Book picks similar to
The Psychology of Women [With Free 4-Month Subscription to Online Library] by Margaret W. Matlin
Action Research
Ernest T. Stringer - 1996
Updated web links and expanded appendices provide cutting edge information on action research along with new case studies and examples.
Psychology: Themes and Variations
Wayne Weiten - 1900
"Critical Thinking Applications" in every chapter give you specific critical thinking strategies you can apply to what you read. Every chapter of this book offers tools to help you focus on what's important-showing you how to study in ways that help you retain information and do your very best on exams.
Drugs, Behavior and Modern Society
Charles F. Levinthal - 1995
Drugs, Behavior, and Modern Society, 6/e, examines the impact of drug-taking behavior on our society and our daily lives. The use and abuse of a wide range of licit and illicit drugs are discussed from historical, biological, psychological, and sociological perspectives. The use of Drugs in our lives and drug-taking behavior, legally restricted drugs in our society, legal drugs in our society, medicinal drugs, treatment, prevention, and education. Forstudents, or people working with drug related topics in the fields of psychology and health.
Personality Theories
Barbara Engler - 1979
Each chapter focuses on one theory or group of theories, providing brief biographies that shed light on how the theories were formed.
Classroom Assessment: What Teachers Need to Know
W. James Popham - 1994
This well-written book is grounded in the reality of teaching today to show real-world teachers who want to use assessment in their classroom the latest tools necessary to teach more effectively. The fifth edition of Classroom Assessment addresses the range of assessments that teachers are likely to use in their classrooms. With expanded coverage of problems related to measurement of special education children, a new student website with online activities, and an improved instructor's manual, this book continues to be a cutting-edge and indispensable resource not only for instructors, but also for pre- and in-service teachers. New to This Edition: *Chapter 12 contains new material dealing with formative assessment as well as assessment FOR learning. *The text is committed to fostering readers' realizations regarding the critical link between testing and teaching. Instructional implications are constantly stressed in the text. early childhood assessment throughout the text. *The 5th edition contains a brand-new website providing readers with Extra Electronic Exercises for each chapter, so readers, if they wish, can solidify their understanding of what chapters address (go to *A newly revised Instructor's Resource Manual contains Instructor-to-Instructor suggestions as well as a test for each chapter. It also includes a mid-term and final exam and an effective inventory measuring students' confidence in assessment. Here's what your colleagues have to say about this book: Dr. Popham has done a tremendous job in researching and incorporating current trends throughout the entire text! Terry H. Stepka, Arkansas State University Overall, I am extremely satisfied with the text. It is well-written, and I love the author's sense of humor! Terry H. Stepka, Arkansas State University I LOVE the arrangement of the chapters and the high quality of the self-checks and discussion questions that are provided. Karen E. Eifler, University of Portland
Research Methods in Psychology
John J. Shaughnessy - 1985
Offers students with the tools necessary to do ethical research in psychology and to understand the research they learn about in psychology courses and in the media.
Foundations of Behavioral Neuroscience [with MyPsychLab & eText Access Code]
Neil R. Carlson - 2010
" The ninth edition of "Foundations of Behavioral Neuroscience" offers a concise introduction to behavioral neuroscience. The text incorporates the latest studies and research in the rapidly changing fields of neuroscience and physiological psychology. The theme of strategies of learning helps readers apply these research findings to daily life. "Foundations of Behavioral Neuroscience "is an ideal choice for the instructor who wants a concise text with a good balance of human and animal studies. MyPsychLab is an integral part of the Carlson program. Key learning applications include the MyPsychLab Brain. Teaching & Learning Experience"Personalize Learning"" - "MyPsychLab is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program. It helps students prepare for class and instructor gauge individual and class performance."Improve Critical Thinking"" "-Each chapter begins with a list of Learning Objectives that also serve as the framework for the Study Guide that accompanies this text."Engage Students"" "-An Interim Summary follows each major section of the book. The summaries provide useful reviews and also break each chapter into manageable chunks."Explore Theory/Research"" - "APS Reader, "Current Directions in Biopsychology" in MyPsychLab"Support Instructors"" "- A full set of supplements, including MyPsychLab, provides instructors with all the resources and support they need.0205962092 / 9780205962099 Foundations of Behavioral Neuroscience Plus NEW MyPsychLab with eText -- Access Card Package Package consists of: 0205206514 / 9780205206513 NEW MyPsychLab with Pearson eText -- Valuepack Access Card 0205940242 / 9780205940240 Foundations of Behavioral Neuroscience
Biological Psychology
James W. Kalat - 1981
This Eighth Edition redefines the high standard set by previous editions. It offers the best balance of rigor and accessibility, the most current research, and the most thorough technology integration available for your course--all presented within a unique modular format that supports student mastery and provides instructors with maximum teaching flexibility. In every chapter, Kalat accurately portrays biopsychology as a dynamic and empirical field in which fascinating new discoveries are constantly being made. He captures readers' interest with the latest biological psychology findings, such as how gingko biloba claims to aid memory and coverage of the hypothesis that humans' mate choice patterns are influenced by natural selection. Throughout, the author's goal is not only to convey information, but also to convey his excitement about and dedication to the subject.
The Life Span: Human Development for Helping Professionals
Patricia C. Broderick - 2009
Using counseling applications, case studies, special topics boxes, and journal questions, the text introduces developmental theories and research within the context of clinical practice.
The Science of Psychology: An Appreciative View
Laura A. King - 2007
This book is built around the idea that students must study the discipline of psychology as a whole, that the sub-disciplines are intricately connected, and that human behavior is best understood by exploring its functioning state in addition to its potential dysfunctions.
Casualties of Care: Immigration and the Politics of Humanitarianism in France
Miriam I. Ticktin - 2011
Miriam Ticktin focuses on France and its humanitarian immigration practices to argue that a politics based on care and protection can lead the state to view issues of immigration and asylum through a medical lens. Examining two “regimes of care”—humanitarianism and the movement to stop violence against women—Ticktin asks what it means to permit the sick and sexually violated to cross borders while the impoverished cannot? She demonstrates how in an inhospitable immigration climate, unusual pathologies can become the means to residency papers, making conditions like HIV, cancer, and select experiences of sexual violence into distinct advantages for would-be migrants. Ticktin’s analysis also indicts the inequalities forged by global capitalism that drive people to migrate, and the state practices that criminalize the majority of undocumented migrants at the expense of care for the exceptional few.
Intercultural Communication in Contexts
Judith N. Martin - 1996
The dialectical framework, integrated throughout the book, is used as a lens to examine the relationship of these research traditions. This text is unique in its emphasis on the importance of histories, popular culture, and identities.
Wayward Women: Sexuality and Agency in a New Guinea Society
Holly Wardlow - 2006
Focusing on Huli “passenger women,” (women who accept money for sex) Wayward Women explores the socio-economic factors that push women into the practice of transactional sex, and asks how these transactions might be an expression of resistance, or even revenge. Challenging conventional understandings of “prostitution” and “sex work,” Holly Wardlow contextualizes the actions and intentions of passenger women in a rich analysis of kinship, bridewealth, marriage, and exchange, revealing the ways in which these robust social institutions are transformed by an encompassing capitalist economy. Many passenger women assert that they have been treated “olsem maket” (like market goods) by their husbands and natal kin, and they respond by fleeing home and defiantly appropriating their sexuality for their own purposes. Experiences of rape, violence, and the failure of kin to redress such wrongs figure prominently in their own stories about becoming “wayward.” Drawing on village court cases, hospital records, and women’s own raw, caustic , and darkly funny narratives, Wayward Women provides a riveting portrait of the way modernity engages with gender to produce new and contested subjectivities.
Career Paths in Psychology: Where Your Degree Can Take You
Robert J. Sternberg - 1997
In this comprehensive anthology, authors selected for their distinction in their chosen careers offer their professional - and personal - perspectives on 19 different graduate-level careers in psychology. Few fields of study offer more career opportunities than does psychology, and readers will find thoughtful discussions, leavened with tips and insights gained from personal experience, on the full range, including (to name only a few) academia, clinical psychology, health and school psychology, clinical neuropsychology, and government service. Each chapter discusses the nature of the career, its advantages and disadvantages, how to prepare for it, typical activities, ranges of financial compensation, opportunities for employment, and the personal attributes needed for success in the career. realities, challenges, and rewards of each career that the lab or lecture hall rarely provides. Reprinted eight times since the publication of the first edition in 1997, Career Paths in Psychology is recognized as the go-to sourcebook for anyone seeking a candid portrait of different careers in this ever-changing field. The second edition has been expanded (discussions of five new careers added) and updated to reflect current trends and changes in the field.
Jonas and Kovner's Health Care Delivery in the United States
Anthony R. Kovner - 1986
Designed for graduate and advanced undergraduate students, it includes the contributions of leading thinkers, educators, and practitioners who provide an in-depth and objective appraisal of why and how we organize health care the way we do; the enormous impact of health-related behaviors on the structure, function, and cost of the health care delivery system; and other emerging and recurrent issues in health policy, health care management, and public health. To update this book with the rapid changes that have occurred in health care through November 2013, a separate chapter, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Supplement, is available to students and instructors as a downloadable PDF.This text is divided into five sections, in order to provide some coherence to this broad terrain. Part I, The Current U.S. Health Care System, addresses major characteristics and issues, including reform, financing, and comparative health care systems. This section now includes multiple new charts and tables providing concrete health care data. Part II, Population Health, focuses on health behavior, including health care models, public health policy and practice, risk factors, facilitating healthy lifestyle practices, and access to care. Part III, Medical Care Delivery, addresses integrated health models, delivering high-quality health care, health care costs and value, and comparative effectiveness. Part IV, Support for Medical Care Delivery, concerns governance and management issues, including accountability, the health workforce, and information technology. Part V, The Future of Health Care Delivery in the United States, includes a new 5-year trend forecast.Key Features: Includes major provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act of 2010Each chapter includes these special features: key concepts; extensive mapping resources; key words; learning objectives; discussion questions; and case studiesCovers the newest models of care, such as Accountable Care Organizations and Integrated Delivery SystemsExamines new ways of conceptualizing and assessing health care, including comparative effectiveness researchFeatures contributions by leading scholars and key figures within the U.S. health care system, including John Billings, JD; Carolyn M. Clancy, MD; C. Tracy Orleans, PhD; and Michael S. Sparer, PhD, JDContains new coverage of health reform, developing countries, population health, public health and catastrophic events, and a broadened discussion of the health care workforceAffordable Care Act (ACA) Supplement available to students and instructors as a downloadable PDF. Available to Instructors: Instructor's Guide (updated to reflect content from ACA supplement)PowerPoint PresentationsImage BankTest Bank (updated to reflect content from ACA supplement)"