoc. It takes readers into the top labs, where scientists are teasing out what goes wrong in the brain after a jolt to the head, and into the nation’s leading concussion clinic, where patients get cutting-edge management and treatment. Carroll and Rosner analyze the cultural factors that allowed this burgeoning epidemic to fester unseen and untreated. They chronicle the growing public awareness sparked by the premature retirements of superstars like NFL quarterbacks Troy Aikman and Steve Young. And they argue for an immediate change in a macho culture that minimizes the dangers inherent in repeated jolts to the head. The Concussion Crisis sounds an urgent wake-up call to parents, coaches, trainers, doctors, and the athletes themselves. The book will stand as the definitive exploration of this heretofore-silent health crisis. It should be required reading for every parent with a child playing sports—in fact, by everyone who has ever suffered a hard bump on the head.

DSM-5 Insanely Simplified: Unlocking the Spectrums within DSM-5 and ICD-10

Steven Buser - 2015
    DSM-5 Insanely Simplified provides a summary of key concepts of the new diagnostic schema including a section on the upcoming ICD-10. DSM-5 Insanely Simplified utilizes a variety of devices to help clinicians memorize complex criteria and ideas about the different diagnoses. Cartoons, mnemonic devices, and summary tables allow clinicians and students to quickly grasp and retain broad concepts and subtle nuances related to psychiatric diagnosis. DSM-5 Insanely Simplified fosters quick mastery of the most important concepts introduced in DSM-5 while offering an entirely new way of looking at mental health along a continuum. This new approach avoids simply "labeling" clients by placing them along spectrums that range from normal to problematic symptoms. Mental health professionals as well as laymen interested in a deeper understanding of emotional well-being will appreciate the synthesis of deep psychology and modern approaches to diagnosis. Steven Buser trained in medicine at Duke University and served 12 years as a physician in the US Air Force. He is a graduate of the two-year Clinical Training Program at the CG Jung Institute of Chicago and is a co-founder of the Asheville Jung Center. In addition to a busy psychiatric private practice he serves as Publisher for Chiron Publications. He is active in the community and strives to integrate faith and spirituality into psychotherapy. He resides in the mountains in Asheville, NC with his wife and two children. Len Cruz is the Editor-in-Chief of Chiron Publications, a book publishing company specializing in psychology, mythology, religion, and culture and a co-founder of the Asheville Jung Center. He is a psychiatrist who resides in Western North Carolina. Luke Sloan was a 5th grade student in Asheville, NC when he completed the illustrations for this book. When he's not drawing, Luke enjoys playing soccer, reading books, snow-skiing, and just plain having fun!


Dave Elman - 1984
    Will take 25-35 days

Fundamentals of Engineering Electromagnetics

David K. Cheng - 1992
    It has been developed in response to the need for a text that supports the mastery of this difficult subject. Therefore, in addition to presenting electromagnetics in a concise and logical manner, the text includes end-of-section review questions, worked examples, boxed remarks that alert students to key ideas and tricky points, margin notes, and point-by-point chapter summaries. Examples and applications invite students to solve problems and build their knowledge of electromagnetics. Application topics include: electric motors, transmission lines, waveguides, antenna arrays and radar systems.

Introduction to Psychology: Gateways to Mind and Behavior

Dennis Coon - 2000
    The Twelfth Edition's hallmark continues to be its pioneering integration of the proven-effective SQ4R learning system (Survey, Question, Read, Reflect, Review, Recite), which promotes critical thinking as it guides students step-by-step to an understanding of psychology's broad concepts and diversity of topics. Throughout every chapter, these active learning tools—together with the book's example-laced writing style, discussions of positive psychology, cutting-edge coverage of the field's new research findings, and excellent media resources—ensure that students find the study of psychology fascinating, relevant, and above all, accessible.

Brainstorm: Detective Stories From the World of Neurology

Suzanne O'Sullivan - 2018
    A man who sees cartoon characters running across the room; a girl whose world turns all Alice in Wonderland; another who transforms into a ragdoll whenever she even thinks about moving.The brain is the most complex structure in the universe. Neurologists must puzzle out life-changing diagnoses from the tiniest of clues. It’s the ultimate medical detective work. In this riveting book, one of the UK’s leading neurologists will take you with her as she follows the clues of her patients’ symptoms. It’s a journey that will open your eyes to the unfathomable intricacies of our brains, and the infinite variety of human capacity and experience.

Head Cases: Stories of Brain Injury and Its Aftermath

Michael Paul Mason - 2008
    Michael Paul Mason is one of an elite group of experts who coordinate care in the complicated aftermath of tragic injuries that can last a lifetime. On the road with Mason, we encounter survivors of brain injuries as they struggle to map and make sense of the new worlds they inhabit.

The Tao of Music: Sound Psychology Using Music to Change Your Life

John M. Ortiz - 1997
    Ortiz's methods. Includes musical menus that you can use to create your own program for dealing with issues, koans for meditation, and various other fun exercises to make music a part of your holistic health program. Appendix, bibliography, index.

The Female Brain

Louann Brizendine - 2006
    Though referenced like a work of research, Brizedine's writing style is fully accessible. Brizendine provides a fascinating look at the life cycle of the female brain from birth ("baby girls will connect emotionally in ways that baby boys don't") to birthing ("Motherhood changes you because it literally alters a woman's brain-structurally, functionally, and in many ways, irreversibly") to menopause (when "the female brain is nowhere near ready to retire") and beyond. At the same time, Brizedine is not above reviewing the basics: "We may think we're a lot more sophisticated than Fred or Wilma Flintstone, but our basic mental outlook and equipment are the same." While this book will be of interest to anyone who wonders why men and women are so different, it will be particularly useful for women and parents of girls.

My Mad Dad: The Diary of an Unravelling Mind

Robyn Hollingworth - 2018
    His brilliant mind, which saw him building power stations and literally bringing light into the lives of others, has succumbed to darkness.As Robyn settles back in the rhythms of life in the rain-soaked vast Welsh valleys, she keeps a diary charting her journey as the dad she knew disappears before her eyes. Lyrical, poignant and with flashes of brilliant humour, My Mad Dad explores how in helping others we can heal ourselves. 'At some point the cared for become the carers...this isn't a shame and it isn't a tragedy and it isn't a chore. It is an honour. To be able to return the gift of love that someone bestows upon you is a gift in itself. This is a story of caring...'