Best of
Discipline: The Glad Surrender
Elisabeth Elliot - 1982
Former missionary and beloved author Elisabeth Elliot offers her understanding of discipline and its value for modern people.Now repackaged for the next generation of Christians, Discipline: The Glad Surrender shows readers how to-discipline the mind, body, possessions, time, and feelings-overcome anxiety-change poor habits and attitudes-trust God in times of trial and hardship-let Christ have control in all areas of lifeElliot masterfully and gently takes readers through Scripture, personal stories, and lovely observations of the world around her in order to help them discover the understanding that our fulfillment as human beings depends on our answer to God's call to obedience.
The Philokalia, Volume 2: The Complete Text
G.E.H. Palmer - 1982
First published in Greek in 1782, then translated into Slavonic and later into Russian, The Philokalia has exercised an influence in the recent history of the Orthodox Church far greater than that of any book apart from the Bible. It is concerned with themes of universal importance: how man may develop his inner powers and awake from illusion; how he may overcome fragmentation and achieve spiritual wholeness; how he may attain the life of contemplative stillness and union with God.Only a selection of texts from The Philokalia has been available hitherto in English. The present rendering, which is a completely new translation, is designed to appear in five volumes. The first of these was published by Faber and Faber in 1979. The second volume consists mainly of writings from the seventh century, in particular by St. Maximus the Confessor, the greater part of which has never before been translated into English. As in the first volume, the editors have provided introductory notes to each of the writers, a glossary of key terms, and a detailed index.
Compassion: A Reflection on the Christian Life
Henri J.M. Nouwen - 1982
They place compassion at the heart of a Christian life in a world governed far too long by principles of power and destructive control. Compassion, no longer merely an eraser of human mistakes, is a force of prayer and action -- the expression of God's love for us and our love for God and one another.Compassion is a book that says no to a compassion of guilt and failure and yes to a compassionate love that pervades our spirit and moves us to action. Henri Nouwen, Donald McNeill, and Douglas Morrison have written a moving document on what it means to be a Christian in a difficult time.
Footsteps of the Messiah
Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum - 1982
Those who play it down usually avoid assigning specific meaning to prophetic texts. Those who play it up often assign too much.But the prophetic portions of the Bible won't go away. The biblical interpreter must interact with them and in the detail and specificity in which they were written. Dr. Fruchtenbaum has done that, seeking always to try to understand the full meaning of the biblical revelation.The author's consideration of the biblical material is thorough and thought-provoking...those who read this book cannot help but be instructed and stimulated by his work.
Catholic Book Of Prayers: Popular Catholic Prayers Arranged For Everyday Use
Maurus Fitzgerald - 1982
Today's most popular general prayer book, the Catholic Book of Prayers offers prayers for every day, as well as many special prayers including prayers to the Blessed Trinity, Our Lady, and the Saints. Compiled and edited by Rev. Maurus FitzGerald, O.F.M., this giant type book has a brown vinyl cover with a ribbon for convenient place-keeping and can be carried easily in a purse or pocket. With a helpful summary of our Catholic Faith, this useful prayer book will prove invaluable for making regular prayer easy and meaningful.
Seeing the Form
Hans Urs von Balthasar - 1982
From here, von Balthasar turns to the central theme of the volume: the question of theological knowledge. He re-examines the nature of Christian believing (here he quickly draws widely on such theological figures as Anselm, Pascal and Newman) which gives due place to the particular kind of 'knowing' which develops within the personal relationship to the believer to the God mediated through the revelation-form of Jesus Christ
Desert Wisdom: Sayings from the Desert Fathers
Yushi Nomura - 1982
Desert Wisdom contains some hundred "sayings" of the desert fathers, each accompanied by playful illustrations by Japanese artist Yushi Nomura. Bridging East and West, the simple truths of Desert Wisdom remain as fresh and vital to Christians today as they were to the disciples who first heard and recorded them.
Between Noon & Three: Romance, Law & the Outrage of Grace
Robert Farrar Capon - 1982
An English professor who has become an expert in extramarital dalliances is smitten by one of his graduate students. They meet for lunch around noon, and before three they make declarations of love. Is it possible that their subsequent affair could ultimately teach us something about true forgiveness and the radical meaning of grace? Only Robert Farrar Capon would have the audacity—and the authorial skill—to fashion such a tale. It has taken well over a decade for Between Noon and Three to appear in this, its original form. First published under two separate titles with significant parts excised and an entire section recast, the real Between Noon and Three is actually a trilogy of intertwined tales, each of which exhibits Capon's persistent insistence on the outrageous nature of grace. The original manuscript is here printed in full, including a new introduction by Capon on the work's unusual history.
The Fire That Consumes: A Biblical and Historical Study of the Doctrine of Final Punishment
Edward Fudge - 1982
According to the traditional view, that destiny will involve unending conscious torment in hell. However, believers are increasingly questioning that understanding, as both unbiblical and inconsistent with the character of God revealed in the Scriptures and in the man Jesus Christ.This internationally acclaimed book--now fully updated, revised, and expanded--carefully examines the complete teaching of Scripture on the subject of final punishment. It concludes that hell is a place of total annihilation, everlasting destruction, although the destructive process encompasses conscious torment of whatever sort, intensity, and duration God might require in each individual case."I commend this book warmly. It is likely to remain a standard work to which everyone engaged with this issue will constantly return."-Richard BauckhamEmeritus Professor of New Testament StudiesUniversity of Saint Andrews, Scotland"The Fire That Consumes has long been recognized as one of the most thorough and compelling statements available of the view that the destiny of the unsaved will be final destruction rather than eternal torment. In this new edition, Edward Fudge provides extended engagement with traditionalist critics and an overview of developments in the last thirty years ensuring that it will remain a definitive work on the issue for years to come." -John R. FrankeTheologian in ResidenceFirst Presbyterian Church of AllentownEdward William Fudge is a Christian theologian, Bible teacher, author, and, for more than twenty years, a practicing attorney.
Worship: Reformed According to Scripture (Guides to the Reformed Tradition)
Hughes Oliphant Old - 1982
He provides a sterling historical study that will be highly useful for pastors and church study groups as well as for scholars and students interested in Reformed worship. An extensive bibliography of resources for the study of Reformed worship adds to the value of this book.
Justification by Faith: A Matter of Death and Life
Gerhard O. Forde - 1982
The dynamic behind the language can still mean renewal for theology and church today, but only if that legal metaphor is not left to stand alone.Gerhard Forde calls for a recovery of Paul's equally vital metaphor of death-resurrection, which speaks of our dying to the old and being raised to new life in Christ. Justification, he contends, is death and rising, and where these complementary metaphors are allowed to interpret one another the Gospel can once again explode with all its original power.This fresh appropriation of the confessional witness contributes not only to an enhanced understanding of Reformation teachings, but also to an ecumenical dialogue that is zeroing in more closely on the catholic provenance and current vitality of the Augsburg Confession.
The Beatitudes and the Lord's Prayer
Arthur W. Pink - 1982
The Beatitudes and the Lord's Prayer draw illuminating insights from these momentous passages.
The Stature of Waiting
W.H. Vanstone - 1982
We want to be 'in control'. We value what we 'do' more than who we are. So when we become ill, or retire from work, or suffer an enforced period of inactivity, our self-esteem is threatened. This classic of spiritual writing transforms our understanding of the experience of illness, or of being out of work, of feeling inactive and powerless.
Walter Brueggemann - 1982
He sees his task as bringing the text close to the faith and ministry of the church. He interprets Genesis as a proclamation of God's decisive dealing with creation rather than as history of myth. Brueggemann's impressive perspective illuminates the study of the first book of the Bible.Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching is a distinctive resource for those who interpret the Bible in the church. Planned and written specifically for teaching and preaching needs, this critically acclaimed biblical commentary is a major contribution to scholarship and ministry.
The Meaning of Icons
Leonid Uspensky - 1982
Commentary and analysis of the main types of icons. Lavishly illustrated, with 160 pages of text with drawings, 13 b/w and 51 color plates.
The God of Jesus Christ
Walter Kasper - 1982
It is intended primarily for students of theology, but Kasper also addresses "all who have a deeper interest in the theological questions connected with the faith."
Today's Evangelism: Its Message and Methods
Ernest C. Reisinger - 1982
Pastor Reisinger blends doctrinally sound methods with a burden to reach the lost for Christ.
Resurrection: Interpreting the Easter Gospel
Rowan Williams - 1982
Why is it 'good news' to say 'Jesus is risen'? This text sets out to show how the experience of the resurrection was from the first one of forgiveness and of the healing of memories of injury, guilt or failure.
Seventh-Day Adventism Renounced
Dudley Marvin Canright - 1982
For twenty-eight years I was intimately associated with that people, as member, minister, writer and author and aided much in building up that work. I joined them only fourteen years from their beginning, hence became well acquainted with all its founders, their early theories, and have all their first books published during the first forty years. Am perfectly familiar with every argument they use and the answer to it. I know their inside history and weak points as others could not. It is a complete text book on that subject. Here is what competent judges say who have read and used it :“On some subjects there is one book that stands so far above all other books on the same subject that if a person has that one book he needs no other on that subject. Canrights Seventh-Day Adventism Renounced is just such a book. It is a complete and perfect exposure of that delusion from beginning to end. Adventists have attempted no reply to it for the simple reason that they cannot, so they are trying to throw doubt on his character and standing, but that also is a hopeless task. If you are troubled with Adventism, get this book. Read it; study it; lend it ; confront them with it ; insist on them meeting it, and you will have no more trouble with them.”--Southland Evangelist, Hartworth, Texas.“It is the best book I have ever seen on the subject, after a study of it for twenty years.”--Rev. Wm. Armstrong, Canton, Pa., Genessee Conf. of M. E. Church.“It is a very full discussion of the question on which Adventists differ from us.”--Baptist Christian Herald, Detroit, Michigan.“It is a thorough exposure of this, modern delusion. How any system of error can survive such an exposure will be a mystery. This book ought to be circulated in every community where Adventism is preached.”--Christian Oracle (Disciple) Des Moines, Iowa.“I am delighted with it. It is kind, candid, careful, correct and comprehensive. I heartily commend the work as the best that has yet been published on that subject.”--Prof. D. R. Dungan, President of Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa.“He exposes with unsparing logic, but never with malice, the errors of Seventh-Day Adventism. This book is eminently fitted to do good.”--Rev. Kendall Brooks, D. D., ex- President of Kalamazoo College, Michigan.“I did not know that it was possible to give so perfect an answer to t the letter of Adventism I have always felt that its spirit was contrary to the Gospel. Your exposure is doubtless the ablest and most comprehensive in existence.”--Rev. Theodore Nelson, LL. D., late president of Kalamazoo Baptist College."Your work is a book we have long needed, and now should be in the hands of every Christian.”--Rev. J. Cairns, Colfax College, Wash.“No other book has fallen into our hands that is so well adapted to meet the sophistry and statements of Seventh-Day Adventists as this.”--Central Free Will Baptists, Farmington, West Virginia.“The most effective work that has yet been published.”--Missionary Visitor.“It would be a good plan to place a copy of it in every circulating library in the land.”--Methodist Michigan Christian Advocate, Detroit.“A strong and vigorous book on Seventh-Dayism. The best thing published upon this subject.”--Chicago Standard, Baptist.“There is no other book in the market that can possibly fill its place.”--California Christian Advocate, Methodist.“It is complete and unanswerable.”--Northern Christian Advocate.“A very valuable book that ex poses in a sharp and effective way the pretensions of modern Adventism."--Arkansas Baptist.“A stalwart book which gives no uncertain sound. This is the first book which we have seen that ably and justly exposes to the world the true inwardness of the Seventh-Day Advent delusion.”--Rev. G. J.Travis, Ph. D., Baptist.“It is by far the most complete and satisfactory treatment of the subject that I have seen.”--Rev. J. Sunderland, Baptist Cor. Sec. and Supt. of Missions, Minneapolis, Minnesota.“What books would you recommend to meet the advocates of S. D. Adventism? “Ans. “We would recommend you to read Seventh- Day Adventists Renounced, by Eld. Canright.”--The Christian Workers Magazine, Oct., 1912, published by the Moody Bible Institute, Chicago.
Person and Eros
Christos Yannaras - 1982
It addresses the question of how we encounter the ultimate reality we call God. Christos Yannaras argues that the intellectual ascent to first principles, which is characteristic of the Western philosophical tradition, is based on mistaken premises. We cannot encounter reality simply through conceptual knowledge. The knowledge of truth is not exhausted in its linguistic expression; it is acquired through immediate experience. Yannaras thus leads us, by way of the problem of knowledge, to a theological vision of union with the supreme mode of loving self-transcending and self-offering being, Norman Russell's lucid translation makes this vision accessible for the first time to English-speaking readers.
The Marriage of East and West
Bede Griffiths - 1982
He advocates a global spiritual friendship, rather than a global religion, cultivating respct for each other's spiritual practices.
Absolute Predestination
Girolamo Zanchi - 1982
His answer is irrefutable.The first forty-two pages describes God as He is revealed in His holy Word. He is all-wise and all-powerful. He is perfect and unchangeable. He, being by Himself alone in eternity, determined to create a universe, and to people that universe with being of His own choice. He saw in His mind the entire course of events, and the persons who would act out these events, and having all things completely settled in His mind beforehand, He decreed all things that were to occur. The distinctions thus having been established in His own mind, He at one time, in one act of His will, predestinated all things "according to the counsel of His will."The author then takes up the subject of predestination. The word means to 'deliberate beforehand with ones' self how one shall act; and in consequence of such deliberation to constitute, fore-ordain, and predetermine where and when, how and by whom anything shall be done, and to what end it shall be done. Who else but God is able to both conceive and order all the happenings in time and eternity?This book is not only closely reasoned, but it is backed and proven by Scripture throughout. It is made abundantly clear that men may not absolve themselves of evil because of God=s eternal predestination of allthings. God leaves all men with a freedom to will, but in their total depravity all choose to will only what is evil in the eyes of God. For, "God is not tempted by evils, and He tempts no one. But each one is tempted by his own lusts, having been drawn out and havin
The Conquest of Canaan
Jessie Penn-Lewis - 1982
How to recognize and overcome the snares of the enemy.
The Redemption of God: A Theology of Mutual Relation
Carter Heyward - 1982
Analyzing the inadequacies in traditional Christian treatments of moral evil and moral good, the author attempts to construct new theological foundations for soteriology and Christology.
The Assumption of Mary
Kilian J. Healy - 1982
This dogma is the gateway to answer one of the greatest problems that has ever faced the human race. What is the meaning of life? Is death the end of everything?Mary's Assumption tells us that eternal life with God is the final evolution of every man and woman who dies in the friendship of God. At the end of time all will be taken up and transformed, the body and the soul, the corporeal and the spiritual. For all that God created is sacred and loved. Where Mary is, all the elect will be. Whoever contemplates this mystery learns much about God, Christ, Mary, the Church and oneself.The Virgin Mary is one who walked in the darkness of faith and never despaired, one who obeyed and never deserted, one who loved and was never unfaithful. She is an example of the perfect disciple. Mary was Jesus' first and the most perfect disciple of Christ.The Virgin Mary, taken up into heaven after her earthly life, remains for us the symbol of all that we should be, and of all that we will be, if only we are faithful to Christ. She is the woman in the life of Christ and the woman in the life of all who follow him.On earth Mary was the mother of Jesus and his wholehearted companion, his comfort and joy.Now in heaven close to Jesus, she watches over us with a mother's care and intercedes for us.She is our life, our sweetness and our hope. She is our shining example. Where she is, we shallbe. God knows we need the woman clothed in glory.The purpose of this book is to contemplate the Virgin Mary in her heavenly glory. The book's reflections go beyond the mystery of the Assumption in itself to contemplate the Mother of God in glory in relation to Christ and the Church. For Mary in glory is close to Christ and the people of God. We hope to penetrate more deeply this twofold mystery.To facilitate this task, the book is divided the study into two parts: The Assumption in theMystery of Christ, and the Assumption in the Mystery of the Church.The first part follows the model of Chapter eight of the Constitution on the Church of the Second Vatican Council. There as here, Mary is considered first in the mystery of Christ and then in the mystery of the Church.The first part is actually a commentary on the Apostolic Constitution Munificentissimus Deus that defined the dogma of the Assumption. It is here we perceive that the Assumption is not an isolated privilege granted to Mary, but one that is intimately joined with the person and mission of Christ. Her triumphal entrance into glory is part of Christ's victory over sin and death.The second part goes beyond the Constitution and ponders the Immaculate Virgin in heaven in relation to the mystery of the Church. The first consideration is Mary in heaven as the model, image and beginning of the pilgrim Church. This is followed by her relation to the suffering and heavenly Church. The final chapter ponders the texts of the liturgical feast of the Assumption. It is in the liturgy of the feast that we experience God's love for the human family; Mary's inseparable union with Christ her Son and Savior, and the joy that we are called to experience once our pilgrimage of faith is over. For, taken up to heaven we join Mary in the communion of saints in union with Christ our Lord.
The God You Can Know
Dan DeHaan - 1982
Dan DeHaan puts God the Father back into the Christian perspective of what it means to live this way of life called Christianity in The God You Can Know. Burdened by contemporary Christians' lack of understanding of the nature of Almighty God, he wrote this book to help readers become intimate with God by studying His characters and attributes.
Vatican Council II, Volume 2: More Post Conciliar Documents
Second Vatican Council - 1982
This extensive collection of Church documents covers the period following the second Vatican Council up through the early 1980s.Vatican Council 1962-1965
Suffering: A Test of Theological Method
Arthur C. McGill - 1982
At opposing ends of a spectrum lie two powers--demonic power that is violent, destructive, and dominative, and the power of God that is creative, totally open, self-giving, and expansive. Through consideration of power, McGill provides reflections on the nature of God's inner life in the Trinity and concludes that "service" characterizes God's relationship to the world, not "domination." Combining the scholarship and clarity that characterizes the greatest theological writing of our times, "Suffering" addresses the need for renewed faith in the almighty powerfulness of God's self communication and self-giving until the time "when the pretenses of demonic power are swept away."
Prophesy Deliverance!
Cornel West - 1982
He challenges African Americans to consider the incorporation of Marxism into their theological perspectives, thereby adopting the mindset that it is class more so than race that renders one powerless in America. Armed with a new introduction by the author, this Twentieth Anniversary Edition of Prophesy Deliverance! is a must have.
Be Filled Now: The Holy Spirit's Role in Helping Christians Attain Spiritual Maturity
Roy Hession - 1982
Being filled with the Spirit is not an attainment, but an 'Obtainment, ' through simple faith by those who know and acknowledge their emptiness.
The Practice of Piety: Puritan Devotional Disciplines in Seventeenth Century New England
Charles E. Hambrick-Stowe - 1982
The devotional movement was at the heart of Puritanism, and the spiritual pilgrimage was the soul's progress from birth to death to rebirth and eternal glory. Puritan worship brought together college student and illiterate farmer, giving coherence to the community.
Works of Martin Luther
Martin Luther - 1982
Quality assurance was conducted on each of these books in an attempt to remove books with imperfections introduced by the digitization process. Though we have made best efforts - the books may have occasional errors that do not impede the reading experience. We believe this work is culturally important and have elected to bring the book back into print as part of our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works worldwide.
First Peter in the Greek New Testament for the English Reader (Wuest's Word Studies)
Kenneth S. Wuest - 1982
My First Catholic Picture Dictionary: A Handy Guide to Explain the Meaning of Words Used in the Catholic Church
Lawrence G. Lovasik - 1982
Teaches children the meaning of Catholic terms in words and pictures.
Discussions of Robert Lewis Dabney (Dabney Discussions)
Robert Lewis Dabney - 1982
Spurious Religious Excitements; The Immortality of the Soul; Civic Ethics; Secularised Education; Strikes; Roman Catholicism, etc.
John Calvin, His Influence in the Western World
W. Stanford Reid - 1982
The Wonder of Grace
Herman Hoeksema - 1982
In a day when men glory in their own accomplishments, the truth that salvation is of God alone is unpopular. Theologian Herman Hoeksema brings a fresh approach to that doctrine. He looks at several aspects of salvation by grace--such as regeneration, conversion, and assurance--from the perspective of the Scriptures, all the while stressing grace as a divinely wrought wonder. For the Reformed reader this message affords unspeakable comfort.
Spirituality for Ministry (The Library of Episcopalian Classics) (The Library of Episcopalian Classics)
Urban T. Holmes III - 1982
But, Holmes warned, ministers who are not rooted in the intimate knowledge of God will have a hard time being God's hands and serving the congregation well.This timeless and still timely book examines the spiritual base that allows ordained clergy to be interpreters of God's message and symbol-bearers of God's presence in their congregations. Based on interviews with clergy from many denominations, Holmes explores the role of spirituality in the vocation of the ordained, the classic virtues of poverty, chastity, and obedience, the place of worship, prayer, and parish piety, and finally the necessity of spiritual companionship in the life of the clergy.
Homilies on Genesis and Exodus (Fathers of the Church, Vol 71)
Origen - 1982
Surnamed "man of steel" Origen was an outstanding theologian of the early Greek-speaking Church, a man of the virtue and a genius with a prodigious capacity for work, an excellent teacher to whose lectures students flocked "and did not give him time to breathe for one bath of pupils after another kept frequenting from morn till night his lecture-room" (Eusebius, H.E. 6, 15).As an author Origen surpasses all the writers of the Early Church in literary output. A list complied by Eusebius, now unfortunately lost, credited Origen with some 2000 books. Even a far shorter list known to St. Jerome and mentioned by him in his Letter To Paula giving the number of 786 works is still impressive. Jerome then goes on to add some reflections. "Do you see the Greeks and Latins outstripped by the work of one man? Who could ever read all that he wrote? What reward did he receive for this exertion? He is condemned by bishop Demetrius; except for the bishops of Palestine, Arabia, Phoenicia and Achaia the world concurs in his condemnation. Rome itself convokes an assembly against this man not because of novelty of teachings, not because of heresy as now mad dogs pretend against him, but because they could not bear the fame of his eloquence and learning and were considered speechless when he spoke". (Corpus scriptorum ecclesiasticorum latinorum, vol.54, pp.253-59).Origen's chief aim was to be an interpreter of the Scriptures. To this end he composed scientific commentaries on various books of the Old and New Testaments, homilies, and short exegetical notes. The translations presented here belong to the second category. Though he did not reject the literal sense of Scripture Origen here is more intent upon the spiritual meanings of passages selected from Genesis and Exodus.
Between Marx and Christ: The Dialogue in German-Speaking Europe, 1870-1970
James Bentley - 1982
Marxism has inspried the widest and deepest social movements of modern times. The encounters between the two have been correspondingly arduous and complex, ranging from drawn combat to dialogue.In this absorbing study, James Bentley reconstructs one key sequence in the history of the relationship: the dialogue between Marxists and Christians in the German-speaking countries of Europe over the past hundred years. Bentley offers a rich and detailed discussion of the explorations, debates and controversies of the period.The Christian writers discussed here include Blumhardt, Barth and Solle; among Marxists, such contrasting figures as Kautsky and Bloch receive concentrated attention.The historical and political settings of the dialogue are constantly present in Bentley’s study—from the First World War to the Vietnamese revolution, from the rise of Stalin to the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia.Between Marx and Christ makes a fascinating scholarly contribution to the history of European thought—and casts unexpected light on the intellectual orgiins of latter-day “theology of liberation.”
What Are They Saying about Moral Norms?
Richard M. Gula - 1982
A look at the contemporary debate about the possibility of articulating moral standards.
Baptism: Christ's ACT in the Church
Laurence Hull Stookey - 1982
By which method should it be administered? At what age? What if one changes denominations? Laurence H. Stookey sifts through the confusion and rhetoric to offer this practical, biblically sound guide to baptism. He examines the sacrament from historical, theological, and pastoral perspectives, and looks at how it has been altered through the ages. Dr. Stookey also suggests possible reforms, practices that need restoring, and proper occasions for the service.
The Origin of Paul's Gospel
Seyoon Kim - 1982
"Only when this insistence of Paul is taken seriously," says Kim, "can we really understand Paul and his theology." Kim begins his investigation of Paul's interpretation of the Damascus event by examining Paul's rabbinic background. He then takes a more detailed look at just what occurred on the Damascus road and follows this with a thorough discussion of Paul's gospel-the revelation, its Christology, and its soteriology-keeping in mind at all times how it relates to the Damascus event.About the Author:Seyoon Kim is Associate Dean for the Korean DMin Program and Professor of New Testament at Fuller Theological Seminary
The Threefold Garland
Hans Urs von Balthasar - 1982
Beautiful and profound reflections on the mysteries of the Rosary. The book is poetic and inspirational, but built on a solid theological foundation that shows the depths of meaning in this prayer.
Destined for the Cross
Paul E. Billheimer - 1982
Discussions - Vol 1: Theological and Evangelical
Robert Lewis Dabney - 1982
The Four Gospels as One
David H. Yarn Jr. - 1982
In other words, here the Four Gospels are synthesized into one Gospel." Thus writes David H. Yarn, Jr., in his preface to the first edition of The Four Gospels As One, published in 1961 by Harper & Brothers Publishers. This enlarged and revised edition of that earlier work includes footnote references to the Joseph Smith Translation as well as the Book of Mormon account of the personal ministry of the resurrected Savior among the people of ancient America. These passages are included as appendices to this edition.
Still Small Voice: An Introduction to Pastoral Counselling (New Library Of Pastoral Care)
Michael Jacobs - 1982
Living Bread, Saving Cup: Readings on the Eucharist
R. Kevin Seasoltz - 1982
This expanded edition of the 1982 printing includes three additional essays: Justice and the Eucharist" by R. Kevin Seasoltz, O.S.B.; "Stipends and Eucharistic Praxis" by M. Francis Mannion; and "Stipends in the New Code of Canon Law" by John M. Huels, O.S.M.
Four Views of Christ-Characteristic Differences of the Four Gospels
Andrew John Jukes - 1982
Drawing from the Cherubim of Revelation and Ezekiel, Andrew Jukes (1815-1901) identifies Jesus as the Son of Abraham in Matthew's Gospel, as Servant of God in Mark, Son of Man in Luke and as the Son of God in John. A final chapter shows the elements shared in the accounts of all four Gospel writers and the spiritual application and challenge presented to us.
Way into the Holiest
F.B. Meyer - 1982
Frederick Brotherton Meyer (April 8, 1847 – March 28, 1929), a contemporary and friend of D. L. Moody was a Baptist pastor and evangelist in England involved in ministry and inner city mission work on both sides of the Atlantic. Author of numerous religious books and articles, many of which remain in print today, he has been described as The Archbishop of the Free Churches.
Evelyn Underhill - 1982
At first sight it might be thought impossible to say anything fresh on something so familiar to all Christians as the Lord's Prayer. Yet the inexhaustible depths of meaning to be found in it may, by the very fact of familiarity, all too easily escape notice and understanding.