Hinduism For Dummies
A.V. Srinivasan - 2011
Today, the United States is home to approximately one million Hindus.If you've heard of this ancient religion and are looking for a reference that explains the intricacies of the customs, practices, and teachings of this ancient spiritual system, Hinduism For Dummies is for you!Provides a thorough introduction to this earliest and popular world belief system Information on the rites, rituals, deities, and teachings associated with the practice of Hinduism Explores the history and teachings of the Vedas, Brahmans, and Upanishads Offers insight into the modern daily practice of Hinduism around the world Continuing the Dummies tradition of making the world's religions engaging and accessible to everyone, Hinduism For Dummies is your hands-on, friendly guide to this fascinating religion.
The Complete Picatrix: The Occult Classic of Astrological Magic Liber Atratus Edition
Maslama Al-Majriti
With all four books of the Latin Picatrix complete in one volume, translated & annotated by the noted scholars, magicians and astrologers John Michael Greer & Christopher Warnock, Picatrix takes its rightful place as an essential occult text. Picatrix is an encyclopedic work with over 300 pages of Hermetic magical philosophy, ritual, talismanic and natural magic. Greer & Warnock’s complete translation is lucid and well annotated. Renaissance Astrology & Adocentyn Press have released the complete Picatrix in a variety of different editions, including the Liber Atratus and Liber Rubeus editions. All editions contain the same basic text, but add additional variant passages, either from the Arabic Picatrix or authors cited, but not found in the Latin Picatrix. The Liber Atratus edition adds a passage on poisons from Ibn Washiyya’s Book of Poisons.
Why Jesus?: Rediscovering His Truth in an Age of Mass Marketed Spirituality
Ravi Zacharias - 2012
Special attention will be given to the influence of Oprah Winfrey's media platform in reshaping society by introducing and promoting certain books and authors.Major new age and human potential tenets will be discussed like: the belief that we are all gods and have to discover our divinity; Jesus was only a good teacher; Christianity is but one among many ways to eternal life; reincarnation is real; Jesus was married; truth is relative; there is no sin; and perfection is possible.The truth of and the arguments for the bodily resurrection of Jesus will be presented as the most important argument for the exclusive claims about Jesus and Christianity.
The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross
John Marco Allegro - 1970
of Manchester) has hitherto been known for his several excellent books on the Dead Sea Scrolls. In an unusual reversal, he has now produced a book that will make The Passover Plot seem the last refuge of theological ultra-conservatism. The thesis of the book is simple enough: Jesus did not exist, the Gospels were & are a hoax, & Christianity is the atavistic vestige of an ancient fertility cult in which the object of worship was a peculiarly phallic mushroom, Amanita muscaria, capable of producing psychedelic reactions. As farfetched as all this may seem, it cannot be denied that he has brought to this work the same care & scholarly detachment that have characterized his earlier, & more conventional, works; & he has made not one concession to the sensational nature of his thesis. The book is, in fact, a demanding one, which presupposes in the reader at least a working knowledge of the ancient Semitic tongues & of the sciences considered auxiliary to biblical studies. Only the most determined non-professional iconoclast will be willing to wade through his unrelenting jargon. None of which, of course, will affect the demand for what is probably to become a very controversial work.--Kirkus (edited)
The Wicca Handbook
Eileen Holland - 2000
This book is both a tutorial for new witches and a reference book for experienced practitioners. Covers the many ways there are to be a witch -- as a solitary practitioner, or part of a coven following one of many traditions. Holland shares useful information for writing spells, creating rituals, and making tools, charms, and potions. She also includes an index of spells, ancient and modern, making this an all-inclusive reference manual for all skill levels. Glossary. Index. Bibliography. 320 pp.
Midsummer: Magical Celebrations of the Summer Solstice
Anna Franklin - 2002
The sun rises to the height of its power on the summer solstice, and Midsummer Eve is filled with fairy mischief and magic. Anna Franklin reveals the origins and customs of this enchanting holiday with: -Myths and lore: The gods and goddesses of Midsummer, rolling wheels, the Midsummer tree, circle dancing, and torchlight processions -Midsummer magic and divination: Fairy contact, spells, empowering magical tools with solstice sun energy, Midsummer Eve pillow divination -Traditional summertime treats: Elderflower Fritters, Gooseberry Fool, Coamhain Soup, Strawberry Wine, Heather Ale, Clary Sage Tea -Seasonal rituals: Rite of the Oak King and the Holly King, Cornish Flower Ritual, Witch Rite for Midsummer Day, Drawing Down the Sun -Midsummer herb craft: Gathering and drying herbs for magical oils, incenses, inks, and teas; herb recipes, from Amun Ra to Sun Goddess Oil - First Runner Up for the 2003 Coaltion of Visionary Resources (COVR) Award for Best Non-fiction Book
Wicca for Beginners: A Guide to Real Wiccan Beliefs, Magic and Rituals
Gillian Nolan - 2015
There is lot of misunderstanding of the real Wiccan lifestyle and way of life but now there is a great number of people who are becoming interested in other forms of spirituality that are more in tuned with Nature and the Human Spirit. Here is a preview of what you will learn in this book What Wicca is Rituals, Magick and Spells in Wicca Healing Spells Money Spells Love Spells New Years Rituals Making a Scrying Mirror Ostara Ritual Wicca Mythology Finding a Coven and creating an Altar Wicca book of shadows
Gnosis: The Nature and History of Gnosticism
Kurt Rudolph - 1977
Presents a readable and appealing introduction to what otherwise might seem an inaccessible religion of late antiquity.
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Heaven-- But Never Dreamed of Asking
Peter Kreeft - 1982
Lewis", Kreeft provides a look at the nature of heaven. A refreshingly clear, theologically sound glimpse of the "undiscovered country". Kreeft speaks to the heart and the mind for an unexcelled look at one of the most popular, yet least understood, subjects in religion.
The Jesus Sutras: Rediscovering the Lost Scrolls of Taoist Christianity
Martin Palmer - 2001
in a long-sealed cave in a remote region of China. Among them, written in Chinese, were scrolls that recounted a history of Jesus' life and teachings in beautiful Taoist concepts and imagery that were unknown in the West. These writings told a story of Christianity that was by turns unique and disturbing, hopeful and uplifting. The best way to describe them is collectively, with a term they themselves use: The Jesus Sutras. The origins of Christianity seem rooted in Western civilization, but amazingly, an ancient, largely unknown branch of Christian belief evolved in the East. Eminent theologian and Chinese scholar Martin Palmer provides the first popular history and translation of the sect's long-lost scriptures--all of them more than a thousand years old and comparable in significance to the Dead Sea Scrolls. Gathered, deciphered, and interpreted by a team of expert linguists and scholars, these sacred texts present an inspiring use of Jesus' teachings and life within Eastern practices and meditations--and provide an extraordinary window into an intriguing, profoundly gentler, more spiritual Christianity than existed in Europe or Asia at the time, or, indeed, even today. Palmer has devoted more than a decade to seeking the extant writings and other evidence of this lost religion. His search was triggered by an encounter with an immense, mysterious carved (stele) stone from the 8th century that resides in a Chinese museum collection called the Forest of Stones. The Chinese text on this stonecommemorates the founding of a " religion of light" in China by a great Western teacher and features a unique cross that merges Taoist symbolism with the Christian cross. The scrolls, the stone, and a strange map of the area around a hallowed temple (where Lao Tzu wrote the Tao Te Ching before disappearing forever) gave Palmer enough information to rediscover one of the earliest Christian monasteries. At the site was an 8th century pagoda still intact, and within it, in 1998, Palmer and his team found more evidence, including statues, underground passageways, and artifacts, that helped them uncover and recreate the era and rituals of the Taoist Christians. The Taoist Christians, who wrote the Jesus Sutras recognized equality of the sexes, preached against slavery, and practiced nonviolence toward all forms of life. In particular, this tradition offered its followers a more hopeful vision of life on earth and after death than the dominant Eastern religions, teaching that Jesus had broken the wheel of karma and its consequent punishing, endless reincarnations. Vividly re-creating the turbulence of a distant age that is remarkably evocative of our own times, Palmer reveals an extraordinary evolution of spiritual thought that spans centuries. A thrilling modern quest that is also an ancient religious odyssey, The Jesus Sutras shares a revolutionary discovery with profound historical implications--imparting timeless messages and lessons for men and women of all backgrounds and faiths.
Yoga: The Greater Tradition
David Frawley - 2008
This book sheds light on the greater tradition and teachings of yoga, providing readers with an important approach to the practice that can harmonize their existence both individually and collectively. Yoga provides all students with a new appreciation of their dicipline's universe.
An Introduction to Islam
Frederick Mathewson Denny - 1985
An Introduction to Islam, Third Edition, provides students with a thorough and unified topical introduction to the global religious community of Islam. It places Islam within a cultural, political, social, and religious context and examines its connections with Judeo-Christian morals. The text's integration of the doctrinal and devotional elements of Islam enables students to see how Muslims think and live--engendering understanding and breaking down stereotypes. An Introduction to Islam, Third Edition also reviews pre-Islamic history so students can see how Islam developed historically.
The World's Wisdom: Sacred Texts of the World's Religions
Philip Novak - 1994
Authentic, poetic translations of key texts are coupled with insightful introductions and "grace notes."
The Book of Secret Wisdom: The Prophetic Record of Human Destiny and Evolution
Zinovya Dushkova - 2015
Written in the language of the Gods, called Senzar, it is secretly hidden in the heart of the Himalayas, accessible to only a chosen few over the course of human history, including Gautama Buddha, Jesus Christ, Pythagoras, Plato, and Helena Blavatsky. Interpretations of various parts of this secret manuscript, presented in different lights, can be found in all religions and philosophies.Now, for the first time ever, Dr. Dushkova has presented a never-before-seen excerpt from this ancient sacred text in The Book of Secret Wisdom. Beautiful and enlightening, it will reveal not only our past, but also our present and future. To facilitate your understanding of this profound and poetic text, the book contains a comprehensive glossary gleaned from the supreme sources of wisdom.In The Book of Secret Wisdom, you will discover the answers to these questions:• What are the ultimate goal and purpose of human existence?• What is the cause of destructive weather, natural disasters, and global warming?• What really happened in 1999 and 2012?• What Great Event occurred invisibly in 2017?• When did Armageddon and the Last Judgment occur?• What should you expect in the coming decades?• Why are people dying, and is there a chance to be immortal?• Why does it seem that time is speeding up?• What is the famous Philosopher's Stone?• and much, much more!The all-embracing and undistorted Truth presented in this book was once accessible only to the privileged initiates of ancient civilizations who spent much of their lives seeking it. But now it is available to you in the pages of The Book of Secret Wisdom, a book that offers unprecedented access to the world's most ancient mysteries."This book is an immeasurable treasure of knowledge. Its depth and scope are incredible."— 2016 Benjamin Franklin Awards Judge"It reads beautifully like a storybook, feels like a fable, and reveals valuable lessons of love for this lifetime."— Allyson Gracie, Wellness Specialist, Pilates & Yoga Instructor"One of the most inspiring, all encompassing, volumes of true truth I have read in all my years of seeking truth."— April Gieseking"It is deep, deeper and vast than you could have ever imagined."— Aakriti, GoodreadsIf you are a spiritual seeker who enjoys expanding the boundaries of your understanding, this book is for you.Buy The Book of Secret Wisdom now to unveil the world's most ancient mysteries!
Jesus the Magician: Charlatan or Son of God?
Morton Smith - 1978
68). The charge that he was a magician didn't originate with Smith. It was previously voiced by the philosopher & critic Celsus (The True Word c. 200 CE) as we know from the rebuttal authored by the Christian apologist/scholar Origen: “It was by magic that he was able to do the miracles” (Contra Celsum 1.6). Clearly, for Celsus to have repeated the story, it must have had long currency before he came to write his book. Hans Dieter Betz (1994) observes that "from early on even Jesus of Nazareth was implicated in that he was said to be mad or a magician possessed by Satan" & R. Joseph Hoffmann writes (1987) that "that the early Christian mission was advanced by the use of magic is well attested." Discovery News reported in 2008 the discovery by French marine archeologist Franck Goddio of a bowl dating "to between the late 2nd century BC & the early 1st century AD" which refers to Jesus as a magician: "DIA CHRSTOU O GOISTAIS," which, the article tells us, "has been interpreted to mean either, 'by Christ the magician' or, 'the magician by Christ.'" Assuming this references Jesus, this is the earliest known reference to Jesus as a magician.